Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 09, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    i tain uiiuit
1 a. u"
nrRDFonn matt; trtbttnte, arEPFoiip, ottEQoy, Saturday, march 9192?.
' 5 i
i i
1 !
M !
-i i
I !
i i
Tocal and"
-1 'Personal
Following a lilh wind prevail
In k during the nitflit, thev long x
pocth'd rain HiatorUtUzcd at lat
thiB inoxnluK. Martin; with u -light
fall, which was nucceedt'd by hIiuw
era off and on throughout tho day.
Raltt Ih -foreoaMt for tonight und
Sunday, ulong- with' a moderate
teinpfi-ature. t Tho rainfall Hlnce
September jJt, 19-'S. Ui to thiK
morning amounted to but 8.17
incheH, which Ih far below tho at-ix-sonpB?
normal - precipitation. . ,
Cheap lumber and cedar posts.
Med ford Lumber Co.. ... tf
If you like good chicken dinner,
we know our atuff. The Covered
Wagon, Phoenix.. 341
V John Conner, son of. Mr. and
;Mra. Ouy Couuar, arrived In Med
ford thin morning from Fort bowls,
'"Yyaph., where 'he aucewfully pasH
cd all examlnatloiiH following his
.recent appointment ' to the "Went
Point military academy. He la
acjiedulfd to enter the famoua mili
tary eh oo 1 July 1, and expe:tH to
tomnln wUh hiH parents In Medford
untM a short time previous lu that
date. , ,
Dr.' Kreaae nway. Back March
. 16th. , , 354
Bluo Jackets Walker's tonlto.
. 345
F. H. Jlenry of lielle Maine. In.,
, and Mr. and Mm. A. I'lernon of
ColKury, Alta., .Cunado, ure among
the gueutK from a distance regla
t(rc,d at ModXord hotela.
Dance at Walker's tonight. Med
ford's newest dance band. 348
- Wo spray all kinds of tree and
. iihrub. No order too small. Now
la tho time. Ordora tukon euro of
promptly. Phono 204. 260
Since tho first of the year only
11 dog licenses have boon lsuued
titltho county Klerk's office, despite
the fact that the dog population
Is olloved -to be over 1000. IA
censes were. Issued to John Hur-wood,-
Atox sparrow, Mrs. L. W.
House, K. Snito, Henry Wohlors,
Mra. Kllzabeth Voekey nud Ion
Woodford. Hovcral of tho appli
cants took out licenses for two and
three dogs. -
;., Meet me at Walker's tonight. 34!
-Charls" Hep. phono 479-M.
Mrn. Uudlo Alien. 2Kl!tf
, . A stolon enr was found near the
mouth of Ualls crook last Satur
day' and reported to Chief of Po
llco Vaul of this olty, who Imme
diately Investigated and roported
tho find. Tho car was the prop-1
Arty of a California party und was
brought to this city to await the
arrival of tho ownor.-r-Uold Hill
-Bergman's Dance Hand, Walker'.
tonight. Como'and nJoy yourself.
.. - 1 ' 318
That good coal low In ash. Han
sen Coal Co. Phono 23K. ;' tf
tf.'ll. Martin or Ktamntfi Fnltn
tras 'one of the Klamath county
business visitor upending yester
day In Medford.' '
Poems set to music-.- ,Mastcroroft
Song Publishers, Heatlle. - 360
Highest grado Utah Coal,- any
also, anywhere, any amoUnt. Han
sen Coal Co. Phone 239: tf
' Among tho California residents
registered at "Medford hotelw are.
Mi.' and Mra. C. Klehersou of
San Leandro. Mrs. J. M. l-.ul.ton
of Modesto, Thus. A. Haudo of Ala
'ineda, Arnold CI. Peglor of Uoh
Angeles, J. M. Rogorsi L. C. Weath
eaux, Mr. nud Mrs. Tk K. Man
ner. K. D. VonAlf, O. R Carpen
ter and C. K. Dowllng of San Fran
c.lsco. '
Lots of balloons and danco ttoki
ets, Eaglo Point Hat. nlglit. 348
' Got thOHO fenders and auto
bodies straightened at lirlU's Bhoct
Metal Work'i. cppaslte liowWt Super
Service S.'Ktlon. Phono 418. tf
Bevernl vUm In the valley are
reported to bs drying up, accord
ing to William Knyeart. local well
driller, who nld this forenoon be
had not ten such a prevailing dry
seaaon far years.' He attributed the
conditio to little rainfall and frost
which brought all the moisture to
the top. '-'.-"
Freah shipments of amolt arriv
ing dally. Froo dollvery any placo
In olty. Johnson's Market. . phono
97. 838U
-Hot. clean coal. Tel. 631. Med
ford Fuol Co. ' 024lf
A bounty warrant was Issued it
the county clock's office yeMerday
to J. llagsdale of Trail for the
hilling of one coyole.
. Old-time danoe, Nnt. Sat 3&0
' Factory blocks, $0 load. Tel. 031.
Medford Fuel Co. 324lf
Measles led all communicable
diseases In tho number reported to
the state board of health lut week.
There woro 185 such sases reported.-:
Other dtenses were repttrted
on follows: Typhoid 3. dlphlherln
. 10, scarlet fever 66, Influenm 9.'.
whooping couch 6. smallpox fit),
tuberculoids 10, pneumonia 53,
rhlckenpox 79,' mumps 6,, epi
demic menlugitts septic sore
throat 1, erysipelas 1, sleeping Mick
noss I.
Anolher good Qnc;, Jackson
Springs Club. Bat., 0:30 to 2. 4S
. Old-time dance. Nat. at. 300
M. Q. McDonald, owner of ItORiie
Elk resort, motored down to Med
ford this morning .and spent 'the
day Jn the clt on buslncns 4iml
ploosure. . 1
Dry fir slabs. $0 load. Tel. 631.
Medford Fuel Co. 82-ltf
Dance, Itlvcrsldo Community
club, Sal. night. Mar. 9. Turkey
sandwiches. 348
Low hanging clouds over A;h
Und made It tmpotwlhie for Art
Htarbuck, veteran air-malt flyer, to
leave this morning on his vclicd
uled 4rtn to Snn Francisco. : He
hU Med Cord.- hut after c I id I up
vainly above Awhlsnd for several
minutes; he roturned to the air
port to make another attempt to
leave, later. Ships mado round
tHpa to Portland safely and :the
fthtp from fcun Francisco an had
on schedul. " '
Money to loan on Improved city
property, 9 Interest. Credit for
monthly payments. Funds Imme
diately available for any slzo losii.
Union Savings and loan Associa
tion Agency, Cor, Mnin und Front,
upstairs. SEij
Qld-tlmo dtmcc, Nut, Sat, 900
C, 13. (Pop) Gutes ariived Jtomc
this morning from Portland where
he spent the pat two days attend
ing a meeting of the slate high
way commission.
Come to tho Lako Creek Grange
danco Hut. night for a, good time.
Need a,-, spare? Uwed balloon
tires and tube for snle cheep.
Jennings Tire Co., 1-7 N. Ktversldo.
- Included amomr the OreifOliiatiH
I reglHtered at local hotels aro 'Mr.
i und filrs. L. W. Fee and son of ';
Hend und George Whursau und'
i Mrs. Duncan of Salem. -; !
Gabbago plants, strawberry
plants, onion jjets and plants. Mil
tuuf Mill & Seed Co. ; . 353
Lot mo write your flro Insurance.
Carl Y. Tongwuld, Hotel. Holland. I
Phone W3. . ...: tf !
I. II. Wntklns, 'sentenced to fourj
months In the county jail and fined i
$100 for driving while Intoxicated,'
following u- conviction In justice
court, 1 IokI un aplH-'ul in circuit,
court yesterday. 110 was sentencetl ;
by Judge Norton .to - servo six
inonths In jall and was given the
same fine. In view. of his physical ,
condition, Watkfns was paroled to (
hlH attorneys. Kellv and Kelly. '
1 Tho new Kaster cards are now
displayed at Hwem's. ' 8fi3
Cheat) lumber and cedar posts.
Medford Lumber Co. 237tf.
Grants Pans members of HUlah I
Hhflne patrol went to Gold MIH
last night to meet the members
from the upper valley and had que
or their bent 'drill of the winter.
Captain Hex Burnett, Jaeutenunt
Sam Htlnebaugh and nil 'other local
members were present from this
city, a full company being prcscuf.
The ghrincrs arc looking forward
to the convention In Los Angeles
during June, at which 1 1 II lull pa
trol will be present. Grants Pass
Dance, Eagle Point Sat.' night.
Lots of balloons and danco tlckots.
' . . ,348
Factory blocks, $6 load. Tel. 031.
Medford Fuol Co. 324tf
Mr. and Airs. It. C. Kerr and
daughter Gertrude left this morn
ing for their home In Oakland.
Cat,, after having spent the past
waek In the city vllting local rel
atives and friends. The Kerr fam
ily are former residents here.
That good coal low In ash. Han
sen Coal Co. Phone 239. tf
Dunce, tfaglo Point Snt. night.
Lots of balloons nud danco tickets.
' ' 348 1
Mr. und Mrs. T. .11. Pollock of
'Glendalo, Ore, were visitors 1"
Medford this week as guesU of
their daughter Ltiuetta, employed
In the law offices of Newbury &
Newbury. Mr. Pollock returned
ycKtorduy to his home, while Mrs.
Pollock will spend tho week end ;
In the city. ' " J
Hose mending, runners removed, j
and snags worked back. Handi
craft Shop. 216tf
Films In at 10 a. m.,' developed,
printed and ready for delivery by
6:30 p. m.', at Swom's. 353
' Dr. A. F. W. Kresse.t who left
last week for Hood 'It Ivor, where
he was called by the death of hla'
father. Is expected to return to his
homo In Aledford tho latter part
of next week, accompunled by Mrs.
Molasses In drums to muke that
buy inure palatable. Mutual Mill
& Seed Co. 353
Come to the Luke Creek Grango
duituu Sat. night for a good time.
' ' ' 348
'Business men are helping them
selves more than farmers when
they give every possible assistance
tb better farm orgunlautloit und
marketing, K. H. Klpp, chamber
of commerce, told 1&0 student,
facility, alumni and agricultural
leaders of the state, at tho annual
Agricultural club banquet that the
Oregon Htato college this week.
Cheap dry lumbor at Medford
Lumber Co. ... 237tf
' Lots of balloons and dance tick
ets, Knglo Point .Mat. nlglit. 348
Preparations are being made by
the Hoseburg cannery for tho broc
coli run of the hcusou. It Is ex
pected that the pack wilt be twice
as large as last year'K.
Seed ! potatoes, early varieties.
Mutual Mill Seed Co. 303
Dry ptno slabs, $5 load. Tel.
631. Medford Fuol Co. 3C4tf
A marriage license was Issued nt
iho eounly clerk's office yesterday
Ut Hoy Clifford and Alice llascom,
both of Sun FrnuclHeo. '
Need a spare? I'serl . balloon
tires and tubc ttv sale cheap.
JepnlngsTlro Co., 127 Jf, ltlverslde.
Dance ut Walker's Sat. Hlht.
Medford's newest dance band. 347
Supplies of dressed chickens and
rabbits were quickly sold out this
morning at the public market.
which for this time of the year
was regarded as one of the best of
the season. Al 9 o'clock this morn ing
there was only one dressed
chicken left and a supply of rab
bits was already sold out. The
usual stock of late vegetables nt
well as homo baked paMrlcj and
home-cooked foods also enjoyed
god patronage.
Lots of balloons and danco tlck
ots. Kuglo Point Sat. uliiht. 348
llodgen Drowsier Wisconsin milk
chick starling mush; makes those
chicks glow. Mutual Mill & &ced
Co. 358
The state penitentiary now has n
population of 7J9 prisoners, which
sets a new higlj record In the his
tory of tho Institution. The prison
Is crowded to capacity and a num
ber or inmates have been amttgncd
to temporary steeping quarters In
the barber whop, hospital und com
missary department.
.Leaving by March 20 Tor Kan
sas SUy. Mo., by way of Los An
geles. In cttwvd cnr. Hnvo room
for party of three to help defray
expenses. Wrlto A. 15., Tribune.
Lots of balloons and dunce tick
ets. Kagle Point Sat. night, 34K
Included among the applicants
for temporary nuto lloennes at ihe
sheriff's office were W. K. Itawson
of Trait, Harold Smith of Huch.
W. H. McrrUt. Harry Stone, S. H.
Wler and J. T, Peters Medford.
Money loaned on furniture, autos,
ele. Also $u0,000 to mwkg slrulgbt
loans on Improved city property.
8" intercut, quarterly, nothing
more. Thomas Fteiiy Company,
corner Main and Fryn' upstairs.
. ..... T ' ?02
1 '
i LI rL
After suffering a dislocated right -shoulder Colonel Lindbergh
?nd his fiancee, Anne- Morrow, who was uninjured-in their Mexico
Dity cracVup, went for an airplane noe tne following oay. rercthey
are shown crossing the Valbuena field to the plane.
I. N. 'Dornhei'ffer and A. It. Ah-.
holt ure umoiiK the Seattle InisinesH
TisllorH In Medford who arrived'
yesterday. 1 j
Dressmaking and remodeling nt'
the Fashion Hhop, 44 Medford j
JIldK. Phono 1181. tf
Mm. C. F. Nichols left yesterday;
for Klamath Fulls, where she was j
called by the death of her uncle,'
Charles Faith, f ollowlriK a long ill-
neHS. Who. Is expected to return!
next week, I
, Special sale of $1.00 box sta-1
tionory now tiKc at Hwem's. 303
through its chamber i
of commerce, has inaugurate l a rmmlvA hy ,,. lU.eKatlon of'8:3 ',. A business meeting
system of beaullfiea ion by plant-, Ilt tllc .dedication ot'wllH hc, foii0,vinB tUo bamiuot,
me trees In the parkings. Walnut. tho ,.. fi,3r,,ooo Veterans' Iu-'nt whl,h nn orgamtlon was per
hnwthorn and cm-lea birch a. a , hopilal on jlur,luanl ,. C(!clc,u of a toaerntlon to be known
among .the varieties being Planted. Iut I-oi tlitiKl. on .March 18. To temporarily ns tho Photographers'
J.OOK at n. j-racn iieion.- rtiiv-
ing or ' buying &-room modern -
h&usc; terms. Jl
A divorce complaint was filed In i not being time enough to- obtain tonlp0rnry Heerctury. Election of
circuit court yesterday by Klnujtlio neceHiry practice before tho orfi0(. wag then held for the
Chrlstenn ngnlnst Loren C'hrlstean dcdicntion day. ensuing year.
on ground of cruel and Inhuman I The post commander and' ad Ju- A. Brainard of Grants Puss
treatment. The couple were mar-jtnnt and at 1 least fifty members ,,.,,' cic'ctcj presideat' Jack Swcm
lied ut Twin Fulls, Ida., April 'Ju.juC the post .will nttend this cere-; uf Moatol.d vice-president and
1B0S. imony. which Is planned to W ono;A j An(lcrn ot .Me(iford, sccrc-
unnce, iugie j-uun oui. iukiu.iui me bi l-hiusi kulim-i ihh" vi
Lots of balloons and dance tickets.
Approximately 20,000 trees will
arrive hero today for tho Klumalli
county ogrleultuiist office to be
distributed to various points
throughout the county. The. trees
uro being sent from tho stuto forest
nursery at Corvallls. The cost of
the trees, Incluiuug packing ami
shipping. I:, liuout u cents a nun-
died, uratoialof JM.U. TiiespecieH
trees include .mulberry, green
. ......
iisii, iiiu-k meusi ana nra .i.ii
This sliliinienl Is only one of u
number 'which have arrived In , 8" society. i
Klnmutli Fulls the past your, and) Following the dedication , ijerc
. Ki..l, u-,.1-,. li-HiiKiihinteil on fai iiis llionles In Ihe afternoon at : the
und ranches throughout ivianmui
cotinty.-Klaiunth News. .
Mealy Klamath Netted Clem po-
i..tnr. inn it. u fn. ci 9fi. r.a Ua
75e. Delivered any ilnco in city.
Johnson's Murkat, 6th and arapc
St.-i'Phono 97. 309tf
Among the ilutto Falls residents
who transacted business in Med
ford today woro .Mr. und Mrs.
iY Oirson.
Ht. Patrick's tulleys, place curds;
and, parly decorations at tiwem'4)
".r 3f3f
1 Duo to the smhllncss of the local
airport, It Ih probable that the Riant
airship I'atrlcla of the Keytone
Alrcruft company will not land In
Medford. The ship is ho Iui-ko that
landing fncllltleH offered wilt not
be of Miifficlent lnduUenieut for
the plane to stop. Tho plnne has
Heals for iiO puiwenKers and Is mak-
inc u tour of the continent.
Uorinimn's Dance Hand. Walker's
Sa.t.i Come und enloy -yourself. 3 I"
llurwood and his Merrymakers.
V. O. W. hall, Kii. ovo., Mar. Kth.
y.J S'v?
Recent ruins huvo loosened th
congestion of white cedar logs In'
the middle fork of OoquiUe river,
where timbers were piled to a
height of H 0 feet tn places.
Trader Horn, formerly $4, now
Jl at Hwem's. S53
W. t Kooknrd of tho Herrydah;
grocery, who has been 111 for a
short time past, suffering from a
severe case of if.fluenzn, was re
ported today to be somewhat Im
proved. Danco, Kuglo Point Sat night.
Lots of balloons and danco tickets.
Clinvd from Portland reentered
at Medford hotels Include H A,
Jereauld. I J. LoMlois, Alonr-o
rlson, Mr. and Mrs. K. 11. Purthulo
mew, O. V. Hamlcr, U. A. Shall
horn. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Thncker,
J. K. Hell, J. 8. tSammons. II. M.J
Molden, fl. IC. Schuelc. M. H. Mc
llroiror. l', J. Mettlin. W. W.- Wll
son, n. A. Mitchell, H. O. Vatson
and K. K. Mntt.
Dane o. lilvertudA Community
club. tat. night. Mai. 9. Turkey
sandwiches. 84S
Harry Stone and Jimmy Stone,
two husky fighters who arrived re
cently from Kansas City, accom
panied by Sailor Jack Wood, were
visitors In Ashland last night, when
Harry Stone challenged Clone
O'Orudy to a -fight, either In Med
ford or Ashland. However, due to
the condition of O'Grady's wrist,
broken In a fight sometime ago.
the challenge could not readily be
Host t'Cah coal hot and clean.
Tel. 631. Medford rinl Co. S24tf
Wat khts Products
t m tho duly nuthorlied dealer
and agent of tho Wntkins products
In Jackson oounty, xcpt Ashland
and MtMford. Key t. dunfteld,
Phono Medford, 6tar route.
Clasalfk-tJ advertising reauU9-
1 i
Whllo the Medford post of the
American Legion will bo well reu-
, posi s uruni corps win noi.oe auie
t( nttend as riueh, because , of
being out of practice and there
service men ever assembled 111;
Oregon. Amorlcnn Legioil band
and drum corps and the T-cg Ion-
nalres general y. from all Kertions
of the slate will be there and also
disabled AnVorlcnh vohmtettl'S. I
A great parade "Will bi) Jiart
of tho program. In the-miirnlug.
u ul ,jm-
.01, ,..,.. e, """.""'""""'.',
uie p w m u.e " ."
held nt Ihe Mullnomuh hotel. , and
I.. II... n II,..,-.. ..Ill IS,, tl llllM.
........ .... ..... -:. "".I
inet undi-r nuspiies ut tho
. " u i mi ... iii.mih.,
! Ihu m;w ! "'V''ro 'Vr;.' a '
ho unvei ed in ho nor f t.t A e.l-.
can Letrlon. which helped . muKOi
ilo project poaslble.
Just to unsure the Iuikc crowd
jexpocted .Monday piKht at tho biK
American Legion boxing smoker
at the Armory Unit it will receive
its money's worth, Matchmaker
.lack Wood has engaged to sub1
Htltulo fighters to Mtagc a bout
should any of the scheduled fights
run short of expectations.' How-
ever, present indications are good
that each fight will be a' battle.
Terry Kllecn was expected to
arrive today from Kugene, to rest
a day for his main event bout
with Frank le Warneke of Port
land, who will probably nrrlvo
tomorrow, along with tho other
out-of-town fighters scheduled to
take part- in the smoker. The
local boys. Mickey Itlley. Tex
Porter and Lloyd UusaeU, who' will
appear In the preliminaries declare
themselves to bo In the' pink of
Kthohvyn H. Hoffmann's exclu
sive' dre? shop for vronun Is at
tract lug much favorable atten
tion 'since tho recent extension
of space nnd general re-decora-tlou
of the Intoiior has been com
pleted. The walls of the shop aro black
with green trim. An unuetia ef
fect has been created through the
combination of black and grevn
in furniture, drape, floor lamps
and pillows. Kvcn ihe dre.s hang
ers or decorative.
Among the Improvements are
two largo fitting room, a stork
room, additional full - length mir
rors, nnd a clever millinery try
on table.
Notice to Farmers.
Nick Young. HM s. Unify" has
made a machine for grinding disc
plows. He also docs plow work
of all kimKs horseshoeing, and
bluck.niittihi, ;!
X I ft ' i Ml
Following his arrest yesterday
afternoon by Sheriff Jiulph Jen
nings and Deputy Louis Jennings,
Luko JcnnlnKB of the Heagle dis
trict Is in tho county jail awaiting
a hearing on a charge of mash
possession. Tho arresting officers ;
found two barrels of CU gallons!
each, filled with alleged mash, bo-j
licyed to have been act out last !
week. j
Jennings has been arrentcd be-,
(fore: by tho sheriff's office on
moonshine charges und It h prob-j
able a felony churgo will be placed "
.against him, carrying a sentence j
of from one to three years in tho
state penitentiary. The accused is!
iu man nearing his GOth ycur and
operateH a good farm, well stocked
with turkeyn and sheep. Ho has
a wife and a two-yenr-old daugh-
I Officers attempted to find a
still on the property but woro un-
jable to find tho contraband ap
paratus, which they believe is hid
den somo distance from the house.
Tho arrested man is no relative
of the shtn i Tf. ' 1 '- : ' :
Tho photographers and finishers
of southern Oregon met nt the
Aelation of Southern Oregon.
A. E. Peaslcy presided as tempo-
v cliulrnim l. and A. J. Anderson
1 tarv-treasurcr.
comm,t,ccs ul,0intcd by
pi.osdent Brulnnrd m,,.e M ,i.
()W1. CoI1BtUutlon and by-laws,
Darling of Ashland, chat.-
Patterson and A. J.
Anderson, Medford. Commercial
hrlco list, C. It.. Ilarwooil, Meutoru.
ehalrmau; - May IChig Conrndii of
Kunmth 'j,alls una A j Anil(fr.
Medford. Photo-finishers.
i Jack Swcm, Medford, chuirman
,-,, (.. Darling. Ashland. Per
trait division, J. Verne
Mndford.- chaliniun: Mi-
i. V. c.
Darling. Ashland and A
ley. Medford.
The purpose uf tho organisa
tion Is to further co-operation bo
, hotogrui)lier of the
' ' uuu?ntc"d Wl,
,.01K,mon nnil eIul0avor to
. ..... .
raise and maintain the standard
of work. ' .
The next meeting will bo held
in Grants Pass In April.
Those present Included: C. C
Darling. Ashland; May Klnfr Con-
radi and Henry Conrudt, Klumath
Falls; Phil Hrainard, (irantH Pass
nud the followlnK of Medford: It.
t It. Harwood. Mr. and Mrs. Frunk
Patterson, Jack Hwem, Mrs. K. H.
JonoH, V. A.- jdunter. J. : Verne
ShnnKlf. A. K. 3'easley and A. J.
The construction of Uie proposed
mid-way road from the "Four
Corners," two miles from Central
Point, through to tho Pacific
highway near tho Dr. C. T. Swee
ney ranch, is still very much In
doubt, according to reports today,
tn view of tho heavy damages the
land owners expect to collect from
tho county for giving right-of-way.
The county court is said to
disfavor the probable high cost
fbf construotion, wliich would be
approxunnieiy inciuuing
tho l.000 for damages. County
Knglneer Paul liyiinlng has plans
of surveylug other road lines und
It is possible somo agreement may
be reached on another route. It
Is also passible that tho present
Bid die lane may be Improved,
giving fruit haulers from the
Tublu Hock district a shorter route
than by coming through Central
Point on the Pacific highway, q
Invitations have bees sent to a
lurgo number of Medford business
men to attend the Merchants' as
sociation meeting at Hotel Med
ford March 11 at 6:30, when H.
T. Vance, dean of advertising at
the Oregon State College will be
the guest of honor and principal1
speaker. )
The purpose of the mooting is:
to acquaint local . business men,!
whether they are member of tho
association or not, with the work;
being accomplished 'by this or-J
Dean Vance, who gavo an In
teresting lecture here last year,
was secured for this occasion by
C A. Meeker, president . ot the
I ' Obituary;.';; . S" : '
AVILLIA.MS. May Bailoy Wll- fit K V tl J fXC
llama imsscd away at the St. VIn- : . Day el M 1 I ( ?J , I ' 1 11
cunt hoDpitiil in Portland, March1 . I XXX UJlAJ. X-ir
AVILLIAMS. May Bailey Wll-
llaina ihumciI away at the St. Vin :
cunt honpital in Portland, March 1
7, from ;Boitr trouble, uKt'd
38 yearn one month, 23 days. Bho
was born In DoukIsw county, Ore
Bon, January 14, 1881,' and was'
married to Claud C. lnmtin In 1U12
at Itoiieburg, Ore., and in October,
1523, Bho was united In marrlaue
to Thomna K. Williams. Sho la
sun'ived by her husband, Thomns
E., and one dautihter, Majtlne Iri
mani.also her mother. Rosio Bailey,
one brotlier. Ell I!ailey, and one ;
sister. Sirs. E. A. Wall; all of Med-J
ford. She wan a member or tne
Ncluhbors of Woodcraft, Lilac cir
cle number 49, Itoseburg, Ore.
Funeral services will be held at
the Perl funeral home Sunday at
3:30 n. m.. Rev. L.'. F. : Isqlknnp
officlutlnB. Interment in the Mml
fold cemeatery. Sorvlees nt tlio
Kravo In chart-c of tlio NclBhbors
of Woodcraft. '
FOR SALE Small dairy ranch,
fully equipped and stocked with
excellent cows. Near Medford.
This place nn bo bought right
If taken soon. K. C, care Mail
Tribune. .. ,tf
FOR SALE Oil RENT 4-room
houno and one acre, 5 miles out.
Phono R-18-M. 350
NOTICK-j-W'e specialize In south-
crn t.'ullfornia exenanges; nave a
waiting Hut. Bring in yuur lim
ing and teir us what you want;
we arc here to serve ami plcasu
J. C. Uainex, Realtor, 15
fc. Central St. Phone office I0'J,
FOR KENT Furnished ' apnrt.J
. mont. Hotel llollanti. - a isti
We have several nice homes in Los
Angeles county to trade lor small
acreage Improved for property
here. Bring In your exchanges.
Just opening n' new subdivision,
close in. finest of -soil and loca
IIoji, $300 per acre, with 516
down and $10 per month;, A No.
i soli. - . . .-. .
4 acres of ground, 4-room house,
nearly new; chicken house, good
well, lots of slmdo; eugo of city
- limits; 3000, with, 5uoo down;
balance terms. t . , . . .',
.Ideal home' in Oakgrovo with 4
acres oi grouiiu, 'tuuu, uuii svm
on good terms.
8 Vs -acre' choice walnut and cherry
ranch in full bearing, in city
limits of Falls City, near Wallas
In Polk county; -well improved
Willi city wntor and electricity;
U tons of cherries last, season;
$0000. A dandy buy; will ex
change for country property
here, improved. 349
FOK SALE 5 - room . modern
house, fireplace.- sleeping porch.
, garnge, woodBhed, cast front,
, , large oak tree, walnuts, berries.
' shrubbery; $'J750; VftisK Wu"
'easy terms. : E. c. Corn, Mont
gomery Ward llldg. 3 19
VANTEB--'1 bus- DUO used smudge
pots. 5-quart.-o. L. Llndlry', It.
F. D. 3, .Medfcirtl. 3;U
KOIt SALli (l-rooin Htuuuo house,
Vancouver Ave.; h a r d w o o d
floorR, hapemcnt, furnace, 'i sets
plumbing. 2-car KaraKi", .50u;
will consider trade, 'ici. 7T4-.1-3.
FOl'ND Small hlack purse. Own
er may have by calling nt Mail i
Tribune office and identifying.
WANTKD A married man to live!
und work on farm. Phone 417-
and work on farm. :TeJ.417-J-2.
FOK SALK A splendid ranch on ;
beautiful Rogue river, close 10 i
gnod school on an excellent road. !
The ranch will carry a good ;
dairy herd nnd n flock of sheep,
etc. Abundance of water. .-(Haifa,
grain, pntlure and woodland. We
believo this is one of the most at- !
tractive stock and dairy ranches;
In this valley. Brown & White.'
Realtors, fll North Fir St. 34Ktf
FOR SALK Aluminum tub May
tag, new parts, guaranteed.... 1 of)
ijtte model Thor.. S 4u
Klectrlc motors or gas engines
for nile or trade. Maytag Shop.
Phone 1 "06. :tM
FOR SALK Second hand garden
tools. I -horse p 1 o w, harrow,
sprlngtooth nnd cultivators. '.
H. Howell, lierrydale Ave. 348tf
KOIt UKN'IV 3-rum niiartnwnt;
ailuMs. 40 Cluincv. Tel. litl-vv.
"A L'Bcd Cai- Willi All O. K. That
IS-S Chi-v. Hednn; bumper, trunk.
iH'Utcr. yparc tiro uvd luck, ly.y
llwiisi. 3700 nillia.
1!' Coupe; buniiHTs, lefinlxlu'd.
comVIcU'ly uvcrlmulcd, I'JVi II-
Cunrh: bumpers, eompletely
(iverhiuiled. KiKid Iliiish nnd tlr.
1!H!G l,'hov. Hotultor; a Kuod cur.
i'J25 Vhev Toui-iiiB; scvuml to pick
from ull ready tor the road.
lriL'7 C'hev. Cubriolet: huuinei-9,
KOod tires, cumpletcly over
hauled. 1 9 & Master Six Bulek Touring:
new uuloons. excellent condition.
19:'6 Ford Coupe: new palm. Rood
Urcjs eat covern, mechunieally
Ford Touring, rea'dy to go
1 !-f Ford Pedant Kuxtell axle.
td:4 stlldobnker llKht alx Coupo;
KOOd condition, good tlren.
1627 Chev. Truck: stake body..
I3L'6 Dodire chaisi. .
Trade nnd Convenient Terms -'
5th at Barllett. I'honeo iHl isn
These Drug Stores
Are Open Nights
This Week
Medford Pharmacy
Heath's Drag Store
Strang's Drug Store
7. 1L'. from BDltro trouble, UBf(i i - JIUy. :. CENIBAL ... . . ;.
' 'y jf
I firvi .
8how, , .
1:30 to 11 p.m,
Vaudeville's Foremost v
. Comedians
"Hotsy Totsy Beauties"
: SIN"
SEE and HEAR .
"M Y' 'm A N". .
L - ---1- - ' : ' I
ill take
your, car,
sir "
parking troubles cxkt at The Manx.
The doorman takes v our car when vnti
arrive and places it in a garage connected with
the car that's all. Located in the heart of the
Citv near evervthine. " . "
i S etvice, Qyalityjlospitality-
'iih1plr t"6rteir"Tltey 'hr ntit 1