Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 01, 1929, Page 12, Image 12

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" i1
Mir. uur. woM
PJilbbr.1 W III
li-u-st n. ru si.
ptot ta
BllBtUT W. W'HL, Kdilar
AO loiktxadcot NempP
biKltd n tttond rliu milirr U UnVofll,
firo, ukr Art uf Hwcb . l1-
61 HWRII-llU.N BATtfl
Bj Mall In Adrmc-
IUhr. 'tb Sand;, jnt
iMllr, ltll Btllrfay. DHlIltll
Itjilr. vilbout Btiixtoy.1 rr
Daily, vllliout Hunlij, month . . . ,
Weekly Mill Trlluite, dm jnr...
? lafrkf, in AOTinc in nirwviu, wm., i
UlomliK. IXitfil 1'ouit, rbwnli, Tilenl,
Elil art on liltlivn: .
Daltr, iil Sunday, mouth..,
Itolir. niiliout Sunday, month.
.tally, tltlwut Buwlay, je..
Italy, vilb RmimUv, vne ft-tr.
All trrmi, Hsti in tdiaire.
WMM.1t OP TUB AHSiHjIATKI I'HWM j , f(1(.t jt wnH nothing hut a few
tnu-k loiuliim in. a
the tnt fur piihllratlon of all ncMi ilispsiclwa ! fashion into limit !'( and and In
rrpdliad to H of irt ewllifd in IhU piptr, , fJ j ftM, S)),m -( )n
and aUo to tlie lifil ntta puMUtiu bemn. ....
All rlht for pwt.licaut.0 of ipecial dhpitetw Hlht ht-iriK a dim frinm- of inoiin
bfftio at also tocrffd. ! tains toward ihc northern horizon.
tWiclal DMf of tbe City of Medford.
Official air f Jtckwii County.
rfeorn JaJir tmtgt circulation fur ill months
ruling Oct. I, lHtfft, 43H.
Atilnf Rrprrnttlrs
ftffiwa In Xrm York, rtilfagn, IWrMt,
rraurlsco, la Angilfi. ScaiUe, Iwtland.
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry
The flu epidemic is over,
the legislature half over.
There have been no raptures
over the late snow In these parts,
as snow on the floor of the valley
isa pour urade. It Is white, like
oil snow, but has none of the other
oharucterlMties. It wpIkIih about
ID poll mis to the shovel full. It
Mill not penetrate the hide of a
steer, when the steer has its beiiiff,
,hut when the hide of a steer be
comes the solo of a shoe, no time
Is lost In oozlnu thruuKh. Snow
collects on the roof, and, eventu
ally melts, forming a lake upon
thn roof. Instead of Koine thru
the drain pipe, the snow comes
down thru the roof, and there Js
more work for the kalso miner.
;SnoV udds to the. "majesty of the
winter foliage." it is said. If snow
-came to these parts in wholesale
lots, ft would raise Cain, A thin
layer confounds the roosters. As
he struts around the heuyard the
snow clliiK-H to his hoofs, and In
four steps the rooster thinks be
has a hall and chain, and has to
wait for a thaw. If there is a
heavy fall of snow in you hih
. JiIIIh, daredevil autolsts havn Im-
. porta ut business In cities beyond
It. Snow should be forbidden here,
as it is worse than a downpour of
nour mooushlnu mash.
Telf riyinulc returned yesterday
from Frisco, lie reports Califor
nia us wicked and prosperous as
Untile vs. Untile. Suit for di
vorce. Motion to strike. -(I(ed !
Jlluff News.) Decree of skirmish !
granted. '
, ' ,V nuuiher of preleiit Ions IkIooh
lire : Hchedulcd for . spl-iliK httlld.
IK. . ...
Wives are beinc made flic vic
tim of n hellish ruse by low down
brutes In the derby hat craze.
-When cnUKht they say: "o, my
dear! - Tin weaflnK It for CicnVfto!"
Auy Ford-Cnupe nf the local
Imitation Mrltlsh set, has velin
quished all right and title to the
male escort she loaned Countess
Chevrolet. They won't bring back
a borrowed book, she savs.
The fJrand Frigid ('.one f the
Amalgamated iVcsh Air FIoiuIh is
llobias Deuel, the woodpile mag
nate. i(e inenrcerales his hired
imm in an lee-box that Is courte
ously called an office. A cheery
glow In the office stove Is realized
with a piece of red paper.
Tomorrow is C.rouud Hog Day.
This outstanding event does not
stand out as far as it should in the
civic life, as It Is the source from
which springs nil spring Wcailicr.
August dirt is February mud on
the litsi year' auto license.
The Humane society better do
something about the Portland
drummer with a canary In the bird
cage In his curtained -Id.
Another tender youth has been
armed with a saxophone.
"I will not be responsible for
bills contracted by myself or any
body. S S. Piter." -.
Times.) That's frank enough,
The statement In Secretary of
Labor Duvls'x letter tu the Welsh
newspaper that MI per cent, of the
people of the United Sonets arc
poor wim not lifted from one of his
campaign HpeechcB. (Springrield
Republican.) Mr forgot to add:
"Anil getting poorer."
Ilutwcvit the i-uii.IhIi1. brooks. Hint
now ure plunslnu
Klooda nnd, fi-Hnllr. hurl tlicm-
BclVi-B down wttH'P
HIII-rontlH.. On flili.-i- hun.l the
il.-ltli nro liicod ,
livlnir Mti-l-ami. thni i-lsi no
mini knntvti whvrc;
run iml't uhovu tin-
KI-HI.H, ilii-y tank
And turn from old to nOw-cut
. chuniH-iH. hvarlnt;
On thrlr i-urniit IslutB toinaroin
UnnliH, or hlo.-ko.l liy iirlson.d
d.-bi-iu, rl,o
In spouting horiiK ot iy. By farm
house door
A now finds u nhort-cut to
tin- roud.
And runhoH Kindly down the fra.ry
' . ledft.-g. '
k JIlBhi-r 1 climb, til fantor run tht
TumblitiK. incliu. whirling, lour.
" Ing llko wind
' In piM. (Now rorh Trlbun.)
Wood all kind oak. laurel,
fir find drr Plnb. Medford Fnnl Co
Editorial Correspondence
imkx.ui; cickkk. jjkatii
VAM.KV. Oil., Jan. 2S. Wo got
lim early Htitrt from iim-siow, ami
H wan good oil macadam an lor
(as lijiggeit, mar deb )! Ar
: thur Ihisbane has h horn d toad
j ruiM-ll. TiKT" 5Vf left lilt- Nfi-illr"
; highway fur the Arrowhead Trail,
;i fair macadam road in i Iff,
far as linker, and which goes on
to I hi boom town of J -as Vegas
and then in Halt I -;t k City.
At Haker wv stopped at u service
n.4n.n -
1(;ikl.r !n nitii j about the
r,,..l t,. Death Vnlb-v. fur Wlih-
,U5 the blgn pointed off Int'i th" d--s-t
! ...i ..i t-i.-l.t r. . ..ill. I li.n.lK
: ert at rinht angle
, believe that wax the highway to
. Ihiu fjiiniiUK ntid lllstorie iot.
( "Yt's, that's the road." raid the
hoy lit thp MTVirr' station, ratln-r
ffjuinpiiy, when h found w woio
only KlnK t' huy hoihh raisins iu-utt-ad
of Htucklim up with oil and
"So that's lit-alh Valley
"Naw D.-ath Valley';) n.-ar a
hundred iiiII-k away," said the hoy,
"hut that's the mail."
"So that's the road!"
We erawled Into the Hood Ship
Sedan, with the donor at the
wheel, and started nn.
Death Valley! What an excel
lent name, ami hnw perfectly every
lliiiik' in this ania.liiK' district is
named everywhere you u the
t-l.'hi unr.l Tor thn liuh'. olaee. It
is an example of typical and
erring literary instinct of primi
tive man Mjuml, as folk sotis arc
(If we had time we would
orate that point and send a
. I,, li
en py
to the Atlantic Monthly.)
Hut listen to a few of them: !
"I-'urnace creek. Chloride Cliffs, j
Dante's View, Had Water. Poison
Springs, Soda Mountain, Salt lied..
Owl Lake, etc., etc.
If they don't sound perfect liv-
lug symbols of dead thine, ko toj
the Death Valley and they will. i
Absolute desolation: That Is the
road to Death Valley. More than
that, It is Death. For 7. miles
through that waste nf sand, then
was absolutely nothing in the worid
alive hut the tood Ship Sedan and
Its four occupants. Not a bird in
u.e ..... .....
a tninp on tne grounu. not even i
a breeze siirrinu. not a fly, nothing! j
It Is really difficult to descritej
the sensation. We seemed to he III
a void, amr yet there was sonic- ;
thing Vague Jy m naclr - a Unit It
all threatening, in spite of the
steady chug of the motor, the eh
blue sky and the warm, aluwi hu--
man looking Min. shining down.
For T.'t miles not a car t-'oin
or coming did we meet nothing
alive, animal, vegetable or
but ourselves and the cai--thc
only thill;; bl-lu .'i n liv i si-cue -d.
und destruction.
; station call he seen from a dis
Well. we know nuu in 1;l0, an. ,,,-ver seen until
about what solitary confinement , Uu, l(J vtVilki MlI(,.nv ruxw
means. HcO a tip: If you eve-1 ,t(j u,)n
go to D-ath Valley, ib.n i go alone. , Jn thU w(iy Wi, ra ,nU; F,iri..1,.,,
Co with a party, and preferably i , . tiMi,. itit--' sin.d: in
go in two cars instead of one. We j
went In one ear. Mit the next tfm'M
we are going in two. '
This point will M elaborated j
Inter on; for we are getting ahead
of our story. j
Sand, sand, sand and scarcely
a straight section of road, for more
than Mt feet, liut the 11. S. Sedan
worked perfectly and we made Sho-1
shone, over (Mi mibs from Par-!
.. i
siow , ny noon. ;
Sliotihoiio is the half-way station
c ' "'" ''"
of ivaler at Shoidiono, 1ml no crops, 1
l or i ill' simple itiimiii hum iin i e in
too much poison in the soil to raise
crops. j
At least that Is what Ihe propri
etor of the little hotel and eating 1
house told us another southerner I
- Death Valley n't-ms full of thcin. j
Another car came in from the
north Just as we pulh-il In. a man,)
Lvo women and a colored ehauf-j
feur. joining us at luncheon, the ;
piece de resistance of bleb was ;
friciissk'd burro. They had been to
l-'ts Vegas, and told us not to miss
it. They had wired for neconto- ,
datlons, hut found none when they
arrived, the proprietor refusing to'
turn out people already there. The
place, they said. Is swarming with ;
people of all classes, ages and up-J
pea ranees, from "bundle-stiffs." I
who hud walked or hitch-hiked, to'
millionaires who had come in their j
11 " 11 U1 n..ti-
ing easy money w ere as goon
advertised. Humbling Is in
swing the same elty tots
iMN, UP THERC- IS Trie MARVieL i . . ( JANUAPV 2.8"2?'. ) MUTT r MeuTi I . TT C
DF W Wei PHOT JCfF HAi fX fV) J KID DCN'TVoU ( K'ilv WHAT? I . I DID HefiBlC j s- ,
His PLANS ALL AL0N6 Foi r , , Vj , M pSW V1L W L WERUP irvAuG u A n OW LIllIV
Four o ruju Foo( 'f woozy im THe H(ie ANb t CoMe 0FF If .
I and have BeQoesTct Me f JeFF.' -11' ' ( VTOMM? ) abowt fL IS ) H,TCH ctJ i ' ' ii1 1
Hi X TO S Houj Ke'S How AMC j-jff'lSl il , (soMeTHiMfi! J 3Jr. ( MARCH TUcJ ' lid
i STAWT5ING TVie STRAIN, Voli ) p ff ' fSSW ' K r- ' AT f OURTH, ) ;L-
V VoCV .U - NIFTY, WTT: AS A BLLi J.fQ, 00
X t " " iLlSteW, WHcM lt ' FLflG L1K THIS -VU- '-s (lT l'
?V , IX START THIS lSATHMC. ro I . jOJA-y V tegi
gsfi "-iy. - .
' i ii sold lluve mid four liiiH-s a
day; there an hoy lawyer hani;
; in tip their idiint:!. a.Q unat
! taciied woinwi. idyiim ft iry ar
: fit-iit trade. It soureh d .illurln:,-,
hut we decided to see iJrutlt Val
' i-y first,
ItuyhiK Home M is ul L-eut i r
gallon il is IS cents n.-ar Lo An
K,.,.s we darted on awain, twisl
; iiif:, turning and nlhlitiK over thy
det-p wind. Afinr ahoul two hours,
siiriis of llf" appeared, a few rlunil'S ,
; of in-muiite. iiih-s of rocks, ami
filially a Ijik trow. Itui
as l lie eye ouhl S'e there Was
no siii of an aulomohih or a haM
laiion. Then, turning a corner,,
over a hand duiif, we hiiddeuly ,
tcanie upon a gravel road and there,
perehert hich ujion a hillside, Ml;'
wliltn hird's ncsiH on the faee id
a cliff, wM-e it Kioup of low hoiim-s. ,
It was the U"ath Valley 'h;w ho-,
tel. hut ami c old water, according j
to thf hut aain wo pass
ed on. uh it was (,'ittlnp lato and
we hud decided to cllmo Dante's
, IVak hfforo Mtoppinu for the iiiHht
at Kurnacf! t'n-ek Inn.
f f"'"" leached the Oantf Teak
:simi. turning off to the left, a climb
five inih-. And what a cliiiih!
The Kendo dll not look very stiff,
hut we could only crawl In inter- :
nu diate and soon we were crawling
In low- l.odluK hack we saw thai 1
what.had looked llk' a mild urade i
was almost a preeipitous one. It
took ts half an hour to cover thnHC,thv prone press nro operator should i
five miles, but when v!e reached
the top of Dante's 1'eak. and had
our first real view of Death Val
ley, we felt repaid.
Six thoti.'liiTid feel above sea level,
un-twi,h a she
drop to a flat valley
(.r uii-.t I...,, lib,, linoi.i in ml
through which a tiny stream me-1
andered. portions of which showed
a metallic ureen in the dazzling!
sunlight. The floor of that valley !
Is ov.
ami f
a rid;
Sao fe
In-low sea level. !
nr over the horizon, back of 'and address, of course with her
;e of Uy-soariug peaks, wo consent. She told how the knowl
ste through our glasses thejode tdic had gained from one "of
covered tip of Mt. Whitney, my descriptions of Schael'er'
the highest peak in the Cniied I
nu.u '
The highest and lowest points '
on this bait of dirt, in view at thej
same lim.-: A stiff wind wsi blow-;
ing and it was bitter cold. We 1
crawled along the ridge to a look -
o..i h.oi.. for or..- .-. I i.i.i mm!
( I bed" and "Abed" in approved
tourNt fashion, before we started
down again in low gear.
,lu-t i.s ;h.- Min was s.-ttlnK a
dull r.-.l.liMi Blow- in tin- w.-st. wiilt -
ol... we c.imc arouiid ani.thei !
turn and there was the l--uiuae.-
fr.-pk Inn. set on another hillside.
..i, .. i.o. .u.i,,i.r io i-ioni
ami an illuminate.! li-- h n. u h- on;
ihe cliff b. liiml
ti,ju i -.t. (oit.i - -
t-lniK fe.r.jre of '..! Mo.t:te desert.
For null s nd n.iics. as on-.- mo
;nr.N ahn-', tliciv S nothing but
j ir.eMia.'.e i,D'l f-...i,a ;:nd here and
llJlClc M'lnv CHClU. ii il w ; not
fcr the HcnbujnU. Jreiiuentl
pl:n ei by the CaJlfurni.i Autoino
i bile i'pjl.. I'll. H-ouhl alwaS feel
lillli'lTeds of Uiiles from ail lliioc.
i .i ppnt.'ir hint; foo.l and water and
! vh.'Uei . for none of 1 he slops 01
the nand of Death Valley, built and
operated by the t'nion Pacific, and
we were soon in our various hot
tubs, pr
-paring for a six-course
Due more hem of this interesting
trip, before we hunt up an air
mail stamp. At Siler Lake, .i
few miles north of linker, we miw
hat v e assumed w . thi.-. lake:
not only saw the witcr, lust saw
. n)i
reflection of two while build
in it, and some ducks on the
mu.1u.-c As
);ilt(i (
we approached th"
a wing away peemed
to he going back at the same rate
we advanced. Then suddenly It
dlsa ppt a red altogether and there
ua.i nothing but two while houses
on the sand. We had teen a per
fect mirage and near the two while
buildings, marking Sliver Lake sta
tion we found twit hedraggletl men.
worklpi; on an old Ford. our
infeiiscvurprltie they scarceil look
ed up as. we ebui:i.;ed on. I
li. f li.
( hlcago l ire. '
CIIICACO, Feb. L (Pi Flro of
mysterious origin virtually dVstroy
id four-story brick building at
701 lo .Jit Fulton street early to
day, causing a loss estimated ' at
Kttiu.iiun. Forty-eight pieces of ap
paratus were employed in fighting
Ihe blaze. The structure housed
offices ot several tool nmuufaetur-
n,K fh tns,
I Clonn rags wanted at tho Mail
Tribune offleo. l'
It Seemed A Long' Time Since January 28,
Personal Health Service
i RlcnrJ letter! pertamii.g t ikwrI ik-uIUi n.l liyKieiir, not tu dini. iluyuoiit, or
trratiiwiit. will I iiirwrrnl bf lr. Iir.. II i it:imi'd, m if ati'lresinl cnejn it riiclMed.
Lean, cliould 1; blief aiid writtn in ink.' OAii.f tn the l-irQ uuinber of letlr
cited, otilj few U.Q Ixt fci.i.Hi-re.1 tierr. No r.-ilr can lie n.:iiu Lt querie, not tunfurul'
Inf tu tiwtrui'tiui.M. AftiJrena t. Williau) llrail). in car, ol lliia iFrk,aatKr.
A New Jersey corresismdunt l-oii-tria'ites
this i'in:
Dear Or. Mrady: I htih:ve vimr
artich-H In the paper in which yuu
4uvc ftdl iiiHtriKdlons in artificial
respiration fur tho rtMUseit alion oi
viciinii of Hiihnicrsioii, and cliunn'-
teriKvd i a criminal notrliKence tliv
tojtdtn r. of aiiv.,
one who would
Maud by and let
Kiirh a victim die
while waitiim for:
a mai-hinj or an
intelligent person
to arrive, were a.
Kreat factor in
the Raving of the :
life cl mv lit lie i
Huddy," who fell
into an open, disused well in an
empty lot. He was drawled m:t !
i neither conscious, nor brunt hitm. i
imf u'lu.ii I uri-ivi.rl Im iuiio oii-i.niH-i
niakinc his first effortH to breathe,
as a result of artificial respiration.
His rescuer reintrnbereir your ar
ticles and, although the movements
were rarried on at a ton rapH
rate for natural brent hiiiK, thank
Cod the child did breathe Umldy
wan Just two years old in August.
Please say in the paper whether
turn the victim over to the pulmo
tor np"rator if a inac'ifm arrives f terrible. ... 1 am i:! and wear
before breathing has been re-c;dab-f 'lk stockings and tsilk undies the
llshed. Am I mistaken in the im-!.vcar around, which the neighbors
pressiou that prone pressure is abitbing insane. Yet 1 have no "colds"
ways best, and that it should bujthis winter and 1 am always coin-
continued without Interruption.
if a machine . brought tot
'the scene? Mrs. II. Y. !
This h: almost a stoltl star letter. I
I published here last year a wold!
star letter, with the writer's name
prone-pressuro maneuver' enameu
her to save her sou'h life when
-"be dragged the child from a pond. I
SitV 1 ,( wish evurybmly
vi.u doi-sn't how how to apply this f
Hle-saving method, some tmliappi-
,UHM - 1 u"'" ,iV,M l''cin. par
in.l i-vtM-yhotly cist1 who
cai-i-s for children, may suffer ler-
rihln nightmares in whii h tliey see I
a loved one dyiht; merely hecause
(if the ei-iiiiitntl iKiioi-iin.-e and ttii-
I'l-epaieiinesii of a hyMnnilor. A
lcw I'ad ni--.hls llko thai may vanse
many a cuipainc i-uipri. to uiisj
hllu.sell nr hersoir enollRh 1.1 l.-nrll
I H""' t" f ""V enrtllly use 111 all
"V'1' 1 wlu" l0, lv0 1
io ine ipiesiion me corr
isks. If the victim were a loved
Mine of my own 1 should feel mur-jd'-rotis
to anyone wl:o dared iuter
i ten; with the pnne-jn osstirv ma
i iieuver in order to attempt any
! monkey buslnesii with any kind of i
ia machine. And I tetl yuit I know I
I w hereof I :;pca k.
! Once more I wain all parents
: pari icnlai ly, and for Hint matter
everybody i-Imi w ho may wish to
the prepared lo resuscitate vie
itim of diuwiiing, not to mention
i elect ric. shock, gas asphyxiation,
I smoke asphyxiation or other cause
I of cessation ol breathing, to hewai j
'of the false teaching of the Amert
; can Ked Cross and mtnierous or
' aniatlons about ibis maneuver.
, Do not permit these incompetent
i instructors to teach you to put any-
lb ing under the subject's head.
'That Is a grave mistake, and was
'never advised by Schaei'cr who
gave the woi'itt tins meinott oi arij
ricinl respiration. Place tho sub
ject's head on tho ground, the lace
turned to one side, and in no case
allow Ihe subject ' hand or arm to
rest under the head.
I Precocity .
j Our I byt'ur ohl hop wants to play
! football. Is It likely to cauae her
jnia or anything'. (P. .1. !v)
Ans.-Noi particularly. 1 should
(advise you to forbid the boy to
:p1ay football until In- enters ml-
lege or hits graduated from high
I school, nt least. Let him go in
for short sprints, baseball, bovlnj;.
.lumping and genera! gymnastics.
Hut football is a man's game and,
iu mv hidgutent. always enduneir
(the physical welfare of the untie-
eloped youngster.
I It Is Hard on the Liver
! 1 tun sick and have, as doctors
snv, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver.
would like to know if there is
(any cure for this sickness, and if
'so.' what the euro m!-ht bo. I A.
! M. !U
I Ans, I know of no cure. If you
(still Indulge iu alcohol imthin can
J he done for you. If you have been
able to Hive " up absolutely and
I permanently, good
medtcnl can
w ill prolong your
yen vs.
life several
QftKfiOX, FftTDAV. FK?T?r.T?V 1. 1929.
A Late Beginning
Kindly merit it a boy lis or pamph
lets n nnHh'T may fiive her daimh-
h-r. a.
II. W'.t
Ans. -
1-'. ulxmt lilu. t,Mr. V.
Your iJHUKhtct'y Mother"
Kinhail Caiflltwr. Is pub
the American Soci;;! Hv-
hy Kuth
iiiit i h;
Kienc a;-iiciaIioii. New York, at a
price.' I fntd (porhaps a 'juarten;
'The Wonderful Stoiy of Life" is
published l.y thf t'. S. f'ublic
ileahh Service, Washinlon. 1). C,
at a nickel. The latter Ih rather
lor little children, it is hfitor to
lie-in their edn.-ntion when they
hi-Kin to ask questions. Jr is a treat
mistake, for a parent to Ki" a false
answer or try to dodye the fities-
lions of a child. Of course it is a
dimeult task, but doe that Justify
policy of evtihion? home of these
painphletK are a meat help for par-
enls tn wish tn ito th rlo-Iif I hint'
by their ciiihlren. The American
Medical association. Chicago, pub
lishns several excellent ones for
boys and Ktris of all ages, at a
price of 10 and 25 rents.
What, No Chapeau
I write about n matter of jreati
importance in me, thoujth you inav
consider it a trifle. So far this
winter 1 have worn no hat. .Mother
protest d . . . neighbors, think it
Ifortnblo. (Madeline C.r ' .
. Autt. Jct the nuihbors write to
everybody's column but ask mother
write t'o me. 111 tell her it
all right.
'TIs said that President-elect
Hoover intends to take up prohi
bition in his own way, which
sounds like he wuz qittin' ready to
buy a couple o' five-gallon crocks.
- L,,r.-,s,t t hit.
wife he deserts her. but when
wife gits tired of her husband she
murders him.
Ye Letter Box
Sparrow HelmUt d.
To t!ie Fdiior:
1 was nnieh interest, ,,i hi an
article in Ihe Tribune of .January
;p'lh, under lhf- caption of "Pba
of Widow Disallow ed for Pension "
Does Judge Sparrow ask women j
of his own standing how many !
' kills" they have, or ihu-s he re- j
verve such choice language for in-
tlK'ent widows?
Wouldn't any wipVw of less than:
a month's .standing rovnt the iin-
plication of Ihc words, "gentleman1
With nerves worn by a three
mouths' vuil bv h-r h'tsliaud's bed-;
shle. N il any W under that .Mrs.
Kieknian "Pawled out the court".';
As a taxpayer. 1 can understand'
Judge Sparrow's caution in paying;
out puhlic funds, hut couldn't such
matters be bundled with dignity;
and kindness?
llaskct lm II.
tl'i lu a whirlwind oxertinie b;
kethall game here last tiiubt Pa
citic university defeated Coll-ue of
Pui:et Sound, :tr. lo L".'. ill a north
west conference uanie.
To Jeff
i iConvvicbl. .loh n K Utile Co I I
i tip mm
i : rwy.r I'3
. 1 Wrf'. J.
-Z- I 1. . !
Review of Cuent Literature
By Book Lovers of Medford
A Cmdcpo.t to the Best in Uate Book, As S F0""1" L'bra'
nan Miss Fay Woolsey for Reaction. of Local Readers.
The i.opularity "f the hook re
: vii-w f'-iiture started wv k in
'the Mail Trihuue. and io continue
! as a weekly feature, has been evi
i d"in d in a number of responses
over the telephone and by word of
'mouth, which have come into tin
! office durini; th" Week.
The Mail X,rihunu invites five dif
' fel 'Mlt local n-adi-IS to conH ihute
a reh'W "f hooks that are inctud-
ed on Mi-i I'a Vool.--y's list i-f
I;, It. iitflMlUle at the Medl.Ud 11-
: hrary. The reviews are m-- s-arily
hmit'-d to 3tO words, and should h"
t handed in not later than the Tburs
j day noon prt eedinn the Friday, up-
i which they are to appear.
(iliOMl INK lll'XTKR
lly lUian Mukerji; I-:. I-
iMittou. lli'vicwed by A. C
The glamour of India, the r0
maiice of the jungle and the thrill
of hig-gaine, hunting is conjured
by the title and the author's
name. The book, however, iu the
antithesis of editorial require
ments for a juvenile. The title,
Chond the Hunter," Is a misno
mer as far as this volume ia
It is a typical "gift .uook
one of those uooks, which i.i.'
young people will receive as a
gift, but which will scarcely be
come dog-eared from use. It will
lie selected by many adults wlao
like It may Interest the
I unusual youth, hut It will scarcely
iholil the interest of a boy scout.
in liiino-fii-e uli-l or tho ovniB
vmiio,. Aiiieriean.
l Tho hlnrh on the jacket says:, if the author attempts to weave i
!"The beauty of the prose. In thishito the plot o rthe tale, the politi- (
Ihool; will i;lve kiciu plensuro to! ml and economic of the
ill lovers of Dhan flopal .MUKorji.
mil evervone else who cares lor
.rood -writing." Therp you have
it in ii mit-shell. Hut what real
reads for the beauty ol
lie wants a story, but
.... .
I..,-..,. t i. nun istiers tio -noi eui.oi
'this for "Chond the Hunter." And
after all. the story is the' thing
; in - fiction.
j There Is no plot in this hook,
little action nnd no sustained In-
hcrest. It is written from a pureiy
'adult standpoint. It Is a narra
'tive iu the person, the sup
! posed autobiography of a Hindu
hoy of so-called "high-caste.
; though not very high at tnat. it
jgoes into much detail describing
ft he places Chond visits with his
; uui , 1 ; " . ,,f hl, Song" is taken up where the,
!;;::;:. i;r ;:r nterr--- -
he .hows mtW, of "' ThUS
JTroe, he does go into the jutm c rather confusing at first,
.and olimbs a tree or h des In : Th(1 illllh(n. M.ns tu mse his writ. !
i brush, io watch an n.als.pass .;, 0u. fuM (h;lt nf, rvwXcnt
, out lie goes niiu
i" a lltnuu lirii.ii.
Chond is certainly
not a hero.
what boy admires a hero who
not the pluck to go into the
jungle alone, but who trails along
lieiiitol an aged female or an old
rpriest'.' i.,iltlo is told ot animals, ,
which is not commonplace, ami
which most boys do not already
know, and the few adventures nrej
leasunlly related. J
' An to the nature stuff, I am
l not thoroughly acquainted with j
i India, but. J think there is much i
There is also lacking a
much-needed glossary of Indian
names. Few will know how to
pronounce the author's name.
much less the ones in the text.
For the lovers of "good writ -
ing' this book may have niucn scuig is to he enjoyamy read, ami
"interest, hut from ihe stand-j as it dissertation upon modern
point of the real American youth . lOngllsh thought and customs, con
it will prove only a gift which ; tains a great deal to interest the
will lii.-t a long time without signs
'The- Cauiiiei' nf Teiuuveo" (My
! ( l.o-eiMlli X'ieholsonl. HevieWcd
by Fmd W. Kelly.
"The Caalier of" his
torical fiction of the life of An
drew Jackson, by MeredUb Nichol
son, is most appropriitely entitled.
The bioiivapby of the mmsl
blv -
alrous. romantic, nnd colorful fly-Iter from King
ure. of American public life, for all! Vab-d, however
time, with a historic background as
public prosecutor, cuhu ressman. i
C.uited Stcliixff senator. Mlprcme(
court justice uT Teitue.-.setj. ma.iol'- J
general V. S. anoy, governor of.
Florida, twice president of the
P nlted States, is cleverly inter-
woven with the fascinating love
story of Pachel Itoburds his d
j voted wife,
i Historically, the reader is given
; a ulinipse of congress in Fession at
the close of 'deorge Wrtshtngton's
i second administration at Philadel-
s-iphia. and with a pageant of the
ii-i celebrities ot that time an Insight
n fits gained of the political machina
tions that wearied and annoyed
the first president and his immedl-
ate MiCCC!.M'S. Tile jteht'in-S bol l
of the inordinate ambition "
Aamn Ilurr. leading up t- bis in
dirim-nt f-r treason, are disclosed
n.t Int-ieslin" si.leli'jbts oh ib'
i.'.itv .r New (irbans
ninone other things, the participa
tion therein of such h'Moi
i-enow a as Davy Crockett
1 liillUf.lll
f later
nil. I Sam :
Th lv,-M.v f A...I...W J;"'!:'
.. n,l IM.-h.-l ll.ii-iii'l.- ."'-''-
i:l i i.- s.illi-iii.-nt uf III- rum'i'-r-l.tml
v.illpy. It i i' li--i-'' 111,11
Ip.-i.iiliful t..iy "f a" l.l'-i'l mi'""'-'-Willi
il sltlKlf utlt.Jl t llltitli- I'.'llll'li
, :itiim. lliat In 111.- i-n.l )iiiu-il. il tin-il.-i.lh
.if llliit ..sllliliil.l.' wiiiniiu
viiliji-i't.-.l lhf virile- li.'f." ul
.it-lt'iins to innl.-voleiU li'.-
tillu-s fi-um i..liiU:il
olponi-nts, and fii-n-c d.-trnctioiis
fruni porsnn.-il .-ncinlcii.
If on.- .nl'-. tninx no iii-.-juili. f
iiK.iInt thi.t p.'l iod In our rmtUmitl
ItlHtury whi'ii cH.rn -hlk'- wnf
ho:h a lawful and pupuliir lifv.-r-aw.-:
when liorne-racinc wan an
houoraljlp slinrtinB pasilim.', anil
whvn Kontlt-m.'n li:ilnnr.-cl pliysli-nl
ini .ltiaiUu's with l.-tli'il WL-apons nn
a fi.'ld of honor, that one will find
this hook, with its conim.-liihiM..'
I.iounipliii-al and f'-a-tur.'S.
ahsorliint:ly Inti-i-ostini,'.
Swan Song i la Is wort by. )
viewed by Ted llakcr.
Tracing the actions and
i.d of
lions of a family over a per
. - nearly
: w uiy
a century, .'i
has done iu
John Cals-
The l-'orsylc
Siibi" anil "Swan Konu." is
Lsniull nceoniDlishnient. especially
i .xwan Souk
(s a novel writ
tenipo than Is us-llalswol-tliy's
I ten in a faster
iiiilly found In
iuks. ami uepieis, in a.u.i.ioii i-
the conclusion of the history of
.1... l. .......... f.,., ,11.. II,.. ti,.litii':i I
i no- i .......... .... i
and economic conditions in post
war Fngland. The mental attitude
of the typical upper middle class
mind is strikingly brought out
through the expressions of the
characters of the story. Strikes,
riots, and the actions of parlia
ment in dealing with Knglamls
problems are lightly satirized hy
the author, ami the entire tale is
designed to point utit the modern
trend toward increasing speed in
thought as well as in action.
The story enacted iu '"Swan
'l.:)ve cad the first hook of the i
j S(,rj
s, and does not greatly trou
lile liiiMMi-lf with nn introduction
of his characters.
Sonnies Forsyte, "The Man of
Property." Is 1 he sn me. lovable
character as he appeared in the
"Sa'ga," only more mellowed hy
age and thought. His philosophies'
are unusually sound and well ex
pressed, and are placed iu sharp
contrast to Ihe more modern views j
of his nephew, Jon Forsyte. I
Ion's American wife. Ann, comes
in for n little more than her share I
of Irony from this typically Kng- j
lish author, but the harbed shafts '
of CiCworihlan wit touch lightly !
:u,d do not inflict too much pain, j
; even to the most sensitive of nur i
i American patriots. j
1 Considered as a novel. Swan
; average reader
"KISINt; WIND." (P.y Virgin!;
Moore). JleicMed hy .Miss .Mary
CillM-rt. " !
Highteeii hundred and sixty-one,
and New Market, Virginia, are!
nulled in opinion of th"i Yanks, the!
war-time nrice Of shoes 'its slaves.?
and the old Covington- fainilv.
' whose acres have t-ome hv a char-
CIi it i .li.
id its opinion oi
mot In
for a
Patch. anna
ovington's I
rless daughter. j
women say il is hoyden fsh :
real lady of 1 '.i to snow hall i
they blame Alexander Patch.
; her father, who admires women of
j high spirit, and who dees not care!
: whether Mary fits New .Market pat-i
j terns. The men say. "Watch Mary!
j Patch." and they jbink her fclun t
'. red hair is like the wind. Lieulen-'
ant Tom Tavern reflects. "Sh
i alive
The rest of us think we are."
Cntil Tom Tavern begins to tell
Mary he loves her. she has never:
analyzed her relation to things and.
people. She has "preserved a radi-j
:mt una waretiess wlille a thousand j
arrows fell on her.rtiiht hand ami i
i,.n lhniis-inil "Cj
,ilv np.niim fhe iia
ared fop has
I..-VII li.-.' i llhl-fM.
iiit cf li. r liwilty to Al.-xiin.l
tliat to return
.ill's lo'' ,l-'
to .slight her
Toni hack to
She ends
i:iment hruhi'ii-iiii: -
iii ai-tlon. Tt,. his
ind'T i
t uiuial
A von mil-
it-l-ll I -M:" .....-----
,hc- i-ohn- of . out-ago.
Th.- niiii-i h on -Now Mar
kl.t. In h-r I .'I'-' ,,:''
the fiaiui--. an Ituiutry about
To in.
Moor,- Is -Mrs. I.ouis
Tin- story b.vch "an
illusion of a
a historic setting."
interest inu'
Quill Points
The pearly gi;cs probably didn't
1 niipr
Ki. kjiril unci nuio
he has seen.
n ,.1,.,-i.mlv
the apples mut
have been polished when Greece
was in her glory!
Short history or the ri
decay of a new civilization: Booms,
bums, bombs.
The lee is that little thing the
Lull rests on. The tee-heo is that
little thing the amateur yearns tp
use his club on.
Pn,n.i-f All uneasy
that you didn't remove all the
If he sits on the back of Ills
iicck to (hive, he culls his dinl
Pater" mill will lack only m
year of pratliiiilinE-
The country still rests on n solid
'foundation. You never hear about
'a-January sale of overalls.
How unfortunate that tho only
, people who know how to run the
country should nave iiuneu uu. w
be magazine writers.
If the railroads think their true
value Is the sum that would be
required to replace them, we'd like
to sell them our old car.
Americanism: A conviction that
it would be evidence of ill-breeding
to treat a rich law-Breaker as
a mere criminal is treated.
Nature is wise
and the animal
sin ' is the one
most disposed
best arranged for
A hick town is a place where
everybody agrees that the, widow
is foolish to spend her insurance)
money that way.
There's always a bright side, nnd
modern man's willingness lo gel
i a
divorce indicates that board tut
j bouse
have improved.
The office
hypocrisy of
and yet he
hate over hi-
wet scorns the
"dry" politicians,
combs his curly
; bait I spot.
"You can make Sltm a week by
drawing." says an ad. Y'uu can by
drawing crowds, perhaps.
! A critic says realism in litora
i ture first appeared over Hie water.
In this country it first appeared
i over the back fence.
1 The only certain thing about the
i new cabinet is that some 50 ttiil
i lion people wilt say: "Who in the
' world is ht-V"
a great ex'-eutive is a man who
has sense enough io show the rab-
bit to the. dog and let nature take
its course.
- '
i '"i reet this sentence:
"Just bc-
, "" it man dis.
agrccs with ine."
said tlie reloriner.
"I don't accuse
Miini of
Mont aihnTifJi start from poor rlimintiHon
tconlinatinn pr f ml-ctiRtipaiionl. Intra
tinal poiir.3nvit!Uy.undorminchia'iIt
nd m;i'.:clifcir.iFrrM;, Tniht try MJ
NATURE'3 RliMUtY nll-vwrRtablocnr-'
rcrtivr rot an ordinary hxp tive. Kco how
N1 will aid in re? twins your anpite and
rid ynu ol that hCBvy.joptry.psplesn f twling.
ttiiid, safe, Mirrti 'cirrtrt'l HC
Kccommended nnd Sold bf
All 8 Mrriffim Uniwbtlri
, (
liinuermg the cause of
ncss." l