Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 08, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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    Weather Year Ago
Highest yrar ago today n
Isiwcsi yonr ago today .. m
. ., , -Q -
DtUi TvutMhlrl Tur.
No. 347. '
: Worker JL
-i is of
Sudden . ortune
. The Weather
Fmwasl I'nwlt led. tonight and
Saturday, with rnln.
Hlgliest yesterday '.. 58
Urawt this morning tola. m... SI
w . ' ; : : o 1 1
. By Arthur Brisbane : .! I ITIflATMM 121.:-,. I ' I, 1 C AO ATT U...
i Latest coo iaae News. , ir i iuu u i . wvk vva- v ws-s, l i7-?ntr w ui i iwwi i i k , -re,
jom Taogari. , in nrTTI rn: hfc XTTfT MtWfS U A7ATLAK :
Latest information about Cal
vin Coolirige, now living in his
hnlE of .a little two-family
house in Northampton,, Mass.
He; will NOT practice law.
That's because 'he would not
want lo capitalize his influence ,j
before n jury or supreme court j
jndfie: lie does not say so, but
. everyone knows it: .
That decision will cost Mr.
foolidge at least 2r0.000
C'nolidKc has eonlractod
to write a number of liinpri.ine
, artieles'for Cosmopolitan Mnft
,Hine., hut docs not intend to
, become.'' a , regular magazine
lie. thinks' his talent lies
another direction. ,
Jle might interest fathers-a
, . .. . .
and mothers, and their .wiser
sons and daushters, by a series
... ',.,..
of articles on the importance
of thrift-.'.' '."..,
it-- ii ;' i . .i
. ilL" C'lUHl llliac.ll lic ;
wit h - ft iclefi on "How to run
for office 10 Or 20 times and
be elected every time."
Mr. CoolidK.;, who has never'
... '.
heen to.Kurope, says tlierc are
nianv thillss . in the United
,.. .' , , . ' . i
nwiies unit . iie liiusi i
Ruropc can wait. ' ;
This will strike -Europe a
very "provincial." It will stril
flic I'nited States as common
Tom Taftsart of Indiana is
.lead. He had an interestins
i-.e, u l.,,i,l o,wl It lni-
I11U nunc 11 ...... ."
cd 72 years.. He was a pollU -
1 Kauc fnr n o-euerntion eon- divided at the liradshnw I)rop:taiy use. ,
eni boss lor a peneration i, con ihnoiip nhovo KaBio olnt Tho Jn lhe comnieP(.lal flul(1 l)1I)lnnM!
irojlinR His SI inc. tie ue,ran-ii rPril!1ninB one-tlrrd will go to outnumbered monoplanes two. to i todny fnr the south alter confer-
riinmn fluplr nnd nominated 1 tho Public Water company for use one. but the valuation of tho , , government S' seven strong- j .jnj, w,h ,amt.s Polhemus, man
l linmp LlarK amt noimnitnu ,-,...... .., ,.!,!., mrs holds shortly before noon. i , . , ., . ,,,.,,,, ,
IViuvl-nir Wilunn fnr ibe nrpsi-
.,.,;... ' j
A "al 1,0 1S 1,1 ,u-",l",l,e necessary for water users toj
ami presumably knows every- j receive only a certain amount of i
... . . i. :.. l ......
thing, Mr. Tagjjart knows just
how useful he was when his in
fluence crave Woodrow Wilson j
the presidency.
Sir Oliver Lode,?, an old mnn,
heart broken 6y the death of
his wife, reports, that she has
sent mcssa pes, since her dcalli
"She met and
was welcomed
bv her son and daughter and
was allowed to send us n char
iirterislic and evidcntiid ines
sacc before beinc taken by
.'i.v. .. -.t m,H i.n,.nr.ernliin "
tliom to rest "lid recuperation.
,. . ,
nvtninv' inai L-iiiiii'i i-i
row is welcome and pood, the
. .. ., . i ...,i. ...
heliei libit inenns en,, .a.s. ....
un from-the other side of the.trict, nnd
fcrnve, lhe more wiftespreau ne-
lie'f that all of the dead, except I
the had, arc waiiind with
wings, harps and happy sonfts
to'wclcomc us when we arrive.
The one to be piti' is he
'Mv intelliiienec!
forced to sny . -"' llllellf-pl" '
forbids me to hope for nnvthini!
. ' .... . ., .' n
but annihilation alter uns un .
who like IICfwrt Spencer, is'lssuo of tho district Is sold, mean-
'. . , ,,. ilng the comnnnv will recelvo n
l.'nrlnnnielv HOPE itself isUnr.OO due tho company from the
evidence:, oi someining m-m-i
than annihilation. Why should
useless cruelty condemn the hu-.
mnn race to hope for that
,. , . i
W II ion enniii't nr.
, ' . . .
. Hollywood is horrified.op f"'-
latlons concernlug drug "'
and determined, as It should b to
wipe out the drug trade and pun
doctors that prescribe drugs.
isn annum ui- ,
with safety for themselves, ami
destruction for their patients.
The great danger in drug nddlc -
Hon Is not the suffering of vie-
ad -
t t ins, hut the " met mat urug o-
I dlcls o en ieek to Inflict the drug
rnrw or. those free of the evil.
Continued on Tag Fouri,
nosenoerg announce m- - . - - " . V " ,
i vorable Agreement With VTV , f .
i Welch Interests -Pros-1 ' 3 '
perity and Cut in Mainte-1 - , " r ! r'
nance Cost Promised 3S-(.wrWr r-vwi' A
iiu.ouu Bonus in csuiuw iv. "
With" a favorable settlement i
reached this week between the
Mcdford Irrlsation District and
the ruhlic. Water company, also
i known p.9 the Pat Welch inter-,
i ests, and announced today by
: Davo Jiosenbortf, president ot the
district, tho district Is taklnu l i
iw' slci' forward in tho ciimi-
naiion 01 nutation iimi mm. j
Isted for years. The settlement I
promises to bring greater pros- J
perity. and a probable substantial
reduction In maintenance rates to
its 900 waler users.
. When the' district was formed
einhl. years 'ago, a contract was
made Willi tho I'nt Welch Inter
ests for tho construction and com-
inlelion of Hie irrigation system at
cost of approximately s l.oo.-
1 000. However, when the system i
waH ,lcllvercdi it waH not compietoj
! in keeping with the standards of i
the district, which then did not
( fe?, onli(ratpd to m!lkc compie,e;
.payment. '
H wasnot long until the dis-;
Itr'ct was made the defendant ot
a lawsuit se-king $90,000, but the
I district lit a short tlmo brought
suit against the Welch Interests,
i There wero sovernt suits from
both sides nnd tho matter was
definitely tied up in llilgatlon.
encouraging somewhnt- unfuvor-
uhlfl conditions for the district.)
Attempts were made several times,
for settlement, but such attempts!
Uval',ed nothing.
ttionioni ncaeiuii
RolMl)),w, ,9k n aellve interest
in tho fnntter and largely througn
the untiring, efforts of the presl-
.Innl nt Ihn lion rd ' M r. Iin,'lilieri5. !
inl, win, ntiect.iv liureh and I
i their attorney, Porter Xeff, a basis
for settlement was reached of par-
Itlcular henetit to the district. The
Jd'strlct gained the administration
of tho water, entitling It to two-
i,r.Satio Bisect and' izz '-vitiMzmmmtfKriiM 1
... , . . ,,:hlli- "..I f ftT
Fr anrt Klsh lakes to be.
L...L . ......
This in itself, according to Mr.
Ilosenberg, Is a s.gnal victory for
. .. . 7 . .. ......
line oisirict. an it win -no luuv.i
water al -certain limes, nno iiio
water can now be used as the
district sees fit. Water may he
ohtnined if the season Is early i
and may be used in greater qiinn-:
ilty should the season bo un-;
i usually ' dry. i
This feature of the settlement
'gives the Medford Irrigation Dis-
Itrict virtual ownership of its own
jsyslen,, a belter conlnct the source ot supply, and
rirrnr.lH tho h n h 1 h of lirobable ,
greater development within lhe!
i district.
Jtcduce liiinlonancc 'lows:
...... nfiw.,,,,'!
!$1 per year for every acre Irri-1
Igated in the ilistriit was assessed !
for the maintenanic ot tno canai
from the liradshnw Drop intake !
,(o 'lnkM ;
Idlslnnce ot 54 miles. This work
fo noO. Under the
new. plan, tela nnlntonHnre work
Iwlll be under the direct charge!
. irrigation . DIs-
Is expected to be done
n much smaller figure. The
I Public Water company will pay
. the district pro rata niainle-
I nance cost, bringing nbout n re
I versnl to the situation.
This settlement was brought
about bv the nlaclng of 10,r.oo
of Medford Irrigation IJlstrlct i
! bonds In escrow lo be paid the !
..... ....... i.n.i
.wuter cuiiiouiii us me dm u nun.,
proportion of every bond sale Hon compony. northwest unit
I made by the district unill tholthe rnlon Pacific system. .1.
I tO.oO is nnld out. This agree-lo'P.rien, general manager.
,mf,iu waH rcai, on a bnis of
tor maintenance costs and
demanded by the company;
jm be paid in cash, but iwiy
Ih(l bom, aKrem!nl wa.
reached with Hay Welch, heir nf;
'Pa' Welch, nnd executor of his
estate. -,;
I Mr. rtosenberg Is delighted will, j
the results nnd feels the greatest 1
,,alT(,r to future development has'
r,.moveU, aurlnK future
ibe fnvornble settlement
pleled. He Is pleased with the
work accomplished, nnd today was
1 belj
congratulated by
! The combined acreage served
..i,..i.i. u.,r,v
by the Medford Irrigation District;
nnd the Hopkins lateral ditch in-'
(Conllnueiln Page Heron.)
Mexico is sjaln In ths throes ol a revolution.
ti-rv troea. Be'ow Is a c?nins"v of fe '--m tirt
Five Thousand Planes, 3500,
Motors Built Value Over;
Kan., Greatest
tion Center.
N15W YOltK, March t.ffl-
A ireraf t . yeurbooli
figures released
ber of commcrceof America show i
an Increase of 110 por cent in
commercial aircraft production in
1 0 S
Aliliroxiinnlelv C.OOO manes nnd
500 aircraft motors wero built
in the United states last year
will, a valuation of more than !
Of these S.780 were commercial
wei-n I'onimerelol (
motors, the rest being for miii.!charged in mounted columns.
f..v,.iir..i kv t,
'of biplanes 'for. small open
I pit ships and of monoplanes for
1. 1..
The figures place Wichita, Kas.,
in the lead for production wltn
.i.h-' ,.im j.n.n.
i'- piuues nuin tuiriog ine n-m.
New York Is second with 85"
planes but the vnlue ot tho New
York ships wns more than twice
that , of the Wiehlla output. There
being many more lingo planes,
In the number of planes built
hlo was the third slate with
SIC. Missouri fourth with "M,
Colorado fifth Willi Dill, Illinois
sixth with- 48, ' Michigan seventh
will, 181, and California eighth
with 140.
The estimated gross value ntifcl! harmlessly near the lllo
.nircraft built in various states loi-
XeW York Sli.000.000: Mis-
JJ. .100, 000: Kansas, and
Michigan. S3. noil o Men: tmio.
?2..riOa.iliiii: t-niliornia, . j i.i
.""". (n.i ...;.
1-fiO.OItO. .
Ncw Mersey and, Copneetleut led
in engine proiluctlotj with .Mlchl-
gan, -New lork and
California ;
following In tyt order.
POlITI.AN'n, Ore., March 8.
(Pj -More than $J8,0p0,OO0 will
i.n a,. in fic.imn W'nli Infrlnll
"v r,..,. ...
anil western lunno ny tne iirognn-.
Washington ltallroad & Navlga-
- .
nounced today. This is tnoo.eoo
! more . Ihtin the road's IKS os-
' penditures.
Medford Airport
Outstanding One
- A Illchfleld Oil compnny
officer writes: f
"We appreciate the fact
that the Medford nlrporl will
be an outstanding one in the
! slate of Oregon f Q, the plans
4 and developments as outlined 4 ;
by your coniin unity.
"ou and the clly or Med-
1 ford are lo be rongratuU d
on making Ihn rapid strides
-- ,
you are for aiding aviation so.
Above is a typlci
Border Town Raked by Ar
tillery Dead and Dying;.
Litter Famous Street
General Ramos Flees'
With Defenders. -
.irAitlOZ, Chihuahua. Mexico,
(.March 8.-(P)
Halted by artillery,
a battleground, Juarez fell today
before Ihe onslaught of the
lug revolutionaries niter' n snngu-1
'" siege which comiiletely rout
ed d.-renuing reii.-iai .orces
"' m" llo'n "i"" ' !
cry left the , Six eenth of Septem- ;
nor Hiroci, no city mmmis mo,-.
oughfuro, littered with he dead
and (lying Willie ine msurgeius :
iigiuiisi ". ""' umiam. -M
bai,i t ,i began t dawn bad
General Jlalhlas llamos, enm-
- " "n . i
cock-.m1nmlln th flernla In C hibuahua
-""J ;'" " handful f f.dlowers
to find shelter on the shore of the
... ...
llo 'Grande In plain view of bun
i dreds of Americans In the Texas
j city of 101 Pnso. . I
! HI. PASO, Texas, Mar. 8. W;
I rtiigadier 'Incru! Van Horn Mose-
ley refused permission to Cenwrul
I Matins Kunios to gather bis fid
; era! troops on the Cnited States
I side of the International
. city of Juarez wiiich has fallen.
)'A. PASO Texas Mar 8 I
Ilul'lets from ,'iui.Htn'cd juare. fell
ti Ameiie.nn .mill einiv luihiv. Thev
Cinn.le. where American men mill
nrlillcvv nre r,.n.U- In in-,. to..,- llf.t
and property If threatened by tho,""llm
j npljling under way for supremacy
j in Juarez. ,
Alir.liniOICN. Wash., March 8.
1 lyPi Five men were drowned anil
three others wero snved when two I
I sedans drove off an open end of i
I the Wishkah biiflge near -here
early today. One of the automatic ;
gates failed to function. Tho-dend
uicii ivi'rc ifiifuei s.
Application has been made by the
Mexlcnn government for surplus
war materials an dthe American
government has consented to sup
ply such -nalerlals from the sur
plus now held by the war depart
ment. . .
Mill VI, ..!.. 1'l,
Mar. 8. W1 !
slashed, C. H. ;
His throat terribly
belli vi'd to be from out-1
look, Wash., wns In n hospllnl here
today In a wrloiis cnndlilon. Police
.ul.l h nll,.mntrl In .n,l hl life
hi- slushing nl his throat wllh n
vartime scene showing revo'u'
Pr"siclent Portea Gil.
- fjVarney Company to Start
Mail Schedule June 1
Mqui Mannar nt uuan
iiew nangar at awan
I I j ., j j uln
I S I 3 n 0 IMeeueU tlinil
Double Schedule Soon.
1'OltTl.AND, Ore.',
ralcll H.tA'l
uni iNourse ot ui vtirnoy Air
loi'llce ilopar.iient has usked tho
rues 'iviin ueiuntiuil lei H ill lillise
Invad-icoinpuny to .ho ready to come to
i'oriinnu Willi tneir mall lines u.v
.nine j uud liy .tne nigui scneuute
ters would he moved here from
., . ... . . . . . .
l,Bless day on
, . over the
- . , .
L(,0i a Cll(,k,,mcl. vlce-presl-
dent In ehurge of operations of the .
Vni.IUy )invt a , pl(lllu
regard to hangar space and opur
atlng facilities , this summer on
: Swan Island.
I ; The prnposod hnngnr would cost j
'from ?.ritl.(ioo lo XTri.niiO and. would i
i accommodate two or three multf-j
, nle motor planes, four speed mall ;
: Stearmnn planes nnd four other
.ships. I'roni sc.vcit to 10 planes
1 would be in storage or under re
pair. ,
I . The poiitofflco department hero
: i,i.....i...i it.,., i...f... f,.n ii,..
,. .'. , .
with morning nnd
night routes eastward. This would
1,0 111 coiijuncuou win, a iiroposeo
separate passenger service which
would exii'iut iron, ror, until to mm
Utile Clly, connecting Salt' Lake
I Willi li:c excess mm i iinui raciuc
trains nnd Ibe Hoeing
nlr Irnnsiinrt
Casualties of the
Air Service
MEMPHIS, Tcnn., Mar. S. (Al
Jesse Windham, chief pilot nt I ho
' local airport, and two oilier rtvla-
tors were burned to death at Oak
: land, Miss., today when their plane
' caught fire In the air and crashed.
! Heports received hero lisle,! lhe
other victims om Jlitl Daniel and
Morgan Ferroll.
Young Athlete Is
Run to Death by
o Track Ambitions
PKOHIA, 111., March 8. (pi
A schoolboy . who couldn't
make lhe team died n chum-
4QAna yesterday because he
wouldn't null. Today Kust
Peorln h:,"h school was closed
In respect to Dwlglit Carloii:,
15 years old. who fell dead
after circling the running
track nt the school trying lo
innkc lhe track am.
fiwigbt Wasn't Ollite good
enough lo make the football
team. He also failed lo win
a plnro on the basketball
sound. "Didn't have- the
Muff," Ihey sold.
Dilution of the heart," sold
..l.ul..l.. u,l,.. ..vumlt,,.,! 4,
Uwlght's body lost night
"Too much courage, cor-
i rerlMj John I'rlli!. the track
' Ptni.
! seaport Metropolis ot bina
' Joa Given Up by 1000
Troops-General Iturbe of
.. , . n!
Rebels Expected to uc-1
roads Being Destroyed.
NCM.IALKS, Ariz., March S. A1)',
j .Miizutluit, t)u soaitort lnotropoltK .
of Siitalo ha been oviicunttnl hy n i
i thousaml trooprt of the Cedoi'al
1 forces and (lonoral Iturbe, com
tnamlhiK an advancing robol army
of UOOO mon expects to occupy tue
c!iy tonlKht, reports to tho Herald j
J Iumo today Kitid. .
I Tho rebels, ri'portH to the news- I
j paper said, have Bent an advance j
u-uarrt around tho federal, troops I
i with tntd ructions to burn railroad )
brldKos and retard the federal re
j treat. , -
rho federals, commanded by
t .
(Jenornl farillo, slowly have been
foreod down tho roast lino by the
oneonihiK rebels, destroying rail
road llncH as they retreated.
.Mexican observers here said thnt
makinu an effort to intercept ihoiCoIonel Will Inaugurate Newlnua.
fi'dernl troops and attempt n cap- ;
Un iii,pine' swept
Konora, acrosH tin;
VfW ! A T I. B A
-March 8. (A')
over Xogales, I (
interuiiliolial r
j boundary
here this morning, dis-!.
pamphlets which iin- l
l',t"'t'1 " eltiaens of Sonora to lay '
,,. ,,,,,. ,., liml ,.. lu!
1,1Pil' allegiance to tho federal gov- I
ei nment., The bills were signed by :
Governor Abelardo Hodriguoz,
i governor of llajn California.
nvnamite trirorf in Noltrac
uynamne Mored in nieoras
ka Barn Explodes in Fire
Firemen Told No Dan
ger to Be Feared Blast
Rocks Big Area.
HCUIIIN'UII. Neb., March I.
tA1) Klve men were killed and 30
persons Were injured In nil ex
plosion of dynnmllo Into last night
during a barn fire ut tho homo
of Carl Hollander, county super-1
visor. .
The dynamite ' had been stored
In. Hie barn for blasting of ice
choked streams.
The dead: !
Ous I'ltmck, rred Keltner, Ouy
Clark, two mechanics, strangers
In Scrlbner. !
Four of the Injured may die,
doctors said. ' K
Pillnck, l.'ellner and Clark were j
ilty firemen. They wero caught)
by the explosion, which occurred i
without warning ten nilnulcs after j
the fire was discovered.
Most of the Injured ro mem
bers ot the city flro force.
The explosion was felt at Westi
Point, K miles north
i i
Firemen approaching tho placjper cent cooperation by directors I
woro lobl by a spectator thai
there was no danger of explosion,
ns there were no caps wllh the
dynamite., Hardly had' this as-
suruncn been given before it Ire-
lYi.niinii. i.iuki melted tho count iv -
i M en Were blown 1 no feel by
the blast. Keltner wn killed
outright, and lhe four others dledigiam o, lurm ranoi ivsis nun in..
shortly afterward. .national administration. "It Is the .
' nresldeut's task to work out the
SANTA A.VA, fill., March 8.
fVi With 38 men and elglil women
In Jul I after a fciies of Ihiuor raids
mid ten leleasAl on JUMlcp ball
I ,.,.i. officials announced
I lint
1 orange county was "dry." The
I iiniioiiticeuient said 48 alleged
"upcakeusli." hiid bun closed 1
during a 24-hour campaign furl
which plans hud been under
f,,r tim e months.
! A
I v 'APKTOW.N', Mar. 8.
-UP) v,
l,eur Dlock, llaltlmore puldishet;
Who has been Hill U ill C, lin lllrpllin
,Iour of Asia and Africa, slarled
for England nl 11:47 this morning,
Robert I'UlwardM, 3l. of
IhiVelty. wlio hart iovn u
working 0an most of Ills
years, supporting an asrctl
inolher and a sister, learned
l yesleriy that oil lands near
Tulsa, Okla., have enriched
him by $300,000. Edwards
heard news of his pood for-
tune from John Stone, Okla-
4 homa City attorney, and f
4 executor of the estate of ;
lOdwards' grandfather, Jolin :
i llaURn. who dii'd two years
" V", ,,y ", t
wn' 1 should quit work now"
id Kdwmds. Perhnps m ,
buy a small automobile nnd '.
pay off a few debts, but 1 ;
S won't iillow mrtnov In mnke 1
! me la?.y." '
Air Mail SerVICe BetWeen:laH been in rrequent conference
j with the chief executive on the! re-.
Mexico City and U. S volt Melc- , . I
Tl d.. x- Ci! WASHINGTON, March S.(p,--i
Three Passengers to Fiy;nespite reimns winch nave Wen
., , . , . I circulated that Secretary Mellon.
With ACe Retlirn Trip tOjwlll retire as head of the treasury)
i after serving a year in the cabinet'
Sweetheart SUndaV. ir -'resident Hoover, it was learned :
' i today that he 1ms set no definite .
'time for his departure. - - ;
MEXICO CITY, March 8. (A)
Colonel Charles A. Llndhergn, who
has only just regiiinort the use ot
his light arm, Injured in the crack
un of his airplane here more than
U ,WHO 'KKO,. ttltUl l 1,1RUNUVU 'ElUUt-v
with hl rlnnnaa In hnotr In lit. (n
vorlle role of n good-will flier.
President Fortes Gil today wns
to turn from his active direction
of the war against tho Insurgents
to christen tli etri-mntored plane
in which the .'colonel will Inaugu
rate the new air mall service be
tween this clly nnd Hrownsvlllo,
Texas. The flight wilf he made to-
morrow, starting ut 7:40 n. m.
Lindbergh will carry as his passen-
starting ut 7:40
gers Juun Gulllermo Vlllasana, the
chief ot the civil aviation section
of the department of cnmmunlca
Uon, nnd probably two local news
paper men.
Since the aviator is expected lo
mnke the return (light with the
mail on Sunday, ho will ho away
from his fiancee, Miss Anno Mor
row, for only two days. Itoth con
tinued to protest thnt Ihey have
set no date for their wedding as
The territory which the colonel
will cross tins not been directly
affected by the revolution, nl-
though contiguous ground has seen
fighting dining tho past few dnys.
CHICAGO, 111., March 8. lyP) ,
Herbert Hoover was pledged 10U I
of tho American r arm liurean r eu-1
oration today as news of the presl-1
dent's call for n special session of
congress April 16 Mi enact special!
farm legislation was lnld before
' the dlrectois' meeting. I
Sam , H. Thon)ison, president,
said ills orge,nl.allon felt respon-1
sllilllly for working out the pro-.
i problem and tho task of the federa.
I Hon lo cu-oporale with him to the
fullest possible extent." :
Mr. Thompson reported ot, his,
j conference will. Sir. Hoover last i
iweek, prior to Inauguration, at!
i which the entire agricultural Bllua-j
! I ton was discussed Including, Mr.
Thompson said, the proponed pro-;
ceilnrc for securing proper relief:
legislation. Mr. Hoover was pleas-
cil to learn, the farm leader re-1
ported, of the attitude of the feder
ation nnd gratified to know Unit
the "vast army of organized farm
ers would he behind him with nit
vice nnd assistance in working out
the administration program."
I'ocll Wis I .
PAIilS, Mar. 8. 11') Mnrshnl j
Koch Vns permltled to sit In nn i
armchair for 10 nilnulcs ogulu to-j
bey by his physicians, who found i
il.,.r wrtui i.iv1iiv'h tmiirovement bad.
I been maintained. i
As n result of his eight weeks'
hllness his weight is less than 100
l RY HflflVFR
i mm
Faithful Public Servants to
Retain Jobs, Says New'
Executive Cabinet Meets
. for First 'Time Purpose
of Law Enforcement
Commission Is Explained.
j WASHINGTON, March S.-'jr -.
i President Hoover salii today that
j he plans uo extensive changes in
j the personnel of tho governuie,nt. . ;
! in answer to questions from
press correspondents, the chlefex
i ecutive declared that he proposes
j "to adhere to the principle ot -rtM
tain hit: as many us possible "hi!
i I hose public sei vnr,ts who have;
I given 1onest nnd zealous service.'"
WASHINGTON, March 8. ((H
President Hoover met with his cab
inet today tor the first time, out-!
lining in u broad way the genoral
policies ot the administration nnd
; discussing with his adVisers a va
Miely of subjects .Including the
; .Mexican revolution. - t
j All members were present ex-'
jcept Ileury L. Slluisou, secretary
of state, who is eu route from .Mtii
ilis chuir is occupied mean-
President Hoover stated today-rhat
the enforcement commission uo is
to appoint will consider enforce
ment of the law In respect to nur-
wiles. uumlKiB.lpnv trade restraint,
WO,.m Ulliantlllieill,' urj VQ:
oilier branch of the federal govern
ment's law enforcement.
The president's statement, matin
in reply t questions -from repro-.
senatlves of the press, was as fol
lows: . -
"The purpose and scope of tho
law enforcement commission, ' as
stated In my inungurnl address, is
In i.tlt,.,.l,v Annul, I.. fflta .ntlm
, , , V, 7""""
"J,, "1 ll?r?. ft. . i?..'
redistribution ut its functions, the
simplification of its procedure, the
provision ot addtiditlonnl special
tribunals, the better selection of
Wurtes, the more effective organi
zation ol' our agencies of investiga
tion and prosecution. ' . :
"It Is Intended to cover the en
tire question of law enforcement
and organization of justice, it will
also naturally include consideration
ot the method of enforcement ot
the 18th amendment." . i ,
4h - - .
Oregon Weather
Unsettled tonight with ruin f in
west: Saturday ruin, moderate tem
perature. Strong southerly winds,
occasionally gnles on the const
Will Roger. Say. f
iXBW YORK. March
This revolution in Mexico i
for no reason whatever, only
those that arc out want iu.
They got no improvements
to offer. Now it's known
that; whoever the United
Mates hacks - with money
nnd trims will win.. So" we
ask, . "AVhat
do they, do it.
for!" Y e t
the Mexicans
look ; at oiir
d e m o crat
i c uprising
every f o ,w
years, where we know that
the side with the "bifr'iuou:
ey" will win, whore there is
no new improvements to of
fer, and it's all for the sanie
reason, "the side that s out
wants in." So every nation
is cqmilly cuckoo." It de
pends on who is looking; at
us. Their losers pet sho.t,
and ours, the hack pape. so
it's which would you rather
have ? Yours,
- ' WIIX KOliKIiS.' ;
1'. S. : This rebel leader,
Kscobar, was my principal
host when there. I am just
kinder fipnrinp whero we nr
poinp to run onto each othn'r
apain. , . .. :'': .'