PAGE TWO MFDFWD." fYRF.OOX. TTTLTRSDAY, i . . FEBRUARY- 7, 1929. - TP I if Si 0 I if ;V u f-i' & f .1 x. n i- r-: Iocal and -'Personal Anna IT. Kaye of The Dalles, de partment president of the auxiliary of the Spanish War Veteran, who paid an official visit to tho local auxiliary last evening left this morning for Klamath Falls where film will Visit the auxiliary of thai city tonifrht, and plans to return to Medford. at the Hotel Medford 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Don't forget the Cinderella ball, Jackson Borings Club, Hat. 32u; In the girls' class team for Intra-mural lacrosse at the Vnl- veraity or uregon. juanna uemmer of Medford has been selected as a member of tho freshman team Miss Dommcr Kraduated from tho Medford hlfth school In 1827 and is now enrolled In tho school of education. Tallica, place cards, paper nap- klns and decoration for your val entine batty at Swcm'a Qlft Shop. 3Z2. Guests' from a distance roRlster cd at AJedford hotels Include II. 11. Meyer of Cody. Wyo., T. Thornton of Bols. Ida., and, J, B. Waldo of Chicago, '111. bridge, Progressive and Pivot. 8t. Jiarkrs Pariah house, Friday, 3 p. m. Prizes and refreshments. , 3fic. ' Everyono welcome. 318 . A ft result of being thrown by torn' Alley, the Montana wrestler, with the "crucifix" hold at the ttmlto' theater last Monday v night. Bailor Jack Wood, locnl wrestler, Is still suffering from a aoro back and neck. Ho was unable to pat the. rnat and had difficulty In peaking when he tried to acknowl edge defeat, aa Alley toad applied the hold so Viciously. However, the soreness Is expected to disap pear in a few days. Meet the old home state folks at Fourth Annual States banquet. Fri day, 0:30 p. m.. First Methodist church. Call 338 for reservations. ... .;. tlC Mr. and Mrs. Keese Cluntry ar rived here from Medford tho first pf the week for a short visit with relatives. They are house guests df her sister, Mrs. Ethel Miller on Fourth street Ashland Tidings, fiance, Eagle Point Sat. night. '' Delivery of a fleet Of six or seven new motor coaches to the Southern Pacific Mo'or Transport company is being made. These do luxe mo tor coaches, J. A Ormandy, assist ant passenger traffic manager of the Southern Pacific, states, hnve mynv:.?" r;.. service o. .... I 7.1 k . i. f .v. ! Ing the maximum In snfety and I comfort. Everv ehnir has nigh re. wu f..M ..ministering, air- ...hinn sent, nnd footrests. Westlnghouse four-wheel brakes, I special fog and turning lights arc among features to promote safety, ' Dresses, Dresses. Best values in town tor your ihoney. One look will convince you. Sizes 86 to 44; silks, satins and georgettes, selling at cost. Phone 964-L or call at 887 W. Jnd St. Vivian NOrman Bnrto. 319 Bounty warrants were Issued at the county clerk's office today to Men Oswald or Enele Point, one coyote, and to Harvey Gustavls of Butro Falls, two bobcats. Kincald'a dance, Eagle Point Pat. ' 319 ' 'Captain George 8toke of Port land, deputy state fire marshal, and T.- R. Grnham, fire chief of Coi;va!lls, following an official visit in -Medford yesterday, left this forenoon for Ashland while on tour at public building lnsneetlon through the state for fire hasards. After leaving Ashland, the two of ficials will visit Klamath Falls and Bend. 1 That good coallow In ash Han sen Conl Co. Phone 339. tr ' Included among the Ovegonlans registered at Medford hotels are Mrs. Attna H. Kayo of The Dalles. R. it. Schuber, L R. Adklnson, H. C Barchus, Al Hall, E. 8. Hoydon burk and F. W. Hamilton of Eu gene. 1 : Dance to the Modern Old-Tlmc. muslo. Walker's, Bat. night. Adm. 10c, dancing C0a, . Thloves last night enriched themselves by SO gallons of gaso line, according to a report at the police station Trotn the Clover Leaf service station. Padlocks were re moved from tho pump and the gas oline was taken without further trouble. Transient auto thloves, passing through wifli. a stolen car, are blamed for' the theft. : Best Utah lnmp coal. Tel. 631.' Medford Fuel Co. ' tf F. C. Osborn, W. O. Colo, Jr., and It, Q. MncEaehen are among tho buslnoss visitors In this city from Ban Francisco. ' Bookllte? A personal reading lamp. . Clips on book cover and lights both page perfectly, (3 at Bwem's Gift Shop. 822 - Remember the first and original Milk Bread i baked , only by Fluhrer. A One of the social events of the winter season at the I'nlversity of Oregon was the formal tea given recently by the mentis of the Phi Mil sorority in honor of their national president, Mrs. JSvans Hornbersrer of Omaha, Neb. Alius Grace Gardiner of Medford, who Is a member of the Phi Mu, assisted' In the program by ft! vine; several piano solo. Miss Gardiner has been Very active In mu al circles the past year, and Is a member of j and has no Income or property. No the Mu l'hi EpMiion,. national worn ( old age pension can be assigned or an's honorary muulcal rority. attached. The fund for tho pay- Clndcrella hall, Jackson Springs j ment of the pensions Is to be pro Club, Sat. night. 32t)jvifled by the respectivo counties. W. Kordquixt, who won fourth I The most sociable dance in the place in the Crater Iftko ski race country nt Walker's feau night, last February. Is now In Klumath Adm. 10c, dancing 60c. 3lt Falls, and expects to leave In a -hnrt time for Fart Khtmath to he Rin training for the annuM winter i carnival February :2. Williams Double (juertet Colored Ringers, finest of kind In tho world. I'rejtl.ytcriari church, Hat. 819 Wood all kinds oak, laurel, fir and dry slabs. Medford Fuel Co. Tel. (131. tf C. T. and Adrlenne Steward, owners of the local Adrlennes shop, are in the city today, having returned from a buying trip to California. They state that they were able to purchase a large amount or tho latest modes for the Qrants Pnss and Medrord stores. Mrs. Steward reports that straws hls season are bakti, Paris, Miml, llnllaibunel, rtankok, and Toyo, all Imported. Ensembles und coat en sebles appear to bo regarded moBt favorably and printed drosses arc also going big. Grants Pass Courier. Dance, Entile Point Sot. night. 319 Call 826 for reservations at Fourth Annual States banquot, Friday 6:30 p. m.. First Methodist church. 318 A divorce decree, granted In cir cuit court this week on grounds of deser'lon to Louis Yost from Dor-' othy Tost, wits on file today at the county clerk's office. Tho couple; were married Mty 10, 1927. at Jacksonville and have no children. "C h i r 1 1" Rep. Phone 479-M MrR. Sndle Allen, 4S2tf J HZ danco at tho Nut Sat. night. Dynge Bros, orchestra. .Adm. 10c. , 320 Bortel ' Thorstenborg, Eugene high school student and editor of tho High School News, was badly burned at his home at Eugone last Monday whon his bathrobe cnught fire. He was standing by a s'ovo when the flnmes from tho open draft ignited the garment. His Itnck end shoulders nnd hands were severely burned. Ho was taken to a hospital. Twice the fun for half the pr'eo. Mndern Old-Time donee. Walker's. sat. mBht. Adm. ioc, dancing toe S1J Thi. o"d eosl-low in s.h. Ilnn en Coal Co. Phone 239. tf Acenmnnnled by K. E. .Rohlnson 1 I of Talent, Jsmes Owen ana w. a. ltrsyton of Modford. County Engl nerr Paul Bynnlng this forenoon viewed the proposed new county rnH wMeh Is to lend on to tho ivyi,. nvimr ...... l" "' '" 1 between this city nnd Contral Point. It Is pointed out thnt sev pM. miles will be snved residents of the northern end of tho valley in trips made to Medford. "Is your wife still your sweet heart?" Then send her a valen llno. ' Swem's Gift 8hop shows a fine selection. 322 Williams' Double Quartet Color ed Singers, Presbyterian church. Satlirdav. Feh. 9. 8 o'clook. 819 Truffle officer ' Herbert Moore cited W. J. Wilcox of Central Point Into court at Ashland yesterday on I a charge of operating n ear wlthi IK l vnr w.i" void plates. Ho was fined $10 nnd . ordered to purchase 1U29 plates. Hose mendlnR, runners removed nnd snags worked hack. Handi craft shop. 81 mr " Klnonld's dance, Eagle Point Hat. 811 ' Considerably off form, Don So per lost Inst night's gamo of the oily billiard tournament to Fuji, by a. score of 260 to 108. In other Rimes of the tournament, Sopor had given opponenta close calls, losing onco only by four points. Tonieht Maru will play Ted Hill at 7 o'clock, with a handicap of !2B to 176. Maru and FJI nro the only undefeated entrants In tho tourna ment. Jan dance at the Nat Sat. night. Dynge Bros, orchestra. . Adm. 10c. - 320 ' Mealy Klamath Netted Gem po tatoes, too lbs. tor 11.10; 60 lbs, 68o. Delivered any place In city. Johnson's Market, 6th and Grape St. Phone 97 nstf . Sheriff and Mrs. llnlph Jennings wore expected to return today from Portland and Salem, for which cities they hnd left' Tuesday with three womon prisoners and one man to nerve 'sentences In state In- i stltutlons. will serve Harvev Scott of Derby - .,2t.on . m7.n I 14 months on n moon- shine still charge in the state pent tontlary, whllo Mrs, George Ellor meler, a self-confessed ahopllftor, will serve 80 days In the Multno mah county Jail. Two Ashland girls. Emllv and Luctle Mansflold. I will each servo six months in de- lentlon homes In Portland and 8a- lorn. I Jar dance at the Nat Sat, night. Dynge Bros, orchestra.' Adm. 10c. 320 Wood all kinds oak. laurel, fir and dry slabs. Medford Fuel Co, 8stf Mr. nnd Mrs. O. H. Davenhlll returned to their home In the Val ley View district several days ago from sotithorn California points, where they spent two months vis iting relatives and friends. Regular dance, Eagle Point Pat. 819 Coal hv the sack or ton. Tel. Medrord Fuel Co. tf Oird of Tlinnks, We desire to exiiress our grati tude and thanks to our friends for their kindness and sympathy dur ing our recent bereavement. Msude Conover. T, J. Conover and Family. 811 " a ' Special Communication JK Medford Lodge No. 103, A. XT F. A. M., Friday, Feb. 8. ' 1:80 p. m. Work In F. C. degree. ,y order of W. M. - - CM. HOUSTON, Recy. - ' ..' lls. County couru. are to he nateiYtp old awl pension i mi is ions, with power to allow or deny applications for pensions, accord Ins; to provisions of a measure in troduced In the legislature, known a house bill 357. It provides that old awe pension relief not to ex ceed $30 a month shall be granted to any applicant who has reached the ave of 65 years, who has been a resident of the state ten years Call 320 for reservations nt Fourth Annual States banquet, Friday 6:30 p. m.. First Methodist church. 318' Mr. and Mrs. William U. H. Jen kins left this forenoon for their home in Sacramento, Cal., follow. Ing several days spent In Medford visiting friends while en routo by motor from Snn Francisco. Do not forget the Model Clothing Company's big $20,00 stock dis posal sale. 206tf Fancy Newtown apples delivered any place in the city, 7 So box. Johnson's Mnrket.' 808tf Fifteen Southern Pacific switch men in tho Eugene yards who wero displaced by that many men from ltosehurg more than a year ago. got back their old Jobs during the past few. days, an order to that effect having been received from railway officials. Plenty of turkey, excellent pro gram rmd ft jolly good time at the Annual States banquet, Frlduy 0:30 p. m. First Methodist church. . For reservation call 326. 318 Wood all kinds oak, laurel, fir and dry slabs. Medford Fuel Co. Tel. 081. tf Regular dance, Eaglo Point Sat. 319 Pat's Texas tamalo house, steam ed tamalea to take home, 10c each, 6 tor 60c. Opon 8 a. m. to 12 p. m. r.23 N. Riverside. Phone 14U6. 846 F.tholwyn Hoffman, who has been to New York on a buying trip, Is on her way back to Medford with a . number of the late spring and summer styles, according to. Miss Betty Jones, saleswoman for the local shop. Wood all kinds oak, laurel, fir and dry slabs. Medford Fuel Co. . Tol. 081. tf ' Highest grade Utah coal, unyl size, anywhere, any amount. Han sen Coal Co. Phono 239. tf Guests registered from Portland at local hotels Include Mr. and Mrs. Peter Korr, Jeanne Whitman, Edna Brittaln, J. Blshofbergnr, P, S. Brown. W. A. Dunlnp, W. H. Nor ton, N. tt. Whiting, C. D. Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cronln, E. L. Jones, U J. DeBlais, H. J.. Hollo, James Greenteo, It. D. Oliver, H. H. Barr, A. M. Fitch, 11. I). Thomas, L. J. Jeffors and J. T. Jones. Used books of popular fiction, 36c each or 8 for 81. , Swem's Gift Shop. 322 There are nundreds of radio set owners hore in town who havo long . . .. ,,, r wished for a dynamic loud speaker, but who have thought "tholr's. are good enough." And so, its an added stimulus to your deslro for a dy namic speaker, we offer, for a lim ited time only, a trade-in allowance on your old speaker, regardless of make or style, running as high as. 816. You may have your choice of a dynamic. In a table or sep arate. Got the most out of your present radio set. Bring in your old speaker today. Palmer Music House. 322 A building permit was Issued by I... ,u .....j vl l" The n. offlco building on North Central avenue, I 1 Get those fondera and auto ; bodies strnlghtoned at Brill's Sheet j Metal Works, opposite Lewis Super Service Stntlori. Phone 418. tf Daughters of Veterans will meet Friday evening nt 8 o'clock at tho Aarmory. Hot. oloan coal. Tol. 681. Med ford Fuel Oo. tf f0Q LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Dry fir and laurel, green fir nnd laurel. Tel. 968-L. .... ... 824 FOR SALE Tom Jo Hanson strain Red cockerels. Phone U16-L. 320 FOR SALE $3,760; largo 4-rooin house on Vancouver; fruit troes. shado, berries. A real buy on - easy terms. Owner, J10" E. Main. 320 , t FOR RENT 15 acres, B-room house, m ml. out; 3H acres In Tokay grapes, balance farm land. Phone 860-J. 324 F0" RENT-Well furnished houno; an" ,,n, w,,0,, "Inge: piano and viotrola; newly painted Inside. For particulars call nt 17 tin. Newtown. SlStt FOR SALE Rabbits; portable hutch. 493 Pine. Phone 3S7-Y. ' 319 FOR RENT 6 - room modern house, closo In. 704-L. .- 818 FOR SALE Blue bantam seed peas; best market variety. Pure seed and low branches. M. Hrownrigg, Phoenix. 330 FOR SALE Candy kitchen, next door to city hall at Central Point. See F. M. Baker, Contral Point. 821 FOR RENT !jrga houaekcfplng room. Call S4-u 320 WANTED Second hand tractor disc, a.' S, Baton, Grant Pnss, Ore., R. S; 320 t; r . 1 BMUH. ... . . .. I no,.. to.v n-ruuni ciuiflKt'i 1 o . t tt...... Lovely shsde; hardwood floors, ' fli-eplaoe, etc Phone 131-X. 884 j FOK RKNT Cosy furnished small house for two adults, on court, t ! block from Liberty Bldg; electric ' ' range. Phone 664 or 467. Sit FOR RKNT Smaff house,, partly furnished. Phone S17-K. . 30 FOR SALf Cultivator; garden tools, furniture. Tel. 817-11. S;'0 WESTKRN Rlectrlo washing ma-' ohlne for sale cheap. Tel. 617-W. 880 FOR RENT Furn. apt; tights, .' witter, garage, $18. 134 Lincoln. . 324 Ashland Is to have a commun-! Geo. L. Trelchler of the Treich ity clearing house on public and '. ler .Motors, Inc., left Wednesday civic projects In which fa city J for Lus Angel to attend the open admlnistratlon departments, the ing Friday of tho 1100. GOO, 000 Pa cominercial. service ana cjvic or- i ciric coast factory of the Willys ganlzatiuns of the city shall have 1 Overland company, which Is said equal representation. It is to be! to be one of the finest plants on known as the civle-muiiicipal ill- the coast. J. N. Willys, president vision of tho chamber of coin-1 of the company, and other officials merce and to have the services j of thu company will bo in attend of the paid staff of that, organize-; once at the opening, tgn In carrying on its operations.) New: Fnncy multicolored backs U Is to be organized by the rep- j on the new Bicycle bridge playing resiMitatives appointed by the vari. ! cards; edges tinted. Bwem's Gift Otis organizations and groups, who j Shop. 322 will formulate Its constitution and Doors nnd windows cheap at by-laws, elect Its presiding officer, who shall be made a director of the governing board of the chamber of commerce,. Ashland Tldlnys. Fresh smelt arriving 'dally nt Johnson's Market; - tf Coal by tho sack or ton. Tel. 681. Modford Fuel Co. . If Let mo writo your fire Insurance. Curl Y. Tengwald, Hotel Holland. Phono 993. tf Upholstering. Call Jacksonville 203. 839 ' Bicycle thieves are again active In Medrord. with the theft of an other bicycle reported to tho po lice today. It was taken from John Yzunza, Western Union mes senger boy, while left on the street a short time yesterday. The front wheel of the bicycle was found later nenr a packing house, wlierc tho blcyclo had evidently been taken to pieces, Do not forget tho Model Clothing Company's big $20,000 stock dis posal snle. 2( Hot, clean coal, Tol, 681. Med ford Fuel Co. tf Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Cronln. H. T. Vawtcr, L. C. Schnello and W. Kel ler of Seattle are among the tran sient visitors in Medford Call 326 for reservations at Fourth Annunl States banquet, Friday 6:30 p. m., First Methodist church. 318Onuse across kock river fell on Fresh smelt arriving dnlly at Johnson's Market. tf Discrimination ngainst the decid uous fruits of Oregon In freight rates to eastern destinations is i w"ie, wno were pioneer residents, charged In a brief filed nt Wash-1 Three -children were born Robert Inirtnn. TV t . I.v the nuhlle service!1-. hw living In St. Louis, Mo.i commission of Oregon In Its appeal for reduction of freight rates on .January, i.oao, una Louisa no apples, pears and other fresh fruits ter- ot Glendale, Cal. to tho Inters-ate commerce com- Mr. Carpenter was a very buc mlsslon. Tho Hood River Traffic, cessful merchant in Dixon for more association, the Rocuo River Val-l'llBn11JB yeaB- respected and loved ley Traffic association, tho Fruit by a" wl' knew him. Growers' league nnd tho Medford , Mr-, "" M. Carpenter moved Chamber of Commerce Joined with tile public service commission in tho argument submitted. , Best Utah lump coal. Tel. 631. Medrord Fuel Co. tf Cheap dry lumber at Medford Lumber Co. 237tf 'Mr. and Mrs. Howell D. Hlncs of Portland arrived at 3 o'clock this morn ng by motor, onllcd hero km(v collrte0UBi considerate, mod by tho serious Illness of Mrs. Hincs eflt and llna8sllmlllg wlUl no desl,e , father, George Launspach. Mr. for dl8plttv, He was thoroughly' Liummsch had been in fal"B , honest in all his dealings, a gentle-! henlth for several weeks, and VVcd-man of tne 0,d 8cnooIj wlth aU lhat j nesday . morning suffered a stroke i lmI,1cs interment will be in Oak-1 ni par.iT.vms. resui.nig in i.ih jmas-1 wood cemetery, Dixon, 111., where Ing away this morning at I o'clock. nlB mother. three aunts and daugh Baled hay for sale. John Car- ters a.e rest. kin. Phone 1110-L. 331 Mr. Carpenter owned the Oak- Cheap lumber und cedar posts, dale grocery here at one time and Medford Lumber rn. ' 237rf Inter wrs connected with the Sum- S 4 Columbia's STAR OF TU WEEK TED AND r. ' HIS, BAND IA30-D I Oot a Woman, Crazy for Me: She's Funny That Way (nci'denfaf tinging by Ted Lewi's). Wear a Hat with a Silver Lining (Inoidontal ainging by Tea Lewi's). Fox Trott , 10-inch, 73c Fisk Tires And Tire Repairing And a Complete Stock of RIMS and WHEELS Medford Vulcanizing Works Sixth and Fir Phone 180 as " HAS . WE HAVE IT! Dry Old Growth Body Fir Wood, 12 in., 15 in. or 4 ft length. ' This wood waa cut ouc year ago. tt Is sound and dry. - Our price . Is right. . Phone 8 Days 1116 Evening -See JOE 8HAWQHNESSY, S11 South Front Straet, or Jack Cobel, 15 North Qrap I 'ejeimmiri'enaVn'imi Medford Lumber Co. 237tf Ben II. plymalo of tho Model Clothing company of this city un derwent an operation for appendi citis at the Sacred Heart hospital this morning, and this afternoon was reported as resting easy. Mr. Plymule was stricken Tuesday 1 noon suddenly and was taken to ' the hospital yesterday, when It was determined that nn operation was necessary. Former Medford Citizen Dies in Glendale, Cal. ((Obituary) John It. Carpenter was horn in New Fane. N. Y., March 22, 1948. Ho wuh tho Ron nf John Rnval and j.Mallnda Hawle.y Carpenter. His lather died beforo he was. bom. so at the age of 12 he came to WeBt Morrison, 111., to live with an aunt. A few years later he moved to Dixon as a clerk In the Van Epps drug store. "As soon as he was able to do so he Bent east for his mo- I mer to come to uixon wnore they ; lived together very liauniiv until i Ills mother was killed when tho Sunday, May 3, 1X73. On June 24, 1876, Mr. Carpenter married Mary Frances, only daugh ter of Joseph T. and Eleanor w. Eleanor Mury, who passed away In iu meiiiuru in ueueinuer, lll, where they continued to reside un til October, 1924, when they moved to Glendale, Cal., to be nenr their daughter, Mrs. Hoefer. ! The deceased became an active, i consistent member of the Presby- i terinn church early in life and lived ! iup to his religion every day. Mr. I DAME RErOKI 1093-D A Room with a Vien (Frcn"77is FearoGrace"). Dance, Little Lady (From "This Year of Grace"); Fot TrotaBeo Selvin and His Or chestra. 10-inch, 75c 1004-D I'll Get By-(As Long at IHavaYou). Rose of Mandalay Pox Troti Ipana Troubadours, S. C. Lan in, Director, 10-inch, 7Sc IGOO-O Don't Be Like That. My Troubles Are Over-Fox 7Vof Harry Rcscr's Syncopators. . 10-inch, 75c VOCAL ItECOHDS 1005.D I Found Gold When I Found Youl (77ime Song from Motion Picture "The Trail of '"). Live and Love (Theme Song from Motion Picture "The Maskt of the Devil") Oscar Grogan. . 10-inch. 75c w (1 699'D A Gay Caballero. -All By Yourself in the Moon light Billy Jones and Ernest Hare (The Happiness Boya). 10-inch. 75c "NEW PROCESS" nw. U.S. I'al.OS. Vivn-lonul recording The Recorda Without Scratch ! Women's Hose ! $1.00 Pair fs Silk from top to toe with pointed beeL try JSW riaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir pie store, now C. J. Breier & Co., and has a number of friends here who will regret to - learn ot his death. Mrs. Little, wife of the1 deceased. Is a sister of J. T. Little of Dixon, III., who is now visiting In Los Angeles and Glendale. Distributors' Agent Popular Remedies Visits Medford H. S. Rollo, representing Morgan & Sumford, distributors for Creo- mulsion Co. remedies and other products, was iu Medford today in terviewing the druggists and look ing after other titis.ness in connec tion with his company. These products, which coaaist o' Creomulsion, .McCoy's cod liver oil, zontte and other standard arti cles, are sold by ull druggists and have been advertised in this paper for several years with "excellent results," says Mr. Rollo. . 1 Clean rags wanted at the Mall Tribune office tf When You Catch Cold Rub On Musterole Musterole is isy to apply and workB right away. It may prevent a ooia lrom turning into llu or pneu monia. It dues all the good work of grandmother's mustard plaster. Musterole is recommended by many doctors and nurses. Try Musterole for sore throat, cold on the chest, rheumatism, lumbago, pleurisy, stiff neck, bronchitis, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pains and aches of the bacit and joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet colds of aU sorts. To Mothert: Musterole Is also made in milder form for babies and small children. Ask for Children's Musterole. Jars & Tubes Better than a mustard platter These Drug Stores, Are Open Nights This Week Medford Pharmacy Heath's Drug Store Strang's Drug Store NOW 1 ull ! TALK OF ALL MEDFORD ; 'iffceffco ' THE MOST DRAMATIC OP NOT A I rV . ALL MURDER TRIALS THE Cl L E N T 1 r AHIF MOST HEART-RENDING OF ,CEJt1J s.iij ALLDRAMAS. " ' MfSN. J Woman Againstt'n l9Mv Woman ll II vjf i I : ; ' You'u Si' i Amazement through tf J ' ' j.J. the most Startling Drama the aj I fcff ; r speaking screen has ever known. ' L N "I 2 GREAT ACTS OF "TALKIE8" 1 Four Admission l V 1 Complete Matinees I 1 8how Children 10 V I 1 Dally Adults 35 I I re. At Evenings I 1 I k 1:30-3:30 ' Children 25 F II fVaa 1 ' Adults 50 Jgg f ONE DAY ONLY mm TOMORROW mi ! FREE IN xdla '4 A GRIPPING STORY OF A FATED TRIANGLE . A coward he deserted on the field of battle gave up his identity and his wife to become embroiled In the underworld. csj'... HURRY! SEE This Most Unusual of Silent Pictures SUBMARINE Starring JACK HOLT RALPH GRAVES rag;!1 THE BIG ALL TALKING PICTURE SENSATION THAT WILL EE THE TALK OF ALL MEDFORD Four Conulete Shovd Daily at 1:30, 3:30 7 and 9 IT'S THE BIG NIGHT CHINA NIGHT TO EVERY LADY PATRON ANOTHER' BEAUTIFUL PIECE OP ANTIQUE IVORY CHINA. ON THE SCREEN NORMAN KERRY PAULINE STARK MARION NIXON .a. v.. -a- 1.,.. .r,( ,tl IT'S YOUR LAST CHANCE TONIGHT IT'S HERE i