Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 25, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    P3T3E TWO
urEnForcn irKTfj trtrttxe, arEProim, otieoon'." frtda Y.jxxr ar y 2.-. i k
ocal and
One of Vi
cliilil WflfHr
It was Klli-ry RoJuji fnr pfflK
trlans and nutns this m'uniiiK '
mtiHP rain wlilrh fell during last
A ,1 I.
pavement. This mornins and early i lh ,..,.,. , n.,ti,tn.,i tts,rir
nop. and HiinnhJni prvaiifd re-
mainder of tho day. Tiie i-i hnurw !
precipitation ending ni & n. ni. tn-
t'ld next month,
c Hie
lljiruains in '.
' Kanper E. J. KodKei'H of the Cra
mer Natione! forest .stuff spent yp-
terdny in the like t'reekeetion
) making a count ut the Kn.Qtpu cai-
lie, nil of which have heen in front
Ihe ranyo for KOlrieliliic. He i--,fiilH
(several thousand catilit in his Un-li-ict
of the foret, which, heeunwe
of the preHent iiurntjcr. inn hardly
receive more in icrazint; season juid j mot row. Al. M. ict, suae, itu',
Uulficli-nt iiasinre for all. Jlarmer, M.fciaKe Hcciisch were Usti.-d at
idHiKerj4 - lerriuiry i-jh-imih iroin uie H.ik'H (,frj, ,. , irrv,
Miircu.M of Med ford and I.aphn.i..
forenoon w. ro lugKy. nn.l -Mou.!!- ; ," !, ',"",, , " . ' . , . , . '' " '-?s '" ''
" i . raiiiori iinn i.iiiian nejiM-r win
cade ranae. ' of jin i-vam Lsc...
l(i not fornei the Model Clothing ; .Vcw hotony flannel
day was .us of an inch, and ra 1 m"HH"s "avP amv
iu roice.Kt fnr lia.iL-lit and Km ur- lluAn 1 Kal" JM.'tf
"Chnrls" Rep. Phone 479-M.
Mrs. Sadio Allen. 282tf
clay. O
Vrca lunch, chicken Kandwiches, ,
rtance Kivernide t'ommunity Cluh, ,
Hatunlayiuht. 30i; j
Dixie chili
. M. (Jteitl.
See theTe-w pleated silk and wool iral avenue
sklrtH. Slier la 1 $!.!)& nt Ai)rienne'n. Dance, Lake t'r
will meet wtill
IJii South fcii-
l'i'liliiv J-'chriijiiM.'
k Satunlay nite. i
Director Hand flutuchall of the I f
ciini.jjryr intant confci ciice.s ,f .in: (.rant.-. l'a. municipal hainl, stated
year Nras held Tuesday afternoon ("day thai the orffunlzat L-tJi is plan
at the t'anip W'lthus auti camp on niriK the formation of w,iys' hand
North l:r.siiie avenue, with a , in I lie city, with 1o pieces. Twenty
la n:e ihi in Iter of mol hers and in one mem hers have a In udy heen
faiiis present. The next clinic will signed with the uiiderstandinir that
full instruction N to he Iven hy
iiicmiici-K of the ciiy hand. (Jtani.s
l'as t "oiiricr.
Dance, l.ake t'reek HatUrday nite.
'mi oi 1 7 temporary auto li-ci-nses
!viied at the heriff' office
ycsierd.iy. only one was for a new
:niloiin.l.if, and -4 were issued to
Medi'tird motorists.
foal hy the sack or ton. Tel.
03!. Medford Fuel Co. tf
Kive i, ut (,f the .slate ears rej-is-lercd
ht i- yeierday with the lieal
stale aulo trafi'i'D hureau.
Dance, Jackson springs Cluh,
S i' )ft v. :po;
1, 1
d at Adrietuie"
lleihi rt .lore s of Cold Hill, Wil
lis Morgan of Sams Valley. James
Creaser of Talent and N. H. I-or-of
Ashland were anions the
ou( of town vivilors in .Medtotd to-
3 0ti
James -M. Itnhb and Florence F
lunch, chicken sandwiches.
la uce Kl vet-Hide 'omiiiuuliy ''hi),
Saturday nltfht. ami
D. It, Dyrne of t'lilloipiin and
W. A, Arnold of Klamath l''a)l.s
are anions the visitors In Medford ,
from the Klumaih section who ar- :
rived yesterday.
Do not fortiet the Model ClnthhlK
Company's IjIk SliO.O'io .stock dis- j
tnnA ot V..llr.'B Ur.t i.rl.r 'I I. T. I U-k, t u . I, l.'l,,. I I i'W" ' Will'. JUall'i
The Medford school of music will I riKation district, who ur tryinn to I l'''inaster Warner in still con-;
Kiw ,n popular students' recital break a contract with the power! tln1 to ,iiH hori"' wi,h " 1,11,1 rohl-I
concern, are re-monslhlo for lhe',,H ' ,,in' n-ue oi uie Pom
Wood all kinds onk, laurel,
Tedriek, both or Medford, obtained fir and dry slabs. Medford Fuel
a marrlnito license Thursay and Co. Tel. G31. tf
were married by the head of the Heprenentatlves of the Califor- j
nuivaiiun Army nrt. urnnin rum i ma treon rower coinjainy were
Courier. i hero Tuesday to oppose a resolu-
J)o not forpet the Model Clothing , tion asking the legislature to tue
Company's bin S20,uuu stock dis- j moralize cotikicrh to pass a hill
posal sale. e 1'Ufitf icrmlltin the 1'nitcd States to be
this evening at 8 o'clock. In the
recital hall nt the Sparta building.
Violin pupils of liernice Holder,
piano pupils of Mrs. M. R. Core
an vitieo pupila of Mrs. tJeorge An
drews will ho heard.. Interested
friends are invited.
There will he 300 quarts of fancy
homo, canned fruit on sale at the
Public Market tomorrow. K. K.
Stump. 20 5
Danre, Ijtko Creek Saturday nil".
;uis(.t from a dis'anre registered
nt Medford hotels include Mr. and
Mrs. T. .1. Morgan of Washington,
11. C, Fred CI. Mverts of Denver,
Colo., Mrs. Cynthia Siulre of New
York: and Madeline and ouise
Kam of Detroit, Mich.
His llnsement Sale Shoes tomor
row. M. M. Uept. Store. 305
Free lunch, chicken sandwiches,
dance lUversido Community Club,
Saturday night. 3U(i
Mr. and .Mrs. Hurl Coo returned
yesterday from Kan Francisco. Mr.
Cue 1h hhUI to be Hportlnu; one of
the new derby and enne combina
tions. Kineald'fl dunco, Eawlo Point, Hat.
Hot, clean coal. Tel. 631. Moil
ord Fuel Co. If
Jtounty warrantu were Issued at
the county clerk's office today to
Jtaymond Muyfleld of Heagb'. one
coyote; Harry FnrnHworth of Kagle
Point, one coyote: J. It. MeAllHler
of Uko creek, one coyote; It.
Romo of Emu In Point, three royoeH I
nml ono bobcat. j
.Watch for the Wntulns produets
ftoUcltor, or phone Mrs. W. N
C-ampholl, 388-lt, or call at 115
Klmr Ht. 300
Bent Utah lump coal. Tel. fifll
Medford Fuel Co. tf
Mr. and Mm, W. D. Hnnderson
arrived this forenoon from Sac
ramento to visit several days hi
Medford with friends and relatives
while en route to npend a month
With relatives In Portland, whore
they formerly resided.
Occultist here for-a Hhnrt time
only. Treatments for health and
happiness. Lovo offering. "Writ
ten character analysis. Houih 10
n. m. to C p. m. 14 H. Hortlett.
Apt. 1. 309
Klncald's dance, Eagle Point, Kat.
resolution. The board of directors;
of the distreit also were here. Sa
lem Statesman.
Dance at Walker's Sat. night. 301
Watch for tho Wat kins products
solicitor, or phone Mrs. W. N. i
f'rimK1l IQfi-l'l fnll rif 1 I T. ' I
King Ht. 30li
Included among the Dregonians
registered at Medford hotels are
.Mrs. Dorothy Moo of Mnrshfield,
(I en. II. Craves and Wilbur Wilson
of Salem, Albert Masters of Ore
gon City, M. II. MileH of KngenV,
and the following from Portland:
II. (I. flosshing. Lew ltussell, C. I,.
IJndsey. Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Hunt
ington, U. t. Smith, (!. F. Fallman.
W. W. Waters, Helen Myers and
CI. H Schtnrhelm.
Fresh ocean fish. Public Market
Saturday, from Hlxes, Oregon. 30S ,
Coal by the snck or ton. Tel ;
Medford Fuel Co tf
Mrs. (I. M. Hoberts left Wednes
day night for Portland for a f'W -
dav visit.
Royal Neighbor Lodge benefit
dance at Jacksonville Sat. night.
Fresh Rmeu arriving dally n
fohnsnn's Market. tf
Discrimination tin tle
eiduous fruits of Oregon In freight
files to eastern destinations Is
ehnn-ed In a brief filed this week
at Washington. D. C by the public
service com mission tif Oregon in
lis appeal for reduction of freight
charges on apples, peaiH and other
fresh fruits, to the interstate com
merce commission. The Hood Ulv-
r Traffic association, the Hoetie
Hlver Valley Traffic association.
the Fruit (J rowers league and the
Medford Chamber of f onum-i
Joined with the public wervlce com
mission In the argument su limit -
Regular dance, Eagle Point, Hat.
30 li
Cheap lumber and cedar nnt
Medford Lumber (O. 237tf
J. D. ltussell of HusseH'-t, inc..
returned yesterday from a business j
trip of ten days to southern Cali
fornia, but during a large share of
'ilmence wan n victim of Influenza.
Cet your tnmales from Pat' I
Texas Tamale House. Day or night.
Steamed aervlce. Hc each or $1.00
per dozen, delivered, fil'3 No. Kiv-
erslde. Phono HOG. 300
Let mo wrlto your flro Insurance
Carl Y. Tenpwald, I-Iotol Holland
Phone fliia if
Italph Cowglll, who had spent
several duys In Medford on busi
ness, left Wednesday evening for
Portland, where he has been mak-
'titf his home since November. He1
Is still engaged in making a sur
veyor the Uogue river and at the
present time finds his duties closely
associated with tho state legisla
ture now tu session.
Cheap dry lumber at Medford
Lumber Co. 237tf
Try Peggy's permanent wave.
Emma Clino'B Shop, Liberty Uldg.
Phono 454. 300
Frd Tebben. representative of
the St. Paul Fire and Marino In-
otrnnro company, traveling out of
Portland, Is In Medford for a few
days on business, having arrived
late last night from Klamath Falls.,
Mr. Tehhlu said Mia tllto roads were
W I hanked on both sides with snow
LrOD I from Klamath Falls to the (Ireen-
m I spring grade, hut that the road
from this side of the (Ireenspring J
was better.
Dance, Kagte Point, Sat. night.
Hoy Oelnger of Chtloquln, who
has been In Medford for the past
few days visiting- local friends and
transacting business, returned to
his home yesterday.
Hot, clean coal. Tel. 631. Med
ford Fuel Co. tf
Ammm tho Callfornlans register
d Ht Medford hotels are Mr. and
Mls. Cienrire Hattie. CN Webh and
A. M. (loldsteiti of San Francisco
and H. T. Millard of Sacramento.
Fresh smelt arriving dally
Johnson's Market. tf
The public market yesterday
morning was below average, bu
with Indications of good wea'her
tomorrow, Saturday's market Is ex
pected to be unusually Kond. Ar
rangements have been made for a
good supply of dressed poultry, in
addition t othe usual lines of late
produce In stock at thin time of
the yenr. The market will be open
until 4 o'clock til tho afternoon and
will enable att-riav shopping with
ease. Another fe.ure of tomor
row s tnareKt ut expected to he
nr.j(ttiAnll.. .,.n,l -,,.., I.. ,.f
conked foodstuffs.
Regular dance, Kagle Point, Sat.
30 fi
A surveyor's transit wan report
ed missing today to the police de
partment by John llynn, employed '
at the new Catholic church now
under construction.
Doors and windows cheap nt
Medford TAimher Co. S7tf
A probate court order, ehvdns
the estate of Dillon H. Hill, local
orchnrdiRt who died last year, was
on file today nt the county clerk'p I
Dance, Jackson Springs Club.1
As our speicial
for tomorrow
we will offer
Made of pure creamery
butter and generously
filled with Sun Maid
On sale 9 A. M.
Southern Oregon's
Finest Bakery
Phone V
.ifrii'i. iiii'ii'ii i ut;rr ' - ibi
miih-k: hh...: i4-ri.
prlira ilfii-iiiK wile. -M. M. ! Ln.uuy1"iL, rnvncu' I r
I s.,,,--. :nr, THE SANITARY WAY : J
r'rfmrJ EJ franklyn batie' 'kelo bwds. t I
riivXMImmw J perkhdff troupe I .
iVtvmwvmf I B M ; f :1 n hL 1 ' I -T-Ti H III
Mmmfii prices $i h $3 ndtax I i
PrBSmmlI.-?!". now . P
. . ' llll
'II i M vS illl
vm . ! mm
I tm M 1 1
V Just as we predicted, every- IrmhIIIJ V I
u.., ... .... .C. VifJ- -JWJI I ll
T uuuy jm telling us 11 a lue lOT-lV IStfi I X 1 1
j greatest of all j j
f Yll
? - ? llll
i : nnHflr TniiiBirnn i nil
I A Ml Iianh I fl lIAIHilLlik' A llll
y HDisisiii nun uriii m
A H il f llll lllll II llil A III
v iiii
IV With fl
t .... - r, . . V 'HI
iiu urciu unsi oi ranting fsiars . I
t t llll
X f "d . 1 X III
X 1 U1UX1T BUK1. iAI-T-m T III
Admission l Mil
M" 10 and 35 TALKIES I
X Eves 25 and 50 I X I
: ? I
I 1 CKiTdHnMil I
i try in"
I l I
I Richard Aden in "Manhattan Cocktail" I I
. , a ; .
Food Costs
The old-fashioned grocer who volunteered to bring his neighbor groceries on his
Way to supper surely didn't realize what he started Service upon service has
been added until today distribution costs have piled one upon the other until
prices have become so high that for lack of a better reason we still blame it onto
the war. :'
Let us prove this statement to you come in and shop the self-service way Buy
your foods where distribution costs are kept to a minimum where, every effort
has been made to "save all cost which adds no value" In other words where it
costs no more to be sure of quality you can always set a better table fdr less.
. ,
Medford's finest home-style bread
has the flavor because baked with
out substitutes. Buy it every day 2
loaves for 15c.
Tomorrow: : ,
Mb. loaf 3 for 20c
U-lb. loaf 10c
More of that fine quality fruit like
you bought last Saturday Direct
shipment from the San Francisco
Take all you want lb. 5c
Klamath Potatoes fine quality
50 pounds, limit one sack ...... 69c
Imperial Valley Lettuce, each .... 5c
Carrots, 3 bunches 10c
Beets, per bunch 5c
Radishes, per bunch 5c
Green Onicns, 3 bunches '. 10c
Chula Vista Fancy Celery,
2 bunches 25c
Cocoanuts fresh shipment just ar
rived, 2 for . . 25c
Oranges more of those fancy Sun
kist Southern Navels jusl the
size for the children, 2 doz 35c
Crystal White Soap, 10 bars 35c
Hams sugar cured and sweet
or whole ham, lb 29c
Graham Crackers the famous Tru
Blu Honey Grahams, 44 -lb. cad
dy, for 59c
Jolly Time Pop Corn, per can 10c
Clorox, per bottle 15c
Royal Anne Cherries fancy pack
No. 2 can, 3 for 65c
Del Monte Spinach No. 2 can
3 cans for 50c
Snow Drift Shortening, 8 lbs . . . $1.59
Wesson Oil, quart can 43c
Wright's Silver Cream the best
silver palish, per jar 23c
O-Cedar Mcps wiih handles 69c
Vim Alarm Clccks 89c
O-Cedar Oil, gallon can $1.59
Palm Olive Toilet Preparations
All 50c and 60c articles 35c
Silk Hose
Women's Full-fashioned Silk Hose
in all colors. Regular $1.75 and
$2.00 valyes $1.33
Grape Fruit
California Grapefruit 3 sizes.
6 for 25c
8 for 25c
12 fojr 25c
Ready at 11:30 Roast Veal Mashed Potatoes
Gravy Cauliflower au Gratin ButteYed Bread
Coffee of Milk 25c
All Day Hot Chili. .. .10c
Use our Free Parking Lothile Shopping in Our Store.
'i. .
Eloctrothernpy Chiropractic
Dr. H. Tb Coleman
!'th Successful Year In Medford
Treatments by Appointment
Medford Center Bldg. Phone 96"
Naturopathy Food Science
Fred Gottfried Amos Turnbow
Expert plumbing, heating and j oil and Hour ir. Ophomb !
sheet metal repar shop. ; JL COMPLETE LPANINA AMD
We specialize on service at reas i 1 E -50
onable prices. No job too small. " DYaUNO SERVICS '
219 N. Grape St. Phone S74 i
s 1 4 aval j ' m
i.I4fc--sf-.-!. m
These Drug Stores
Are Open Nights
This Week
Medford Pharmacy '
Heath's Drug Store
Strang's Drug Store
First Insuiaance
A. L. HILL, Manager
Phone 105 SO N. Central
Medford. Oregon
Star Bftat Market L
. o
Picnic Hams per pound 20cO
Hams half or whole, peround . . . jftc
Home Rendered Lard per pound . . 16c
Beef ot Roast per pound 22c
Beef Short Ribs per pound 17c
We Deliver
Phone 273
Satuidsy. 306 1
U 1