Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 16, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Weather
FroiKt Virt olondy, niul moil
" orate tmiMnitutp.
Highest yesterday ... t
lowest this morning to 5 a. in... !tg
C. tint, precipitation to n. m... T.
Weather Year Ago
Utglioii year ugo today...... .. ttd
I.gwom year iif-r to lay. !C
filf flinty. t4 Year.
No. ..55.
By Arthur. Brisbane MflDPAM
Wise Prince, Soft Collar.
Squirrels and Prices.
Fox's Picture Co.
Einstein Puzzle.
(CopyrlKht by Kins Features
Syndicate, Inc.)
ti,a p,:'r u'i im'Two Medford P ayers on. " m i to mnuvss ,? i
Tr.o rrince ot Wales M . ' , nvm." said turn, "i 1
Biven iip his jumniiif,' horses : : First Mythical State BaS-it ""'-i "V1;. y"",. n
cause of his lather's illness, h it
h.i tins nnt given up tlie p :
lime, tree from danger, o.c in- ;
venting new elnthcs, ;
lie startles London, says the
Associated Press, by appearing ;
at a boys' boxing champion-:
ship wearing "a double-breast- .
ed dinner jaeicei i mai i v tint
Amerieiins cullo a tuxedo), a
soft shirt, no starch in il, soft.
eni'fs, a soft turned-down
;il. ;
l.'ir, tl MUCK NOW IIP, II IUI 1 j
"K-ev checked pullover," what-
ever that ...ay b.
That wouldii t startle any-1
body iu America. Herbert
Swope, who is twice as big as
the Trinco of AY ales, and knows
him intimiilclv, has worn all ofj
" ... . ... I
that mitlil, with the possible j
exci'ption ol the pullover, 1
for a number of years.
Thc important thing, every
body should remember it, is the
soft collar. .
Hard, starched collars press
ing on the big blood vessels on
either side of your neck, stop
the flow of blood to the brain.-
And, What IS worse, tliey press 1
down upon the pneumogastric '
ni"V0 llitklt'll nway undor ones
i . 1. ' 'i.. ;
nt.tlW fjroni MOOa J?1 j.
iinnnrlanf Dfrhiins of illl rthe I
nerves in the body
it isn't nooossnry to wow
sioppy collar, or necessary to
look liko a little boy after a
hard day's piny. Modern soft
collars keep their position, and
do not press upon tho neek.
There, is an old saying that
A, .niiii.i.n1 Aii
yon cannot keep a sqimiel on ,
llie trronild AYnll Street prices-
are like that squirrel. Jt, seems
impossible to keep them down.
J1 the wnrnitlL'K, lisnrionsj
. I
interest rates, all solemn hesi-
tations of the '"sold mil hulls
have no effect. J
Thursday, for instance, ra-j
dio stock jumped up more than I
H: points, erossinir .r00. Call
money was only lijj per eentJ
It is bard to form a corner in j
money, even with the aid of
billion dollar banks. j
Honrs will have to wail a lit
tle, loiifier. '
Berlin seeks to eslablish a
"talkie" trust in Europe, a
100,0nil,nO0 company, to con
trol Europe's talking moving
That, would be a small com
pany for America. William
Fox, originator of the movie
tone talking picture, recently
purchased control of the. Metro-fioldwyn-Mnypr
company and
the Marcus l.ocw theatres, lie
in his hnnds now nn or
ganization amountinr; to at
least $:!00,000,0n0.
Professor Einstein, 'i0 years
, , . , ,-...i ...;,l, bw
iiut llitilMiii, ic-ki..i
wife from public vii, tO think,
. . !
nhnnt relnlivilv ami Ihe tonrlli
Jlmension, nnd wonder why
people make such a fuss over
He is especially amazed nt the
frreat interest in his discoveries
in the I'niled States. And he
well mav he. Not ten men m
the I'nited Slates understand j
4 i,,i hv
.t. "i";1"" 1 , ;,, ,,
ihe ootirt decides that the big tele-
(Continued on l'ngo Four).
ketball Team Astoria,;
Portland, Wallowa Place;
One Each Astoria-Med-ford
Play Tonight,' 8.30.
S.I.l:.M. Ore.. March ,10. (A'
Personnel of first uml second all
Btale baHkotilll;l teams were named
here early this niternuon by
coaches, officials ami newspaper
men attending the slnlo basketball
tournament. '1'ho men on llie two !
...... .1.. .. ..... ..l.....n I.. I. -.11..; .'. -i. I
,-ac,i was n.-kod before Hi,- liallol-
'"k '" " v'"e tr members of his j
lc'J"'- T"1' ,m' ln""" 1
First team: . j
Larson, Astoria, and Melvin. j
Medford, forwards; 1-ewla, Wash- ,
iiiKton. eenler; Alorfrun. Medford '.
and Sarrett. Wall.iwa, traards. ,
Second team: I
(lihson. The Dalles-, r.a.l !
wiumiiwton. forwards; Ti.ompw.11, ;
e.-nler; Ollniter. .M,-l.,n:,;,;ii .,1.., I
Wlu.l,- Thu .,,,,, K,w .
8ALi:.M. Ore., .March
Pickincr nn the. done bucket
ind j
senunur it mil-unit inrouBn u e
team scoi'ileH The hons ' nf II,..
Washinffton -hlKb basketball arllsts
:o-;4, Friday niKht when they
I beat liui J'ortuinucrs out ot a
chance to ko into the finals 'luainst
I Medford. The fishermen will play
the 3'earpickers for the state Miter-
scholastic title at S::io this even
I Ins- ' ,
Settilif a terrific nace from tin:
start, the- Astoria boys held t:ie
JJ p,lf0nB,olfnua,0;h0?J
l l)lu v with t in fxcont on nf n short
period after the second Mtrtirtur
-started, wlien Lewis nut tho coin- I
illtUs, ltcinpora-ily . tleurt Vila. onelt
of his trink overhand shots. The 'It
nun unnisu wiin vsiona jcnnmK: i i
to 16.
The fishwmen boosted their
Btrinu to 2 points during the tiilrd
quarter, and at the same time hold
their opponents st'nreless. Lewis,
the tall Washington center, nnd
mainstay of tho u-am tired visibly
during the last half under the con
stant pressure of the Aslorlans. Jle
collected 12 points during tiio first
hnlf of tlie cnntfHt, hut aftor theiniance which youth demands-ro-
j intermission the fisherman dogged
! him so persistently that ho was
j ablo to garner hut one field goal,
; Cliomawa was d of on led 20 to 20
t by The JMlles In tho evening con-
suiaii(in aiiftn". j.iis eliminates the
lmlia)s froin funhor (.llin,lt.tltinn.
;n si',,,,V-istics''Kame,' with neiiherl'
team seemingly earing about the
final outcome, Washington high j
minatcd the "midgots" from The;
IJalles, 3i to 17, this nmrning In i
lne semi-finals of tho consolation'
ovi n:.-. iiit.-MHiiKitiii ill
Iowa tonight at 7:30 to determine,
the team which will place third
in the Mate llltcrscholastic basket- ;
ball tournament. J
MoNair's l'hnrmacy, tho South
ern Oregon Klcetrlc company and
lioRonbcrg's. Inc.., agisted in spon
soring the Med.oni-Thd Dalles bas
ketball game over the rndio Fri
day. The California Oregon Power
company will assist in simnsorlng
tho rinnl garno tonight.
Tho radio and loud speaker used
to broadenHt the game at the Mall
Tribune office was a Hpnrton, fur
nished through the courtesy of the
Medford Klectric company,
OLVMPIA,, March lfi. !
A) After working for 21 1-j hours . .
past its legal dentil, with tho faces j SAX FUANCISCO, March HI.
of the clocks covered, the Wash- Tho weather outlook for Ihe
Jugton state legislature adjourned i wr-k beginning March IT, was nn
nt ::' o clock last night. Its last ! nouncod hero today by tiio United
act before adjournment was to States weather bureau ns follows:
pass the 3.7.t-M4f. road budget ' Far western slates: The outlook
the cause of most of tho over-is fur generally fair weather over
time which was In tho hnnds of California and tho southern parts
too governor today. , of Oregon and Iho and inm i!. ,
As finally approved, the bill np- weather with occuiunul min f.Hf..
prnpHated stino.aao less than the
sen.-ue oriKioa ny wisneu 10 pro-
senaio onsina iiy
vide and more than the
house, which drafted the bill had
writ Ion v
Another hiensuro that Kept the
conferees busy was n constitution
al amendment for olaKsifloatiou ofj
property for taxation. It holds :
that tho legislature would make .
taxes uniform on all classes of pro- .
porty. j
Tho legislature rnuld Impose a '
different lax on personal prop-rty j
iind still nnorher on intangible per
t sonai property
Loughran to Train
fUlCAOO. III., March Hi.
j Krom now until after his limit with
Micky Walker, March 1'S. il will be
all training anil no play for Tommy
debonair light henvv
Loujilirnn. dobonair
I weight champion.
Coolidge Thinks
Title of "Mister"
! Sufficient Now
j XRW YORK, March 16. i
i (A'f After his service as presi-
dont everybody called Koose- v .
volt colonel. Wilson' inti-
mates addressed him as 1
fr "governor." There is a ten-
j dency in Massachusetts to ;
4 call Calvin Coolidge "gover- !
nor." The Now York World i
says that a friend visiting t
I 4 him lit Xni'lhuitinlnn nsltfii- i
J . .,.
. 4 1
John Galey Wins Second
Honors in National Con
test 'Youth and Church',
Subject Conducted By
Presbyterian Paper.
l-lllLAHICLl'mA, March lli.
((P) .Inhn 1). (laley of the I'niver-
,,. ot 0n,Kon waa ttnnuuncc(1 to.
''"v nx winner ot the second Prize
, , ,
unu lno rn . uon,nulri'
villo, Tenn... editor ot tho Prt'Hliy-j
toi'ian advance. First prize went )
to J'hnip Tuttio of the University)
of Illinois. University students In
all purls of tho country partici
pated. Tho prize-winning essays ni o
(similar to content, Dr. Clark said,
w"" uiu iuimmywik Liiunni. uuim-
"-''ontli oeks lifereality. When
Wtuot-he -fonn.; ht one -plar.
weeks elsewhere., Youth fallH
(" inu-., m uiui-.n.
j Youth deniands sincerity and does
-find it in the church. Youth
(thinks the church 'shackled to
;tho precotlunts of its mummified
past.' At the same time youth is
K'rfaily eoneerned ahout the do
volopmont of a spiritual life which
is oxpressed through 'service. The
ch u reh ca n cha I lonwe yon t h hy
'putting into its progrnm tho ro-
! manco which must he dynamic,!
(reasonable, sinoerc, liberal nnd ra-1
jtiimal." j
j I
-lohn 1). Oaloy is son of Mr. and I
' 1 "
residents of Ashland and is a ro,.-
i law student at University or
AVASlllXflTOX, Mar. Hi.
Chairman McNary of tho senate
ngrtculturo rommittoo issuod n call
today for the it too to open
hearings March 2fi on farm relief.
Ho said his purpose was to have
ready a farm relief bill for proHon-
tation to the senate at the openin,
. "
nf the special session
April 15.
J where.
I eni peraiures will tie sensor.-
- 7- 1
Mill M a
; '
j SALKM. Ore., Mnrch It!. -..
I Kates HnodeoorVif I'ortland was
Jnppointed by (iovernnr Patterson
JFriday as a menther of the stale
!child welfare commission to sue-
icood Clarence JI. Gilbert, who re-
signod to accept appointment ns j state prison. j onur I'atlorson and H'ate Wchool camp here. Authorities have taken
Judge nf the court of domestic rids l riurko has promised to devote j Hupt' C, Howard are prompt steps to Mippre- the dis
IImiir. The Rovornor rrpKilntod tho rest of his Hfo to making per- In Kugono tuday to attend a moot - n;ttn by Injections of anti-toxin and
j Helen Ladd Corhett and .Mrs. Frorf-
n.n vnvi'B.
I Tammany Chief Resigns
sill W s. 1 In
NIOW VOl:lC. March 111. )-
oeoi-Kt. . uniinr, leaner oi nun- er ot luinmaiiy nan. Nettner inn t-1 latchee rivers nnd their nu-in.-.ny
Hall since the death of 1,-uVr nor any direct explanation ! mernus tributaries wore sent out
i harles K Murphy five y.-ars ann, i,y olvany was Blven out. The j oC lflr ,mliM on ono of tho
has -resinned. While ill liealth Thnes said the letter read ll-jwon,, fino(,B yml. y ,mCoas
was Kiven as Hie reason, there .tatrially as follows: "liecauso I ina ,nns nf the iast week
was much speculation today about of 111 health and on .Ihe advice! tirave fears were held for rosl-
o,i. :
. ..-n.Kii.i.ii.11 n.m nuM.i.,...
by letter at a meellnK ;
,of the executive committee of the
Xew York county Democratic com-
nmtee, or lammauy nan, as mure
generally known. A member of ,
Barbara Guggenheim Law-:
. , in j m i
son Johnson Weds Clerk
Bans Kept Secret Since:
First of Year Parents
Sanction Match. - !
fimiiii in iiii fin i it 1 1 1 tin ini i r
III HI I Mil ill 1 1 1 til J I IHIV It 1 1 II il
V ' ' vim I -. W MVv U0 llllll InII V'
JCIiV." YOr.K, Mar. 10. (P The I .SKATTLK. Wash., March 1 6.
i N.-w York American today carried Hundreds of Orientals were
an announcement ot the marrlaireiin quarantine tit Honolulu, Su -
: or Mrs. Ilarbara (ItisKcnhelm Ijiw -
! son-Johnston, heiress to one of the
largest fortunes in America, to
j Fred Wottach, Jr., of Deal, X. J., ;i"eHdy has taken the lives of ni
i a sweetheart of her childhood, em- score of persons arriving In this j
ployed as a clerk. : country recently as steerage pas-j
; Tho marriage, says tho nowspa- j snmers. '
i pef, tfojk placo last January I, but i l'hysi ians hero scouted the the
1 was kept secret to avoid publicity j ory that the disease had been j
j during their honeymoon fnmi 'spread by 'first and second class:
which they havo Just returned. j passengers from the ships, which;
j The Americnn says Mr. and Mrs. j brought tho groups in which tbo j
Guggenheim, parents of the bride, disease appeared. First and see-,
1 made the announcement and aro jond class passengers were permit-'
I thoroughly in accord with their I ted to land here while steerage
marriage. passenRorH wero held In . nunnin-t
Mrs. Wottach is years old and !tino. I
Itefamo acquainted with her hus- 'r most reoont meningitis vie- j
band when tho (iuggenhelnis had :,i)1'. "side from tho Filipinos, was i
a home at Klheron, X. .1.. not far'-M' l'!ia A. Miller, Walla Wal-j
from Deal, where Mr. Wottach, Sr., Wiitdi., bookkonpor, who was
conducted a riding academy. Theiifkon ill Sunday and died yester-!
tVfl Vfllinif liOLlllr. an,tt bnnnnm
... , , . ,
: about Klberon.
Mr. Wottach is prt owner of
tho packing company of his unci.,
A. J. Wottach r of N.'e v..
Ho is 27 years .old and is prom -
inent In horse show
i- circles having
best hunters in
owned some of the
tho oast
rlage to John llobert Lnivs'on- I The l-'resldent I-ierce. which has ."igUsbmam S Th, -.rfered the heavies, toll, ianded
divorce. Her former husband'lmsjber -i.O steerage passengers nl
since married Miss liert Mefor-1 Honolulu nnd conllnud to San
inn-K, a mrmer rioag mnqei or A I-
bany and New York.
i ,
'OIITLAN D, Or"., Mar. I r,. it'i
, . , '
I.y.l eleventh hour effort to save
now defunct p.unk of Kenton,
om . serving the sev.-n-.venr sen-
lence Imposed for mis-application
'of lite bunk's funds, n p,lllion for!
parole has been filed by defense!
I T"" ''nlled tttates supreme court .
(has refused to hear the appeal of!
his case and he awaits only Ihe,
court's mandate for commitment to
j smial rostiiutiou to the depositors
imiiipv, inn nii"iiP")' 'vihimi,
. Olvttnv.
the committee is designated lead
oi niy puis,, -in, is , resjKii na teau-
i-i oi 1 ,1 IIUlKl ,1 llltll. I TO CO,,,-
nilttw deferred action on the res-
lunation till next l-'rjday
wiviiiiy ,
was at the mectinu'. He urced '
incrnaseil momneiKlilp In a speecll
h, .lore bis letter was read. I
Honolulu, Seattle and Port
, Townsend Hold Orientals
.. . .' J. . . . I
l anil many residents had moved
Walla Walla Woman Is'?0"1 tho -ioo resi-
I dents of Isowlon, -who nitifed to
I ntpct Uiptim Qtppranp!" nelKhborlntf vlllaitn last' week,
aiesi victim steerage ,., wm Wavlm th,.lr hl,m(,B
PaSSengerS WOrSt Hit. -eeneml UlKli walers as tho crest
;altle nnd roil Townsenu, nsn
' today in an effort to prevent the
spread of meningitis, which al-
! llllV. PHSSCnirOI'S On t llO 111)1101'!
i., ' u .. u,.,.'o( Irnlnnd. n diiv abend nf time
i I'm. Ident Lincoln and I'resldent
Madison landed hero, while tho
Iwtepragc passengers wore quaran-
Ulned. Tho orientals In tho tttoor -
'Hn f ,nft Mndlson wore rtiaran
itlnd at l-orl Townsend by special "7 VnK ul' nvenue l
!.r.l.T of the federal government f1"' '' "". tho r..n: carried
- t0!.n,irchers past a reviewing si
' 1 " n--
i-lan.- pnvsongors. -
! ,
I'liltTI.AM). fire.. March 111
(,1'i While Mrs. Mai irar. t McOuire,
' . wn-i iisoiiiik no o'-i
, )lf(. , ),,!,, ;.,.,. t,,ay, police
' , wen. sell cell loif the eltv fur Ihe
,.-!.,.r t u lili.,iil.i-nn e,u- which
' .,.,,, -u her nn.l lri hei- iiiieon.
j ,..,, .,, Ititr-r-sertioti inst
Mr,.. M,.f;i,,-,. .offered Inlerniil
Injuries, n fracture, g and scalp
wounds. Her condition is serious.
Itegcius Meet.
SALKM, tre Mar. Wt finv -
J Ing of tho board' of regents of the
' ",,,nlV wi ri--K"ii,
IRelief Workers Fear Many
Lives Lost
'u'uw "lc,
Forced "From Homes
Southwest Alabama Hard
Hit Children Marooned
in Elba School.
, ATLANTA, f.a.. March 10. M) j
I Thirteen persons were known to
be dead today from the torrents;
jof flood waters that havo over- :
I flowed vlllascs and lowlands In
:thi- somli, allhouuii Hie various
lellof an, -tides ihoiiKht many ot her1''
I had lost their lives.
j Approximately 20.000 had been j
ifrrfiv.!?,avf. ,bo,r hamT ,p."" i
i porarily. with the irravest situation
In southeastern Alabama, where j
ilhe town of Klba was Inundated I
'and liluh walers wero pourins !
'Into (Seneva. some miles further
south, jo a depth of several feet, j
Twelve of tile dead were In Ala- ;
hania. where Ihe I 'en and Choc- j
dents of (lenevn. n city of :I500
.,,.,,. ...l. -,, ,.
... ,i,.se,-ibert n- "i-.,,-.. i... ..
x.-tt oniil fliti,i-,I oln.m ,vl,l..h fl..-
..,. o,. ,.,
w A fjnv0 n charco 0f
relief nt i.-ll. n. l-,,.
death list there stood nt five, .hut
that bis men were lookim: tor
(more boilles. Fifteen bninlred per
;sons hail been i-emovotl to Ceme
Kill this morning. A nun-
, deed or more school children wore
still marooned In the school hulid
inir. The lied Cross today was taklllff
stt'ps to keep lowtl..lliwae--th' Hie
refuKee caniiii. .Meass hnd broken
out In one cn'mp anil set-utn wan
taken Into the area by boats.
In neoruia, where the other
known death . occurred, i-lvors
which last week went 'out with
their banks, ntjaln were llsinK, al
' r. urns the boundary between Oeor-
lKirt llmi Alabama, was receding.
w,",t ni., was under water
though the Chattahoochee, which
.of the Alabama streams flowed
Howard the ttulf. Cnrvvllle. Kin..
already was under several feet ot
: l-'oods and medicines weo heluK
mroppen iroin airplanes on all In-
tmuaieu districts.
NKW YOHK, March !. (A)
Thousands In New York loilny paid
tribute lo St. I'ntrlrk, putron saint
SlnrllriK with a parade of 20,000
. '"h, uio ay s cejeimuinn win
"0 hrought to a cIoho tonight with
i halls throughout the
Sweeping up
Iflh a venue In n
at fi4th street occupied by munlci
! '""'"'" wl,llo high dlgnllarles
L xZ n h 1 o( St
I '.! J J-l L.lwLiln '
Koriner (iovernnr Alfred K.
Smith. .Mayor, Walker, Pnllee Com
tnissltinor Whalon and Major (en
llllam N. Haskell, rommati
tho Now York naliona!
representing fiov. Iloosevelt,
re nmong those assigned to tho
official rovlewlng stand. t The orchard properties of the
The American Association for 1 oompany aro under tho foremnn
rocognltlon of Ihe Irish Hopubllc hips of: Hunerost, Andrew Mll-
voted not in participate In the pa -
' rade, but planned to honor Kt. 1'at-j
! rick tonight with a hall nl the Wal
I dot f-Astoria hotel.
IifO CliKKK. Ala., Mur. l.--'Pt
Measles hn bndo'n out among rcf
1 ugeo children ln the ea river flood
' by transferring the rofngees from
ni'1 '-nmjp iit'n; in imi.
w of Tobacco
rnishes a Clue
in Burglary Case
YOKK, Neb.. .March Iti. :
A olnir nf Inhiir-fo on 4..
which a bile hail left a per-
led imprint of iceia was ,
amoiiK ihe few clues officers i
had to more than 40 unsolved '
burnlaries unsolved until the .
sheriff at Aurora at a card
j Kuino Willi prisoners Invited
i them to "have n chew." l.eti
I Hudson was the only one to
it accent m teen, pfmts cm- :
responded to those on the
Oil'lceis said he confessed. -
General Manager Hoelting ;
Announces Plan to
r.- ri l t n
rate Big Plant tOr OWn
Frilit Cold StOraCie tO Bel
Tho Hogue Uivor company of
I.os Angeles, Cnh, holding what is
boUevod to he the largest acreage
of full-bearing pears and apples in
the Jtoguo Uivor valley, has, ne
fiortling to advice to-day by A. It,
Hoelting, gonornl manager of the
properties in Medford, announced
their decision to equip their pack
ing plant on North Central, for
merly leased to the Southern Ore
gon Hales, Inc., with tho latest mod
ern fruit packing nnn wnsning
j equipment, which they will operate
this season .Independently for Ihe
packing and tirndlnif of their own
rapidly inorenslim tonnajfo. No
other nt-owors' fruit will be linn-
rllert,' nt least fur this year
The cold stornae plant In oon-
neeihiii will lie fui-ther improved
and. will offer limited cold slor
afe and pre-coollnir spaco to the
pnckliiK houses In Medford nnd
southern Oration. ,This plant titii
Izes the modern brine-spray ven
tllntlnK system u" refrliteration,
which Is claimed by experts as he
lms tho most efficient nnd effec
tive menus of pro-conlinK and stor
ing fresh fruits without danger of
injury to the commodity.
('. It. Arnold, who has hail years
of experience In the refrigeration
field, will be retained as chief en
gineer, ' while Andrew Johnson,
having ten years experience in
packing nnd cold storage ware
housing, has accepted a position
as warehouse superintendent.
lCiiliirice Dehydration.
Tho company also Intends to op-
nrate Its dehydration plant on
i more extensive scale, ullllzliiK mor
hho by products of this operation
formerly discarded as worthless.
In addition to the manufacture of
dried applo rings. It is planned to
also niiiko up chops, dried poolings,
vinegar and elder.
Tho American Fruit Growers,
Inc., will tpivo charge of the dis
tribution nnd wale of all packed
fre'di frtiltM of tho compnny, nnd
will establish their Orogon offices
In the spaces to be vacated by tho
Southern Orogon Hales, Inc., pres
ent nales agents for tho , ltogue
Itlver company.
Kales for J !i 2 S will be undor tho
direct supervision of I, II. Cedo.r
wall, Oregon manager for th
American Fruit Growers, Inc.
The orchard properties, ' owned
and operated by the company, nro:
Mlra Vista. Suncrest, Glen Hosa,
Cale and Clancy, comprising a
total of 551 noros of full-bearing
ponrs nnd apples, with several hun
dred acros of non-hearing and
young orchard. Tho estimated ton
nage for lit20 'is between 3fin nnd
I0 cars.
OiH-rnU-H Ijirgv Ilohllincs.
The company also operates the
large Davis and Parker ranches
on tho Crntor Inko highway, com
prising fi40 acres, this yenr in solid
crop of alfalfa, wheat and barley.
Those ranches are In ohnrgo of K.
G. Huberts, who has hnd 3ft ynrs
ejtpertoneo in hay nnd grain farm.
The company nlso owns and op-
orates other scattered hay nnd
grain acreage throughout the vnl-
f ley.
jhoan. general foremnn: Mlrn Vista,
H. w. Koepsell; Olen ltosa, II.
l rhopln; fate. J. Ilogstan: Clancy.
Tom liekey.
The new Internal reorganization
n( th company wan deoided upon
to effect various economies in pro
duotlon and "trlhution not pos
sible otherwthf, to ho better nblo
to control its product in fvory stage
of the ultimate sale, nnd making
possible Abetter cofirdlnatlon of In
I.,,.. t,i,T-i.t o. m.moiTi.rlnl find
$ 4
financial control so necessary to KlneeHtig i-hms far TOnstrtiethw
such n corporation having invested "f the nil-American canal In th
in land, and property In Medford j Imperial valley of f allfornlil will
and vicinity over 1 1, tin 0,0 tin, nil1''0 "tnrtert soon as the result of a.
empbiytng nt times over 200 men.
i Mf finfl Mrs. I'eto KiiL-le of Port-
j are jsponding several day vls-
King In Mfllfora,
Calles Pilots Claim Torreon
Stronghold to Be Aban
doned By Escobar Rebel
Forces West Coast Re
ports Conflict American
On Bombed Train.
JUAREZ, Mexico, March Hi. f.T)
- Capture by the tobels of the city
of Akuiis I'alienles lu the stale of
Ihe same name, about midway be
tween Mexico city and Torreon.
was reported lu u bulletin Issued
fi'tim revolulltinary henitnuartern
hero today.
(By the Associated Press)
strotiK federal armies crept In
steadily upon the. rebels In an ever-
iiKJiiciiuiK circle.
tronK federal columns w,
worn re
ported within art miles of tb elnmii'-
I gent stronghold this morning, whila
i General Calles himself was report
ed In the city of Durango, having
taken It after a bloodless entry.
The rebels who had held Du
ra n wo were reported ns fleeing
northward ahiiis a spur Hae teati
ing to Tepohuanes. This would
leave them facing a long overland
trap on foot and horseback to reach
the next railroad point.
The fedeial army closing In on
Torreon Is estimated ns high ns
liO.uoo, while Genernl Escobar, the
rehel chieftain, Is stated to havo
only oOttrt men.
Tlie only lino of retrent appar
ently left him Is northward to Chi-
While rebel nunvtors Into defi
nitely .thnt Kscobur will hold Tor
reon ami even has been advancing
to meet u the federals, fienerul
; Calles ; lnforihett- tlie- gbvernmrat
i air scouts had noted npimrent prep-
! aratfoui! for, a. retrejit.
The Insurgents claimed that tile
railroad junction of Cnnltns was
occupied by revolutionists yester
day. However, an Associated Press
staff corrosiHindant with tho fed
eral army filed a dispatch from the
place, giving nu Indication that tho
rebels yrern ntiywhoTo near it. -
Reports from the west coast con
flict shrilly. The Insurgents re
ported that Mnzutlan was virtually
surrounded. The government, on
tho other hand, stated that th
rebels havo retreated ns far north
ns San tllns, a railroad junction In
northern Slnaloa. (hiltacnn, octt
pied by tho rebels for almost 1
week, was again claimed in the
federal ranks.
A train bombing took .place nt
the small town ot Obregon In Guaii-
njInt0( ,mt no damafie wa8 caused.
Among those on the train waa Ar
thur Schenfeld, former counselo
of tho American embassy In Mexico
City, who is now en route to Bul
garia to take up the post of Amort
can mIniHter there..
HOLLYWOOD. Cnl., March Irt.
(A) Friends of Constance Tal
mndAEo. ono of the most-reported
engaged movie,
5tT. actrcBHAH In
Hollywood, today
'il had set May 8 ns
J the date nf her
,11 in a r r I a g o In
had sot May 8 ns
Townsend Netch-
or, young Chica
go morehnnt. The
wedding, It was
said, will be hold
63 days hence lu
tho Iteverly Hills
home of Huster
'm tor, and his wife,
Natalie Talmndge Kenton, film ac
tress, sister of Constance
Dispatches slmilsrly quot 1 n. g
"friends' but not tho principals as
announcing the Impending -wed-
ding of Netcher and tho film act
ress, "nave heon carried from
inc lasc year, out ius was nwiipvou
to bo the first time n definite date
has boon set, oven by "friends."
ilitm Talmndg has boon married
twice, Neteher onco. It was said
present plans call for a quiet wed
ding. Surrey Canal.
DUNVIOIt, March Jti (P) Wor
SUlvej (UK IiiiiRiUH uiiiti -
iniiim!i-ii ii.y nuui hv,'
C. I. Chllders, representing tho
imporlal ArIIoy Irrigation district
and W. V. 7ent. chief counsel for
the reclamation bureau, -
L0 r-
V -""7 I