Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 17, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    pxtns two
Iocal and
t J Today Is St. Patrick's day, which
was either celebrated lnt night
or' trill be tomorrow night with a
number of local social affairs, be
cause of It also being Sunday. On
'March 17th annually the Smudge
Tot editor of this paper, who Is up
onchlnl, trouble from hU vocal
-L ..-.,......
lm -tin lACKinir tin rue mcuiuiu
ilhiiilK-ibitU ftoom. oCton miikosj
khla' comment: "This Is the 17th
(iH! Owny J'atton." , Therefore, In
order r to eiv the stall Trlbnno
iktiarrlbara :tho worth, of tholr
mrmey,U local news department
H'a" "'".nK """""'.
un'Cnapmnn s homo - maae rous.
CThere's 0 difforonce." Ileglnnlng
(jjonaay, .Mnrcn jo, win sen lor ;m
IHir.aozem at your grocer. ; juo-
I? iitr. iihii Mrs. Charlos Ufiy worn
ciipectfd to return yesterday from
Ittelf fhonwmoon- trih bf several
woeks to southern California,
i-'Jbressm&Ulng nnd remodeling at
the Fashion Shop: 424 Medford
'iBIdg. Phone 1181. tf
WThtt homeward treli bf the largo
Medford delegation of rooters who
jliiendcrt tho state hasketbnll tour
nament "at Salem which ended last
hbrht, will begin today. They will
bo coming by train or auto, refteh
jnf home this afternoon, tonight
i'id tomorrow. . ;
KjfiMnx Fnctnr's sun tnn powder,
Miry youth ful, very smart, nt Col-
tvlg Drugs, next ltlalto theater,
if. '-,. : s."7
"IMr. and Mrs. Wllliird Whitman
fle'ft hero yosterdny afternoon for
lillunsmulr to visit friends during
iho week-end.
RijChooso from ltd different Knster
tirdn nt Bwom's Gift Shop.
;diA quarter million steelhnnd eggs
wire taken yesterday ut tho Ap
ilegato hatchery by Ouy Wother-
jiJIo, who lias cnargo or tno rais-
lag of the flBh there,, He Mates
rltjiuc mil. linn will uu pi uiiihivh'i
the Applcgate hatchery and re
faSased In the river from which the
ieltgs .wero taken. During the past
'week, there was it Iftrgd run of
tfh)h and Mr. -Wetherbee was able
ltd! get a large quantity of fish
!rndy to spawn. The biggest fish
;takon weighed about 17 pounds. (
lyranis pnss l ouricr. .
ft,; Max rnciors lonei prepnraiions.
jthe makoup of the stars, at Colvlg
'Drug next HiHito tnonter. nr,,-
f'-JTho, now harbor shop and beauty
parlor of Cnrl Bowman nt 10..
West Main 'street, opposllo the
hlalto thoatdr, -opened for busi-
miss sovernl days ago. The beau-
!ty parlor department In tho rear
m fn- clintim of nn oxperloneed
operator from Ixis Angeles, Hay
iruekieri formerly with the Nash
Mtel harUer shop, Is Sir. How-,
man's assistant. ' I
ffjjOrogoh pine noodle baskets, won-1
d'erful souvenirs,' nt Kwom's Cllft
i?tnV '"' ""
HAddlH M .Prnl of 1.os Ango-
le and Pot or M ct "leary of Fresno
IMirOMinliert In marringn In, this
(l(, Jildgo Taylor In the hitter's
pWloij Inst Friday afternoon.
TThe.Flnnh placo nt C4R Wimer
Wfco'et, Ashland, was sold Inst week
WR; Bi Holthnh hf Medford. Mr.
Mttltriftn fttid family Ihtenrt oncu
iijHriir ttinlr new home this spring,
wienrdlhn t the Ashlnnd Tidings.
'MMoncy loaned to worthy people
U'tiay ttinlr honest debts. Thomas
; ,ialty,eon Tim, it Palm Bllt., cor.
Sfaln and Front, tipslnlrs. t!
ijifi i, Bucltteh Howard Schoffel
to Frank Hull urn expected home
rntay from attending a Cloncrnl
KIcctrlo , refrigerator meeting In
Portland ymterdny.
feprtr. and Mni H. V. Parks, ror
thcr A s h I a h d residents, have
b)ened a gt'ocetortft ln Talent.
feMax Faolhr's suit tnn powdor for
Vtfjur conil'lexlon,, very new And
Wtry ohlc, ol Colvig Drugs, next to
fttalto theater. . sr.t
FHTemporary licenses were Vssuetl
yesterday afternoon at the sheriff's
gtflcB to A., A. Belcher of Ashlnnd,
JFpj W. Kerns of ltonnnin. F. C.
I'lurlt, C, K. flates Auto compnny,
lijrce-Allcn Motor compnny, San
tlerson Motor compnny nnd Snhln
tk Rlndt of Medford.
t-'tlet those fondem nnd auto
Mrilfla tralghtened at Brill's Bheet
Stetal Works, opposite Lewis Super
Pen-Ice Station. Phone 418. tf
veathcr permits, the actual
of Pnrk avenue with con-
kchi'dutcd to begin next
edtiesday, The hAsn has been
leveled nd forms havo been set,
jndy for -the applicnllim of the
cement. The paving of this street
hfn -taken longer than nny other
In, the pity, dnilng from thn lime
protiaratinn flrsi begnti, because
nj litldnlloTi nrlsing from the fact
that otie or two of the property
lnrhlers held out for concrete after
Jit contract had been nwnrded to
pv the street with black lop.
'."Highest grndo Utah conl, nny
Rite, anywhere, nny amount, llnh
Ken Cnal Co. phone 839. tf
k J. W. Lucas, slhce 1924 tho mnn
nftrtr for the .Chicago Lnnd coin
piny at Ornnts Pass, has accepted
nV4oslton ns bend of the new tnd
dVpirlmont of the Anglo-London
PHs bank nnd Anglo-Callfornla
Trust compnny.'
r-.Call 1208 or 15.7 for cleaned nnrt
Washed sand and gravel. : 894
Earl Crowv fnr the lost four
rears manager of tho Standard Oil
pMant lh this city, tins been trans
ferred td Albany, where he will he
special agent In charge of thn Al
bany field, a promotion Tarrying
it'lth It t substantia! Increase In
Sy. J. A. McOeo, for the Inst
nevcrt years connected with the
Ashlamt branch of the compnny.
becomes, mnnngcr. . V.. J. Burnett
M11 he returned to Ashlnnd from
the Medford district, to fill the po
sition vacted by Mr. Mctlee, The
lpcal plant Is large one, known
It; oil terms as a 10,000-harrel sta
tion, this being Its estlmnled Vol
ume of business In ft year. Ah
ljind Tidings.
' tndlee In every eotor and evory
silo at fiwem'a, 3o
1 Miss Fanny Whlteman, who has
been taking medical treatment In
Portland for aevnrat weeks, re
tained to Midford last Thuraday
vety. fnflch Improved In health. .
fret Ik
Cruel and Inhuman treatment Ib
set forth ns Iho grounds for a dl -
vorce action filed In circuit court
Saturday afternoon by Mercle
KwJng against Lewis Ewlng, The
complaint recites that tho couple
was married In 1120 and that a
a result of one of several family
quarrels, the plaintiff sustained n
black eye. and a broken nose.
(iPHi uian coai - not nna ciesn. i
Tel. 631. Medford Fual Co. 324tf
A 1200.000 nimlnne henonn la ml
he rerttrt hv ih Ttiohfirt nn-
porat.Jn two and a half milea out
oi saiem. ine station will nave
0,7;jrr u ,
Fresh snlnmpntfi of nmelt Arrlv-
, ... ...
nsa"'' "cnvory any place
" .. i-nom
!.- 88tf
Mr. and M.s. J. . W. Wnlceflold
arc .spending today at I'rospect as
r - ...... .....
unri. .
examination of s t ud e n t in
awtnnimunn oi fiuneniH .in
t Kam,ln county schools to nscer -
iviamam county grnoots to ateer-
tnln whp,hcr tho Schick test Inocu -
latlon to prevent diphtheria wasir; ' ,, ' ' " "
cffeotlvo shows that In US per cont
of the fnsea where the serum waai
given, they are Immune. .
l "Wo." Llndbenr'a own stort
j hundreds of thousands sold at
$2.H0 now 76c nt fiwem's. , 300
ilrs. J. A. Wing of Ornnls Pohs
was In Medford last week looking
over local real etate opporlunliles i lnal Koa coai iow in asn. Hon
with the possibility of purchasing ; sen Cnal Co- Phone 239. tf
local property. - 'A homo made steam engine Is on
Carl Bowman's new P.arbor Shop i ,,lHn,"- nt tn' chamber of com
103 W. . Main, . open for business, mcrco as the work of Delbert Mil-
Bounty warrants wore Issued
Saturday at tho county, clerk's of-
iice to Austin Jack of Hngie point,'
one coyote, and to Fred DeKord of
Ashlnnd, two coyotes, ' (
Cheap dry lumber at Medford
Lumber Co. . 237tf
Hotel, campground and resort
'men from southern Oregon nnd
northorn California will come to
Ashland April 10. and lay plans for
advertising this section to tourists
and for handling that trade during
tile coming season. They will meet
nti a noonday luncheon at tho
Llthla Springs hotel.
Carl Bowmnn's new Barber Shop
,nn w M,,in rn huinu
ft. ; F. Simon, representative for
tho Columbia Knitting conipany of
Portland, was a business visitor In
Medfonl last week
Thnt good coal low In ash. Han
sen Conl Co. Phone 239. . tf
It will no longer be posslblo for
looni Kll,.iees and other Interested
individuals to write the secretory
of 6tute anI, rpcivo record of
,) nuinmohlle licenses Issued In the
KH ,,, pai)BOrt tho ,nKt
icMaturo awarded the contract
o( prniK the license numbers
lln(1 ,.omllnK ,hpm ln tioolclot
r,lrn, ln H Portland printing firm,
,-or 0tcicorH the booklets, It Is said,
wm COR, s.0 ,,Pt. BOt nnrt fnr others
lt wlll meBn expense of S I0 per
cheap lumbor nnd cedar pnsls.
Medford l.umhcr Co. !37tf
This Benson only three' wilmnn
n any wlll be allowed anglers on
tho. Uorho and oilier Oregon
Factory hloclis, li load. Tel. Bill.
Medford Fuel Co. ' ' 324lf
Lime Is loached from' western
Oregon soils nt -tho rate of 200 to
300 pounds a your, according to
nhemlcal experiments just reported
In a now experiment station bulle
tin, "Umlng Woslorn Oregon
Holls," by Dr. It. IC. Mtephetison nnd
Dr. W.. L. Powors of the hoIIs do
pnrtment of tho Oregon Wlnto col
Ume, Analysis of, official samples
havo been mado from ovory soli
typo int each, county . whero soli
surveys havo been conducted.
. Hose momitntr, runners romovon,
and snags worked back. Hnndl
cmft Khop. . lietf
I'lty Engineer Fred Schoffel was
expected to return., today from
Itoise, Idaho, whero ho hnd spent
ton days attending to business
erty to exohnnge for city or
.forms In your locality. Wo travol
through your city every two
Weeks. Rend us a full descrip
tion of your property and tell us
tvhnl you wish. Wo nre glad to
heur from agents. - B&chuiigcs
of nil kinds. A. IX t'llnk, li!M
Wlllumelte, Eugene, Ore. Ulili
KOlt SAM? One good team of
ninrts, nbniit 3000 lbs., ami one
good -I -horse disc harrow, 13. Jv.
Anderson farm, 1 mite north of
'I'nlent. Plume S73-.I-3. ,1Mi
t.DHT (irny overcont, Tel. 6.10-J-J.
KOlt It NT Two furnished mod
ern r,-room houses. ,1. W. AN'ake
flebl. r.
Knit S.VLKsuper-Masindon evnr
bearlng struwberrv plunts from
' Inspected stock, l'lanls set now
yield first crop In enrly spring,
itlossiims and berries In nil stages
of development from then on till
lifter killing frost In autumn.
We hnrvesled many berries all
through the sensou weighing over
an ounce each. Iterries from
these plunts, IS tilling a pint
cup, werr, nn dlsplav nt the 19JS
county fslr In the Mnnm-ch Heed
H 1'eed t'o.'s biH.lh. JMnnls 2
per 100; (11 per looo. Woolvor
lon Kniich, I ia miles N. K. t'en-
trot 1'oliit. r,il
r'DI: HENT Nice sleeping rooms.
Kino residence district. Also ga
rage. r.04 So. lliilly. 3,",s
I'INE I.OT Ul'VS A fine terraced
lot on West .Incksuu; jiavement
and nil assessments pnltl. Ab
Hlrnet to dste. Hscrlflco price
5ioo cn?h for n few ilnys. Also
a big .3xL'l lot on t'onrt St.;
nil clear, sewer nnd water In.
For quick sole. JiSOo cash. It
K- Millard. t!9 Emi MIiiS1
Howard Dietrich, formerly of
i Gold Hill, Is among the 40 fresh -
men who turned out this week to
try for places on Spike Le-ilic'j
yearling baseball tenm at the I, of!
O. Dietrich hna hHd experience
In the art of playing .baseball and
should ho uhlo to Innd n berth on
tha freshmnij lineup. Gold Jllllithe state, soransen nos hegun
j New. ;,, ... ,
Cheap lumber and oeaar posts.
' Medford Lumber Co.
.u u.
! . . . t.,
j nitinciii lor inn I'immjijonwriip oi
i Medford : still far from ended and
U.-aa ....... l .Via ...III. .urn
i .vii. u' Vt..'..j
vletorlM enc-h. ton Sir J.iM
r,,,... v!i ri. 1....1M..
iuvikvu Uii .-.i......
'x. FuJ ha Victoria over. Dr.. W
-B. Lou,
! K vi-,i,i h. i ,if,i nr
Ijln,u r. winkle. Several
f mntches will probably be played
: wejuul w, the ellml -
j'nntlnn rtt svei-nl nf thn nrnvnnt 1 .i
Fl , '
! . ' ... '
i . , , ,m , . . r"l
. Z ' "
i, B'n.rKet' ln ana "r"lJJ
' aootf
. 11,0 directors or tho ! armors"
1 Exchango Co-operative held their
: regular montniy meeting i rittay
: n'ternoon to tnko up routine busi-
ness matters.
firohox and burns wood to create
hent fur Its mull boiler, priulppcrl
with n fit ee m Rnupe, a whistle and
controls. 'Tho mortoi has two cyl
im)(jrs ana a.pooiy nnpofirfiiR chlm
ncy. Indicntint,' It has been in eon
Hldernblo uho.
Dry fir nlrihn, $0 load.' Tel. C31.
Medford Fuol Co. . 324tf
K. K. OuiHHlnjrer of Craicmylu,
Can., was amcni,' thn motorist
from a dlntanc who registered to
day nt Iht local branch of tho out-of-town
aulo reiKtratlon bureau.
JDry plno Blabs, tfi load. Tel.
031. Medrord Fuel Co. 324tf
The ton-ncirt tract In the Valley
View district directly adjoining tho
Bantu irnct ua been sold' to J, H.
Newcomh of Medford.
Factory blocks, $0 toad. .Tel. 631.
Medford Fuel Co, 824tf
Mr. and Mrs. nienn Terrell, for
merly of Medford,, nd for yearp
prtBt reHldents of Klamath Falls,
bo being a deputy nsseHsor of
Klamath county, havo juat pur
chased an attraet!v(i new omo at
Klamath Falls.
ilt, clenn coal. Tel. 631, Med
ford Fuel Co, 324tr
The "Copeo Players" seorod an
other hit with tho radio public
when they pre.icntod '.Julia's
Chnnees.' clever new N orris drama
over station KMGD last Tuesday.
The play was considered by many
ono of iho best of tho Helen Nor
rls drftmaa tho .plot being oxcen
tlonally pood and . Interest ?Intr
w?U HUHtained throunhout. The
pnrLs of, the two elderly DltiKley
"plrls " wero well taken by Miss
Mclba Vllllnms and Mrs. Htelln
Qtilsenbury and Jo Murray ttos
tell with her "vamp" complex In
flno stylo. The mnlct leady wore
taken by Messrs Ilarold Corliss,
Jfinii Davlu and Fletfhor Fish. ; AH
of the ehnrat't-ei-fi were portrayed In
(run profe.sslonnl style, which
ndded imich to the success bf thin
unique radio, dramn. , ;
fitjto Traffic Officer' Herbert
Moore of UiIr city is fcpendlnB sev
eral days ln Hnlem attending to
buMlnesH mutters.
1 Is getting r t
' Worse and ' ' '
Worse That
Means more
Burned, bumped
And stolen cars.
' - - ' i i ;
Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Phone t44
These Drug Stores
Are Open Nights
This Week
Medford Pharmacy
Heath's Drag Store
Strang's Drug Store
Sunday Dinner
Hotel Medford
Dinner $1.00
At the Medford
The Rex Cafe
Good, Food Good Service
j Indications are favorable for an;
; opportunity for Med ford and
'southern Oregon fight fans to nee
. "fted" Soransen. former tnltedidcnl nurse at tho I'nlverslty of
States army welterweight Cham- Michigan hospital at Ann Arbor,
i pion In New Vorli stale, In action .Mich., according to word received
'against some good man of his own ! here by relatives. Miss Mordoff
weight from the northern part of
I training for a fight, tho dote of
which may possibly be announced
tr inw werK y juck
Wood, local
for cleaned nnd
, -U or
washed sand and gravel. 304
Mr. and Mis. ft. S. Borland of
" ....i.. ... ... uv. Hint, i.
i Ashland were local visitors In Med -
J J" "
A marriage license was Issued
yesterday at the county clerk's of -
t "co to l-"wnrd Msquire, zi. and
' IL t.row, 9, both of San 1 ran-
(Cisco. ' m O mrllff vnnf tArm Inaur-inKd
; Cnrl v. Tw Hotel Hollandi
Phono 53. . -s tf.
c- Ean0 of Portland, well
known eenernl contractor, -was
i scncnuieq to inivc trnisy tor his
name in the northern part of the;
' statc- nfIf having spent several
i days here. Yesterday afternoon
no commented on the Improvo-
mcnts he has noted In Medford In
f me last ten years, it was the firm
of Jneobson & liodo Hint installed!
tlu Medford water and sovr yn- '
tern ton years oro, Lnstalllns an-1
proximately 35 miles of each, all!
of which is still in use ioda.v. ; j
Poems set to music. Mastbrernft
:..r.v.l lUl IVlCvOyl' 5 I R0BT."'STICKNEY with HKtKN and PRANK f H
ml ' ' l. - ' ill k ' T '' BIG FEATURE J K M
ml ' That, BIJ Favorite of Western Stars 1M ACTS I S B '
Mr - - v -.n - r Im :z Awn the sunkist beauties L
! II Cw'...,. DJ xm3 Km PS ' I r" ON' THE SCREEN - Admission WrriS
i r UlUUU ; jm FK NANCY CARROLL in ; fczfzd
ljmMCZZZJ . . , ., , ,., , , 'nHllM.l.llllllaBM.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii The New il S Psper Currency v
I OPENING RECITAL J ' :J"r ' will be this size
John Starke Evans
Profofisor of organ and associate dean of
music at iho University of Oregon
New Catholic Church
Palm Sunday
March 24th at 4:60 P.M.
A cordial invitation is extended to all
' music lovers of southern Oregon
This will bo the iuiiial concert on the new
ly installed two-manual l?euter organ.
Tickets $1.00
About a former Medford girl the
Klamath Xctvs nay: "Aliw Atleen
; Mordoff Is now a sophomore slii-
i formerly attended Oregon Stntn
, college, whore she was affiliated
j unh Delta Zein. tiho is tho clnueli.
I tor of Mr. and Mrs. Myron G. Mor
doff of this city.'
ir. and Mrs. B. R. Harwood and
I Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Anderson will
Journey to Klamnth Kalis tnduy.
j where Mr. Anderson and Mr. Ilar-
1 wood will nuoml a' committee
t meeilng of the l!otoKrnphr.m, Au-
j soclatlon of Southern Oregon. Mrs.
! May King fonradl. of the Sllnson
su,dlo. Is the other member of Iho
Two crates of Hungarian nheas-
' n..Mtfn,i vn.uiniltt . fc.m 1)10 :
I state glune Wm arc nd
have been liberated at tho Mark'
True farm, south of Ashland.
cording to Gamo Warden Hoy Parr.
.Miss r.lady.s Richmond returned
.st, week from Salom and Port-
j.innd, where nV the former city she;
I wag engaged a stenographer j
i during tho stale legNlatlvo session.
ki0 hud spent a short tlmo since
n Portland visiting friends.
i lf PriI1' meeting Siskiyou s. '--.'-';-- '" M li jpv : '' tu ' - Tx V
YIKY 1-lge of Perfection. 7:30 ltAtlr fV9rrl rT4V ion . Tp M U3-lJt:
"y March iMh. j 1 OCLGLy ffag g V--
Good Added Short ' US cumi-mumY, xuy , vv, .
T, : JST I Mm bfl ' .' In th. Drama fatt -H J
- MON.VTUES., WED. 1 r":
Receipt of applications by, the
l.'nited States civil service board
for the goneral clerical examina
tions will close April u. The dates
for tho examinations will lie an
nounced later. Tho examinations
are to flu vacancies in the federal
classified service throughout the
eleventh civil service district. The
usual entrance salary ranges from
$1:00 to 160 a year. Additional
information may be had from tho
office of the secretary of the civil
service examiners at the Medford
post office.
Irving E. Vlnlni bf Ashland, for
merly president of the statn" eham
ler of commerce, will be one of
tho speakers at tho state "chamber
meeting In Portland March IS.
Here is a list of the
identify the bills of
Washington ,.......$ 1 ,
Jefferson $ 2
Lincoln '....$ 5
Hamilton $10
Jackson $20
Grant $50
Plans are being made by the Treasury Department to issue new paper
Currency subsequent to July 1, 1929.
While the new national currency will not te as large in size
as that now in circulation, this fact will have no bearing cn
its purchasing power.
You will find that the new dollars like the old will have
greatest value to you.
When deposited to your account
with the O
The First National Bank
..... . -., o
j S. M. r.ullis, safety engineer for
;The California Oregon I'ower com-
. pany, returned Friday nlgut trom a
short business trip to Dunsmuir
nnd other California communities.
Providing a much lnrgtr display
space, the Medford Furniture A
Hardware company is constructing
new display windows rto feet long
and four feet deep.
i Frank Haywurd. formerly with
; the Heck Sign company, U opening
o sign palming establishment at
' 114 North Front street, devoted to
! first class commercial signs and
show cards.
The Dallas fire siren will be
trsted every noon to len it in
working order, according to a de-
ci-Mon of the city council.
famous men whose portraits
various denominations.
For Sale
Two choice view lots on
Nob Hill, East Main street.
DR. BUNDY, Owner
Phone 147-R 308 E. Main
f f'lnsslflefl advertising gets reail
will be reproduced to
Franklin $ 100
McKinley $ 500
Cleveland $ 1,000
Mad ison $ 5,000
Chase $10,000