'MEPFOftP:MATLTRIBU 1829. 3" FOUR 5 , ( . . - - - I,,,, I " 80 Autos Bin . HOLLYWOOD, Calif; March 8. Fir of undetermined origin raized the Howard Motor Car com pany agency building and de stroyed 60 autoinohJlti ut en catl limted total loan of 1200,000 liero early today. Police pushed eight illpplay cars to safety' before the heat drovo tliom nwny. 14 twice a 11 WW! Jmt ml n: In If No wflitf1 niil Be nnd njo( the of time tid Special Features Saturday and Monday March 9 and 11 o Loa-ves of BREAD for .......... 49 S"SfPxaOLTWIGOI:lr'$1.80 . uvu u 1 1'Jjo IUnl Quality l lmir. 11 iiiaheu moro louvcx of Real ITou ' 'wwt-lo-fioodnHw Breml t-e Lbs.. SILVER NUT J'V OLEOMARGERINE .............. trim Knotnlol Sprwid for Bread Q Pound Sack SPERRY PANCAKE CCr P FLOUR .. u ...DOC , Your Bmikfanl Will .Not llo Cumplcto Wltliout Uioso Dainty Hot. Ciikiw ? 1 f. Pounds BEST CANE Air SUGAR ' Q Pounds, BLUE ROSE RICE L... I f Bars P & G WHITE NAPTHA Ofi AU SOAP ..i 00 C II Whitens Your t'liMliro. A great help in your laundry room. 2 Dozen V nnavairs v.Mxa.x'.x . 'J hey tiro mvoct liml Julcj 2 Heads '.T.FT'mfU! LETTUCE l'Arm Crlnp A Pounds BANANAS ' -- , IMno' Yellow 9!: Pound Sack SPARRY . AQ ROLLED 0ATS 4 Pound Package SEEDLESS " . . OC. ( .RAISINS l.-l 2 Pounds' BULK ' : OI dates , - r 1 1 Pound BILLS OR FOLGERS CO COFFEK Oi 2 'Cans' . OCp ' TOMATOES . ..: ..... afiiOU 2 Cans ' ; O C GOOD CORN ;Jl 2 'Cans . OC. , PEAS ' 1'iigrtMlwl jnM n w they pomo owl of tho wda ' 1 Q Pkgs. ARM & HAMMER . Ot. . SODA : : r 9 Pounds PIGGLY .WIGGLY d?1 nfl COFFEE 1 ; Do not forget to take advantage of our delivery service Piggly Wiggly Market l Choice Chickens and Rabbits t Choice Steaks, per pound .".Beef Pot Roast, per pound ...0 Bacon Squares, per pound UC ' Fresh Side Pork, per pound ...... 20c Phone 1236 We Deliver Piggly Wiggly All Over the World ' . Yes, we deliver orders of $2.50 and over Free in the city limits " Buy Bui Line t OP) Purchase- for a consideration I of fM&.UOO or additional connect ing lines giving the Columbia WUIK ..I WW I VW "J - . .... . uit f i HHcrrupiL-u entry hum nun. City, was' announced her isi nifc'lit by W. t. Crawford, presi dent -ami general munngor of tbo troi'Kc linen. . and help your- wutine to be auicklv served double saving money. 21c 98c 61c 19c 27c Just right for tlio kiddles 1 On JLOV Lurgo Hondo 25c nio Fruit ....... 32c mm mm PARK EAGLE POINT FOR T EAGLE POINT, Ore, Mar. 8. ; (Rpenlul.) Fred Wolfe uf Med rord ' lwirt been' baling huy tn tho Bchuy Icr ranch. He moved hiu machtn i'ory back tuMcdfprd "Wednesday ' cvonlng. - . ' i Tho Ctvlo Improvement club has been having -soino-Yiork done in the clty vark; two men wore kept i buy .seycrai days. They have prun ed the tree und burned Iho wqejn nd.ftrq getting the park ready for i wimer tourlHts. -f " Mr. and Mrs. K. Haak wcru ! Medford visitors WednonOny. ! Donald Vouhr and Mr. Itoadar ! met motored to Vrcku Hunduy und ; visited with friends. v . , Charli-y Humphrey delivered V ; load of wood to the school uno day Hub? "week. Mr. AV ha ley fcj on his ranch and j Ih building a new huuso and inuk j Ing uther ImprovementH. .- John , Koljcrtson left Monday "morning with a load, of flno op- ! tends to bring a load of potatoes, bnek with him and expects to be I home Wednesday. - j Mr. and Mrs. Uruydon child rutfi and family, Mrs. William Hurst. 1 iAIIIo Daly, Mrs. Ayers, Mrs. Hlew-j art of Medford, Mr. and Mrs. ttpen- ' ;er und Kllnor Throckniorten all J visited with Mrs. W. L Chlldrcth.l who Is still on tho sick list. j 'Jou noskins and Bon John wore-1 in (own Monday attending to bul ' nesa, eu roulo to Medford, ' - j Miss Elizabeth Burr, county' whool auporvlsor, visited our school , Tuesday morning. , j Miss Dorothy Wlll.ito and Miss ErnoHlino Dahack, two of tho high' schol studcnlN, uro on the sick list. . William Perry, our efficient road I supervisor, has boon having his I 'machinery moved to the evergreen I ranch; his grader and tractor went I Tuesday and tho other machinery I left Wednesday. JIo will start work! at once on that road with a full crew. Banket bull Is over and the pupllu uro now turning their attention to hnsebnll ntirt nthfti Miirlntr NnnrtH. j Tho, girls' basketball team played Phoenix and Uutto Falls last week, winning both games. -If Hybll Cas tor play as well next year os sho did In tho last two games, our success Is assured' At Phoenix sho mad o fjvo busUota ut qullo a. distance. . Wo w cro proud of her. Tho Camp Cookery club met Ma rcli Oth. They had a big feed i und claim they aro becoming good cooks. Iho culinary artists of Kuglo Point may havo soma com petition. . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Melclland, who havo resided qulto a while In tho house belonging to Ernest Duhuck, opposita tho park, have moved Into tho Mrs. Nichols home for tlu proscut. Sum Coy did tho trucking-, i j' . . , ' v . Mm. Thcron Taylor and Mrs. Ray liarnlsh, baby und daughter Mary wcro in town Wednesday. Duvld Prince nnd R. A. Woldman went to Medford on business Wed nesday afternoon. Chester Young, son of John Itob- orison, has been slaying tho week end wlllii his iiunt, Mrs. William Hurst, while his father wus auay bin Klamath Falls. ' Mr. Chprgwln 1b back nguln In his storo 'after a week's vacation on tho ranch. William Hurst and son Ttatph arc very busy plowing and sprlngtooth tng tho ground. They nro getting U In fine shapo und doing a lot of cleaning up around tho fences. Mtns Lota Honnlmw of Central Point wfifi visiting with friends in Uaglu Point Wednesday evening. C'hniioy Hanst-om was Jn town Wednesday morning attending to business, und whllo hero called, on It. A. Woldman, A. ' U Hodgers Is cutting wood for Cknrloy Humphrey ut Heeyc Crock. Don't forget the Hunday sehool next Runduy morning ut JO u clock. Wo aro onxlou.i to know which eluss .will win tho banner. Last Sunday Mrs. Itoyal Brown's class won. We will seo who wins next Sunday, ifc'hool starts promptly ut 10 o'clock. Don't bo tardy. Thertwlll be church servhvs fts usual at II o'clock. Mr, und Mrs. Patterson will bo thorc. Thero is always a good sermuii and good music. Miss Burt is pianist. Christian Kndcavor Sunday even ing ut 8 o'clock. . 4 Mrs. Almn Meyer who has boon on tho tdck list Is In Medford so sho can bo oIomo to tho physician. ' Mrs. 11. A. Meyer was u guest at the Hldlcy's Tuesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Shirley nnd Mr. and Mrs. Cupp of Medford were cutters ut Iuko Creek Hnndny. The Mistsca Hugan of Medford w ro guests at their grandfather's, Mike HWIlry'a homo Hunduy. Mrs. T. L. Farlow Is homo Uftaln after several days nt tho hospttul. She In slowly Improving. John Watch drovo several head of rattle to town tho first of the week. Mlsn HurP, county supervisor visited tho schools lr. tliU vicinity Tuesday. H. H, Fnx made a trip to Med ford TuOBiluy, ' Mr. And Airs. W. 0,-Mesa I. also Mr. and .Mrs, l-uwrein-o Mesnl und buby were in Medford Monday. Mrs. II. U. Meyer who has been In Medford for somo Unto haa re luiiM'd home. The CrniiKC Is planning qulto a, dance fur Saturday night. ' 4 I HL'ni.lN Tho Free Siato will oon appoint mliitftorB to Paris and Berlin with tho same nlntus as thn minister to Washing ton. Tho plan ha.! tho support of El FATHER OF FOOTS CREEK RESIDENT FOOTU CHKKK, Ore, March 8. (Bpeclall .footn Creek fepla hon. lured to know that Mm. Hkelctim Ihi the daughter of thn Quaker mill iliter who linn been called to Wash ington. D. C, to be the minister for President Hoover the next lour i years. Mrs. Skeleton s father was Hoover s Greek teacher in his unl versify days. , John it. Short von visiting his mother in fhocnlx lust Alonuuy. day. C. Carr of Foots Creek lias sold his cattle. Two truck loads went out Sunday. ... . - Ab Sreaver o( San Prauclsco 1b visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Carr. Mr. und Mrs. Carr und Ad WcaV ver )cnt Tuesday in Medford' ' - . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carr spent a week in Medford with Mrs. Carr's mother. Mr. Prcfuntnlnc's broken toe is hifnilinK nicely. Kd Prcfontaiuo hus had his f;ar den in, with the help of John Strat um. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo I.ance en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Kd Prefon tuln and fumlly a week ago Wed nesday evening. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hates spent Saturday evening ut the home of Ed Prefontaln. ! . Mrs. Charles Wuhl spent Wed nesday with Mrs. John 13. Short. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Lance en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ilrswell and Mrs. W. K. Lamb at dinner, Wed nesday. ,Mr. und Airs, drain Matthews .were visiting on Foots Creek this week. ' ' - Last week Al Smith had his Jaw knocked out of place by a baseball, ills tongue was also cut and bo was compelled to lcavo school. ' Miss Burr, tho school supervisor, lectured to Iho P.-T. A. on her trip to Europe. A fair .attendance was had. . - Miss Amy KoBtcr nnd her bro ther, Oeorgei. were shopping: in Medford last Monday. .The first meetlnic of Iho Foots Creek young people's class was held al the school house last Sun day. Mrs. Earl Smith is teacher of the class. The charter raerabors nrc Miss Dorle Hlles. Miss Laura Smith and Miss Beth Doomsllder. Tho intermediate girls presented the SMrd Psalm, Hie junior boys had learned tho hooks of Dlble, and the primary class was ablo to repeat the golden text. ,; - - - ; PARIS (P) Sniull fortunes await nearly 100 persons ' In unclaimed ffovernm'ent bond bouusoH. One lucky number culls for (40.000 und !!,r) others rango from . JI0OO ,to 1 ; JIAMUUUO. Germany (7P The vllluffo clock of'Curstuek slopped after running contimiuuHly since .tbtll. . It hus shown tho correct time tor tttjK years. t-: Ti y -..-. ; ; . Reliable Grocery Store No. 4 at JACKSONVILLE Will Open for Business Saturday, March 9 With a modern up-to-the-Minute Self Service Cash Grocery filled with a complete stock of Quality Foods, our prices in Store No. 4 will be the same as Stores 1 and. 2, Medford, and Store No, 3, Gold Hill. On All Saturday Specials Advertised by RE LIABLE GROCERY in the Mail Tribune the people of Jacksonville and Gold Hill have the same advantage of prices as Stores No. 1 and 2 at Medford. Items Listed in this Ad Extra Special for Saturday Only at Reliable Grocery Stores 1, 2, 3 and 4 l-pound can Calumet Baking Powder ........23 ii-pound fan Calumet Baking Powder 89 3 Corn Flakes .....23 Full Cream Cheese, .pound ......29 Jello, S packages .;......l.....:.:....'...........;..:........24 3 cans Corn, No. 2 tins .............J......'. ...35' Hill's Ketl Can Coffee, 1 pound can :..::.:i..49 SPECIAL SOAP SALE ' 10 bars While "Wonder Laundry Soap ......33 1 package "Wonder Foam Soap 42 2 cakes Double lvefined Borax Soap, Free legular price this deal is $1.00 Sale price 75 Koyal Chef Minced Razor Clams, 2 cans ....29 "Holiday Oleomargerinc, 2 pounds 35 3 rolls "Waldorf Toilet Tissue 19d 10 pounds Sugar 57? 100 pounds Sugar .:. $5.59 700-Storo Buying Power C.A.Whillock MANAGER ' Brisbane's Today ' (Continued from Pago One.) For that reason drug victims may properly .be classed, for tbo gen eral protection, with lepers and confined on an island or In somo other isolated place until thorough ly cured- As to the dope peddlers and dope doctors, their crime is worse than murder, and their punishment should be imprisonment, lor life without hopo of pardon. The plonoer'a path Is rough, on the frontier of the Hold of .now Ideas. . David G. Dulck died of cancer, 74 years old.. A POOH MAN. Ho was rich once. Twenty-eight year ago, convinced that the "horseless carrlatK" could bo made a success; he sold 'his plumbing plant for IOO,Ot)0. Ho put all of that money Into -ft oar now one of the best and most- popular in the (world, and certain to perpetuate bis. name. But he was ruined.-. v : t, . . . . - ' '-44 -y- i . . WI'.C.. Purant houghltho car from him and formed General Mo tors. He, in turn, lost his General Motors Company to the CuPouts and others. That company since then bus made millionaires Inside and outside of the company by doz ens. Such is the fate, of the pio neer In ideas. I lowever. the . world gets the benefit of their work, alid whether thoy die rich or poor doesn't mat ter much, once they are dead. Not a happy day In Wall Street Wednesday. Call money went to 12 per cent, the "big follows" were afraid the Federal Reservo might apply moro severe prossuro und prices suffered. ' - r All nn nnf itnwn thn lirfcn Hut the mlniiB signs wore thickly scat tered. Those that iguored tho ad vice, . "Donlt gamblo.". hiay have headaches. The wlso Investor haa nothing to fear. Mexico seems to he developing a real war. . Revolutionists took Monteroy, capital ot Nuevo Leon, ! but government troops tfav retaken it, according 'to 'official messages. Thero Is sometimes good Ih things evil. Colonel Lindbergh, in Mexico Ultjv Is having the first rest from newspnper reporters that ho has had in many a day. News paper men have changed from Lindbergh to tho liesr-war. Qjiicklytffecme Pure a it it Sure For feulo by Jurmla & Woods Drug ' Ntnrti. )ir. Mala and Central, iv The Rea son We Sell for Less l.W, - v. .:: -' . II SAVING STORES Use Santfords wonderful delivery Service, we de liver all orders where meats and groceries amount to 2.00 or moreOnce you use our service you won't want to carry them home. Pineapple .. Extra quality sliced p i n e a p p le canucd ripe and in heavy syrup.-. . . Lg. No. 2 can. 5 Lettuce Extra quality solid head lettuce. It s the best and will please you. '" .v .15 Large heads Apple Butter, . Libby's best quality, solid pack, and a real value at" Santford's saving price. ' ' Med. size can.... 15 Peaches Best California yel low clings; tree ripen ed and packed in heavy syrup. A real value at- Santfords."' .20 Lg. No. 2y2 can Shortening Extra quality fresh shortening; every can guaranteed at tliis saving price. 8 Lbs, net 1 .29 Lard . Home, rendered in open kettle. It's much better than any ordi nary lard . and - it 's . "pure. ' Pounds . .35 Oranges Fancy southern naval oranges; small size and sweet. Dozen . ' ..... . x . . . . . ... "' Grapefruit Fancy Florida Grape fruit. They arc the very best russets and a bargain at Sant ford's saving price. Each .05 Coffee Tillman's Red Can, vacuum packed; a high grade coffee at a saving.-. .45 Pound Prince Albert Oncol the best known tobaccos, buy it for less at Santfords sav ing stores. 2 Reg .25 cans aetfords ' Pumpkin Del Monte brand ex tra quality pie pump kin. There is a dif ference. Try a few ' cans. Lg. No.. 2 can. 15 Peas Del. Monte Brand; tender sugar peas. Buy all you- want at Santford's saving price... Large . can 19 Baking Powder Calumet Baking Pow der is ope of the very best at the cheapest price. Full pound.. .28 Lux Lux Soap Flakes is one .of 1 lie; .best. It 'will not damage any fabric. Package .. .10 ' Bananas Fancy .ripe bananas; these are the very best and Avill please you. "lf Ht Pounds .. .25 Hams Extra quality; not salty and Jean; tlicse. arc a U. S. .govern ment inspected pro duct, whole or half. Pound ... .28 Pickles Libby pack, the very best small Dili pickles aiid at a wonderful low price. Lg. No. 2Va cano 20 Soup Campbell's Soups; any kind you want buy a few cans. Large can!.! .10 Pineapple l'rupack brand, extra Quality, large slices in heavy syrup. Lg. 2i2 can .....29 Cigarettes Camels, known the world over; buy all you want.1 Packages.... .25 Soap White King Soap is one of the . best. It goes farther and does better work. -, .39 Large pkg. Citrus Buy a few packages at 'Santford's saving prices. 1 It's a real bargain. ' Large pkg. .... 22 Toilet Paper . Best grade crepe and the largest size rolls. It's a saving price. O Large rolls o 25 Creme Oil It's one of the very best hand soaps and it's a saving price. . Hr Large bars... 25 Salmon Extra quality pink salmon, . . solid pack. Cut from the best fresh fish. Large can . 15 Milk Carnation or Bordens brand, the very best liiilks. They are pure. O Cans .. ,29 Peanut Butter In Kiddie pails, the best quality, every pail .guaranteed. Pound pail . ,19 Mazola Pure vegetable oil at a saving price. Buy what you want. Full half gal... .89 Potatoes Klamath Gems, Xo. 1 quality, and a bar gain; buy all you want now by sack. 100 lbs 1.35 o Apples Xice medium size Jonathans, buy them at Santfords saving price. Box ,85 ulf puftlcs.