Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 17, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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MEDFORD, PRECOX. SUm) vi x ucu 17, lOL'fl.
Xo. 356.
B, Arthur Bane TITI T UOMj
Pink, Shiny Toes. I I I LL II Ul li
Alas, Poor Bears. fJU IflPAlO
Mora. RuSSrj - LuoALu
(Copyright by King Features ;
Syndicate, Inc.) i '
important news w jaim ;
Reach, whore prosperity pots its ;
eont of winter Inn. Lftdies, ''the ;
very nicest," wnllt on I he heaeh '
in nilk pajamas, wearing san-
(tills, no stoekinpsj 'lie sun !
dais reveal their little toes,'
and these toes are mnnienred,
the nails nieely rounded, heauti-j
fuly. polished. Carlyle could
have written about that. ; j
, j SALEM, . Ore., Mar. 10. W) I
. There is good in everything. The -Uedtord high school basket-:
, . , . mi i 'ha" team walked off the Wlilani-
and manicured toes Will he 'oUf. i;iilversliy Bymiiasiun. floor:
pood for the feet of general ion!,iei'c tonight the crown of j
v,, , . .(victory Willi I he stale champion-'
to come. W omen having spent ,, sarcly 1U(.kcll unlter W8' bcll
apes squeezing their feet, ftl-jnnd a. a to 14 win over Astoria'!
most eliminating the little t"e,jfihe tci-tnio game!
will now realize that a foot tojfrom Astoria, purely on ilH ability!
he beautiful must be treated in- .'ZS'T ChTl ,",la.rt"1 ot
jwlld basketball In whtuh shooting
telligently. ' I wan high pitched an.l lit I let real!
The pleasures of our "upper!; , P'ir"" , uy" " '. : : .
, ' . leal skill in (lolenso work tinilci' .
classes at Palm Bench will in- u,P basket where Astoria narnereUfJo Official Statement .From
terest future hislorians. At one1"1011"1' 1H 6lors- i
party six clowns drove ' tiny
pics and another exhibited the;"' Ulc t .half, llo was hiKh
' ... jman with 10, while l.aison of Ah-
smallest living mule, named jto,. t,aiitd with n. Astoria camo
"Spark ring." That was in- Jvk r the end for a final rally i
. ,, . " , ,. .. 'hut by that lime lias
rt ueetUHiiiy mosi tiiveriins;
rm. .1.
1JICU lllClf Cilllir it liien, j
party, all trying to look poor, j
waring: rnjrs find lags, cheap
cotton and calico dresses. And
' " ... , - , .. JIne ,sc",n, '"""" J- " ly more relieved over tho Mexican ! '""I """
how they did latlfTh as the brand of basketball was Ployed. situtttlon than the'y have been since j ..,,
Rn. eneh other. Marie Antoi- ,oC. vaim.eto.. was hiKt. h0 r(.vllutlon stnrlC(1. . , .'.
saw each other.
neltc ' dressed horKclf in
plot h.os . of .a shepherdess and
. i j
pretend-d to bo a little milk-i
,wn',A i hmlWtln I.Mnnnn Thnl
was dangerous in old r ranee,
because -the French royal-
"ttU'kv nflrtv" actually rilled
" 1 "
iTHnrf. , j
Palm rtoach s taeky party
only rufes Palm JVaeh.
, in an old fablo little birds
in the wheat field were wor
ried. They heard the fanner's
son say, 4Ve must cut that
wheat; tomorrow."
The mother bird said, "Don't
Hut when the farmer himself
said, "We must cut that wheat
tomorrow," tho mother bird
bor lit Me brood.
Wall Street speculators paid
Utile attention to. Federal Hc
servo frentlemen, solemn bank
ers and others, anyinff, '"You
arc gambling too much iu Wall
Street you will suffer iT you
Hut now that Farmer Mellon,
boss fanner of hiffh finance,
says Wall Street t oupht to be
careful, perhaps "Wall Street
will listen. . . . .
Unit" hit tho rltiKt in Wall ' for tune out. McV)onold was the 1 offerings were absorbed with re
nt .11 Mil Mil, Ul!' . . . .. ,, . ...jr nffnua 1 miM-I.U nmr inl vl.ii-n...
Street Fridav, and bit it bard, j
Stocks went up from five to i Astoria 0. slum imparted renewed strength
1 l 1 Second Quarter j to the general list before the close,
ten points. The WOriU turner! -Thn i?nM POcn-d badly off of Tradlm: wai nguln e.nrlrd on at
and-"call Jlionov" cost Olllv 7 ' their gnme, evldenil burning - breakneck speed, 2,71 X. 210 shares
themselves out In last nlnht's hard j changing hands in the two-hour
rCr Ctnt, While time money, jor j slrU(,fflo anilt the CcU-nials of 'session, the largest Saiurdny bUNl
'Mctritimate business" cost K ' Ionland. I ness since January The Asso-
j narnett fouled Thompson, Asto-j clat.-d J'ress index of f0 industrials
percent. i rla mittT, and he o-nvt rieil for Ih.f 1 wrw elevated half a point to an-
How lonff businCSS Oajl thrive (upper oV-gonians'; first score oft other new high at EJ3?, making n
. . . . ' tho game. I gain of over elht points for lite
On a Usury nasis reinniii iu .u-
We r.d that in Knssia younif
people CXpel from their nssnein-
lion n hoy or pirl Rllilty of in-
deeent jazz dnneiiiff in pnblie,
U linva nnl oirU cfllillv of
H . ! missed the first nne anl ih.n dl.l ; I'OIITI.ANI). tire., M;,reh l.
dmhlie flirtation, nnd this T- likev. ise on the peeoml try. J.mve, Jft Anyiher miIi nny flh il In fed
, J. n-itinn ldllL'hl O lAslnrln. foiile.l Clnrnett. who er.n-; ernl dlstrirt roiirt hf-re Imlr.y
1 " 1 ' verted tho point lo make tho w!lnl ihe Cillforeln Orcuo.i
It need not lanith If Hussla Medford S. Astoria 5 ns the llrt : Power rominnr for ilnmnupia re
taken life r.nd deeenrv seriously. ! half ended. ' Milttnit when flood (tale, of the link
nnd we do not. Ilu-tln will win. Sveon.l Half ,rlyer ,he,ween Ilhn,r Knil ,WPr
nnd we shall lose. 1 Astoria took the tip-off lnit K!;imnth lake In Klamnih eonnty
The loose roiirt of Charles the ' missed ihe first shot. Ijirson rom-1 were opened nnd sent nn tinnsiinl
Tlral laiiKhed at the stiff nerked i milled his Ihird font of ihe oim amount of v.nier down the Kiam-
1'tirltnns. Hut they rhoppefl on
rimri.w ihe pirst's heart, esiahllsh-
ed ihemselves In New Kneland. and
neeompllshed a pood deal, from-j
well, their lender, tnsplred fear aft- j
er he had heen dead for years. j
(Continued on rie Four). I
. ,
Medford Swamps Astoria 35:
T0 14 n cjna game 0f
Series Settle Down Af
ter 'First Quarter and;
Show Clean-Cut Skill
McDonald Leads First'
Half Scoring. j
I basketball n displayed. Later in
!pi aec Icnlly all of hla loam's point.s
picked their combination and It
I was easy ail,iK for the south
1aekv"'en CiroKon boys from then until'
In a loosely played came "Wash-
ington WKh school won its consoia-'
lion game from Wallowa Si to 1'J.
The ' score indicates just, what
V, .
J Jin hum i till Hit in int! aunt i
diivu itivvv hnnrtroflt; In I
. " 1
mo Willamette By m n a s i m
jSmndlng room was at a
land the large room been in e a hed-
.jam -with cheers of rooters.-
Thfi'rn wn ... o i. ro nn no :
i throughout tho city and valley
'when tho news was received lhati
Medford high had again won the;noilf inr '"
u t e basketball ehamplnnsblp.
XoiBhhorhoods were g a t h e r o d Wf n' ',n ,;,n l" ,,i,Kn mi
nhout tho radio sets In ihe homes sl' ' in helping the federals
and small crowds In front of lhe!' ordr, nnd tUy ftlrca,l-
business places where the returns f ave iormulatt-d n policy ot co
also were received from the kaIKD'0'1"" W1,h Mexico City to pre
play by play broadcast direct froinwnr f,lhpr activity by rebels who
the game. Although the general t ?r0BB the bort,cr !nto ,ho 1 n,lPd
feeling' had been that .Medford WalpR'
would 'win. Specially when ihoiSn onfirtont was he opinion
local team boKan to increase Us ! ,h'lt t M" turning out fa-
lead long heroi c the end, the final j vornhly for tl.e federals, that Hec
Hooro whs revived by cheers anlil'I,""'-v KHoRff folt himself at lib
applause :tI'ty 10 mak0 n lrP 10 New Ynrlt
.' ' . . on private busInesH, tho secretary
Melvln opened up with a long (had been following the events of
one which went wild. Hclloherwj ihe revolution very t arefully dur
fouled flarnett and (larneit showed I m" the week but today tin ned ov--igns
of high temperature when hejer Ills personal attention to under
threw the foul far and wide as ho Secretary Clark. , '
tried for thu free shot. Mlvin'sj -
chance for a cripple was wild. Thoj
learns fell each other out. ' Wry
few shots were tried from close '
quarters, tho players fought for ,
eve opptrtunity. I
wfctmnald took the hall off the!
back hoard after Melvin shot ami:
converted to give the Pearplckers ,
the first blood of the game and nil;
edge in thn cbisslc uaine of the ;
lOl'S-1929 basketball series.
The game was one of the closest
checking tilts of the tournament, i
neither team being able to get In
close enough to make their shots .
count. MeOouald eluded the en-!
' tire team and wort down tho floor i
I fast to score his second field goal;
! of the game, as the Astorians called -
Score first quarter, Medford 4,
atWh Uc coir last!
i I'vf niiiK, crime mown ine fine u "
; court like ( a flash to scoif and
; rln tho 00l,nt wi,h!n one point of
j Awlermn repined Uowermnn lit niirn ri nnn D 1 1 1 1 flT
jrwnM. Ilowermnn ha.l l.oon slrk.U WLU L I flMAUr
j hnny nt,lc l0 ,)t llp.
Vi-lml fm 1 Melvln.
m u"
: and siflrnn eonverted ine nrM oi(' n.'w
two tries, mnklnc the conn! ! to r.. Th sni
MeDonnld fouled Thompson. .-'
toria renter, hut the fisherman
missed nnd liow ermnn went 0.wn
the floor lo score, followed l.y a
(Continued on I'uee bii)
Aids Revolt
I ilk mk. I T !
Headquarters lor Mexican revo- j
lution have been opened In New j
York City by Gen. Mariano V. Mon- i
tero. former aide to Adoilo de la j
Statp npnartmpnt Oh-
I mnlerlals was so great that no cf-!i
servers See Indication U.!,;;;;Xnate0',ny ,0 K'Vt
ThinWc Rphpk' MflVP Th0 -'1',a,p',t immediate emei--O.
I lllima ncucis miuvt, , KOncie.M tontitht appeared to o.tlst in c .
'the neighborhood of Ceneva nnl '
ratling NOW. j Km, in iIm Choctawhalchee-i
'' rhnttahoocheo watershed, hut ,
t... nrtli
,;wn llie lors of tiu,h. ll0skH lo.
day for the week-end holiday vast-
While the department made-no
tho Indications
tl,,l( ,l( ftln
. 1 .
1 ne worst lias passed and mat inn
lip)ol rnovonui(U. htw phown i,H
strength. There was
H nou. oanic lessening ol ine P-
prehrn-lon which was felt ln'f lmvlan), ton.ilory h;i(, -,(PPn
Washington immediately after tho
' ' " "u",u-'"- i.
owing a po Hy of M l
trtes (iil admlnls-
(""airnn. on cms m n nsi u
NKW YOIIK, March J G. (P)-
Tho .stock market encounlcrtil
heavy selling today in anticipation
of tUlitw money next week, but
operations in the radio and other
week. - . .
III lull I L. u u U UllilllUU
Thr Miit was fibd by Mrs. Mar-
,n :- Kerns,, who stales she Is
owner of certain tinei, t innr.-h
lands along the Klnmnih river
which were protected from hluh
water hy a dyke c onsl no ied hy the
.Inndowmg. She iwki :'3,250.
Raging Torrents In Alabama
Hamper Aid For 20,000
Sufferers Many Help
ed to Safe Ground 13
Bodies Found Property
Loss Is Great Mid-West
Floods Subsiding.
MOXTOO.MJCKV. Ala., March IG. j
:'(P) Cn precedent oil torrents which j
' rnod seaward between Alabama's j
two watershodw tonight wero . n j
j handie.ip to tho relief neneiesj
which ;oneemratcd Iheir el'fnrtu i
f on aiding approximately 20.000 j
persona affected by flood ' waiora. i
j Clear weather, however, was aiding j
! the rescue workers, who had i
helped thousands to safo ground
I during the pasl 1!4 hour.
j While only I II bodies had been J
reroverert, eRtlmates hero wero
that the fatalities would run. Into
j ih ratmitios wouw run, into
! the fieoren. ' ' ' I
i Property !,, ihe form of,
jbutldlnB. llvo.ioek. houwhoidl
eoods. farm Implements and othorl
I many other towns In that valley,
as well as Brewton. flarlnnd and j
several other communities In tlte (
Alabama-Tnmbigbee basin likowUej
were flooded and in great need of j
food and medical supplies, .
March 1 0. (P) Rn-
pnclous rivers were carrying on
their incursions over varying sec
tions of the middle west to,nlirht
while other streams reached their
crest and gradually subsided. -..
The situation In Towa took on a
more serious aspect. Tlepnrts were
rivrt.i.hiii lii.ndrn.u r r-irtni
forced to evacuate their homes.
The points hardest hit were Water
loo, where the Cedar river was on
a r a in pn go : Cedar Fa 1 Is, Des
Moines,' Mason City and Keokuk.
Jtnil tr:iflic thrniirrhniit Dm sIIk!
trict was seriously impaired by
flooded roadbeds and thousands of
dollars da macro to farm lands was
reported. Weather bureau officials
predicted further rine of stream
over most of the area tonight. I
XRW YoniC, March 16. W
: Tho hll.lleal story of -the flood to
day had the support of materinl
evidence tineat-lheil hy science,
Returning from an archaeological
expedition lo Mesopotamia, i'rof.
('. Leonard ,Vonlle; said ho hud
found an elpht-foot layer of sltt
nnd clay deposited durlnu nn over-
flowlnK of tho lOuphrntes rlvor and j
the hllillral delime. ,
J'rof. AVoolley headed an expedl
llon of the mtisem of the t'nlver-!
ally of Pennsylvania nnd the llrlt-j
Ish museum which with n crew of!
I JtiO Arab workmen, hns linen en-l
Kitted for .seven years In excnvat-i
Ins tho rulna of ancient Humerla. '
1'enetratlnn thrnii);ii a layer of
evidence IndlcntlnB a highly (level- j
oped civilization of about 400i'
li. (, they suddenly camo upon a j
layer of allt or sand In which all
manifestations of humnn life ceased
to exist.
llcneath this deposit were uleii)
sIIh In tho native fashion nnd ex-j
pertly moulded brick Inillcallnu a -hiKh
pertk of cultural development. ;
Prof. Woolley emphnsl7.ed that
he attempted to provo nothing by
his flndinKs.
"VV are not out to prove nny-J
thins or disprove nnyihliiK," he
sal.l )
"If we wore we would be bnd ;
nrehneoloKlts. We, as selenilsis, !
use the thlnKri we dl(t up with any'
oiher kind of Information which;
may hn forthcoming In this casej
th eprevlous Informnllon was In
nenesls and In the Hiimerlnn nnd
iiabylonlnn leirends. s
"The elcht-font deposit of shy
In Ihree places ns much as 200
yards apnri. ran only hnve resuto d
from n flood of unexampled mntr-i
niiime. nnd this can only he the
I flod of Homrlnn lftrrnrf nnrl htM. ,
j lory, the flood of the book of
; o ti l.
I'rof. IVoolley said his discovery'
' would Indle.iip that the flood was
j not unlvtrsnl, hut decfnred "neithO ,
docs the Illt.le slory, properly un- I
,dcrtood, mako any such claim."
i mi ninnnwrnirn
! Dl UldbUVLnlLd
She's Best Lawyer jj
I : -
f Jewell Russell showed she had
the keenest wits amon& 110 law
school graduates by making the
highest marks at the Oklahoma bar
examinations in Tu'sa.
h o o v e r Oil Conservation
par) p:r! Cfpn In PriM
rwn nisi oicu m nuy
ram States to Realize
Return From Public Lands
Is Report.
WASJI1XHTON, Mnivli lti. (IV.
....... . . i, . ...
in,: muum. uti iuiwj .
policy of the Hoover administration!
Is only a first step in a new pro
gram of dealing with tho public
domain, f o r m o r I'eproHentativo
Winter, of Wyoming, said today
after n conferonco with, the presi
dent at the White House.
Mr., Winter assc rled that the
i.i.i' ,:.i.,..,i,i, ..,(." a,.
........... ......
fill. I., ..V'-t. -0( w. , P-Iim , -
dealing ivlth publl: lands nnd
which the comparatively . small
group of. siatcs In which these
lands are located will be ahlu to
reallKo rt return for them, it was
without details of the plan and ad
inl nisi rat Ion officials declined to
dts usg the matter.
II i ft j it vnh tt- f '
. i,OU P' unnur oil
the interior department announced
the uppolntment of a committee of
three to review outstanding permits
to prospect for oil and ga on gov
ernment lands with a view to the
early cancellation nf those whose
holders have failed to protect their
This committee is composed of
William Spry, commissioner of ihe
general land office; (leorge Otis
rtmilh, director of tho peoloKlcal
survey, and l-Mward C.' Kinney, so
licitor of the interior department,
it will bCRln work at once.
POnTI.ANTj, Ore, March 10.
Wl An answer to the suit tho city
of Portlnnd brought nualust the
.Pacific Telephone A Telegraph
company to enforce by court order
tho acceptance of a franchise np-
proved by the voters at tho last
election regulating tho rates lo be
charged by the utility, was filed
In federal district court today by
C. Hpencer. tho telephone com-
pany's nltorney.
In ofllrmatlve plcndlnis In the
anHWer, the telephone company rc-
tifirntnu llu n-1 1 H ni tw.uu li .rm.!v
Willi a cliy franchise reKulutlng th!,on"' te oontentlonn are cor-
eondldonx under whleh they Khali
continue to enjoy the ue of the
street! and oilier pri vlh'i'f af
forded by ihe city, but quetlonn
the authority of the municipality
to retaliate raten in be charged by
the company for its servlc
to iu
customers.. -
,unch authority, It Is contended,
Is peculiar to the slate public serv-
'Ice com mission under an act of the
w f 0,11 -ri. .1.. 1
corporation oeelm a decree from'"11"1" 0lt" 1,111 n'lllul" ,hn
the court "thin Ihe cltv has no j'"l voted by tho people nnd
nuihorlty to fix. regulnte 'or bar- ""l"' a levy of 2.04 mills,
gain for the rates to be charged.
110,1 (lint Ihe reasonable lerms and
conditions to be compiled with th
compeuHntiun to be puld by de -
fendunt be deternil0 d, in the end
thm nit wtJ. m.i.HM.,nU ,.twi
rornpenxnllon may b. Incoriiorat" 1
franchi" ut b- prnnu .i by
tho city of Portland l th"
feiidant." ' 1 ncfiej ctiiupf. om u j
, , . t . . , . . . perm t usable on a lax measure.
Item-It for Swivt o( (iin I'riiese are but several of a num
SKW Vciltk, March 111. !ber of points raised,
liiilip ItiiMHcU, (ituhor. thinks 11 . The Iculphituro Intends tn con to bp a simple mntter to rolidatc the m-hooln under one
"top thi Af-iian r-vnutlon: "Alllboard ami liHve tills board ttnid
one would have tn do would be to
inmw some cborolnfes to the so -
dlers. A Mecnn would rather
rerun ror a sweet than a gun any
McNary Acts For Quick Re
sults On Opening Extra
Congress Session Call
Issued for Hearings Be
ginning March 25 Farm
Leaders Invited to Pre
sent Views.
! WASHINGTON, March 16. WV
i lCnaelment of a farm relief -hill i
early enough In the forthcoming
! extra session to make it applicable j
jio tho 1!129 crops wan proposed to- , I
day hy Chairman McNary of the
Isenalo nKHcultm-e eommlteo Jul
Issuing a rail for the opening of J
committee henrincs March
Thi senator declared he intended i 1
to fret a new farm measure intoJL, 1L I U 14 1 I
shape In time to have It presented
by the committee to tho senate on,
AnrliTTlol n1
press fin Immediate consideration
of the hill.
, 1 1 a rlc u 1 1 u rn 1 1 ea ders h a v e !
a rU u
been invited hy MeXary to pnent
their views to the committee, and
he deelarcil himself toilav for an
np ushih of u possible j
letiisiniive romeuiOH. j
It 1m billtvc1 the bill introduced:
last pesston by the Oregon senator (
ultimately will becttme tlio bnm; j
for the new loRlKlallon, but Me-
nit- commiuec 01 nn piopnsius j
hitherto , presente.l to enngress.
l-arm I .cutlers l'irst i
Amonc tlie first to lio heard hy
"tho committee will be the heads of
the American Farm Bureau federa-
tlon. the National fjrango and the
Warmers' union. The farm federa
tion wiis n' Huonorler of tho old Me-
, ...m. i,. .ii....
i.'irJ I I'lUKi n nil. who iis.n nn uy.ii
, , . niiA,ilulni .rl.J..U t.'A u In.lnA
vetoed by Calvin Coolldge, wliile
the grange' favored tho debenturo
farm proposal.
Willie indications have como
from democrats. Including Senator
Harrison of Mississippi, that their
party apoln will propose tho cquali-
zatlon fee plan for raising funds
lo ninritei surpms crops, too ri jior irrinunon pui puson iur
... mnlorltles in the newlhtreo aereace owned hv .Mr. llohn-
connress are not expected to lend
support to such a move in view of
the decision against It by the re
publican national convention.
Tho revised McXnry bill placed
before tho senate last session pro
vided for n SSno.onO.OOft revolving
fund with which in aid co-operntlve
marketing associations in the es
tabllshment of ngencles for con
trolling surplus crops.
lallon, It Is probable Mr. liohnert
POUTLAM), Ore., Mar. 10: (P) I11Iiy , ,,,., mm.h rt0eper nnd
The Portland Oreirunloii will say vm cap thn well, for the prosent,
tomorrow that a proposal will be ymlnv , ninlnly for Irrluntlon plir
mude to (lovurnor Patterson Wed- ,,.., il.rnnL-li tlio use of numns..
'v SwrnaX 8. hool 1 a Id of H '-
raised reitardlilK senalo bill 1
or Ihe llell-Scluilmerleh measuro
which c.oneu 11 "" " '
euiicauon 10 e.oiunu ny unneiso,.
" lm"
Tho proposal will nay Hint if
eet, it Ik within range of ponl-
'billty ihat a Hpeelnl Henwlon of the
It-Klflature may be called lo un
tangle ft.
Miller, n former senator and for
neeral yearM a member of tin
lM,',"r W'vlec comiulm'ion, HUggeJitH
inai a inenuiy uu oo Huirnti
with it meiiiber of each of the
three boardn of refjentu hh plain-
Among tlio various contentions
Among the various contentlonn
" "" " ," ",u"
'mlllenges; thai
by doing UHh tin
'Kl"lritiiri placed the mltlaRO wlih-i,,ny from olovjMi Ni M( liml V.1U
iin th l I"'1' c,'ui Umilatton nnd lh nlk,llt 4ihunMT(iue.
I"'"1 if thlH ,r,Mt- ,np" lutU- "ion- Tho f!yjll(; coloned, for whom
''V will be left for the rust of tho!mI(, IIIIIirhen.loii wiin felt when
1 f-",,' "euvjueH, Mi.-n as uio pem -
t"tHary, honidtaN and olher In -
rtltiitlont; that the bill carries an
iall the funds, but the bill is said
jto have been so rnrefnlly drawn!
Mhat lis copstttuttonality Is In j
doubt kh well an Its effect on tho
Revolt Leader
lit p
I 8 '
Rogerlo Loreto, presldente ot
Agua Prleta, Sonora, who took over j
the border town. Its garrison and j
custom house In the name of the
revolutlbnary party.
Bohneil PrODertV Site
of Drilling Operations
Artesian Water, Coal
Found Owners Balk- at!
i.'i-r.-iu .1,1 . in.rnuR
Fometlmo to lease lOflO acres Of
. f ,j flrIlH' ;urnoae8. in
, .. .
view ot goou inuicauons snia to
, have been found thero during tho
past six months While in tho
course of drilling for an artesian
well on tho farm property of Wit-
' '
i nnm unniir nniiuniiitr
tho Paclf-
; - - .
1 Irt lltnlrattir1hAil It v nnnll.lll 'Tlnlnf
(Tho iwell was drilled to a depth of
1 500 feet yesterday and may bo
drilled deeper,
I Tho drilling operations have;
j been under the direction of A,
Knyurt, well known driller of this
city, and were begun last summer
! for the purpose of finding water
ort. However, since operations bo-
gun indications of oil nave noen
continuing to grow better until j
tho drillers now are neany conn
dent they nro on oil land, their
confidence made stronger by
chemical analysis and the fact that
; three veins of coal have been en-
countered within tho Inst month
I of drlllliiK.
! . Properly owners surroundinfi
;tlin liohnert. properly liavo hetfn
I reluctant In signing up ncrenRO,
nlvlnir ilrlllerH first npllnn on their
lland for oil wells should oil of
sufficient pnylnw nm'ntlly bo found
III the lest well.
If tho ncreiiKo could be contract
ed, the construction of n steel der
rick nnd Improved drilllni; ap
paratus would ho Installed hy Mr.
nohnert, nnd If necessary tho drlll
liiiit conilnucd to a depth rnnwlng
I from 1 mio to 2000 feet. Kxperts
w-ho Jiave viewed the Indicatlnns
(are confident oil will ho found bo
jforo that depth Is reached. .
nul in view of tho present sltu-
'" ,nn n0,"'"t' or O'lliinu to me
present depth, quantities of IIH, j
.soon anil suipnur wiuor nnvo uenn !
lounii. ienriy I ioi icei, in ciisiiik i
bus nlsn been Inslnlled In the well, j
Lt.1,,1. 1,11s a eli cninfei-eiicn of 1RI
. '
. . ,. . ....... .... ,, .......1.
i 1 11.--iA1 Klying the course churted
I ,,. tho ,.0ntemplaled transi onil -
,,,,tn r mnll nMI0 v,,,. the
I souihwesi, Col. Charles A. Tdnd-
. tl i.,.,.!...! i-,.- s-jo tn'. to.
. n WItM unhciu'd from after h aving
1 Mioinnd, Temiif, until he Innded at.
c iovls, X. M., this afternoon, Is ex
r v
rtn Tnt
I L 111 I u
r iv i n u
ppcted to lave here tmorrow forl'Ucted by the grand Jury last wsek.
!o AnjreP s. 0 i Hh Is necitsnd of having falsified
Oolonel Undbei Kh, who Is flying j ho returns of Hod Txi HoqucDor
his Curtls-Kalcon plane, locked j "try Mackalll and William Haines,
over ihe utrport at CIovIk when ho. Federal officials wild charges
mad" a 30-mlnuto stop. I might be filed against the motion
. ! picture people involved, although
Oregon WpiiIImt
Oreiion Uenerally cloudy with
moderato temperauire. lsettled
along the coast, "tientba winds,
in oat ly outhtrly,
: Cash Pours In Too Fast. To
Permit Count Receipts
Rushed to Banks Treas
i ury Needs The Money U
Last Figures Show $5,
400,000 Ahead Last
Year on March 15.
! ury today at
rate that made It
jlnipOHrilble for officials even to
jpuesa an to tho total which tho
March, 1G income tax payment, tho
find in 19L'9, will reach. ,
i Collection offices throughout tho
country were not attempting to
.mako a tabulation of tho current
totals, but in rosponso to Wash-
Ington inHtruetions. were rushinK
tholr receipts into hanks, ainc
tho treasury technically is very
nearly up to its bank balance
tu latest available
which showed the condition ot
; receipts at the close of businetn
March. 15, income-tax paymebtH
for'tho month were running .abot
$t. 400,00 0 ahend of recelntB-to
,V,A un,n Ant !.- vAnT- fC tblri
JllllC Ul IIU'IVUCU IB IHIllllUlJIiril Uv
government may receive $50, 000:
000 more in March this year thq.n
It received last year. -
Though this possibility was soon
by soino officials others were
! doubtful that it would he realised '
, Considering, .all these; factors
Uho treasury would not attempt
even n guess touay at. wna-t- iouw
jnco.ipvii .wpuio, -pe..ana- wo-i caw-,;
siderod Minlikely. that any definite '
knowledge' would be .available.
fore March 28. .. .
Last year ,the government took ,
In ?nifi,O00,000 from Its March "
lucomn tax sources and if the In
dlealod increase Is maintained this
year tho figure might be raiased
to K.lin, 000,000. Thero are some
grounds for expecting an advance
hut until it Is actually In hand
Secretary Mellon nnd his aids will
refrain from indicating it.
rOHTLAXD, Ore., March 10.
(P) With approximately 800 more .
Income tax returns filed than a
year ntro, the filing, period, for 3 92
closed at midnight Friday. ' Tho'
last tnxpnyor was not cleared ,
throtiRh tho Portlnnd offlco tinJtl
12:30, according to Clyde Huntley, .,
collector of internal revenue', for ,
Oregon. ,'. ',. ,'. ,,f
The figures forwarded to tho swi
rolnry of the tronsury nt .midnight
Indicated nn Increase of but SG.0IT0
over tho t, 094, 041. 49 In tax upon
192" Income collected last yea.
A few delinquent returns wore
being filed. , . - - ,
I.OK 'ANO'lCURB. March lfl.(t'
A Hecond true bill found by tho
federal grand jury charging fraud
In tho making of income tax re
turnH for movie actorH nnd aett
refl8e of prominence, caused addei
numbem of film folks to, wondm
today "what tho hnrveflt wil . beV
Kdward .11. llayden. Hollywood and
1 .03 Angclc income tax counaollor,
whh nl.-o faced tiday with the ne
CeHMtty of furnishing 5000 bond,
following hiji Indictment for alleged
falsification of tax -return.
The grand Jmy, after hearing
tho terttlmony of Fred XI bio, film
director, George J. O'Urien, motion
jdcturo . not or, Itaoul . Walsh, . dir
ector, nnd llamon Navarro, actor.!
yesterday, regarding their rotations:
: with llayden, returned . tho' true
hill. An Indictment covering H
pages ennrges iiuyiten witu misi-
' fylnu tho income tax HtatomentH of
! thi', four film director and actors.
( Heverat government ngentu were
i nlo called an witnesses before tho
! Inquisitorial body. . . , .. .
Hoyden's Indictment follows thai
of Miss Marjorel llerger, another
Income tnx adviser, who .wan in-
! earlier expressions by Tnlted Rtfitea
j Attorney 8. V, MeXahh had given
them hope that money penalties
would be tho ettont off their put)
Uhmont, If any.
over mm