Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 29, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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i 41
hM TDJinc TDCMn i
"iQ' modern mcreham h;is m
1:1 l:c tin -.analytical approach ii
liis luisinVsO to make it a su -s.-'.';
said JJiivic' 1-:. Favillc. titan
i.f ihe rnivorsity of Oivkuii m-IiouI
i.f business administration, who
was ihf principal sicaU"r at ;h
. hambvr ul' comnif iv- t o r n in
iiflliiK ai lloifi M.-df.ud
this num.
Hi an I'a' IH". a j.-radiiat. ft
Hat Viii d, i.ti'l rcct-ni-d as an
,,ui!-i:-niiinc expert in husim
mhlistral on. i.-hoso as Ins topn
Moif rn Trends of Men-hand
studies hi eonipelitnrs
ci i nst ant inventory of
and methods and keim
ihf trend of the times.
('. t I."innnm, chairman ot ihf
,-ommiitee appointed to inv.-.sti','ati. .
the lVasihility of adojitniK tin-
tuimininity chest hen. ave an
in(fTtintf report on tin- work
tliHic Uy that jii-oup.
That in so mtich as tlie whole- ;
licarted support of llie alvaiinn
Army. U'd cross. Y. V. (". A.,
l'oy S'outs- and Oirl Seouts could
he counled upon in tlie ti 1st ill ni-
lion of charily, they would
i hat could ho logically in
in tin first yoar's campan;
budget, according to the i
M her minor charities v
expected lo become a pari
number, once Hie commun
plan is placed in opera ti
The folio v i n k orija
h:U endorsed thi- inai
i.f the i ommiinity chest f
ity of Medt'ord: Lion's cm
t.iiy 1 ntei'iiillional. KiWanis. .
can l.e'ion. I'usiness and I Women's club. Mini
';is ncial inn. (Ire aler Medl
Ttvl f if :is-(if ialion. I'ruil ir
Ifiiuu.-. Knr.-hts of Coluunn
The 1 1 1 1 r talked of city
lournanient will "pen this eveiunj;
at llrowns with the first name be
tween Ted Hill nf Central l'oini
ami llandd hidden of this city.
p '-it ' 7fi noiiils.
The ha ndionpH of tho tniiriui
inent are as follows: ( 'hris ( bm
lieb. :'5u; Fuji, I'Stt; .Mai n. 'j:.
Ted' Mill. ITT.; John Norris. ITT-: ;
Harold Hiddell. 17;"). Don Super.
who was to have entered at ITTt. i
will not play. The sanies will be :
eio-ely ffdlov.ed by local billiard
Ccast Product
Popular in M edford
I. W. 1 iayes, representative for
A. Sfhiilinn it Co., coast manufac
turers of coffee, ten, bakhur pmv
df r, spiffs and extracts, was in
Med ford today making his llstia I
Mfdlord today lnaKiim nis usua i
with tin- people of Medford and
southern renn, which slmw
that western t'artories and enter
prise is heiim aekmtwledj?r'il by the
1 "".
il'k .RABBEl
It's Growing!
. .
The Blinubkr-lciiftli boh in taking
a rrul place amon fashions oi the
hour for the younner set. hi nniny
high school -t and collcpi's, more tliun
hall the "irla are let tun' their huir
(row to the new length. Thin style
as worn by New York City i;irN in
shown in tlie above photoprupii of
Mi.s Kdaa KahlK-, l!lJ"i Ammiuc Ut
.Miss Itabbe Rays: "I am certainly
delighted that I let my huir mw to
liie mw length now that I havu
lonuil a way to koimi it ea-aly muu-
Tracing; l.iioflv. tho methods -. fcrSi:-v-'J-.' r. .' v a7VM
"ployed by merchants IT jh.- i . 01; 'vMVl
I sill century ui to tho present lijlf '3jC
i I lime, tin- sneaker declared Hint no tt',s?sk -Vt&Mrf Vttra'.r-.iM
nlf reliant will succeed unless 1" Lgi.lflJk f ' C'? iAl '
. .turtle his competitors, lakes a t'W.-.r.u "l&.tecJf
ll, Willi ' WVM
nil i i nun in i nit u iaw..ii-
III I IMIMI I ll I II , k;.' . .Ii ' v.WI: :
J tt&-g:
asoolilc nnd attrattive. My liair It 1 Davis: rountiy storo. Sooty II. ill. ;
ivfr so muih ItiilliiT ami inoro iL'nr- Duko WolliiiKion. Tod Haker. mil!
oils limn it lias twii for tt loiif time, j Bolgor, .John AJoffatt. Heinle 1 iiakor CiiT 7
Anil it is fioo from all traces of dan- Kluhror. (ail TeiiKwald.; iniisle, Bismarck'
dnilT, now-. I attrilmte it improve- i uh Af,.,,I; umls, .11V un.: itolse
mtnt to the method I am mint t"lrinK eveiu,. Jack W oods ;' ".M. IV Denver
earn for it. It's jo popular omonR i ,.mmlU(,p xv, K( ,,,... i Mni'",
the oirl, in my set. All wo do is nut j ,)i(.k Ml.K,. T, Mori inian. i Krosno
i little Damlerinc on onr hrus he, ,-,., u,.K . Kven ti lwm. Helen-,
whenever we use thvui. This make" t ii'iiii.i
my huir no cb-v to dress any way 1 ; Dnmns in llarrel , l1.,,"
want it and it in place an 1 , VALl.K.lo. tal., Jan. if) f'J" "
arranuo it. Danderine hioIic my ; i.U. .Hc.Mahon. iied three. J, n''n x
foulp ami keeps it and my hair . stray wl from lu r mothei's side . J or,,:'"''
ileau. I don't need O rhauipoo more ,,uti, ,.lr .,n,.j n-iKhts honvO)'''''1 'l"rf
than twic, a a.ionth. now. And all , v,.s,,.,.,,.,v f,,, lntll ,..,, , If'sehuru
my friimls mlmitv the wav it m ikes ... . ,1...., n,..i Salt Ijikc City
niv hair so briL'lk and sparkim?.''.
f .1.. Li
iiiiiiicrine nis-E more 10 oiuii; ..uv
the natural color, the clontn and
lustre of your hair, than shampoos
or briiliantine. It removes that oily
film from it, gives it new life utid
lustre. It eleanws und invii.'oraies
1 tie scalp: lielpi overcome iianoriio.
Danderine' is il.lWitfiillv franrnlii-d ;
nut oth, d,s--n t show. All iirii
.lore. ,1,. ..r.,o. 3.V inttleai
n ih.- Villam'it
luh . -i-iii-i it. whuii
"Hi-fi: M tlto First.
Ii ;t! iijii o'clock
" i "iii. trinns had
"ill .(..i- i;i
M-tho.fl! ti;u.'
tonii;lii. T!,.-
a. V ( ?
Wallet Kaul'miui
iT y xf ifiri. j-fl
' T i
i -rtn.
71 If
r 4
if ,
I heir ft! si int nnhie l ion o
is.i.;i), Hie .M.-il Tribune Viitrln
radio ;tnii'Hi litis morniim on the
M. M. 1 1 'pai'tmeut store ctilicerl.
At immi ilie snappy quartet of
i'lie club i I HUcd a fcTuUp of
t hree de lliit U: nuiubf i s on the
ehain'ier of eoinmerei forum
tlJii'lieiiii pi'c,.:i-at:i. and made- a
i i hit with tlx- 1 :m or more
member:: present. '
T'Uiii;ht ! Ion will be chorus
fc-elcetintis (if jiepular tini! rtio sica I
tnu-lc. t ii 1 1 1 jici'.'-ed with niiiic
si ii ids ::nd speeialty kits. which
promise to p:of extreinely j)opu
lar witii ih- Jiiidii'iico. Tlie admis
sion price ill he rinnilnal and the
puhlti- art- extended a enrdi;il invi
t.iiiim. I f1' ! TjMP
' It ihf aitcu'lame til iiKM tinKs
continms to inereasc as much as it
did last ni;;tu tit the blK "Whoo
pee" meet irm of t he local A meri
chij l.ei;ion post, It would be near-
I) ly advisable lo find a u W llieeliliK
pi ace in pro vine i or I lie iieeus in
I the post members. i,ast uitvht's
ie.ninn was one nf tlie best attend
'il in iiinnths and included deteKfi
I lions from Orants Pass and Ash-
la n.l.
The buyims session was short
ami was followed by an entertain
meat program of unusual merit.
ill Orehestra music, under the direc
tion of Herb Alfoid. furnished
i several select ions, followed by a
performance of magical tricks by
Jay (iore. Hiiiff events included
wrest Urn; bouts between .laeb
; Wood and Tummy llyan and Cur-
ley Woods and Dummy I'owell,
I Mrs. M. N. Hosan explained the
.Orrater Medford Community club
t house mnvement and the finance
drive to open February lo for
i Sl' with whifh to construct
'the buildtiiK.
Another icature of the evenings
i eiit t'i'1 a In ttietit v:is the eouiitiy
store anil Kurl Ilavis, who nelrd as
master nf reri'ninnii'S. A "fi-i'il"
was Ctlt-litsht-rl l.y lnoinhtrs of the
auxiliary at thv end of tho irn-
Tin ronimitU'i's In pliarce of thf
U nloi talnini in wore as follows:
.rasler of oerenionles: J-:nrl
. 4.
I . .. ...
.ooiioiain hiaios row
oany ahnotince.i another voluntary
rat0 reduction to Willamette Val-
ey u.ers, w-hirh will save cus-
tmPrs apiToxlmntely r.a.ODO a
yrnr iayt,r. Mail. I
J Klamath KnIN. with total I92
constriicHon of I05.i, 04'i. was
1 k i
l Itituahl Craven
medford ra&, TKrnuyE. iT.DronD.
NT.W tiKl.KAXS, Jan. . c
Thf i untomplatod moo on l'etleral
tourts now has niateriali:'..! in the
lojral fiirht to save Mrs. Ada Hon
ner l.ehpt f and lr. T. I, lh eher I
f rmii hahjiinft; 1'ehi uary I at
1 nmkllii. lur the murder of James
l.ebttuei. hUfhand of Mrs. l.eUuu1!". I
the riitrhi f July 1. ihl'T.
Thrice savl from the callows,
ihf ph.sniau and lhf widow were
disappointed hut riot surprised
h'-n in tor mod in their prison
cells that u state supreme court
laic yesterday refused a ninety
day stay of execution.
t ounscl today intended to carry
their hattle into federal court later
,lV (i
in the week, an dto seek a
from the l nlled SMte sllpr me
eomi. if necessary.
Today with the case auaiu of- I
fn lally cjovornor t.oiur. who 1
1 la i ly lias refused commutation,
the execution machinery ajtalii'
was set in motion lor a double
hanKlm; that may or may not oc
eur m XI 1 riday.
SALE.M, Oi-o., Jan. 29. (V) A
rormidnble Mmlford hifth Hi'hool '
baskeihall tcAm swppt into Kalein
last iimhl and adiniuiKiored u de
cisivo deleut to Salem lil'ih school.
I he Hcuro was 20 to ll. It was Sa
Ihiii's first defeat on Its own floor
m four years. Mnlvin, remembered
us the flashing- star of Medford's
l-.rju flmtball team, displayed no
less ability on tho basket bull court.
Ho starred for tho visitors, scoring
lU pninlH.
The Medford hlb'li School basket'
ball team will return this afternoon
ttom Salem. In deitmliiw the Wil-1
lamcttH valley team tin; squad
Ltowed its - cullber after losing
nines lo tins Krosh and Kooks. A
'1(..ii vjhIlii, hut ti... nii.',niiiin.n
t the college sanies was rather
r-meti next l-Viday a.insi ilto!M,'s,l'iUl 1 Ilhw,l,WKh- How would
Klamath Falls bih v. - -M.ttmt have soumled to the Uit-
nnory. KlamatU Falls last Satur- V!inio
day handed Ashland IiIrIi one of
the wo st defeats m ti.v . -
that school, and are leelin pretty
sood over their prospects hero in
il! K'tnii
Cllir'ACiO, .Ian. 29. Wi Amer
ica's first complete airplane tinnf
table and jllldf has been publish
ed by the. American Air Transport
The 12 paffi; folder is similar to
a railroad time table and contains
the time of arrival and departure
of planes in so cities. All regular
nasenffor lines in the 1 'nlted
Stntes, Canada, Mexico and the
West Indies are listed.
IMaues carry I m; passengers fly
lidjiuo miles daily, the nuidc how
and the total inlleaKe of all com
merelal air transport planes is
about .IS. 000 miles daily.
Daily Meteorological Report
January 20, 1U2!).
l'oi'O asl.s.
Medford ami vicinity: rtain lo
uiKhl and Wednesday. Not much
chance in temperature. Lowest
tonight near 'AH degrees.
Oregon : Snows in east portion
and rain in west portion tonight
and Wednesday. Warmer in north
west portion.
ITenipeinturo ((leu.).... -to 33
lllKhost last U his.) 41 -III
Lowest (Inst 12 Ins.) 32 33
llel. humidity (pel.. 7K !I3
I'l-ecipitnllon (In.) T .or
Stale of weather.. ...Sprinkle Itain
Total tireeipilatinn since Sep
tember 1. 1K2S. 7.12 Inches.
SuiiNot today, f,:22 p. 111.
Sunrlso Wednesday, 7:26 n. m.
Sunset Wednesday 5:23 p. m.
Observations Taken at 5 A. M.
120th Meridian Time
3 3
3 3
Local DatA g
28 fldy.
San Francisco
anta t-o
Walla Watla
" 1 ri-
; ' Q 'O --
u. . I'l' r. jiororoioBisi.
MOLAI.I.A-Kleetric line to b"
extended to farmer from l.tbwrnij
1 , i
21! 20
S 32
.14 2il
24 11
n; s
r,S 4H
is 2S
R4 48
6 il
20 14
44 o s
42 3fi
r, 48
41! ' 24
30 20
8 4
I itri:KHAl'.T KitKihoth Mm
UarK T.urkhaii di-d January
;at the homo of lnr stepson. .Mar
tin hurkhari oi liocuo Kiver.
he lias made her home tin
six years.
l'.urkhart was born April
l!3G. in Marshall county. -
jtliana. ami at the tinn of lit"
I ,icat!i was ;tj years. S montlis aiut
days of ae.
' lecinber lsTU. Kliza-
Iheth 1 1 u il was unitfit to aonn
O'llrian. ami two children. Rosa
mond and llernard w n horn 10
their union.
After tlio death of Mr. O Hrinn.
ho i 1 a me to Oregon in 1 ST'J and 1
has since made In r home in or
mar lioy.if Kiwr.
on June an. isi. she marriel
Joseph llurkhart at Jneksonville :
and was a faithful companion to
him up to his death a year apo.
Mrs. llurkhart is survived by j
her son. llernard O'llrian of Tono-j
p:th. Nevada, and three j-rand-
hildivn. 1-: d w a r d O'ltrin of
-lirams fuss; neuian .iaiow
, Hi ownsville and Hoy Murphy of
Ity Klrko 1.. Simpson. j
WASHINGTON It prttbally i
just as well for the ffeUtiL:s of Oc
taviano A. J-trra'tdn, of .New Mex
ico, the first man of Mexican birth
and parentage, to he elected to
the t'nited Stales senate, that
.Mexii an-Amerlean relations h a d
been ureatly tranoujilzod beluro
his official life in YashinKt"h
In times of sti'fss between the
two countries op various problems,
til' senate has had a way of hehiK
notably frank in evpression and
m.Kht not have paused to con
sider the tender sensibilities of a
man born south of l he line in
Chihuahua state. The Itystander
'("ul ov'1'' remember a tim
the name of t hat stale in senate
debates was pronounced "Shl-lioo-
l lUljitr (.np.
The former Kovernnr of Xev.'
Mexico has the distinction of ha
ing: been elected to the senate for
nbout as short a U rm tis the rec
ord dlse loses. lie cn me in De
cember il and goes out March 'A,
giving- way to the return of Senator-elect
No doubt It is a. circumstance
of New .Mexican politics that led
to the four months' senatorial va
cation for Senator Cutting1. whi
sat t h rough the last session by
app( intment. to flil up to. election
time the unexpired portion of the
term of the late Senator A. A.
Jones. For whatever reason, the
foi met governor will sit long
enough to become "senator" for
ever after.
The I, a rray.olo biography dis
closes that he came to the Tufted
States at tho age of 11 with his
parents, Octavlano, sr., and Dopa
eiana (, "under protection of the
liight Uov. J. D. Sulpointe. Dishop
of Arizona, subsequently arch -bishop
of Santa Fe." and that,
aside from ;i spell at school teach
ing', his public career started as
clerk of a 'f'-deral court In Sow
He is another addition to the
overwhelming- majority of lawyers
in i ho senate. He is not, however,
the only senator born abroad, as
Itinghnm of Connecticut was born
in 1 H 7 f In Hawaii, then a mon
archy, of American missionary
parents; Couzens of M ichlgan was
burn in Ontario, and Wagner of
New York was born in ' iormany.
There are plenty of other senator?
of former years who were foreign
born; but by and large senators
have been of American birth,
which is important since the sen
ate has become Increasingly a
source of vice-president lal t im bel
aud by the constitution only a
native American may hold the
Anol her shorl-'rci'llU'r.
' Another Konator whose time In
tho second session was very limit
ed. Is lecher nf Ohio, fillinu by
nppolntment tho sent to which the
late Senator Willis was elected.
Representative, flurton captured
the remainder of the unexpired
term, but with characteristic cau
tion took no stop to rollmiiilsh his
house seat until his election lo th"
senate wan assured.
Ohio l:jw requires 11 30-day in
terval for reslKnntloii of bouse
members and liurton was not
i-llKlble to take ills oath in thn
senate, for the second lime In Ills
career, until December 15. In the
meantime ' l.oohor was always In
his sent for his laRt week or two
You see countless people who have
intd new beautv. new health and vim.
by fishting excess fat. Some have Hone
a, r.ruw .
clear this by abnormal exercise and diet, some
Itnln in a modern, scientific way. Why. not
fldy. follow their example?
ftdy.l There is away bJSed 00 scientific re
fldy. search. It combats a cause of excess
Itnln fat which starvation cannot fight That
Cbly. method it embodied in Mnrmoia pre
1 -ply. scription tablets, now used for 20 years.
Tidy. Million of boxes of them. The results
Hnonr you ace wherever you look should in
Snow duce you to accept thetn.
Hnow Each box of Marmota contains the
lorrouuL aiso ui reasons lor resuiiB.
. there is no secret, no reason to fear
i harm. You will know that all the Rood
' 'JZOV? uT'd'mi.t
V -
a .1 oox oi rviariDoia,
onr - ciov. ttfsda'y. .tatat?y 1020
s t ""
'UMm!ftl KAirrV&J -UMf-TV
ffiSSI ksSan K2: Ycu
10 FREE Stamps at the Premium Parlor
Bring your book and get your 10 FREE stamps
35c Prints
4 yds. for $1
K.-isI chIoi'imI I'i'inis, li;lit
tri'iis, :ii!-iiii'li will
I vhi-iIs fur
Women's intent --eyelet tie; military lieel
Women's t;in kid sy Arcli-Supiiort Ox
Women's Monde pumps ;unl 1 -si ra s
I Joy's tiiir Flint Oxfords
Men's Work Slices
Men's Dress Shoes
iMina .JeiiU'K siloes tor Women and row:
Women': k inittren s
Sale price.
1 leys1 I )ress Shoes,
Men s I )ress Shoes
Mel 's Work Shoes
of si'iiatorial Mlories, sililioiiMh lH' y,,i ker. who obtained a divorce
did not figure in d botes to an'(Ht Kiltur(lay )lt (;,.,, rity( ,e-
etelU. ! vMfla. -will wed xOnn. Tho tt'lrt Ik
The New Car j
Sunday The new car Is washed.
pedished, dusted, oiled and not ;
driven over twenty miles an hour.
.Monday The new ear is polish
ed, dusted, oiled and not driven
over twenty-five miles an hour.
Tuesdny The new car Is dusted,
oiled ami not driven over thirty
miles an hour. ,
Wednesday The new car N
oiled and not driven over forty
miles an hour.
Tlwtrsday The now car is not
driven over fifty miles an hour.
Friday The car is 'no longer
Ilrokau '1 o .Marry
Clifford Itrohaw. uL', wealthy New
fesiSS. i Th' ale 'a gaining In interest every day, but activities will be
Vy--? 'T'?l.r loreater the remaining daya of this sale because even our clerks are
fl 4?.. ...... bubbling- over with enthusiam. .They.ara telling their frlendo,
: their famlliea, and they are making dozens of new friends every
day through the square-deal policy of this sale in living up to our statementa In every word of ad
vertising. '
Wcdni'Mlay Moinlnif
' n 111 Ml o'clock
( im,iiiti:N s iiKitiiv
itiiuii:i mom:
f hanuialKn. maple, c a m e I.
peach. black and brown.
Inn hark, sizes ,v in ''? 30i; per pair. Q
lor one hour onl. tr.;s
Heat proof stone li(J Hh
heavy nickel franii. Iteiru
lar price for bolb pieces.
r-'.OO. Sale 3 "I A Q
price pj.ti
Central Ave.
Medford, Ore.
. TOMORROW at the
"Miss S ii ikn in- House Orcssrs. At
trm'tivc styles, sell' Irim or eiinli'asliiij;
1'iiliirs. Fust i-oliir to sim ami wnsliinv.
$1,S. 2.19. $2.20 Sj?2.n8.
hulls; sleeved House Dresses. Knsl eiil
oi' prints mill eoitou
$2.19. $2.-15. $2.98. $3.95
s kid one-stran
kid Oxfords
Dalent Pumps, hili or low .heels
trap and Oxlords, values to if
on Children s Shoes
ilso Work Shoes
AUsh Violet Morrison, iili, n New
Vork' nui-He.
WcilnoMlay Afternoon
i!i;i siir.irrs
Full 81x110. broart hem, se
lect iiualliy or pure white
slieetlnii iiialerial. IteKiilar
M.00 each. Kov 4Q
iini.' hour onlv
Kino iiualliy of eolton rib
bed underwear for the hmikIi
school boy in both short nnd
lotiK stecvo, nnkle leimlh.
Ilemilnr 11.00. RfLr
Halo price. OOV
- '.JIS. Sale price $1.49
59. 79. S1.39. S1.98. $2.98
j Klamath Falls plan? to open j
and paVe Ninth street this sprlui;.
i HALKM State prison will Ret,
new 5:t,0ot building.
The Bio Movietone Production
lleautlflll deslRns 111 flower
patterns 'nnd multi-colors.
Hemilnr I.OO. CtQ
Kale prffo OO C
Fry first qunllty In stem und
footed styles. masses or
sakrd plates. Colors umber,
blue, rose and green. Hemi
lnr 3 for ft. Oil. Sato price,
for set d1 AQ
of six P
ti. in 20lh foul ury
irovry Store
-'"3 .'!J
11 I.H i
Pantie Dresses for
Women $3.95
Somet liinn new in similiter
:lresses for women, l'rinled
lironilelol h n;inlie dresses--dress,
lilooiner.s nnd lirnssier
to ii.Mt.-i. $3.95
Smocks $2.19
I 'lain eolored Sinoelis nr Cre
Iciiim1 Sinoelis, extra lieiwy
$3.95 to $4.95
863.95 to $5.95
...$5.95 and $5.00
$2.98 to $3.39
$3.29 to $3.98
,.$2.98 to $3.89
Fisk Tires
And Tire Repairing
And a Complete Stock of
Medford Vulcanizing
' WorJts
Slxt'fr'and Fir Phone 180
IP5 3
II Appropriuto Clocks for III
j each room, nccuralo tlmo III
II hoepers, in (IcrIkhb that III
II linrmonizo porfectly with HI