0 rEr)TT?T MITT, TnTBTTNT!. "NfEDFOTn, OKF-flON". "FRTDAV. rF-BKrlMlY 1. 10. tXGE TWO . U g -J "- Tocal and 'Personal Op.'luting undiT th.liame of id Tim rl-r I.nk.- ClilM it tin- Ms Mvrla Oil. i.lul.-. f.,Qrly ('. Tlminas. llucu TIkiiiijiskii. for-li'i -.ibylorian rliun-h will Iml.l its maiiai-i r of tin- A.-'lilmiil 'ivi.-,imni-llii-l-Ashland mil ratali deitlt'r W'liul lii'Xl mietiiiK .Monday vi-niilK. , i-x:liiiMK-. today b'-Kan iluM. .1 as lift Ashland suikli llly a fi'W fk Ktliruary I. at tin- hoial' of Mm. . hj.f o-r.iloi- for tlO' Mt':Wd of ao aiul for whom Jat-kniui ounlyJ.. H. Insk". p. (J '7 (,'iuIhi- l.a I;.-1 I iv- of llu- l-acifif T.li pliono ;gl offli'iTH hold a warrant on rhurtics I an nuo. .Mrs. 1 1 . -. K . . Mrs. liar- i T" digraph Iinm diMawc ofl'ico, ta,. of IkkuIiir nutn.'rous N.S.K. i-hivkK. I M y I'l. f) md Aim. Ituth MrAIIUKT inn llio position l-fl vacant hy Alis.s continued the hann Kami In Kan . will I..- itoslt-sKos. ami r'iti,-t all Fay; iJa iiiolsun, who has been VJ Uh-KU. It Is ull.-wd. di sltiliK a j nu inlic rs to In inn tin ir notilh s, lniiif rl' 1 lo I'ortl.md. J fhA 1i inulikc fidi wan 1 ill M' d- j til, ul)l) dlaft foun, to l. wi III- llw-ad and I ffl il.li s al'iHK as sow- S-vt forma!' aM.-l sli.id. . , p, ,- viu iiiu ii'ivHwn ii'o ! !i-s(. Itm will no ilono lor tno j.irhson lai prioi- m..'-. .ium- linllly of throi' took un a supply oj ,.,.,, .irl..,il sll-uin I ' olinty health lilii A dy ia- .. llr. Kmily Uoli orn, nn dual ili- tt Tutu sin-i t ri i vu 'ill : 55 "S- " ill 4rtaoline at Jftation lor an old inodi-1 Kurd, llb fTally laden with rniaplw; eiiuip- ment and household oods. A JM.tttnn s ze neusnril u neiu ine i Waen of honor on toil of the car. , oral linsultal yesterday hen open With a number of latxe packs on house was held under the auspices Uic sprinB. Several sacks and tin I of the Crams l-ass Wmiii-n- club. 'hn, were lied on a li ar carrier I he Hospital was open to M.-llois ind several packs were tied on the gunning board. A youth was driv and was accompanied hy an 'elderly father and mother. They t(t l.os Anueles over three weeks HO and plan to no to Kui;enc to toicnd an indefinite, time. J?l)anco to Ted Mincer and his dCok'Ues. al Kokuc Jtlver, Saturday TSkM. y 1'orter J. NVff rettirni'tl today t'om Kalnn. whtro lie ropri'MPiitcd A client before the Htutc HUprcmn jpurt. Hp wan nccuin pained hy William llouen of 1liln city. JCJrnngo dance, Kugto Point, Hut. npht. yia iL'Thc Gay 1'iiron iiuiicul c-0Tnily ftlrucliun which played hero "Ved- f ulity nlBht nnd nt Rucene hint lit, appeaiH in Portland for one formanee only, tonlpht at the uubllc auditorium. SVreh itmelt arrlvliiR dally nt lniHon's Market. tf JlMr. Sanlford Joih-k of Klamath Tallin neeompanled her huwhand ifln-e Thursday and after atti-ndlnj.' ffc bu mIii ess they returned home In iJje afternoon. Uct thoe fenders nnd auto Wodles 8tralt,-lilened at nrlll'H Sheet Aetal Vorko, oppoHliu LowIh Kupcr Bervlce Station. Phone 4IH. tr LMr. and Mi. J. A. (Minandy ar rjyed in the city this morning fT .-ihrlef hUHineKH and pleasure vIhH. 3Cr. Ormandy holds the portion of fflMlHlant pniwenKer truffle manager nf the Southern Pacific out of Port iStid. jKJhenp lumber and codur pORts. Bedford Lumber Co. 23Ttf tMrfl. K. II. Fitter' and Mai'arel Wi'twrlsht of Portland panned tfTrough here this week en route (fnouthern California. Mm. Piper UV-the widow of th late editor tf i&r OreBonian and Mrs. CartwrlKht lake a leudinK part la J'ottlaml garden club aetlvltleH. ikilot, clean coal. Tel. 631. Med ford Fuel Co. tf VIncluded among the OreKoalaUN ilslered at Medford hotelH are S. 'k 'h1'111'" Uikevlcw. C. W. (wen of Albany, K. Konl, A. !.- Fei-KUsoii and l' H. Thumpon UKono. S. 11. Sloekoff of Co- lle. V. V. Miller of Manthfleld attd D. I). Ilenderfion of .Salem. Coal by tho sack or ton. Tel. 01. Medford Fuel Co. tf 11h Clara Clreen. daughter o( Dr. and Mrs. It. K. lireen of Park avenue, 1h home for a nhorl vara Hon from tho t'nlverslty f South ern Cullfoinlu. She will return next Week to l.os ArifcOlOH to roHunie her tniidleii. ,l,'ttuled bay for fuile. John Car liln. 1'hone 1110-T.- 351 Temporary auto lUenHea were J-. kuMi nt the sherlff'H office thin fare noon to II. O. Knklng of Kaqle Potht, A. n. Hamaker, A. II. Kin raid and George Khav of Anhland, lUtcr BiadHhaw of Urownnboro, OeWe Wplfihl of Cenlral Point 'and Herman Powell and A. A. tlll Jflttr of Medford. j That Radio will bo u year around 4itertalnuwtt la practically UHsur eil. The Mftjeatic fop 1!H!U, which II on Bale at tho Palmer Music Houho Ir outperforming all previ oxih bo U. Moro diHtanco and day lpiht reception has been heard than lit a been powdhlo nrevioutdv. 31 ! .-is qTillle ! We always mako it a point to make our Sat urday Specials real bar gain offerings and this lweek is unquestionably no exception. Tomorrow we offer, as long as tho supply lasts i ' ' i Honey Cream Fruit Spice Cup Cakes 16c doz. Generously filled with ground fruit and nuts and iced with Tutti Fruit king. , On sale at 9:00 A. M. Sfc the new Ki'm"tr!c'i! sll;on and eoa t stylo sv ''a to r at A 1 ri -alio'. ' " 1 2 Fully r.oo p. pie of county inspected the new JoMepblne Uen- numbi'r of Jai kson cuunty ph-' h ians atti'iiib-d and cinipliiii iitetl this runimuuiiy on 1 1 1 ? t-xiillent fatlllticH pruvidrd. Dr. Charles Ilaye of Medfonl. and Dm. F. . Swedenbui's, (i. V. (ircMH. Ki m-Kt A. Wooda and McCrucken f Ahh land W'iu (nH-nt. MIjs .lean AllehiMm, upeiinteiid'-nt. Klated today that dally viiUn houru at the hoKpital are frum il until 4:30 in the afternoon and from 7 to It in the evcnlJiK. CrantK Pass Courier. That Kood coallow In ash. Han sen Coal Co. Plume "3H. tf Klevr-n out of (he nlule i iirr rei; iMercd here yesleribty with the lo cal Htatc nuto traffie bureau. Dunce at Koirue River. O'Kelly'-f hall. Saturday nlKht. MuhU: by the ( (Ju KoKuen. 313 J. T. Kutey was bound over to the urand Jury yesterday afternoon when arrnlfcned In the local Justice cnurt on a charge of t1italnlnt: money under false pretense. He is nceiiKcd of baviiiK passed a cheek at the TrtuKcry fur an onb-r of etuthes without having sufllclent fuudd in the bank on which It had been drawn. His bond wan set at irion. HeKt Utah lump coal. Tel. (131. Medfm-d Fuel Co. tf With the filing of two additional .chargcji yesterday, Mary I.intt. ar rettlcd last Sunday niht near Cold Hill by local officers, now fat-en five separate cbargea filed for pos session and transportation of al leged moonshine, speeding, reckless driving and breaking glass on the highway. Unit was chased for several mllea by members of the sheriff's office from Uotk F'olnt to a short distance this side of tlotd Hill. Mutt pleaded not guilty on the transportation and possession charges and has reserved his plea on the others. Do not forget the Model Clothing Company's big KO.OUO hloek dis posal sale. liorttf Ted Kmllh and Albert Coetcbeu. arrested several wcojks ago for moonshine sllll possession and In dicted by the grand jury last week, will bo arraigned lb circuit court next Monduy. Their ball has been set at $1000 racb. Fresh smelt arriving dally at Johnson's Market. . f Another of aeveral compliment ary cnlU onid tb Meal rvr laneu telephone office was received yesterday by tho exchange mem IteiH from' a local long distance user. The local office In becoming well known throughout t ho state for Us courteous treatment of cus tomers ami during tho past year haH received many such calls. The chief operator of tho. office. MibH Fnye Danielsou. was trau-nfi-rred IbiH week.lo new duties in Port land.' Itest Utah lump coal. Tel. C31. Medford Fuel Co. tf More than CO local members of the Shrine club attended the hit: fUuinu meeting at (Hants Pass last night. Cheap dry lumber at Medford Lumber Co. 37lf" "lm selling papers now down on the corner of Market and Kddy streets and everything's irolm' good," Is an excerpt from ft Vetler received yesterday by Clarence Frye from Robert tialligan, famil iar local newsboy character, who left ten days ago for Tia Juana. stopping off In Han Francisco for a short time, (ialligan. who claims he Is a Canadian veteran of the World war. spends several months in Mod ford every year while mak ing his annual trip from Canada lo Mexico and return. In lia Juniia he works in race horse stable and In Canada be lives with relatives. Hoso mending, runners veinoved and snags worked back. Handi craft Shop. yifitf Guestfrom a distance registered at Medford hotels include Robert S. Ross of New York City aivl Vm. tlrueker of St. Paul. Wood all kinds oak. laurel, fir and dry fdab. Medford Fuel Co. Tel. ti31. tf I W. M. Clemenson. manager of Hotel Jackson of Medford. upon being appointed receiver last Sat- urday of tho Del "Rogue hotel at . Grants Pnss, is now the manager ! of two southern Oregon hotels. The ' Del Rogue, because of heavy in debtedness, faces a movtgage foro- i closure by the Western Savings and j Loan company of Salt l,ake City. 1 U Ih one of the inott modern hotels In thin section and a comparatively short time nito was completely re ' modeled. Tho pew duties will keep i Mr. Clemensou In (irontn Pass one- half of his time. i Fancy New town apnlos d'Olvefed i any place In the city, 75c box. Johnson'H Market. 30Mf Dudley O. Allen of Portland, rep resentative of the London and Lan cashire Insurance company, arriv ed1 In Medford today to transact busiucKf.. IK is accompanied on this trip by Mrs. Allen, who will go with him to the Fire Uudur wrilerH1 Association of the Pacific, wld'.-h will hold 1(4 annual m!hiK In iia n FranciHco'nvxt week. Do nol forget the Modd Clothing! Company's big J0,ot) Mock din- j posal Hale. linr-lf , Mildred Co I well. 1 L'.year-old ; daughter of Mr, und Mrs, Dan Col-, well of Klamath Kails, is In a erlt-i leal condition today os a result ufi nn accident In' which tho lrl, coast- j lug on tier sled, slid Into an auto-, mobile' She u stained a fracttirert ! skull and an operation on her brain proved naceasary. Moaly Klamath Netted Gem po tatoes, 100 lbs. for $1.10; CO llw, 6bc. Dellvtrod any placo In city. Johnson's Market, Cth fend Orapo St. Phone P7. 90JtI per will be presented by .Mi Iso- ir-ct"r of the. nuility heallb unit, bel Willslc, and will i.-over religious , accompanied by .Miss Augusta drama from the earliest time down ! Clover, county inir.e, .spent yester- lu moUf'in days. 'day at the Antelope school, giving Highest grade Utah coal, any size, anywlifie, any umount. II m- rtcn Coal Co. i'hone 231. If Mari lHge lb ensi-s wit yesterday and loday at 1 bf county clerk's offict- to Josi ph Martin. "Jl. autl F rn Oswald, : I. bulb of this city, and to Harold i My-r. 1'L'. ami i'helma Clark. IS, both of Villa Vista. Cal. Just think, all our new fa m y h.-t Riilliant hnse $l.3! Ij 1.U.".; values up to $L'.I)3. Atlii.un"';'. Ml 2 Ivan Jaterbuiy of tills city, who applied recently for enlistment into tho aviation corps of the I'nite.t States urniy, has bet-n accept l, and Will be slalioneil at Mar -h Field, Cal.. as a cadet flyer, ac cording to information received to day by Sergeant Clover C. Owen, army recruiting olficer. Wood all kinds oak, laurel, fir and dry slabs. Medford Fuel I'd. U31. tf Harvey (irighhy. fori tier well known employe of the City M-at market, is opening a shop of 1 1 i h ! own in Ashland, wbere It will bel known as the While House market. ; He was ill M i'd ford yesterday oil i bis return from the Applegale sec tion, where he eoiiiplct-l the pur chase of several head of lui'f to be butchered for Ashland consump tion. He purchased meat market ; equipment formerly In use in Itutte Falls and plans to have one of the most modern xhops in Ashland. Doors and windows cheap u( . Medford Lumber Co. ZSHf ', ilounty warrants were Issued at the county clerk's office today to Pert Conner of Magic Point, one coy tile; Harry Morgan of Persist, one' eoyoe and one bobcat ; Jsaac Smith of Itutte Failfi, four bob- j cats and one coyote. 1 Greater Medford Club card party, J 30c. Hotel Holland, Feb. 5th. III.. 1 Ctiesls from Port hi ud registered at Medford hotels include H. J. Rrydcli, W. 1.. Ib-ysnii, F. S. Tuber. F. IJ. Luekey. L. F. Davis. D. H. Carnett, A. N. Wysnug, .1. 1 1. Pal mer. .Mr. and Mrs. Dudley C. Allen, O. O. Hill. Mr. ami Mrs. James Mooney and H. J. DcDlois. Let me wrjte your fire insurance. X'arl Y. Tcngwald, Hotel Holland. Phone !t!i3. tf A civil action to recover money . was on flic today at the county clerk's office. It was filed by J. C Haines against V. T. Voclz for the collection of a $;100 promissory note, dated January i;ijs, I'pholtiterlng. Call Jacksonville : 202. :iart A community play, to raise funds In benefit of a new playsbed re cently constructed, will he j;lven to- I night at S o'clock at the (irlffin Cn;ek seb'. o (house. Members f the n-it will liu lude only residents ' of the Mirrouudini; disti ict. , Dresses, Presses. Dent values in tow ii lor your money.- One look will convince you. Sii-.cs llti to 44: silks, satins and georgettes, helling at cost. Phono U04-L or call at S37 W :ml St. Vivian Norman Larto. I rtj-wo- at::: honor roll cxami nations and ad ministeiiug smallpox vacclnatiois a n il diphtheria immunizations. Issued Thirteen htu nts were, given ex aminations. Tln-i afti i noon, Dr. Roicoin. aeeoiopane-d by Mrs. Lyda King, louuty nuive. will give i i ri -il.tr homo- roll e;tininatiiiri at the Central Point school for :;tudcnts of ih' grammar grades. Hot. clean coal.; Tel. 6111. Med ford Fuel Co. tf Phone y 51 -A ILK BUTTER ICE CREAM PASTUERIZED SAFE'PURE PRODUCED PACKED THE SANITARY WAY i ii iii;;': New Spring HATS - Just arrived in Straw and Silk and Straw Combina tions, specially priced $1.95 and $2.89 Other Spring Hats $3.98 to $10.00 . Emmy Lou Hat Shop With M. M. Dept. Store y7 Complete """jyii f 1:30, 3:30 XgJ fTA 8how "t i " 9 si3 BraS1 Di,il " 1 P. M. " W NOWj PLAYINGI 4 SEE and HEAR The Master of Movietone Pro- ductiona. A fiery romance of forbidden love told to the beau- I tlful strains of "Neapolitan ; Nights." CHARLES I-ARREIL GRETA NISSEN C'arJ'V Amid Arabian mm l l ALSO I . . fz-A- lTSWl I COMINO SUNDAY I Fsnchon and Marco'a - AJ ROOD NEWS CHORUS o Bll Vdnil itlon 10 and 35 Eves. 25 and 50 2w DANCE MUSIC ' ' As You Like It ORIENTAL GARDENS Saturday, February 2nd Auspices Anferican Legion Drum Corps VIC MEYERS and-hia Columbia Recording Orchestra cosiomy Groceteria o I ' P "THE HOME OF BREAD LIKE MOTHER MADE" The After School Lunch The after school lunch is now accepted as a necessity by all dieticians. Wifi Ae after fatigue from the strain of study nothing so restores the vitality of the child and no lunch is so nourishing as good bread and butter and the best bread in the world was the kind mother made. That's the kind you get here. We bake exactly as mother baked leaving out the alum-bearing substitutes that have crept into commercial baking which fact ac counts for that different flavor for that deliciously flavored crust that makes you reach for more. When you give the children the after school sandwiches be sure the bread is the kind you would bake for them. ' . BREAD Good from , crust to crust because baked in the good old home way Every day 2 loaves 15c On Saturday Mb. loaf ............ 3 for 20c 1Mb. loaf 10c Bananas Fancy Eastern nine-hand bananas the kind you got last Saturday -Take all you want pound 5 cents OTHER THRIFT ITEMS Oranges fancy Sunkist just the right size for the children, 2 doz 35c Chula Vista Fancy Celery, . . 2 for 25c Carrots, 3 bunches 10c Cauliflower large heads, each .-. 15c Imperial Valley Lettuce, each 5c California Grape Fruit 3 sizes 6 for 25c; 8 for 25c; 12 for 25c Green Onions, 3 bunches ......... 10c Cocoanuts, 2 for 25c Lard, 8-lb. pail $1.25 Bulk Sauer Kraut, quart 15c Mince Meat has that old-time fla vor, 2 lbs 35c Wool Soap guest size 12 bars in a carton regularly 5c a bar " Per carton, 12 bars 35c White King Washing Powder .... 39c Crystal White Soap, 10 bars 35c Sun-Brite Cleanser, 4 cans . . . . . . 15c Del Monte Sliced Peaches No. 1 can, 3 for 59c Del Monte Strawberry Jam No. 5 . or half gallon can ..... 98c FREE SILK HOSE With every pair of women's shoes selling for $3.98 or more A PAIR OF PURE SILK HOSE FREE Men's Spring Oxfords are here. No. 2! 69c Libby's Sliced Pineapple can, 3 for Brillo for cleaning aluminum 3 for , ;. 25c Campfire Marshmallows, 1 -lb. pkg. 29c Krause's Mixed Candy a pure sug ar hard mixed candy, lb 15c Monarch Coffee lb. 39c; 3 lbs.. $1.15 Rock Dell Syrup a pure cane and maple syrup in a glass carafe holding a quart the syrup, carafe and six glasses to match 79c Fresh Roasted Peanuts, lb. ...... 18c Del Mcnte Early Garden Peas No. 2 can, a for 49c Scott Tissue Toilet Paper, 3 rolls . . 25c Monarch Sweet Corn, 3 cans .... 55c Monarch Catsup, large bottle .... 19c Home Comfort Bread and Cake Box es assorted polors. . .$2.19, $2.79 Canister Sets 4 enameled cans coffee, tea, flour and sugar, set . 49c Tu-lite Double Sockets a double socket plug always comes handy each 19c Women's Rubber Heels, pair ..... 10c i FREE SAUCE PANS We have the big Citrus deal with free enameled sauce pans. Come in and let our demonstrator explain. FOUNTAIN LUNCH Baked Virginia Ham Sweet Potatoes Old Fash ioned Corn Bread Coffee or Milk 25c All Day-Hot Chili.... 10c GATES & LYDIARD BUY HERE AND BANK THE DIFFERENCE Use our Free Parking, Lot While Shopping in Our Store. These Drug Stores Are Open Nrghts This Week Jannii& Woods James McNair Pharmacy West de Pharmacy Fred Gottfried Amos Turnbovi Gottfried & turnbow is Women's Hora and 1 S1.00 Pair Expert plumbing, heating heet metal repar shop. We specialize on service at reas onable prices. No job too small. n-.u ,.., . ..... .. 219 N. Grape St. . Phone 574 Sllk from top to toC With pointed heel. INSURANCE First Insurance Agency . .' A. L. HILL, Manager Phone 105 30 N, Centnl Medford, Oregon