MEDFORD 'SI AIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, QKEOOX. FKIDAY, MAKCH 8, 1929. PAGE EfGHT MOLUER ELECTED jSPERRY COMPANY LEADER OF LODGE i TO GIVE SCOUTS MANN'S MANN'S THE BEST GOODS FOR THE PRICE; NOMATTER WHAT THE PRICE New Fashions at S pecial Prices at MANN'S V i ' FollowlnB thoir annual olectlon , A d0nnij0n of throe lalr of nnd tho initiation of a Inrgo clans ; )onutifU carrier pigeons will ho of candidates last iiIrIU, the happy ,,, . ,h, crater I-ako Council members of the Elks lodge all (tot . of Koy pcouts by the Hpcrry Tlour i pickled and cncesea in tne tempie company of Medtord. vithln the havemonl where there wore a nflJt (!v. days, aecordinft to Art : number of other Rood thlncs to j3n,)riB, OCol manaser. " eat. Tho Elks hand played thru- -These feathered mess e n g c r s. I out last nlgufs doings. i w(,cii have long attracted the ad- I The notional and lemporamen-1 mrIlt)un nni t.nvy of local boys, tal memhers elected another oioh-1 ,. UKC(j iy ,,,,, spcrrj' Hour com ard man In the person of Hen Jlol- ; mIiy jn Home uf ln lnorc Isolated lor, manager of the 401 Orchard, I loriiory thru northern California us their new exniieu ruier. unu ; central Oii'gon und Idaho. Often, aeeording to .Mr, l'.nririt;, they aro shipped by express to certain loca tions, taken out into tho country districts nnd .then roleaseJ with orders rind detailed messages en trusted to taelr care. The splendid thing about the tiny carriers Is come. then to offset this, thinking It was about, lluio the lodge recognized the -angler sportsmen of tho city and valley, elected Fletcher Fish ns tho new secretary. The latter is a fnrmer, orchardlst, .jovi-rn-ment fruit Inspector and .Swiss yodlor of I'hoenlx, who was never ,mt they never forget Known lo eaten a tisn outsuie ot ),ome nn aquarium. Ills name, However, lends class to the lodge and Ik a recognition of tho piscatorial ele ment of the "brothers.'' Having thus adjusted things to a nicely tho ledge - members then elected tho following oiher offl-i eers: ' I C T. linker, leading knight; , Rvtirolt llraj'ton, oHleemed loyal j knight: Koland lluhliard, esteem-j ed lecturing knight: Delroy Oetc:i-; ell, treasurer; Nick Young, tyler; I.'. C. I.emmon. . trusltfe; t.'arl Tengwald, di'legntea to grand lodge. The feature of tho election was the speech if acceptance by lien , IS' OF. REVEREND RAYi Judk'O Tien Lindsay was all wet ( when ho miKgoKted companionate nutrrla'p nn a dilution ot I he jirst'iit tiny divorce ovJIk, aoconl Imk to lli-v. iiill liuy, l'UHtor of Mollcr. who hail h about every Valley liaclio church offino hi the IoiIki. Hen Uianked tho a.Mpnihlittf for liinlr y.mnl will, prnmtn.Ml to fc'lvtj t tto exalted rtilerahln bin honl efforls until thu rlnm he liocamo a haH-hon. dln ouwed the Mexican revolution, Hoover'o cabinet, Llndy'n aecom pUehmenis, and Einsteln'fl theory of relativity and outlook for Irrl Ration In th- valley. lllfl addroMH wan rcreivixl with tremondmm uppl:uiNf im the three "lie kol that idea nno day after ho had takin a plunge In the ocean and h truck hln head uKtiliiHt a rock. Hj has had water on the hralti ever since," Hold the local minister. , "To me companionate mruTlaife Is cheap a presumption upon the one- nf civilization's most sacred labored ho hum to build up. It in like the attempt of a pr-inon who ha-H purchased a Kiirimiit in iiiemherH ulm had remained one department store and worn H awake while he talked, awakened tiw others by nmlKinR, each pjihh Inif the nudgo alonn. nil were so glint he was (hrottfrh. Th new secretary. Fletcher FMhIi. or none of the others electetl made addresses, because they were not fiskert to., The lodfre hud had enoiiRh. hut tiiey nro all live wires, nnd it Is understood that nil except the first mentioned c;in well handle themselves In a horse trade. Despite his nwful Inefficiencies the Klks reason thst Mr. Fish won espoclally desintble In tho secre taryship because of his heltitr a Native Son of California who had ense enough to locate In Oregon years uko. Mr, Fish, who wan horn In Kan Francisco Is possessed of n musical volro, whb'h was cul tured thru tho nmny visits of his youth to the Ilarbary Const and llstenltiR to the hunly K'.irdys of that famed resovt. Then, tun, hi Is probably the only Flk living or dead who makes n specialty of lor a year or so lo exchanRc U In another department store for Komethliif; that is more attractive to tho eye." That marriao and the home J: one of civillaztlon's most sacred j herltanes and should be preserved) ns uch, was the further opinion j oxprt-ed by the lladlo church pnstor. ' "It was Christ who made mar- j riane sacred, in his first miracle i at Cum of inlalee. And bis IhmI ' earthly acf. npon the crosM w;ik( to itiHitre his mother the future earthly happiness of a home, when he a hh (tned her to tho care of his beloved disciple, John, as ho hung upon the cross.' j "It was Christ who raised wo manhood to tho pedestal where she rhihtfuly belong. Ami It 1m j for this reason that rlKhl-1 hlnkliiK people object to and regret nny j proposed attempt lo rob her of j tho high standard she has been; able to maintain." he fa'd. I tew Hay, ninoni; others who slttliiK In a pear tree und ruitlmr .have lieon interviewed imoii the blight whilo hUinmlim "l-ionny Subject of eoniimnlonuto mnrriaue, Hoy" nnd other jyrand opera air.- A foature in connection with Mr. Fish's election was tho tlnwo nf ftadtichtt that prevailed ainonir all the IocIkc meiubtrs a. tUy passlnK out of office of J,ee Jacob" tho veternn secretary nf the lodt-e j for tho ft years, who stunt; time uko announced that he vnuid not accept a re-election, hecatM of 111 heultJi. The new officers of the loile will be InsUillcd on the flat T.iurH day nluht of April. The fifteen candidates it 'tiatod last nlKht, and who after tit) regu lar Initiation, wero ini'.inu.i into the lluckhounds, tho fun omiit Kent of the Indue, to ihv'r h'.mtow, thereby eiutslnK tho !ol. to be convulsed with lnuKhtcr, were us follows: H. H. McQual, 0. X llohcrtson, Jnclt N. Fortln.'L. II. Van Kcoyoc, loo L. Furry. C. 11. f'arltnn. Con DeVoro, U. 11. Wilcox, Artunr I., floss. Herhert M. Moore, l'aul ", Jordan, Karl V. Weaver. Ihmo I.. Jjiniie, R. W. Crownnu and I.enn Oscnr llomner. will be a B'Ht of tho Itiultf theater to see the picture by that name, which will open here on March 11. BIG PLANE SCHEDULED JO ARRIVE HERE TODAY 1-OltTl.AND, Ore., Mar. S. tfV - A record wns e.stubllnhed tod;y m thu meeting of the stnte bl:;bv:iyj commission when id bids wero ro- j eelved for a section of road work, i Ituy A. Klein, wecrclary and chief 1 engineer for the commission, said j It wan the laiKcst number of bids i to he read for one Job Mnce the) board was started. The work in question Is the re-( surfacing of 16.4 miles nf the ivj Moss HprtUKS-CrasH Valley nee! Ion , ttf the Hhcrmnn highway in Sber- j man counl. For the firat time In the com mission's history, Idds were recelv- I ed fotvolllni,' slalo highways. Here- j tnfore the depnrtmeiit lias done IH own olllnu-. , i Seven bidders vied fr reradlnB I ami widening the Klamnih Falls- I Iikevtew Junction Hectic n of The; P:ilbs-Cnllfnrnla highway. ' Vp to three o'clock today, nn word had been received from the ulnnt tri-motored iO-paMsetiKer Jbtch plane, scheduled to arrive hero' today, , Two weeks awn the I'nion Oil company received wont and filled its tanks in anticipation of the coming of tlto plane. No word however has Jven received hlnce that date. v Airport officials knew nothing of the plane, 1 except, that It was. reported dun here some time this month. The plane Is under construction ' fit Kos Augcleft for the West tojist company. ., . , , LADIES TO COMPETE IN SPRING GOLF PLAY tad Ion nlio desire to compote In the (ipi-ning aprlug tournament at tho IdVue S'alley course 'should , iiuim in ennis at too rum sntip, ac cording In Jack lletistnu, proles Hlonal, so. that hue Handlenp (In ures may ho established not later than Wednesday noon. Tho Indies' tournament opens Thursday. The careless automobile . driver Is not only n mennee to himself but jo nil others en the road. FRANK'S Comedians IN, The Armory Thursday Night Only Presenting A Family from Upstairs PRICES .Children .. 10c Adults .., 80c m JlA Saturday Sale of New Spring Coats Group 1 at $10.95 each 25 'All-Wool Tweed coats, tailored styles with and without! belts, hew novelty collars, colors: tans and greys, all sizes. Special tSIO Satiirdav, each Group 2 at $15.00 each no Wtmdci fu) new Spring Coats made of All-Wool Tweeds and Kashas, .full lined, good colors and pat terns, all sizes. The best values 11 CC ever offered at piO.UU Conde Coats in spov.t iind dress models, fur trimmed and strictly tailored. including the new ensemble coat in black and navy. We are sure you can. find a coat to please in this selection. - $35.00 to $79.50 each ! New Spring Suits Spring calls for a new tailored' suit made of tweeds, twills and liair line stripes; all colors and sizes, priced from $18.00 to $29.75 each New Spring Dresses on Sale Tomorrow Group 1 at $5.95 each 25 New Dresses made of all-wool flannel, sleeveless styles, also a few silks in women's and. (C QK misses' sizes, priced for Saturday at, eaeh S Group 2 at $9;95 each In this group you will find not only value but variety and' style; a complete range of colors and fabrics in cluding the new prints. On sale CQ QEi each Mallison Prints Just in-'-these beautiful print ed silks made up in this seas on's most artistic styles, novel and beautiful patterns. New Styles at $18.00 100 Wonderful Dresses in this lot including many new number's from "Korrect" in novelty prints, Swiss prints and novelty $18:00 fabrics at, each ""lift JjJ':- J thildren's Coats In all ihe new light shades and patterns for Spring, fur trim med, ,belted and cape models in sizes 2 to 16 years, splendid values. See them tomorrow. $5.95 to $16.95 Dollar Sale of Children's Dresses Children's guarantee.d fast-colored Wash'Dress es,,2 tn i years, with .panties to'niili, sizes 7 to 14 years with circular and plaifpd skirts. 1.50 values. d 1- AA Saturday only, each 1 V:U' 1 Costume Jewelry S1.50 Values S1.00 f ji i New Bracelets, Pins and Necklaces in Lido- Blue, Rus sian Antique, Jade (Ireen and lergundy lied, al new stvles, real d?1 f( 1 1-0 values, on sale Saturday : 1 "UU Whiting and Davis Enameled Mesh Bags in all the new pastel shades, the latest stvles. $3.45 to S17.50 Toilet Goods Specials Save Money Tomorrow Ipana Tooth Paste, special . 39c Pebecco Tooth Paste, special 39c Pepsodent Tooth Paste, special .... 39c Spiro Powder, very special 19c Face Rouge, all kinds, special 39c Lip Sticks, all kinds, special ....... 19c Palni-olive Shaving Creams, special 29c ; Handkerchief Special liriglit new Vi'cpe do Chine and Oon'getlo Handkerchiefs, all colors; 'regular price 5Q 5f)c; on sale Saturday, each New Spring Scarfs For sport and dress wear infill stylos and color. priced from . S1.49 to S3.95 each New Bags for Spring The popular Zipper lag in leather and snakeskin combin ations, printed silk afternoon bags and small new tweeds and homespun sport bags S4.45 to S9.95 each Introductory Special Hat Special New Straws $4-95 Felts with . Straw j i So that..cven .most -.wardrobes mav. greet spring with new hats. Mann's Millinery Salon presents noveltf straws and straws combined; with felt . . . . two for ihe price of one . .-. Saturdav. , Saturday Sweater Sale i. New Spring Hosiery and Underwear at SPECIAL PRICES "Dexdale" Water Repello Hose made of pure silk, full fashioned in medium, service weight with pointed heel, regular price . (tl 1.7."),: on sale Saturday at, pair,.., . . Sunbeam Rayon Bloomers Values $1.49 These Dloomers are made of a verv fine grade of Uayon, heavy quality, comes in all shades $1.49 and sizes. A real 1.80 value Saturday, pair See Display in Window S2.25 Underwdar S1.00 Print Pajamas, Voile Gowns and Chemise, in all colors. The voile gowns are trimmodin Wand embroidered designs, values up to ' t1 ff $2.25. On sale Saturday, each .P vvr S1.65 Theme Silk Hose S1.39 Blue Crane Silk Hose Made of pure silk in medium, service weight in all the new Spring shades,, .. t 1 00 On sale Saturday, .pair :..:.:...;..:..' ,vrvr Women's Kayon and Zeph yr Combination Sweaters in the new futuristic, patterns in crew and V-necks all col- $3.50 New Skirts for Spring New Sunburst Skirts $4.45 each New Bodice Top Silk Skirts Made of Ijeavy Crepe Silk, can -be, worn; as a sleeveless dress or with sweater, comes in all .pastel shades, also black, navy, $10,50 tan and white. Very-special, eai'h, v the New tuckin Skirt Made of Crepclla or Flannel, plaited all the way around or just in front. $10.75 Special Saturday, each New Spring Fabrics Printed Linens 3(3 inches wide in beautiful floral and modern istic patterns on white backgrounds, jfc 1 QQ fast colors, very new, special, yd P Printed Suiting i, A A A A JkA 36 Inches Wide, Fast Colors Printed on Gaberdine and Pique is especially suited for Spring ensembles; 50c. values; special Saturday only, 49 C vard : ... 54-Inch WoolJersey A suitable material for the new Spring Dresses, light, weight, colors: rod, nile, oopin, rust, tan and coral. Regular price 2.2; t1 QCt Saturday only, yard Domestic Specials Rayon Bedspreads BlxlOa-inoh fancy Kayon Bedspreads, comes in green, blue, gold and lavender. .. dJO Att .l.") values.' Special, each M0.0 Turkish Bath Towels l8.ot)-inch plain and fancy Turkish Towels, up to ;iUc values. On sale Saturdav, cadi 25c Pa jama Cloth :1G inches widen blue, lavender, peach, OCr and pink. Special, yard Cretonne Feature Special showing of choice new crash and smooth weaves in unusually up-to-date patterns, 36 inches OQ wide yard , OIC MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED! POSTAGE PREPAID AGENTS FOR BUTTERICK PATTERNS Stitched Comfort Batts Hig o-pound Comfort Hatts made for regular size comfort, a new supply Qkf just in. Special, each r "THE STORE FOP EVEPVBOOV" Tj J"J U-CfM A.