Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 31, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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Dl)r, tannr. t
fublLsMd by th.
Xl'llFuMl I'lUMI.NU CO.
II-IT-M N. ru 8t.
I. BlMrTKB BM1TH, lUautt
Ad Imhiiendeat Newsjupf
Rotend u Mconl Ham mttirf tt Mtdfofd.
Onoo, under Ad of Much 8, 1HTV. -
BI HfM'lUnai.N HATK8
UX Mn In Ad.iw
I il It, with Hur.iif, ittt T.aO
villi Huivi). nuiiiti t&
Hail?, rilliout Hundiy, jw 6.-0
Duly, m'Uwot Sunday, m-mili "5
WefkLjr Mul Tribune, one yrr 2 "
SiwdaF. tn year -uy
Hj Curler. In Adianee 1 n Mlfoft. AtliUnd
JftuonUIl. Onlral I'utul, I'iwaiil, Ttirat, OuM
111 unI on llitiiiun:
Only, iih Hun-tar, Booth I .7 j
hall Hfhiiit Itiiihtat'- HUlfitlt. .'"J
Pailr! ii(but fluiidar, of icir... T.eU
I., ilu Rurxtar, one year
' Alt tarnu, et4i In uliaure.
( iirjiiin-ss is mailt hy contrast. Tin- higher the jicoplc climb-
llif fewer j-Tcnl liifii iippeur.
Personal Health Service
HlriMlJ Ifttpra pert-lBlw to Dertona) health iu! hrritn.. not ta diaaaa dlavnn.1. .... . . . ,. , : .i.
trutnuiik will I uireertd Lj Dr. Brad, II . .un,rd, Kil.iddrr.ud .nvclup. I. .nclo..d. I Y1'"1 ,u Ju" '""""
OltrilAOB and ubilliy. Hue I'omlii- him loo muili i, h M !-'- .''''! ' i' ' A' u.'r, t" "'l-Ui-v'l'
nation. t ..M M.I !. u (J q ( 1.illliIialiB niarkct in a mm.(& al Hint r;,, to ,.ay a. wi- .tu -. j ,,,, wicka. and to
ull....l I iu,.,..3u Hr u.,t. .l,.n i.,k,s us u- Ihlf .war ih.-.r n-1-1 f..r lUiin a four ctlita a
- - - , , .,..-. . .,..!.. .w.. vri hV t ill
tin. lax on ' ittx ui im- ijhv-
Ini; warmlh. The rat wan killed, lumr t" !'''
)'i'-ihis llii' Siilviilinii Army run survive in a ilriiiornu-y.
I 111 t its liiil il ti 'iniii'jilir ii virliii'inii.s Vr ill wliirli ilol''llli" .,
Vdlc llll t 111- p-IK'I'lll K lill'liis,
Ncilr lii llii- sliir: llprn iliiiiilin am! uirn rnvriiiiiits ii r--
llll riulit, lint lid's ki't-p I lir srwers liiililcn.
low iiiirijjliiiiiitr llir iinl.v ii-iipli- who know just wluit'
llll' Murk lllill'ki't is M ' i 1 1 ' In ilu lll'r 1 llillil wit 1 1 tllr rrlit. ,
Still ist iriiuis tt'lm nir I'inuriiit; up what tllr rlrrtiun rost llii
Tr ini lu nrl a rtiiiinMltii vitru-'
l lie rri'iiiiunimlalijiiii, rulm or
1 itiMructiunH uffiTrii l-y vaiiiMitt puli-'
lie h.
llir t'niti'il ,st.'iUH and t'liiiiida in
1-efiTflirr to the ;
prevenlloii of th- !
IIK.IUW nil Unl !' Wl'i.., .. ,., v,, .,-;, ,l ,. ,.vl nm.r. Intlnn IiMIk
13 Mrutiiieiy flinuro ia , ' ,. ..,-..--,
the ue fur uljliratlun of III neus ilihpatclm
rrfdlted t It or ollwfilw crftlilfd In llili liipef.
Ml tlM In Uw local ml pullblid licrcin.
All rlidils fur imlilicatlun uf iikcUI dbpltcbel
brreln ire 1U0 resentd.
Official tp of lli nty of Mtdfull
Offlrlal )ff of Jarlion Counly.
flwrn dally nrrale rirrulatlon fur ill mooloa
ndloif act. I, lilli. HJ.
Aihertlsliig nrorcicntaltt
Offlcfa In tit Vuik, rhlmm. lwlt. rtao
rranclaro. 1 AiKfrn.' 8anl. Portland.
It's r.isv In ti ll "lir sex I'rnin the other. A man won't tak
your lust riuarrttr.
Nature doesn't rliaiiur. and many a iiinid
old days lireiiuse she
Hint-' wlirrl.
I Ilillli
eould krll a iiiii n suiiiet liiur hy innlinu' him mad.
u rrllli lse hllii rariniy
friunl: l.llt If
u-iiernte in eritk-if m. lie's
It will rnelllMUe traffie. siml j fupeiier.
orentiially diminish iliiiitnotillc las
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry
LrtWrt l.oulj U brief nd rltl.n if. I..k naln r.. (lB,l i I H iHsl Mt'llt fllCC ' '
ceitod, oiilf can be autwerod Lie. No rtyly cu bo tD-id to queriet oot ooQlorift- What should -be tin HenU'lif of lKHiMiu nt
li to iiiirurjon. AtldrtM lr. W II htm Brady. In coro ol UiU Dwappro u man makiiiL' inimcv by exoIoHlne ' th nv r;wv
1 cliilil hilim? W'hni itlit vim heiir,J-t lend
IIAIJ W.W MJ:.S Hi; k A;AIKT TIIK ri.r -of such a man Bolus to jail? -7
i A A Hl'lJ -dlMCDHM:
Jiik i ojil. witud. oil. Kac. k-r-! Snw York Ciivx n'W ik1I(-h coin- .'i'l in" him
oh. iw iind K'f'dlnt' I- bunu-d for . mishioniT. firover Wliuleii. inlends li iior; if
hi'Htii'H ur inokin! iui-iomm. in- to apply t nil He lawn lo pt'detitrl- hc'.n n
1U..L, tK- It-ln.n ,lr..-u ...... .....,..! una v. i..l li.ti i I. lull -.ti.l
ivn .luuinmn-s ur wiiiTn 111 liliwt. .... . .... ... , tll .
-r ur jtnv' l'ei'"in4 rnlhoi ur
vlj-n ariMii ur snot l"'iincH in -
ind'-Kt'i'itt. An tiMii window in tin
"flu." I ffn (hat 1 Fjo.-plnu rom is u IHV-hjivJiik ir--in
the I' n I I ed cautittji wln ii' lail-rm monoxi'l pi
Statr. whi'i i: Kofiinu ii emu ai nfil. S-vv sh'-uM
h:tv- u v ry warm Jiuy k!tnl uf porialdi' fuel hurnr-r
rt-KJuil fur o u r- ' lie- us-l jn u i liciil liaihrooni or
HflvcH, few If any ih-r entail i-IksimI upaif when- a
uch m-iH of rule human lu-ini; is runfincd for i-vii
omit th- ia ut Ion half an hour. I do not know, but
to "avoid undue j 1 believe prulmiyert ulinht ' tarbon
chlllintr of "the i moimxld ifioiiin from faultv
, Iiody,'1 but in Canada, where then-1 burner. or leaky pipes or ?hielr-:H
(it kissi'd ill tlio'"1'0 ",,M" v,ry 1001 nt'll(t,i' the'heairx not only prndureH isvhvq im-
I '"'"in iiimniiiui-H iiu- nut Keen ( pairmeni or ne;mn iiui ireve?UH
ouldn t rciilMVc' llcr hands from tllo spill- aljout keeping- fnlk eoddled. . j viedins fnon nequirini; immunity
Kverywhere, almost, the heallii auainst respiratory Infectiun. of
iMiieer now cauilollH people to eov- v u u r e it In pcrfeetiv safe and nlmnM
' I ''' nofe and mouth when i-uuKhinu ' healthful to -deep in a rnm will 1 well. . Ij'ih whv twtr
iinls on llif liiv-'llWliy vmhl Iih tztanl Jld vert isilifr ii' you ! or This implies, a e..m-'a heater if th. iv is proper flue i on-1
i m ill u ii Inililt- ami upeelf ieally i ItoHi'hcs. Uh-vh e that keeps the i-w radio
through spray or droplet Infeetlon. I viiit i ni,t i nui i i,...'from fading'.' What about com-
1 have eolleeted and studied scores ;
k ilistam e may li-nd
but in ihe ca.-' of
radio performer. '
If yii
tlur houses for their best fruit.
ii (s about time th growers urn a
bit of invnstinalitiK f this waste
of Oitir fruit by the various pack
ing houses and took remedial
union more drastic than the pass
im; of a few resolutions.
JiOWAUD A. l!!!.!
Rheumatic Pains
I'orreet tills j-entenre :
Jtit a normal, average J-'irl
It is neccsKHry for children and iU t ho wouldn't tell :
ndullH tti realize that a modern fii, iu keen mil of trubi
highway is uh ilaiinerouH hh a rail
road track, even more uanperouK,
jdnee "ears" are not i ompelled to
remain on any track, and turn
nlm p corner.
Hi illation of foot traffic means
Ye Letter Box
Quill Points
In his threatened abolishment of
poverty, per cainpaiKn promise
'hat is i(l to iih i in ,i new i
box that has uot roaehes in ll i lmct
of u h sets of rnlei. or reeoifimend-j The houe is old but the ice hot .. , ,
atlon iriven tn the otiblie l.v healllil i m... i .Making
deliarlmenlM teeenilv -. iwl in nine- '.'' 'eert.lln Won't
Itieallv all of them I fin.l ,.,,. hint 1 "' n IiU ' " J--:Htlll CToss til
, ! . . . , son that eould be safely left in
ovv too iniirll, so yoil '"' "KKesHo about eovo.-inK nos.: h(, irH 1)()J Wy Jl(ft ,((V(.rhall
UMM 'IKUIIM Ml.. 11 '""KMIIIh 'Jl , 111,, i,.,. l.V ,.Lll, II ....1
W 1 1 e 1 1 I f , , 1 1 a . , '...iii i ...i . ' t.,..
' ' . ' ' r.. . ' ' lllt' ''""ehex ill the house? K.-nd
, , . I , ' ,. . . . . , , , J stamped envelope hearing your ml-
, ,.' , , ,, ,, ,. , I ;'dvh-'e earned .. a ,,rea (.,.,1 nk for Inatniellona (ur
IliiM-cs IKitlmi!.' lU'W iiliunt Hie new ( abillct. except Unit it ( eonrlusinn. .Sonne ol them health rkhUn , houae of roaehes
i "''" eviuen eoimmerHtlll,. (CopyrlKhl. John K. Dlllo Co.)
iiii. li. -i in niiin. iiiii-i linn j iiii :
Kieai i-a'ii(-ai unioritinee. Ap-I
, r.ii ... , piirrnlly tin- lH-rfnnetory sukki-h- !
15 : lion -alioiit eovertni; coiiuhK and
f-neees 1h Inetudeil In th
Aii iiilrlliyrnt iiiau is our who dnrsn't know tin- answers to
tllr questions in I lie inlrlliuellec test mid doesn't ivi- a iliirn.
AliieririiniNlii : rhlirv;ino 1 1 it oilier I'
i . i I.: ... 1 1.1 I. .. I ... 1 1. . r
rail nave Hie llinury to pay null niu murii nun inns uuiae mini Ol kik-i-xIiii;, or a hunt drodKiiiK
you l'rrl prosperous. .
The Cull Prolileiii .
.Medfnrd. Ore.. .Ian. 3". U-j.'-To
the Killtoi-
A short time auo I nelleeil all
Item in your paper to the effeet
thill a hud offered a reso
lution 10 the Truffle Association
"ili'irue Unit the drinker ' ,.,,iul,.iniii the praelice of eertuln
l-e liunished with the ,.ash op--ralois liliynn; Ihe s-ieiilleil
eulls frolil a iminl-'-r of the dtf
fereiit paekins Imiiim-h. i"' after
sortinK them, piiekinu " laifc.'- Poi
li. .ii ..f ihriii and sell-lim? then:
from fadlnxV What alioiil com- . thov sold In eoni-
pelltlon with the soealleil i!"od
i i 1 il. l. men eVt'l
Trunk's I'resrriptiim Is desii:n-'d
She's' n, relieve your tnnjlilo uk'kly
-aiil without dietinc It il'l ruin the
tlnv ! stoniit.-ll nor -U l-ress Ihe heart.
Clnee nerv--r;o-k'd sleotileda people
1 fi-iiu lorturini; pain now certify to
relief. I'.. II- Workman, Fort Klajr-
ler Wash., declares: i nave ueen
tnUini; Trunk's 1-i escription and tlla
pain- and swelling are pone.
T r u n k ' s Prescriplion at leading
druirKi-l 1'ke James ilcNalr's
will be one ol' Ihe srelional kind.
Plesiilelll-IOlect Hoover Is silent,
and It In feared, he Is arolll of j
kiwi,-. Aecordlni,' to a Vale Hat-ant,
poverty- is wJlut makes the inaro ;
no, and If there was no poverty
there would he no "upward HlrUK
Kle." He further aicues. a eertain
it r .1... ,,..i.iiliii Iiiii lnm to
ho wiuashed down to make the! You pay lor a lioitte nil the installment plan
lierf eel world. This houihIh fine, I v-iy landlords wear silk luits.
if you do not happen to lie one of (
the aquashed. Ilefore Mr. Hoover , r
can nhollsh poverty. Hie poor must Alas! Tin- more expensive tin- ear. lilt- more it I'rinillds tll
lie eliminated, the Yale savant
proclaim. This would most cor- ; Ol'lll ol easy ptl.MUt'llls.
talnly simplify the iirolilem, and
Mr. Hoover will net at It as soon
iih the tremendously vital work of
niniifiiir L'.:ur, postmnsii-i-H in the
Hutith Is finished. This will nhol
lsh -',34 5 eases of poverty.
punishment inor,
I stopped to consider Ihe position of
I llii. mower 111 this matter, who..
.The most nollcc-iihle HliliK nhoiil i altev spelldii.i; a years time and.
most family trees Is their need , ""'i'1' money producitiK a crop,
of puinlm;. ' "hen he turns it over to a dealer
r ' for parkin;.-, lal an cxoroilnnt
Vet It you stop your ear and I price, hy the way) finds a goodly
mollon. llm nedi-st rhi n to elosu In I llortioll of the inarketuhle fruit-
I front' of you. he thinks there's a I dumped on the cull pile. Perhaps,
i trifle' In it.'"- j thin Is one of the reasons for the r
. tlons or recommendations more
oul of deference to lite soiieltinish
, f-'ellliKs of som" laymen llian It is
I lieeause the- health authorities think
Charles looli1tle is refoverlnw
from the flu, and Is not able to do
much (Looking (ilass News.) Am
ex peeled, npd in accordance with
his monleker.
The leftiHlaluie lilnts that it will
tackle a "universal monetary sys
tem." There Im nulliln tin- matter
with the idea, except thul it is a.
louKher nut to era el; than the
tcKUlnlion of the fish in -ItoKUe
The world ojuus heller. Thr ina:ii-iiH's
imtcnt medicines und now snjicst yeast, salts
nifissitc nntoiH I'or wlmt nils you.- '
iiiit - ;id vriiisiipj
AVumen wearing shnwls, and
men cnrryiilK' intitel-nV.' have' been
noted In J 'villa these days.
It essential.
Of Course we don't know what '
causes the "flu." but we believe It !
iu i. resnitalorv Inreelloii U'e buve ;
violet ruys lllidjamplc reason to believe thai this
disease, like diphtheria, mouslcs or j
; any other respiratory Infeetlon, is
, carried in the more or b'ss Invisible j
.-pray of nose or mouth secret Ion
or moisture that Is Klvon off when
iho patient coughs, or talksj
with nose ami mouth uncovered.
We know that this spray carries as
far as 1 - feel durlnu counhlm.' or
sneezliiK. bill not oVer five feel j
during ordinary conversation.
, . Kuowirm these things and we ,
Tin cit'orl tn mid another month to tlie vear should appeal ' whui I have just said about :
. . ithe spiav raiiKe we are Justified
to the lmmulaotiim" ol open-window envelopes. , warninK the public against the:
. i danger of open-face siieedim or 1
fnliibil ion ; The kind of tiling that frets a marine when lie
sees somebodv else Irving to settle a row in South America.
The next frcat war will he witli insects, but the doughboy
won't tare unless they are second lieutenants.
Nhlvnrrert arb slllt belnR 'periH'
traled here.
" One reason Tor divorce is the lady's inability to be content
with a mere man when she expected a Santa I'laus.
i eoimhlu. Hut we fall in our duty,
i when we fail to warn ihe public ;
at the same time of Ihe infinitely!
l c-
You're definitely in I d il 1
nucd If the flapper's apparent
Invitation lo K't her prompts
an ni'Ke to spank licr.
low pack out percent use of these,
i houses. 1
j When we were dohiK our own '
- packing we not from ninety lo ;
Julnciy-ftve boxes of packed fruit
'i from one hundred lus of the size
j In ueneral use now, but when we
had it i tacked in town the sun, the
j rou !;h read from the orchard, or
voinethinw caused fruit lo
shrink unbelievably. ,
I l:ut to sot hack to the shipment
! wf the suealled culls. I lake it
Twenty-five thousand dollars for1 'hat the Kenlleinan had reference;
to Mr. Thorniley In his resolution.
Mr. .Thorniley is an old time oper
ator In the fruit, both as a grower
and packer; ami was playing Ihe
fruit Kitine when the most of the
oi her packers were playing mar-;
Ides, and a rather mood idea of
what the market wants and will
take, and when he puts his good
money Into these soculled culls,
that came out of some grower's
fruit, together with the cost of
paekhiK nud transportation, he is
doiii it with iho expectation of
making a profit and mote power to
htm. Mill when, as : am informed.
a way to repeat Ihe dry law?
Well, first add three ciphers.
Mencken thinks golf Is like
spitting at' a murk, but Who could
cuss while spitting?
It takes a lot of civic pride or
something to rejoice in metropoli
tan superiority while dodging1 el
bows in a traffie jam.
Americanism: Training the kids
for a higher station in life; feel
ing Injured because they feel superior.
(Aftony ohmiii)
Dear Aunt Ada:
I am L'-l years, and very
goodtooklug. I have known a
married couple, for several
years, and they recently pur
chased a new auto. 1 went
riding with the husband, and
worn detained, arriving home
at two o'cloek in the morning.
His wife will not speak to me
now. What shall I do?
Correct (his scnl cnee : " Krtnn now on," said she to liim,
("wit won't buy a thing" we don't need until we iret out ol' debt."
And yet the one who feels info- f
rior because he's poor is a worse;
If anyluddv Lad asked me snob than the one who feels im-
noue common danger or the con-1 w hen Vclina West murdered her. portant because lies ncn.
vt fKitional spray. If an iiidlvhlo:;. , husband ullh a table lec I would
rail nr does SUhiecl Hie- to IIIIV rlsk:lnivi until nliiml lim mniillw itirii.
bv slieezliiL' or couulihiir niioit incllmt uthm ihui Ii hInukI .. dusky
from a dislaneu of ten fi-et. he cun lvear, fer action has jest been
and does subject me lo -tit-same i shnied lo parole her. Next to
risk hy merely talking to me from ; ihlnklii to lake a tcaspMiil'ul o'
a distance of less than five feet. . medicine la l'nro each meal, the,,.
If he Is going to talk to me ut i mrdcl thing lo remember is
The process of "developing" a
native is simple. You just
take away his musical jiusirumcnt
and hand him a shovel.
all at ordinary range, he must wear
a suitable mask, for the same rea
son that he must cover Ills nose
and mouth If he Is going to coimh
or sneezi1
u hleh way a bandit flew after
You can tell a racketeer from
tin agent of ilu revenue depart
ment- The. racketeer's demands
are moderate.
Farmers arc Jubilant over
snow, like they rejoice over
( coughs and sneezes and Ignor
j devastating short ranue spray
III. (Special) incompetent and ouuht to be
Severul have retui ic-d from
ph-asant plaees, where they hail
their pocket hooka atepped on . by
Alarm Is being expressed that
Jim lirlnvp of Prospect, will swap
Iris cowboy hat for u derby. Mr.
I. Is absolutely fearless when It
comes lo headgear.
On and after tomorrow there
will he one less leaf on the calendars.
OUKIiON STATK t HHXIH 1 K. Ai,h.i. .Pan. .1 1 . I .special i j hieompetent and ought lo be ..hi
f'orvnllls, Jan. III. (Special.) The r" r,,ster consolidation of suburban j eated or silenced, as a plain matter
Oregon Stale fooiball heroes will '' ''i'-y 'nl s-hool dlslrletsiof nubile safety.
, . Iwltb cltv school dlHlrlcts was the ' iKiHU'ailt or vi.-ious per-
Sarah Jane, who Is not allowed
to loo If al newspapers, because of
murder trial accounts, did not hide
the lurid magazine uulck enough.
trophy to be awarded them by the
Portland chamber or eommereo be
cause of their victory over the.
"Violets' in ,ev York last fall.
The Irophy, which stands four flot
bb,-h, will be pieseutcil at a lunch
eon honoring the football Iravellns
squad in Ihe new Memorial I'nion
building February I'll. A delega
tion of Portland business men, led
hy Mayor tieorge L, linker ami
NiiiiiinK p. ricr, cnairman or tne
trophy committee of the Portland
chamber of commerce, and ihe
delegation which Mn" f'ughs ur sneeze in ones laco
lioust! Wednesday I nowadays, but thanks to the culp
able negligence ot our public Health
More of the gals are iu suspense
und suspenders.
Two moru uncles and u (Irani!
puw, were reported this morning,
, purpose of jl
I visited the state
Tho members were K. It. Turner,
'city su perl nte nde nt of 1 Jul las; V.
t, Cuinmlns, city school superin
tendent of t'orvallis; (. 10. .''In
ner l y. elt school superintendent
of Albany "and K. II. t'astle. coun
ty superintendent of He lit on
imj niiMino i" " ' j Willi a healer.'
way oi million nun mcoikc ''jnpetieU a
rummer or loo. ,uw-i ..n oe, ,
purpose of drafting a bill which'. , ., ,,
old do no injustice to the rural
, (Continued from Page One.)
As fine as his courage is Cap
tain Frled's steamship, (.uided hy
appeals for help, from an Invisible
source, he found his way through
the storm to Ihe ship in distress.
He told his men he hoped lo reach
the ship by ti o clock. He
Pure .
Fur Salu by .luriiihi Woods Drug
Sinn'. -nr. laln ntirl Cetiiral.
One way to d e I e r in I im:
whether your cairlage s i
reci U to pan -i in a re-
ol vi ng: di kh ii ml see wl icre
it lilts you.
iiilniiKside ut 10 minutes past ti. monev fur a
ie-! .e-' -
Nature is fair, and if she. gives
wasa matV' brains enough to cam ,lh
she, usually gives
r N
lieves It is fair and proper to spray
his neighbor with germ-laden con
versation. .M I.STIONS AMI AXNWr.ltS
Ciii'Imiii M i mo til.
Is ll unhealthy to sleep In a room
The windows are
opened at nlht. but of conis-
oi me I'oruami pa- shimiuav and Palmiter
pern will be present. an. .,,.,. vt tho orange legls-
As individual souvenirs to Ihe lullV(, ,.ominiltee.
grmiron warriors engraven
M ru.
had a cold this winter all lh
I Could the heater cause that'
! W. I.. M.
' Ann. ll Is certainly unhealthy,
and In fact dangerous to life Itself,
PaMor I'npiure an 1-Jiglo. 1 h,,v' ' kind of stove burning
4-- KI.IXAIIKTHTON. Toiin. uT ! ' Sleeping room or inner pan
A Slimy : Moats. Tlw, U(,v w L 1)un rnw thi'!nf 1hr house, without proper flue
NOKKOI.K. Va.(l'i Steamships I 1,.,lst m'.,...Mvriil limit on I ton n ' von nee! Ion with the chimney or the
do not have .ouug, although this ,,,,,, vtuhi this vear irrav eaule ! open air to carry off the products;
rings will be given.
An electric heater.
a goou reprcscmauon was up "", "o.o.umi 'om inmil.,flhl , . .r...... .
from our thriving sister cities last looked possible In Hampton lloads ...(,t..hin.. i oonmU nu catitured "f eomhustlon
evening to be chagrined. ' when two (lerman ve.-o!s of ihe l(V ,,u, mins((,r when It flew Into a ' of ''t'm'- does not burn fuel and
same name anchored side by side ' fence and was .stunned 'does not require such flue eiyinec-
The fancy dog and eat coterie The North (lerinan Lloyd liner L' '. I (Inn. You fall to Indicate the na-
have now commeneed on caviar, jWeslfaleii was Just III times the Mall Tribune uda nro read hy ! tore of the heater. There Is a pes- '.
;slze of a vessel of the same name. , SO. 000 people every day. U '.Nihility of carbon moimxld poison-1
Coughs from colds may Icid to ec
rioti; trouble. Yeu can Mop tliem
now nitli (.rcomiilsien. an cinuUiHcd
cre.'Oin that ! ptcaant to lake.
Creojnulsion ja a medical di?corry
with twn-fnld action; it joothes and
hrah ilic inflamed membrane and in
hihits perm gioivih.
Of all known dross creosote is rcc
OS ti i zed hy liih medical. Sulliorities
Of one of ihe greatest healing agencies
for concha from colds and bronchial
irritatiens, (.'rconiulsion conlnins, in
addition to crnnif, otlicr healing
elements which soolhe and heal iho
inflamed mpmhranes and stnp thr ir
ritation, while the creosote goes on tn
the Momdch, is absorbed intu thn
blood, attacks the scat of the trouble
and checks the growth of the germ.
Crromulsion is guaranteed satisfac
tory in the treatment of coughs from
colds, bronchitis and minor forms of
bronchial irritations, and is excellent
for building up the system after colds
or flu. Money refunded if not re
lieved after taking accotdiug indirec
tions. Ask your druscut. (adv.)
Feminine decorations fur spring J -.x--rz. J.
When tSis:
is MWM2c$
Follow your choicest
fruit. the Hotel
Ciilitbrnian! You'll
enjoy this popular
headquarters for
.orchard is ts.
By Popular
Will Return
February 2
to the ,
to the Pacific Coast's
greatest dance or
Fred Gottfried Amos Turnbovi
Expert plumbing, heating and
aheet metal repar 6hop. t
We speoiailze on service at reas M'
onable prices. No job too small. ;:'
Z19 N. Grape St. Phone 574'
: tiUIAMO Holly STft. Phohb 144 !
' A Compute Clianino amd
Dybino servicb
include the old rashloneil ear
rings, the kind that flop out of
tho rear seal when tui uIiik cor
ners, and catch on the the
hydro nlu.
We are those unthrifty souls
Who watered dusty streets with
Out tiered pi tuts from Indian
And cast them royally to swlno;
Our moat prccloua low who
To lit trampled hy the crowd;
Kreely Irtmehod our hearts' red
blood ,
To dye tho jfirments of the proud:
Who have ruing uway our years
To soothe the perjurer and the
Poured for tho heartless healing
Fed tho tyrant with our grief;
Tald the pile wo never owed:
Prayed to Rods who ask no prayer:
Climbed the high encumbered
i roud
Never asking why or where.
(Haturday Iteview.)
MUTT AND JEFF Maybe Mutt Saved Pilot Jeff's Life, At That
x Guess I flIN'T
am ePei?r at
'HooK'ltOG-ON' TO
Oiwroii Wiwtlier.
Bnui.-s In eaat anil rnlna lvoHt pur
lion tonlRht and, Friday; wm-im-r.
8tronK anuthr-Hiil ' wliirlH, ftcrnilon.
iilly Rnlr-fi. 4i Ilic- cobbI,
GENTS, r-A GOING UP i X GueSS I N'T .... .. A 1 . ' W" ALEE? 'Jl , , I
td.5cfotm6'Exct.o;TT7' a Am expert at 'i J if l'
mark'.- PiL.rdFe is LS 'HeoKiwe-ON to . v. -lr I r(W7 ' -
rRltofo to BREAK The "question 1 AMCTrR PLAM KO JtFPf T - IV-rV 1 1 'A' C
OF SIX. 4)AS. He rtAS WORK; X CALLS O i I , .)Jt V rft J j 1 1 .y T
isccord for Solofu6htsJ . . J- Hf-MH WW ' U l ' 'II t v V Hy
-y:r - trrr v.v- rrl AymL-Z rW
; - - I ' . 1 , TVs k-vhiij "u ,.4 T.u- mji ii i r: . i . j ' vV .