Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 18, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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ocal and
CharK'U O. Cole, well known citi
zen and Janjtur of tho Medford
Center bulldriiir. '"Buffered a severe
stroke of parulyjdn nt i 0 : y 0 o'clock
last: nlKht wmlo out riding, ami
wati hurriedly removed in n nil -
cflntfenii; condition to the Sacrod
i J nait noBpiiai, vnere eurty inn
Afternoon he. was still .unconscious,
III Condition' is serious.
- Old-tlmo dance, "Walker's, Tues.
... . ,; :. . 30
Births were 27 ahead of deaths
In Jueksori county since Inst Sep
tember with lt3 blrthR and 130
deaths fisted at. the county clerk's
offee today. : .- -j - : s v
. i V MusqUerado dfiice; W. ? O. W.
ha, Saturday, February 23-. 334
, 'AIIsii Mabof Mack, county home
demonstration acnt, who returned
to QMcdford last Thursday from
bavihff-fluent over a-weeic ntt'end
iii(f 01" state conference of exten
sion worker), arid the GrmiKO lec
turer school at Die Orcda Htato
college, held a moo tint' with the
women' of Kotfuo Itlvcr today.
$50 to $GfU to- )0x on furnmire.
- IxMihii approved1 and money- paid
same day. It worn 12, Halm block,
icor. Main1 androrit Btrt., upHtuhn.
. ' 3r
Oufrttn from H dlHtant'ti reglHlcred
a.t Med ford hotels ielud- Al
Itrown of Portland, Me., Mi "and
Mrs. lllturd Vermeer of ('IticuKn,
ill. i ft- w. Van Fleet of Vancouver,
It. J, VT. A. Hoc of IviHton,
Idaho f ' m
: That good cdal low in ash. XT.m-
.Bon Coal Co; ' Phone 2 i'J. it
THo Dlamonil-CHti!urant on AVest
girth' utrect wui cloned today and !
will bo cloned until Friday for' re-1
palm and renovation work,
Ddncd, W. O. W. HalU Wed. - 831
Tw.dvo' eon..eutiv nlirhtrt- of
frcedti' tempemturo is somethlns
w rr. thrt wnffur. vuiinv a ti
heavy ral. with snowfall In tho
mountains, would be much more to
the point. Grants Pnsa Courier.
Pat'a Ttxas tamale house, steam
d tamalcs to take homo, 10c ca'chfi
6 for 00c. Open 8 a. in. to 12 p. I
m: N. R VfrMliln. I'linnn 1411(1.
, 1 ,346'
Mrtr TT I'm ill" Itlm'k ttit't-n ll'Tl vou,
Wrday for Han ,Too. illf.. whoroj
shd will visit Her boh for tlio next'
two wcc'Uh. '
UM! hny for eala. John Cnr
kln; Phono 1U9-V Ml'
.ni'inor aVilo e'ol'llalon took pl'di'o
on Hlxth mid Front KlnMt Haliir
day nlKht bt'twoon.'i'Ri'rt ioii by
Jj. A: HoUu-Ih" ut AkIiIiiikI mid
Aliro lin'lrri of Modford, reHper
tlvoly. kittle duninnf vn canned
to wither hiaehine. aceordhiK to n
report on file today at the polfce
ntation where tho report of a ool-
llslon "etweert cain driven by V.
M. McHlVny nnd .lnriies Hehllhiter,
On' tho T'nclflc hlfc'hwny lienr Med-
. ford, wan r.'.HO On flli'r ' ' , 1
Morxjiwineitidi ' i.ijij!)'JVio Miy
' properly nt 8 ' Willi' eredlt; for
monthly pnymenlH. Loans 'ap
proved hero. Wo haVo. $ir0,(i00
exuili In Uio-bnrilt for innnedlate
dlHburfHlment: " Union 'Hhv0k.h &
Tioari An. Agey., Hoom 12, Palm
block, cor.' Main nd From', np
stair. W''
"' Olowdy HoKiln of the Hudmin
KuHcir Aulo company rolnrned to
daj frdirf a. short luminous trip to
, Pol'tlnnd.
Jlomi ihendlna,-rnnnora removed
and' Bmiint vrked back. Handi
craft Hhop. E 10tf
i A mooting of thb IYite hluiiwi
commlHHlon rtilnonneed for Port
land' March 1 ha been prtBlpnned
until March ' 8. ncrdfiig to an
nouncement1 today. :'
' Old-tluio dnhco, Wnller'iiTui'.
' ;V ' r 9 aau
'' A'mo'nu' the CalifurithinM i'ckIk
tered nt Medford' hotels are IV A,
Anderiion'nlHl Mr. and Mra. J. A.
llurrlH and Hon of 1.0H Aimeles, Mr.
nnd M"rt J. II. Crenshaw of Hun
Vcdrd, AT. K. Kol of Alameda.
' MY Heiwb'r of Valb'jo. und tho fol.
lowlntf frln Ban FrnnelHeu: Mr.
and ' MWi. H. Mi Tlioinpwin, ' A.
iJiWb. CI, A. Slioemhl(Ci nnd Jlv.
and Men', .lack llnlnx. ,
. Dry pmo Blabs, it load. Tel.
631. Modfurd Fuel Co. ; J34lf
A. B. Mundell, reitiTKeiilnllvo of
tho rrenilor Malt Produela com
pany of Portland, in in tie city for
a few days on biitdneMy, O
Muiio KlanderH, of l'orllumi, ban
taken ftraeo Itmnier'tt place at
tin Kmn'm f'llno Khop. iliir,
. Ki-od H. Clmiupllu uPfiuld 1 1111
FooIh Crook-dUtriet hihmiI Honibiv
flu this cliy.
J (Jot tlioHO fendoiv) nA
bodies HlralKhteuOd at Drill a SI
rMotilt Works. oipoHlto Lewis Hupei
Honlee Blnllcm. I'hono 41. tf
We have the larg
est and most con"
plete assortment of
breads and pas
tries , in Southern
Oregon. Come inO
'and inspect them
at our retail store.
T Torc than 200 publiwherH ant)
I edltora are exiieetnd to attend the
eleventh annual mH conference
February 21, 23 and 23, at tho Uni
versity of Oi-fKoii. Hpeukert rt'p-
iVKfntiiiK all flection, of the state
will take up ailverilHliiK, news, the
problem! of truth) and clns jour
nalM. and ncwHpnper coatH. ,
Old-time rianco, Malkcr'n( Tuch.
The third unto theft in Medfmil
thiit year wan reported lut nlKht
1 wtlh the Mealing of a tourlnp cor
tvom Ci B. Thompson of tho Med -
i-uiiiuum at numwuio wm-
liany while parked, on a downtown
t AM-eet.. Authorities haye been notl-
J fled north' and Kouth of Mdford.
but tho ear wan still miMntf today.
Tliat good coal- low In ash. Han
sen Coal Co. Phono 239, tf
KlKht h It-It school bands of
Portland havo been Invited to en
ter the seventh .annual St at a hijih
Hchool band contest at tho Oregon
Hldte-collesri In April. Kntertaln
lnenl on tho campus, including
board for the day, Is supplied by
Kappa Kupa Psi, nutlonut honor
ary band fraternity, Hponsor of the
content. tiehooU thi yeuti ato be-
Intf divided for the first lime into
K roups Jiccordin'tf to nlze, allowing
bandu Pdiii IiIkIi scIiooIh with lew
than 4t)U reKlHtrallon to compete
iiKalnst their own chow.
Highest grado Utah coal, any
size, anywhoro, any amount. Han
sen Coal Co. ". Phono 239. tf
IX iViaurt of tho Phoeitlx dfs
trlet Bpent this morning in tho city
traitMartlnK buslnesK. " 9
ld-timo dance, Walker's, Tiich.
MarWuK" lit-eases were iHHU'ed at
thf iTiiiiitv i'9i'k'M tf flct todiiv to
Joseph D. Silver, 30, and Kathciii
Tarr, 24, both of Klamath Falls,
and to Albert Conper, 2r, of Trail,
and to Juunila Hmlth, 18, of i'Juglo
Cheap lumber und cedar posts.
Medford Lumber Co. 287tf
K Aiinouyn in i.omrai I'omt anu
! Xiv01' llgh Hehool bnskot-
'f 11 at tho latter
place last Friday resulting In do-
; togl tov tit0 f"rin;r., the game W
ni. count officially, Ivm to the
ab"'ncu of tho rcfere!, who: for
somu unknown reason failed to
tmi hiH ftPPcaranee. Ah a result
of hl8 absence, roaches of tho two
"i r.....,
.di'lav 4f avt'i: nP liour und
. j half. Another Kumo 1h to be played
tmnorrow cvnniiiK at Koguu Hlvor
lhc "" ''""""'-' "
intoos, 100 lbs. for $1.10; DO 11)8.
OGc. Dollvorod any nlaoe In city.
Johnson's Mnrlcot, 6lh and Grape
St. Phone 7. SOOtf
. M. K.' Sprtl, Hpeelal agent for
the 1'. S. Fidelity (luaraiily cont
pany of P,irllund,l8 in llio.elTj-"
today on bliHlrteKh. '
Old-tlmo dune, Walker's, Tuos.
1 . 330
10. J.. Hovt of f'eda Valloy, Mr.
and Mm. A. K. Harli. Mlsa Dor
othy Mahoney und M. W. Po'kk.)
arc Kuestn at Medford hotels from
the state of WuhIiIiikIop.
I Doors and ' windows ,i clmap' at
Medford Eu'mhorJo, ' -itTtt
MIsh italic O'ltonrlto, ompWyo or
Iho Muytag compuny, left yester
daymornlnj? for A'nneouver, Wash.,
where she will visit her parents for
a week nnd return to Medford.
Hot, clean coal. Tel. 631. Mod
ford Pufl Co. 324tf
Outside of ruluitiK the eiiKiuo by
letting water free.o In the block,
Htnashlni; two fenders In crash
ini'd takliig two simro tires by ts
lilleves, the Chevrolet touriiiB enr
stolen two week utio from 10; H.
Ilodrlolt while parked on fi down J
town sti'i, was returned yester
day from Hlison,' Cnllf., In uood
eondlililn. Several broken tow
ropes' we're found hnnulnt? onto the
bark end of the machine.
lXince. W. O. W. hall. Wed. 331
Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Kennies
motored m thelold Hill district
yesterday aTternoon on an outing.
Young roller canaries for sulo.
EnoolUmt slngOrs. I'hono 3U0-L. tt
Hounly warrnntH w-,m'o Issued at
'the county clerk's office today to
V. IjiiiIuI of Ashland, seven coy
otes and two hnhrutptud to Austin
Jack 'of Hoguo lilvei-, one bobcat.
l.ut. tito 'rlto your firo lusitrance.
Carl 'linswilld, Hotel Hull
.IMiono 8.
Numerous npurtMiien attendnil
'tliti Cte'l meiillug oClhe leKllati";
Katun comiMlllee I'llday ldgbt at
Salem, where both Hides of the law
proposing to havo' the stoelhcnd'
declared a wamo 0sll weiv dis
cussed. Tl'iero was a lot of j.Oulug
buck und forth, hut no definite
decision was r-aehod, tlther mca
uren wlib-h affect both anglers and
commercial intercstsAvill bo de
bated at. unotlicr meeting to be
held In Nalcm In tlio near future.
Cheap dry lumber ut Medford
Lumber Co. J3IIC
Mrs, I'Mna Isaacs, who' hits been
111 with a severe enld for tho past
week, is reported Improved today,
and expects to bo back at her dusk
in the Hutchison Lunifdcu store
some time this week.
"fyarls" ltep. 1'lionOlTJ-M.
Mrs. Sudle Allen. 2Silf
Arreted by Mlnte Traffic Offl
er Herb Monro, Halph ili'ngg of
this cliy. was scliiHluled to appear
In the local Justice coui't today oil
a charge of misusing, dealers'. II
rense plates, and C. J. MJurtliy,
arrested by the sunn ttffiWr, wan
nlso scheduled to uppi'ar today in
jusilro court. Ho Is charged with
lining Cullforula: license plates
while a resident of Oregon, In
the Grunts Pass court, officer
Moore has cited Curl ' ltn'rnes,
traveling aulcsmun, tu appear on u
driving while inioxicuted charge.
Xelfnn Cannon or Williams Creek
Is also scheduled to appear IP the
Santo court on a truffle charge.
1 Irv fir slnbs, load. Tel. 631.
Medrord Fuel Co. 3-.'4tf
Mrs. Margaret Wuton returned
yeftterday to her homo on West
Main street from n short week-end
trip to the' (Tom Morris nilno on
Hlidiop creek.
If you want your garden Plowed,
call 344-Y. . 830
11. H. gcott of Orants Pass, ar
retted nt Applcguto 8nturdrtV night
for moonsbtno possession, Is sched
ule d to havo a hearing In the local
Justice court nest Friday afternoon.
Tho urnst was made by tho
sheriffs orflee. "
Fancy Nowlowrt apples delivered
any pluco In tho city, Too box.
Johnson's Wfki'(, 08tf
Hpenecr H. UullUf, who died lout
Decem1er, lcft an cwtato In Juck
Hon county valued fit JS,61, ac
cording to an inventory and ap
praisement presented lust ,weck in
probata court. -
Factory hlbcka, $0 load. Tel. 031.
Jlcdford Fuel Co.. 324lf
The second auit npalnut tho Call-for'nta-Oretton
Power comimtiy and
i tho American Trust company.
churKlnu that tho power firm in
responsible, for flooding a. lartre
tract of farm land. In Klamath
j county when it released a larito
iiuiwrni ui u itjijvt- mif
nth lake. April 1, 1927, by raising
tho dam gates leading tp Link
river, was filed' in- federal district
court ut Portland last week by J.
W and Koso 13. Kerns, owners of
410 acres Irt tho district. Dain
nges totaling ?2S.O20 were asked. .
Portland Journal.
Fnctory blocks', 0 load, Tel. 631.
Medford Fuel Co. , ' 824tf
Mrs. W. U, Dickey of (ho ICenlcy
orcliard district sperit sevoral hours
in tho cliy Kilopping and visiting
local friends, v . . .
. Upholstering. Call Jacksonville
302. ; ; - 339
. Included amOx t"o Orcgonlans
registered' at local hotels Huitday
were Mr. nnd Mrs. Leo It. M'-rmuk
und baby of Astoria, t,. M. lOntley
of Hood ltlvor, 1muh ?fiss Of Su
lem, ,Iv K, AVeiicford of- Aibnny
and the following from Portland:
M. K. Hprutt,1 Mr, and Mtt It. J.
Owen, Mr. und Mi's. H. 8. liuucken
bush und A; N. Wullen,
Host Utah coal not and clean.
Tel. tiilj. Medford Fuel 324tf
JOvldenet' of cunshlcrublo build-!
ing activity on Hprlng street. Just'
outside thu city limits, is evidenced
by s'f or even homes now tinder
construction there. The latest one
i'Ubo completed' was built by D. IS.
Mlurdl ' lutul"' realtor, and' others
uro expected to be completed In u
.short time. "A1 now store is uls'o
being established In the Spring
street section and' is located along
tjje Crat'er l.nko highway.
Drdssmak'lhg 'nd remodollng' at'
tho .' Fashion Simp, 424 Medford
lildg. Phono 1181.' tf
T. k: Daniels returned yesterdny
from fiulcm, where ho spent' the
past week b-g-o to! legislature
In advocacy of reforms In-' Hoguo
river fishing.
I'ollovvlng a visit- of1 several
w'eeks with friends' and relatives in
Medford uud In l'ivnns Vnlley, Wal
lace Itowera left this afternoon by
train fulfils home in Lincoln, Neb.
Mrs. Dura' LyWh, who has been
Visiting her daughter,' Mt. Vordu
Cluuckeiillush, -of Table Rock, 'plans
io leave tomorrow' for' her liouio in
Weed, cull'
Wliat Is expected to ho one of
tho nidst' hard nftht iiiatchen of
Hie city billiard tournament will be
played ' tomorrow evening between
Chris Onttllcb and' FUJI, uiid V11I
decldo Hie city clinmploiPihlp If
the latter wins the game, plnyed on
even terms' Of 230. However, If
the former wins, iho plnycrs will
piny anolher gnnio oh the follow
Ili, nlKlit for derinllo dft-lslon.
bpttllebl luus lost one gumo' and
Fujl huit lost liono. At-iho: pres
ent time Ted Hill and It. Marti' arc
lli'd for second place, while Hoper
Is holding tht-d and Harold Itid
dell in the fourth position.
Mr. und Mrs. It. B. Chandler of
40s Kdwurds'Ntrotit, returned homo
Prldny evening," having been to
Clackiiumns, Ore., for several' days
to attonil the funeral of Mr. Chand
ler's mother.
Appropriation f the waters of
DliundnO lakh AVould bo prohibited
under- tho1 provisions gif a bill iff-ti-bdilited
by ftcn at dr Upton In the
lVjilnlat'iiflk" ' ' ' '
; A- meeTing' of the committee of
!50, w'ltleh Is advocating tho choice
of OovtfrnnV(lnti island' In thu Columbia-
river as' tlio site for the
Pacific' coast dlrlgibld' base, lias
been culled for the lounge of the
Purtliiud chnmber of oonnneroo
Monday nflernoon at-1:46. Astoria
has two-siles to offer, Kca "loose
has one niul Tualatin vulley bus
two. 1 AdvOjalCs of tho vurloiis
sites nre to Ih. called together 0iou
by W. li; It. IlmlOi. malinger of
the ' Port laml1 chniiilulr f eom
mercc. In an eforrt to liaVo the
vurioUhwcltle of this district eon
centVato on and nlto In sending
fholr urgumentu to Wnsblugton.
D, C. The oivgohlan. 0
A' bitllillng pernilt-wn.i Issued 1
lay by Iho- elly to P. I,. Junniffii
for- Iho remodeling o a st'-e
building on Main street lit' a' cost
of lion. ' ' -
Mrs. It. If. H'rynnl left' Saturday
en nlng for Ittnill. liid., w;bero she
will spci several' montlis visiting
her paivius.
Herli Wilson of Chicago nhd Hoi
Jenkins of Ui-trolt uro rtilong tlte
I'tfel guests Itl Medford from iO
ulMlnnee. "
Tbn irii'si of h. .series of clothing
ihoe'tl'tigs rot1 tho onk (irovd rom
nuinlly by Mrs. Mubel f,'. Muck,
hoiiio deninnslrutloh ngrhf, will he
held nt tho homo of Mrs. A. K;
IQoekWuy, "rodto 1, bo ' I S. on
luesdny, February 19, Tills will
bis air all-ilny seMloin IWRlnnlng nt
ID o'clock. All ladles lliteresotu in
tlio work' nro nvlt'ed to attend. '
ri'vu-.i .... '
v .1.114 .miiibiiiiii kj cai, son
oi .Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. O'Neill I
i"'"" ' me nonio oi nis
parents ill Klllliialll Full. Oregon,
- -
Sunday evening from complieii-lexuct
wons loiinwing tnilltenut. Aged
I years, months- und-' 20 das.
ll was the only Child of Lucile !
Marshall, dutightei" of Mr. and
Mrs. Ocorgo E. Marshal! of Kouth
oahiiaio. .Mickey was a lovable '
hllil and the sympathy of tho
coninHinlty Is extended to his b
renved parents. Tlio funeral ser
vices will be held In tho Catholic
church In Klamath Falls Tuesday
morning at ;0 o'clock. The re-
mulns will arrive In Medford Tues
day and the funoral corlcgo will
leave from the Perl Funeral home
at- 2:30 p. m. Interment will take
placo In tho Jacksonville ceme
tery, where a short service Till
be held. HcverenJ Father Mea
gher officiating.
Oregon Weather.
Ol'eKon; Fair tonight orid prob
ably Tuesdays colder east portion
tonight. Moderate vtli)lo winds.
; That 'Call C. Wells, the United
HtuU's deputy mai-shul statipned in
Medford. Is conspicuous as ono of;
tho hardestworked men in Oie-j
gon. Is illustrated by the fact that !
between his attending to hb duties
in Medford nnd running back and
forth between this city 'aim Klam
ath' Fulls' and 3'ortland, etc.," and
visiting other southern Oregon
points between times, also op offi
cial duty, lie has had no time for
weeks to recover from a flu attuck.
Cal is so on the go most of tho
time that it Is hard for him to
keep his toiiguo from hanging out.
and even while ostensibly resting
ho 1a wheezing to catch his breath
and dreads to answer a long dis
tance phone- call, or open hla mall. !
for fear of encountering new orders
tp hike out again on . government !
business. '
During cciber and .Tanuury
ho was kept on tho go between
this city uiul .Klaniuth FalK or be
tween either" one of aliesn two
t itles uni) Portland, so n.:li Unit,
no never cuugui up with himself,
uhd for .six weeks .van unuble to
get n. good night's sleep. One
canhb sleep ort HVjijii wlth one
or more federal prisoners In cus
tody, yuu know.
; 111) has made so funny trulli,
sfWc und auto trljis between the
iioiTit:i above mentioned that he
know" the nuines of all the live
stock ulung. the highwuy and tl'01
locution or every telegraph pole
ulong the Southern l'acific between
hern lind Portland, und Klamath
Fulls and Portland. ; 9 ,' v
He .left here lt Friday iiigffl
for Porllund with Juincs 'Arthur
and J. P. McKlnnoy, who were
bound over to the- fedcrul graif
UT by ciinilncoy Flurry, I'liR-od
States commlssl'ier at.' Medford.
on' stolen ntomobile charges, ar
rived in tho metropolis Saturday
morning and turii' I 'hlsiu-isoners
over, expecting to go to' lied at a
lioti und; i--njoy some slce)i.
Hut. no. liitele Ham was' too' busy
In his crimiAl business, and Cat
was given a bunch of supbeouus
to ft'vo in Klinnutli I-iUs In con
nection . with vtlio fedel-Ql grund
Jury nieeting'iii Porllhnd this week.
Hence lie boarded a Iraffi for
Klumalli Falls.'-at' onci hci-vcI
thoso pnpers yesterday and eaiu'o
over Co 'Ied'fo'rd' bj a into motor
stage lns9night-.
After a fw hours' sleep ho was
busy . in catching, .up with - his
clerical wol-k in tho Federal build
lug offlcu this mornliiK, expecting
to' loaVe tomorrow or ue.dny. for
Portland to nppearis a grand Jury
wltnoss.'!if,rto oniorgeitcy mheriylse
n-rlses' beforc.Miud to be back' oi)
offlclnl business In Kluminli Falls
next Thursdayi - - ....... .-m'. '
Tl'iu's it goes with Cnfc Toimue
always' hanging Otit - wiih fatigue
and wheeling; for bi'eatli.1- . , ' "
ASH'UY.PAIIK, X. J., Feb. 18.
(P) lr. Edwin I'yo Turner odm
fleul.tiv. 'LD .VAN I....1.1 t...ln,,,. nt tl.rt
Crimean wur. who. beeiimo front
Puge . news . threo -urs Qgu when
a gray-benrded deputy sheriff nr
rested him on a bulf ccnOiry old
charge of ltor.'$ stealing, wus found
a suicide today.
lying on tho floor rA lil twu-amiii
liuck .by, n patrolman. A rovulvcr
was In his , hand, ' and . bullet
wounds, wore ruund Ihruugh his
neck and-sldin -'-
e .
Screen Life in
Holl3rwood i
By Wado WeniO'.
HOLLYWOOD,' Cut Among tho
fow film, players hero who really
Hor-iii! glad to.'seo tho silent screen
slipping llhd tho onslaught of
niu II I n I en in
Warner Baxter,
who' has a rath
er interesting
reason for his
From now on,
ho exults, tho
picture-goer will
liuvri a chance
to see tho play
ers real per'
forma nco In
st v a d of an
edited" vei-slon'
Which may bo
innklm- u liar
out of the actor.
llaxter cites
I'lises In lilu l.
m lyaaj .i . "
li lent enritAr
where h om.-iit
he used Ills acting aMlliy to con
vev was tvlslod nroliml Into lis
opposite by tho inedo addt-
linn of n Hiiblttli.. , s
."r remember once," he said.
"playing opposite O woman In a
which reniiln-d inn to toll
her, In so ninny words that I was
not ut all Interested In her. and
In fact disliked ' iter. Naturally
my slncerti effort wiih' to convey
that ; thought clearly In panto
mime. .Uht when 1 saw the com
pleted tplctuio on tho screen a sub
title liad me saying to hor; "I
love you'! i .
"Talking pictures obviously can
not be Juggled In' that fashion.
Now when I portray a character
for camera and microphone I feel
somo assuranco that what L am
trying to do will be seen and
judged on Us merits by tho au
dience. It can't bo edited Into
something exactly opposite."
VJeitiittt Kaiwdropplllg-,
fbcre nre tiomo ' tliines boul
3 4i iSAr i
Changes Her Mind
TTiff iiWliii hW" " ")!':""'
Alice White, movie Btar, signed.
contract as a "brunette of natural
auburn hair," then changed her
mind and became a blonde. It got
her into legal difficulties until her
lawyer obtained a clause consent
ing for her to appear as a blonde.
working In tulking pictured, of
course, which no player should be
expected to enjoy Very, heartily.
One 1h that .thero i practically
no nrivaev in a tnlklnir atuco. The
placo ha8 ho inany iicrophone
it is Hk one Immense car, und a
very prttale conversation . ouietly
on between scenes can bo
hord 'very easily in tho control
room. ' '
SVhNEY, Australia
yp) ti
government ,of Kew South Wales
has adopted the' Junior irarriicr.V
Club movement to chfk the drift
from farm to city.- The movement
aims to ft'cp the farmers', sons and
daughters on the farms.
. f ;
SZEOKDIN, Hungary P) Hun
gary and Spain arc' waging n pa
prika war. Paprika is tho'. national
vegetable of Hungary. Spain, und
Hungary arte tho greuirst produeg s
of pnptiku In thu world.
: : '
SAO PAl'LA. Itrazll W) Sao
Paulo's fame as the richest state in
Bra2il lias drawn tl'lGG Immi
grants In the past year. They ar
rive in a steady stream by boat
front abroad und by rail from other
Hraitltlim states.
fOK HAI.H Maxwell sedan; new
. tires; I t'li license; at a bargain.
Oris Crawford. r 330
l'"Olt KAI.K Hon house lSx.12.
chicken wliv. fence, und ben
coops. IMloll? 1050-Y. 321
LOST Ladles' watch. ?10
reword. IMeuse leave at' Tribune.
FOIt SALK l'liino, 1T5: terms.
, ?10 per month, no Interest. H.
N. Loflan si!S South Oukd'ale.
FOH ItENT 4-rooro fiirnlshi
bouses witli or withoi. eleetl.,
range. Phono G23-J-2. 32:ltf
SALE lllaek Jersey
cockerels. Phone 023-J-2.
O 329tf
Tho Oregon Slate College club
will meet tonight nt the liomu of '
students of tho college nre invlk
tp couie. Starts nt 8' 'eloek.
a a
NEW HOME with coiuniunlt'y
store- und gim station: wonder
ful location; .corner lot; between
tivn Hi'biti.lK biuii-t l)f -I1I1I'
diKl.: mi i-iimiietlliiMi. 1'Ii-mI lnSi
: surance Agency, inc., 30 North
Central Ave. 1'hojl;' 105. 335
FtTU SALF. Porch swing, window
scat cushions, can bo seen only
between !' and 6 p. in. 'luesdny.
3L't S. "Holly. ;u';i
FOIt SALE :l ncrej. of Henri
Creek soil. 10 of which Is In
bearing pours, balance In alfalfa
ana corn in mi. 1 mile fviuii Mi-tl-
ford ciiy JlmitH on maiir Pacific
Highway; excellent fi-rooni. lilod-
, era homo; good barn, tractori
und fiirni liiiplemeiitH go with
Pluco, A wonderful bllv at
?l 1.000. Sim 'Charles A. Wing
, Agency, inc. v 3;ii
l",fi - CASH Halunce like rent,
will place yon In tin utracllve.
new .'i-rooln liimlern l..;u-.e; .only
3 blocks from high school; cor
ner lot. Price 40tl. Charles
A. "Wing Agency, Inc. 331
FOIt li.VCIIANOE lia-K- In nn
. paved street, and nly 3 blocks I
ironi Mnslllilgton school, o-rooin
modern home, lai-gi lot. Total
' price 3:oo. Will accept good
car, snccp or cows, us first pay
, luoiil. Seo Chniica A. Wing
t Agency. Inc. am
FOR SALh 1-room home, largo
iui. , i-riev tJ,u, au cssll,. I)nl-
unee like rent. See Churles A.
Wing Agency, Inc. 331
talk with you. B. 13. List, Uulldor.
Phono i;7. 334
and rtntlons located at Ashland,
1313 K. Main, will bo ofroreii icr
rule hy sealed Mils, ttlds will be
opencd at ,u a, m. o'clock on
iTuesdn.v. February ;'8. i'j 'ii. tIiIb
slock luventorlcH fi'jns.10, fix
tures J I. .1.00. Certified chock
for ten per cent of amount of
hid must accompany bid. Sleek
may be inspected- nnv time.
Rigllt l-oscrved to reject nnv or
all bids. THB AD.UST.MK.VT
HCHHAC, 471 Pltluck Itlock,
Portland, Oregon. Sec Mr. Pcob
ler nt liluo Flower Lodge, Phoe
nix. Ore. S3'
W A NT K li Man experienced In
farming and fruit raising wnnts
position as manager of orchard
or farm: would also consider
touting either; nvallnblo at once:
best of references. Address 8. L..
care .Mall Tribune, giving vonr
utldrvts, und party will cull. IS'.'
. Because of the InlercKt whown ut
the poultry school which has been
in seslon every Wednesday and
Thursdny evenings at' tho; high
chool agriculture roomw, another
meeting -Will bo held this Wednes
day, for a general dlscU8sion, and
answering of questions tliat havo
accumulated in the "QUQHtlqn box"
which has been a featuro of the
previous meetings. 1 , ;
An ' announcemen.Vlait week
stated that -the mooting. - would
close lust Wednesday evening, but
It was found necessary' to call an
other, duo to the fact that there
was not enough timfr to answer
all the questions arising.
In connection with this school, a
number of the clans' participated
in a demonstration toUr, which In
cluded tho visiting of the chicken
ranches of Dr. Sweeney, known as
the "Red Ranch"; Mr. Lockwood s
VvVliUc Winp" -and. George Jack
son's raiK'ti, ncar'Pjenlx, I
, All 'were invite, to : attend this
meeting necording to CYD. Thomp
son, who i conducting tho cluses.
ship sTnksIdff
a ill ClJliUlJ liiWj,
AllKlrullli, Feb.1,
18. (P) Th
K'nownn HltnXr t(wlnv .
The interstato steumslil
... , . ..." : ""-""
gago of Its passengers, nftor run
ning ashoro in a heavy fog seven
miles west of Wilson promontory,
the flotithornmost tip of Australia'.;
The stcumer was boun from
Sydne y; to Melbourne.- The passen
gers had beeh, 'transferred to tho
steamer' Mnyarra and' tho crew
cached safety before the Kanownjt
sank. , , , . ,
Par from having been removed
to Angora, Leon Trotzky lies so ill
.in the Ru.Oiuh consulate where to
move htm at all.woiild bo danger
ous. It Is believed. ' - ' " !
Even servants are excluded from '
the vast wing Of tho consulate i
where he is confined to his bed. i
EAfil.K POlXTiltAXUI-; !
-The Eagle Point (allgo will;
hold its regular business meeting I
Tuesday. February , In the P.iiy
hnl), ,'U 8 p. m. The lecture hour j
yil be -.omitted. !
. Secretary. .
Special meeting Siskiyou
Lodge of Perfection, f:30
p. in., February 1 is I
. Fourth anl , Klftli'-iiitji f
gi-ees. '', ' ' ' i
L. E. AVILLIASIS, Sec'y. !
m .
L I. V
" N
I tea? I A's
Well poised debaters with logic
and dramatic appeal at their dis
posal were theforensic sextet from
the junior high school who prfi
sented the affiratlvn and negative
arguments In a contest before the
Klwanls club this noon.
"Resolved, Hint the children In
tho public schools of Oregon should
be furnished free text .books," was
the1 question, and bo evenly match
ed.. .wero tlio speukers that the
spellbound .'.audience und body 'of
throe judges were at a loss to de
termine just which side had won
the argument. The final decision
was a vote of two to one In fuvor
of tho negative.
The young debaters in the order
of their appearance were Virginia
Dunlavla, affirmative; Lois Snyder,
negative; Adrn Kdwards, affirma
tive; Anna May, Fuson, negative;
June Davis, affirative, and Murjorie
MfcN'air, the robuttnl being" hand
led by Virginia Duiiluvia and I-ois
Snyder. The speakers were intro
duced' by Sierlntendent B. H. Hed
rlck, who appointed: Kiwanians
Arnsplgor, liu-SKe and .Uutte'rfleld
as judges. A. J. Hunbyt principal
of junior high, und Mrs. Maybellc
Church, debute coucu, wero also ,
guests of the club. '!
Miss Melbu Williams, accompa-
nieu on tne pinuo uy miss .leunessB
Eutler, contributed two beautiful
vocal solos. , . ,
- '-
Farm Pointers
shu'vings make
mutcrinl for tlio
'i'hcj re -better
BOO(, in3Uui0n
farm fee house.
thnn ;8uwtusW wltloJi ismoro .eoni-i
?nenly used, because they are elos-
inethe Big Cash?
, Standing ' of
end of second
; Buy
; 1 Woodrow Reich
2 Albert Randall
3 Jessie Offord '
4 Richard Sleight
5 Don Anderson
6 Rachel Fry
7. Lou Dodson..
8 John Millard
S Myron Tleser
xu uienn Stewart
7 .
A Talking )enaOl1 J
Which' Is Safer After All?
Flaming Youth with itrWIaming loves
and petting parties, its midnight joy
rides and moonlight kisses? Or love
starved youth, sheltered through life,
until thrilled by the first kiss, it is
swept helplessly to the end ... 7
In Song Imitations of Harry Lauder,
Al Jolson and others.
tic, do not settle so readily, do not
obsorb molsturu so i-upidly.-nnd ure
free from dirt, bark; and' chips. -
Early hatching of chicks pnys in
dollars and- cents. One hqndrcd
early-hatched pullets will produce
upproxlmutely 10,01)0 egg in a
year at a profit 'of nbout J406. Tho
sumo number of late-hachci pul
lets will produce only about 11,000
eggs at perhaps hnlf the profit.
Grado beef cattle before ship
ment and load those of uniform
size and finish in the samo car. as
far as possible. A few steers that
lack finish or, quality, unless cut
out and sold separately, will lower
the plies of the entire lol.r- ,x
Jlarslifield Evans Auto Load
ing. a.0. pn.chased large stand of
timber in southern Coos and north
ern Curry counties for 'consiilera
tlon of $100,000. '; "" '
These Drug Stores
- Are Open Nights
This Week
Medford Pharmacy
f Heath's Drug Store -
Strang's Drug Store
' conte3taSts- at
day: ,
' ''-. .."'" t
Contest closes Next Satmrday
Every Pound Counts Now?
Mats.... 10 and 35
Eves 25 and 60