PXGE TWO Iocal and -'Personal The bright spring sunshine of ihe past two flays docs not seem so bright fr Miss Klva Caster of H. D. Fearey'j loan and insurance office in the Medford building. night, while on route from DeVoc'.s confectionery to her 7iome at 311 I'artlett street, she lost a purse, containing $45 in rush, her passbook and several chocks. She ha searched dlliRently for the lost purse, and her only hope remain j In tho possibility that some honest- minded person will find It and re turn U to her, her name and ad dress being Inside. Riverside Community Club da nee I fiat. night. Lot's go. 2tf2 A building permit was Issued by 1 the city today to John Class off 3 Chestnut street, to construct dwelling and earn ire at u cost of SK.Qu. Dance, Jacksonville, tonight. 9-2. Guests from a diMance registcr ed at Med ford hotels include p. A. Smith of Ht. Louis, E. Mosbachcr of New York City and Mr. and Mrs. Threshoken of Windermere, Can. Hot, clean coal. Tel. 631. Med ford Fuel Co. tf Dance, Jacksonville, tonight, 9-2. Xo change in tho weather Is forecast for tonight and Sunday, the forecast renflinfi: Fair, but with fogs and no change In tem perature. The lowest temperature during last night wus 24 at 0 a. m.t which followed a maximum of 4S yesterduy. The Thrift Shop has a January Clearance Bale, beginning January 12. Men's suits, coats, overcoats, hats and shoes; women's dresses, coats and hats; children's clothing of all kinds. Kvery article greatly reduced. Many useful a r titles on & and 10 cent counters. Hats from 10 to 50 cents. Don't miss this sale. Come In nnd look over tho stock and find some real bargains. Place, over Rex cafo, 123 E. Main. Mm. B. F. Delta rr and Ron were among Ihe McCloud, ('a!., people spending yesterday in Med ford, Runny Rowo's Seven Knighta of Harmony will play at Jackson Springs Club Sat. night. A treat for soro cam. 292 Today's public market was not as heavy as usual hut enjoyed the average, morning patronage, with late produce one of tho features, which also included a small sup ply of dressed poultry, sold nut In a short lime. The fresh meat both did a rushing business and a fairly large supply of meat butchered In the Trail district. Thomns Realty Co. Loans on furniture and other collaterals; straight or Installment loans on city property. Palm ltlock, corner Main and Front, upstairs. 210if Dr. F. CI. Thayer and T. K. Dan iels of Med ford attended the Izaak Walton league meeting at Woasku Inn Thursday night. You . Will enjoy .comfort, good music and sociability at Walker's dance tonight. 292 Richard Kimball, associate own er of the Kimball Fruit company of New York, who ha.H been in conference with C. C. Dai by. local manager here for tho past several days, oft by motor this morning for Wcniilrhpo nnd Vnklmii, wIum'o ho will rcmnln for tin- ntnit iwu inontliH, ruturnlntf to Mmirnrtl on hit way Houth, In Mari:h. Homo mending, runnora romovi'd nnd HnnKH worked back. Handl craTt Shop. 210tf A deal was cloned UiIh week whereliy Theo. V. Tollcfnon, Cen tral Point' affalilo banker, became tlieowner of tho larKc home of Cleo. Ii. Fox, local realtor. The homo Iff HltllHted oil Hccond Htroet near the HchoolhouKe. The Vox homo In ono of tho finest ronlileneeH of tho city nnd tho new owner ex poctH to ntnko HeVral Improve muntH upon the property to make It n. flrxt-clam modern home. Among tho ImprovomentH will be a haitement and tho Installation of a furnace. Central Point Htnr. l'"reh molt nrrivlng dally nt Jntinnon's Market. ,tf Wood all kinds onk, laurel, fir and dry slain. Medrurd Kui'l Co. Tel. B31. if Cruel and inhuman treatment Is Ktven ns tho Rrounds for n divorce suit aKalnst Mary Danillx by J K. Danllla on file today at the county clerk's office. Tho couple were mnrrled December 3, 109, and hnvo ono son. ltohert Danllln, who enlisted In tho United Hlnles urmy last wook. Dunce, Eaglo Point, Rat. nlulit 8 Attorney Frank DoSount and Rilisar Johnson loft yesterday for crescent City to transact buslne returnlnK to Medford this after noon. Host Utah lump oonl. Tel. 631. Medford Fuel Co. tf Indication that KM ED. despite Iho crowded condition of the oilier enured bv many other station, Is still oblnlnhiK irood distance roc ords, a letter wa received thin week by tho stutlnn from n listener In Altoona. Pa., Riving Information lhat a program from Medford had been received with unusually good clarity. letters to tho station from listeners are not so numerous ns during tho earlier years of broad casting, but n gratifying number are still bolnft received. Fresh smelt arriving dally at Johnson's Market. tf C. If. Btlle and Kd DeHarr of McCloud. C'nl., were business vis itors l this clly yesterday. Highest Brttdo I'tnh oonl, nny slio, anywhere, any amount, llan on Coal Co. Phono SSil. !f Miss llelono Illeilo and Mrs. H. C, Hiock and Mrs. Ouy Applewhite of Ashland motored to. Medford Thursdnv to attend to business af fairs and visit friends. Ono lot of wjntor hats. Including Osgo hsts to 1.60, going nt $l.SH. Ono lot to 17.60 nt 80c. Now spring hats now on display, priced very modest. Tho Emmy Lou Hat Bbop in M. M. Store. ! Dance at Riverside Community Club Kh. hlgl't- Good music, flood rata, 'J- Included among the Oregonians registered at Mt-dford hotels are Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Whiteside of Corvulli&, J. t. Currie and A. It. Wilson of Salem, D. 11. t'roner of The Dalles. MIks Oracc Dunn and F. C. (i e 1 1 y of Ku ge nc, ami the following from Portland: P. K. Tinker, O. F. Fa lima n, C, Parsons, 11. I.. Deaton, Ida Worthlngton, H. Rahenstein, Mrfnd Mrs. li. Jones, F. K. Wle.ster, t.eorge Johnson, A. It. Wltherail. A. 'M, Jloxson, D. D. Wilson and W. W. Street. Kincaid's donee, ISagle Point Sat. ! 282 Wood - all klmto-ook. taur!.!"" "T.'l "h fir and dry slabs. Medford Fuel Co. Tel. 631. tf'l An Interesting display of mount-1 ed steelbead fish x allrai.-tiriK at tention in the display window of the 1'lche Sporting floods more, Where It will be li ft on exhibition for several days. The fi.-h, mount-j edon panels with a fly hook still sticking In the mouth of one. w-erc caught ill the Koguo river t.elow flrantK Pass by fishermen of lhat district. Kincaid's dance, Kaglo Point Hut. 202 Cheap dry lumber at Medford Lumber Co. 23:tf ,jUni mu..,...K w ".oreifon unction. The work In hand i 11. Lindsay ItLspected his flock of wild turkeys, he found that his old torn had been killed by a bobcat during the night. He Immediately net traps but the cat stayed away. Tho next night, however, it return ed to ItH feast anil stepped Into two tiapH. It was one of the larg est seen there for noino time. Tues day, while the traps were being set by Mr. Lindsay and tiovern ment Hunter Harry Stokes for coy- oiew, it re pun wuh oroimni i iu-iii , oi tnree more nooca.H in i e v.cin-)flr(. uy ana traps were set. i ne next , morning a young cut was caught (rants Posh Courier. Dance at Riverside Community Club, Hat. night, Jlroadway orches tra. Nuff sed. 292 Hot. clean coal. Tel. fl31. Bed ford Fuel Co. tf nouniy wurrams were isstieu i the county clerk's oflco today to Fred Warner of Trail, one bobcat: Hurley Hall of Jacksonville, two coyotes and one bobcat; Louis Culy of Jacksonville, one coyote; (ior- ald lteck of Jacksonville, three bobcats. That good con I --low In ash. Han sen Coal Co. Phono 23il. tf Oct those fenders and amo bodies straightened at HrlU's Hheet Metal Works, opposite lewis Hupcr Service Station. I'hono 418. tf Miss Huth Vork of 10 vans valloy was u mo rig the out of town visitors In Medford today. Notlco Plumbing repairing of all kinds. Call Will Swartz nt HGH-U 290 Many high schools, Incl tiding Medford high, already have signi fied their Intention of entering tho state oratorical contest, and the entry list Is expected tn increase greatly. Regular dance, Knglo Point Hat. 2'J2 Mr. and Mrs. M. U. Crooks of Mt. Hhasta, Cab, art here on one of their periodhuil' vtsltls. Coal by the sack or ton. Tel. 631. Medford Fuel Co, U Accused of breaking Into an empty house near Central Point, Clifford Clark of Central Point and CI Inn n Ht linger of this city are br ing held by local authorities for burglary. Ht linger was released a short tlmo ago from the state reform school on his promise he would be a better boy In the fu ture, after having been committed thoro for petty theftM in Medford. The two boys are alleged to have stolen books from the house. Cheap lumber nnd cedar posts. Medford Lumber Co. 237tf Dunce, Eaglo Point, Hat. night. For the first time this year, mail planes of the Pacific Air Transport company Thursday found suffici ently clear visibility to laud at the Medford airport. During the fqg period which had been the order since the last of tho yenr. P, A. T. ships made landings and takeoffs from Harron's ranch, nt tho head of the Rogue River valley, near Ashland. Portland Journal. . Coal by the sack or ton. Tel. 631. Medford Fuel Co. tf Alfred Wellner, New York rep resentative of Hlmon Hhuttleworth nnd French Fruit company of New Vork. arrived on the Hhasta this morning for a few days confer ence with Ouy Conner, local man ager. Mr. Low man of tho same company Is also In the city, an In C. R. Paddock, coast representa tive from Seattle, who arrived yes terduy, "Charls Rop. Phone 479-M. Mm. Riidle Allen. 282tf Dance at Riverside Community Club, Sat. night. Jlroadway orches tra. Nuff sed. 292 Among the Ashland members of the Knstern Star lodge who motor ed to Medford last , Wednesday night to attend tho Installation ceremonien of Reameji chapter No. 6, O. K. 8.. were: - Mrs. Hello Hchweln, Mrs. Dewey Sackett, Mrs. Frank Crouch, Mrs. Moss, Mr. and Mrs. Jack VanPraog nnd Miss Car , ollno Itaddc, Wood all kinds oak. laurel, fir nnd dry slabs. Medford Fuel Co. Tel. 631. tf Host Ptah lump coal. Tel. Ml. Medford Fuel Co. tf That good con I --low In ash. Han sen Coal Co. Phone 2Si. "1 hear rail-splitting nnd tlo maklng is pretty good up around Sand Point, Ma., and so mo nnd the hoy are leaving for there to day," said a transient who unsuc cessfully tried for work lit the lo cal branch of the Cnlted States free employment bureau. He wan accompanied by a youngster five or six years old nnd both were ftarbed In ratut d clothing. He tUSuwd lu came from Imvn and encountered car trouble upon arriving in Med ford, burning out n generator tit his automobile. J Regular dance, liigle Point Pat. 202 Temporary auto licenses wet i Is sued at the Hheriff'i office today to J. H. Trusty of Trail nnd Harry Powell, O. M. Rcdlugflchl. Arthur Itowley, L. A. Darby, L. It. Hock Icy, Roy Raker, J. H. Ruch, F.dith Thompson, C. J. Haylor, M. It. New comb nnd O. V. Myers of Medford. Doors nnd wlndnirn cheap nt Medford Lumber Ca. 237tt HrEDFORn MJiTL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, Among the visitors in Medford yesterday from drams Push whs FrKl Mortensen, wif-tiing pride ttf that city, accompanied by his family. Mortensen while in Med ford, took occasion to direct sev eral verbal broadsides at Sal lot Jack Wood of this city, whom he seemed reluctant to meet in a re turn match here. Riverside Community Club dance ; at. night. I.t's go. 2!2 Let mo write your fire insurance Carl Y. T-ngwald, Hot"! ilnlbm. Phone 993. tf Only two out of the mate ears '. auto traffic bureau. News of Co. A National Guard Lieutenant r.eoiKe F. I.lndley Thursday night conducte d the flr.s' non-com school of the year. li wuh found to be very Interacting; j and Instructive. The prlvalen were; represented by itudolph Singler, I Kvan I j. Crow and Willi I'orter. On the evening before Major Tierney conducted a school for j mo worn in nnnu at mat meeting was aenverea uy it 1 Minus. Wilt V ftHlU Ulill I everybody present was nble tOiMw, Handfchekkcl was in a pnni-l undei stand and remember. Hergeant Hewitt the Company A top kick, took the examination for tt commission in tho reserve corps on Wednesday night. He tells the boys that it was sure a stiff one. The members of Company. A are requested to report at the Ar- mry on minuny at t a. m. io!and found the apartment filled ,m rfe rttn f0. wth on the rifle range, for both Dril(..k.0 nnd f((P PlM.firi, i i(.lllt.. ant McHee the range officer, wants the company to qualify. ! every man, for the calendar year of l!t2!i. The civilian members of the proposed headquarter; company are ulso Invited to flro on the rfln( ny HumIltv thflt Company mnv KO nut x , , ,' Tho mien committee of thu liar AHHocliitlou mot last night to lor niulate a Hut of rules for the prac tice and procedure in tho local cir cuit court. A Hhnplliieution of the former rules its well aH additional ones designed to cove the compli cated changes resulting from the growth mid development of the law profession within the comily Is the object ol the eijmnillteVs activity. Tho rules cnmniltteu conshtts of K. hi.. Kelly, chairman; Porter .1. Neff, (Juh Newbury, A. K. Iteaines and F. J. Newman. The proixised rules and changes will he submit ted tn the Hut- tissoclallon at its next meeting In February. BERT BELL RESIGNS TMilLADKLPHlA. Jan. 12. (&) Pert llell, for many years bn'k- fleld coach of Cnlvers.ly of Penn sylvania football teams, will not return so long as "present condl tlons' exist. Pell, who announced his resig nation Thursday night, told news papermen who were bis r.fesls at a dinner hint night that he was through definitely as coach nt Pchn, and made it clear that he had resigned, not because of other business activities, but because ho was nnt In accord with train lug methods at Pennsylvania. Hell Is credited with having in troduced the hidden ball system of offense at Pennsylvania. SOLE SURVIVOR OF ' PLANE CRASH DIES MIDDLFTOW.V. Pa.. Jan. 12. iff The toll nf the army airplane crash at Royulton, near here, yes terday was raised to eight today when Sergeant Patrick Conroy, of New York City died In the Poly clinic hospital at Harrisburg. Conroy hud been the sole sur vivor of the crash In which one officer nnd six enlisted men were killed. He was brought to the hospital In a critical condition with a fractured skull and did not regain conscloustio.su. His death removed the main hope of the war department Inves tigation of tho cause of the trag edy. HARVARD NEXT YEAR ltOSTON, Mass., Jan. PJ. u? Arnold llorweon, captain of Har vardn football team In P.O' and head roach since 10'iii, will coach Harvard mini her year. A Joyous Kroup of graduate, and miuVr-truduntca heard William J. Bingham, director of athletics, f make that announcement last night 1 at the first Harvard football dinner since 1922. The dinner was hi honor nt tho learn which defeated Yale. Arthur French, captain of Ihe 1028 team, said: "Now that Ainle has consented to come back, 1 think the 11 i' tteason will he the greatest we have had In years." XotUx. Anyone in t fronted In Symphony Orchcstrn, communicate with W. T. Holger of the Medford School of Music, HpAHa llldi;. DEATH OraOIT- 1 Daily M&rological Bqwrt MAY BURY 9nUS3&s! LOB ANV.r.Lm Jan. I2. fieoi-Kf Scott, explorer and cntnent expert, found dad In a pax-filled room last night, today was be lieved to have carried to bl ;ravn the Meeret of the 1 fandiu-heiekel Iirucofw for coorinK motion pic tures. The homicide police bureau was ealhd to ynrk on the case, when the report showed that blood had oozed from Scott's mouth, a clr-; cumfttance considered unusual In! uMpbyziation casew, on the theory ( that the man might have been , murdered. ( Mcott v:ih a brother-in-law of; Max HandschcIcrceJ7,Tnto iuventor of the motion picturtv coloring pro.; of 1lflnflehdelrel f rt K or nanoscneicKei. to ht NskMrtyi person living who knew the mm: ret tar I urn, and had turned over to Scott, her brother, u power of at torney. Scott was last seen alive on Sun day. Last night a telephone op erator at the apartment house ; where Scott lived, mentioned to a j tenant that she had not aeen him for several days. They entered ah KHH ,.mi Hrott dead. Police jabl he hail been dead for neverul days. Scott left no note., j KAN FRANCISCO. Hoeing llncH operating air-mall routes from San Francisco-Oakland to Seattle. Las Angeles and Chicago, finished I the year at tho 3,335,073rd mile- post. Hoeing Air Transport, since In- auguration of service July 1, li)27,j and Pacific Air Transport,, which I came inl.Vlbe Hoeing system Janu-j ary 1, .1028, idled up thla mileage ., while transporting 1,413,580 pounds, of mall. Passengers totaling 3.-1 0 07 were carried over 2,143,777 1 pntsenger miles. Several inns- of air express were transported un der contract with the American t Railway K. press company. W. Ci Hen on, vice-president In charge of traffic, Issued the report and said that he expects an enormous In crease during the present year. Totals for 102K on Itoelhg Air Transport, San Francisco and Oak laud -Chicago route, are: i Miles flown. 2.1 78.305; mail curried, 0 H G, 2 7 9 pou n ils ; passengers car ried, 1. 863; passenger miles flown, 1.270.778. Totals for PUS on Pa cific Air Transport, Heati le-Los An geles via Medford are: Miles flown. 703,542; mall c a I- r I e d. I7,ii72 PouiuIm; passengers carried. 1.4 s 4 : passenger miles flown, 500.500. GOLDEN WEST HOTEL, IT I PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 12.r-(B The doors of the C.ohlen West Hotel, one of Portland's most prominent negro establishments, failed to open today. For last night, 15 government operatives, armed with crowbars, picks and other Implements of destruction, visited the hostelry and barred doors fell before the onslaught. The place was closed, and W. D. Allen, Its proprietor, wns under arrest today on a charge of main taining a nuisance. The tederat agents wild much KamblliiK paraphernalia wan ath ei-ed In the raid; that a KaniblinK , name was broken lip and J 20U , wbh confiscated a evidence, and that dice boxen and decks of cards were found. FAIR WEATHER SEEN SAN KHAXCISCO. Jan. iJkifP) The weather outlook tie week. CYDrPTQ PDfMITU LAI LUlU UllUIl Ml U W. DICK. Meteorolut. 7 i fjF nt'KiumiiK January j atn, was nn' nounced here today by the United r States weather bureau, as follows: I C. H. Taddock. of Seattlcs Wn., frr weslern states: Tho out- western manager, nnd Joseph I-o-look Is for Kcnrrnlly fair wenther.tan of New York, sales mannper. but with considerable valley fogs In Washington. Oregon and north ern California. Temperature ome whta below normal. XKW YOltK. Jan. 12. ppi without ii record vote the house late Friday passed the Fenn bill to provide a method for u reappor tionment or the house lucmhershlp In the event that congivjtfi Itself rhould fall to do so after the forth coming 193(1 census. The last re. apportionment of members was tniide upon the busN of the 1310 C.Misua. OREftONV SA1T?DAY. unday. No change in tempera- I tui)C- Lowest tonight, about 24 de- j grees. j ' Oregon: Fair, but local valley , fugs tonight and Sunday. No change I in temperature. Ical Data Temperature (degree)..,. 42 Hifihest (larit 12 iint.) 4S Ioiveat (last 12 lira.) 21 Itel. humidity (pet.)..... .. 73' 24 J-'tate of Weather.... Clear Clear Total precipitation since Weptem- ber. 1, I'JJH, 7.13 inches. Hun.-et today, 5:J p. m. Hunri.se Sunday, 7:37 a. m. Kun.Met Hunday...r:fj3 p. m. Observations Taken at 5 A. M. 120th Meridian Time CITY 3- fa TJ 2 I Sir j a? I 5 3 liaker City 2G 8 Clear Pismarck 24 6 Snow Poise 32 18 Clear Denver 50 30 Clear Des Moines 2K 0 Clear Fresno 40 34 Clear Helena 46 40 Clear Los Angeles 74 Ji& Clear I Murshfield 52 2S Clear j Phoenix 3C Clear Portland 42 30 Foggy Red P.luff 36 2S Foggy lioseburg 38 34 Foggy Salt Lake Clty 34 18 Clear San Francisco. 50 3G Clear Santa Fe 41! 20 Clear Seattle 3S 34 Cloudy Spokane 21 22 Cloudy ; Winnipeg 20 Clear Hani's eratcrlun Sunday. The world's largest shoe is on Its way to Medford. It is 40 feet high, 30 feet long and is to be seen on the stage at Hunt's Cra terian Sunday. It was made especially to ac commodate the 20 Sunklst beau ties and the rest of the cast of Function AMnrcq's whirly-givly version of tho folk stories, called "Hot Momma (loose Idea." Rose Vnlyda, famous singer, heads ihe cast. Also (n this start limy presentat4on are Dorothy and Harry Dixon, with their hilarious antics; the Three c.irl Friends, who present sweet sounding bal lads; Pert Piival, the original jack-in -Ihe-Jiunping-box, and the Sunklst beauties. The picture attraction will bf Chnties ( Ruddy) R o d g e r s hi "Some One to Love." LOWELL DEW SEEKS NAVAL SCHOOL ENTRY Two boys in this congressional district, one ambitious for a jnill tary career and the other for a navy career were taking the civil servleo examination here today in the court room of the federal building under the supervision of Karl York, local secretary of that commission. They are Walter K. Fa rzet to of Da 1 las w h o h r pes to pass the examination for appoint ment to the West Point military academy, and Lowell Dew of Med ford who hopes to qualify for ap pointment to the Annapolis Naval academy. Such examinations .are held In the district the first of every year so ns to provide the congressman with a list of available candidates for appointment In case of Vacan cies. However, nny youth receiv ing an appointment from Con gressman Hawloy must pass nn entrance examination, to either of the United States Institutions. The list of sealed exa m ination questions on which the boys were examined today were received by Secretary York from the civil Ser vice Cominisyion henduuarterH at Washington, D. C, and upon com pletion of the written examination papers today Ir. York will seal them and forward them to the headquarters at Wash! n k t o n. where they will be looked over nnd graded. . OFFICIALS IN MEDFORD A. J. Welluev. sales mnnaKcr and Dwlght ! Woodruff of I.s Ange Icm. formerly head of tho Hood I liver Apple n rowers association, alt officials of the Simons, Shut tleworth and French company, fruit shippers, with a branch in' thlu V'ltlnV HlTlVrf fnilov f.iw thn lanuuat conference with Ioc.il con-' nectlons. upon the coming year's! policies in this section. The shipper's representatives nr- .veu mm morning and will con-i with luy W. Connor, local! ifproscntatlve. the C. nnd K. com- tliailV. II. Van . IIoevnnlur IIia i-oiier rnmier orcnarn interests, and others. The visiting representatives will spend four or five day In the city, and during their tsy will make nn Inspection of thh orchard dlstvW. Clean rns wanted at tho Mail Tilbuno oft ico. t JAXTTATtY 32.7 102fJ. GAS COMPANY TO CO-OPERATE Will! LOCAL REALTORS: At a meeting1 of the Realty Hoard held yesterday nom at th Hotel Medford, K. J. Dazey,- gen eral manager of the Soutliern Oregon CJ;A corporation was' the chief peake. and. in his remark-; st reused the close relations be tween the rcaltrs and ga-.wrvie jn homes. A score of realtor;- ! were present, at the . coinpli . inentarj' luncheon. ; M r. Dazey ref t uestet I t he rea l Jtors. In their salen and netjotia- tions for ales, to urge the in stallation of gas, and realtors cited cases where sdles had been de ' layed or lost, because proKpective j buyers from other sections found the houe not attached to a gas : main. U was requested that gas I be made as much a part of an j up-to-date house, as any other 'modern convenience. . , ! The gas company, announced! that It was part of iu business I poliej- to extend its. gas. mains to' any 'section, that would justify j the cost of installation of the gas mains. I Mr. Dazey In his remarks, ;dis-! cussed the gas business thoroughly! and made a strong impression. I During the course of his -talk, he recited a poem with ga as the theme, that made a decided hit with the realtors. An i) lust rated pamphlet, show ing every phase of the gas busi ness was distributed to the real tors. The session lasted for over an hour, und included a lively ques tion and answer period. DANE COMES TO TOWN N NEW AUTOMOBILE AND CHIDES OPPONENT; j Coming to Medford principally "to recover a three-dollar hammer j he claimed Sailor Wood took with jhlm for protection at the Hose of; . the wrestling match at ('runts Pass I 1 last Tuesday evening, Fred Mor- i tensen, Climate City wrestling : I pride, was in the city yesterday j afternoon casting insinuations , about the local man, deelaring he I would never wrestle him again i j unless the management of the Rl ; alto theater posts a guarantee of I , $200 or a percentage of the re- i j ceipts. i "Sailor Jack," said the Terrible I i Dane, "took my hammer. He j i stuck It In his pocket to bit some of the crowd whom ho thought might attack him vhin lie left the wrestling arena. It cost three ( dollar, and three dollar i.-i three dollar. Jack, he wants ' me to wrestle him again, but let me tell you one thing, he not going to wrestle me unless he can show S200. I beat him (nice and .vhy should I work for little when I can get more wrest 11 iig someone else ? "Huh! Sailor Jack is my small est trouble my slightest worry." continued Montorson. "I beat him the other night and It showed 1 was the best man. The winner take all of the purse and now see that new Whippet, that's where part of Jack's money went. If I don't ever wrestle him again, he'll know, I he is lucky very lucky. . lint If they can put tip $200. I will wrestle, i That's final." . . Mortensen expressed vexation at the report that the local niair d'i.;- clared he was afraid, irnd was vex ed at tho idea that iStiiJop Jack , did not know when he had enough. Dance at Jtlveraide Community Club Sat. night. Good niusic. flood cat. 2!2 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY U'A.NTKI) Ueliable girl over IS years of aire, or experienced woman for general housework. Permanent puMiion in small tam ily. Phone 3H0-I.. tr , KOlt KKN'T Modern furnished house and garage, f-'i. Call at 701 W, llth St. JUS ; KOH SALR Dandy 3-room mod ern east side home, practically new: fireplace, built -ins. lawn, shrubbery and fruit; on paved street, excellent location. I'ricc SUiiOH; good terms. See Charles A. Wing Agency, Inc. 2'.M : m'SIXKSS OPPOHTUNITT Good paying card nnd billiard room, combined with conteciiouery: ex cellent location; good equipment. Doing nice business. Total price, $3.7Ml; terms. See Charle A. Wing Agency. Inc. . " FOK SAl-K ion acres bearing pears nnd apples; 1 ii year old ; excellent location above frost line; only 4 miles from Medford, and a real money maker. Total price $22( per acre for liearing pears and apples Can you beat it? Huy this nnd we will also deed you 247 acre in grain, al falfa and woodlan'd, ns well as an K-room house, 2 barns, spray rig. tractor, team horses, etc. All has splendid possibility for home sites and subdivision. Total price of whole business, t'jj. 000. See Charter A. Wing Agency. Inc., Medford. Or., exclusive aeiil.. Xo. there no mistake; we mean business. 2'i-l WANTR1) housework. A ma Id for genera 1 Tel. 73. 214 FOR KKXT 3-room furnished hv: modern. ctose In. Phone .1.1 -VI 12.1 Xo. Holly. 2!t3 TLU-COLDS r Check at hrst sneeze. Rub on inhale vapor tyJCKS PACKING CHARGES ' FOR VALLEY CROP WILL BE SETTLED The Fubidanc of a resolution pushed at a meeting of the fi tilt packers of this district Thursday afternoon is u. follows: "The packers, who have met here today at the request of the boar! of directors of the Fruit Croweis league. f-e, that the suggestion of the board that packers should es-tnbH-ih a rjte for l!'t'( of c-nts per bo:; cannot be entertained, as the concensus of opinion would show this to be below aetua! cosi. "However, the packers realiK' that the Industry and their own existence is dependent upon the production of fruit by thu grower. Individually, the packers are fully cognizant of the conditions eon fronting the grower at this time, and pledge themselves, individu ally, to give this entire .-subject their earnest consideration and to effect a packing charge based up on a reasonable profit for the cap ital and energy expended.' .From the tenor of the r solu tion, it is dedueed that the pro posed price of itU cents per bo:; was not feasible, as It was below the actual cost, but that an earnest effort would be mad to fix a -packing charge that would be fair to both packer and grower. The packing charge will be fixed at a future session of the packer... California's hottest band will play at Jackson Springs Club Sat. night, 11:30 till 2 a. m. '-".12 These Drug Stores Are Open Nights This Week Medford Pharmacy Heath's Drug Store Strang's Drug Store FREE SEED Mail this coupon with Iflc coin or Ktamps to cover packing and mailing costs, rind I will peral you three of my choicest f'ludiohis Kulhs, guaranteed to bloom in three different colors in 00 days. Also a tree eoupon good for one J;"c package nt my new and most beau tiful fragrant Chinese iicgale l.ily seed, with my spring Hulb and Seed Catalog. WAKKKX XI KSCItV fai2.i Third Ave. .; Ncatthv .Wash. i ONYX H POINTEX 1 ' HOSIERY HI For women $1.05 flllllillllllllillllllllllllillllllllil!!!!" Saving :s a It's a habit that grows, and the more it grows, the easier it seems to get, and all the time Interest-on-your-Sav-ings keeps piling up. If you haven't already the habit, start today with some thing. One year hence you will wonder why you did not start sooner. The Jackson County Bank ES' ABLISHED 1BS8 Medvord, Oregon O Commercial - Savings Safe Deposit KKMBIiR IBDfiRAL RESRRVB SYSTEM Tomorrow Continuous Shows 1:30 to 11 -P. M. ONE DAY ONLY FANCHON ANO MARCO'S Most Novel Stage Presenta tion ' "Hot Mamma w jioose Idea A Bag Full of Gags, Girls and Giggles 7 Big Features And the Gorgeous SUNKIST BEAUTIES . ON THE SCREEN . Chas. (Buddy) Itodgers IN SOMEONE TO LAST TIMES TONIGHT WSPifi. The Bi9 Talking rtf"t Lauoh Hit 4'J fion Sidney With JEAN And a Great Cast in "GIVE AND TAKE" Medford School of Music Violin class instruHion t:i.00 pm- month Intliviiliiitl instrnetioii ijili.OO. per month Aecretlited Teacher Phone 437-R id viTtisdni; trfs result Money li! Habit . ill 14CJ TmSm JHI