Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 11, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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I The Weather
For Fair, but with tog to
night and Saturday; no temper
ature chantre.
HUrtu-st yesterday 52
lxmet thU morning 23
Medford Mail- Tribute
Weather Year Ago
Highest year ago today. 33
I.otvcl year atfo today .V 81
Air i
Kifty-MTCDtb Year
Xo. 291.
By Arthur Brisbane
What Name for Hoover?
Lolordo's Last Drink.
A Modern Rich Man.
Mrs. Causekas Bare Legs
S (Copyright, 1K29. by Star Co.) j
If Americans call Mr. fool- j
idge '"the silent iTcsidont," j
what will they call Mr. Hoo
ver? lie has been elected Pres
cient of the United States, will
begin his work in less than two
months, and has been in Wash
ington several days at work.
How much has he talked ? Xot
at all.
Bight years more of business
without conversation will suit
this country very well. We have
had, nt various times, consider
able periods of conversation
without business.
krk:,. ......,., .;r,l,i
1 i
from the Lord Mayor in Lou-
A i the Lord Mayor's dinner
a lovinir cup passes around.
When you bury your face in
the bin tankard, and drink
spiced wine, the man at your
left rises and stands Whind
you. That custom cmes from
Mi nil i;.wr
days. The man standin-
was supposed to prevent your
u iti :.. nti
beinx stabbed in the buck as
vou drtili.
' -
i. i i .i .. i i. .,..'
I'ans'pialino Ixilordo hadn t
lienrd of this. Three smiliutf
. , . , ; ,i.;:u i.:
melius iuti.--n:ti iw iiin u.-
health. ITc lifted his glass and
the three sniilint; ones sent 31
bulletN into his head, llCCk and
. .. T , . uiumniilni i
.oioiliuui n. jvuii.iu" ra,e.i......iv.
tf ony Iiombardo,- mnrdercti- not
Ions as?o, as a uhiir ruler.
Viscoiuit Entiismorc, 22, heir
if the Karl of Listowcll, rc-nA-itwiec
titlo nnrl bis riches.
... Ooeialist and
juiin .1.....H -,
founds a COllipunv. "Neighbors,
.: ,
Ltd., to enable wealthy Miciat-,or
: .... it,..;,. ,n,i,.e In lln
iiR ni (,i. ii.. . '
' Such ' an organization was
sugpestcd 1000 years ago, but
the idea has not been gener
ally adopted.
Viscount Knnisinorc, who now
calls himself William Francis
llarc when older, will realize reserves complete freedom of ac
. ' . tion.
that men want to do soinctniii'
. .. .. . ... .. 1......
Willie llicy live, rur ni'"i ,
them, money is' neccssarj , nisi
to provide freedom of action,
1 , .
and second, to make action pos
Mrs. Mary Causekas thougbt
it, unnecessary lo war stock
ings, Iried hare legs in public,
and spent three months in jail,
in virtuous I'ottsvillc, Pa.
The ladv should have chosen
Pulm Reach or the light opera
stage. I'oltsville was a niislakc.
The judge, when he reached her
cum', let her go, on the ground '
that a washer woman's hare
legs arc no worse than those of
a l'alin Heach beauty, or glori
fied girl. .
The New York Academy of
Medicine, with the free-will co
operation of distinguished doc
tors all over the country, pre
litres information on all medi
cal quest ions, and issued recent
ly a statement of medical pro
gress in the year past.
.MOSt important is I
of a cure for pernicious unac-jwhip,
inia, hitherto deadly.
In tlisKfcting bodies of those
dead of anaemia, scientists dis
covered that the liver always
lacked n certain' substance.
That substance is now supplied,
in the form of an extract from
normal liver, and the anaemia
is cured.
i Another Important discovery
fNiows. In cancer, power In certain
cells lo reproduce and grow nhnor-
(Continued on rage Four).
Senator Reed Makes Long
Awaited Attack Failure
to Set Forth American
Views Is Speech Cause;
Map Displayed to Showi
' Conflict of Interests.
I WASIUNOTON. Jan. 11. (V) !
Senator Kueit ol' MihHOuri, fumotts
a8 uii ii'n'fontllaiilc opponent of tli
League of NuiIomh. mUnv miidw hl
Ioiik awaited nllurk on the Kellnui
1 treaty to renounce war an un in-1
iHtrunixnt of iiutlonal iiolii-y. i
; Tho .MisKoiii inn ileclured that he;
iwouhl havo retrained rr0tn Htieak-
lnir ntrninKt ttip nart il an nternrn.
jtatlve reHolutlon or report had been i
urouKtii in, Dili innt the inutire ot i
I ntui iinuij rei nil ill .niinu U'uu
viewa made it necessary lor every
senator to look closely into what
the treaty meant before itivint; his
advice and coaseiit to ratification.
As he stroke Senator Heed had
I before him on an easel n l:iriie mm)
jot the world s.' owitm the British
) "Wh:tt the nations of tin: world
i have int ln(M nhl..- to accompli!)
rM ljiiiH (lveUirell 1 ,.s
now pnipused to be ihinc hy the
music strr.l.e of Mr. Kclli pen.
..Oo ra,.(. le ,.,.llly tt,lK,
jaway with all wars but the ne;iv
'tlons hail scarcelv beunu vhen Mr.
KelloK" hcK'an to ailmit exceptions.
yuur ullell ,
thone e.iuiioioi o v(. ihii ki-c
iviat l.s loll ol tro.ty alter
we hnvo considered them.'
lie, li.ited wars wlilch would he
excepted from operation of the pact
i defensive wars, and those Involv.
Ins the Leasuu of .Nations, nnil
eurno tivatlos. i
Excepted Zones I
-: In addition, lie mtlil certain tones :
of iiu'lnence urn to be excepted and i
the right Is not to be denied a
country to protect its trade and i
nationals, ami lastly that oach mi-
lion was to l)u lis own Jililne ,01 j
what constluted self deiunse. j
He attiihuli.-d tliesti exccptlonn to
""e etions or t.reat i-ntain nuriiiK
i,le uetouuuous. i neu, n uuiuir. '
t' n"!'. neuator dualled ,
the scattered woriu-wiae ueienses
rireut Hritalu. dwelliu ? partlctt
larlv utmn Canada, lleimudii, Ja
- tmlca and other points near the
I nlled Slates. In five hours' time,
he declared, (ireat llrllaln could j
destroy (he Hanaina canal. I
And iu t.he-neKotiations tor tins
treaty." Senator Keed shouted, I
f.ikiug the map with his pointer, j
('.real llrllaln reserved these as;
spheres ot her
uierest ... nu
he houud hy the
she would not
! treaty, rws is wuat ureal m imm i
, says is ut'i hi toe hc.ii nuu
,.And lho 1U0nycoddles or this
. . .h.ll -ill n.iiel ..n.l l
, . ....
not protect the Monroe Doctrine so
UOI IllWWll me niuui'T iiihiiiic n"
lSom(. south American country will
'sign the treaty. -
If this country Is ever destroyed,
Reed declared, it will he done by
the pacifists who "go aronnit shout
ing 'Peace, peace, peace' when
there is no peace of the kind they
are talking about."
helm of party
' r,,- r i , A I
NEW OUK, Jan. n.-WV-Tho
New York TimeH today mid it wan
hintud in Domooratic eln:Wn that
Alfred K. Smith vould dcolare him
folf tlie actual ti wli iim tho tilu-1
lur head of tho Ijemoeratlc party
in a nation-wide radio speech ntxii(
Wednesday cvpninif. i
No Intimation camo from Mr. j
Kmtih or imrty leaders what he j
would diicuKj. It wn made clear)
on hU liehalf that lie would n'. j
reveal tho auhjert f hi .iddres '
In advance of Un delivery. Q !
Tho recent mri:o:ln of Uiprc ;
senlatlvc Hoi of Texas. Ocmoeratl,
that th Smith policies be
I nisearoeu i ine pony whs s;iiii
I to huve cnuw-d friends of the fi,r-,
mer governor to exited a reply
from him. The sentiment III th?l... "IP"'"1"
soum lor ine uispiRccmc ni 01 jumii
'a-aoo as nauonai c.mirms ; . hB jfe ,vh(. ,h(, ,( K.okkr
also was regarded as a possible crBhe(, a f).w Inle. ftHr th
factor in Inducing Mr. Smith to,kl,.ff ,!e , ,neHm rry
atste his Views lo the people. j .yerely Injured but will
The former governor will speak j pr,My rt.TOVr. Klve men were
over WEAK and a chain of 7 a.. miied Instantly und two others
wiclated stations of th National j rted In a hnsdtal within an hour
tircadcastlng comnany. HI. speech un( a huf Ilfur thv ac.,lpn,
will begin nt :30 p. m., eastern ' Lieutenant Angell und Private
"an 'no time. Mike II. Kelly were the first
Arrangements for the speech names to be entered on the hospl
were made, the Democratic nn- lal records as Inliire.l. H,.ih
nonii rnmmuiee mm. in respone
to thousands of requests,
bo f -m v
A nynciironizing cannon (cbove), operated on the catapult principle, heips the Barling plane lift fuel
from the ground during the attempt to tet an endurance flight record at Marshall, Mo. T he cannon fires
when a hook attached by cable to the plan: enganc a looped rope that Is I'.rfctchcci over upright standards
and fastened to a drum of gasoline. The cannon is the invention of Blaine M. Tuxhcrn, one of the pllota.
CArcnDnDDCD nil mnnijio .SAiuicDinAinMiv
nrnAi ro mnw uiMTrn'o umri nniuimw umtii
Kr . i r II IK I U U lK UU HI I 1 Wl Ul H
ill n i ! 1 1 ill i in i! 1 1 1 ii ! iihiii inn ihii mill
1 aV rfWIll fill I I bll V Ml lllb U VUM I II I I I I I I I
State's Star Witness Reads
From Diary of Alleged
Conspiracy Keyes Ob-,
jects to Witness Wearing
Dark Glasses.
l.iiS ANGKLKS. Jan. II. (A'- -Tiiibiy
the jury bad heard pari of
the slorv told . bv ihe "little tan
diary" uf Milton I'lke. journi-vmun
tailor and "eavesdropper" which i
l.o-,the state claims contains data re
eountlnt; the whole aliened bribery
conspiracy, plot between Asa
Cym, former -district nilorny
and five other defendants.
After heated objection by de-
fense counsel. 1'IKe, tho slate's star
witness was permitted to use the
lbnv lo "refresh his me.iu.ii" in
rclatiuB what took place between
Kovs and others in lien Clctzoff's
ca0r shop. I'lke said he made
tile notes surreptitiously while
,VatchinK Keyes, Jack itennett
,. th
md the "nay or.-- men in a mirror
and listenliiK to them talk on the'
other siiie of a partition, while
i i... r,..
Keferrinic to his menioramla in
,he lit,,. ,1(lk ,.lkl. ttin,.,, tiit
Bennett, alias Jacob Herman, tol.l
K.. ,,. ,,.. ,,
Bpn (t.t7f ,niu hl, Kliu l 'KnlnK
, pHy Bny murt, n)hPy ,,,n h pamnent said, however, that the
k,1PW ,.wl)(,re )p (inni,,, n lhftdc,llh rilt, ,ul been comparu-
jua case trial In which He,
waH one of lh(, ,.,
Hiding fig-;
Talkeil Ten Days. jthere haa been a serious outbreak
Deputy District Attorney Julian of Influenza In Glasgow, , Scot
Richardson, who assisted Keyes In land. Thousands have been taken
liewniiK nf
preparing the Julian case testified
tn(, ..fp,, itln0vs "tulkcd
about ten days In arguing the
Julian ease before tho Jury. Hesserablu. has been visited by
"How long did Mr. Keyes argue a violent snowstorm which result
to the Julian Jury?" the witness 'ed In untold hardships anions the
was ;iskod.
"About ono hour and a h.ilf,"
roplinri RIrhaniton.
Kk'hardson also tfHtlflod that
thrfo monthn hefnro the trial
opeircd tie tiiok a trip with K.vps
anl IfaroM Davlw, thou KeypH'.
chief deputy dlmrict ailorncy and 1
laUT ono of Kfyv.' rhhT ;it cuHcrft.
Ho ftaid Davis link -.1 him Ii ho
luid ''.'omddrred dlsuifHHal of any
of tlio dffondantH" and HihI Keyon
llipn Miiid that ho u'um irittrrd'd
in I'M JtOHonliotK". ono nf the
Julian viHf d'fondnnlH. and
"would like to do nnnielhintf rH
him." I'iko yoKtrday wore dark planned
In comt, to which Koyos htrpiiu
ouKly ohjfctPd.
"I would like to novo tho Jury
eo his oyoH. and notico the ox-
PWflcn in thorn an ho tontines,"
(he form(,r pnffll.rutop fii( Vi0
WHK requf.8tm (ty tne court to take
off .ilKMtlt, fop Inn,linl K,
was permitted t ktf p them on.
I'o., Jan. 1 I.
-,., ,.' ,u'', .i.. ..' .
set out In an army transport from
th(, Hrport hero
today escaped
legs and arms broken
Angell died later.
Lluui. ;
iiUlif" I I
One Out of Every 15 in Ber-
lin Suffering Hospitals
Overtaxed Ambulances
Transport Only Severe
Cases Death Rate Low.
LONDON, Jan. 1 1 . VVi Se
vere winter weather is heiiiK ac-
by Kflppe and influ-
in Hcollaiid, (Jcrmany and i
the llalkans.
One out of every Ifi liihabl -
tants of lierlln was estimated to-
day to be suft'urliiK, from mMipo.
Hospitals and private clinics were
In ins' taxed to tho utmost and
! tll?h' staffs had been
through illness,
Helween 10 and 15 nor cent ot
" city a police force, railway
workers, and street car and motor
bus employes were on the sick list,
Five lo 10 per cent of tho staffs
of the larger department stoics
'were absent from work.
Motor anibulnnceH were so over-
worked that they were abiu to
..... ..!.. .i... . u..u i.
was thouKht that it mlirht be nec-
essnrv to use schools and other
public hiilldlnKs for temporary
hosoitals unless the enidemlc
.,miert soon. The city health de-
lively low and
professed not lo
he alarmed.
i After 10 days of severe frost.
,,.,,, i, ...., ,., ,i
agrel.. Jugoslavia, reporleil
ny Influt'iizJi vlrtim.
many Influenza victims,
peasants, two being found frozen
to oeain in a nem.
Snow today covered
Kngland. 9
ItlvirfiV rnrs-TifV rt r it
vt ViVivm . r- i , .
, l. 'ei . i '. .. ,"
bri Ihe trials of this oceanlior -
iieie'i n'ii coiiisc wore lasiug pre
clous strokes away from
I . . , i .
utaii ui iHiiicnnioniJin UIIU wmu
I curs as Ihe early scores of Ihe,
rirst lay of play In the ,IO00 l.s
Augolcs open piled up on the score
llHiarda after noon today.
, Appearing to the eye at) easy
ila.umt to stroke the con, se Instead
proved a nemesis to t ie golf chas-1
os pro.oss.onars ami nonor-s ees-
lug nmat"urs. Complete Is hole I
cards in showed none with under!
1-ar figures. Tho closest approach).
ij iiii. imiicii in iiuu nan ine, ni:uie
out one stroke over par. finished
out one Htrnku over par, flnlnh'-d
llin lust nine iu even par nf 3ii.
With approximately 'Ht nf the 130
playerx In. Fn lB Galled ol' Wau
waultiRa, Win., and CralK Wood,
hlondo New Yorker, hold down a
Me for Hocond place, each with 7a,
MlOdl HKACH, Kla., Jon. II.
(At Ntdl Mclntyre, Indianapolifi
profoHHlotia, turned In a one under
imr card of 79 to lead early Mn
Inhora In the morning round of tho
Miami I k-a ch open golf tournament
today, scoring five bird ion on tho
InromiriK nine. One mroko behind
Mm waa Charles Kite., N.
J., profennlotiBl. (Jene flarazon. do-
fcudin cliHinplon, turned la a mo-
u lucre ,,
ftf " Vf
V i ,wa
Hood River Man Tells Dairy
POlindS Of Butter Needed'
Last Year--Law On Com
pounds Urged.
'. (By J. Q. Stewart)
'. M. Hlack, inammer of tlio
Kanni'is' t.'o-opurallvc creamery at
Hood ltiver, told the dairymen's
I i mi eiiiioii yesieruay want cream
, Rritdlnn can do fur the dalrv Itnitm-
try. Tito Intuiests and taste of the
.eoiuuX.ttot, aro, considered now, he
said, hut It was not ulwaya so. The
cliiinKe was hrotmhl about not only
tliriMiKh cuiupelltlon, hut becausi)
lot pure foot! laws Ulld SttllldarilB
ot uiatlllia.
i ne patted btaies was 1 ii.oiJU.uuo
pounds snort or proiuicin enotiKIt
miner u in.f, tno speuuer ue-
clarett, hut nt that It Is the only
country In thu world pnnliu-lng
reuouKit tor its own needs. I he i
average consumption uf butler per
ePlla was Riven as follows: Attn-!
tralia. ',V1 Ijouuds: Caloidil ''S- (hp '
t-nltetl Stales I7'i; Callfurnlii, VI,
. Hlxty two per rent nf the children
" country drink milk roKU-
iu,,., uiiii ,i c- rflll Ol IIIC HIlllllS t
also enjoy tho Iteallh Klvins hevor-'
aKe. Helter butter through Rrad-In-;,
more favorable publicity, and
demonstration work, were cited hy
Mr. lllack as ncceasary In mal.lni;
a larger home market.
Jackson counly farmers! were
sboK'n how u system of grading
would prove profitable, judging
froln tin experience or the North
f,(W wnk.n ,
Li,.,.. n... ..J...- ,.,,,,, ,
uliort timn after ostahllshlnff Kta'l-
in& wbh HotlltiK prltPH.
Legislation Urged
Tho rrsoluf Iddh onmmittoe ur-'Xed
to put ccoLinK com-
noilIlfiK 1lliriir tli (dinninrt'irifm
. Iiiw. Ilkl'U'ln tho Nliiiimi'l if llin
proposed law regulating: the pro
duction and sale nt fluid milk in
the cities of Oregon. They asked
that cream grading and federal in
spection of tlie I'oiilaud market be
A resolution was passed usklug
thai the word "dairy" he added to
the law appropriating stale Iliads
to the sltidy ami control or animal
The officials and citizens of Med
ford were commended for I heir bote
pllallty, ns were tlie retiring nffi-
leers of the assoclalion for their
'rnllliful wotk.
1 ''"Mw-hkU additions to the brand-
le-llatlon. iniikluK more dlffi-
1 cult the disposal of stolen animals,
; wt., offered.
i Addltloliul named of tliimf who
....,, , HI,..I.. Li rrt K',. . M....
; cuniiuni nit tiKit: ii, i, ornni, tiui
E I I ImiikknAif tl It "'..-I I ., - UbliKiU
MUl, Woodlmrn; W. M. lllack,
,, ver; f!l,,. ,, FI(,Ht, ,,.k
T)11 Warren .ninlnM ,llI1H
A.,(.r ll)11nr f.() . K()hpr(
f) 8 ,!,,.,((,, r;,.0, .
val K w HllKht.B . . 0(V1.r
.,., ,val v tol,s,,. J. M.
yir,.Un,Vi eo. ju(.ksoa, J. Christian.
sou. (itiinta i'ass; Dick Joy, W. M.
I). Thompsev, Orvllle Kerrell,
f. w
iioutiurn, r.nri I. .esoiy, r..
l il."rM, V ";.K" ,,,"l!?n, " :
i. N. Carl. .Meyer.,
Hchuotte brothorn, Theodore Hlm, t IliKmnrck, N. U. It mined there
Milton A. UoiiHton, Jamoa A. Cor-t , Wth tho temperature 3K
mith, U'Wh Clark. .1. K. Hrnwor, U.aiivo; three houm later there wan
H. Gregory and I. 1. Lofland. U i,uZZllrd with 14 above, and at
8ALHM, fire., Jan, II. (S;e
oll.). Hay Coleman waa today
Appointed JUMttce of the rwaeo for
.Inekatjnville In place of Juatk-e
Hoc. who recently ronlgneil.
Former Secretary State Has
Conference With President-Elect-Latin
can Affairs Discussed
Western District Senators
Talk to Hoover On Re
lief Question.
WAKIIIN'dTON', Jan. 11. lJ') I
Mllllll Knot, 'secretary of stale In j
the Itoosevelt cabinet, hud more I
than an hour's conference tml.iy j
with President -elect Hoover as a I
! breakfast kucsI at the llno.ei
; home oil S street.
j While thero was no statement
j concernhiK the subject matter ofj
me iMuii irni c, n tYUH llllliei Slliuil
th:)t 1 illln. mn.l.nn ,ttf,if a.. .1
j oil into the ciinverauiion. While
i .Mr. Hoot was secretary of stale he
I iniule u trip to South America and i
delivered a number of speeches in i
I thai country. j
I The president -elect had an un-
; usually liirne number of callers to- !
I day, must of them senators from
1 the western tiKricuttiiral states.
luiili ..I,..,.. i, ...ii-...i f, i
legislation anil an extra session of.WM1 witness a year 01 unusual uc
the new ci,hkih-ss.
Al'lee i,,r. lln.n li,.ir i, m 1......-V
discussion w ith Mi- Hoover on the
i iiiiisibilltles uf commercial avis -
lien communtcallons with SoutlliPle, Jerry Jerome, at the llotol
America, Senator Itiniibam of Con- .dedlord last nishl.
i iiectlcut said the preslib nt-eiect ' The banquet alven In honor of
had a broad vision on aviation nf- rutirlmr Ciiilalu t!. l. t'hapmaii, ! "an over nuard. In which the
fairs and was keenly Interested in 'who for tho pnst elithl years has ! prliuner vowed he killed his for
tius form of coinmuniciiilon be- captained ihe llillah Temple pa-'nir vf bocauso she was tthable
tween the southern n nil northern 1 "ol, was a most enthusiastic and'- Hv without him, hut himself
continents. well intended affair and showed jetected to he hanged because he
I'revlouslv Senator liincham, 1 the unusual interest living: mam- ! objected to suicide. Williams said
wlio is chairman of the commlUce fested In the acllvllles of the the had separated from his wlto
on insular possessions, hud uikciI Shrino. becnuse of trouble cuused by a
Mr. Hoover to ko to I'orio ISIeo. I AmoiiK tho ' iiiiporlatil events , "frlcml" who told tales uhovtt
lie sulii If ihe mesiiieiii -elect'bclnK planned for tho members i him.
lo llavann Mind. uiulUed to- call .it.
I San Juan, the I'm to Itleuns would
I feel that tin y were somewhat of
Senator Vandelibnri. of Mlebl
gaii, made a brief call at the lloov-
' headtiiiartcrs, hut declined lo
suy what ho had talked to the
j iiresldent-elect about, lie did say
however, that Michigan was urg
ing no particular appointments to
the cabinet.
A widu variety of subjects, In
cluding cabinet iippolntments, and
ihe great lakes lo the gulf water-
wav. wern discussed at a mootlne:
i.i,i m,. n,.,. ,i hi
lleneen of Illinois.
Severe Temperature Pre
dicted for Chicago Dis-
trict North Dakota and
Minnesota Blizzards pile
Snow Drifts.
i int. Atm, Jim. 11. (I-) Tho
midwest tonight Willi encounter
the second spell of Severe Cold,
of the yeur, tho weather bureau
promised today.
Zero by nightfall In the Chicago
forecast district and five below by
j tomorrow morning, was the proph
ecy, iierams or snow ieu tuning
the night, but clear skies were to
Add to the crlspncss by tho time
the cold sets III.
The aero wave Is coming from
the northwest stales and tho Clin-
ndlan plains, when temperature
readings were wil under zero lust
Hlizznrds In North Dakota nnd
Minnesota early today had plied
up drifts that blocked highways
and delayed busses- find trains In
i some sections. (Irani! Korks. N.
i j.
reported a 36-mile wind which
! ,y " '.''"''. " "t vlcln!.y.
Kroiiklnh weather wan ronortod
momotor down In 1 helow jsero.
j l4'lecaUM to Met Game
KuKone, Jan. 11. (Hpodal). Tho
HMJ'i hlKh Hchool del.'KiiteN who are
expected boro thin -week-end for
the high acbool conferenoe,wlll
ho (fuortH of tho auMociatedQtdu
donta at the Wlllametto and Clon
zaga bfiHkotbiill KumeH, which will
tie played hero prlday and Butur
day at Mc Arthur touiU
Air Mall Pilot
Serves As Fh
Alalm at JitXJL,
(A l)lsover.-.l ii oneninH
Iruvt'liiiK llrt alarm!
Tho iimn In lleno Itrnwn,
' who Men the n in lit air mail
j h.Mw.H'ii Atlanta and Rich-
I luoud. .em, fur alott. Hpota
u (ire. Then hn mwooph down
: Juat over th? building, his
I wiilt opt-n motor roaring an
1 alarm. H liu-i acted 1u tli Is
i ",!::'k,-"y ",r", """H lwu
! Pfiminfl
Year Active
Masonic Play Degree -Captain
Chapman Hon
ored By Banquet Lasti'eniny. wuuams hew wt mu
I wrists smillnttly for the handcuffs.
Night Convene in Los "ml po,'c mi oo eonfessed km-
llnif tho. woman, assuring them
Annplpc- jtlint he would have Riven himself
... ,
Shrlnera of southern
Hvlly us a result of plans formu
lllteil lit il loeellnif mill hiinnllet
of the patrol ami the newly -
.elected potentate ol llillah Tern-
of Iho playitrounrt of Masunry arts
a potentate's ball lo be held at
"rants I'ass on February 7. Thrco
ntercily fellowship moeta at
Marsh field, Klamalli fails and
HiKfenc, an almost statewide picnic at , Jtoseburg next !"a couni not live witnout me, sne
July, an all-Masonic duiicn In ""'d. She wanted mo to kill her
Medford on April 1 1th and a nd. then commit suloldo, but I
monster ceremonial In Mod ford 1",I nel' I oouldn't do that. Wo
in May. i talked all day, and finally h
The ceremonial In May will bo'went away,
one of the Important occasions, nt1 "Saturday she called me on the
which tho city of Medford will telephone and nsked me to como
act as hosts Iho summer to When I arrived, she hart
t ! Tne territory unfler tne
Jurisdiction of Hlllah Temnle com -
nun. .i.n ...i.nin ........ r ..
- r
i outside of Multnomah county nnd
delegations from all over tho
northwest are expected to attend.
A 00-ploro hand and patrol from
Anilines Templo of Oakland will
probably Journey to Medford to
Join in the festivities. An excep-
Hlonnl inrgo number nf slaves are
expected to attempt the crossing
of the hot sands and Medford is
fortunate In being selected as Iho
scene of the ceremonial. Tho
streets will ho gaily decorated and
a committee of business men will
be selected to help entertain the
hundreds nf visitors who will at-
Ism Angvli-H Mivrn.
fulminating this nillvliy will
he the hundreds of special trains
which will run through Medford
on their way to the National
UhHn.,. nnniunllm. In I n.. Anl,o
In June. A special train, with
special rates, will bo run from
oii,"'r" o''k" ami win include
i i un nncHinc'iirv, , l inn riiKnti
1 KosohurK, Marnhflold, Klamath
fails, Ashland and Medford. (Ireat
proparaliona aro hoiiiK mudo in
l.ns Anuoleu to entertain the
largest gathering In the history
of shiinedom nnd every well-
known movie anil lulkln ravnrlle
of Hollywood has been enlisted In
tho monster program lilng pre
pared for what is each year the
largest mid most colorful frater
nal gathering In the world.
officers of the patrol elected
at Ihe meeting l-t night Included
Ilex Harnett of CIrants I'ass, enp-
itnln: I'mil Iteinlng. Medford nnd
'Ham Hliinbaiigh, flrnnts I'ass. lieu-
tenants, nnd Louis Older, Medford,
euNtodlun and Decretory, ,1. 11.
Chapman, tho retiring captain, waa
laHt week elected to the divan of
thi! potentate of Hlllah Temple.
iJlfctjiwIoii wiim hIko held rolutlvo
to tho affiliation of mem bora of
other Khrlno templen, reiddln lit
southern oreRon. A special cam-
; ,,aiKn will bo made to biinn theo
inemberK on tho rolln of tho local
oricanizatloii and havo thorn annlut
with tho numerotiM actlvltloH.
A IHrt-IIOtllld.
11OHT0N. (P) A city pup munt
do hlit huntltiK under city condi
tion!, "derry" bna brouKht homo
to a dbttroKHed niantor mich flmlM
an a baby'M new coat, a packaxo
contninlnR pork chopN, plifa knuck
Ion and a li'K of lainh; household
ulcnnllii, rubbera nnd HhooH.
1III(M IVullHtl.
VAKIH. (V) Trintan llernard,
noted writes and upeaker, nay!
crofB-word puzkIvh made one ro
vlc dormant knowledge, noarch
for new Information ami renew
avquulntunce wUh literary cIumIcv.
nuiLii in
11 l I I I I fill I
Garland Williams Says Wife
Asked Him to Slay Her
and Self Amazing Con
fession Given San Fran
cisco Police She Could
Not Live Without Him Is
SAN' VltA.NCISCO, Jan. 1!. )
Art the outiome of what ho an Id
wan a doath pat-i in which ho was
to kill his former wif, and aiir
render for execution by the state,
Carlnnd Williams, 28, world war
veteran, who saw service in Si
beria, today faced a charKO of
milrderlni; -Mrs. Lorraine Ambrose
Saturday. Her body was found
When nrrn.lnil In i l, vau-
I up as noon as -he 'had wound up
jhis affairs.
. "Vou fellows pot 1110 before I
was quite ready," a ' detectivn
limited lilui ns sayinfr. "It doesn't
matter thoueh. because T inn renilv
t ll.C. She's Waitilllt fill Hie. ailtl
i there won't he anybody to como
helween us over there."
I'ollra mid Williams' words
were the preface to ono of the
most nmazinn confessions they
I sho '"ft me, -and I ..did not
f""ewher or molest .her," pollco
"aid the confession stated. "Last
Thursday she camei to my room
and wanted to talk things over.
in i.ucseu. wo iouis
. """m and went to i. y rooms.
"HI,. tlaA (n
She tried to una . riitk In turn
on lno Kas so we could die to-
gether, hut I told her I could not
"Then I thought of letting the
Police take care of me. We had
talked nil day. She agreed to that
P'an. It was Just 19 minutes to
"'x 'h evening I looked at
"ock wnen we seated tno
bargain. . 4
" ur0 md no a good Job,'
ho "aid. 'Ooodbye, Bill.'
"She Just lay still . while t
choked her. Then I cut her wrlstg
wlth a safety raaor blade. 1
Know nothing about the broken
jknlfn the police found In tho
ronm "
I'ollco said Williams' story dlf-
fored In some points from the
'ao"i " "'OV "w them, hut that
hn told It with an air of truth,
They thought tllA TOOm WherO
AmhrnHfl's body wan found
: " signs or a sn uggle.
HHIWSKI.8 ( -Adolpho Max.
hergomaster of Brussels, has Just
.Ir""'...1'. 2"tl1 ftnnlv,r"nri'
I 1 L
Will Rogers Say:
NEW YORK, Jan. 11. -I
sec where Mr. Coolidgc keeps
conferrinjr with .Mr. Hoover.
Looks like
he might get
in the cabi
net himself.
M r. Kellogg
wants to get
out after his
. . " i W jr .?
t r v a i y i a &f.
signed. Hn why not let Mr.
Ooolidge go as secretary of
state and keep the Name old
gang. That postmiiNtcr gen
eral has been n great booster
for aviation, so keep him.
And if he wants Kill Dona
van iu there as attorney k"
eral 1 hope there won't be
any gathering or united
bunch that will try and tell
Mr. Hoover not to appoint
him. Wo have hud enough of
that for one year.