o o PAGE TEX MEDFORD MATT. TKTBTTfiE. MEDFORD, OREGON'. THURSDAY. .TAX r AH V "31. l2fl. MOTHER Child's Best Laxative . "California Fig Syrup''' jCKIC SALE TAKES ! MAJOR HONORS IN E GAY PARE TDnilDlDC UUfLIld i! E Hurry Mother! ITvi-n n 1mK.hu. r..iitipatc.l. feverish cliild lows l!iu pleasant ta-t- "f iililor nia I'iu Svrop" Mid il never fail to open the Uii!. A ti-i-i"iiiiiil '"l-v '"ay prevent a hii:k child t.onnirow. Ask vour rirutr"i-t tor (.'ermine 'California Kit Sirup" wttii-li him direction for halac and t-lii I.! r.-ll "f nil ut!: printed on ho'.tle. Mother! You uui-L sny "California" or you may get au iuiitutiou litf syrup. if' 1 wmm mmmm iwi .1 .ll Appropriato (Moclifl for each room, nrcurutn t hno koepfiH, in desiRim thnt harmonlzn perlVctly with tho foom furniHlihiKs. THE CLIFT SAN FRANCISCO GEARY at TAYLOR ST. Pleasing sen-ice, complete appointments and aistingun bed cuisine malte it an ideal hotel fur your visit to San Francisco 5-10 rooms with luth Single, fiom $4 Double, front ( ml Sim IUrhsra it M1KA5UL fHiIstrunlllltf f.'itUll'.H of the tUt I'iii-t'i' iuu.-ic:il c-omt'il' sp.-i-t.'M lc ; t Hunt's Ciiitfii.in last nlht was its ffunkn'-sH in the idsiuniiiit: ni the ami i unit-Iy dioi ii-., dai iiiK ill.vplays of frrni:ini' anatomy. l;u injj foasi-n--.ss of much if ItH dia-luKU-'N ly thi- romwlfuriH ouir-i-U' of i hit Salt-s, that wlorliiitf ilppktnr .f rural parr.-, who lias .tollhu-.l Am.-rlran strttft'Cnfrs fur yi-ars past, Himi fiinul- st untit a iid pnss nhli KaKs, arid muii Inn u t i f u 1 M'pwh ami Hrfiiory. Th'Ti were IS disconnected sniies or a els. whieh hi'iUuhl forth Koiut' exeellenl ehcirus danc inn and .so mi- of the IhkL fancy f-ceent i ic a id novelty lanlriK l.y IndivldualH and groups ever Keen h-ro, Tho elRhlcon ucencM of net Iiik. nine in tf, daneiiiK. Ktne splendor, and eoiiiedy lasted three hours. The official title of the revue or attraction was "L'Kilillon Iti Hal (juatre Artw.' whatever that mean) hut it waH much wor.se in Hpots than It sounds. The capacity audience rathe red from miles around ):m-v Just what they were froing- to aro and hear, having heen I'orev.anieil hy a fussy Oregon editor man xiini time ago. wh wrote back tn his paper from San Knincfseo thut the "play whs loaiheome." When the curtain arone they fuit hack rletermlnedly, and with set Jaw said inwardly "Now j;o It and see If you ran .shoek us." They stood the fairly ilotc.l im the opcru'd those jawM asp, as occasion applauded viKorou.sly thruout tlid those MedforiliteH, Klamath Fll iiitiM, (Iranis I'uhsian.s, Kajle Point ers, etc. Whilp flay Puree was frond en tertainment outside of ItH vulgarity whli'h rot down to vei-joHt Himit at times, if Chic Sales had not been in t he eact its Its predomlnathin star, it in in Jit have proved other wise. The clean mirth provoking acts and delineations, of Sales, that ureal artist in iimusim,' humanity, stood out thruout (lay Puree like a lighthouse In a foK, and his com ments and antics had the audience fairly roarint in laughter when he Auh tlte center of the stae. As always he is a whole show in, him self. The humor of those other come dians. I-Yank ( inliey and Stanley Korest. was mostly nssoeiated with vuhiar aciM. lines or topics. A nioni; the cha nn inn seenes In whieh the richly costumed, nimhle footed mid pi-et ly yoiimr chorus showed 1o rent advnutare, the most lirailtiflll Were "The Tree nf l.ove." ".Mollii'i s of he World," "Wcddlmr of l Im- Ailiiiiilc." and ' Twilight oiccs." especially i he latter. (Mhcr star.s who rreatly pleased were Sylvlu l'roos. prima donna, and Lillian Herbert, sinners, the llerkoff daueinc Kil ls and the Kelo brot hers in their ucrobat ic, i o tesiiio dancimr. . A. K. nideal well, "Inathims'" and to Inuirh or required, and LIFE fXGEPT FOR ONE-NIGHT PLAYS T.lf. a tneint.er r,t ft larui. j miii-.ij comedy company, Mich as 1 "Cay Puree," which appeared in j Alcdford la.-t nlyhi. Is enjoyahle. ; aecordlllLT to .m'VitiiI liieniher.H of the company, 1 he only tinplcn:int ; feature bein fouiiH III one -nil: hi stands, where members find litt le time for themselves. The company t arrived yesterday from rhico, t ill., and departed this morninir for iJn-'j nene to play toniKlit, alter which one-liiytit eiiyau'emeiils- will he fill-' ed at Hulrm and Portland. I Kd low hit; four weeks i-pent in S-in Krunciseo. the company has ai hum series of short em;unemen1 s. tukim; it through the northwest j ami bui-k into the mlildk-west. Thej tour will he ended In the ea.st dur ing June.' Member of lust nlcht's show were all from the east, with the' exception of one e,lrl, a former resl- I dent of Portland. The majority i.f ! tin- Kills have plans u I ready com-, phti-d Tor the .sunimer'K work.' KraiiecH Kilinnton. the first sinner 111 the .MotheiM of the World w'vnn, ; ulonr with .lean Moiitford. u mum- j her of the Winter tbirdeu beuuties. J ure pluunin.' to uo to Paris this summer with expectation of enter-' inn club work. The former uv graduated IfLsf sprinn from an Ohio! university, and beinn a member of tho Clay Parce company is her first i experience with a travtdinn the j atrlcal troupe. She is un uuili-rstudy of Lillian Herbert, prima donna, who was' well received in her part of last: ninht's performance, and while in j Krance plans to take up voice cul ture. She is also au accomplished plnnfM. Miss Kllinnton has a moth er in Texas, and writes to her often. ! M iss M out ford bus been on the stane four years, most of which she spent in New York 'ly us a' member of musical product ions ! there, ami for a lime was eni;aned In moving picture work. This, how-' ever, did not appeal to her and i she plans to spend ' an indefinite lime in Paris when she arrives ( there this summer, she has up j peared in .several Col ham suc cesses and lame west on the tour' to see A mcricu first, like other members of the company. The majority of the men in the show are married and the ones j who are sinnle seem to interest the ' nirls but ti'tle. and in referriiiK to one they say "he's no nehtleuian: j he'. a n aciur, and who wants to be chummy with an actor? Wei see him all the lime anjwav.' So'' love affairs amoiin members of the company are few aiul far between, it was said, and are usually of very short lile I'ricertauily features the one or uvo aftair.-t now in bloom in the company. Radio Program KMED Mail Tribune-Virgin Statio ' Sea Serpent" Caught NOAN'K, (uiu. ijf) A real nen serpent wan hauled Hfchoro near hero in the lorni of u hcvimi aiul one-half foot sea eel weiehinir L'T ,m,u .rfouKht 20 minute. Ynd i an Knells). ..t.T. but she responds : Mrs. .Maudia Duma,, uf M..u lore mo net lu shreds. only tn orders spoken In French. , Shasta, ( al l.ookkoepor ,nr ,, . Here" or "net down!" nnwin noth- t'luoks I'rodueo company, aniv,., Thi Dog Knawi French in k, but "lei! NEW OHI.KAXS Venn" l brings ipilek va conehez!" : In the eily yesterday to visit fr few ilnv-j with loeat fi-ienM-- . Mete.K 1310 Krvn. i-::i' to t;:i;, p. m. Ve 7".wne trier. to i;: 3d Mail Talhun?. Jieivs arid markelH. . . t.i 7 Hum' lYateiiun Th. at. r. V 7 to s .Mcdford :usiness Coii.r... K t U l-'ana ilureau. rridny, J-eliriiiiry I, 10 to I0::ID it, m. Southern ilreu-on Kleririe. 1:30 to 11 M. AI. Dept. HI ore. t . , . . , . , 11 to 1 1 :J0 Jaroua Cennox. .Milliner. -; , 11:30 to 1J ltrnpliy Jowi-lry. IL' to 1J:30 p. m. Sanderson .Motor Co. IL':30 to 1 :.1o l-.Timer Mnsie House. H:30 to 6:1.", Ye Towne frier. :Ki to (i:30 Medford .Moil Trlhune, neu-H and markets. 8 to 11 Kealty lioiird. spon- nn'''.l l.y .lai-ksoo l.'ounty l:ulldini;'.(;- Loan Co., Mr. O. C. I-.oki.-x. 4- 1 1 1 :l i i i ! i A Substantial hnouncing Reductions ER AND RAN TONIGHT. FRIDAY Medford and the valley have been having a variety of weather for the past day or mopj us the rain of yesterday niornVii turn eft Into a snow storm in the forenoon, whieh' la.vted until enrfy.ln the afternoon and was succeeded by a mist, which dui lni: the niirht fiii. lurned into a fojf that developed Into the heav iest veil uf the season this morn inir. The for became linhter durin the forenoon, ami shortly after uotii) the sun came out for a time. Warmer weather and rain and fofts are forecast for toninht and Kri day. The snow' ce.Kcd fa I linn about :'::mi p. m. yesLerduy, leavinn niue lenths of an inch on the nround, and linht mist took it place from then on until an ordinary fon came In liuhtly shortly after ;midninht. then somewhat dispelled and he came so dense anuin at 4:3n a. tn. even street Unhts could Hot be "een "v than a block away. BANISH THAT EXTRA FAT in the prices of the DODGE BROTHERS 5ENI0R - 1 3".. sV? LOW WINTER. RATES 4 leparttne dally, nt Ms sav ink. World's :.vate:. motor roueh system nssines safety, comfort, lowest farus. All cura plensaiitly lieated. SOME LOW RATES 8an Frnclsco $12.15 Oakland $12.15 Saeramento J10.H0 Yreka 2.2S Redding $ 5.75 Lou AnrjflM $10.00 San Diego $32.30 Kantat City - $53.85 Chicago t)Z.oS I"k'pnf, Hotel .Tarkson Jo:' Soutlt Central J'luino 3o9 5 Daily Meteorological Report Tiitu-Mlay, .Jnniiliry 111. Mi'ilford unit vlelnlly: Itain t.i lllnht anil Kriday; loeal fos. Warmer. (ireKon: Snows in east and rains in west liortion tonight and Friday. Warnittr. Lafayette Letter Found ll'I.ANH. Cal.--.Vl A letler written hy Ueneral Lalayetle in lsi'li and addieseil to Rev. Wm. c. Woodhrtdt'.e uas found reeemly in the holtoni of an old trunk in pnsrosHiou el T. li. Woodhride. .1 descendant, who lives here. A dol lar banknote of 1 s.".t",. issued by Hie Hank of Vi'iKeuues. Vt., also was found. I Do it in the easy, pleasant way, in the modern, scientific way. Not by abnormal exercise or diet, but by combating the iireat cause of excess fat. , , i That way is embodied in Mormoln prescription tablets, l'cople have used I them for SfO years millions of boxes oi , them. So now you can see, cn even Italic), the results this method brinjji. New beaut", new health, new vitality, li you envy those tesulu, learn the way to Kt-t them. A book in every box of Marmola tells you the formula, also the reasons for all it does. You will have no fear of harm. (Jet it today and watch the results. Learn '. how much it means to you in many ways. Do this for those who wish to ; admire you. Just ask your druggist for n SI box of Mnnnola. "WlIEN THE NEW Dodgo Brothers Six was announced,. -at the beginning of the new year, at prices so low as to overshadow ' any previous Dodge Brothers accomplish ment, its universal public acceptance . marked a new peak of popularity even for Dodge Brothers cars. Public recognition wa9 quickly translated into an unprecedented sales volume with an attendant increase in manufacturing cfikiency and economy which now favor ably affects its companion car tho Dodge Brothers Senior and permits substantial reductions in the prices of all Dodge Brothers Senior models. The new lower prices at which the Dodge Brothers Senior henceforth will be sold are directly traceable to the established Cliry.-ler policy of giving the public im mediate benefit of every economy due to more efficient manufacturing methods, lower overhead costs and savings effected by the great unified purchasing power of Chrysler Motors. t Hot only are these savings now passed on to the public in the form of much lower prices of all Dodge Brothers Senior models, but the cars themselves have been made still better. Examine the Dodge Brothers Senior in our most criticd mood. Scrutinize each small detail. Be most exacting in your in spection. For once you have. subjected the Chrysler-built Dodge Brothers Senior to your most diligent and careful inspection you are certain to realize that never before has a car so large, so handsome and so fine been available al so low a price. NEW LOWER PRICES: NOW J 493 to U593, F. 0. B. DETROIT EAKIN MOTOR CO. 16-18 South Fir Telephone 304 Open Evenings and Sundays Local Data -1 0 (ft P. P Tetiiicl'aUl.e (dem'ces) ... ;t- 30 llichost (lost i-2 Ins.) a;l 3'.' Lowest (lust 1- Ill's. ) ... . .'til Kio. humidity (pet.) loo loo I'reclpltation (inches) on .0 1 Stole of weather .Mislinu Fom;y Total precipitation since Septeln her 1. mix, 7. nil Inches. Sunset today, o:l'4 p. in. Sunrise Friday. ::M a. m. Sonnet Friday, r.::'tl p, m. Observations Taken 1Mth Meridian X CITY a? at 5 A. M. Time 2 Haker City I'll Is Suov KlMilarck - 4 - 1 1 Clear lloisc . 31 ill Snow lienver 44 10 Clear lies .Moines 20 - M Clear Fresno C4 4li Cloudy Helena .. ti -l . Cloudy l.os .iiLcle.s t'.lt .'.o l. cdy. Mar.-hflrld 40 .14 Kain 1-hoenix r.-; cloudy I'oril.ind '.'4 is Snow Ued llluff r.O 4 1 Cloudy Itosetutrfr 34 32 Cloudy Salt Lake City 3 B t'S Cloudy San Francisco r.s r.i! cltoidy Santa Fe 4S IS Cloudy Seattle 3- ;'il (oui'i j Spokane . .14 . clmnl Wolla Walla S - S Snow I WlnnlpcK 14 Cloudy ). il i tV' m GOODYEAR A HIGH GRADE TIRE BACKED BY. HIGH GRADE SERVICE I.. W. HICK. Mett oroloBist. Wet Weather Is Coming Put on a Set of GOODYEAR TIRE CHAINS Made of . RUBBER! Yoi. never saw any tire, chains like them. They're the real thing when it comes, to QUIET . . . LONG WEAR . . . TIME SAVING ECONOMY . . . CONVENIENCE . . . GRIPPING! Considering QUALITY and LONG LIFE SERVICE, Goodyear offers the motorist MORE for his tire dollar than any other tire! Goodyear's mighty' purchasing and manufacturing resources have made possible the . world's finest tire that's why more people ride on Goodyears than any other, tires. But there's another reason why Goodyear should be your choice. Our service representing, years of expe rience and the best of factory equipment is back of every tire we sell. We take off your old tire, put the . new one on and are right here to see thai you get SAT ISFACTORY mileage and service. Should your old tires be of any value, you will be credited with every mile of wear left in them. COME IN! Let us show you what "YOUR TIRE SHOP" offers! rr.'ST- OHl'KAN'H, .Inn. 51. A It.ilH'itM ennui writ In May tho rxertition tmimrrmv of Mrs. Atht JSttpmT f .olmilrf nilil Hr. Thoinafc K. IMi.'tvr wa.i irt-nliil Imttiy hy Jtt.h;p Vuyn 1). Ituruh in 1'nitiMl Htntca ihstt U t court. lfc'ft'nm nttorney itonnnr1 lo i itii y l lu- fin lit liunuMliiitt ly to tho rnii.nl blulv circuit cuurt o( np culf, ... Medf ojr3 Service Station Main and Riverside YOUR TIRE SHO:? Phone 14