Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 08, 1929, Page 12, Image 12

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. -. twir. dir, iru.,r, .-. ..
v , , .' raMbM by Il i I
" ; "iftnpoKu i'uiNTiNa co. ..
tS-JT'SB N. Fir Bt. rbotH.TB
unitfritf w mrnL. Editor
'$. iuM)-i$ii,eMitH. Htm" i .
An ftyfeprNtriiiiir
Chtutd U 'eandUiti reilirr it Mtdfort,
on, uawr ACT. 01 BWCg q, JP!
'fll'ltRrMITIOta kATES . .
. ' W'r.:Wlt JuMr, yesfV.;,.;.i. ...."
'- Duly, (ft flunJlr. mcnis,.,. ...i;
i-Diny, enrawf fnslir, .;,,...'..;.
Onir,'tti twia. pom. . t .5
vreelly IM Triuw7, I", 00
-..-. mi, " ..-..-t v v '00
'.,..- By Ceitler,. Id AAi In Mei!(iitd,.hUndI
Jeclwmllle. Centre! folnl, MwtfiU- W"t, Uolo
Hlll-and on-Hlghwiye: : . . ,. ,. ...i .'
... pallr. itb Sunder. mdTfl!.....,. r..,.;l5
pally, WJIIWUI Hunaaj, uunui. . .j . ."J
' Duly, tllhont Sunday, one Tl.
luly, WUi Bundiy, wereer,....,
All trfml, nth In uliinee, .
Iteeelilni Pull Lewed Wlut ;Jerficfi j
.' Tt AMUttil Ilea le eidm-bely entitled to
the we lor pulillettM ot nil ne dlspatehee
rseillted to It orolherKlie.eredlted in thli paper,
ml ilM Id the local nrn published herein.
. All rlgbU for puljllteuoo ot Mmial illintdiH
iwrrin ve. aleo reet-rreil. . . l . .
Sworn Sally rente rlreulatlon for Hi nonUa
fnrllw Oet. J, 1928, 4438. ' '
' Aihftthtng SepfewntitlttM '
1 OffkM in N( Vork,-CiitMKo, Detroit, lu
PrtOtaw, Lo ArtfflM, 8tMtl, 1'ortlincl.
?Ye Smudfe Pot
By.' Arthur Prrjf ':
1 "There haa bech h' decided decline
'inilfibUc':' cbWhlhtf, Vdiie , to 'Me
sunshine-"and; cbunhlcsii ddaccttes,
T'ltjci-c, , V-JI1 " c' nrf . nioVc, deet)-thrtiatcd-
brnBr uiidl a .' famous'
. , eoprnno icpnies. (o '..toWn.'v ' ,', (' '.
" Vtii i 'pfoUbJllty not In
the' 'finked' States ,onOvcaptal"n of
industry or ,flna'nce,.,wlnr knows a
slhile) ..,'hlnr '; aboiit.- ,'playlnK , the
ulMlcle, guitar iot iiaxophono. -(Hh'fp-.
jh-nd .'; Leather i . ltoportcr.):
..They also jkecp tlicli; hats on. and
iti6gvfc.nq. ,.C, Cijaprln ;ini
incite. ;.. ) . . .. ..;,,
;::j,ii:lU''p'o't' tim'ei-tlitti! Puit Isaacs
unlesshsrt. Ills'" afinBal prediction;
1 VTifW l)l nqV lie. 4 -piMlt ktf MtS
yqirr inumw, grown n inu, vuj-
. Iey
j a'1; Portland - Union " has' , started
running for'; -goyerniir, -,, on . his
record aa a' nuisanct! in t,hc. loglflr
..lutur'c.. .''ifi''.f.-A. : .';;.'., i
J At a. meeting of tho United Car
'rot' Detosterli Ibt.', Anicrlca, Tllur
day, ievenlngr ,a , -pa Iter was ' read
.showing ' tltatj.'';peo.ple. ., who ' . cat
.carrots.- never 'have the. shingles,
and, the' scsKioti" jroted that '.thvy
wild, ralher.,'lHive tiic .:iihhigla,--..
1f:Ther"e;.'WH.jt1-. Ijljirr iijffiy.ini;").!,
;niijte;a "-iih' 4-e,n)ewil.tusji wonls
.ylfUfrdKi,- (in OA '.-I't'r'eei, . de'n'iUtic
'litit ihe'.'roccpt tfilu4Uon if'ftho
Vatican- wto.'n, slate-by iliV Italian
-jtrrVriiriient.' - It a healthy sigh
when thn'horaotJ'oIkH got' nfte tio
InU'ruiitloilnl problems, - There -has
been', qme t'lilk mnont tlih nnti-
evoutlonlsts tn organ and )vtic,h
' u, , i ..iiuwu i;nii
ipi'tiKey. ''"(.'.v: ; , :
' i The jilgh-Voon shlvnree Itifllet'ed
, TucHdny'was cohcrtccd by linry
Harlsei), )hp' hlg litnip of ciinl livati,
'.liu"Wus actuntert ' by revenge, h
jie.Vtli. oirc'fl , , t a k o n , ; ot' a i si tn 1 1 11 r
ilde.v, ' the. gromn looked', flkel'h
was 'op route ;tu an' exile in tho
salt'inhies :;of f Slberlit, Svlth the
cxpecth'tipn of'belilc eatoit up. li
Wlyes hctori lio. K"t thore, . , ' -
v'-X' ' A' " " "l"'' 1 Tl'.' '. f
s. The C5R,lHhcvikls are. lossonilpg
Vti : In '. sirring ,di'rHaos'' aiyd . ihn't
t-sro what color t;iey. are, except.
thn5t they must be red, ;:j ;
'AftotheC. .luiiikcr Ims. vanished
wltft : y .HiiUcasvVcrajuined : with
paper -tnoito', it'ud fihe-goodlooklng
lady. AVho llvcd,.ni;xV door. ; .-, . ,
'j'rjJee'r 'tyre (s,ti'ollng tio"wn";.lnto
rural h'aekynrds, and If they. get In
trio kitchen eat:iV the
cjihbAge when it;l vooklog, shoot
ithom. -. ;'.i'-;t"'-r;,i.- ,
l'lleiehef 'rltuut . vnlil'ii H box of uu.pId fashioned hoy
.Tuesday.- . mi-
s' Tilft2W Jltl.lM :if)mV'NiN
V0H.r .;(:iti:l-:K (.Hdhrie Jtrd
Uluff ,Ni)WH.). l-'nte has suipo queer
''A'l fashionably nfUred young
Wjilidnn In the ladles' purlin' of the
Hi, James hotel, struck,' ri nmtcii to
'-light . a,, clgjiretto :rind was perenip
, tortty.put out by the house dcti-u-ttve.-t
forty ;V curs .Ago Column.)
Vheh tho. world, ,wa porfecU , i ,
". fliii'v .'' mnblM ' wlih' llnvw f lien
nllljiB all ivlnter.'nie now niile te'tltV
'",! '-wb'i town to :X't but of
'fljindtnu. ' , .
VA., law.' liaB horn -passed forbid
.'dlngl. pioneer1 -Ids. ' "Typhi : .sporting
lU,rv lll'll.,( IIKHS,,.H1 Ol lll'Tl-j
ill hii n--itjyi, .,111111 ii .1 onii ieuii
seiivchiigiit.' :. :'.-,.' , ::-j,
''Si'Vohil Arc plltllng In gardens,
o young1 .vineyards arc: called.
I' ''-
' tKiAinr:K !s
'- -' "i (IhiltliiMireJ Hun)'
i .'-flboS ' repartee brightens a dull
party Snd lends tti no end of fun.
For example, 'siipifo, a very pret
ty girl turns to you and says. "Ex
cuse his back." Vou 'reply quick
ly, "That's all right. I've always
heard the back. Is the host part bf
the: goose.", And everybody laughs.
..Then she ssys, "N'evor mind; he
Who laughs last laughs best."
,"Bo- you say. you art sorry and
ask If'you 'may sit next to her. and
stle ' replies, ' "Two's ,' corhpaflyi
three's a crowd." . And you say,
'"eVtll, 'better' to leave loved and
lost than" never to- nave lOVcd at
all."' And she says, "At any rate
all tfry-ttoMd; loves ' lovcr.r ','.
" I'lien-she ssyB you may slt neitt
'td kef;'liut don't fofcl thnt "Kools
rtfsh '"If1;- whetb '; angtils; '''tj:
trtajd.'" rAntt ou shoot back. "On
'tha otit6r'haha,proersstln'sl)on Is
'the! 'thief-ot tlm,";-;he sits and
seems to be thinking and you say,
"A penny for your thouahts." And
she replies' at one. "They are not
Editorial Correspondence
PAN niteoo,. Cal.. March: :
The . Mexican revolution l over!
B says William'. Clay: BllVcri edi
tor and publisher of the Tlauana
it ewemri we dmnlt 1 tnlk
With -the editor' tho other day,. b.tft
Ith'. tho Klcitloan printer's .devil
which' accounted tor ollr linguistic
difficiiitiPK. ' .
'Mfi, rlllvcr talks pxcellcnt .Kntt
lish, and puhlishes :thcb- newspa-
per--thei Herald; the. Kan Ysidro
Bnqulrer ami the Cliula Vista I'roK-.tlte
ress. lie; Is .tltu'Mon of a Mexican
mother and .a Bcotch futher, the
former a de,voutcatli6ilc, the lat-
fer a Protestant and tt J2nd dop;rec fer'ence: ' He avoided our name en
Mason. Horn In lluffnlc, N. V., Ktlrely In the subsequent conversn
ho ;hqs spent most of his life in t,lon,. but when we said goodbye lie
jiexico, ami witn. ins uarK-nrown
complexion, and mass of KUstenlnK
)lack.' hair, Vyould be taken tot1, a
naVtvo.: ... : .: '. .4
' We nearly sit looked up with'
the Printer's Devil 'again,'' P.ur his
previous Btata ot excitcnicnt,,hnd
apparently passed a'li,' for ho
prumiHiy ioju us inc.. cutior, was
out but would return- soon. .Vo
Waited 10 or 20 mlnutesi 'whc'n trVt
P.- 0.- went out on-a sortie but returned-
empty-handed.: ' At the ehil
of half an hour, he said the editor
would not- return:''biii .'he: .uooi,l
! he clad to lead us to lilrfi. -IVrilk-
Irfj UP -tho street twi),, doors, we.
;slcipcd - Itttd'. a ' salti'oni and ...wore'
Inttpdueeil to. Mr, Hilver, sealed' on'
a JilBhtpol iv), (hi; .end of tht' bar,
COpvcraljij" wltrS the bartendef. He
gavi us ii cheery smile und a hearty
.hindshake;' . lJcarlns we. were from
,'Med'fordi Oregon, ho seemed par-.llcularly.dullghtud.-,,
;.'..;' ''.
".MedWrd,, (Iregiin; sure that's
wnero Jiud Anderson came from
Tlih liarc'cndcr. ,n American fc'l'l-
oent ,o.f Tlnjuana for seven. yeai's,
Also remembered Iiud. and saw him
go down .to defeat before thai New
York .aehtlilti iiach Cross; . ; '" , the, scyond time thui 'has
helped us.out.. The first 'ne'wspn.
perman we called on In San Djego
inimrunaiciy recalled that- We cam 0
from Iiud Anderson's town, .. The
Prjde,pf Mcdford certainly made art
impression upon the sportinc frai
.ternltyjn fot(tliern California. '' ;
' Of :course we iiskcd Mi', ' 'W'fver
What he thought of tho rtvolut'lpn,
:')h, It's nil over," he 'promptly
repllod, "It's Just another one of
those Uilngs, Hupposo yoil 'expect.
Oil, to, see, fighting around .'hurol
Well, .1 haio . been through" ten
revolutions,, as editor of the llcr
ald.vntid have iievor-Heon 'a 'gun'
fired yet., What Is It all about
! don't know. RnUglun, Var no
why fight about.rellMU,in? - f-wss
otico. d Catholic altar loy:'.now t
anf a Mason, my. father a i'wit
enlunt, ,-you should ; havo-.kqown
piy fnthar' a-grest iiinn inirtlie'r,a
Cat)iolln, ra '.'good -'n'oiaii' . 1 was
one nf figiit children some'-of. us
Colhollc, -.some 1'n'itestant but
we; all, get -pnnic. .siiiho ivlUi
Mexlee.: -. '.:.','.. '' ,;. - '
'Oourst' . there's some . religions
troiiblu, but nolhing. to flghl nhoiil.
N"n; this fuss Is Just.a'.fow genm'ujs
who didn't got their , graft and.
thought perhapa they' could clean
up a little, -Wirt pt.blackrtiail,.But
Instead' of "getting money, guess
Ihnj' will .pa-t. bullet. In ilie iheaii;
This revolution won't get any far
ther than Vmrd Oregon' if ifi tried
to 'overthrow i Prldeiit 'ilndver.
There Js po prliu-IMe. 'If it was
principle right hgalnst wrong I
might fight, too. Hut no principle.
fill VliKNTON, Ph. Mun.ll
(eH-charley Kuff Ing.,-24-yi'ar-o,lri-
pitcher; who, showatl a great deal
of . prbmlso -two years ago onl to Und will He shown here soon. , Thlei
Icisc. Sft games.. whil6 wlpnlng! 1(1 novel' form ; of '. transisirlatlonl h'
Inst yenr, lias niiibleil Into the Jted i vented by. a local man. should he
Sox camp hero . carrying 23(J isjimds J oMiitcrost- to all who sue It In t,
,auil a tleteriulniitlon lb' do' belter, i tlrtri. '. ll d.ild .40- be a ctpbs be
' l!n expliilned Mint tv)it he need-.! twnon tt Imbnlm) und an outomb-ed-inwt-
was -, bettervoutroi, but t)Uo intil ahlri to Hklm oVor the snow
Maiiai;erv UIU.,(.'arrlgan evidently at n- tipced bt over; 0- miles- an
derided that tils extra iwumlnur dti-t hour. .-- v.. .- ' ' -r . .'
ninnded nttentlnn first mi.- hr, .had :
him working hard Peking up lmnl
under a- broiling sun. . .- .
under a.,bri)lllug sun.-.
,'Rl'SKIAN KxThK4 I.AHOIt '"!' , ;.'
IX P.VUIS MOTOH WOltVtH '.""' Muri. of vpncT designed
; " . ' - , , Ito .hiy bare the Wl Ot tiftVId Ijave
1AHI8" MV AtnonB . the ' thon. j revealed the lUi'Melit wall tit;n eleptlt
'sands of . Itusslan exiles In ' ParlsJ of So feet. It; iB'ttiuughi to have
thei-e aVe splAe who do not' clnlm formed part of a fVirtl-ess ot the
to p'tuisess titles, 'and who' nyitherJyrliV' lirmy statloired by tlui
'di-lveV taxlcabs .nor )-ear. C'dssaelt t'lfli-eeks'lh Jerusalem." - ,'
utilfiAMjs In night iiubV., . ';,.., ; ,,'!i'' ! Oni? .strec't has qeeri' cleared of
ine .tuiiriNi is not nseiy-to soeienrin. ii is inieo who tne rutiiH
inn' fo"V they.Av-k ' In nUtiiinibllwrut houstu, VelonolnkJo -tin HyxaiT
faetoi,les'fOr two dollars a. liiy, or :
keep books In a bank-for icss.-They (
have no diamonds to sell, and tlle j
nbulcvttrd seldom know. them.
MUTT AND JEFF.ThAt'i One Way of Cleaning the Slate
; FpS eMr , riuiMta
HS"i CorAIMd y? Fot THs
rM'uuai?Ric-o'i i HAvifiM't A.
"fclMfe-IXJ IKrtrAClNrrT,l.U
Mexico better off nbw thAn for tcrj
'years.1 It's all over but the clean-
It wuh II a.
BunlneHii at the
j1ar '-wan poor,
Th only.-person
MiosldcH ouMelven In tho roo(n was
a woman, who slppi-d beermat ,a
thble; and tried ineffecttiaWy to itcti
th "dollar" from the-nickel slot1
maehine. Mr. Silver also tried and porato and daring- attempt .to ex
railed. .There was only one thing I plain -to ' well people that there!' Is
InsisU'rl 'upon calling , us "Mr.
Mulc," We corrected him, and
even presented him' -with tho edl
torial card, but It' made llitle dif
was typically Iatin In' his flour
Ishes and wished cod luck and fur
ther .acquaintance with Mt. Mule,
rerhaps the, "I(". Js, silent In the
Mexican lanBunBe, .or , is sounded
like' "M." That wouldn't be sur
prislnB. They call President Oil,
President' Heel. The "Z" Is a "th"
,and.the "J" a."W" down here." ,If
, u-e are ever enmlentne,! .(' I-
, Mex'ieo.' It .wiu - lie wi' Willi
oiner , pqnuemned ,vvmerioa,ns.. living
hero unde an aspumcd'.name. ,-,
.Mr.- Silver 'seemed fd, enjoy his
BoM'rlion, and'palfl ?6 cchtii a drink
In ' Mexican : numcy.'', ilut ;, cither
.Tlpjuiind' HoUrhon is well ;diit'rted
nh il'llllnM. ..
-.;.J,... . -Vi 1 . . I
vuimtiiiy. .. iv,;was inc. srymo wnen
wo left as, when -we arrived, ,' The
bartehderCdrnnk cpr and hoped
we- woilldi.cotnq down .some. Hun
S : VXIiat .is our!, big day,", snld
,"JUt ono'icprd befoj-el'dU gd,"
sulci Mr. BrW-V-E-R. ;"V6u hoard
what he said aiiout rJu'nday.' Listen;
Vou. come Sunday', ydii see just this
street, (Ciloons, gambling houses,
Peek show's,, pig crdwds. buckets of
beer for f 1 carouslqg, flirt,' noise,
bad mci, worse vwplijen you go
back .and sny.TlnJuaiiaia hell-hole,
awful.' , 'cll,, you have ' not seeil
Tlajuaha, you ha.vo'.onTy seen, ono
street and It 'Is all ,nicrfin: ' .-. I
take yoU liiick over trlere only two
blpclts 'I'fld What do you sec,? A
nico puoiic parg, a. uanu playing,
MeKlciin rVich .and , woitieh; -, with
their .cliJltU'cn ,'and liablcs, having
it nicc'.tlnie no drinking, no swear
ing lust .pood fun; Anf you sco
hlco' homes; hlg".and )ltttc 'ones
'rthd. a '-fln'tt 'public school where
Ihet'o COO children on school
days', Tiiat Is MCNlciin Tinjultna-
real Tiajiiana." ' Tho Mexican mothers-,
vyoti't let their children go ,qn
tlilfl-' Ahi'erU'im street no 'tiever-f-
If they do they got. whlppirrV. This
street is , bad, but ft Is madfc li' tho
United .tJtntes. lint Mexlcti. oh.'our
idlice4-oUr,poor police .th'fy .have
Xtt awfiiV tline" wlti, Ainerlciinos
11)0 glris i-o'so. Ibatt: the! i'lien. We
dn,'l like "it." -. jitlt. whn't.'iah '.We
"do ? Two jtrleilijlyliiatioiiti 'e cali'l
keep. Shcm ont.' .And thvy come
hero, for' what you, tall Whoopee
and bankets of beer,' and-they make
this w'bat.U. ls. Hut waik hack-r-soo
Tlajiiaiia a It. Is If, you come
Hunday I will show you,- Goodbye,
Mlstniro Muli'i . g o ii d b y o,- -and
pleased t,o have jiiot. you!'' . ' .., .
, Odlo's, He'nor, Klivc'r!1 What.Voii
say. may. or. may -sot .he true., .' Hut
at your rcipiest we- are glad "to
ttreMtt' If. -Weh!i;i ,no brie' for
TlaJvana.'.'lJui.tliuriV-hre tw"o4ldes
to' most questions; thoro' aref no
doUht, two to Oils one. Adlost ,
Motion pictures ot tbo Tucker
inow- sled tnknn tiomo time ago hy
VI. I,! llfomley, tho Copco camera
roan, nro back vrom tuo tleveiopori!
' T
f ' . V.JViVxxVATioVH
. " .,N M ttlAN .X ATIONH
JKlip.S,Vt-KM 0 fcxcayatloiis
tine ' perloiC The buildings have
niosiilc.hi-ojgqod.dcslgn. Much
of. the pottery "jlatoii back to the
time of the, r"lrs Temple. '
mnoni - , VI
ll.IMr.aTe VUK(L - (r'uf rMin trn - I VltTeSIVJ. KtKTrt O! . I f : ; -. :r . . ' . r. - T - .
ANC - 33
II -ruit-ivr. AH.ll r: Mru. .'AVUel...' . rr.r,-'l'M Jl' I - . - ' '. ' '. . ' -Sg? I , - . T I j. -
.riir'-j r il-'V 'vr. - . . i I iivn-r. . s i i i . . -si i i r ... - v - ok r -1 eei I k-a n r ' es. i - - a - . ' i
J rrai-" V- I -:, fs.i; . K ".y -" !jlill I " - J?-' T ' - : , . ?'.'. ' rfAlUa .y ' II-- .-. -
1 I a a a. aa . I I -" -. '.-fi . - U. kirU-.UL J- - I .11.. s ... i I . I "l A t"-Bk, 1 JJ"". , ft r-r-TT f
- ' fTy-fa .U&-.' :- M -11 . J . ,,r2LJJ ' U-JCs. v
Personal Health ' Service
':: '"" Bjr WILLUH BRA07, H. D. -
llfntd letten pertoirilnii to ptnoul teltn tod fayrleu, not to dtxu dlujnooU m
treitnieiiE. trill ba urtnid by Dr. Bndy tt a lUmpaoT, elt-ddred omreiop la tocloaad. i
LMn ahould ba brtaf aad wrlttan La Ink. Owlnjj to tha lar Dnmbcr ot lattar r i
ealTcd, only a lev can t anawcrad bf. No reply can ba mid to qoariaa not eeolorm ,
; loc to lutroctlona. Addraaa Dr. William
.; .;. ,. .; ....GATIllKIXO VP TlIK IAOSK KND .; f ! .;, ;l -.
: ''' if- , . , , -,Vii ...
TlUs U the third chapter in a np-j Ject ripouermlcally a..dotse of pver
really something :the matter With
nervous wrecks, though it Is never
weak . nerves ,ot
anything like
that. 1 nin des
perato about this
liecausc -1 haye.
been trying' to
teach ' something
of tho hind for
20 . years nnd,ld
far as I know 1
-have m a d'e' np
J m p r esslon ,' ori
.anytiody xcoit inuhjef of petty?
ou's .wrecks: "Arid, tlic : attempt .Is
"darlhp, J tljjrjff, , becauso ' many
uht-ijoviriced ihdkiiVuals In the indkt
eKclustve 'trta'iif. society: got aw'iiy
wl'th' lr'.-'anthe pl'ea.Vo?' nervous
bYeak'down. .neUrasthoriift h'er'0 cir
haustioh' andvall that'bonvcntloriai
hokum., ."' ,'". " ' '".- " ; -.
' nial)- encouragement. 1 , findJn
tle, 'occasional -jassl ranee .'.rom' a.
rraoer uin ,nc or sie ueneves,. I, am
Wf.I,t li ttir teftnbinc- thrit mtiV'nl.
' V.i. V-'V
! '1' .?; ?UspJcio4s'. thing
:nnrt . 'V "W"! who pretends to
have 'It.-'Is.'a 'gobd person "to" ai-old
so' fat ait may be, possible,, at least
until the 'alleged "cold", develops
nto , sonic , recogfilzcd kind of 111-
icK 'pr'pu,ssi Off Without growing
so serious. A few individuals n(ny
sec tlte . truth In this, w hen- thoy
happen Jo have .no.such Indlsposl-
tlon themselves. Hut I have .never
received similar nssuranee . from
anyono In reference to the-lij-'po-fhctlynl
charter, of ."nervous
'strain" 'or "ntu'Vo exhaustion" or
any such- morbid fancy.. -! foci
pretty lonesomo About this,-1 can
toll you. .X fiave no place to turn
.for sympathy,', either. ; My; medical
brethren positively havo none; per-
haps they feel. about tills much as
they 'do about the "cold" situation,
They don't thank mo a little; bit
for .holding up that, diagnostic de
lusion to iHipulnr ridicule;'. atid -us
long as Wo still harbor a few "ncrvcTj
specialists" In -the profeeBlon,;both
;wlth- and ..without, titer Impressive
lambrequins, attacks t,n'tho-"neri'i
bus" raekei are bound to, qaufle.c
scnliiient.' . - ' r ,; ., -,
Vou see, there is .such '..a -ire-'
ineiidous structure of both -diag
noslle -and therapeutic hocus-pocus
built upon the foundnt.lon-o ''nerve :
energy" that it deinnnds consider-1
ablb.. harillliood even : to t question ?
the soundness of the foundation.
' TlPlriiig' pveV. "t,hp -.Tipjilii ilavt is
wllh this.- ' Think bf the enormous
amount of 'business', and Old-prodigious
fortunes; that .depend-' ori
keeping up pqpufar faith In ,icrvc
tonics and .nerve foods and all -that'
sort' of thing. .'The fellow who ap;
proaehes Hits gigantic, modern lidix
wjlli the evident Intention to .'point
'but 'serious' Jefeots ,.in tli'n stryc
(ure; Is lihile;,td. find himself sudf
denly sqtnvy! for Ills' rashness,'. ";
; ' A haiidsbin'e ;ctAw sits on ''the
swayllig top .pf a tree outside niy
Btudlb , wliulpw. 1 lyld that ; crow- -Is
nervous,': ,1 , swan.' . ' Is -It because
his perch is so pVocai-lous? Is he
afraid. 'J may. take a shot ,uL lilm
with my ilttle air giln? I wouldn't.
Anyway, -the bird Is nervous, and
gettltig -nervouser , every second--
there he goes, winging hls'-wriy
over thw park.' ' He Isn't nervous
any ni.ore. Hut- he tea'ehes1 a gdgd
lesson, that crow', 'lie'rcminds one
that a groat part bf the "nervous
ness" people think nils, them .lsj
simply Inaction, v han't.- u .there
PUBllitg ind (retting and, fidgotlng ; tint ,up and. exert your-!
Keif.; Jllke, riin, Unhblvi play ;w)(h
the , 'dbg, .' nriytlili'ig r for. , action,
iction. - i -. ; .:.'-, ;.'- ' ... s,:-
' "tj'rRsTiuNs -Ano aSsxvkiis ,
'idler 'Cureet Ieriikiious AuemU.
In. your opinion In there any cure
for pernicious anemia, or Is it on-
abundantly' present in , liver , cures
pernicious ailenila, probably furnishes-
something essential for' 'tlte
normal development "of the blood
Corpuscles.-- S, It; thu patient re
ceives oni'-lialf pound of nty.kl)ld
of Hver, cooked In any way ' pre,
fef-rcd, three times a woek, he-gets
nil ndettuate amouqt of .the mys
terious -factor to k''cp his -'blood
geneinthm up to norma) hut If he
stops ' eating .liver, for a consior
ublo, period, the.- gVijii i niadc fi-om it
iflll oe lost... ir. jncrij ,1s ait. In
supernble. repugnaneo : to . eating :
cooked' liver or raw liver lift cock-
tall), .then the -physician maj-Hn-'i"
uf ihf8.(llBi.MrH that cont.nvK;-un- : ro n. cofponiiion, trust,, communuy ,0 jnrrtu vibwn' clvo a 0vlosJ'su,trm,5r01" n W-VrTackmp Atom-;
qhcrUtvl to the u.t'fer 'ttidiK.. H.jchut, fun'or; foumlatUm mtitj of Yinui'v nntlc- and ffrtsa v ' 1 ; f ftch trpublo. Ev(ry availftblo rcm-1
; Answer. The- cqute. ot .x-Tnlol-j aieot srverht .tt'n. ;uch' br&hlM - j,:rtk uitrioUti biirltoue of ;rf-v rouirM ltd T99u!t until I tfiorl j
ous hne'nila'has ' not leetv- "(to- jatlons mut bp bpenitiitl excn.Htvely i urojorin concert fame. slne and ;tT"n- bnilt' ttic' up till my ;
tennlntMl. V.iiv womt'lhlnir. tbab Isrfor rcliR.oun.. charitable, soleutlflO, nni.a :M , rtf ;8t6mBch" tVoubln was cured." ' !
Oftftftpy. yfrfiTDAY, fAftCfl
Brady, to cart ot thia tMrwapapar.
c X t r a.c t, equivalent, to'the half
pophd .ration', of : liver. v.. -Probably
the mypteriogs factor Is'a'vlta
nihi'. but. 'anyway, fa "the curc
for.pcrnYcldus anentta,:' ' i?
, feo'ap Is 'GimxI' AntW'ptlc'."' . ,
',My, mother tells me Ihnt tl)c
dishwater you 'wah the. .dishes -In
Is good for scratches, etc.D. ii.
Answer.; Soap , is a good anti -
Hvpiu.-, iinu minpy wajcr. is suiiice-
.enny. anijsepuc,, t -pciieve, to servo
ail, .'ah antiseptic cMpn- 'after' the
dIsH' )iayo been wasned In it, Hut
better use serine, frcpli soapy water,
k it, is available, ,: ,-
" Hlutylng Vnilrt:' ArinS:
. Is It,'y. way harmful to shave
the hair off thc.und'erai-msf Miss
n: u. . , ; : . '
'Apswer.-rKo. . .' '.','',' A. :
.'.''; ; r'' V-'. ', 'JVrIplrj'.;!'!.--'","''''. .1
c. ltdiW niaixy protzols make 100 Call
orles'7 " I' j'ni dletipg 'and I 'hnve'
'td-haye.cvorything, ori, 10 calories.'
How . 'muen'.'aitould "a girl ,21, five
feet, tall,, weigh ? S,t K. V..-
Answer Pretzels vans as .much'
as - girls' do." '. Te'rh'iips'. liree':d'f .the
avorago pretxols yield 100'. cjloHes'.
, " ' i'cgulai:- girl of your ,ngc- nhd
height 'hould weigh IIS to 125-
ppunus. -toii-i iot ejn sum you
.down'.. below. US, ' unless, you want
to look Hkn a DrelKol nn'lied.
' ' Colter. ' ".- ,'' : '
Y -'V ',,.... ' u,lt..m',vn : c,illei-: nn.I
Vould. '"lilc'o to know liow, manv'
j)s of ,ol-ln0 ' - 7 -s. Ar 1
iriw'er.uM mhfoiSVat Km
-fc'ina, 11hoH.ltev4!-rMe,'u(n- io
Jn an.Avor!;-uhlesB' ibinoir -madlcai
care. ...
.(Copyi-iglit John 1'V Tllllo Co.l
.'' A mother's '.fjtrjii iluti? ft'rf li
chlidrctv,-; libn- 'lier husband, . : an"
Ticu her home; 1iei! It she wants
to ielt but nil ' whls)M' (fi'r tome
political party, or L-k a Utile mon
?y' nt cants, tluvt's her huslncus.
"I'm' sift seirrjr, iirt" tb think he'd
jest KH safely ilimngli the bairdtt
age, W Mrs.' ,Ti)e KH) TeMlay,
u-lu-n Hln? Iiejuxl oo lite tratU p'
Sfiuiley lii-rk, wito ' w'az t6in In
Ydur Income Tax
5 "'.' " .-'.,';'"'; SO. i. . "'.!'';
. ' "Charitable 'eotitVtlni'tldns ' brh d
gifts are deductible thlu'llmlta
Hons Vrovtdcd; by the teVertuc act
of l!:8. . In drdrtr that a di-diic-tion
may" be' made,' contributions
lUcrrtry; vr educational purposes.
or for the-prevnutloh cruelty to
chlhlven-and artimals. No part of
this Income must Inure tb the bene--fit
of private 'Mtoekholdcra or In
uivitiuai-' : -.' v ;
' ContrtbullonH.mude to a nillbn
afy fund, to hucIi' bulldlm; funds.
and for the" benefit t)f othur nctiv
Itlos of the. church
Pew . rents.. n$osamc
to chumiwi at
contributions, liltts . lo any cor-1
poratlon or association organised
-or. -devoted to the advftricement or
learning nl-0 exempt. .. '. ..
' (lifts to an Indlvldmil m-e. itorl
dCdnetlpltv l'U; It mailp t0 a , Char -
liable org-anizatiqn, as tlolincd byiufnce,
dividual bcnoficlnrls..
Quill Points
'About the only .tiring you can't
raise in a garden alter tt. few days
v, Aputiaos. , mi,.- . -t:s --i,--. . .k -1.. -;ne iir.i, ami i,,v
" " J ' :' 'ftidnary bf all. is the right to make
Jails: 1 Houses built tu',.c,9ne j-,,, ncunintapec of a future hus
poople who took too lltUc. v-V.-f 'Ji-band before marriage,;
" '-
It would . bo Ipiercstrng tb hoar.
Ananias Toport'nfter. a, private .con?
fcrcnee .wlth -a prosldent-elept.i-r :
The chief objection to dining in
an exsenslvo restaurant is that you
i see uio people, you. lyri----
, - A iie-maii; - doubtlcses, !' one)
ho dooMi't imut and pity him
solf -when i his wife pesr and
. cdtldkH Uio first biiby, InMead
or. run), ; :., - 'f- ;.;.'(.
cents' worth . of straw -cost 35.
It Is' estimated that 05 per cent
of , the small loins . arc , mado by
college men. who. once sang Sweet
Adaline';after .11 . p. m.x'i.
Americanism; -.corning , p a ii
hahdlers; tHlQktns; b college presi
dent rt ivonder bccait.ssiii6.js good
at it. -.;.; .',-'-' ;;
' "''; ': ,- 1 , ; ' . ;',-' .
It seems strange that- the hewft
reel boys haven't- given- us-, Mr.
Coolldge in a alow-niotion -talkie., -
..-. . . - , i i i , . t - it-j;
' Mr. Hoover's biggest taskMoesn't
consijii-dn,'';pr.9Vidiiig' ' for his . supi-
Ppb'rtern bbt'.ln jnnting rid of them.
Hills' now nciullni-itv state leiHh
lat'urcs..i,,ould end be'rv ournlciobs
activity ot man oxoqnt lav.tnflklng.
'AmeWHa; thn xtaxardtms occu
"pations Is that ot smoking In
: bed In on ting pajamas.
vYliii never henr fit rtiliTTrwHnn lei !
inamentnlly lnconlenttuntll'hc ' W.ViT.Mf ' ,
kl'S-iL-..w-.T.'.'5.i' ... ".. '.-'il-.;.,-;-' '; Walter. L. jilaek, also known ns W.
. '. tOl -s. '"' ' i Hlack; Mrs. Walter .l..,lslncK.
'. 'i '""' "'iVn-V' ''e , -wife'of Walter U Stack; the un-
- JLVMl i.r .;-. .HVe- i 'Lnnivn IikIim nf Walter L. Black;
iTi(,ill',.midiUherc Ujjv-Wof Fr,aiik.H. U'igle; , nlso ! feeifiViT Orwon?' ' '
soma, tear that' ho may-dlHgan. hj-otWcr-versnn, r par 1 1 e s tin- Modfoul. Qi-chon,
..- '-. ' '....; ,-, i'J.-. -. .... . l, .; j-rknowny claiming any "jW'J,;1:'1"; ; Xclice to Creditors to Vii-scnt. J
: Aboul" all a- mere male.' kBoro'V "C,0- ,Ucn' ?,r ,?V,rnf-,n imtaSt i ' Claims; ;
about'.EaWcrvJk thati makes 15 M!L dS!5',n. ;u"""""" x0,lce is-hereby, given that t
I .It must scem-.-.IIko 'Old , 'Home lows, to-wit: '. . :; -. ' -I
week In .fiell :whon 'canir killers ;Cmmenclng at the. Intersection
i K-i, ,i. V,' ,;. "". ' ...ot; the, North lino ot Main Street
j bunch their hits ... ., . jj, the' City of Medford. Oregon,
.. .. .... . . i'
j It.may.comfoxt .aerm.inWnrpay -
ors SO years-from now to rcrncm -
bee that- the experts - didn't take
the ,knl8ars property,. '-., y
lJUettho;, 'colonel en'jby '.;liie air
while 'lie' can, .. "Wc." won't mean
"it atter .tho-.ccrcmony.,. . . ,.,.
, .The-'sight ot a sad,;'swect'.siinT
stpr .causes .every.. normal married
man to wish al(c.,had;a. fine bus -
nana ,jiko mm .u, -
-. i-- .. i
Correwhis sntenirUrMirld
seeing all richtHl Jlienyal.ejaic. b,f(.tjie."tn'x; ojjBks'arid
have. iip A't($lltoiffi5E'eliange. It."
, ".'..!' '
: '" '.
opens at
"Hottcrtn Hot Idea"
Jlunt's Craterlort Sunday. This j
a stage- presentation in ; wninii ire.""" imraara qigesi n properly, i
Fanchon ; Marco havb broughtf i.Tnhlae has 'wpnderful record
together all those t'ornis of.amuse-1 9 . from digostivo-troubles,
mem and artlsttf tjh'o feature "Hot cvcn thosc 0f -yoars' standino;.
;JehV - "und- . Frlt'x ilubeit. ; th rfHiiH' te?.l f 27S2 1
H'.eMrl'j innuf c,i
nrtenr lit the rnlt, ot thrtt iTint
of the. '"hot regions" Satan. Irv.
Ini- ltfiMe - the. nsvtn tA'brr lnv,nt,.H '
'the gooftest dan'ee In sfac-e hlstorv.l
"Craiy lllbow's." 'Vrahklln & War-!
her, : tw-o expert adg'n artists,
Jacques tiny, yo cots( fire: Mar-,
gueritc Miller, too dancer, and the )
Ilolsy Totsy Hc'nutlos In four verv i
or oinor activ- ,Viirni scenes. Tho feature pleluVepWfr tlrUStrtst -t'odfy. Money
afo deduetlhle.i ls c0Mcen Moore -In "Kj'nl.ietlc i if it doesn't help you.
;its, and dues-lain.":. V ' . I .-'
I'e rega'rdod as U " ' i ""HP ". H
CAlUO. Kgypt W Atl old Ahtbt
In l"ayum Is clthee the. oldest man
1h TlfO World or tltf greatest, ro-
m.tntli-lst, ..He cffetlni-to have been
born In 177(f Slid he Jis old as the
' j
1 Amm-ican Dcclarnilon ot Inilrpfn-;
TEnErtAX, Pe-rnia Wt n 'n0
Ulan' w'omcn' make' three principal
qetnanads. . -,
The first, and the most rcrotu -
- .,..-..-.',.t''r..rt,,.l the
1 reman wooivn .now .v -
'right; tb .'. work outside their own
homes, and that the law relating to
'aivAreft.'elve women , etiual rights
n.1,1, mnn
--- Summons tor Puhllontibn
In; the Circuit Court oC the state
of Oregon rn j.avKson ,uing
Kathleen M. ltlack; John poo.
husband -of Kathleen M. lilack;
Iho unknown heirs pf Klileeii
T. ltlnelt! .laekson County, Orc-
gbn,,.a 6dy -politic;. i.eiUi Kllza-
bctli te U JpM Jpc. -nuMniiu "i
imbdcm.nit.on of Persia, l'i
adopted by Kemal Pasha In Turkey j0 (vet to -tlle south lino of. said
I and attempted by the deposed King , JJ,
i Amannllah,, Jn Afghanistan, Tor-, ,',-. and declaring
l.ella R tobeth . Han; i no ,o . -
t -.-Norma. Jtouoru an i: we
To Walter Ulaen: also known
as W. I..--lllaek; Mrs. Walter ,.
IM.iek. -wlfo of Walter I,. Ulack
tlie-.unknown . heirs of Walter 1..
lilack; : Kiithleen . M. Hlack; Johii
Uoer liushand of Kathleen SI.
lilack; the unknown heirs of Kath
leen M. Hlack; l.ella Elizabeth
Hall; John. Doc", husband of Leila
Kliznhcth Hall; -the unknown heirs
of Leila Klizabcth Hall; tne un
known hcli;s of Frank -H. Wigle;
also all- othot1 persona 'or parties
Unknown, cliiimrns any right, title,
estate, lien or Interest 1n the real
estate described in the complaint
herein, Bcfendants:
In the name of the state of Ore
gon: , Vou and each of you .aro
liereb'y -required to appear and an
swer. no,'oiupiatni . turn, againsi
ybq in the above entitled stilt on or
before- the last day of foqr weeks
i trom the date -of the first tiuhliea-
i (!' of this summons, said period
i bt four. Aveeks beginning the time
j prescribed' for' publication , hereof,
and If .yoti fail' so to appear and
'answer said complaint, for want
thereof, the Vrtalntlrf wilt apply to
I .tho. Court for the relief demanded
! In Its complaint, to-wll: That a
decree be' entered adjudicating buy
i and all right, title, estate, lien or
claim -which you or any. of you have
i or claini to havo In, to, or upon
i tli'. real 'property .situated In the
City of Medford, .labkson County,
Stato 'of Oregon, described as.fol-
' "ii" u, .iiiisi iiiiu oi iiiouiey
' street -ih 'said "CitvV which point
j bears Enst 1174. 2 &' feet and Nnrtli
yO feet fl-omiho Southeast corner ,f
tP.-1. - C- JTc. 48 W .Township 3"
South, Hange 1 West of tho WIN
lumutfo. ' Meridian. " iind running
thence North along tho M'est line
of-.sald T.itYiMev'' Street - 25n feel;
thone.e-WeHt-152-teet; thence South
100 feet: thence Hast r," feei,
thence South 155 feet to the North
illno -of-, said falri' -Street: , thence
1 1fKl ,m wet .to tne place of be.
I ly ten. nieiirt vm ... n , .,.
secllim of the' South line
if it
Relief from Gas
Stomach pains
. 1 Dizaaness :';;'
i The doctors tell us tlml 90 per i
-ve'ent of nll-Htckneas is due to stoni- !
j ach and bowel troubles. Vou can't ;
! bo; well if your digestion is bail; 'i
.vou are likely to get sick unloss you j
' "If yqu sulTcr from jras, pains in
the stomach or hoti-eU. ilivvinedu
riausba. ebnstination- or tnrni,)' i''
liver; if you have lio appetite, can't I
sleep and arc nervous anil all run
tlbwu, you Heed Tanlac. It is
pure medicine mado of i
herbs and bark.. Get a bottle
I herbs ami bark.. Get a bottle from !
Kwrr tlrustrlst -t'odfy. Money back
-1 .-T . i i .Vi. (riiio'krtili l'.l2;i, is tne Unic oi me una pi1
1 known heirs of Leflil- rlUabelll ' . ..
I- Mall: Itietta -Wlgle, wlW ot ."ton IO!l-!? h caRICIN,
:-..l.ank i.-WIBl.,ln,Wtete;i. , . HARttY tiBKVKMAN.
in tha Cltv 'of Mdlford.
i 4rPKn, wih tli" V,'m ot Llntl
j ,t..v Ktipct In siild City, which, point
1 Itimottf Mi-ridlan: ihenco Bouta
, ,, such claims tc- fro, mill
1 plaintiff is the owner in fee simple
.j. nremlses and of tha whole
thereof, free and clear of any und
all right,. title, estate, Hen or Inter
est of said defendants, or any ot
tbeni, and that each and all of the
defendants herein,; and each, and
all 'Demons claiming or to claim by
through or under them, or arty ot
tliem, be forever enjoined, restrain
nil nn, linri'UU Ll 1,111 uwki mift,
tempting to estaoiisn.. or ciiiiiiiiog
I any . right, tltle estate, Hen or in-
any portion thorcof. and that plain
tiff's title to said premises bo for
ever quieted and set at rest. '
ThiB summons is published by
nf the -Honorable H. . Nor-
leresi iu or .in. oi.v, j ,i.",i
ton, presiding judge of the above
fiiiM.i r-niipt. made and entered In
said Court and cause on tho 14th
day of February, 1B29, prescrib
ing that this served)
by publication thereof onee cadi
week for four consecutive weeks
it. -,iia - M-e.irni'iv Mall 'T'rlb'une. a
dally-newspaper published in, Jack-
VV,,nt. 'tWbn. February 15th.
, , f tne tlrst pub.
. . .';.. --Attorney for Plaintiff,
nave neetj nppoimco oy.tno voun
, i.'ourt ot vacnson t-pnmy. vitwvn.
T-:xecutrlx i of the estate of Hubitj-l
11. i Paxsbii, deceased, and have
qualified.' All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby noti
fied to present them, with proper
vouchers, and duly .verified, to mo
i at the office of Harry C. .Skyrmnii
attornev for said estate, at Hoom
4U6 Medford Ullllding, in. Medford.
Oregon, Within six months from the
date of this notice. , . ;
Dated and flist published March
8th, 1929..- .. - . , . -' ' ;
'' . Executrix.
: Notice to Civil Itors.
Notice is herebv given that Helen
M. Hull's and Seth M. Kullls have
been duly appointed, by the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for
Jackson .County,, to. udlnlntsler llio
estate of Spencer S. Hullis, tle
eeascd, and that they have so quali
fied. '-. . ...
All persons having claims against
the said e s t a t'e are' here b y
liotlfleil to presenl-tne sumo to tho
underslLrm-d at IT, V loi-ence Ave
mpv Medlord, -Oregon,, wllhlii six -.months,
from: tho date of .the first
publication of this notice.
j.i HKLI-.N M. IH.'f.US,
KKTH.'M. Htil-MS.
Mated at Medford. Oregon, Miucli
2. 1!;;ii. j
The Most Valuable
S Jur! in: the--World
I : .mm
Never before In your lifetime an
opportunity like this. '
This rare animal breeds three
times a year, having Tan av
erage of th'ree per' litter.
Pelts bring from. S100 to $385
each. . ; : , .
. An. investment in this -business
hold.s ;the. pos
' slbility of large returns. .
Free literature mailed on re
quest. A limited number of pair
now for sale. -
Real South American
Chinchilla Fur Farm,
51 Morgan Bldg., Portland,bre,
V Address HV E. Bolich, Hotel
Medford, Medford, Ore.
j A Complete eujmmojm
s juaa.iiuiii-'