Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 23, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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. Dally, Sunday, Watslf
rububed tv tbf
8. flUMI'TKK 8MITU, ftlaUiager
An Independent Newipaper
liiilered u second clan matter at Modoid,
Drtnuii, uitdor Act uf March 8, 1870.
Hf Mall Id Advance
Haily, mitb Suodaj, year $7.50
unit, uiiu Buouav, nuDin ,?a
Unilf, ilbnut Sunday, year.; 0,50
Dally, without Sunday, month. . .06
Weekly Mall Tribune, one year.,... ., 2.0U
Buiuay, otie year
Editorial Correspondence. )f-&
19. The flood Ship Sedan had a
new unrt Interesting experience to.
day. . Continuous rain. now for .six
days, hud loft It somewhat nulled
and bodraggled. Bo It wo Kent to
an auto laundry. The auto laun
dry was an Interesting experience.
Here the G. S. S. wus given a.
practieul demonstration of Amer-
lean business efflcleney
will save both money and time.'" A
perfect crumple of. why America
economically leads the world, -i
. ;. .11 yia still raining, hot-dogs and
multese kittens. The J.o Angeles
Times frankly stales It will con
tinue tomorrow, but will, clear 'on
Monday. The Indian guide at (he
hotel stales It may rain for three
weeks, That's what It did Just two
how ltJ'ears agp when, the U. S. S. 'a
2.00 i works and why It succeeds so sen- , B'.randed at Lajolla for .ten days.
wun an .riogeg out, .ana ' mllK
Hy timer, la AGTBnee In alnuorfl, AtlilaiMl, : fltinnnllv At the icaraize they said
iKkMinillt, Cantiii I,iat, Photnli, Taitiit, Sold "auonaliy. At me garage iney sain
ii:i ... ' in .i. . Ihnif iinii J nut litiuaa inn fttf W nun.
Hill and on Hltttimra.
Daily, vltli Sunday, month $ ,T5
nil ly, wiinuui. nuiiuay, munio. j ui'.i... ,,, i,a q
lull iiiu.ur Bund;;, atm vai... ' T rio 1 charge would be. ?3.
they could not have the car wash
ed In lens than two hours and the
Oily with Sunday, one year...
All trrnn, cash In imanee.
ItttcJvfnc Pull Leaded Wire Hrnt
Tfce Auuclated Presa is welusirdy entitled to
the aft for- publication of all new dbpatclws
cmiKM m it or otnwwisa credited in thu papei
and a 1m to the local news publlhhd herein.
All right for publication of ipecial dinpateh-
nerein are am resened .
QfflcJal paper of Ute City of Medford
Official paper of Jaekaon County.
Svora dally aterage circulation for ill month
f IMSi 3H.
Adfcrtlnlng TVeprenentatli" '.. '
Offices Iih tie York,' Chicago, Detroit, flan
, fnncifico; Los Angles, Seattle, Portland.
Ye Smudge Pot
. . By, Arthur Perry
: Bnvoral . local - aiiatoinicu have
again Bono pcmocratic,. -and the
. flu Is In their .rnldst. . Man is an
egotist.- Many' T.eiort they have
tfono through the flu, when hh a
matter . of fact,, the tin went
through them. -- , .
i Iudy ; Ford Co,upo of the lotenl
Jniltution BiltlHh Hot, haH beooiuo
if; KtrttuoHQuo and pit'tureBque
lilonriu, . ho - cold .tine Khuuld Join
Gtini, Byrd -expedition to the
South PoId. and thaw out.
At the auto laundry, a brisk
brought over from. San picgo in
UoaU, Everyone nay the farmers
need. It-and everyone hhould re
joice for their sako.- The water-
Personal Health Service
. ; ; . ;' By WJLUAM BBAOY, M, P.
Rnfflluh nnrl un Povllah klr- ,tt f
mnnding the Irish, that ran' away
i while the Irish .were still f ;hting.
!. This 'is the day of masa produc
tion. The MuskeKon TlBton Rinx
Company ha" (irdero from the
Chevrolet company for 00,000 rinKB
a day, anothur ' order for 100.000
rings a 'lay to supply old model T
;rord cars, of which 8,000,000 are
. ' ' tHtill running, andtto.ouo rings a da'
WHAT T1IK 1IKAI.TU AVXHOK1T1KS NEVEIt . TEIX. - x for new Kurds and fortlsons. That
The eiieral run of health a'u-. ranirff of anvhodv wi,o m,;.'lJ means piston rings n day,
Slynod letters pertalnln to personal health aod hrglene, not to dlmae diagnotii n
tnent, will be answered by Iw. Braiiy If a aUtnued. aelf addrvsacd errveloD la incloaed.
UlU( abould be brief and written lo M'k. Owlhf to the larg number of latter re
ceived, only a few ojtn o nwefd here. No reply can be made to queriec not ouufora-
ng to tiiauiirttoiia. Addreaa un William Brady, in ear of uw nawapaper
thoritleH in thlii country vare till ; have
holding out for- the .noh-lnfoctluuu
"eu!d." That U
prea u manly ; an
illnesa one getH
youns man in a white miit, gave I melon crop in the Imperial valley
uu a check, HKfd the ear would be should be a record-rbreaker, but
ready in 15 minutes, and the charge
would be $1.50. . ' 1
Thero you are! Mukh production,
n better product at a reduced price
to the Individual customer.
the skipper wants unshlne.
- Too bud about Colonel Thomson;
the L. A. Times reportH he hus been
tranaferred- to Ymomi'c. . Crater
Iake Iohuh un efficient manager,
In 15 minutes the car rolled out and Medford h gentleman and a
clean uutHide and in, and forking I scholar alno a unlciue combination
over the fl.50 we went on our way
rejoicing. Not only was It clean,
but poliahed and tho inside care
fully combed with a- vacuum
cleanei. -" ' '
Curs were going, in the laundry
and coming but. like KutiKaguti out
of a Hausago machine. One man
did but one thing, und according to
the brink a'.tendant, there were 21
hands at work on- tho car In
15 , minutes. Que pair of hands
attended only to cleaning the win
dows, another only to drying thorn.
The car as a whole was hulsted
up in the air and given a pressure
shower which took all the dirt off
In two minutes. ! - . r- . i
; Mrs. .LvloiTurnuT' hus rueuvonid
from ft slight operation performed
upon her yesLerday (Meacham
Newvi.) J'orenoon or afternoon.
i 1 (A I. lfHii:li)
K r'WAHHINOTON, .ftiri. 2 If.
AJP) Tho senate today adopted
a, proposal t by Senator Harriu
; 'of CJedrglrt, to frlve the presl
' eJent fit4.000.00O to ho used
i uh ler hl, porsohal diroctlon
;( t'd." enforce j.tho itrohibitlou
i Miw.- v Tho house. HtIM must
Specialization again. It will be
only a question of time when the
car owner will no morn .vend his
car to- the garage to be 'cleaned
than' send his collar to the haber
dasher for the' same purpose.- The
dirty enr will go to the laundry,
for cleaning, greasing adjustments.
e'c.; to the garage for, storage and
repairs: aln the service station for
gas und olbr. Everyone will make
more ' money,' vhile. ifie1 ttonfeumer ;
of successful author und smart-golf
playeiv Most . successful . uuthort
are rotten golfers.. Hut the Col
onel shoots better birdies than i)ie
does hyperboles, 'However, there
is this much for consolation, Med-.
ford and Crater Lake will get some
good advertising at Yosemlte -hereafter.
- Thero Is one quality utr ex
Medfordites have-r-they never full
to have a soft spot in their hearts
for'the old home town, and aren't
backward about expressing it. Oood
luck. Colonel, if you are gone when
we return! "
In spite of the. rain, the airplane
beacon on the mountalut,op to .the
northeast t J a s h e s regularly at
nigh- They,, are , also Resting out
a n.ew.- light for. Xogsvriich may
or may- hot .KIye,,the Kiost serious
problem, -of alipiaiHi transiJortatign.
-IiV- the early, morning one can hear
the droning gfg .the oustijound air
plane, shouting above;. Tejon . pass.
On the pother side Is the. Mujave
desert find Death Valley, where. a
majorltvof (he- local Mvdford col
on.v ,Avih I hey wcrurund.. ultimately
intend-to. b'. 1 - K. M', H
a "cold."
more tho. n 7MQ0 fl year.;
. rcreiuilal Yarn.
I gome people laugherUwhen Hetiry
jKord said he meant to build 10,000
automobiles. AutOmoblla makers
R. E. sends from thu wilds of .said he would rulnf the' business.
from- chilling or Wisconsin the. 784th . clipping ,1 destroying its credit by1 such vex
, foine such cause, i ha,vu received about the . "dls-jtravagant statements. He has made
and not from In-i coveryV of-a Vienna doctor.-that jlB.UOO.OOO cars.- , (
. fection. No uub-'u man may - be nourished with " ' . .... ' ' ' '
lie hen th author- toad . through his skin, if .onel V11,!;.1;1,1116' head ,xh? University
ity I think ven-l now just what, food substances if Michigan, one of the youngest
tures i to define er to-uso and how to rub 'em In. Ainerlcnn uulvereity presidents, re
describe the .' ill- aaka mo; to comment on 8'3D8" ? ' , 1 '
uismoo . me vii .... .,,:,....,,, . : . He . advocated 'a "Bane form or
. ness. . or to Indl-itn .amazing qiscoery. . h . . u. D..,1.
cute-, how dnybociyi. ,phys:cla'n; or! , Anwer-I.,.haye , commented, on t " . rn; .aph to
layman can distinguish such art
1 ness. from, an In e.t ous d sease f: of. the -American Revolution, that
in case nuch distinction ' should the-country toy a ear. .or ..more. OPnhnhK. u.nillH hnVft kA11 Prflnlt.
UAAin nanouuiiu- t-J'n' .... 1K freitV. SOOI1 HID WOllOClTUl I1CW T. - . -
authority, I believe, would acpc'. restorritlvo,. ,vtreatii.cnt or remedy
,n good- faith a report of; Ilrhea8: wUt .bloqnno. dpubt.v . . . , ,
or: death frbrn- such' it rionirifciiVi '-Tlia? ,'Receiit; ;Near-Kphlcinltv -tinuR,
disease If a-phyyllart Should j i Wefidfe. hoping, though hardly
chobsb to '.-record, ""cold" ;as- tjie expecdhg, .to find some allusion In
nature of 'Illness or the icuiiso of your column .to tho -announcement
death. No, ; these, health offlcerriithut. the .prohibition .'-authorities
who su;. obstinately- Insist', tliiit: intended to .permit physicians to
chilling or exposure . does, eauso preserlbo nioro than .the establish
some kind; of ilnon8 other than od limit of lifiuor ' during the flu
frostbite tipparehtly: mean it for j epidemic H. . t
popular consumption1, not for" piir-j Answer Boy. that nighty is too
pose of vital stat sties. ;. ; llnrge for you. I have already
Here In a -bulletin IsMUed 'to the !aid that lhc ; late - flu : scare was
public by the health officer of a-largely-whooped up by our fede
largo city I find nine ctfuses of j n bureau, and .1- believe some
behind and pusiieu
. Un,-. Jeffe.son and - surely. 'Tom
, : "... i
I ' T T . I i
Conning to Hunt sraternnvr 'r;
I ' Scene from HrTht Mom Towntrs f -
colds" listed, thus:
1. The contagious factor; pass
ing it from one to-. another:'
3. Ovcrheatlne: and ' u n o v e"n 'prescriptions.
room' tempei-ture, ' J ;; 1 j.
. 4. , Insufficient ' hiimldlly. ; ,
0. . Fatigue and Wk' :of . -' cxii'
clso. . ; : v.n!..,'
6. ' Improper diet, 'v Vrl r:
7, Iiregular bowel 'movements.
t.S, ' Irritant' 'dust! and' emoke.
Xack .of' sleoh'.v :
doctors got
the scare along for all . they were
worth -when they learned that the
limit had been lifted . on booze
', -;:; .: .'. ';, ; ....
'; Kindly toll, jno Whether a 'enll
Stoha onc-hnlf ' Inch :ln diameter
can1 .1)bv 'detected .by X-ray or flu-1
Pnyne, from addressing the daugh
tors.'.. .' " .1". ; , ..'" . , , .
Dr. I.tltle will find a inh "Home
where elsei perhaps, farther west, j the railroads Justifies uouliliig the
That vigorous Vlittlo'girl,". Texas j ''V1'"0-
Oulnun ot the night clubs, has - Perhaps Vnrle Ham culls It
beaten Uncle Sum's efforts to prove ! ocononiv to spend Tour billion be
that she conspired to defeat the i canae there, are moio figures nUovj
prohibition law. - Thirty . others ar-j than below it. ' .
rested and accused are' also re- '' -' i :
correct this sentence: "I bought
none1 of the peddler's linen," Raid
leased, land will live to dispense
liquid refreshment another day. , .
It is easy for-detectives to. get
evidence if they have public ihoney j
to spend getting It. Hut It seems i
rhn. "but he still bowed and smiled all over. When the stomach fails to
Internal Health
by Nature's Own
If you arc sick inside you arc sick
v.;hllp! packing up to leavd.)'
Servants' would work for ?2 a
difficult to convince
....... i
a Judge and i week In. tho North, also, if they
dipcKt its food, vou arc standine at the
threshold of a series of ailments that -may
end in a complete physical wreck.
Internal health means Health tnrougn-
:.t Quill Points
could "tote" $'25 worth of rations. ' 0ut the body. Keep your stomach and.
Poace treaties arent worthless. ou8 by gnHng them the natural stimu
Ihey. prevent almost everything iation o( ,ile roots bark3 an(j herbs
except fighting. . contained in Tanlac. .
'Americanism:.- Throwing ciicu-
Of ennrxe nrntilhtllntl mamrxmR ,nIU 1,10 wasl nasKet; spenu-
broscoulc' examfhntlon.- Ms onera-'ihHif At . nramnt--' iiHmm iwonla I ,n.' your -money to buy circulars
tron' tho onhcure for gallstones? mnxt '- n. .' i iin for tho other fellow's waste bask.
.-JTi.- H-- f.r;
V-Answ'eL- It depends oil the com.
You can't tell which group elect-
Thc-V Koeond-"cause -'Jlow'cred .res'itlon of tho -.stone. Gallstones ed Hoover until you see which one
hodj'y.-' resistance'! exIslSi .-b'nly' fln!d,tlanlng ..litflo oal(lu( or-'-iirln- is maddoHt boeauso It can't run
I the imagination of - tho v writer. . clpttily composed or - enoiester.n, tilings.. . ' : ,
1 There hi-no sclentlriq evidence that may.'npt he discovered by X;ray. , ' n a .' .
i.. i. ......I... : ' Tn .'hiint t Mrn.thin). nt -tho Uefenslve war: . One In -which
m.c... 'if i'i,; 1,1,.., ih w,ii,.i. is-iases'.does the. x-rny: give cvl- 5'ou tbot, Hrown because you -know
j; The (leriuau cannon in the city
park, 'thnt 'pelched shot and shell
dui'ing 'lhe, . is ; noy full of
sparrows.' - V-. ' ." : .
; ;A;hoiiKr . 'orrri. bf-.uur leaning ultl
2ns'hs.iw.disCloVed oiitie. . lie Is
about ithd' sixth vliftlin: The best
!' to. 'old ;thlH f-ito -fit to duck.
1 ';, .The,-' ,aro- In revolt be
. CiLuso.'. their; iiueeh''! re'nuived her
TeU.' exp'o'slhV' .face fair enough
to." smoke a plgst'otto, when yea rn-
Irig for a, phieo, of. candy.
' i'-.l!'.' .-r 'v - -j. ' ' : '
; ...Money wMt bo smailei- after July
1... ''This dobs Wt . make .much dif
ference tb' -th'e.jnasses, as they are
ohly -whistling posts for the snme.
;Houseclcanlng has broken out
among tho Womenfolks, hut as yet
has . .not - reached the .epidemic
i&ttp'.i They ;wrap a towel around
their hmds,. and pound a rug with
u- uolf-ntlck. i ,: - , ' ,
trying to convey refers to liiimh-iUe"-
. it Ity, he shotifd suy ho. Tho
trouble Is ; -that " -"1JworerL. Jmpiu-'l
J Tho lillto Tin DiK-tor.
I.-'havo been taking compound
he'll act nasty about your ifiteaHv
his horse. .- c- . V -'
Jilty.".; Isn:t; .so. eiwv to toss : off It syrup liypoiihosiihltos ' which .was
you jiavc-any scienVfic knowlcdgo jecororoenaea . vy irumuu- 4 cabinet.
I Oeimany, . alleging that she
v-unts to pay her-wnr- debts, cbilius
she was the .recipient of a "hard
lieace.'.' . Home- statesman should
arise nnd announce that 11 was
'Ihnild war',-1 - .. .. r . -
(iJ'The leglslaturo. Is .acauittlng.
lisflf . '. . . ."(Salem Statesman.)
They better. I The consensus tot
dptnlon Is for .conviction.
'.. ", TI1W -UlfliOMAT
f'.ceno: Nowspajier office.
(Oregon alumni enter briskly,)
Oreann Alumnh. "Hitw rllrl nM
Vregon come out Inst night."
t-'Old Oregon was defeated glorl
ousiy ny young weshlngton State
Oregon. Alumni (nngulshly)
"Oh-H-h! Don't toll mo that!" i
"How did .' CorvalliB come out
with Iduho?" . . . . . . j
-' "They beat Idaho." ; : . I
I Oregon Alumni: . "Isn't Hint 1
nice!" ... ., ... .- ;
i-. -,....' i ; . .
The stuto . heaitii 'officer of
resort of llogncir has been selecte'
aq the most suttable ;))ln.v. "jviie
IiIh n)ji.('iVtv-! vvil"' "le taltnn thuV
however, not been slated.1 ! i
( An' lnhn'tlon Vit vueh
J ti the royal patient's onviroiymeht
was contemplated was given 1p' V
medical hullet'n at noonttrftc vhlch
Wan Issued after u lapso of near'
70 horn". t.h lonirot lmer''0 'slnr
the king's llhiess began'. This wnr
a rathor detailed sta'emont on h' '
masty's conHftfon wh'ch ,wih g'' '
erally reported favorabl,o with cop '
tlnuoulv ;normal temperature. ' r j
fintlrtorv pu'se end "onsumptio j
of adequate. nourishment. , '
The kfnir'M welirht. not appre' j
ablv Increasing, however, and h'
doctor feel that thn time is ar
preaching when- n change to th
sea air will benefit him. -
It Is understood that when tH
klnir Is rcmnvprj to Bog nor lib wit'
travel by road, '
C"v1!tvpU bouse,, Jhlch has beer foresaw, the.
seiroied nt pis ropinenco, is .near
AldWlch village on the coast, about
a mile nnd a Ivilf west uf Udgnor
itscT, Sir Arthur Do Cros, I'm o-n-
ei. hr well known in the iuotoiing
worM and - In his early days was
a leading racing cyclist.
A Mr. Howard says Mussolini is
n .was the only man .who is a majority of
trainett l il n,,i n,n,,i un
oi immunity, v i7 ;; .nwi?. i i)ii.iiiuniin Mellon. " . .' :s ;
The -flrHt TrtCtor rT-r "passing It so. -murn i-u-yLininn;. i -am jii
rrom.. oni( to, Uie, other" Is' reuHy nervous rundown condition. Mrs.
the only one In the-Mist- that- Is 'Jf.W..1'?;, - '
reasonably Warranted by iaotuaU- .'Answer And I fancy the Ktrych
i cientlflc evidence. .' The " p t h e r 'nige: Js, tho only medicinal virtue
I seven factdrs.lh fhM Hst4irq .wholly; l'o concoction.; I advise you
Ky -i 'to. inrow tjie stuir away aud givo
scare- hat nurse a- -'wlde- berth.', r You
need Mnegical ( attention, - not, a
LONDON'. -Jan.; L,?.-r6P)-rlh or- .AASHINaTOX, ., Jan.. 23. (&)
der to assist King (leorge's iirojf-.i During -the remaining-few; weeks conjectural
ri'H-i tow-iriis rnriviilrKi'l.'pn It'Mri i ot the Coolldgn administration. Whl'o the recent ; "flu
. . -. .. Keci'etHi-v (p intr.y lwnmw i a o.nvi.iwaH on and it was a acaro;
inani.e,. (a lemove mm irom. wuck- . .: "; "' lu"J Iselv whooned '-..(, liv tho Mden whipping, ' St.ri-chiUne Is .Ilk-
Ingham pahico .to lhc - seusldej lo ' llQ ,aja ollt . ,h ft V(111 ,, jn,l health Imreiiu , itself! - thVough whipping.; a,' tired;, taorsu up. a .long
ob'ain the beiiefll , of the InVlgor- In ' tlui neBPtljUloii nnd signing, ot a Vrneh.ant. for giving out. news -nin. ' . , i ;
n-ir ni- i-d tlii tSuHsnx buthini treaties of iirbllriulon lincl of eon-1 Ihevhpad of ,that bureau got .imo - (-i'.'K"i juim n. jj nc vu.j
cllliitlon with iiriictlcullv everv 1111- print early and '.often' wltlr'MiHP-' ' ' ... . , "C
itlon'liV'the world.". t r- rules ''for avoiding tho ' lnClu'ensn. ''
'.- Having .-sjloiisonid' the .,.iiiiitttfj,lHe.'Con.oetWrio'..lek'irt;4t:Mli'il'
ei'al treaty ..(. Iho W-uliueliillon of anu.i several -.-ot ineni , wrero .gun .m- h .
war .and Us rallt(eiiHon --Jnler'UiJ- rulcs . to"' everybody to , obey , all. .
the i.a,. lie nov Is lunxioiis u.the;Un.o. flu .or no -Hu. . Jlut ,'Oj.
finish-. (he uegotliillon and signing few of them were not. so -aensinie.;-
of. the blliilerul tb-dlies of arid--See "f you can pl-?k but Jho sound .
trillion". aud',.i'nii.-.llliiliiin..Tiiiih:.he snM roin-fhe'llati-"-t. s ; '.-,
believes will furnish a verv eff Avoid necdloss erpwdlng:--;
tlvo hieclmnlsm of the pacific set- walk lo and from work; avoid
thWnt of mich Judicial dlftiuW as overcrowded ;-street-; cars;, busses,
may ' jirlsi'.'. between lhc . I'nll.-d -t0 . . . '. . "..-. ..' .,:'.-. ;'?
Kdiies ;nn.i oilier niiiUms. . '. Oefas much open-air, and ;
"Within the rtcx-t Vnonib. MrhKrl- 'unshine as. you can. - . '.-.
logg; hopes:' tub' I t oiheV WkIb.iI-ale0" ' with. . Vlhdows, open:
signatory -nations lo the nnil-wi.r h0 U1'" homes w-eiuvenniatea. .
irealy will liuv,. nitlfh-U p-t. Avold -iw-ople w.ho ace cough-
thereby nurkiiig.llt .rfeeUvn b.-.-' '".' sneezing.- piv snuffling: l
tween themselves ond also between not ' ' wltnoW. us ns
a nunoKercuiei . ...
G. ' Wash your hands before. cat
'hii 'do not put' ffngers 1rt -mouth;
ir . nose... : You '.may . Infect- your-
elf hy shnknlg hands "or touch,..:
ng objects thep . carrying, fingers
wi,,f. , , ..'.i.i. ... ..,,, :o moutn or ,nose. - - i -. , u ;
' . ' . 4: tin 'nnf .nsa .nHtinir utensils
"'V t-ujiuHmem 05 -SUCH,, controvert' 1 ' 3-- - ; r
sles and. set ,ibvut eoneludhuf ti-ea- have uKed.-unlesA the uten- V
.ties-with-all nations, foivthnt pti-1",,f aw. washed, nr.Btorll!pcd..AvchV':.;
posej '.' -':. . ' ", .- common drlnklhg cup. '." ' " ."' .'j-
. -Tn'-! arhUration.h-tmlleH 'slgn'ud'l ; '' -,K" , ;"' Bpe! ?""? :
with, various nations by Secretary ! by ,tts "K n'?.d. "H.WJji'.
Itoot more then 20 years were',1",' of clean, water; second. W.
oxplring nn.1 Mr. 'KelloKg. decided "'!B , ,:k'""' wholesome , food;
to .Lod'orntav. IhinT ' , rU-lrd; e,slfenSntut least Totjni ;
' - ; ,-, 1, 1 A : 1 -tjui. ui 1 villi '., , nil'i (uuitii,'
the 'other juufonH-wlu. ha.vo for
nially ttepnsJlivrl tiu'vlr adiini:i'iieeHat .
Washington. Ah that treaty calls
for lhc. paclfle settlement of all in
terna tloniil disputes, Mr. Kellogg uf tho. -I'liltcd
f : '. ' " '--.- '; :: .... '--
Til 7 i
i,r Til:- H I-:
Chivalry Is the quality that
. enabtei? a' man to .believe,-next,
morning, that it was his delib
erate intention to propose ict
hor without any u encourage
ment. ' : . . .,' . - ': .
'. PHOKNIX. Ore., Jun. L3.
(Special.) The first bo,ni game
at Phoenix; will be placed on the
Phoenix pym tlrior, Friday. , Janu
ary 2Rth at iJlO p. m. This game
will be with -Gold Hill and pro
mises to. ho one of he best games
of' the' season, us Oold ' Hill Is re
puted to have one of . the v best
teams in the district. '
'' A good game was' played with
.Tackvonvllle last I'Viday night' at
Jacksonville, the Phoenix boys be
ing victorious. ' The scores were U0
to )6 lii.the boys' game and to iii
In the girls'. .'In order to inaintain '
this reputation .the,': Phoenix boys '
must he oil the alert in the coming!
,iTu:m'Mi"",f large crowd is urged to
Tanlac is wonderful for indie est ion
and constipation gas. pains, nausea,
dizziness and headaches. It brings
back lost appetite, helps you digest
your food, 'aiid gain- strength , and
weight, .,, 7 -
Tanlac is as free from harmful drugs
as the water you drink.. It contains no
mineral drugs; it is made of roots,
barks and herbs, nature's own medi
cines for the sick. For over 10 years it
has been recommended by druggists
who have watched its marvelous re
sults. The cost is less than a cents a
dose. Get a bottle of Tanlac from your
druggist and give it a thorough trial.
Your money back if doesn't help ybu.
until it diBCbvers whether Mr, Hoo- iiittcnti'lbls'ftuhi6'ait'ft is sure tti- bi'
Ver Btlll rtinctiohs aw Sanla "Clans. l fat ' and- fuil iot-pep.
If the fittest stuvlvo, how str.mge
that the Intelli'centsia don't cor
troi things nnd prevent tho .-absurd--Itiss
they denounce. - ?
American salcsmansnli) in South
America,:-' "Here, you darned Infe
rior, buy this." : . .-.jit. 7.
I'verv town is a bum tBwu to tne
man who wishes ho hhdn t been
such a fool. - - -a'.-. .
-,. IT .11 -. ' riPABY-.fTAVir.PCT laT
Tanlac .
J," THE . - , '
v r 1 1 r-r-(
HL I l i t I .Jar
Crowded Iloliviti needs more territory.-
Vou -can t travel 30 miles
down there without runn4nc- Into
1 another hut. . ' . .
T(OS ANCilCLHS. .Ion. -28. (PI1'.
The ,Kxu miner says today that Bi-
vlnU. Clralnger. 20. one of two!
alleged "petting pnrlv bandits":
held Jit jail here in default of !2l).- 1
000, bonds .each. Is heir to an esta'c
vauuud'Ol nearia-?1. 000. one. I
: Kflrtlnger and (llenti Abbott. 2li- '
both, of ISclvedcrc. fal.. were held
p-Cd counts of roliherv. rollowfng
ltiiilr,!i-tesl New Veer's duv. and
lifter they had been Identified by
severlil scores of claimed victims.
Discerning travelers
rank The Clift among
America's fine hotels.
Downtown location,
immediately adjacent
to shopping, business
and, theatre districts..
540 rooms with bath .
Single, from 14 "' ?
Double, from $6 .
at Santa Barbara
'There's a-bright tide. When
n-i- nhter net. a new fur coat,
mother gets an old one.
Massachusetts,' .meeting with fel
low physicians In Washington,
says thei-u epidemic of Influ
enza, but merely a national epi
demic .. of , panic ( I'ountuln Inn l.lohnsnn. Inc. onnralor of two fill
irinuiie.j . rue gentleman, v. no tug Ntntlnus.
was run over , by nn auto stage, at S27, i75. i;i
PORTLAND, Ore... .Ian. S3.-(p)
Tho first cnsuulty l.i I'ortlnnd's
gn'ollue price war ins henn listed.
A voluntary petition in hnnk-j
ruplcy has been (lied In federal I
district court here hy William K. I Kerdlimnd
night. Itw
Knlin ill.
KKW VfJKK',,' Jan. ;'S. Ill') Otio
II. Knlin. banket'' was ll today at
his home On l'lflh iiveiiuc wltii a
sevevo cu.W.' Ills physician faild he
dll hot cbmdilcr'lhc illness serious,
but !that..Mi Kulip. had aisllght
temperutlire und two nurses vere
In nttendaiiee. ' . ' ' ..
keeping the bowels regulated1
v : Keep away from
whero j there -are - cases
'flier's' Itaeh so ' mucb contro
versy . nn' . piihliciiy devoted 10 !
1 In nn. ih.,. 1 1.. . 1 '
houses"" . " -
at influ- Pr"M-'nl "ay tioote liolsleifi begun
' 1
Avo'd chllllnii. " .
."JO. Avoid overhealeil rooms, f
11. In case the disease- de
velops', go lb bed immediately and
remain thero until recovery.' Call
-t r ' jdoclpr (it once.
Fim'U llils.timid Night. No. 7 is irood cnouah for. lite.
PAltIS, Jan. L'.a (A") Marshal I I'll bet-, tho. chief , of the. health
declared that he was not run over 15.
nyu trm-K, but had (he Iiirlueii2a.
The next lime Ihero Is a pnnie. it
- should stay awny : from the knee
Joints. ' '. ..' :. , :,- ' -1 :. - ' -
Koch -passed - a 1 good
'as learned, when - his
Inliilllles were placed Ihrco iihysli'liins-vlslwd their pii-
nnu asseis nt :iu,- tient nils morning. conimu
' nl((iie was Issued today.
out o' curiosity," flednred a proml-
nj,n iiuhoss loaoy. this is d-uiuy
uvnthor (ojsUiy In" Iho liouso an'
trneo ancesry. ,,-tS -. . ' .
- ; , ; i , ' ' '..' -.-
Brisbane's Today
(ConllnUed from Pago One.) .
h.nrrnu got . Unit . one 'out 'of .'ohe
of-. old Jir. .Munyon's almanacs.
' AH these ' colnpllers 1 of .rulos
omit (he. main preenutlon: Try lost tho battlu of the Doyne, It was
lo keep out of tho conversational1, William, h liutchman, that led the
to remind them that when Ireland
Thero is hopo. Those
by the sword shall perish by the
taxes. . ;. -.- -.1-.- -. -. y.;",; --
China is' aotlti ; civilized' now.
That is: she is t.Bding still while
the ntflklrg goes on.
' - ;.' i' "v.: :-t';.
The point the--'Stiiircniw .'Court
must decide Is .whether , water in
No More Gas
In Stomach and Bnwels
t.'-i f. y .n '? M Permanently re
Ihat llvt!.. Il.ved of gas In .tomach and bow
ll bv thn ?'?. S Baalmann'a Gas Tablet..
w Stopped quickly . Va
S30 v .and SAFELY -cjs v.
' withonoswallowof
Which are Drenarrl KKnceloiiu tn.
tomach gas and all bad effects re
sulting from gas pressure. That
empty, rnswlng feeling in the sto
mach will disappear. That anxious,
nervous feeling with heart palpita
tion will vanish. No more bloating,
erowslness after eating, heartburn
or other distress due to gas. Get
the genuine BAALMANiVS OAS
TABLETS at any good drug store.
Price 1. . Always en hand at
Kt ranees .priig More
First Insurance
. . ' " '." , -
A. L. HILL, Manager i
Phone 105 i 30 N. Central
Medford, Oregon ' '
MUTT AND JEFF Oh, Well, that'a One On Me
Fred Gottfried Amos Turnbow j
Expert plumbing, heating and
sheet metal repar shop.
We specialize on service at reas
onable prices. No job too small,
2t6 N.' O-ane 8t. - . Phone 674
; :.m.'T ,M.;-Ml.-HT; KAT
vfit M-nuid have 'been 4 shock.'to
thousiimlH of pleasantly .awed inilt
vidudls If Hioy, had heen aware
that' the snarling. tccthgnashlug.
huliy monster behind tho strong
luirs of Itthgllng's circus was not
reitlly wild and-never had been In
Jiurneo. They, did not know that
bis nanio Was' Sylvester I lender
shot und 'that lie possessed n wife
and five children; that ho was a
ipeek fellow whoso heart could be
eh easily broken when his wife left
him and took thy children with
her. '. The world Is familiar, nnd
has been for generations, with the
trudltlunal clown who performs
unties Am hht e.htlfl 1iiw dvlng. Hern
was ; tf oommou-plaee. ordlnniT
ultlr.en, -who -for twenty yenrs bo- I
(liiuhed himself with warpaint ami
shook the bars, feitraumely while
he roared defiance In a voice that
struck terror-to tho marrow-bone,
r No wild , man in llorneo over
looked as terrible, as this psnudo
Muvayo who. 1 Die barker confided,
demanded - inmsii . flesh. Had a
real Borneoan been i placed In u
cage the' public would' tvtvo lo
fused to accept hlni.f iKutiuus
City Wtur.) . " ,
but. you look
. Kiumuth rails New Pelican Iho
. alio recently opened here.
I've BN suiPeMT)eB For
Gor AW iDtA. 'THclSe'S
fAM8.(5 I M 6006
; LiTit-e ptctvKe
-Hefte. poft aa.'
'.:-:;. :..;v'- ::Vv-. i-ti i.-,,v.;-..v::;,.- ;;,.-'.-:;;,, ( .' , , ;o.: jf,):- r-:;-.-, . - , . '-,' ,-. . : - . ', 'v.v.', Rv D ip, P6ui7lj'":' ."
-u - i i - . .- j .- " .kjai..
' ' OuiTH' -'. iOi: . ., Oee.Bwt.TrtAT'.i ' ' ' I'd a.,,w V . .., - ..-
a . y -- - If . - ... ' -'-i "T .- . .--..- - vi' :- . .
" . ' '' T ' "Tri . 1 r " " - - ' 'TyfcT!..t- T. ... y, y ll 5 f oak. .l
"-""--': 4 . , , 'v ' ',..-' -,' ' ' '--.- -- -'- . ';';. . . : '!' ..