MED F0K1V MAIL TKfBTJXE, MEDFORD, OltKiiOX.- l-'K'TOAY. miiCU S. Ui--). PACE SEVT2H f u .11 1 Si 8 1 i I : i ; Js LOW GAS PRICE FLAMES RAZE $2,000,000 LOS ANGELES AUTO SHOW i PERIOD 3 YEARS M y v: ".. . .) , l-OS.AXOEI.Ka. March S tP)- Indications that low g n S o 1 1 n c i priced may prevail In southern California for tho next three yours j was scon by filling- station men In thn offering today by two major I oil companies of contracts to fur- ! nisi! nil for tills period at S'.i to-; 131-3, onts per gallon. . j l.i W, Snclvmn.ii- of thn Inilepeu j lent Supoi' MorWcii 'Station ussoc.l- ' ntlon p.olnui'1 out , that tho top ' price iuoioiI Is-ono ocm below tho I top figure at the time tho "war" . bepran, nnd minimum offered is j ono cent under tho present whole- , f-ilo rato. Retail prices in tho mctropoll- i tan djstrict nvoraited lO'i cents,! with a maximum of 12'.i cents per j gallon. j Screen life i f- x. - . -i -A 1 Mr- 4 ri 6KF- A WASHINGTON BYSTANDER was Indicted on five counts, son-: men nnd women convicted under! Ilk a rod rng to a bull," ho told UmcM to I'll yearn tn the poni- the wartime pionnK act. friends. .. . - . t-yN:uy, on $1 ITi.nrtrt hail ' aiMfl finally spared when the su , pre me court reversed the dentition. jC'HlV. filVH .MK FOIt Or'FIClAIi IMPKItS AImmiI in Itetlie. Now he is iihout tn retire from eencr'jiH and ruirn 10 Milwaukee. ' There ho wll ennthitie hin rrusnd for pnriallKm a editor of one of ( thft lnrjtoal ooin!ist newspaper in i existence. . After Seven Yeaw, Jle in still fichtint;. )iioo he .'ireepterl an Invlintion m Mtmnk hi .Ioi-kov Cllv. It wna in 1020. nnrt the nri ho nlnvn.i in government has orderoJ made a SMANOHAI (4) Tho national the war day was wtill fresli In tho seal of the nation, tho seal to bit. ; minds of many people; I'olieo met ' made from tho finest Jade and th.i him when he arrived and promptly ' nation's mot expert eorverrf will ; , escorted hirn to the ferry to return do tho work. ! , .'" to Xew York. He doiiilrteil. hut Tim sonl will ho ncinl nnlv nn1 To meet nnd talk with I terser Is-reminded the pnlteff that he would state dopumontsfuiiih n treutleH to find It difficult Id believe 'that I yt make a speech there; Lin nnd other Intomiuionnl documontN".. iliis genial and kindly nppenrirttc i yearevon yeiiiH laier ho wntA weal from ,h11vai. Is to b madn; ; man has had such n stormy career. , h,u-k and spolte without helnK mu- .nnd used by thn state council' : ue is un years oin, mil remainfi jested. untouched, undismayed, confident, fr..-V A - ,,: I "'"t Willi 11 KI'llNI! Ill lllim") tuuv lliil.isn batm-edandn.sty leather ! U lmnlO m'naI- liy Heritor! C, Plmitmer. U ASIUXOTOX lit XWior Her- "It look mo iovon years." , ehuekled, "hut t made It," wallet that fairly pulse with en velopes. Knelt hears u canceled stamp and an inscription in red Me chuckle us "no talks of what heQiiaa experienced. rilles and towns have denied him entry, ran (while the vorioim Rovernmont tie-, ho pnrlment seals are to bo made, , from hraflst. Herder Is ilie man eonverted ; IMunw Not poisonous v tho lain EtiRone V. t)ehR In social-i WAHIIIXOTON P) Federal ln Sin. It was back In 1 SO I. liercer itlt ilin , aotrti-ininod lhat , stunp ntid an Inscription In WVCX' M 'im ' '-I four plants inoro or iess common ",K: - , "ls r"", mm mm m s. at n. , 1M.0S ,11)i01. ot Anicrlca In on r1n.w nd susnecte.i ! "Vi OVXOK A" iW J.0r.,'k cetn.",P amlBoi, "" a"d hptt:'"'" '"'"" :.-thor non-tox.c or so llt.Io poi-; .: H-'..UI. vl 1. -O .... ..... . f I. T .-nnniift n tn hn of Si eht- ImilOr- Hero a romllioor of tho davs i"""""" " i.r..rumr ". KMit sus 1111 mil i . : r.. """imcr oi uie . niimen when li s hall was ulnroA : nn lv xnv v i wiien 111,ursr ever to I"'.; .,.:... ' i i"'mulo Tnr.nY. Knsland m Hevoreud unni in man: me i-n.-esi. . o Arizona ana t'niiinrnia; nnu lm :onons as to bo of sliRht- Impor- bt. w .,. v,-ic wit mnco. ns it daiiRer. They the tho III 1,1, s Alll. M ISAM . ,, eari!" m. "sunflower", ahun- "snowberry" "bHckbush." Hollywood.. Uy Jtohtiln Conns HOLLYWOOD. One of the lalkinn picture ns a means of complaints sometimes made bv reaching tho multitudes to whom fttaKe stars come' to Hollywood for, the legitimate theater is inae- talkie w o r k Ms that they miss their audiences. and cannot gel tho. 'feel" fm performing t ol an unemotional and. unrespon-l iv o m I c r a jthone. - Sbphte Tuck er, the wise cracking vaudf villn nnd stage, Fongstresfl, here making her a ,is not worried , on that Kcfiro, Sophie however. ' More than 300 "new and mostly-High priced automobiles were ruined by a fire which ewept the four circus tenti housing the Southern California motor exhibit. Late models of airplanes were - destroyed. More man 2500 spectators were removsa 10 tne streets safety. mis ut'i-n un me itmK tio i.'iik ani inai must. ie a . wig, cnuse to he willing to forsake its glamor .she's really a hvuuette. y'know.'" permanently, hut looks on the: . v .Fust. Sil by One- One of iho'shroKt ways to spoil aiv evening- Irf to- tirke a seat next i eloeted to cionirro.-Jr ran afoul of : i the rnlttfwi Kruirto ..i..vnn.,...i ! Fnto cast him in the role or a! I paid the npnaitv. lie onnosed socialist pioneer In oIitics, he nays, A- 1'age, vhar of St. MUhaers. Am ri-;rrf enti'v int.. thn wnri,i win-" uul eveiif It is hard, w hat nnut . huivh Fays that church bells; 1 and bis utterances proved enstlv to ' 'no srt destined do but make the yhould be classed wlih Scottish I VASIIlNTON. .Mar. X, (P) 1 him. .. ; best of It? t tas pipes nnl niwht-prowllng eats. ' .lustlen Oliver Wendell Holmes re- Twice ho was refused adniisr;ion It Is this outlook tl.t prompted The vicar's llttht church stands celved the ennKratnlatlons of. his: to the house of representatives, . him' to Introduce n hill in the pros- nlmost In the shadow of Derby 1 associates of the supremo eourl. . though he was pmiH-rly elected in lent congress to restore the rihtrt'athedral whoso chimes sound f re- l)nd other friends today on his 88th; th fifth district of Wisconsin. He of citizenship to tho some l .f.u queutly. ' Chnivh bolls oro to mo ' hlrthdv. ' 1 " r - 1 ""V 1 V'i ff.hJi the mm , A I.IVClOCK POItTI.AVD. (V. Mai' S.(JTY cosslblo. to a 'pair of such "UnowInK ones.' 'A'hich m.'iv be one nf the nilllier resklcst I'csts ous reasons why the studios ns a guttle and calves: Quotablv steady. I The "movie post" who reads rule-are chgry df ndmltthii; vlsi- Receipts ISO. an billed throuirh. sub-titles aloud is thoroughly be- l'- " "les in tho lloBs: Steady to stnnK. Ueoeipts ma u ins. ON AIR FACTOR !N rated everywhere, -but Hollywood, j its the center of. the picture in d ustry, has a peenl ini t ype ' more virulent than is to he- found, elvor-' where. The various objectionable habits of the ordinary pi-nt are as naught compared to the weakness of the man or woman who chained to "see it made" and delights in tell ing about it during tin project Ion of a picture In a local theater. "See that?" the pc"st turns to ucker his girl knowingly. "Looks great. She nlans to I n-ito her doe:-n't it. that bit? - city helm; friends to the sound stage when 1 wiped out by tho storm well, it's j broadcasting stations with, other she does' her servs for tho , pie- ! nothing of the l;ind.' It's just a wise eal . olaiinh , fin prlWIeg ture, and Is counting on them to minnie-choor. that's alt. I know the same wavcleng.h, . the serve as audience. L saw "em taking It." : station with the loniyest record of "Do I- Ukoihls movie work?, And tho- girl, who once sw the . continuous sLMVice .ias the supcr Say, kid, I may be opening up ; heroine on the streets of Holly : or claim. I my own studio out nere somoiwoou, is not to. w uiiiuonv r . .this -policy .nas ueen .atiwpten uy TO. Slaughter pig! medium to choice feeder and stock' lbs. i medium to elm I 0. To. Shoep and lamb;; stealy. No receipts. (!IO-i:tfi lbs.l Sy.Tri'lO.y.l; pigs (70-1.1!) loioe SO. 75 t. not a lily WASTtf XOTON im When I'rwlufc POnTl.AND. Ore., Mar. S. (iT) ' liolesab1 prieeff: Hutteri egKS, milk, poultry,, on Icns, potato. s. wool nuts hay cas t:ara bark hops: Ait steady and tin ! changed. San Fi'.iuclwo ItiKtcrrat SAN FKAXCI.sVO .Mar. N. Uutierfat l'.o.h. San Francisco iTP) ile. I'oitland Wheat 1 POIITLA.MJ. ore., March S. itV) Wheat: Soft while, $1.1S; tern white. hard win- day, with nil I'm-.learning now '"Well," .she rejoins "sho may be ; tho f.-deral radio eonuptssion a;tv.r. l.Hi: northern Spring, $1 about nleture-maklhir." she savs. good' to look at one the scroop She Isn't serious, of course, but really she's frightfully plain, fthnnt thaf stud'n propnHlon. She sho doesn't loo; n bir like that. HANDICRAFT SHOP :fh6he:702 42 Ssouth, Central , New Ready-MaderHand Tinted 'Shfffd Voile Boudoir Pillows in Attractive Pastel Colorings. Tile clover nwdornistic deKiVns tire lutnd lintotl in iiritrlit shfltlcs (Hi frood qualhy soft pnslel eolorod voiles. Kacli pillow is ready iiiado nnd requires only a loueh of simple embroidery to finish. . Price 59 Novel "Nu-Artint" Quilted Jiimdoir Pillows in maie coral or pink voiles,, lop, hack and pudding' 59 Smart Quilted Uaqn in-ninny shades of rayon, faille taf feta, inelndintf evcrvtliinp; to complete, except Jin-in- v $1.10 t'nder Arm Bnps of yarn nnd linen and yarn easily and qniekly made. .V. .V75 89 tany new needle art novelties just . received which will be of interest to you. Hemstitching, Pleating, Button-Making ' and Hose Mending one of lis- guiding principles lii making decisions In ' station con troversies. The doctrln c if piT orliy, . the eiimmissiun says. ii flLOitgly e.':tnhllfhedlii public util ity: lirw. Where an electric,. rail Way, telephone, gas ur water 'com pany ' has - an established business' and is glvlhg good service, . it it not made, lo-surrender or curtail whatever . privileges it trit'y. t ha e to make way. for y iiewconicr. 'tlu cnmnilsslon ttoiu out. - ; ' Tltc.Jattet' hs. no supi'i iiu. t ight simply, becauso he Is' a newcoiiu-r or simply because U. i desirabiv there is no vested rlnhts," tlv commission says. "Public Interest would not only not be served hut would be thwarted by any conce.f slon to the newcomer at the e:: Vcnse of the established predeces sor, unless either the newcomer's predecessor is not giving wood (arvioe or the newcomer has some additional claim for, considera tion." i lowever, where two contesting broadcasting, stations do' not have otherwise erpial claims,, the prin ciple of priority loses its signifi cance In proportion to the dispar ity , between the claims. Con seo,ucntly. the principle . does not mean that the situation in the broadcast band Is western red. $1.1(1. .OatsNp. ::s-lb. while. $3it:f.f. Today's car receipts; Wheat, :tii: flour, . corn, H; oats, 1-; bay, ' 7. ' " ' :. . 4 Wall Street Report N'HW VORK, Mar. K.- (A) Spfc j' illation for the advance was ra ; sinned on a broad -scale In today'; ihinrkct ; (ifter an early i period of, ; weakness.' Karly hisses-of 1 to K (j ' points were quickly wiped out, arM ' t'he general market turned upward ' Uliilev the leinlt'i'sbln nf limtio (old 'stock ; Wbielr rallied1 from n low! of 3Iisi, off siy points, to a new high record nt i:tr. Radio Onew) aim changed bauds in enormous volume at rising prices. ' Wide price swings eonliniied in Ihe radio group In tho final hour, ! Itadio (old) reaching 44 0, while ; lb- new stock crossed ss. Western : Tnlon lost nearly jail of Hh six point advance. Reduction in the call money rate to nine per cent Influenced more general buying, I with food Issues, particularly los- : turn nnd National Itisctiit movin SWIFT'S BEEF -' ' ' ' ;.' ' We cut nothing btit Swift's Government 'inspected steer beef e FOR SATURDAY SPRING LAMB BEEP TENDERLOIN PORK TENDERLOIN SWIFT'S BEEF TURKEYS CHICKENS FRYERS LITTLE PIG SAUSAGE VEAL , BR00KFIELD BUTTER COTTAGE CHEESE FISH DEPARTMENT FRESH SMELT HALIBUT ( SALMON OLYMPIA OYSTERS EASTERN OYSTERS FRESH CRABS Liberty Meat Market "The Home- of Good Meats" . Swift's Government Inspected .Beef , , Swift's Best . Holly and Main PliQjie 164 up fnsl. Tho clnHinif v!h NininK. ! frozon" and .Sn 1,1,1 ni'l'i-nxlnmn'il 3,nno.ooij. that pxIstliiR RtntlonK enjoying ! rxsCISTK r. X.VH Jti-VVII.V- . remntly ratahlMifxI. ..- . I l'ln.MrilXO. ltnlv m Polillrnl j Ono lnstnnco whoro prlnrlty hn fnio.nstlm; Ih hnrdlv In fnvor In 1 been comnollcil to give way In ; rns-ciKt Italy, during thi ju-o.oIfu- ' uiipi-c the Junior auplicant comes ;torlnl hpiimoii. , fi-nm n zone or Ktntc which Is not!, a lo.-nl workiv m.i,n,r iimi ; . gettiiin: the fair and o.iullablc ventured to indulge In prounoHtl slmrc of hroMdcnstlnit Keivlee to!lllo irovinee nf l.ivorno for th which It in entitled under the law. jculons su, to thn candidate from j Tho case of UO. Sfhene.-tndy. l ; forlhcomlnK plebiscite on .March an .example tho commission says, j;, waH (llll.kv e.,ucslered" hv I It- e in part on the , ,, Prrccl. : fact that it Is the tenth oldest sta- . 1 ! linn in he rnited States. On thet Paris I nlerslty Cains ' oijicr hand, it was located in a I I'AIMH lA'i--iT. fan students were I zone which had an exciw of IIk .enrolled 4i the I nlversltv of I'ar nunla of stations and In a state ' is for lS as aeainst 1 7.000 In , wnicn nail an excess of Its eiiuit- 1 1 fl 1 I. able share of t:ie broadcasting fa- " duties In that zone. A net Kaln of m oon. IK V.VI.EIM ADVOCATKM lll(illl:it IRISH TARIFF I see r.l.MKRICK. Irelaml JT1 Khm- on de Valeria. Irish rcpulilican f-ip leader, denounced fi-ee trmli. in nl OW reci nl speech as n menace to tho Irlsn Free Hlate. Ile declared that the Interests oi Ireland demanaded iioiic.v mi pniiceiivi' lai n is. i "We must be prcpurcf to mako sonifQsacr..,.'S." he said. "We, mlihi have wi less fashion-1 ahle thnuitli not less serviceable; Ahoes. hals and hnslcr-." ' If you A INTO ft t.fT.W, tF.i IOS MOSCOW W The central ex-1 ccuttve roniniitlee has nnnotiwl ' thatr I'.u.ssla will be divided Into' the ffollowlntf ; five administrative j areas October 'l, 1329: ' Tllo Northern region eenterlnr ! In Archantfcl; tho Western region f with Bmolensk ns'lts enplfiil: Ihel Nijny ...'ii'Korod area'- with Xljnyj ovo.rodj as lis center: the ceii-i li-al indiiiArlnl ri-tfion-wlthMoseaw j for,, lis. capital, and tho Ivanovo-! Viinpssiinsc reslon wits, seat of: government-j In that city. j.itk; ation sirrn.F.n (Continued from J'oge One.) eludeB 1 l.7f.O acres of the most fertile nmunrt in tho vnlley nnd lis further development, ns en- 'conr.iKed by the settlemenl, will reflect liuctil on the enllio . iccilon. , ;- it's 1 HILLS, BOS ! Coffee You won't find the Arab, Hills j Bros.' traile-mark, on anv nthcr i coffee. And you woa't find any i other coffee that tastes like Hills Bros, because Hills Hros. Coffee is roasted a few pounds at a i time by a patented, contitnn ; . process. No hulk-roasting meth- ! od can produce such flavor. HILLS BROS I COFFEE, Fmfftm ike frit- , intl ttuMitm pack, htity ppm-d uitk J the Hey, 01929 i An Extra-Ordinary Offering' of Lovely Spring Merchandise -AT THE Department sfo Spring Bargains " ' for C. A. MEEKER, Manager ; Women's Spring COATS MEN! Men's Sox Specials Men's p 1 a i n vnynn KncliH, liurov iin-y 25J fc'.n's l'ancy Wni'slullii sni'Us 25J Men's fiini-v lisln socks 20cl Spring Munsing wear for Men Light1 wniifht' unions Medium 'oi'.'lit iininns . $1.98 Alhlotie unioiiH $1.00 Medfortf. ntionls f o p Jf mi's nnd Women's Mimsinifwi'iir. Women's Spring Prints Silk Dresses , S95, , S9.85 , S16.75 tc S24.75 Xevei' siioh A'aiiies Hhmvii' in extra heavy d'erips niul oi(ttaiiiliii! slyles.( ' ' , . Seo them tomorrow VK (BIO CIK.' $22.75' to. $29.75. The newest in stylos and (liialities. Hie; valine, . - Silk at Special Prices Printed heavy cantons '" $2.95 "V - Vi'lnteil silk crepes $1.95 PrintiHl radiums, all silk 98 ' Following Fashions Footsteps Women's Colored Sport , Slippers $6.45 Kcd, gi'ccn, tan or hliick noyolfy , trim in contrnKfinK colors. Sizes L' 1-2 to 7 1-i Widths A A to IX lny Ixs Dross lleiter Woinun 's Fancy ' t rim patent slippers $3-95 Cut out tnn trim, low heels. Kosc blush ftypsio tics $5.85 liosc blush four'" eyelet ties .................... $5.85 Women 'h l.'atcnt irartha Tics - .....:...$4'.85 ' Covered block heels Sunny Day Prints 35c Wash and never fndo. , 20(10 yards re ceived ; yesterday. Kvery pattern new nnd HO inches wide, New Ineo collar nnd , cuff sots. All prices 65t to $2.25 ench. Tho pop ular trim for sprinpt wear. , BARGAINS IN OUR BASEMENT STORE Shoe Specials Real Money Savers Children's Play Suits, 75c lllne with red trim. Sizes 2 to (! years ' 75 Men's Fancy Socks, 20c Men's superior quality fancy cotton hose in tan, blue, grey and bhielc mix tures 20 Bandettes 29c Made of soft satin material in flesh color. Sizes :!ll, ,"12, fl4 mid Ml!. Only 29t? Brassiers on Sale 49c Brnssiers in wide widths, bnck or side front fastcninjr. Silk stripe initl iials, pink only 49d Plain Linen Finished Suitings 39c 2l-ine)i Linen finish suit ink's. Plait) colors. Jjceii," liiii,' "iiri'liiit," blue," rose nnd oramre, Sniliiblc for dresses or en sembles, (luiirimteeil fast color 39 Hosiery Special - Saturday Special 300 pair women's 80c Silk Hose 59 Women's silk super quality hose ' in pearl blush, ehnm pingne, nliuosjiliere, mule and rose nude shndes. Made of finest materials obtiiinable and we L'lianmtoc sat isl'ut-t ion in every pair.. 80e regular, spec ial .Saturday only 59? Big Shoe Values Saturday Hoys' Oxfords and shoes $2.98 Ito.vs' Dlvss Oxfords in tan or black ; leather, pnraeord soles $2-98 Roys' heavy shoes, tun only. Taraeord soles, cap toe or inocctisin $2-98 Women's Spring Shoes $2.98 to $3.95 Women's Dress -Shoes, one straps pat ents or kid. Tim or (Jimnietiil Oxfords' ' $2.98 to $3-95 Children's Shoes for Less $1.49 to $2.98 , ; Children's School Shoes', strap pumps and O.x fords ..L..,...$l .49 .to. $2-98 : Save on Men's Shoes Men's Work Shoes, all sizes i . v $2.98 and, $3.89 McCal! Printed Patterns for Home Sewing ! ; ; , AbI? for S. & H. Green Discount Stamps i 5 i ill . O :