Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 22, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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The Weather
Fori Partly cloudy; not much
clmujce In temperature.
Htu yesterday 42
Lmv44)ihi luuruiiiv 31
Weather Year Ago
HUlicsi jrur aeo loday 8
l.mct cur uko ihUi' 33
OtilT Twoty-thlr4 Te
, W.kly Pirty-MvDtll VeT
No. :102.
By Arthur Brisbane
William II, Aged Seventy.
Happy Big Steel.
How Far You Candle.
A City On A Rock.
(Copyrlsht. Ry KinK Features
Syndicate. Inc.)
,iavS waiiam iro-1
In seven
henzollern, once emperor, will
he 70. He looks well, but disil
lnsioned, wears n full bearit, i
mustaches no longer waxed or
turned up at the point. !
Ue will celebrate by publish-1
. i
inn a dook eauoa .uy .mices- i
' .. . ... I
point: back to the early i""f
lending faniilv of Kast. l'russi-i ;
, , . ' i - i '
lliai got us name irom mii m
terest rates. Kill it's hard 1'
jwrite impartially about y-"r
wn people.
, William decided that son-
things were wronff, in thp 11
henzollern family
nnd bliiinos i
its troubles, passion,
wild 1 ll 1
JUKI'S, llll LI I('1IIM-, ni
r i,, ,,i . p....
woman, Maria I'nvlown.
sian bv blonu, Hohonollorn by
aeeident of i!:arriae. That re-
minds you of Adam blaminc j
Kve. i
Villiam says Maria wits "the
villain of my family." His!
preilwerisor, I'rederiek t he!
tireat, would know better. .Ma
ria l'avlov.a, beemise she was
wild, violent, untrovernablo,
may have (riven I'russia's rul
ing family its Renins.
ni...:nV i-i.,,,,,;,,,. nulfnrl
JIJ Illll(l ,,,...vv.,
'With snakes -wranned around
her body, too intimate by far
with the Kpyptian magician,
conspiring' to murder Phillip's
second wife and her baby, was,
nevertheless, mother of Alexan
der the Great.
It takes energy to produee
energy. Sometimes ladies that
seem wild simply laek an ade
quate outlet for superior pow
ers. ItK Inn hurl we know SO lit-
... P 1
lie annul violent women ... mt-
past Ditlo; and Bertha of thu
biff .feet, Charlemagne's moth-
erj the marvelous Ilypatiu, and
Tomjris, the African queen
that out off the head of Cyrus
and dipped it in a goat skin
filled with human blood.
Meu have writteu much about
themselves, not enough about
0 women.
; M
Ogden h. Mills, assisjant see
rotary of the treasury, says the
big steel company whieh got an
income tax refund of $l.r,000,
00(1 in one year, paid in that
' same year $17:1,0(10.0(10 in taxes.
t -That interests "big steel"
'stockholders. It indicates that
their property is well managed,
The New York Central rail
road, nn its '35-story office
building, installs n gigantic
searchlight that will sp shine,
"in a naughty world" as to
startle Shakespeare's little
p It will light up many inhabi
tants of-Kasy Street," as it
streams down I'ark avenue and
over into Fifth avenue.
'Big Steel" went up $21
sliarkhist week, increasing the j
aatt. ..f tlww, that own It bv
11 ' ,
nroKPiTity. If you have Hny
thint: jtfood. in tho Tnited
States, hold on t it. If not, as
the .nt C'ollis I. Huntington
would say, OET soinelhinjr.
o v Vorkirs worr?
thy must sooner or mter cans,
.1 nir.. i
70t1,(H"M. And that was only iress. and Marshal Nellan, her ill-
littt. item; the week's rec,or h"hai,d. I.ave come to the
lit 111: Item n. tnt w u k , part T ( ,h(, wav(( A -.for HB,P -
Manuat n A knowlsnd held him until the police arft 4
It will comfort jhera k""j rived. The drunk man had a load-U Glemhii.-Constnidiou on $10.
that under New York there la aoiiJ ,w ho((n whU.h (nft Ilftfltor (H( npw rlly han progresslnR sat-
(Contloued on Paga Four). 'wienched from him, iKilice said. 'lafuctoHly.
m out
Freighters Florida And
Dannedaike In Need Of
Immediate Assistance-;
Steamer Teesbridge Also
In Distress Off Cape
liV) Two
oil' UlH
.. Florida ,
i.e.nmer wei-! it, '-ilu
Vligiai.i -a,t I. !. .
aiiU the 1'aritii.urii.:
Tin. lidi!:,, (iitk. f,n mtcrlcan
s!:lp ct Kins, ivti- reis.ned in
it ttileloss f!i;?'-..'a, " 10
in Mi-ct i'l liii.ii'.".!;. I. ,i.--!''U:licc,
:ii mi li ' IT, , -e i jiii id
SI. Mius .. K.. '."(&)
i"h r.iu-.i .M.;t.r..t:r .Mainu, bum: I
. i:i .'uif.soi i for New York. rc
. nrlf-ii Itni.iV thiif t-fit Wil" intlti!l:l-
in khouivI. lor tlit; stimnif-r Toe-
11 m' 111 uihu mini iii-.tni in iijc
R bnt WUH unahU. to f,Iul )wVm
ill ilr mm iiivnnmsc nr rni- imiii
the Teesbrfdm. Iioiino; from Kowiy,
l-!Kl,,,.( for pmiatlPlphia. it was sam
j tl-at two of hor hatt hen hail bet!.
stove in and her Mtokelinht iiondeil.
It was believed her virolrs is out '
of order.
37, GIRL 14
. ROSEKUKO. Ore.. Jan. 22
J. IV Oftswint, 37. and .Mary ilaip
ilton, 14, were being detained here
today following their arrest Jast
night by Sheriff Jackson at a
ranch which flaswint had pur
chased in Cow Creek Canyon, an
Isolated section of the county. The
man is wantud in Torrimrtun,
AVyo., on a charge of abduction.
Gaswint and the girl are said to
have left Wyoming last September.
The man purchased a small ranch
In the isolated canyon district in
October, where t he couple have
since resided.
The girl. Sheriff Jackson said.
UHiiit- it n-iin-m in nn i unn
With Oamint. She was turned over
to Juvenile officers and placed
,,,.,. lhp of u physu-ian
District Attorney flordim who iH stated that no change haa been
lnve.siiKaiinR the t une, n:ild he liaa 1 niade tu the aalaries of thu cutmnii;
ti'ii yet rice'ded whether thi man sicners since the department began
will tried nn a statutory charge
in uri'Kon. ne lumen ovvr in in;
government, or returned tn Wye-
lining wiiere a warrant, has been j
Issued for him. 1 I
SKATTLH. Jan. -II. (Vt Kour
deaths by breaking through Ice i
was the toll of Seattle's cold snap, I
which came to an end with rising :
tempera 1 11 t'cs late yesterday and o
day. Coninued rain or snow was
predicted for today by Weather
Observer M. P.. Summers. !
John Haer. 10; Charley Daugh-!
erty. 1J, and Hubert Sorenson, 1,
wen- drowneil in flreen like here
late yesterday .when they walked
too far out on the thin ice which
fringed thu shore.
Earlier in the day Winston
ChuiVhlll. 0, messenger boy.
crashed through while attempting
to cross he Ice on .Mud lake near
here on Ills motocyele.
PENDLETON. Jan. 21!. bPi
Snow fell throughout the night iu
this section and was six inches
deep tm the ground here today. In
the forest around Meacharn snow ;
wan four feet deep, and two and n i
half feet in depth In the town nf I
Meacbam. It was five degrees j
above in the Meacbam district last
night. '
cciiam 10 ran
' EHLY IL1LLS, Cal.. Jan.
1 (r Blanche Sweet, screen uct-
sliai was imstctl in front of their old Klrl. Imrn without feet, to wins,
home yesterday. Nellan was re-1 run and play.
cently named as a co-defendant In I lr. Henry Museem Thomas, pro
a divorce suit filed bv Jim Tullv. ' fessor of orthopedic stirKety al the
author. collexe. said It Is hoped by the op-
Icratlnnst to form the muscles of
w-jn ,'
'I,r- J- Arthur Htout, pastor of the
1 infoxU.(lUld,drlv(5r (.nUB,t w drlvpr
l fff 1 I . dfi&t3L ' i f K l
Johnny Buckley, manafler of Jack Sharkey, !jns the contract for
a fight between the Boston tailor and Young Stribling at Miami Beach,
Fla. The contract was signed at Boston. Left to right: William F.
Carey and Jack Dempsey, both representing the Madison Square
Garden coporation, and Buckley.
liiinnr t nm nM nniTrnn nanir!
liMI .KhiiNI-i I HAY Kfl . KN MMr
Industrial Accident
Body Asks $1,200 Raise
Business Growth Cited
Dunne Would Add Two
. SAIaiUM. 0;., Jan. T2t- -An
f.ierea.-e in the salaries of the
thiee nieinber.i of the Oregon staie
, industrial necklenl eommisiou of
from $:iGub to S-ISimi each will be ;
proposed iu a hill to b,: introduced
at the present legislative session.
A letter from the commission,
sinned by Sam haUKhtin, iU chair-
man, is being sent tn It Hi industrial
I leaders of thu stale who are con-
ii 1 1 1 1 1 ii ii o iu i lie iijtiiirHrini nee men i
fund, aud the.v are UHkcd tu re-
quest their district represenlatives
i iu the legislature lo support, the.
bill. Keplies to tlm letter so lar
received are said to be encoiirust-j
ing to tlie commissioners.
The letter cites the rapid -jrowth
ob business lu the department in
administering the workman',
pensation act, and mentions that
during lStL'S the commission veceiv-
ed aud passed on anproximtely'0 claims, and received !n cash
troui Industries and workmen
imr ilvii tmi-liiil nourlv t't fiOO Olllt
,...w . :
The 1!)L'7 legislative net creating
the state bond buying commission. ,
composed of the governor, the state
rfasiirer UIIU OiH IlieillUCr Ol I lie
aeeident commiBslim, lias added in
the responsibilities of the coimnis
tiion, aeeordinit to the letter. It is
operatlou lu 1911, although the chief
uuuitor naH neen mcreaseil irora a
salary of 8u a mo.ith to $l!5U.
Would Add Work
The letter mentions a proposed
amendment to the coiopeusatiou
act, expected to be introduced ot
commiss.ou oum u. ic. n
harbor workers commission which
is now operated hy the federal gov
ernment. This, it is claimed, will
add ( the commission's work and
greatly increase its responsibilities.
Thd salaries of ih: accident coin-
I niluuiiiiuirM in i nil id Vtrtm the ia-
dm.,, iaA accident luml which Is
created bv lie ussessiueni on eon-
trlb.illng industries. The l'orllund
, ,.,.,,,.( 1 u ...o.-.iiti.r t, nii.iii.
beis of I he commission, ban ap
1 lw. nfi in, in ere rise.
nniuiBAippinM "mn rnnnTinni"
uumiviidoiuiv diu Lnurnuix i
The members of the commission,"'- Keveral y.-ars.
are Sam l.aughlln, K. K. liragg and j , ''st 'K"J ""'! ''v "m. PV"
W. H.
Senator .
n.miu. f.r Mn timin.'ih
county has Introduced a hill that
1 ,.,L il.e tr.f.mlieihln of tllli
..i,.L.i,. tiVit itwieil nf three,
oue member to he a woman anil
one to be the state insurance com -
mlssioner who would serve In uu
exofticio tapaclty. in addition 10
bis salary as Insurance comnus
sioner the latter would receive half
j the salary of an .accident commis-
vloti member. .
CHICAtiO, 111.. Jan.
v ,..v ' 7. - i n
' hiirgeons m ,no . ' -
r-,- . ,,,,1,
tempt a series of mull
as never Leforu liava l,j-n "''"'Pv
: Pd, in an effort to enable a a yeai-
nois couege 01 menu ...c a. ...
10 .er 1
planned to follow the operations for
, S' ",rp;',a was withheld.
teei. A series
H. L
Gnnd Will Bnrlv Elects 1929 :
Officers Install
p '
Cnhr.inrwlleo pMafnrH
I LyIJ I uaij"iino UIQHIUIU
.. rt,
TellS Ot COmmUnity
nOUSe CampaiQn.
" "
i;( :i
The tratfrs opened the
reason of jnyous activity with a '
hnmiuct at the Hotel .Medford ;
last niKht at which time offlcera
were selected and plans for
titer famous Orator pilKtimaKe
discussed. Horace .Bromley, a
former Medford Post American
l,elon commander
and publicity
'director for the California Ore-
gon Power company was chosen
nn nig i',ruu.un oi me emu tor
liiliit. Mr. Hromley , serwd last
.year as Skipper of Hie Phantom
iShlp, tbe office equivalent to vice-
president of the Craters.
As skipper uf the Phantom
ship for the present year, Heeley
jiall was elected at lant nlghf
banquet, c, c. Li-mmon will con-
eom-itlnuo to fill the office of Keeper
,nf the Tra:l and Larry Mann will;
j, wizard under the new regime, i
ne directors of the Craters,
iIloWn as Lords of the Korest,
will be Johnnv Heed. Al Plche,
i iiinii .. .
t 1 1 1 la in iiiininit'ii, aerrv jeruiuv
1(mt (irev.
Tht. rrat(.,8 have for the last
fin..,i i.uir ....nvi.
occasional "Kood will"
lo various Oregon cities
northern California points
enjoyable social events In and
near Medford. The 1 ii 2 H National
Air Itcliab.lity Tour stop-off in
.Medford was handled by thu duo
various visiting dignitaries
iitertalnca at eruptions oi
this ion.
Club Plaits Told
Mrs. Perry Crawford, was in-
itcd by the Craters to present
details of the Greater Med-
foril Club's community house
and after her short,
7 . . .
interesting talk the Crater club
unanimously endorsed their move- HlltVf to ,irop nto tj,t. legislative
nient. Col. c. (i. Thomson, Hup-jn,in Tuesday or Wednesday Is the
lerintendunt of Crater Lake Nut- ' formal report of the committee ap
loual Park, who was recently ad- i I)flniit hy the house dtirlng the
ivaiiccd to the Huperlntemiency
, ; '"; "'" " j
A -x Hparrow new county Judge
also addressed the Craters. lioth
Colonel Thomson anil .ImU'e Spar
row have been active Craters for
i .oeo " ' . " V '
mis suecessi any iiin ii me 1.1,.
hn.ptmn otii.e
f',r the I""'
of the Crater club
of the new officers and directors
will take place at the February
, meeting of the organization,
. DELLEVCE, Ohio. Jan. 22.-U',
At icnsi it pcrsoi.H were kiik-u
i m u ,,.,. f ,,,,. ,njll,,.,,
wlll n tt Weti.und
t.., car crashed
, (? .J(.rKn.H WL.rc kin,.rt
into a rlttsliurntj-t'lilcaao bus of
the flreyhound company In a
hlludlnK snowsturn a mile and n
half east of here this afternoon.
(If the 17 known dead, four
were women. Kourteen of the had i-n bmueht to th
,.....,,. L ,.ul hi l.hmenls
three undertiiklnK es
. P-rsons we,
four more had
ru taken to
the llellevtle hospital.
An far a. could be learned, none
of the passenKcrs on Die illterur
oun car was hurt.
First of Tax Readjustment
Measures B y Special
Committee Dropped In
Hopper Today- Remain- j
ing Bills on Program To i
Follow Two Or Three ,
Per Day. !
! H.W.KM, Ore., Jan. 22. (VI ; soim-tlmes known u nmuYl farms.
(The firm of the so-ealled "bin i "' f th(';-,' I loraled inar llo-s.-i
Hinrr" of ihf a.'.ih b-Klsbitlw as- J burw. one nenr I nb-ptiib-ne.' an.l
js.-mlily u 111 drop Iiiu the hopp r j aiiotto'i- in i-ast.-rn Ore.n.
of tb bousi indav v:th the Intro- "Two years aP;o." said S-Jiai.-r
J durtlrnt ;of ib CtVtit of tux read-
mint Pills sponsored by tlm-
peelal pn.perty tax eipmlizaiion ,
KullnwiiiK th, nutlinoil pi-OKr-ini
nf lit,, rntnmltti'e in ilovidopiiiK its
Lav Piinli7.atinn silicin,' I Ii.' tdlls
win d m the .n,t,i- n.
Sllliji't't mail,1!' Il'
irs to tbe I'lii'on-
loienl Hoqueiii
of the p:-oKiani.
in the roiiiniiltfi-'s
eoualiKHLinn, ilu
Inirodui'tion today
1 lit! Ill SI IUlll
Pribram bein
bills slati-d for
wilt provide fur ei-ntralizid 'ennti-d
f aemenls in Hie stale tax
i cotnml"tfion by eonleriiny on th.
i eommiMsbm supi rvi-ib.n over the
; operations of county a-esors ami
; eounty boards, of rquallzntloti, and
' f,jl" a paid state tax commission of
three members Pppointed by tb
state board nf control and drawing
salaries of Jlilaa a yi;ar each.
The rmuinlnK )ills deslKiied to
earry into effect thu onnunittee'
reeommendal Ions will be intruduc- i
ed two nf three each day, the com-'
mittee has decided, to allow their;
matter to be more readily
awl in Hated by the lawmakers and
to permit the newspapers to place
Ilium be l ore the public. In an or -
derly and eomprebensive niimni'r.iH,(m,l,.H in uu. Hfnte f Wasblng-J
t niter tins sciiiMiuie all or this se-
ries of tax bills will be before the
bouse in a welt or ten days. The
much discusyed excise tax on bn"t'i
and corporations and the commit
tee's income tax measure are ex-
peeled to appear next Monday or
To Sped Action.
Once the bills have been intro-
duced, action upon them will be
speeded tip by an agreement reaeh-
ud between Henate and houso lead-
.... ...... .... . ... .. . .. ..
ers sioimav evening, wnereoy on . ...., ,,.,H f..-
i hearlniiH unnn tax and revenue!.....
measures will be conducted jointly .
i- u...,... .,.,ut,.n .i...!
tl'.ps meat anil taxation and the bouse : increased tariff oi chcrrica is re
am! committee on assessment and lax- ! quested of cohki-ci, in a Joint me-
a'lon. and taxation and revenue.
Thii Joint acllun will apply only to
hearings to eliminate the necessity
nf each committed going over the
name ground In hearing testimony
nIui examining- witnesses, and the
committees will retain their indl -
i vldualPy and make separate
i, iuu y nnu iiiunu uimi,i, , v-
I nortii. I'nder tentative plans the
t-halrman of the committee to
which eaoh bill Is assigned will
preside over the joint hearing up-
,m t(,at ,t
Phono 1 tenor L Due.
Another of the major problems
!(-7 Kesion to Inciuire Into the
: raws ano practices or tne teiepnone
j monopoly. The report has hen
1 completed and needs only the sig
nature of Keprtwciitativo 'arkln
! to start it on its way to the print
I er. Carkln Is hesitant nbout Join
ling in the recommendations, par
Itiiiilarly in Hie matter of advising
that authority for prescribing the
: rules, regulations and rates of tele
phone companies be taken out of
h0 hftmllt uf (llp Hllltp pilI)1,
ice commission and vested in lb
i individual miinlcinttlftte.
I Cnrkln takes the position that the
eltl. of llio ututt nftrliciihirlt.' thn
smaller ones, are not equipped to
battle Fticcessfully with a corpora
tion of the proportions of the tele
phone pom puny; that they have not
and could not mtiiiv capable raff
experts to handle the multiplicity
of problems such regulation would
embrace, and that a system nf lo
cal regulation would open the way
to serious bticey. corruption and
political intrigue. Admitting that
city the Hze of Portland might
tie able to work ruch regulation
nut nffcft U-..K' f,..lln u.ivu h..
might beQilling to endorse ft rec
ommendation for munliiual regu
lation and rate-fixing If It were
restricted to cities of 0'i,omii popu-'
latton or over. J
The enacting legislation to carry !
the recommendations of the te- j
phone committee into effect will
consist of n memorial urging .'on
gre to institute a nationwide In
vestigation of tho rates aud prae
and a "home rule" bill to confer
the rale-making authority In ore
goo upon the cities.
Never. May Coach
RAN KM ANOIHCO, Jan. 22. ()
Krnle .Severs, star of the Stan
ford university football team In
lltlitl, may hncomo a coach. He
nirts were current here today that
Never. Is lielnif, considered by the
I'nlvemUy of Idaho at head conch.
MUUtL ak
. . . ,
Senator Strayer Flays State
Land Settlement Com-
tvilooiAri Coin neHnroH
x VHH irt :
SGnlOn. 1
HALKM, Ore., .hin. 22. (A')
Sntni shiirp fire from tlm ways :iiul
tiit'ims eommittec was illreetcil
Momliiy nifibt at tlie Mate luml net
lU'int iit eftimniNion beiause ii ban
I'nll'd diirhiM tin' In Mt two years to!
: Ki-U off the stall 's trial farms.
rayi-r, a Vi-ti-ran iin-inli--r of tin :
llllllltll'l- "VVi Orill l'IMt lllt'lll tl. .
hnsi. .,.. if ii,,. ..m. :
n- . in . lllllh(,riu. tn s,. lhl.
J farnis, b t s draw up a MM fiiviiiK
i tlit'iii the authority and ."is1 ii t liv
won't jar tupse wiihin itu- next twoj
! yais." j
I si raver's enn.meni was followed
( ly a motion ; Chairman liiih-
libt of the bouse wIhk of tbe com-
i mUii-e. that a sub-eonimitle be up- J
j poliUi d to ascertain vhaL thect
j pidntcd as ascertain what the t
' state's capital invest incut in the
farms amiiunls to,
j Some of tlx' sub-ciimmittccs that t
vlsitrd state Instllulious during th--1
, week end adjournment reported. '
Tbe committee beaded by Senator
Jteymdd.i that visited tbe Ashland .
Normal m-houl and the Suldters'
i home at koKubiiru, recommended i
1 doini; away with the cottanu sys
ii in iu mi, ..uiiM.B mum. '"in
Ciillllliiui't! ai i ' l'i' il ine iriiiii i
mere were luuicaiimiM iiiui me ree
ominelidal ion wotibl be appl nVeil
j,-lrHt Htep toward harmlnizluK ex
i iHtin and proposed motor vehicle
, ii(.(miso laws In Oregon with ainiihir
ton were taken Monday night win-n
th(, jloUH(. rommltlee on roads and
highways d r a I t e d a resolution
which will be presented to Ho
house, and in which the Henate Is
expected to concur, appointing two
mem tiers of the house and two
from the senate to meet with a sim
ilar committee from the Washing
ton .state legislature. The commit
tees from the two stall' legislatures
will, It Is hoped, work out recip
rocal arrangements regarding II-
hides operallng in
' '
t. vft-. , ., .t..
' mi, rial Introduced hy Senator iteyn-
olds of Marion county. The me
morial declares that with tin nde
qualu tariff protection against com
petition with Mediterranean and
: other roretirn countries where chea
; other foreign countries where
, cneii ii in nor revn i is. i ne cnerry in-
dustry on the Pacific coa.nt would
become a $100,000,000 Industry.
" ,
nniwii, ure., Jan. ... it 1 Roosevelt's statement said in con
Ulils Increuslng Jurors fees and ne(.lton wUn lho fr)1nnB prevalent
granting the right of appeal from uflnr tho (lt.fPHt nf former Oover-
muulclpal court to circuit court
unless the charter of the city ex
plicitly prohibits such , a . ( repeal,
were Introduced iu tho house of
representatives Monday afternoon
by filen It. Metsker of Columbia
county. '
would ameml section
II. It. 10
3rt71, Oregon laws, by providing
lhat 11 Juror's fees in a court of
record shall be $11 a day; In Justice
coin t or upon an impietd, 1 . A
talesman lu a court of record, If
ca lied but not used,, shall recdve
per day. In each InsJance the
amendmenl increases the fee by SI.
'Dynamite" Is
Jan. 22. UPi !
what Lynn Me- j
chairman of the
('ready of Laur
I "" committee on education
ker of Columbia. Metsker's bill
would make It Impossible tor n
combination of school dlitrtets "
divest any one district of Its high
vchool and remove It to some other (
district. ,
McCready stiys that thin bill1
would make a checkerboard of the;
union high school districts lit the'
stale, as one school district in a j
group could block any effort of thej
I "-b--"''f'ting dint, lets to form n un
w.'iooi uisu-ici.
" ",-
I.oft A,S'f;,i;H. .Inn. 22. Oft
The state rested Its case In the
bribery Irlal of Asa Keyes and five
co-defendants today after It had
presented two witnesses.
Re-try Moor?
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 22. ()
Tho second trial of Hoy Moore
and seven ottiers on Indictments
chnrKlnK conspiracy (0 violate the
prohibition law, was called for 2
n. m. In federal court today. The
Jury In tho pr-vijua trial disagreed,
'8S,000,C ounds
I Ground .iOg Eaten
in 1928 Hot Dawg!
' I'lllcACO. ill.. .Inn. -J tA
The Packets" mid Sniisunt'
Miiullfacltuers' assnriatioa lias
an IlilerestlliK announcement.
lint ilawi! F.lKht hundred
and eighty lnlllliin ot ilium
eiitull lust yeur. Knit tn end,
th w.mi.i Mimnma nie eanh
lii times, hut tltev wi-re nut
i'i'i e Tiywie!
V uitf.ioil u iih tn list mil tunt
si.ipiioii iiimww.h KiUfd inuiH.
,.,,,., mn.lnel. idled
4. t
o:ie upon the other, wouhl ,
imVe towted milt and miles. 4- ,
The stallslinian was too hewil- j
dered (o say exactly how ;
Kluhty-eiKht millioii pounds
Ot MUlHUHe III hllCKelH UlHl ;
year; and I'l frankfurters lo J
f the pound. 4- j
I Hot dawn! ,
Smith Defeat Left
" '
omiLSYtmi di I
nnnnrwr i t iiao
Charge That'
,. ., .. j The dairymen's demand of $2.SS
FeelinCJ Similar TO Tllden.a hundredweight for milk aml the
j distributors' counter-proposal of
Case Roils Solons May !-"" were to bo submitted for
Ask For Proof.
AI.IIANV, X. : .. uVt
1 1 over nor Uoiifevelt today faced
t he possibility of Ii'.'Ihk askod by
111.. l...lllllH.... In lirmlneA I' ..r
staicment (hat
i a feelltlK
w a s
p r e v atent after
the last election
similar to that
wbleh "followed
the theft ol. the
presidency In the
Tlldun case."
I A iiili'illiih L.t.
j . . ' . ,,,,..,.
nor to produce
such ev I d e u
w a h Introduced
by a Republican
uhko 111 b I yman
Kiebard It. Hmilh
of O n o n d a g a
county. . The resolution said thai
Ii over nor iloosevelt's atatement
"challenges the honesty of the
election of Herbert Hoover, and
casts a cloud iinon his right to
KSUn,, office of tin president of
! the United States on March Ith"
and that "the plain Import of such
statement is to cast refleclon upon
the methods employed by the sup
porters of Herbert Hoover in the
last flection."
Criticism of the governor was
mnde In the resolution for giving
ho Influence of bin office to the
statement based on what tho gov
ernor said was nn expression or
iin ,.t n, ...,
Tiie resolution said It was the
duty of the legislature to enact
legislation to correct conditions
1 Mien us were charged
nor Alfred E. Smith as Democratic
presidential candidate:
What Ho Said
"This clearly expressed feeling
can only be compared to that
which followed the theft of the
, presidency iu the THdcn case,
; f-ugotry, Ignorance of Democratic
principles, the spread by unspeak
able and un-Amoiicnn methods of
the most alrodouH falsehoods; un
fair and improper pressure
'oroiiKht to bear upon workers in
-qiecially favored Republican in
dustries; false claims for the pros- j
petity of the country and kindred !
propaganda, cheated, so my cone-
Kpondeuts feel, our party of the
The statement was Issued by the J
governor reeently'after he received
j Democratic
eaders in various
j Mtaies asking opinions as to the
i party's situation,
8AN KIIANCIHCO, Cal., Jan. 22.
tyj'l .Mr. Mlon Thomas, who
was repotted ,9.Kslnx hy her hus
band when he returned trom lis
Aniceles on Hnndny, Is safe and un
harmed. amlOatn lirorsen, n sales
man of llnywiird, Is held In Jail on
a vaKruncy charte.
dlrorsen said that when he
hrnuKht Mvs. 1'liomus homo on Hun
day night two men Jumped at him
as he was leavliiK the woman anil
carted him off to Jail.
lirot on dnacrltad Mrs. Thomas
as a "flue woman. I knew her sis-1
tnr well, Mrs. Thomas was visiting i
friends In Ilnyward and asked me
, tn take her home.
Mra. Thomas la well known
social and club circles here,
Is" -3
waiTinci hactions Aaree 10
Discuss Differences
160,000 Pounds Lacteal
Fluid Destroyed Last
Night Monday Day Of
Violence In The Chicago
C1IHWOO, Jan. 22.--(.Vl CM
eaj;o"s milk strike, with Itu atten
dant displays of vlob n :i and (be
destruction of mill: ib-.l.tuvd for
the tiihao market, was ended at
a coiifi leiiee of producer, dlstrlb
mors and city health officers early
Mr. Arnold Kegel, commlmioncr
of health, announced that the two
factions, at loKKcrheads for weeks
over tbe price lo be paid for raw
id Ilk, had agreed to submit their
differ'iices to arbitration.
officials of the Pure Milk asso
ciation, representing tlie striking
dairymen, agreed lo order the din-
continuance of picketing pending
set I lenient.
arouraiion lonay at a meeting be
tween representatives of the two
Milk Destroyed
The conference was called after
,'PHi striking dairymen lust night
added to tho thousands of pounds
of milk that have been dumped by
seizing two Sou line milk trains at
Lake Villa,, 111. They cowed the
rruxfs with clubs, hewed their way
Into four curs wilh pickaxes, and
destroyed HU,0nu pounds of milk.
It was the chief outbreak of a,
day of violence In which truck
i drivers were kidnaped and beaten
! and L'?l!.ou0 pounJs of milk dump
j ed nt Lake "Villa,' Hartlett, Half
liny, Klgln, Lake (leneVa, 111,;
Puiilngton, Klkhoin, and Sprlng
i field. Wis.; Oary and Miller, Id.,
I and other districts whero the
j dairymen's flgh'. for an Increased
i 1 ' 1 "M oi en -most pronouneeo:.
j uuiing the lant few days an aver
age of 400, not) pounds of milk
dally has been diverted from Chi
cago distributors, Commissioner
Kegel estimated. Thirty-one re
ceiving stations handling the pro
duct of 5411 farms have closed, he
Cal., Jan. 22. uP) Oordon Stew
art NortllCOtt. acc?. n.1 o"-V". nf
young boys, tottered Into lho court
room today leaiiii.u iiu.i.., . .... . ..
, arms of two deputy sheriffa and
mailing his oyes with dark glasses.
As soon as court convened he asked
for a continuance of his trial for
"I don't know how long."
. superior Judge George R. Free
man, after hearing testimony of
Dr. H. L. Ratllffe. who examined
Northcott 20 minutes before court
convened, granted a continuance
until Thursday. Northcott aat wlth
dosed eyeH nt tho counsel tahlt
during the brief court session, lie
was taken Immediately to his cell.
Will Rogers Says:
NKW YORK, .Inn. 12-.
This fellow Wlmlen is renlly
tryiiiK tn do soinetliiin; with
this tiiil'fie Kitiintion in N'ew
York and everybody is hop
ing lie Retrt
nwny with it.
For the first
time in New
York he is
imikinK ped
es! lians get
like nn unto.
mobile. Xow whether they
know I lint much depends on
the people, pedestrians must
hold out their linnd when
irettine; ready to turn. Con
liiiiitilly doinx this is i:i'ng
lo he hunt tnr just a few
of us here in New York.
Tiixieiibs must po over to
New Jersey to turn riht,
h ml to I.onit Islimd to turn
left. Your theatre, ticket is
Kood for liny, theatre you
happen to pass by.