Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 06, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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The Weather
rorcri-t Fair tonight aiut Thurs.
daV continue! wltl.
I Ugliest yesterday IN
Ixruvt I ids niontliut to 3 ft. ni... 'J I
Weather Year Ago
Highest year a&o today 51
truest i-r ugo toitay ao
fUdr Twnlf-thlM Stir.
Xo. .".17.
By Arthur BrUbane
The Safety Valve.
Trotzky and Pompey.
Lindbergh Only 27.
The Average Business
(Copyright. By King Feature
Syndicate, Inc.)
in catnionin, whow trouble '
usually starts in Spain, iho '
army has boon put in charge ;
ami civil rights suspended.
A military oourt is created ;
in make "newspapers print j
government propaganda.''
Primo De Rivera proceeds in j
method usual with dictators.
Result will tell how lie coin- j
mires with Mussolini, Keinnl i
J'asha, real dictators.
Telling newspapers what I hey i
must print is like silting on the ,
safely . valve all richt
' 1 liiiir.s blow up.
Napoleon said that if he ill-lot
lowed libevtv of the press he
Mttia iiiiiiiv 01 un puss, m
should not last lout.', lie did
jint allow it and he did not last j
Trotzky, disillusioned bolslie
vist leader, is said to be tossing
in a gale on the Black Sea, his
ship missing, on the way to
Trotkv must remind himself
of the great I'ompey
tiv Ciiesar, Stalin ly
;., iln n.ii. of f'ua-ir ljt ;
mt; the pa it oi t.aes.u. ,
eonditions since have improved,
When l'ompi'.v .took refuiri'
in Kpypt, to met by false
friends, stahlied in the back,
his head etii off, and taken tn
the yoimtf 1'tuleiny.
Berlin 'Monday nitfht report
ed lliat Trotky had probably
been murdered, ihe story about
his "trip on n missinp; ship"
beinr part of a plan to aeeount
for his disappearjrnee. Tha'.
mnds improbable. Kussia
nM squeamish about killing
anybody whose longer exist
enec seems undesirable,
, . , , c ,, f
liinneri:!), on ms a 'i'""
Miami to Panama, "hopped
' . . 0- , ,-,11
(ill On Ins -Mil l)irllUia.
Onlv 7 and his name is
. .. risn neguiaiion .
known wherever men fire eml- 'Commercial fishing in all rivers
1 'in the state exeeptiiiR the Colum-
l,uu Ibla Is attacked in two hills intro-
UnU' 27, nnd Already he. haSjjm-ed in the house Tuesday after
nean. and what !. IL. H. introdnced hy
1 t
is more important, tne vespee:
of every man and woman.
The yoimr Americans his
tory makes millions of others
1'eel as Paosar did, when he
read the life of Alexander th
(Jreat and suddenly burst into
tears, realizing 1 hn t Alexander
hail conquered the world when
be was vornp'er than
was then. '
"Herbert Hoover may find
import a nt aviation work for
Undberirh.'' Nothinjr
.I1 itiLiinii iviupv ,
Ihilt somehodv w ho know s how
J ,
lo do what In; wants (lone ii
I ...., .lc. tin
.III. IC'l'H I
enoineei'inc pnrt of flying nnd
. . ...:i
.tit its iiiii.n ii.ii.i
i'Hiiryin; to national defense.
Colonel l.indhernh tinder
Mnnds ll'.e flvinc part. A fine
eonihination. .Many hats would
onilunalion. .nn n.ns v.,.,.,,,
j.,, "up in (he air if yotintr l-ind-
Hoover '
i. iuii 1""
itt 1 lie head ol a separate (le-:
iiirtnient for national air de
The "fiverat:e business m'
w-nr' and lives in the coun
try's hiL'est, richest city as
follows, iieeordinf.' to figures
carefully prepared.
She earns .-M.'i0 a week,
1 A" "( f I llin.r fives
spends iM.-m lor 1 loiinti)., unm
.f-'l.O'l to relatives and the
K b J "
I'uuri'n, saves .,-1.1.1.
(T5)Tlli.s average lillsiness till
jLCopllnucd en Tag Four).
Senate Battle Won By Ad-j
VQCateS Of BartO Non-1
Taxpayer Voting in Spec-
ial Tax Or Bond Issue.'
Elections Two Bills In-1
troduced Against Nets. !
S.U.KM, Ore., I-Yb. l.T) One
! of Iho hardest senate floor battles'
'or the session occupied an hour j
i yesterday ultcruooii over Homtte :
! hills f,S and a!', companion meas- 1
arcs, which provides licit no per- !
son who is not a taxpayer on at !
. ilt.Ui vi.iill, ni' .,, ner. I
r.onal properly shall vole In elec-!
lions on special lax or hollil ii-j
sues. The hills Hashed hv n Vliti
to 7. Senator Staples wus-i
!'I'I,''" - 'f hills pass the house
nnd aro a1iroV((1 ,y th0 KOVl.riior '
juicy will he pticciive January I.
Tims voting nalnst l ho liill.; '
wrrn Hailt-y f Multnomah. Cars
iitr, OimiiP. Hall, .linu-s, Klci)or, !
andl-Mosi-r. i
Senator Klfppt'r, liiHlrail nf mal:-i
hiK a odi auainsl ilic hill. m:ul j
an rtlitnrial from a Salem new.-.- ;
paiMT thai flcrlarcd they urro 1'Mi
years ln?liind ihc t iini-M. Senators
.1. O. Hailey and Dunim l);tl) loui;ht.
tin m. liailf.v saw an JuconisKMH-y..
in thctn in that a husliaml nug!i'
after hisi'laVt! ,,u' ri"nl ' Vl,t1 1,n' ,l's wife-
i iinl h;iVf tlm I'i-'lit iitili.xs tint niim.
forty were alno in hi'-r iuiiih'..
I'uniie s ir-'ni was mainly la inc
,,,,.,. r ,lu! ,,,, owl...
who in not a properly taxpayer.
Same Old Story
Senator 1 cnnelt. defending;
sin look these senators 10
lask. declaring that "Ii'h Iho same
ohl Htory. lien a hill comes in
to p rn t eel t he taxpayers there, is
always u hnneh of seimlors lo pro
test thai it is out of date."
Senator defended the bill,
dee.lartpi? ihst the principal is al
leudy in vof;iin jn Hi.-hitul ee'ti.nis.
ami Senator Sliayer said that if
it had not. heon defrimnial to tli"
schobls it would not he detrhiicnta1.
to the state and l he inunlWpaiities.
"Those who oppose these hills
are I'tehLli:-'; shadow," said Stray-
i r. Tii is is simply a safeguard
against ihe dtunken raritival of as
sessinK ex lenses upon the
The introducers of the hills wen;
Kddy. Sehulint 1 ich. Kherhiird, ,
Su ayer, l!utt and I'.n.wn.
Senator Corhelt iairoduced a
joint resoUUion that would author-
h governor in appoint a com-
aiitHre of nine mom 1arH to niaUo
ja Hl1uy of chanKes aeedeil In the
workman's compensation act. !
Lock wood of Oontlas would pro
the takim? of sleelheads r ,
steelhead salmon from any of the
rivers of the state, excepting the
Columbia, between December a of
any lven year and April la of the
followltiK year, excepting by hook
and line.
Ciiulev of Marion Inlrodiiced II.
It. 150 which would limit the t'jk
ing of salmon from any river in
the state of Oregon to three per
tin v. The Columbia river is 110 ;
included in this bill. !
Violators of the game code rel-j
iative to provisions of night fish- J
j in-; and night hunting would ho 1
; miner nouse mil 11a in-'
troduced by Henderson.
Koblson of Clatsop, through 11.'
It. 41a. introduced fraternal instir-!
anre. legislation to the house I tics- j
day. This act provides terms and ;
eomojtiiie and fraternal or!"'"' men in the Pnciiie northwest,
; Knnlzntions tuny he licensed or I
'permits to do husiness In the state '
,.wh,.r1 ti.vy laV(, increased lusur
I unci! rateR more thun in per cent.
Arrordlii'; to this act such an In-
. . i. ...I.,..
TI'HHH wotlltl lie in I III is.M. inv .in.,
tvtlli tlw. wrillotl entlSiHit Of tWO-
' tlilntK of the policy or certificate
I holders of the slate.
liohltiHon also Introilured II. H.
IH which wpnhl make trial )y
I court Instead of hy Jury optional
I on the deientiant in criminal f
i tinns.
Ami exception is made
where the penally Is death or lm-
,.,., lm. ,,..
; Kepresentati- e Carkin and So--
aim vaisii.-i iiii i in, ut , -,i ii. ... --
, to increase toe pi-icelllae oi prosi
prenflums to tho state ny insui-:
ance companies.
1 ,os AN-r,KI.i;.s,
K.nnith (irmlsion,
eli. f,. lA'.m
Ko' " i,-k,- i v- -
mil,,,,. for quostlnnlni; In cnnnw-'hli
lion with lis iu'tulry into a -T,on
j love r.ffrrlnn" lo Superior JuiIkc
Ic-irlos s Hardy from Aimeo Hem-
pie Mherson Is "in town." his
(fi.w. .0, the AssoiSuto rrc3
. f
,r If w I J . !
5.W 1
When the America sniled fi-jr.i New York, Many MannirtQ,
32-year-old chief officer who manned the life boat that rescued the
crew of the Floriu. was in rh.-(ry; o.' t.ii He was skipper (or
t lie voyage while Capla.n 1-neJ reMiained behind fcr business con
I'AI.I'.OA. l'ananin, Fell. 0. u't't j
i-'nloiu'l Charles A. ldnd'.err.h , :ii -rived
h'TO in tin mail pam .frntii
the I'tliled States at 4; Oil p. III. !
MAN.Utl'A, MeaniKim. I'eii. 0.
i.Vi t.'ol. Charles A. Lindbergh,
.starting the last lap of his inau
gural air mall flight from Miami
ito i'anani
Mhimh1 ai
hopped off from the
flelil at G : I" o'clock
Ithis inorniiiK a. m., K. S. T-
i Today's route, which will' c.iri-y
it he famous airman to eristohai,
jM OVer nhout 7u miles of varied
terrain, lew tmpie roast
Mund and ihe hiuh Isthmian mean-
u,ins. ending with a danh alont;
,ll0 iniinia ranal to tlio Allan-,
ermanre at t'ristobal.
'j'aidnK three daw of i t ! 1 1 to '
complete a trip which nonually
reij aires from 12 to 1 ;! days,
Lindbergh's last lap of his
mile journey will com pi
air mail linking of the
States and the Canal Zone. No -left
than ix countries will have
l,ern toiietiotl l.v I lift eolnncl nil
,li(t arriv:. at o'rlMolml. these in-!
eluding Cuba. Lrltisli 1 londura.
Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Ilka
and Panama.
Pol: TLA NI, or(... Feb. r, n,
1 "tn word. ,1. three times phrrirr
"f Multnomah county, nnd one 01
did lo re late last niiiht a' the
home of his dnuKhler, Mrs. Tirno.
ihy Wood, lie hail he. u 111 for
'several months. :
i Word ramo to Portland in ISfiS. i
in . .
in? i,-iin.i hoeroj wei" inirnil .
With Slier I :ieill:l r l:n.- nnfurKiimM,!
a. tivltie. Prominent in hln ree-
otd Is th 'irnnlaaihui .,r ih..
St..ini.-li.Aiueiiciin war vet, .rims I,,
nn-H the troulilrsnmn I. w. v.
group durlni; the world's fair In
i:m. ills raids on the North llml
! Knml.liUK resorts were freoiient
.od im-ccrul.
; , ,.,ls. Mr Wol() rnll.r,.,, ,,.
sovi i ninent n rvice as hih imuI In-
i i-nuio.i.ii lur toe il.'l) 111 mi-tit of
, jiti
relatives a I e: Mrs.
Tiiimtliv Wood. Portlanil: Hirer'
sons. Harry M., J. Howard and ;
Itii hiird .M. Word, all of Portland: j
two sisters. Miss I'l.irn Word. lien- I
vn. and .Miss .Wllio Word. Colum-'
Ida. .Mo.; one In-other, Sam 11. 1
Word. Portland and seven Krand-1
l The news 01
' Word will be r.
rok-i-i-t l.e I. la frl...t I.. i
r.Mil ami tin-limit Ihe . onttlv. as he
nij lull tioowil III re I llt'll (
fto.iuent official visit., in past j
years as departtnent uf Justice t
i.Kent friends be vein by his j
ponlal pr rsonallly. Mr. Word j
was especially prominent in Med-1
fnrd durin his Invi stig.itlon of
thc loyal KUn acUvlUu year ago,
-T" ih fiitai
Martin Jensen oT I.hh An
geles .took the air at fi;04:0&- tu m.
today in his monoplane ' The (Irecn
l'," in an attempt hi create a
new woild's solo emltiriiiiro fllf.hl
He hopes to remain in the
id hours and thus beat the old I m "'""'ski una j mnvea up
record of 3T. hours and 2.", miniiles ! wilh ,h' hfttrU w,ier(4 a!l iovk'
which was creaied bv the latel'- ''pon '"'med. Ah the
1 b'-iittoeinr i:..vii Thnnnt uhamber began lo fill I passed a
.1-io.en plann'ed to hover over the
Lorn; Jslaml llynit; field Willi
r:e!(iiial diishix ici-.-i Vow York
(ity aii.l other nearby cliie
plane carried
niol'iie t:aMolino instead of t
uireraft Ksoilne.
Weather conditions were n
loo t;(,m, the nkles lu-hm ovrre
wii h oeca-innal flurries of Know.
NEW YOltK, Veil. . (,V The
anaititni-cinent that the federal re
serve hoard would Iskiic a Mate
no m on credit cunditlnns itt'lcv
the clriHe 01 the market threw a
had Kcaio into the alack market
today and price hrokc Hliarply
after op"nlio; Interval of Mrenth.
Karly .'-'.aihs of 1 lo !l polntK were
cut down, or wiped run, and ti lomt
list of inning. mcludniK Heveral oi
the iudusltial favorites, dropped
to In points. Wrinlit Aeronuutlcal
is points.
Pools stepped aside hi the late
!ri.dii. when Ihe offeiiiiKB hecaine
loo ahim.lant nnd hear trailers
used Ihe opportunity tn luiminer
down hh:h Rinde rails. Atchison
.-..: t ,' enniIIijnn ...irlo
I. iih'ii III, oil, ii, ,,,,,,
llllll I.Otlisvllle Rlld NaSlVlll.! WCrC
down -I to 6 points. Several of the
! metal shares hroke Hharply. Jos-
l,oa(l lost 7 poluln jinit Veil-
oral MlnlnR 10. I". H. Steel Rot
down to 1 7ln, before It Hlinrcd in
a late rally. The rloslim was
heavy. .Sales approximated I.T'di.
uou i liaros.
P.M. I'M. Ore., IVh.
con's T of Ii birthday as n Male will
l.e . . lelirateil at a Joint session
- I of the leKlslature Thursday, Keh-
u uealh of Mr. j ruary II. Preliminary plans re
Ived with nuieh;rnade at n conference today I'1-
! tween tho slate hoard of control
and Iho presidlm: officers of the
' "'in- nun iim- ii,,,,-" .
lietalls of the proem ni h'ivf not
boon arranged, but one feature
will be a Iiukc birthday cuke. Thrre
will bo much upecrli-ninltlnK nnd
" ic-oetnl kuikI lime, (ireton wns
admitted to the union February
O, lSlit,
j Sailors Escape' From 40-
Foot Depth in Safety!
j Tests S-4 Submerged :
: With' Men Aboard All;
j Demonstrate Efficiency of t
'; New 'Lung'. 1
I AiMi.vr.n Tin: i:. s. s. m.vl- ,
l.Alin KK KKY WIOST. Kla., '
' I'Vb. t; tiv Man's mastery of the1
sea was a step nearer today ay
the it-Milt of Hucee-i.-ful tests eon- :
du.-led yesiet day aboard the sub- (
.iiuiruie s- l. Three' times men es-1
.raped from I h jJUl'inersible, l" j
inean-T of Kil-iy devices from u:
depth e.f forty feet of water. I
j Tod:iy lte-e same devices Were j
J ready I'm ether trials al vary inn ,
depths in an effort to prove their;
! perf. etb.n. ' j
j Three limes yesterday IJeuten- !
i.ini C. It. Mons-oi ami Chief Tor
t pedonKin ktilonlskl staked their
! lives lo tin compiest of tin sea !
and were vieioi'lons.
The S-l was submerged with the
men aboard. As the water benHnj
filling the eoiupartliu'iits. Kolon- J
kl donned his "lunkr," which thej
new device is called, and when the;
nub marine had n ached the bot
tom, he east off and soon appeared
on the Mit laee. none the worse
for his experience. Then, before
the compressed air chamber in
which Lieutenant Monson waited (
w :ii tilled, he, too, donned his '
"Iiiuk" and floated to Ihe top. j
Their first e.-cape was from t
specially c onstructed hutch, but j
later 1 hey left from the motor j
room and the torpedo room.
i:pei lenl'eo Told. !
I.leuti iiatil Moiison, who de-1
vol.iped the devbo jointly with
Chief c.unn-r C, t. Tlbhals and
Civilian Knj;lneer Frank ilobson, j
told something of their experiences j
av tlv oeomi's hed. j
"The escapes were even more,
simple lhan I expected." ho nuld. '
"The hatch fastenings were closed
before water heffun to flood the 1
eonipartments. As the water rush-
,mn;v wit 11 ",U1
m mirfaco, donned a lung and fol
lowed K'olonskl who had Kne up
aneaa 01 me.
inane ny any one. 1 ne un ien.-iie- (
between leaving from the torpedo 1
room and other compartments Is I
that a skirt of steel Is built 011 it
to form an air pocket."
Lieut. Commander IV II. Hun
bar, in charge of the tests, said
that although the first trials were
f roi 1 a depth of only 40 feet of
water, he waft confident those to
day from TC and 110 feet also
would prove satisfactory.
if these later tests prove puc-ce-sful,
Lieut. Commander Dunbar
nld. there will have neon illH
covercd a proterllon at;aint a ca
tastrophe Much atl hefell the H-4
Iteeemher 17, I!i27 when Ail men
hist their lives.
t'ommandcr .1. 11. llnpp of the
.Mallard, went down several air
lines during yelerday'K tOfdH to
fi'ilihten away sharks.
Med ford Boy Earns
Recommendation to
Military Academy
: !
C (Special lo Mall Trihuucl r
I Senator Frederick Stelwer
j of DruK.m today recommend-
en jonn ,. loiiner in m.-n-
! ford iih cadet fo Went I'olut
.uiiiuuy m my.
1 4. Th nnnolnlee Ih n Knn of
- , --
Mr. and Mrrt. (luy Conner nf 4
Ihiii city, was raised In Med-
ford, and uradualed with
honors from the Medlord likh
Young Conner recently Inoli
4 the compe.tttlvc examination 4
with a 111 1 111 1 n-r of other youni?
j men in (ireiion, passed th
! I.iuhesi nveniKe of any of the
j applicants, mid made an ex-
: ! ccptionnl tlllunitlK.
MA 1)111 0, Keb. (f Marin
Chrkftlna 0tieen moilW- of Hiuiln,
under whone rule nn regent Spain
foiicbt Its flUaslroun war with the
I'nited Stated, died at the royal
pii.lnc.. nt 3:80 a. tn. today.
Her K011, Alfonxo XIII, king of
Kpain, ami membum of the royal
fiimlly were at ber bednhl when
the end came after u tudden ltlnH
which quickly eapptj her itrcngtb
Lady Of 118 Read
No Cigarette Ads
Ate Sugar Daily ,
JASSY. nuiii.uiiA. F.'t). 6
(!) Ma.ii.m I'.' lla ;
who ill. h1 al lis, iiiouriu-il
, ipccislly by an ink'VtKT to
whoiu she whs clu'ajil. 11,' 4
woiUd have hcen her third
hushaiul. Sho li-rt 51 chll.
lren, tho chlcst of whnni is
She ultrilnitrHl her Ion-
ircvity to a ri'uuhir diet of
! hlack hread and sntsar. She
ate two nnd a half pounds of
bread and a pound of suar
daily. She said she had nev- )
f er been sick In ber life until
her final illnevs.
New York Officials Welcome
Airmen Weather De
layed Hop Is Assertion
Flew High Account Storm
N'KW YOltK, Feb. ti. (P) Cap
tain Krank Hawks and his me
chanle, Oscar 1-:. t irubh, who
overcame fog. wind and sleet to
ef-iablifdi a non-stop fllnht record
from Los Angeles to New York
were Invited to the city hall at
noon today to receive the official
welcome of tho city.
Soaring hinh to avoid bad wea
th.jr ami for mort than haf the
distance flying blind. Captain
HawkH piloted hl lockbeed-Veja
plane air express across the con
tinent In IS hours, '1 minutes and
fill seconds. He bettered by 3li
minutes anl one second Iho rec
ord for west to cast flight estab
lished last Aumist by Arthur (loe
bel and tho late Harry Tucker.
Hawks and (irubb left the Los
Angeles municipal airport at
r.:n;:0 o'clock Pttclfie1 time Mon
day afternoon anil landed at
Itooseveltfleld at L' : ft n : L' 11 o'clock,
eastern time yctiterday uflernoon.
Their arrival set at rest fears for
their safety, Inspired by adverse
weather reports over nearly all
their course.
Hawks, attired In a fur coat
and flying bonis over a business
suit and brightly shlned shoes, ap
peared little the wo nvo for tho ex
perience. Hut (Irubb, who champ
ed into the cabin had measured
off t ho hours nnd the ml Ich by
opening cans of fuel nnd pumping
It into the tank, was groggy from
gaH fumes and bad to be helped
from the plane.
Deferred Iood.
Although he had partaken of no
nourihhment during tho flight,
Hawks deferred a meal of nnd
wlches and coffee long enough to
recount their experiences.
"I would have made It throe
hours sooner with decent wea
ther,' ho Bald, "but there were
times when I didn't know whether
we would ever land nt all.
"Wo had bad winds almost all
the way hci-ohh winds, clouds,
rain, sleet nnd nnow. We hit the
weather at Hop well, N. M., nnd
iever got out of It until wo bit
West Virginia. All that time I
was flying between 8000 and 14.
oao feet trying to get nway from
the weather.
"Over Wo.t Virginia It looked
worse for us. I came down thru
a hole trying to find good weather
clone to the ground. There wasn't
any nnd II looked llko there would
not be any. My wings bad begun
lo coat with sleet when I was
over New Jersey and I veered
sou tli of my course In nn effort
to fly around the rain and be
tween cloud layers where I eould
fly nafely."
While HawkH was fighting to
get bis plane tbrou-h hostile wea
ther, C.riihh irt his cabin fed fuel
to the 100 Riillnn wing tank from
tho 27.' gallons In five gallon tins.
Ho limited war bis sptieo ho wns
obliged to cut the empty cans
Into strips with a pair of tin
shearn to dispone of them.
Ornbb's I'h'Hi Visit,
When released from bin fume
filled cabin nnd revived, Orubb
Mild he was looking forward to
seeing tho fights of New York, ns
his trli in the record-breaking
plane was his find vIk here.
Among the first lo greet Cnp
tnin Ilnwkfl wan his wife, Mrs.
Kdlth Hawks, who bad been nt
the fbld for bourn, awaiting the
arrival of the nlr express.
Tho plane con mimed nbout 22
gal lo nti of Xiel nn hour nnd landed
with approximately 50 gallons In
Its Ujnk.
TTT flight of Captain I!nwkn
was the fourth non-stop crossing
of the 0ntlnent by plane. In
1121 Lleulrnantn Kelly nnd Mno
ready flew from east to west In
2tl bourn nnd f.O minutes. Their
time for the wentwnrd flight was
rut hod October tn a Utile more
thun 21 hour by Cnptnln o. lb V.
Collyer and Harry Tucker. They
were killed In Arizona attempting
a return flight. Arthur Gnchel
and Tucker flew from Lob Ango
left to CurtlM field last August
In U hours ana &S tulnutqe,
o, ' I
v, i a i a rioi n fl 1 11
I llrm-y silnisoii.
I i
M A X 1 LA . Fob. fi. Gover
nor Henry L. Stimson today issued ;
a statement in which he said:
"It U true that al the request
of the president-elect of Ihe I'nited ,
States 1 am about to leave the !
Philippine in order to take up i
another duty."
"What the nature of that duty5
is, I prefer to leave tn Mr. Hoover
to announce," ihe statement added. 1
"t expect to sail In about two'
weeks." I
Stimson, who accepted the i;nv-1
ernor-neneralshlp of the Philip
pines after the death of the late;
ileneral Leonard Wpod, ban been !
mentioned lately as a possible
member of Hoover's cabinet. Some
of the reports were that he would
become secretary of state.
( WASHINGTON. Feb. !. u?
i Spceiilution in Washington over
j the future activities of Henry L.
Stimson have been confined large
ly to the possibility that he nilKht
be appointed to the post of secre
tary of stale.
There has been no definite an
nouncement, however, cither from
: Mr. Hoover or any spokesman for
him that such a select pju had
j been made.
ftiTUin srriMf-
Mayor Not Yet Ready for
Department Consolidation
Plan Dr. Inskeep Suc
ceeds Dr. Pickel, Only
Change Announced.
Mayor A. W. Pipes, who has
been working ever slneo ho took
office on a plan to consolidate all
eiiKlneerinir departments of the
city under one head, hut has not
yet been able to carry it out with
the city water commission nnd
other city departments, hopes to
be able to inauKiirnto tho plan In
the not distant future. .
Hence, In t 11 o remainder of his
appointments lo city office an
nounced Inst niKht at tho city
council meeting the only chnitKO
outsldo of re-nppolntmcnts wan
thu appointment of lit. L. 1). Inu
keep, former county health officer
who Ik now onuaKed In prlvnto
practice In Medfonl, as city health
officer to succeed 12. II. Picket,
who has hel.l that office for yenrs.
In addition to unanimously nf-firmlitk-
all tho appointments tho
city council elected Councilman IS.
M. Wilson, "chali'iunn of tho eoun
ell finance cominltieo, ns vice
Thu appointments madn Inst
niKht were as follow-to City super
intendent, V. W. Scheffel; city In-
uiin.'lni- llin-.-u lfl,
IjtidKc of city court, filonn O'.
Taylor; Market master, V. M. Cor
I llss: caretaker of park, W. C.
Water commissioner, Olln Arn
spilucr for five your term 'from
'January 1st, Hlt'ii.
City health officer, I,. II. Ins
j keep.
('Ity planning commission Tte
j appointment. Ccoiko Porter, four(
j year term from Jnnuary 1st, 1!i2!i;
i new appointment, V. W. Allen,
four year term from January 1st.
lai; new appointment, 10. c.
Corn, two year term from Janu
ary 1st, 11129; new appointment,
J. C. Collins, one year term from
January 1st, Hl'Jy.
Tim council also transacted
much routine husha-ax Inst iiIkIiI,
I iK'Iuil intr thu pnssnKii of n number
of property seKreKatliiK orijlnnnces
and voting opposition to house hill
No, 810 pendilKf In tho IcKlslattlro
at Salem, which seeks to provide
for n uniform statu hulldlnir code
and uinonK other objectionable
features does not reuulre fire
escapes on uny bulldillK over four
stories Iiclxht. Tho bill, which
Is denounced jy Die chiefs of tho
Pacific coast and Ores-on fire
chiefs HssoclatluliH would Imposo
hnrilshlp on the snmller cities of
tho stath nnd tnko nwny from
them the power tn regulate their
own blllldintt codes.
tlliKLIN, Koh. e.fJT Th
reli'hatnK today adopted a bill rati
fylnx (lormnny'a slRnnture of tho
KoIIokk renunciation of war pact, 1
Tim vot'6wu :S7 tg 1ST,
Heflin Again Attacks Church
in Religious Argument-7
Waves Flag As Declares
Public Men Quake in
Boots Reads News Ar
ticle Quoting Tydings. .
Senator lleflln, of Alabama, de
lliered another attack upon the
pope and ihe Unman Catholic
church la the senate today as a
seipiel to tho rellKloUM argument
which rocked the chamber yoatnr
day. '
'the Alabaman, whose proiiosal'
lo piohlhli the flyin ; of a church
Hat; over the American emblem
on battleships durltiK services at
sea was rejected, told the seniito
that the liemocrats who voted
aitaiast him must lace the issue
in their stales. Ho threatened to
tnlie to tho country his flcht to
determine whether "Iho fair fla!
of this country shall ily below the;
Hointin cross." i'
HoldltiK aloft a tiny American
riair and pavlni; it hack nnd lorlh.
the Alabama IH-mocrat, his face
fiery red with the exertion of his
delivery, declared that "public men
are quakliiK in their boots," for
fear of the influence of the Cath
olic church. Ho limited n Kuptlst
(IlKuitHty us having said before iu
church convention that of all the'
countries that the pope desired to
control, Ihe. I'nited Slates cume'
"I told yon Smith would bo the
worst defeuted enndiduto over to
run ami he was," lleflln declared.
"I told you ho would split the
Demncrallu party, and he did. I
told you he would not carry twelvo'
states, and hn didn't."
At the outset of IiIr speech Sen
ator lleflln read from an article'
In Ihe Washington News which de-:
clared Tydln'is, Democrat, Mary-
land, referred to the Alabaman us
a "damn fool" yesterday.
Baby Picks Name
Out of Dad's Hat
Gets Gene Tunney
PITTRni'ROII, Fob. 0.
(P) Clone Tunney Odato, only
several dnyH old, hna named
himself. When Mr. nnd Mrs,
I'ntsy Odato of Ilrentwood,
a unburn, boueIH a nnmo for
tl.olr offspring, they ran Into
so ninny suKRestlons that
4- thoy decided lo put It up to
the bnliy himself,
HoloutliiK a score of nnmes
of p r 0 b 0 n t-day celebrities,
thoy wroto tho nnmes on
paper slips nnd put them In
n hnt. Tho baby's chubby
fist went Into tho sky-piece
nnd reappeared with his name.
dene Tunney.
Will Rogers Says: .
NEW YORK, Feb. 6.i
Rood Sinoot is beinpt
" hexed' ' nRnin with , his
cheap foroiRii stiRnr. T o
S m o o t tho
S p a n i s h -A
in c r i can
war was our
K r e n t c s I
Miuider, for
both eonn
tries wo
freed grew hgnr; Kellogg
can make peace or war, the
.Mississippi states can wash
to the sen, liquors from tho
four corners of tho - earth
can arrive tintariffeil, hide
mid T-bonc steaks from the
Argentine, wheut from Rus
sia, but Reed Smooth prowls
the docks nt night to see
that no "sweetening" U
Rinnitgleil in. When Sraoot
gets through raising the
tariff on sugar, Lindbergh
couldn't fly over it with a
box nf chocolates. Vhrc
ltrigham Young's monument
was erected from old mar
ringe certificates, Smoot's
will be made entirely of
sjcar heels. i
P. S. Watch 'cm pay off
Ornmly at the first session
of the new congress.