Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 03, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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O o
Irene DcLosh, 325 South Holly St. Phone 390-L or 71
. vi:i:ki.v
fc Monday i
i 1 ovular iiHMjiius l,uaril uf t
til rectum, Y. '. A. ut the
i- clnh lmiisc, 7:". .
Mctiii of the D-Ii'luun
Hoard at Mrs. Jairu.i Culliiia
residence, !:u :t. in. 4.
J Women.' Missionary u- t ,
eieiy. Christian hmvh. Home
J- uf Mm. :. N. Ilhkn at
2 p. m. ;
h (Ireater Mod ford club curd
parly. 2 uVluck, Itutlamt Ho-
I- fl, rublic ia cordially in-
b Jacksuti County Health as- !
sociutiun, Civic Club Iiouhu at ;
J .1 ti r k s o 11 County M UJ-ir -5 j
TVohtrs' a.ssoLiation. huine f
Mrs. T. J. Ainspuker, 1 1 1 ;
J West Main streot. j
Woman's Association, Pros- j
4 byterian church at 2:30 in 4 ,
ihc parlors nf the ehurclj. t ,
4- Wednesday
liowna , Circh'. home of 4 1
4 Mrs. O. H. Kldridso at the 4
4 VoorhioH ranch. 1
4 Priscllla Circle, Mel hod it I
4 rliurch, home "f Mrs. Witilry,
lieames Chapter, noc'al club 4
4 will (five curd party, MuhohIu
Hall ut S p. m. Public in
4 invited.
4 MV'Jfurd Onruen club. Iin-
portant meeting. Hotel Med- 4
4 ford. 7:30 p. in.
4 c h r y . a n I hcnuim Circle
4 Thimble club, i' p. in., home 4
of Stella Anderson, 1120 M-
antic ll.
lloyal nr ik h burs, regular
meeting ut 7 ::!0.
The Alpha flmptnr of th
Dclnhinii Study club, will
meet Thursday, ! 11
Pcbrtiray. Kucnth at
Y. W. C. A.
The Carniition club
meet with Mr. John Seller
at Gof. North Central, at
y 2 p. in.
h Henefit recital of the Kvn
I lienson Uancin A.idemy.
J Frank'H IMayliouec Theater, S
o'clock. v
Junior High 7'arent-Teach-
ova. 3 : 1 ."1 at thn Hchoot.
DaiiKhters of Veterans will
miiol :if tlin AriilorV.
St. Mili'lc's Guild card
parly. yt. Ma'rlt's . Parish
4 Ilou.1.
4 Suliinlay. v
: CollcKn AVonicirs "I
llumo of Mrs. M. Koot. lj
Summit avrniie. S'.SO p. in.
Ziilplina T'-mplu X-. in.
liuuslUt rs of Hie Nilo will
liold a rnocplion at Crants
4 Tass at tlir Masonic Ti'iiiph.
lionorios Mrs. Victoria Crousn
of l.os Angolis, Suprtmio
t tiooon.
4 Williams Jubllcn Stnitoif,
Presbyterian cduinli. Spoil-
sored by Women's assoeiatlon. !
IJvcnt or This Week.
One of the outstanding events
of the pre-bnten S'ai on. is the
benefit recital for th) lipitx'pal
i.ti-gim fund to bo given by Mrs.
i:vc Benson. This interesting af
fair will be presented in Prank's
Play House theatre on the niRht
of Pcbruary the eighth. The eve
ning's entertainment will consist
of character, acrobatic, interpre
tive and novelty dancer. (Includ
ing pantomime) by pupils of the
Kve Denson Daneiuk academy,
and pleasingly Interspersed by
Prank's Comedians in various
specialty acts. The program is as
Gypsy Life
Ciirls: Helen 1'atton. Ia
Alur,le l!eck. Arline Amaae,
Margaret Mann
Hoys: Do re on ,everctte.
La Von ne Anderson. Plorencc
Danbds and Doris Pulton
Holland Khhbs
(taken from Nut Cracker suite)
1 la rba ra Holt, a nd Ci ord o n
Trio (double act)
Nellie Wtiters a ml John Prank
llecentric (group)
La Alurle Jteek. (; Lu Pcvro
Hurbara Holt
Spanish Solo Dance - .....
(with castanets)
La Vonnc Anderson
Heuptrs -.
ity Pairopean peasants, inter
"pretlng the Harvest Bcann
and the call of the Angelus
Margaret Mnnm and Plor-,
enoo Daniels .
Little Maids from Nagasaki ; '
firetcheii MeAlilster, Plola
M eCray, 13a rbara Pru nklin,
Itaibura lie vim and the trnlo-If-ls,
Detly Canfield and Hao
Lo Key re
Troika Ponb s
Helen I'atton
La Murle P.eek 0
Doris Palton
Noel 15 en son
Arusical Act
Jana Coyle, Carl Luthlcy
-tvslnHont SoiiHt of th- Nii-'ht
Wind .'
Helen "ood
"Single" Monologue
Mr. Craig
Columbine Qui Plirt
Columbine. La Murle Ueck
Suitors: Knglih. La Vonnc
Andeton O
.Spanish. Dorecn Levcrttte
ii'Eing and Talking Act
Nellie Waters, John Prank
Gordon I'.enson
icuttian "Maid Dante
Durecn Leveret te and La
Murle Hucli
Coined)' Skit '
l'rank's Comedians
Mrisie for the evening will be.
furni.-hed by Mia. V. 11. Ander
son, academy pianist and Frank's,
orchestra: violin, Keith Cole. 1
piano. Jaiia Coyl'-, trombone, John
Paul and drums, Harry Newman. f
' Mrs. Lariton Honored
Mr. am! Airs, (,roy Ueinni At Informal Party
From viit lit taliforiiiii. j Mrs. A. II. Uimm entertained at
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Ciroy-aii Informal "nel-Mthfirhood party'
(turned yesterday from uakUnd WVdnesday at her home, in honor
and San Francinco. where they jot Mrs. C. O. Lariso:t. who re
have been visiting for the lust n cently moved in u of the Duplex
days. While in the buy cities they houson on South Holly street. A
were pttctttH of Mr, and Mrs. Jiw-1 social afternoon was enjoyed ful
reiH c Orey. Mr. Crey. w ho is one j lowed by rofreshniont.s.
of the owners of the crater Lake ' (Juests Included Mrs. C. 0. Lnr-
Autoinoiivt- company of Medford,
attended the Kan Francisco auto
mobile sfhtfw and was present at
a Pacific. Coast conference of Gra-
1 ham-Pa'g-i dealers.
MolKe Uay of lUi h Is spending;
Ihn w-ffk-ninl with Mrs. It. N. Put-'
!,.r j Ureater Medtoru cluh hridgt?
t ' 4-1 ; party at the Holland lintel at L':0
logrx of lfunoi IamIco 'o'clock Tuesday, February 5. Thir-
Has Interesting Proffrnm. ' ty-flvc cents for reservation. Call
I ,The Degree of Honor lodf; metlMrn. H. O. Iavid3on, or Mrs.
In regular resslon Friday ev-nlng, Luko Kyan, uKl-K.
1 January with tho m-w officers I ,
I for the year in charge of the j Mrs. Breynton Finch Hostess
work. Alter the business HCKsion
the program commit tee gave
tvr-ry intcrcstiliR proCvuhl. UeCrcsh-
DK iils w. iv si'ivcd by EstliiT llu
ler and Mis.' WeiU'r.
Mrs. Ornysmi Ho!'ilsnn of Ihf
V. K. Kisli.-rio nl Trail was tin?
kiii!SI of Mrs. Hal l'latt Wcdntsday
and Thursday.
j Rhtlicliiy Willi I'.iny
Mr. and Mrs... II. Kvanee ' liter-,
! lalned the follow-in Kllcsts at ,V'i'"
j home on West Main street Monday I
; night in honor of their dauKhter j
lOvelyn-May-s flft-entti I.lrt h0:iy !
nnnlversay:.Mr. and Mrs. 1. Torre,
Mrs. Myrtle (liilversoii. Miss Jean
Cutvei-son. Miss Myrtle Hi'hy.
I Miss Thelina Illlow. Miss Vh'Klnla ,
.liilieroo, .Misf Ji.ii.ii"'i'-
! Miss Vera Peters. Miss Ida Wilson.
I Mis l ay Green, i lyle Siniih, I Uf- ! consolation,
ford t:ollius. I.. Albreelil, Kiehard I
I Wilson. A. Mcpherson, and Doners. Harwood Entertains
1 MetlreKor. , Rowena Circle
I' Games and dnieiiiK were en- j The Kowena Circle of the Veo
i joyed, followed by a buffet lunch- man lodge held their social meet-
t.on -
Mrs. jtl. Kliumer of reKa was i
a house uu
of Mrs. Tm Ural-jdHy
Itey of South OaKdaio uuring uic .
'past week. ' i
. i
I .Mcdio.d ;aeleii lull
; Will Mi-it WcxIneMluy. '
; inc .o.oM-.u
I have their regular monthly meet-
-ing at the Aledford Hotel Weilnes-
dav. J'ebruarv sixth ut 7 : ;t0 p. m. 1
! At this meeiing the m-w officers :
',.tii , ...i ih.,e will hi-!
y.ii,iM.i .f iiiieresi '
ibrought up for discussion. ! long 'distance telephouo exchange, j Lich mother of the circle UHK j
New members will be cordially ' a dinner was held last Tuesday nuked to contribute a plate, cup or , I huso present Included Airs,
'welcomed and this would be an ; evening nt the homo of Myrtle spoon to replenish the dish , tip-, irrnest Chfldrelh. Airs. Leslie DIUe.
1 Ideal time to loin. i Xewlmid, Siir tfast Ninth street, board before Daddy's hIkIu. pl:ms M Arthur Wells, Mir. I'hll :
i Arr Leo Drown of tho Porest j with tho following mcmberH of tin for which are already being made. Hatty, Mrs. J. W. Smiley. Mrs. K. j
! li.-servists will give an instructive j exchange preHenl: Kvclyn irov Airs. Willets room received the ; M. Conkaey, Mrs. Wni. Pooksoy. t
'bilk on trees shrubs, moving and ! Dorolhv Nyswarnor. May Heath.- fern for having the most mothers'!. -nrl I'earson, Mrs. Itay Hat
iplanting same. etc.. which every Luthora llrynnt. Uulh Hannister present. Men. Mrs. Louisa lleltz, Mrs. K. I). J
; garden lover should hear. . land (ihidyn Glenn. Miss Daniel-1 The piano solus by Amy PUioU 1 ,,,,,:r- aiul lllJ l"r -:;ii(.'st. Mia..
! " 4 jpon was transferred from Iho local w-ere very much enjoyed. ; W ells. j
Tho regular monthly business J off tt-o (o Portland this wuvk. . A "Purnlshiug a Child's PMii,-f
imcting of the board of directory ,
"f the Y. W. l A. will be heiuiam waH followetl by several lames
Alonday evening, Pcbrujry 4 at Df .bridge
7:30 at the club houue.
! Marks t.uild
Itrhlge l arty ; Card Party.
1'ein iti i in., n irn. Iftfi uiumn ui oi. .'iiin
Airs. Luke liyan and Atlss Predajuru planning one of their delighl
Scbnelder were jointjMtstesseH at jiui Card parties for next J'rhluy,
cards Tuesday nigm. i nren inuies
! were in play and a jolly evening
I was enjoyed by all.
i Waff I Luncheon
Honoring Mrs. West.
Airs. Golden Starr 'Scott cnter-
taineu ine L.incoin icacuers w no i
a waffle luncheon last r riuay. i
The affuir honored Airs. West who :
was leaving for liuropc. j
xa, i 77t"" !
Mrs. Woods Hostess I
ri u i iguc r j i y
airs, iiaroiu w oous whs nuslea
tnt bridge Thursday evening at her
il'.'nt. r il.,- "'.-I I.IK. i.r-L"1"
: rifisii.s, Hwcot m:uh mill f:rns. Mrs.
Elmer Kyle held high score.
uu ailt.A 111 orv.
i..'. m... n. i.'n.l .
III-: ui iinn, ii'.ui.' i uvt: uiiu .'iiu.i
II ' Hubbard I
'din-sis include.!: Mrn. G. Humph -
rey. Mrs. Jennie Williams, Mm C 1. j
Wrictilt r. Mrs.. D. Onnoc. .Mrs. W.
t arpcnler. Mrs. II. Paec. Mrs. E. ,
Kyl.j, and Mrs. It, Iliibbartl.
VI.. .n,i m,. r-.-n-l Ti-nsru-nlil are
receiving! the congratulatlona on the usual games were played, rc
tlio birth of un eight-pound daugh- I frcshniente were served. Mrs. L.
tcr.-born at the PuVueker mater- P: Oolder was a-guest of the host
ility home at U':40 Saturday. A
name for the youn' "Mls" has
not been decided upon
Lincoln I'arcnl -TonWiors
i -.l..mli. Pi..i.l'r.lilciit Dm.
The Lincoln P.-T. A. met at
'Lincoln school Kriday, I'ebroaTy
list, with n very good ottendance.
There won an Invitation given Iq
'the pajil prcidents to meet ualnfthe secretary's and treasurcr'ii rc
i with the association und talk over ports and allowing of hills,
i old times. There were five V-ltj The president 8tutcd that rouud
! presidents responded to Hie invi-iders day would be observed nt
! latlons. They were Mrs. John Junior high nchool Kriday evening.
Perl. Mrs. N. S. Bennett. Mrs. IS. I February 13, all circle of tho city
M. Ttuasong. Mrs. G. W. Nellson
an'G.drs. Luke llyan. On behalf
of tho association they were pre
1 stilted with very pretty corsage
I bohnuctii of sweot peas und .ferns.
K.ich of 0; ladies responded witn
a few remarks on the "high lights"
of their administration.
The association w as veo" Ideas -
.u.tly entertained by the Junior
High debating team, debating on
the free text book question. The
affirmative .side won. The home
made candy sale nelied about 5fl
for the treasury.
The refreshments were in charge
of Mrs. Chiis, Luman. A delicious
ang angel food cake decorated
with y' candles In honor of found
ers' day, us presented by Mid.
ifioiT, Mrn. (ireaves. Mrs. V. M.
' Koi'sIihw, Mrs. Uordou Kui'shaw,
i Mrs. Ireno Do l.osli. Mrs. Jnlw
; Uenlson. Mrs. K. A. Moitre, Mrs.
O. C. Taillue. Mrs. It. Mason, .Mrs.
Tiira llradloy and Mrs. (!. Kiinmtr
of Yrcka.
ror vaienine ran
I Mrs. Ilroyntou Kineli and Mrs.
Opal Clark wore Joint hostesses
at a very delightful Valentine
party nlven to their llrldiie elub
at the home of Mrs. Ureynton
Pinch on West JaoVsou btrcet. Ft i-!
day ovcnlnR. I
The rooms were gaily decorated I
In Valentine colors. Three tables
of cards and music throusliout Hi"!
evening were very nutch enjoyed. I
The refreshments served were
vcrv prellv carryiii!; out the Yal
olllinvi scheme. I
Those present were Mctiilnmcs i
( n(11!ers. Nyle tlllfoiil, Halph
naiit.y, Harvey Vouiik. Josephine 1
,ones. All.Hllsla ClloVer. Drea Davis.!
Vivian llarto and Misses lOstherj
Mt;t'ollum. Lillian Wise and the :
hostesses. . I
,J1S. liarve i umis n'ni " i
seori. ,tn, M Esther MsCullum I
1S H'T .'(Wlil.nj .n in-: ii.'i'i..
Mrs. C W". Harwood with Mrs. .1.
u, Kclxomijose as hostess ednes.
evening, January HI. Tho cue-
nitiR was spent in piaymg progres-
sivo 500. Kveryoun present
norts a vepv cntovahe time. '1 Im
,busin8N inwting for February will
: he held ut I Ho home Of Mrs. O.
Kiuiuigu hi. inovoornioH 'MM,H. Clavton Isaaes and th
WulnoHday afternoon. February u. M M . M ,t , ,
' .
Miss Danietson Honored . ' '
At Dinner Party
Cmiilimentinir Miss Pave Dan-
ielwon head onerator at the local :
three coiirso dlrliPt wuh p?rii
n. in.. Ill HI. .luril H luirieii muiiw.
I-TokpokhIvu and pivot biiUgu will
be in play.
Couuulttee in charge Tur the
i.fiernoon: Airs. S w e m, Mrs.
i i .... ll..l.,.,.u Mi- ikPllL
i.intii. i., .-no. ....i
and Airs. Aleiidenhall.
fr.s. Hideii Will
iiionary .Society.
jlv Woman's A!iiionary society
of the First Christian church will
. . . tU ,,., m,.u v. v
ii lliden Tuesday, l ebruary Otli at
... ,i. i.... inBn,iv
p' 1 , "n ' Z ,d ail
coi'uiiuiy himivu iu .
The Ulljaheth Illlx Kiolip with
-"- """""k '"','
coal lie oi mo liiw'u'i'
Tills W'ill be un
hour folloviiiK. Ti
interesting meeting and a large
attendance ia desired,
(rs u UmtrrH
UuMUv. ,lriB(! , ,
. charm-
!'ing hosier nt ihe llulldlng Uridgv
I club Thursday afternoon. After
l ess.
ItiMiM.'vcIt I'liivnt-Tiiiclicrs
1 Have Interesting Mei'tlns
! Another Interesting mcctlm,- of
I the llooscvelt I'arcnt-Teuchera as -
soctation was held Kridny, Febru-
ary 1, -Mrs, Doiph Phipps presld-
I ing.
Tue buInesa included rendins
f uniting.
i' All money of un association
tifed for elilld welfare worli, ac
cordingly one of tho important
purchase Is a portable Orthophonlc
; which has been presented lo the
j school.
The children of KDioscvelt ore ;
. trying to win the pictures of Abrn-j
ham Lincoln and Hobert E. Leci
Uo be give by the national school)
Uarings department to the chool
Double Engagement of the
Misses Palmer Announced
m 4M, "mi
1 h 14 n
Kli'3W v'i t&l- 4&- M
Left Miss Esther Palmer.
A" " l'at surprise b
came ilie double antiouio
ment of
I he eiiu-agei.ienl.s of tb
iml ;iiitur I'ahiier !
Mwrn. Vernon K. Day and A I son
A. Jiiittl. The announcement
was inadir on Saturday afternoon,
l'Ybruary "nd, at Willametie uni
Vi'rsliy. where Miss llinor I'ahuer
is attindtng school, and where her
tdter was a student previously.
This was the occasion for a de
lightful luncheon in the green gale
I room at the spa, "faiem. lo whieii
, lllr v.four SOrorlty sisters, tin;
. house-nmtlier. Mrs. Alice II. Dodd.
; , Mu.(..u i...
! (.Ulll'K Mrs. I-:. P. Tlnmias Mrs
L H p,,.,.,.,., f Klamath Palls.
ilmer g-Uing at least Ml per cent of the
children lo bank. .
I read bv Afrs. Mornn. eave m;in
rXeellcnt mggcstiuus to mother:-.
j Afrs. Jierrian presented a pancr
containing much food for thoimht.
' showint; tho importanco of spiritual
education in the training of a i hlld.
'I.llllli !ol(lin I l.-i if.' '"I.lulr
I!ru;vn Knli.v" mill "Mo (?iv Mini"
. . . ,.
!. .
'I'lu report uf tin: Mt-hool nursr.
Mrn. .luin'H. on chllih-i-n'H vt!lt,-litM,
1 1 "ILV-UIIK. n- ll"
; InslniiiiiK of Ihi bi lml your 1ln
war f,2 uiuU'l-wrlflit, but l,y Janu-
li rv I thn lis! showed onlv nhw1.
who ore at icaai leu pur cent mi -
uerw eisiii
liH-kson Coiiiily Health lnlt
III Meet A,l,laii.l h lo Uuh
On Tuesday, l-'eliruary r. at 2 p.1
in., the public Is Invited to tli bl -
monthly ineetiiiK of ihe .laekson
t:ounly tiililie Health nsMiieiati'Mi at
the ciic clulihiiio"' In Aslilaiid.
Speakers: Mihs .lean I'asley, ciln -
cation director of Ihe Oi-cko.ii Tu-
' bereulosls association: Ilr. lOmily
i.oieoni, eouniy ueitiiti oiiictai:
I Miss foolid-e, head of the tlcparl
I nieiit of health utid hyrlene in A-h-!
land Normal.
Reanet Chapter Will
Give Card Party
Ueaines Chapter Social elub will
glv a curd party lu .Masonic ball
Wednesdav evening. February 0 at
is p. in. Mrs. Kdnn iKnnes. chair -
! mini, assisted bv ihe ol fleers of
the chapter
I Kvcryone attending will he
Mired a 'lood tiino. licllclou
freshinentB will bo served. Don't
1 forget Ihe dale, Kcbriuiry r, ut s
p. in., .Masonic hall.
Como and briiiir your friends., p.,iv
j ... '
Hnnnrlnn Birlhilav
A group of friends of Mrs.
Harold Wells, ;10 West Jackson
street, pleasantly surprised her on
the evenliiir of her birthilav. Sat-
ujtiay. January ?f.
Tile evening was spent in play.
Ing game. Mrs. WoIIh w-as pre.
Honied will) a nitinbrr of beaull.
ful Rlftii. HefreshntenlB were serv
ed at a lain hour by Mrs. K. P.
: u.i,,,.., t o u,,,tt, v und
.rn, Artiiur AVells.
Those present Included Mr.
Ernest Chlldrctli. Mrs. Ioslle Dike.
Mrs. Ariur Wells. Mr. ' Phil
Ratty. Mis. J. W. Siniley, Mrs. II.
M. Cooksey, Mm. Wm. Cooksey,
Mrs. Curl Pearson, Mis. Hay Lat-
Right Miss Elinor Palmer
The met if carried out In the
decorations was the Kairy l'mi. lie
! was silhoiietlrd on tiny booklets
i which tiiselnsed the news. These
were hid'I'ii in the eent-r of a
' miniature pond over which n daiu
: ty f iti-y hmvivd. S'ien the
Mr'::iners en- pulled and the
, secret d beloved, little Jessie lillnor
Shinii biougbi in two corsages, in
which the Meters found the rinj;s.
The Misses I 'aimer are dangh-
I ters of .Mr. and Mrf, H. .1. l'almer
of tliis city, and hnv
mally friends
; in-re.
Miss Ksther l'alnier is ;i harpist
i in I'oriland anil in studying music
at Kliison-While t.'oiiservaiory.
i Air. Kiist.d is a student at t'nivcr-
Mty ff ttreireti, ami Mr. Day is in
business in Toiiland.
i The day for a double wedding
: has not yet been set.
' ten.- M rs. Louisa l.elu. Mrs.
Scriplur and the honor guest. .Mrs.
'"Uc.ui mmc vm
Have Reception
tin nt'xt Siilnnliiy af'.tirnoon tVb-
ruury 9 nt o'i'luck in thi (Irnnlii
I'asH Manonlc Tclilpli', Zulfllna j lllH uou.r i'.:turu lru(rriim
Tcmulo No. Ill lliiiiKhl.'iM of till'! An imrrraiing ft..riioun wiih
Nllu will hold a liM i'iilicill lo Mr.s. ',,,,,.( ,y lhP ctrpiitnr Moiironl chili
Vli:toihi fi'oiisu of I.oh Aiiitnles. ln the KII1tl )mi ,,i t, orh'tilnl
"i"'"i O.Ufi-11 of Ihn nunhlrrn (i,.jcna jiumlay, January L'sth.
or Iho Nile, who Is making hi-r .m,.,,. ,1!lt., A. (lilmorc wuh in
offlclul vhill In Ihf K'llll'h'. clmi-Bo of tliu liroKiiiin. .Mrn. New
A ccif inoiilal wllh Ihc iidniiahlrM) Inl.,., ititi'n'Ntiin.'
or m.vcrul new ninnlM-m uial Iho
ill Hi It I lil ti oil of offlri'I'S for llld I'll-
,"jl"K ',l' will bo IllflndcU ill tlioj,,,,. psfsuii-nt souUiCTii' Ore-j
" V , .. , ., '' ,.' ii ,, rv,l
., ''..,. '..,... .,.
"1 lit' no'lliuers, Hl;il oa;.iiaiiin.
1 ,.,.,., ul b,..hih nt file
KoKUe iiolcl followed by dancing.
llclplllllll (lllll
I.Mfi. l(li Mrs. Tno.
The Thursday
inornltiK group
Study clot lnt
Mrs. IJ. (I. Ty
edei ii It Johnson
ii.f (ho Delphian
) :it tin.' home of
; ree with Mrs. F
!us icailer.
j "l-'lemish Arl" was th
f,r discussion followed bv a book
. re ieiv. "Ilesllny Hoy," given by
,111'x. Ilumiihrev.
Miss Phippo Hostess
Honoring House Guest
Miss May Philips entertained a
number of former ucnualiilances
of her house guest, Mrs. II. A.
. anndy ol llnxeburg. on l-rliliiy ut
' r Home oil L.isl .Main siroct.
! Potted plants and feriiH worn
' "sed ahotil lite rooms. Musical
numbers frimi Mesdaines Meeker
mil llttucrgardt and chorus sip.-x.
ing were enjoyed. Tltn remaindor
lof the afternoon was Hpenl in new
Ing and geueiul ronversallon. He
irebnieiita wero ecrved by tho
1 liijhles.H.
lluiislou c;irls laiterluln
, Willi I'nnclitif Parly
I Dancing to Ihe strains of music.
' ' 'he "'"'e yu is oi-eheslra,
I upwards of r. f si iiilenls of Medford
' high school gathered In the Kve
, 1 " nson dancing academy In tho
M'dforil Center building Saturday
evening, the guests of the MIssch
Mary und Helen Kdmlston, AVhilo
dancing furnished Ihc )t-llicipul
entertainment of the evening a
number of novel and - arousing
si mils were en love I
j chief nniong these ii-in n mnek
bankelhRl! game between two
U-am of horn Inl by Kdward
Houms nnd Jack floylc. Iteferee
J Hilly W alker ruled Ui outemno a
! s -or. less tie wlvn Merlin Tolllfson I
fell on the toy balloon employed u '
w ball and t-ioUe un tJ.e game with
n luiitl hung.
lief reshmeutK were served by
Mis. J . IMmlslon white Mrn.
Lena West presided at the punch
bowl. Dixie Ambler llruvey acted
; as stunt master.
j I ; nests inetnded: Misst'H Tuclb
I.owry. Marjin-y Marshall, Her! ha ivggy Miller. ,!uMine Miller
Mai t hibleis. (JUn la (letch-
t II, M iry S'an Dyke. Prances Mil- '
l. r. Dorothy I'.-d-y, P.lijibetii Meil-
inc. Carol llodn
Doielhy Slead.
'llarrh i Sp:irrow, .lunet-Wray
! Smith. 1-aura Druiy. Itarbara
iDrury. Gcraldine Laliiaiii, Mary
j Adiimyon, Louise Uroeimer. and
Mary and Helen DdmlMon.
MesMs. Kmil Mohr. Merlin Tel-
liisou. David I.owry, Homer l'latt. j
I'hilip Stune. Herald llartsook.
Donald Moore, Charles llarnes,
llnrutd tleliaur. Hill funninb'bam.
Jaek itoylc. ltob Poyle, llarl Aler-c-r.
John liedly. iiuwau tireeij.
Hilly Walker. IMward Peains. P.ob
Ltnmtn. Harold Archer, prank
O'Nuil. Hilly Lyman, liobeit Sleet -er,
Pete Thompson and James
Jo n lor Hih 1'. T. A.
Will MtxM Pridny
The Junior High School Parent -TeMi
hcr iishocl;;tloti will meet pri
day af tet noon at 'A : 1 T, at the
school building.
ADss Jean P.cslcy, director of the
Oregon State Teachers association,
will be the principal speaker.
The music will iv i ehaige f Williams who will present
lite glee club a well a.i a iiuinber
of other groiis in musical num
bers. Hefreahments will be served. '
- j
Daiirhlers of Vetei-ans
Will M'tit Prhlay
The Daughters of Veterans met
in regular session January at
the armory. Duly routine biisi ;
ness was trant-acted, and alter the j
hi'sslou the aluminum contest was i
decided, first prize being given to
A1 rs. Davis and second lo Mrs.
Tho next meeting of the tent
will be on Prhlay, Pcbruary S, at
(he armory.
Mrs. Palcn Hostess
.MlMHu 4 'lull
The Uoyal Neighbor AIit,lletwe
club met with the president, Alrn,
Palcn on Wednesday afternoon,
with a good attendance dcapite the
snowstorm. Plana for the state
meeting In North Ileml were dis
I A special meeting was called nt
Mrs. Keek's. 41U South tlrajie, to
finish the silk tptuilt.
Very tasty refreshments were
served by t lie hostess and Airs,
Lloyd Palen.
.Mrs. Stanley Jones will bo hos
tess February J J. at 7 yy Abler
j The Jtoyal Neighbors meet on
Thursday at 7:iu. V isitors always
( welcome.
Mr. UotM Will Fiilerlaiii
College Women's t lub
The Colleg" Women's club of
tliu Hogue Itiver valley will meet
at the home of Airs. Myron Hoot,
la Summit avenue, Saturday, Feb
ruary y, lit'dii at J:"iO.
The book review will be given
by Airs. II. P. liosworth. Jr. The
hk. "Dreiser Looka at Uussta,"
by Theodore Dreiser.
Social chairman, Airs. J. C. S.
I (;,ri,.r Mulfonl i lnl
lMl UI1 .'u,;.,,,,,. i-uaui-fH." i
mi r:. l,.l in..
! Kon' ,U"":,J on 11,0 new l'rul'""
Iiouau IlllU oilier C1II1J 1IOUNCH
In this district. She brought many ,
tliiugu to the eillh luoinhcru uf the ;
Orealer Medforil elub. (
Tea anil cookies were served by 1
'.he committee ' '
Social Events of
Church Societies
Tho Prlsellla Circle of tho First
Methodist church will meet will!
I Mr. Wi.Kely. 015 Went Jackseii
Islrcot on Wednesday afternoon.
wilh Situ. N. J. Wiley as hoaless.
A mixed program will lie giv
en to increase the financen uf the
i:pnorlh League of. tho . M. H.
Clmrch, .South, FiWay evcnlns,
Feb. beKlliiiliig ut 7:30.
Tho following numbers will be
croup of Ijarky songs, The
Darky Sextet.
Heading, Cherokee Seller.
Violin culo, Margirle iteduiond.
Heading, Luollo Selb-r.
Ktunl, Ullly Uruy. Well Tilly und
Marvin Lallmer,
Vocal solo, llerlha Klcher.
Monologue, "Tin. Poor Old Man" )
Adabce Keller. 1
Itnnjo hiiIo. Ollle Hurnctt.
Duet, Kthel Wilkinson und tta- j
fuel Ilenson. '
Croup uf songs. The Midgets,
Alpha Delia Cluss
Men ut llldni lliuiK'.
The Alpha Delta 'class of the
Christian church held one of their
most enjoyable parties Thursday
afternoon at tho homo of Mrs.
Krnest lihleu on oast Jackson.
About twenty-flvo members of the
class were present.
Alter a Jolly afternoon with
games, delicious refreshments
wore sirred. Mis. lilUcu was as-
Killed by Mesdamcs l'rckinham
Denny, fhiidriti and DuWs.
TIicho parttcM are a montlily
event and the class looks forward'
with anticipation to thene jolly
Presbyterian Women Will
Meet Tuesday
The I'renbx terian Women's
ct and pro-1
o hit i i n in eel h T uesd a y
f in the parlors of the t'l
!:S0. The program Is in
of Mrs. II. It. Prentice and pro
i mines to be interesting as those
(of former yeai'H have proven, which i I'laiiw for the fund campaign
have been preHented by the Kebt,, finmi-e the new community
ruary committee, wIiohc general -,.;v() hoip e. which will be erected
i'lin h m:ui Is Mrs. John IVrl. Ml opposite the local enior
; ladies and their friends of th;hlgh s hool. under thu auspices
cnnrcit. vihmoi-k in inn cny, m inci
anyone iutereHled has n eurdlal
vitation to attend. The Willinma
Jubilee Shmers give a etincert at
the church rebruaiy sponsored;
by the association..
.linilort lrts t)rnnie:
Mlsi4iuary Society.
The Junior department of the
Presbyterian Sunday schohl met
at the church Saturday. February
2 at i:3t for the organisation of
a Junior tilrls' Missionary society.
The adult baders are Airs. P.. P.
Lawrence. Mrs. W. H. CMItuofo and
Mis Winifred Atulrewa,
The society will meet once a
month and the children will study
I both home and foreign missions.
There will be a period of sindy,
j after which the social committee
i will have eharee. "In the Afrl
ean Hush" la the study book on
"Foreign missions" to be used this
r" , ..
Rogue River Academy
News Notes
(t'onli'ihuled )
I'he aeademv wan favon.'d Willi
a visit last 'i-hui.sday from Kid.
II. 11. Sliruwnliliry. a returned inls
Hlunnry from India. lie Willi his
wife and two hoys nonped over
several days on their way to lake
ship i-eliirnliiK lo their field of
Hti niMjkv "t tl- K'VvtH!l-lay
Advent 1st ehurtrll Wednesday nlKht
and ut JaeUeeliville Thursdny
niirlit. '
Ouu raiaun we npine' lalu Kld.i ,rl(J ll) ram public . wilt h
Hhrewsbnry's visit is that he used ,',PllMul) lo it.arn that a Viinndjiiew
lo he ihc Home Mission secretary j ,.mlu ,mum by Alius lfeler. Nor-,
of. Iho Soutllein Orenon eonfereiK-e ,.is wm h(, t,i.OB,icaHi by tho popu-;
and spent eonsklenihle tiino at jnr ..L.0.0 inyci'.i" Tucmlny vc
.Medful-d yel-M UKO when lie w'"3 tilni;, Kr-b. 6Ui. Thfl play WRU'h
workliiK In llils field. )s c-n t It 1-1 "Tho Chueklo" Is 1
ile Koes fruni here lo the Hook-1 Bll'(ry u( ,,(,.,.,. Jays in tho wt
man's eonvelitlon belnn lo lil '" ; nn, n said in be one of NuV
Jlounlalu View, t'lillf . nud llli1" ' rM .Ht effmU. Tile loealo of
will return to India. tly Hiory Is ill ti ,'wllU nnd vooTy"
lOhhr Wesihioolt. our Southern western town nnd the piny is full
Oreiion l.'onferenee iiiL-sident was of ,immuie Hltuntlnns wlilcli prom
present at tliu proHiam kIvoii by Jh), to k.l all "lislners-ln" lecouly
Iho si vonlli and eluhth uradea ntun B(c.ti UH until tho cloao ot
latt Huturday lllnht. Sunday nli;ht,a(,t .,
Ekkr Wejjthiuolt held u meetinsj w a ".lupco ' 'ias-
ut tho ehureli. I ers" which will liresent' tbla novel.
Tliu KtuilcntH wero very lilad , .Illlln ,.olsram indudcH such old
this week to receive their Ki'udes (llvl.ln1 aH irrold forllsn. rictolr
and credllK for the linst Hemester. rMu M,,nm Wllllnms. atelln.'
Those on tile extra tumor lost or (.zemumy nnd Karlo Uavls. Tho-
thosi! who . received nil unules
abovo If a
emit -were Hazel
Jenkins nnd Mlnnio Iiuneh. Those
on Iho honor list who receneuj
nbovu HO per. cent were Don Cady.
William (Jurdner and Ollin l'liw
ler. Tho Hcndoniy nrt clnta h.'ivo en
tered inlo tliu contest sponsored
by the lluinnno soelely. Those
who iiiako the most uppropiialc
dislBiis will- bo iiwnrded
The content is Intormi-
Miss I 'ecilo Coss. daughter of
Mr. and MrH. Karl Coss of Mod
rurd, who is ntlendin'g the Vni I y of Oregon, lias been re
ceiving a succession of honors
In Iho draniallo und musical de
partments of the university, has
recently been cast its tho lead In
two college operas to bo present
ed during the months ot February
and Mnreh.
Miss Coss, who will lie remem
bered for her fine work in "Tho
Pirates, uf Penzance" 'and ."t'lna
foro" two Hubert and Sullivan
operas presented by - the local
High school during l!i! l anil 11126,
bus been given the role of "Mlinl"
In La' nohVmo, and that of "fe
Una" in .Mlgnon, which will be of
fered by the University of Oregon
opera, class, Mebmury lit and
iMarch 12, respectively.
The Medford Auxiliary of the
American Legion - has declared
February 'membership month."
All dues as dcllnitucnt February
'Jstli und members are urged to
plan on renewal within the next
two weeks, aniliny one who ia
eiigiuio ror memnersnip is cor
dlarry Invited to Join at this tlmo
If the membership committee
doesn't .eo you, make it a point
to sco them.
,0( x.. i.;.-esUcr Medfyr4 elub, ary
ln-!w,.i un,j(.rwny. and the drive will
1 ,m launched through the month
: ot p.-bruaiv. ;
M(.1MiM,.s nf tbn - orcanization
i1up been appearing before 11iu
! sen l'-e clubs and civic
; groups to explain the need for
such a hulhliur: in the community.
The object of erecting tho club (
house, is to furnish a meeting
place for -every civic organization
in Aledford. according to Mrs.
James Collins. active Greater
At ed ford club member.
I Aside from tho various rooms
! where meeiing are to be lielfl, au
auditorium with a seating capacity
of approvimately 31)0; will bo built
and furnished, to provide a place
for the uew JJtilo Theatre roU4i
recently organized by Tom Swern
here, and other similar worthy
groups, which, would come under
the head of civic organizations
with conf.tmetrvc -programs.
According to present calcula
tions tho construction on the
building will begin early In the
spring. I. eland Aleptzer. voca
tional instructor and his high
sehool classes have offered their
services en the building program.
,il.all)n wm 10 i-iven through tho;
courtesy of the California Oregon
j ,WL.,. auriiiK tho
"t;'opco hour niul will
rcctcd by Mr. Duvis.
Koyal Neighbor lodge of Jackson
ville lield an open Installation on
Tuesday. January M. with a very
good attendance both" from Med-
! ford nnd Jacksonville. An enjoy-
'uhlo program wan rendered. Luclln
I Hunnlnglon aud IIuiol White wore
Installing officers and. lustallod
for tho ensuing year:' Mierie
Wundt, Oracle; Daisy Lowls, vice-,
oracle: Alpha Hnrtman, chancel
lor: Thelina Mclnlyro, .recorder;
Violet Wilson, vecelvor; Lottlo
Howiiinn, marshal: Hutcl While,
assistant marshal: Arilena Stev
enson, Inner sentinel: Ilessle
llulchor, outer sentinel: Dossio
Miller, musician: Lola Mclnlyre,
nianuger. Tho Ounces arc Myrtle
Mcrrlilcld, Faith; Margaret Lewis,
frnirage; Lnelln Dunninglon, Mod
esty; Anna Coleman,; Unselfish
ness; -audio Adums, i!,nuuraDi!.
Noll Kinney, the past oracle, wm
lirosanted -with an ticctric parcot-
alor in appreciation lor nor year
service to the lodge. Tho enter
taining committee wlshcu to thank
all those who helped in maiUDg
the evening a fliiceesa. . ', '
John H. Knight with tho naslst-'
iine of Mr. foe, principal of ' tho
school, Is organizing a harmonica
orchestra lu the school. The chil
dren aru taking a great Interest
lu this.
Mr. anil Mrs. Horace Jeukins
have rented tho house of Wi A.
Chllder In north Jacksonville ad
joining Mr. Chlldcr's homo. They
moved in the first or this weeg.
A number from Jacksonville-attended
the Christian Science 'lec
ture; bva Hobert Stanley Koss, C.
S, JJ. ol Xuw York: City, given a,
tho Itlalto thoater Thursday eve-
nlnK- ' . .
Mrs. Chester Jones and Mrs.
Kormlt tl'nmbos of Medford apont
Wednesday at th home of thtr
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Chlld-
Mrs. David Gammon, who has
been qulto 111 with tho la grippe
Is Improving-