Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 08, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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'IS' i
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! I
j iimii n J-iiwwi, . i u..., in i, il ii l ..ium i iaoi 1 i..ig
Everything for Le?s
, The Cheapest Store in the j West
Furnished House forltent ' y
Consistency of Cellar Posi
tion Irks Fans Earl y
Prospects Encouraging
Pitching Talent .Is Un
known. Quantity.
Wiicsi r Minutes Count -i
Cooks in toast-afid-cogfee time
! Asaoelated Press Sports Writer
;-nNTEK HAVEN; Kla., March 8.
) (P) Supporters of the Philadel-
phla Nationals hope and believe
Hint they have lost tho Jewel of
consistency since the last season
ended. The I'lillllea have' consist
ently finished lBt In-the National
lenguo rare of latu npd any change
must he lor (he better.
Karly signs at the trnlnluK cami)
indicate that Unit. Shotton, now a
sophomore manager, nt .least lias a
I chance to push Ills teiini out of Uie
! -A largo noeslion mark remains
.after tho pitclici'H' names but the
reH of thij lineup has burn so fin
(proved that even if the pitching is
n. i better than It was in IMS it
will showu niore'resiilts. .
..MuuuKer liollou is able to offer
u .lioo.l . Infield, lair outfield utid
two, excellent catchers, lie finds
Ms.' stock on (lie shelves for omnr
gouty call low but may bo uhlg to
cl.i' something In the way oP re
placements later.
The. most encouraging develop
ment for 1'lilllie fans Is in tho in
field. Tommy Tliovenow seems cer
tain to play grenl ball at shortstop.
The star of the 1!'2t world series,
when he woro a St.-lmla Cardinal
uuifm'm, has recovered 'from a
broken luc, sutlercd in 1027. and
runs without the sligbest sugges
tion of u limp. 1
ft'rosco Thompson at second base
is an established star d A'lhnr
Whitney third, tind iJon HurstTirst,
are well on tlte road that leads to
baseball glory even with a tail-end
team. - The HtliS soasun marked the
first year in Test company for
Whitney and Mural and their man
agor believes that tho cxjierience
ginned under fire will show divi
dends tiila. year. Whitney. hit .anil
in his first chance and Thompson
fliid'llurst wore. not far away,
1 , . 7mckey - f
1 J walker : f i
." Mickey -Walker, middleweight iitleholder, will attempt-to upset
: -Tommy Loughran-s light heavyweight crown when 'they meet in
CIicgo. March id. . ,
lirnd and Uukchu .havu wiml
Court Hull uhMiil; 'the Meilford
baotjttll tetun to Join .with tUuin in
roi-mliiK u league consisting of
cities vt Kutrenc. Bund, Klamitth
t I 'n Us ami Meitfonl. Sut-h n aKiio,
it 1h bcliovcd, would iiiHitro the
funn 'wood Hmi-profeKHi(inal ' IjuII,
and uIho incrensn tho utti-nUance.
IxniiKi'H would hf Brcator on nt
Fruits and Vegetables
ty, r i
Oui' trui'k man wire. ij:oiii Sni.Tiuiiontd that lie
has Jin extra iiit-e. load 'of vegetables that are
just coming in season such As'
2 lbs. I'Vesli Tender Siiiu'h. 17tf
Kadishes, : large Imnehes......; ......10"
J Jjjuge Arlii-liukt'K 15f."
If. S. No. 1 Potattjes. hriiiided hags, sack, $1.30
Poultry Special Hundreds to Choose From
Dressed Hens, per II) 30
Dressed Rabbits, wv lb..........; :. 30
We c-u rry a complete line of fish, ovstors, crabs.
Free Delivery Any Place in City
Phone 97
Johnson's Market
6th and Grape
- TUf hint Kame of the basketball
season will bo nlavbd tonltrht at
tliq Armory between tho Aledford N
hifih school and the Alumni ieamn.
It nlso tiinrka the farewell, as liitfh
Hehool athleH, of Al Melvln,-for-wnrd,
-Hill Morpart. Ruard, ' Ttc
-McJJonald, center, Cliff Carnott.
KUiud, and Jilll ftqwermun for
ward. "
The MedfolU t:im will le.ive
count of the loim jump, of two f Tnesdny for Halem. where they
hundred miles l.-twen holln Ku- i "lll play In Mute tourney, HtartliiK
irene nud Iend. or ubout six hours : next Wednesday.
The 'two teamr met nt tho start
of Hie season ( tiie Aldmnl winning I
and the Kanie toniKht will be to j
even the score. It will be the best i
and liunlest fought content of the (
year, and u big crowd Is expected. I
The Une-up:
.Med ford.
:l'.. Jiowerman ii
.C; ..;...' Mo Donald f
ci aiornn
G.....:.-,... CJurnbt
' Allep
i-Newlin .,.
It is inore eeonoinical to liny, got id meats nt fi
fair price than to pay a lesser price for poor
meats. .
Give Us a Trial
We Give S. & H. Stamps
West Side Meat Market
Across From Copco
"Where Quality Costs You "-No More"
We Deliver Phone 649
j Tim grcnt HoKan - Schadu Kolf
i controversy Is still rnjrint; fiercely,
fand the Hehade side of tho con
i flint prosenis the following reply
' to the latest llocaii broadside?
" To tho Kditor:
-'Win yon kindly -print the follow
i Intr answers to the, tocent slander-
ot article ntralnstui'ur buy wondor
land amateur olfer, I.arry Schade.
The trt. real iiuesllun brouitht
i up in their article, after these low
! polltieian bud finished with their
I slander. vns their surprise by Own
joy Pultun allowing the challenu'e
'In tho Mall Tribune. To quote Mr.
I'uiton. he seems to doubt Mr. Ilo-
truii bchiK Irish, ami thinks bo In an
Icelander, us be nnver faw an -Irish -
limn wllb feel as cold as Mr. I to
YFV have authentic InforinnKon
that Immediately after tho thai
leutfo was puhllsh, the said llogan
called on Dock Thayer, and that
he -immediately advised a trip to
California. Ills condition was so
had that Coroner Conner wus nt i
once attactuMl to his board or J 1 1 - j
KcKaidltu; Ihe .Milcnce of Mr.
Schade's-mummer, (lenrfe A. Hunt,
while UngdU ndilressf?s the ball,
we cannot agree to this, as we have
heard IIokuii address every civic
club in town, on every -subject un
der the sun. and have-not seen the
time when there was silence In his
Tho Kate receipts wc "111 gladly
give, wlnner-tnko-nll. or -If this
Hloiw Ihem, will give them the en
tire gate for an opportunity to meet
opponent of good wolf.
Furthermore, we will Imve our
champion meet any amateur on bis
stuff of ndvisoi-H In cr,B, hi. ullbls
! himself out of Mils .H. I'ntrick'H
! d:t date, which wo now accept.
' ami front the way some of Juek
llucHttju's .pupils pluy, would be
almost tempted to taVj him 'mm.
Vlihrsfor fair Jdily. ,
(IcorgV.A. Hunt, 'MunuKcr.
Hyunrd fctcliotfel. Instructor? t
each way by auto. Ah to distance;
Mcdford Is geographically better
situated than any of ihe other1
towns. . !
Mcdford was never belter fortl- ;
fied than this year to put u first
cli is ball team in Cie field, ac-
eordlngv to Mr. Hull. Willi Cliff -Mmni
Host to do-the nttchbiK nm identv ivnips
Of good inuterial for ah outfield j Herrto
.icoioru wouai oniy neeu n goon
shorlston and second baKoman to
"liuve a ball team second to Uioiu.
Of emirso such a team couM not
exist without Miinc aid, something
on tho sa me order as given lust
season. Mcdford gtt coitstderable
advertising front the team last sen-
sou in even the large San J run
Cisco pnpers.
Tiio Mcdford team 'was a bull
club that all other teams Wanted
to,; beuti evp nthe House o(. mvld.
Court Hull saya on account of
butluess ho Will not be libte -to
manage Die ball team, this season, 1
hut Is willing to help all he can for
Ifor Uoyd, n S1500 incrcuRO. This
I'ASO KOLI.KS. Cnl., Murcli Si
W) Hnrney UreyfuHH. owntiV ; of j
lliR' IMttxburKli club, toility staUil I
tlmt he hurt nlfercd lJaul Watitjr u !
?UHK) iuureHse over lost year, or i
orminlKOil niul Htni'tod.
la nrUiT to i'iitt'1' iho loaguc
Konu'liilng will havo to b'0ono in J
tile next woek or ton tlayyr. ir.
Hall miKKCstH that IMiff UvhI lie
, J..i. ,.T .1 ,.. .... I . i iTi T-i of iVacilcfl until Monday.
alKo u 1-iUKinnHK' niuiniCL; bo si'Uct
'd to handle tho coiTe.spondonoo,
niunoy and 4li.-tailM. i-''' '
fiCtiro la -?90t) tinder tho 'Wallers' .
tleinand. '' " I
Trnynnr sufferoil a recurrence
'.of his hip injury and may bo out
MANS B Tfry ' Beit
Good, for the -Ko'mtUr Wha W Prtc-MAHMI
" f""1' I - 1 ' ' '
Ituppenheimer Suits
For Spring Are Now Here
To nuMe yoiii' every .dollar count more,
. Kuppcnheimer has crowded these suits
witli their famous extra value. It tarts'.at
-t!ic loomsi in the cxelusiveness of the con
fined designs and follows through to your,
lasting s.fitUsfactign the sh4)e,-"'ainiiig
itrapeihe body-conforniing ifit. : Tangible
values. W V
$45.00 to $65;00
See Them in Our Windows .
Other Extra Value Suits
';.-.'' -At ,;:;:,,,:;r';.: fv-
$25.00 to $45.00 C
Men's Broadcloth
- Dress Shirts
(luavanteedj ?ta.B-t -col o r -pre-shrunlc
neckbands; beautiful as
sortment ol colors and patterns.
Men's ;Fan'cy Dress Sox
A fine quality of Lisle and Cot
ton; . assorted colors and .pat
terns. , 29c
4, pairs for $1.00
Men's Work '
Khakis, Moleskins,
Whipcords., , ;,
$1.95 to $3.95
. Men's Fine
" Grade .
-' Shirts
Coat style, and full
cut. jjecial: at
89c -
Spraying Gloves
Made of a
heavy rub- ,
berized can-
vas with cuff
75c v--
New Spring Ties
"Beautiful new patterns and
colors in the season's new
est ' modes, niad'e of the finest-quality
of silks. ....
$1.00 to $1.50
. See -Them in Our Window
Men's All-Leather : Work ,
Gloves $1.00
. Boys' Dress
Shirts .
and Blouses'
89c to $1.75
Boys' Golf Hose
(,'otton or "Wool in
50c to $1.00
' Boys'
Bib Overalls
Ages 3 . to 12 y.eam'
; " 98c
Mann's Dept. Store
The Store for Everybody"
Overalls; .
for Men
r.; T7r r-": Jl-zl. - ir.: : :
t . '! '
OTTO ANflFRSflN Will lmiuK.
AU the hgnie-town slvl known to make good wives. Ami 'do ho
James J. Swjiri of Wyckham.j lias written Mayor 'Rolnh askinK
South" AValca, are too occu- for help in getting n bride. Appli-'
with (lanolnp and othnr fun ! cants muni not be rich or heautlfnT.
MOSCtiW, Malm, At ii !) 1. W)
'Otto Andi-rsiiii, one of tin; l'.'ioifie
. I miuat'x inosl untNta idliiK atllli'U'a
. . anil twice a nicn.bcr uf track
HAN ANTONIO. TcXilx. March . I 1''n 'hlcli competed In Olympic
(l'l Andy Kcese, ..llniiuy Welsh kvni.w, lia.i bv'vn , named track
and Jack CitmmlnKH have liijurles 1 MI'll'al jtinx Uiilyi cslty of, Idaho,
to nhow for a i-tx-amt-a-hali-lnnlim cffvctlve S.itcmi)ei'. 1. Dr. I'. .1.
Wacllce Kllllli.- Ibe New . York Kelly, president of tho university
lliatitH played hero CKlurdT. ' ' I las hho(ihkoI
Uceae and Welsh imsscil out ot
the gnine via the charleyliorse
riuite. Ciiinnilims' right thuinli was
Injured, by n foul tip. Nor was!
that all. Joe ..!on,ewich essayed to
play-left Held ..and iiearb spinitiel
a leg w l eu lie eiiased a iong Irlve. '
caught it and limn foil. , .. ,'
ST. PKTHHSIUSItC., Kla.. March
f. (.iiiiiKe Heiigaiacn has had
ills moment of glory nt the N'v
York Yankees' 'training camp and
even probable exile to the Yankee
fnriu at I'haiiibersburir wun't be
able t.i take It from' him. - '
Itenganien nimle Ills way here by
freight train and an occnsloniil lift
in nn unto, was sent In to bat for
one of tho pitchers In a )irallce
game , lore yeMtcxday. lit was
passed. 'went to third on a single
by' Coombs and scored on another
hv KoQiilg. f
'- i ;
t 1 ' , ' - ' '
Hurl. ml.
WKST I'AUM ItKACII. Klorida. 1
March N.- Kildle lirlmcB. w ho
was with Tulsa lust year, will boi
the St. Louis Hinwns regulnr thir l
sucker this .year If pro-sonson pre
dictions -of Malinger Ihii Uowley
hear trull. (Irlmes is being coach
ed carefully tor the pennant chase.
Another rookie getting spechil nt
tctlon finm llowley Is Dick t"er
rell, highly touted backstop, to
whom the Ili-owna paid a JJ5.000
bonus to sign. FVirrell attempted
to get Into Infield practice yester
day end Uowley immediately warn
ed him iway.
CT-AssirreD ATW.nnsTirc. cf.ts rrmTS
.-. , ..
TiUHluer is not only a mental
tnnlr. It Is one of the 1iet ph-slcnl
IM.EAKWATHH. Kin., March .
Ouiirh McWeeny has cupltu
luted to the arguments of Wllbert
Uoblnsnn aud alilxed his -aiiie to
a lti'ooklyn contract.
Ontr.y Vance announced he was
going bnck to Ilomafsassn. fin., to
build a vncatlon camp unless the
Itohlits agreed to 4slve him 25.tlW.
Tho Ilrooklyn bonnl of director
announced their 'top (igure would
be ;':', oio. If Dnny accepted that
he-'d he the hlrrhenl paid nitchor In
I baseball.
YOltK. March &. Pi Hay
(ilympie 400-meter cliani-
pleli. will remain suspentled from
amateur competition until he lden
Hfles tile A. A. I', official be hai
charged knew that certain track
and flel. aliilctcH were receiving
more mtey lhali their expenses
A four-hour hcssIimi of the reg
istration ,cumml?teo ot tiie Metro
politan association, A. A. '!. Inst
nighi. with llarlolll ami ' several
newspapermen as witnesses, failed
to develop any now facts which
might nave permitted the suspen
sion to be titled.
Itarbiili denied many of the
published statements attributed to
lllm but stoutly tnslsed his charges
as to over-pa mellt on expense
accounts were true and that a
"certiiin A, A. C official" knew
of It.
JNirilatiil Wins Hockey '
l'l"HTI..NVl. lire.. March
(1l- Cortlainl's - liockcy leant shut
out Seattle here last night, 2 to
0. and again went Into second
place in the league standings.
'Colli goals were scured- early In
the game, w-hlch was featured by
roughness nnd many penalties.
, ....
V.U'.I.ViKTIIKI M. tlernmny lP'
Traces have beon discovered here
ot huiiHiu 1.lngs who lived IlO.oOe
years ago. Scientists iveonlly' found
Kkolutuns of men with big skulls
and niouihs like spouts. '
- Tho Copco bowling lenin found !
the. range oirtlul Nat ulleya' 111 their i
mulch with the 'I'nnilln Hox Ktc
lory aggregation last night audi
turned back the sawiiilll boys In
Ihreo slralglil g es. Not satis-i
fled wllb -merely wlnnlng-tho argil-1
mcnt. the lighthouse uulntet piled ;
up the highest five-man total fori
a . single game so far this your. In
the Clly Howling league, with nn I
aggregate ot yL'S pins, and also
the highest match iuli,,-vlth 'JfilUj
pins. jr ' ' 'i
"Chicago Flash ' Smith carried
nfr individual scoring honors hy.
annexing :M 4 upset's in Ihe tlilrd
canto ami totnred SS.r for the even
ing's entertaUimont... '.
Tyrt-e anil Walther,. teammates
of tlie Chicago ace, also rolled In
the Slio class.
' Copco 1st 2nd 3rd Total
Schroeder .... 1.1(1 lilil .148 110
Smith 172 J ni -211 6Hf.
Ftoherts 1 IS 177 Mil 49
Tyree . 1T.2 222 173 f47
Walther 1.16 177 2a f.42
7S9 Ull !'23 3f.fa
Tolilllll 1st 2nd 3rd Total
N'nud til i"t ISM 427:
I'.uriiH 1"7 1S6 ii.S til
lleekalhorn. Ill llMi-llir. I!6
Hunk 101 IS3 t 3 5M7
lillnd 13tl lilt! 148 490
HSU .'.Itije 7sti 2324
S FRANCISCO. March s i.Ti
CKKINtt- lT'' Wu l'el-
fu. eonuueror of Chang Tso-lin and I
once the' most powerful figure in :
China. Is a lonely exile, lie upends j
his time studying the Illble and I
lluddhlstn ttt writing poetr)",. - I
A fter Grippe,
Bronchitis, . Cold
or Cough, '
Build Strength With
Jtich in the
of Cod-liver Oil
! 1
Wliat an amazing
-" ' "'
this Paint makes
. -..
You can brush the years from your
home quickly and economically simply
hv having your painter brush on LOWE
PAINT. And once on it stays on for a
long, long time".
O ""''',
ha vc a com plete assortment of beau
tiful, rich colors from which to choose
FREE "Color Harmony in the Home", a
new hook profusely illusl ralod ami con
taining Talnublc inforiiiation antf expert ailvieo
on home decoration. Conic in and get a copr.
Medford Furniture
& Hardware Co.
Sixth and Bartlett. "A Reliable Place to Trade"
A T T-H- TT w