Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 12, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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1 The Weather
Forecast Full', but villi Tnlley
fog tonight and Sunday; no
U-iuiM-ralure rhaiute.
Kiehoit yesterday - 4H
Ixnest llits moruUflc 24
Weather Year Ago
Illghe-t year ago today 4K
IoueM year ago today ttil
Dily Twenty-third Tear
eiy Pifty-ftvvcnth Yar
MEDFORD, 0U1X10X, NATfUPAY. .J.fcM'AK'Y 1l 1 ;!;.
No. Jf)2.
By Arthur Brisbane T f AWAT
Two Kinds of Laws.
From the Track to the
N. Y.'s Road in the Air.
An Octopus Fight.
' (Copyrlslit, 1923, by Star Co.)
Mr. Hoover, it is said, will
take up prohibition in his own
way, not controlled hy wets or j
ilrys. That's the right plan, i
UK was elected President, not 1
the wets or drys.
It is added that Mr. Hoover j
lias invest iiraled "control in I
other countries."
Other countries legislate on j
the drink question, making laws
to suit the people rather than
trying to remake the peop
suit a law.
e to
. ,. : tunun-.-is. :
i Among intelligent nations ot , clail.m;in .i,.Nm-y or the m-natf ;
'Europe it is made difficult and j aurleulturc cunimlUM, and millini'j
1 . of the principal farm relief ineas-
eostly to get whiskey and thelm.e ,lufort, conBrc, announced!
Other alcoholic poisons, com- ; iiCifi- a conference with the presi- j
' . (lout-elect that he had no inten-i
paratively easy and inexpensive jun,, ot ,.nii.nR hi coimnitiee to-1
to net heer and wine, the less Vf.irr to consider the hill.
. Senator .McNaiy said the cof.-
hai'llHlll slllliplants that men jKesiloii of Hie nciiiUu calendar I
have drunk temperately foriiu"'d any hop,, of rc-mihk a!
'farm hill thrmiKt. at this time, i
Centuries. ! lic-llcvlnR that the special session'
Till' "tipster" llOVCS from
the race track to all Street, r
Yon can now liny tips on what '
stocks will do, based on toys
terionst iiiforination.
These tips do not come from
. . . ,, . ...
lite leeit imia. nut UJMUl.l
ou they c:ni t:ct iufor-j
malion irom tint man that
waits on C. E. iliteliell,
, '
in hi private diiiinir room in
din; bunk building.', or froni the
" inan that waits' on Otto II."
. e
Knllll, Or llortimer Scllltf Ol
T-h T,.-,,.l &: fomnnnv. in
their private dining rooms.
Fools actually buy the tips.
ou- York Citv after imich
IllSCUSSton, has appropriated tlte
wonev to build an
liifthwAy down the west side of
the city, to cost more than !?l",
0(10,0(1(1. It will remove thou
sands of cars morning and eve-
nillj from the coilttested dis-a
ll'icts That step other cities
eventually must take while
, ,
u.nHino- to Honlile.rleek i heir !
streets, which. also must. come.
The ol
-fashioned city won't
John U. KOkU?IUT, ir.. n;tSWhen lUo. iirewent law va stneatt
f i l 4 . , ,4 fMmJ UP011 tll(' statute liooks nro ro-
heKlin a fmht to put, ( !K',,(n aa h;lv,nK m,
h'obert V. Sltwart out of the! In some existing duties, not only
tk'-'.iindai'tl Oil Company of In
(7iaiHi. .Mr. Rockefeller doesn't ap
prove jrr. Stewart's action in
connection with a quickly im
'' provised Canadian oil company,
and asks stockholders for 'heir
This fiv'ht, inside one or the
little Standard Oil octopuses
will bo interest intt. It is the
first fipht in which the Rocke
feller family has appeared in
some time. They have had
many in the iiast, and usually
won them.
. Dr. K. L. Kieliiinls, of Johns
Jiopkins, says 4(t per cent of
( persons that visit doctors at
7iospltls have nnthiiiR wrong
with thcni.M
Their trouhlo is in their im
agination. '
Mind oontrols the body, and
the miiid is iinnriimtion. Ibe
power of various "faith cures"
that relieve so many "siek" is
due, to the fact that so many of
the "siek" are not really siek
at all.
A relh'i.n with miffieient power
to contrJr their ImuKluatlona per
eualej tht?m that Ihey aro not sfck,
and they are well.
Hut no fnltb will cure you If
IWe in anything really the matter
ilth you.
It won't euro a broken leg, an
(Continued on rage Four).
! Congressional Leaders
Abandon Effort for Relief j
Short Session Hoover I
Attitude Favoring Special;
Congress Holds Hope for;
Action On 1929 Crop.
'oni,-ri.sii)mil leader today uban-
Cloned I'lfnni, to put tlii' (arm j
rt-1l,t ,,.,,.,,, lU Spsi.,i., .
ill v.i'W nt tile attitude ol 1'rosi-
um Iim'L . llonwi-, 1'avorlilK an j
early .special 'Sslili of tin.- . nt-xl j
Iwas "inev.lahlo" Senator Mc.Nary
paid he s ciinlcm to lv the
jarm problem to it.
clary Jardinc had asked
.early neili.n on the Me.Nal'y lilli,
rrt.M' to make it effective on
i tills year's crop, but .McNary he
lieves that if the extra session
is called by the mildle of April
the legislation can be put into
operation In time to be applied
tu thf IHJt (Tuis.
rsiiient - eiect noovt-r,
prcai-.''"' hl" conferences with lie-
puhltcun cunKresytonal lentlera, is
of th 71iit "
yuch . session is. considered to
J " c v ' 1 '" ; irreapeetivo of
wnether farm relief IcKlslatlon Is
enacted before March 4 because
a revinion ot a number of tnl'lff
schedules, industrial as well as
aKi'icttltural. are to bo nuttfe.
It is tile desire of those who
will be leaders In tho next ad
ministration to get this out of
m""!flra""" "' K" ,ml "l
th(, wny as HK,wlly ,,M p0BMl,ie
so that there w.U he the least ills-
t"r a'u' " industrial ana
tiKncuiuiriii worm.
Itevlse Tnrlfr Also.
As tho situation Is now outlined.
turlff revision would be taken till
euncurrently with farm leg'sla- (
Uon and would lie auxiliary to It
ultlfe ft is tlli nill-nOMi, 111 afford
measure of protection lo ngri-'
culture comparable with that
nlber but iimI i-leu on, lei- nvl.dt
jR , rcvined law. ,
B"t'i "iiK-i iiiiiiwunn mi, ,:, ta.ol
11 ls explained that no general
tariff legislation Is contemplated.
but merely a revision of a num-inn(
her of existing schedules In the
form of an amendment to tlii;
Kordncy-McCllniber net.
C'lumireit comtitlnns sfin'n 1 ft 2 2
desirable, but necessary. n hese
changes might he made under
the flexible tariff provisions, hut
at Inst this method has proven
a slow process and so many re
visions are contemplated that ac
tion by congress Is viewed ns es
CHICAGG. Jan. u. lPl New
low temp rut ii re for the year
wero In proapeet for t ho mid-weft
tmlny mmw nnd sub-zero eob!
Krfpped eiKht htali-s.
The thvrmometi'r droppel to
two degrees below zero early to
day in Chimin. Tonight wan ex
ported to briiiK the new low record
for ihe year.
liitini? windH that sent hundreds
HeeklnK nhclter in misflionH and
jails had converted the outer drive
running tibing l'ir "bore of Iuke
Mlcblun b(!ie into a trencheroux
ftheei. of lee.
The co hi clnlnu two lives in
flllnois yenterd;iy.
Wisconsin and upper MiehlKiw
wrre.dlfiKltiK tiiil of a heavy nnow
Weflern Iowa wax Krfpped by
sub-zero tenipurtUureM and in Xe
bnmkft Ihe mercury tumbled to
zero. Thiff Hixer KhIIn. Al Inn
yesterday reported the coldest
temperature In the mid went with
31 beh.w. Devil s Uxv. S. IX, had
kZft below.
FilmMrm-k i(rl.
I.OS ANOKI-KS. .Ian. 1 2. (P
Police hi-re today wild they hud In
custody Anna Frank, 15. of Port
land, who has been mlftflnx for five
months, nnd for whom a nut Ion
wide search hod been made. The
girl was found, police said, nt a
motion picture studio In Hollywood.
i'ortland police have been notified.
America s longest
cr.di mountains, 100 miles east of Seattle, Wash.,
laid to be the rnatest railway engineering
achievement of last decade, will he opened anil
dedicated by radio toniulu at 11 o'clock eastern ; train and describe event. '
standard time. ( Tonoftrapliical photograph Rlinws where Croat
President-Elect hover (utiper left), himself an : Northern railway's new S-mile bore plerci's Cus
etirlnjcr of renown, will deliver principal address ' cade ranRe. and how their eiisineers have elhnl
trom t.'oral, calia s, F!a. .Inhnson 11. Campbell ', nated lti miles of winilin,' mountain track, tnusi
inext to .Mr. Iloovci i, member of Interstate Com-jot which passes iiuder huse btiow thelteis and
(nerco eomuiissioit will speak tiom Washington, Itiiinclii.
First Baptist Church, Sun-
day School . and -Gym'
Burned Fundamentalist '
Pastor Storm Center for
Years Threats Received
FORT WOltTH, Tex.. Jan. 18.
w,.Thl. fl,,st ls.,pHt church, of
Whlch Dr. .1. Frank N'orris, noted
fundamentalist, is pastor, was de-
ntroyert by ftre here this morning,
I.ilonir w.lh an adjacent four-story
' Hunriuv school huildinL' and i.-ym-
nilKj lln beloimlm; to the church,
when discovered ahout c a. m.
firo jn ,he main building had
n l.nn.l. ...... n.,,l tA t..,ol,llv-
lUo ,). church which was located
ln nu. heart of the downtown d.s-
ii'ct anil nnfi oi me otiys oiiiu-
niaiks. l
The hulk of the city's fire fight-
Imr forces responded to tho alarm, i
Hft,.r two Iioui-h of hard fltcht-
'n(f s;,vclj n(,tber four-story build-
j inK owned by the church anil
'known as the administration hit. id-.
imr. clubhouse.' The plans submitted know and what I believe, it would
The Sunday school bliildhiK was, by the hoys will be Incorporated In1 not free me and I mticht Klvo the
claimed by the pastor to have, those prepared and carried out by'statc nn opportunity in block my
housed the lal'Kost .Sunday school jj,.. chirk, I defense."
class In the world. , ' All IiIkIi school boys who eom- Mrs. Wood anil two men, Tay-
Tho church auditorium had a . peted In the contest are students lor l'lerce and William Thomp
rontlnir capacity of 461111; the (1f l.eland Menlzer. vocational in-son are lo be arraiKlied on war
church plant, lucludlnu business , HlrocK.r, who Willi bis boys will ! rants charnliiK assault with In
dcpai tinents. Kyinnaslum, otc, hurt j nrwlHt In the actual bulldlni; of llietent to kill. l'lerce, Thompson
an approximate value of 1 1 ."".-, elutihoiise, to be situated directly and, Cecil Holt, nn Informer, ac
uilil. . across from the hluli si hool. (itheri' iiMil Mrs. Wood of bavliiK en-
Sccoml l'il-e. j impllH of Mr. Menlzer'.s class who sated Ihem to waylay her bils-
The o r I K 1 n a I First llaptisl submitted titans In the contest are: I band. A fourth man, Ambrose
Church, slnndinit several blocks Kred Alcnck. I'erl lbileman. Ainu ' llnuerty, was slain In a police
'from the structure burned todaj .
Iwas destroyed by fire January ll -
1 1 it 1 2 . This firo was the first I"
a series ol events wiiieii i.-su......
In the indictment of the pastor. I
Norrls. for arson and perjury. He
wax aoiruitled after sensational
"Dr. Norris went lo Austin .ves-
,,,,... , f.-icnds to at
tend session.. t tne leicisiaciu e,
Mrs. N'orris said'.
Dr. N'orris has liein the storm
center or the liaptlst church in
Texas for years, partly because of
his vlsoons efforts al Kineral re
form and partly as the result of
his radical f illidamenlnllst views.
He came even more prominently
into view two years aifo when he
shot and killed D. K. Chlpps.
In Ih. CltllrtV
w. uiuiy ,i,,i, ........ . '. ,
of the church. lie w '"1'C',M
illltl II ICIl I". ...... .'-.. -
iliilttcd on bis Idea of self-defense.
The pastor has repeatedly
charted from the pulpit that
threats have lieon made aicainst
his life and the church establish
ment. Itecently lie has been un
usually vlaoruuK In cnmpalicnlnK
against nlletced vice conditions
Steamer Freed
PANAMA. Jan. 1 1 .A' Th e
s t e a m h h lp President Adams,
grounded on a rfef ystei'day at
the Atlnntlc entrance to the Pana
ma canal has been pulled free and
aken nndr tow to Cristobal har
bor. The line which Is on a world
cruise, strUt-X bow on.
Oreinm Weather.
Fair, but with valley fogs to
night and Hunday: no change I"
temperature. Gentle eutcrly winds
on the coast.
railway tunnel under l:a:i-:l). t-.. and t.eneial W. . Anerbury. presidciu B ifi'tV
rennsylvania Railroad, from Philadelphia. I , . if?vlf ' il
(iraluint .MeNataee (lower risht I dean of Allier- fA 1? Vl
lea's broadcasters, will ride IIuoubIi tunnel on lirsl Hf,, 'j I
Merland Tollefson, Charles
Williamson, Dow Stone
Win Greater M edford
Club Plan Drawing Con
test Prizes.
T,hf contest spoMHure l by the:
Creator Medford cluo, in which
hiKh school boys submitted archl-
leciuriu orawiiiKs tor tne new com-
mltnlty clubhouse lo be liuill liy
that orKanlnatlon wlihln llio near
future, closed last nluht, and the
JuiIkcs, consisting of l C. Clark,
architect, the hoard of the Greater
!.wiri,l ..I,, I, .....I ll,.. l,U,lln.
committee announced tho winners
this morning as follows: Merland
loiieisoii, nisi prize, a ii ; cnnries
Williamson, second prize, $2.50,!
and Dow Htone, third prize, $1. fin.
The first two prl:'.es were offer-
cd by the flrealer Meilfonl club.'
and the third by Mr. Clark, who
Is dnnatlni; his services In the erec-
Hon of the SllMltlO community
neaton. Lewis CoilKer. Ucloss (lil-
l,ert, Tliomas Koukle, .lames Mete,
Glenn Moffltl, eriion Schullz. .lack
smilttl. Gordon turner anil l.yte
I White House pressure
throw n UK.'ilnst the s.-naio Icirlrln- 1
tVe Jam which Is l.oldlnB up the!
Kellogg anti-war treaiy and the
cruiser construction 1111 but it did j
not avail for the time being at
A ftcr a senatorial breakfast '
party. Mr. Coididg'- culled Jn .Sena- ;
tor Curtis, of K.insis. the H publl- i
can lesderl Chairman Itoruh of!
the foreign relations cfjmmlltee,
and Secretary Kellogg who bus1
held out against any Interpretation
by the Memite of his iintl-nni
Heturnlng to the senate,
leaders again canvassed the situu
tlop nd learned that there was
little prospect of obtaining an
agreement today to net 11 n hour for
a vote an the treaiy. However,
despite the increasingly stubborn
opposition to th treaty in the
senate by those seeking an Inter
pretation of it, lenders wore confi
dent of ironing out their difficul
ties before long.
i i 1 1 uLuun in
Mrs. Wood Charged With
Assault to Kill Her Hus
bandClaim Statements
Against Her Exagger
atedHelped Spouse.
D15TKOIT. .Ian. 12. (fll Ar-
iniKiied today
mi a charge of as
sault with .ntent to kilt her weal
thy husband, Mrs. Grace M. Wood
was held In KiO.ouo ball for ex-
animation Monday, .tanuary 111.
Taylor l'leree and William 'I'nomp-
son, who accused .Mrs. U oud of,
otvmlnvin,- Ihfin In I.-1 1 1 Ih,. llllH-
band, Kalph A. Viood, niso were
held for examination with bond
in i nu .uouiiiii.
Mrs. Wood, asserted today that
she wants the charites broiiKht
Into court ami n tiial carried out.
"1 believe- that only by .that
means can a re il truth ever lie
Known." she said. "If I should
make a statement now of what 1
buscade at Wood's Wyandolte
I office Inst Wednesday nlullt. The
ambuscade was 'laid ou the
siienirin oi nous siory.
Mm. Wood declared that many
exfiKgerated statements had (men
made in connection with the case.
'Things such a the reputed In
surant e, she sahl. .Mr. ood a
insurance' 1m $i0,eiM) nnd was taken
:out when 1 ostablished him in
(business, obtaining credit for hlni
1 and othei wise helped. it wan
injc n business protect ivc mcn.e
, lire siivh, h uny competent busi
ness woman would not only eon
hider good - business, but a net.-es-
Mrs. Aood told of iwr o;iri
ilife and added tlu Wood 'never
1 ,1 ,1 11 t 1 i.. . ..ntil i
today wiihI", . , ! i n ' .,
him. kept him going.
It was my
I business; not IiIh."
CIIICAdO, Jan. lli. fPj An ex
plosion that resounded throughout
ihe. loop heralded Chicago's sixth
bombing of the year at one o'clock
this morning.
The bomb wrecked the front' of
a cigar store that police sold also
was a gambling resort adjacent
the Martin Hotel, L')"North Clark
street. Just half a block outside
the loop,
lt whs the fifth bomb In
rc-ecni months to be exploded lit
that vlcinliy, known as Chicago's
"bomb sector."
Solicitor for Co-operative
nnrvmlimnnfo ITrmiirc nf'
, ' ,. ,
Loyalty Is
Urged Directors Are De
dared Qualified. ,
An open loiter from ,). (. JIopptr,
who for -the piiHt (10 lnyn Ihih been
r-olieltliiK stock for the Fanner.H
liKC llHUK' ('OOp!llitiVe, WllH iHHUl'll
yfsterdK.v: j
It has been u renl pleustiro to
tno to meet the Hiibxlmitlnl fai'in
fiH of this eonimunlty and ko over
with t hem the future , prospectM,
opportunitloH ami needn of the
Karniers lOid'hanfte, ami I, am plena
en lo make ine report that over
I ,m, ZvS I. i .iVi ti, -
ra KxchaoKe a strong. so,M n..
nancial institution by VnirHn.tlnIr
r.o(i for Its Increased capital hlH
azures tho Kxehange splend d
start although Its usefulness .could
be enlarged by mure capital.
The most healthful thing that
ran bo done to iismire the rapid
growth of the K, inner Coopera-
live in mr every sioeKnoiiier, Northcott at the latter h chicken
whether large or small, to patron- ranch at Winevlllc, near here. The
ize the Kxfhfinge either In dlspns- other slaying for which North
ing of -his produce or in buying Cott Ih on trial was that of an
feed for his stock. The thought unidentified .Mexican lad whose
I am trying lo express to you Is
loyalty. Not only loyalty with our a roadside near rnenle last Feb
capltiil, lint loyally with our ton- ruary.
gue, loyalty with our business, and
loyalty wll h the associate mem
bers. IMnvlors Qualified.
The annua! meeting of the Farm
ers Kxchunge showed much inter
est. The men elected to direct
Its affairs are men of ability and
experience. They nrn 111:0,11a In ted
with the production of this fine
fertile valley and represent all of
Its varied resources. They are In (
accord with Clay D. Parker, the j
maiinger, and splendid hnrinony
prevails. j
This word "cooperntion" bus
many angles; it is susceptible of
much thought. Where there are
mc;t associated in business, none
can have his own 'way, liven our
great constitution that has the sup
port of every true Amerb-tm was 0 1
compromise of the brightest minds
of Ihe times, and from that source
r(.(.,.jV(., its ureatness.
mo in co-
opei Ion,
must wive and take:
l , . . . .
iciiow no- mum
riuoiH j'ou ncotaoo ; iiwu s run i-
I edition.
1 Assuring you . that you .will al
! ways find tin? board of directors
nnd Ihe manager filled with the
Mplrlt of cooperation s ml anxious
to do unto you as you would be
d'uv by. and with best wish.
A solicitor, I bcwpeiik a suc
cessful future for the Farmers Kx
chunge Cooperative.
to succeed mm.
HALKM, Ore., Jan.
Alfred Hurch of Medford wan to-
iduy uppo'nted by Governor Pal-
terson a a member of the state
horticultural woeb'ty to succeed H.
M. Tuttle of Central Point,
Ter eans Are
Maa , yrtkeys of
By nkey Bill
It!. t.-T. I
liutiky tiill is pt'i uilUlliK H'0.
I o n niakt' iiH'iikt'.VH mil ot
T I' II II l'Sf" lU'lU'CMfHtUtivi
4 ( liMii'L-i- 1 SlIii. L l .if I.', hi.
! trcsb futility unnmuii'iMi tn-r'
last tiiuht that hf wilt Intro-
! t iiff a hill to ri'iH'iil iho mIjiU' .s
uiiti-fvoluiiHii lfiw. '
cisii-M cniiif nlii'i' tin- -nt ii'm
. county hoard of edurutinli had !
j 4 dismissed charges of teaehiuK
. evolution In the public schools
I 4 analnst Ih-of. Klmnre (ienlry.
I 4-
, .;. . .. .;. 4. 4.
WAKlUNdTON, Jun. 1
The dehatu on (he
j Kollou'K treaty to otttlinv war Is
InilittK the CotiKresslonal Itecord
I with eplmtms. tiloti.,' w ith the se
l rioiiu ni'Kiinietits on the merits of
! the pact.
I Here are n few terse, senatorial
Isayinss, culled at random ilnrlmr
tho hu;t t'ew dtiys lroin niu'eehes I Uvea will convene in their respe.-t-of
vurloua lneinhers on tho sub-j ive chambers to mo through the
I'ortnallty of electing and seatlns
"Akin lo the eomniatiilinent I Sunator A. I.. N'orhlad and Hepn
'Thou shall not kill.' " -Senator i setitallve llalph llnnillton. as pres
W miner of New York. I idont of tile senate and speaker of
"A pioiiH pronomicement of plf-1 the respectively, and to rat
lie." Sunalnr Hlalne of Viseonnln. j fy the nuroomentB reached at their
"I'erfect." Senator Shortridy;e or Sunday nlRlu cattcuscB In a down
California. , Wn hotel as lo minor offices nnd
stab in tho alt." Senator
Hruce of Maryland.
gesturo, hut u noble nestiire."
-Senator Swntisun of Virginia,
j If we are Kolng (o throw a kiss
' lo Huropi, let us undoi'Ktiind that
III carries no obligations of malrl
nioiiy." Senator Heed of Mlsaoiiii.
"A provision that ti-tlil, not
I mlKht, shall he our gnlilo In the lit
Sa'""3"1'"1"1' nnUB,m of 1-ou1"-
. "' P,lla ln t'1" POBltlon of ttslllK
.hymn booUs for our first Hue of tie-
ifonse." Kenalnr MeLetin of Con-
UIVKIISIDK. ('111., Jan. 12. (VP)
-r-uavtnff finally given
up hope
l. ..m r.TK, mnH, , "
Z 'ihra n it to take the
Mund Monday to aid In the for-
n(C of the chain of evidence on
which the Htate is balnK Its' ef-
fnrt to hang Oordon Stewart
Northeotl, at-cused torturer and
layer of y(ung boyH,
f Lewie and Nelson Winnlow, the
state contend' were victims of
decapitated body was found along
I'Oli'pI.ANO, Ore.. .Ian. U. UV)
Lorlna flordon, 111, who since Jun.
1 1, has been uuisHuerodlnK as a boy
here found herself In police cus
toduy today. Nhc. ran nfoul of the
' law when one of her girl friends
I been me enamoured of the youth
In a slouch cap, white
d,.u.f.tlvl,M imMl(.( h(.P )n down.
toW() h())l) nUnf J)nt(l, (llt(,n,,lintH
decided she was In reality a girl
1 .. 1
"no 1101 ioe n KK"r i"
tended she was.
Miss Oonlon, or f I cargo Gordon,
as she preferred to be known, said
she started posing as a boy New
Year's eve when she attended a
nifisiucradu party In. the attire In
which she was liiresled,
Hint got "unite a kick out of It,"
she confided to a police matron
lust night.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 12. (yP
Horace M. Albright today was nam
12. OPj ed director of the National Park
service, succeeding. Stephen T. Ma
t titer, who has resigned hecause of
II) health. Mr. Albright, n native of
California, has heen acting dlrcc
lor for sumo liine.
State Income Increase With
out Violence to Tax Lim
itation Faces 35th Legis
lative Assembly Nor
blad and Hamilton Slated
for Leadership.
S.VI.KM, Ore., .Inn. 1L uVi--t'aeed
with the problem of devisiiu;
a means of making S- ripen where
out on urew belure on the state's
(ax revenue tree, and that wlihotit
dolm; violeuco to the restrictions
of the cotistltuilouiil inhibition lim
it ttm lax increases lo 11 per cent of
the total of all tax reveuuet col
lected durln-'; tho last precediu-:
year, inetnhers of the ilath leulsla
tivo assembly are drlftliiK Into ih.
capital for their biennial 40-(lay
wrangle with Oregon's ever-Increas-inu
economic, social nnd political
Monday morning nt 11 o'clo.-u
I tho Hu senators nnd HO represeria-
other details of onanlzntlon.
I Hear Messane Monday
At '1 o'clock Monday afternoon
the lvo hoiiseH will meet In joint
HeHsion to receive tile message of
Governor 1. I... Patterson, following
which the announcement of com
mittee assignments hy the presi
dent nnd speaker aro scheduled;
the first hills will drop into tho
hoppors and the mill will commence
to Krlml,
Anient; the first bills to be lie
IroduveuV l Is nntlclpittett In well
Informed legislative circles, will be
measures drafted by the Ctirklii tax
Investigation committee to carry
nut Its recommendations fur an in
come tax luw, an excise tax on in
tangibles and their companions,
measures In the commlttoe's
i scheme for reduction and redlatrl
I btitlon of Ihu tax biirdott From
' these nnd similar proposals of in-
I dividual members must be wrung
the money to meet an existing
deficit estimated ttt all the way
front one to two million dollars and
. provide the wherewithal to .keep
Mho slate functioning for another
I I wo years.
I Two alternatives present tlient-
BI,HBm.,! ntui tiiviitlon. lo which
f tho harden of Whipple
fBytha aZ Iht TaS"
,er)(,,t for tho v&lit blennium plua
tho governor's budget OHtlmatea fop
1(r novt. two years, or dovlo tt
' monnB ot clrcumvontinK tho 6 per
ctjnt lax iucroase limitatton to al-
nw fnr the Coiloelion from somo
tiudetermined soiirco au equal
amount of money.
May Slash Budget
There are nome among tho law
makers who suggest that solution
of the revenue problem may be
simplified hy a determination ot
tho ways and means committee to
lake tho KoVernor nt his word on
(Continued on Page Slx
Will Rogers Says:
XKW YORK, Jim. 12. I
kco hy tonlnlit's papers that
Pennsylvania jury sentenced
tlnit 14-yenr-old boy to life
imprisonment beeiiuse lie be
lieved in witchcraft, for that
is all he had
had ever
been raised
11 p t o. I) I)
like sentenc
inj; one of
our children
for net lug n-
eordini; lo their religion be
liefs. No doubt ahout there
heiiij? wileheraft in that
county, the jury's verdict
shows that plainer than the
boy's deed. "What's become
of an old-fasliiiied law called
"chnnne of venue 1" I think
it's still in vouc anioiij; the
rich at any rate.
The Lord certainly hud
that, dozen in mind when He
said, ''Father, forgive them
for thev know not what they
do." ,
' Andy, your ' state's (tone
haywire. Yours,