srEnFdRD'jrm- TrafirxE. medfod, mooN. ttt.sday. .mr.tnr s. lsao. niSAPPROVAL IS BRINGING UP FATHER . . . . . . . . . . . By George McManus ItrsIVFSS lIUKCTORV It!!, i: V,'. HorPMAN c'hiro- if i'-OOLD li.)-T c,MCAKINl MGCIE.--:, IOO-v WCIT HOLD OP-HEW FV'-S I N.VI6V1 iHilO 'i-,i6.0 like. Thai WHEN l TRT TO 3NAK i iua tlr XervM SpO'iuIist. Of fire ' hours-U to 12; J to 6. 203-204 J,iijuriv :idt. . Offh: phone 680; HfK. phtiTiM 790-H. DK. M I V IN D M. NKI-SON Chiro practor. Ppeoific (Jhlroprai'tic ! ;utju.stiiMnt(t ulvt-n nt ai North Jlivt rnl.. Oliuu hourx; 5;30 lo CHANCE OF " - I '-Cl'U' 'ITT.-1 DlM-rv'.-,. li.' ! . PHi- LEFT IT ON THE.' -4irJvjR,is.NOw;- IN NImHT'O- I 4 Mr -A LOUNul IN ROOM- RFHOMMENDED IN I omi ooncncH I HHIL MVJIUOflL. ; v -- mm mm I WASinN'GTOX, .l:,n. , Disapproval of the Northern Culi iornia Railroad company's project- ; , :1 line construction in I'luitia s an. I Lassen comities, California, was t .-commended to the interstate oom ll(.n ( commission today liy ('. , Howard, examiner to in M;siinat' the The Northern California llailroail company, a proposed connecting line willl tlio Western Pacific, u-i.ed p.'.-misMon to build HI miles ot tiact; from Crescent Mills to ; West .voo.l. 'ijie f Western Tucifie planned : v;'te arrangements wliereliy ..the . yi line would open new routes i 'to the east and south over the' Western i'acifie'u system. ; Howard's report pointed out that i liie Southern rucifh' ulreaiiy servos ! toe area the. new line would leach. The commission will hold further li-arinss before dispos'inx of the NEW ALPHABET IK! C'ONSTAXTINOI'I.i:, Jan. S of Moslciii lh:il their h r Hpion was hcinij umlci-inliH-d by the iiitrmlutHiuii if Uio l.u'in alpha- hvt n:itl oihtT rm'asiirt's, wa liovod todhy lo have nsulirtl in t;i!otM ulilcli wi-i-i: suiipn,Krd hy rrJu? novt'nimont at f-Mvas ami Jlroussa. Tiio now alphabet booaiiK' effee- ! Tlvo on N.-w Venr's day wlicn Htrcot ' friers boat drums in vwry village Ihrouliout Tinkoy, tallink' on' nialt's and females between 1 (i audi in yearn old to enroll In the now national .sell no Is. GREEN-EYED MONSTER IS OARLAND. CrL. Jan. K. (,P) ! Air. and Mrs. Kdward Drovoir of ! Oaklaiul wore shot ami critically j wouanert here hint nihl, and po-! lice suhl iJrevoir had shot, tho wo-! man and then attempted Kiiicido. Mrs, r.rnvoir was shot twice j throiKh tho breast, and Drevoir ' was wounded iust over the heart. ! Hui-pital anlhoritics said the worn- an had a chanco to recover, but thnt Drevoir nrobahlv would die. uJYhft woman tokl pniice her bus band was inanely jealous. Tho couple were married last April. Drevoir is lit and his wife L'7 years old. TRIAL SETJAN. 21ST 111 : I SHOOTING CAUSE r I FOR SLAYER OF COoCHiISSJtSH COI1VALLIS. Ore.. Jan. S. VP) A plea of not guilty was entered today by Iin;:a lirynnt, indicted' oKterdav on a charge of 1 n'st decree murder in "connection with the stabbint: to death of Lewis "Hip" Dickerson. Orepon State eollcKO student and nssi.stnnt foot ball coach. Judxe (I. T. Skip worth set January 21, 10 " as time for trial. By BROTHER AT PLAY' EL'CKNK. Ore.. Jan. S.-(il '.tnrv Marcaret Crimes. was la-I tally shot l.y her hnither. ltol.ert. !i. while the two were pliiyinu with I a small rifle Sunday afternoon at their home II miles northwest of .tunotioii City. Tile coroner said; the .shootinlT- was accidental. j lloilcr MxpliHli. j KAN ANTONIO. Tex.. .Ian. R. Anton ltathni'ln. owner of a l.ackitn; plant here, was killed, one! workman and a hoy were serimisly j Injured, and "a -workmen escaped Injury when the boiler 'exploded to- ' day li ml fell hack throuuh the roof of the holldim.- amonc lhe men Road Oil Cleaning , Car Washing Hardie System We use special chfitnipnls fnr road oil. Will not in jure finest finish. N" steam used. Iiest equip ment in city. Kxpcrt l'olisliin? and Ke finisliinii. Vncuuni Clean in (j. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, Inc. 101 B. Eiversido Phone 18 . r ... ' n. V;v THE NEBBS- -Enter f these: GOIT5 SVIVAOLO POTTS WAS A'COURTINJ' V4GQ TAKINj' UP UER'TIMC AnjD WE WOMS OUT OM HER OVC.(? tvli&MT TOP fovos WiM CXJTTA OVER 1CO.OOO t BuClC- - VJC1LL-. MCI V TlN"i TUA T Ml If Livestock I'dirrLAXIl, Ore.. Jan. X. tf') Callle and calves: No early trad ing, steers i! 5 to "tit centa lower; she stock steady to 2 ft cents lower. Receipts cattle 3R. Steer.s (limi- 1 i,,R- Sl(..751 I !ro-lloi ihs.) pood SH'-r ' -: 'i' S(1" "I ""'"'n S 1 n ffi1 1 1 ; steers common,, J"- Vealors, milk-fed, good to -holc sUi- 14.-'... HOGS: Fifty cents lower'' for killing classes; steady to IB ceis Inher for feeder pigs. Heeelpis r I'Kl.u ; r !'..'"; Ll,f (Tii-i:i'J wclnht (Hitr-SOO ll.s.) feeder anil stocker ns.) ssTi S.cri. SIIHKl' and l.AM liS: Steady; receipts none. s ! . t 8. Pj ; IM-iMlnce rORTLAND, Ore., Jan. Wholesale prices: ii utter. -kss, , j milk, steady and unchanged. I'Ot'LTKT: (liuyin p ri cos) A live, heavy hens over 4 II 2 Tic; medium bens '2l to 4 H II liKhl. under 8 4 lbs. lSe nuts. steady and unchanged. Portland Wheat i I'ORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 8. i7Pf j p.r. Demi bluestem bard white M.47; soft white $1.15: western 1 white LLr; bard winter $L10; northern spring ? 1 .1 0 ; western red SI. 12. Oats: No. 2-3 lb. white Today's car receipts: Wheat 37; flour 7 ; corn 1 ; hay t. San Francisco Jliiltorfnt SA.X I'KANtMKl.'O, Jan. 8. Iff) Hutterfat -f.o.h. Han Francisco 50 i.e. Wall Street Report NFW YOUK, Jan. 8. fV Fre quent shifts pt' speculative nen ti met) t characterized todny'n stock market, with the Reneral tendency acaln downward. A heavy open- j lni? was followed by a brisk rally around mid -day which failed to hold despite the energetic efforts of pool operators to revive bullish t enthusiasm. "Item's" selling by floor traders was an important factor in the day's liquidation. Attempts to holster up the mar ket met with better success in the final hour, when American Can reached lift, the highest Hinco the stock was split up in I ii-'i, and Oenera! Fleet tic 24 0, an advance of 12 points. A strong rally oc curred in tho amusement group, i 'nhimbia Oraphophono rising more than 3 points. Radio recov ered from a 5 3 to around aiifi. The eloping way irregular. Sale ap proximated 3,7.rl.UiMi. . ltchcU Wreck 'IVmer. A PAMO, rex., Jan. k. 'M'uhi A giant steel power tower u.'ed to sustain about 100 service lines was! destroyed by rebels yesterday nearl Guanajuato, paid a distiateh to the! newspape El Continental. As a J result, several cities, including i rKi n rf h Si : y v ? THE MARKETS flulinii.Ojato, Leon Zamora, and Hall: her of the commission, v ii-hes more I.tils Potosl were In darkness last I time to study the raf. the com niirht. Mt mission has deferred th" henrlmr Fire Insurance ?Iaeed in one- of the OI.D I.IN'K STOCK COMrAXIl':. represented y me will assure a just and prompt settle ment in ease of loss. r Chauncey Florey 201 First National Bank Bldg. i p- ill sncrin' now-o rm ; I S j I CHAMCE TO CiT r-16. I r i 1 I : --,por-- j hA !,: ;.-, km O Intl F---U iVivir?. In.-., Crc Attorney Stamm ' TELL SOME A VAJIOOVJJ TMATI Atv.tO MPO 60T, u 1 FTT . . -H I MISS Daify Meteorological Report Tuesday. ,l;:miary S Forecasts MecKord ami vicinity: Fair, but with low clouds anVi fosr toni;-ht and Vrdnestlay. t'onthmed cold, lowest temiierature tonight aliont j Oregon: Fair, but with low ; olondK and Iork toniiUit and " e(l-j nesday. Continued cold. l.ocul Data Temperature iDeiis.) :'.o I richest (Liist 12 lirs.i.. Ill Lowest i Last 12 hrsi.h. li" Hel. humidity tl'ct.) lot) State of went her FoKf-'y Lowest temperature this Inp, 27 decrees. Total precipitation since fc'i pt. 1. 102, 7.1!) inches. Sunset today. 4:57 p. m. Sunrisii Weilnesday, 7:;t;t a. . Sunset Wednesilay. 4:e8jL Observations Taken at 5 A t 120th Meridian Time I i 5 3 r. r. i n 2 3 . Haker City 1 V 2S ;tu i iin Foggy ' morn- j 24 4 Cloudy W, Vi Clear 2; 11 Clear 3S 24 Clear 4 2 (Meat 5 as Clour 4) 20 Clear f.4 4(i Clear r.O 2fi Clear 70 4i Ruin 40 :t0 t'lear .ri :t4 Cloudv :!S :il Cloudy 24 11 Cloudy St; 44 Cm'y 40 2l P. Cdy. 4'J :i4 Cloudv 25 ' 20 ' Cloudv 25 24 Cloudy -2 Cloudy Hismarel j Holse ;.. j Denver j Dos .Moinea .... Fresno I Menu i Loh Anodes .. I Marsh field j I'haenlx I Portland I Red Hhtff ' Hosebitr;; Snlt Lake City San Francisco Santa Fe , Seattle : Spokane ; Walla Walla .. j Winnipeg L. W. DICK Meteorologist FOR 4 YEAR OLD BOY AlvKON. Ohio " (3 An airship will be used today in i search for Melvin Hoist. 4-ycar- 'old Orrville boy, who dipappenred ' from hin home there December 27. The hnby blimp Puritan was j ordered to fly over country sur : rounding Orrville In the hope thnt Uome truce of the boy might ho ! found. Five persons are tinder J arrest, but 'nn clu to his fate ; haa 1)0rn nnc0vered. f Hearing Deferred. SALF,M Ore.. Jan. H" cauce of the illness of Ioui.-r E. Heart, chairman of the public sen ice rommission, and because O. C. Bortzmeyer. newly appointed mom- I r.iita;r. r-c't-.i--. if'iTVtJ. si r- n. i t, S -t' ! AiMT t-lp THAT j IT TO S'OU I'M TCLLIMG 1 WCMM 60T f T TO T' 100,000 OUT OP TMIO HZU.OW POTTS sctofz tmat w'oow came: mere he ua.s AT ACLCSNS MOUSt, BEroQ. THAT WE WAS COUS.TINJC3 JKmiSS APPIEBV :&'.V A'PPIEBV SlTT'NlCb involving rnten of tho Tiivtland Kleetrir Power company from .Mon day. January 14. to Tuesday, Maroh( I li. .Notice of Sheriff's Sale. I'.y virtue of an execution inly i.ued out of and under the .seal of the .inuit ('ourt of the Slate of Oregon, In and for the County of Jackson, to me directed and dated Ion the :ird day of January, l!L'it. in a certain action therein, wherejii ,,IiVi' ,', 1,'L,lliMt wiiirc.t OViT K. Croieau, the Defendant, for the sum of l'Mfteen Hundred and no-" U) ( .S 1 "iini.'Mi ) dollars, which judg ment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's office of naiil Court in said County on . the Urd day of Jiinuiiry, 1 ;t2'.i. Notice is hereliy i;iven that, ptir .suani lo tbf lernia of the said exe- ; cuti'iu. 1 will on tho nth day ot j February, 1H2!), at U):()o o'clock a. ; in. at the front door of the Court - bouse in the 'ity of Bedford, in Jackson Couniy, Oregon, offer for sale, and will sell m ijnblic auction for cash to the hiKbest bidder, o satisfy said judgment, together with etists 4U this Mile, subject to re j C;LA3StFtEU ADVEFtf 1SINQ RATES I Ratei per word for first Irtietllutt, 2e; j fl&ch succooding .Insertion, la; mlnlmun - j 25o, tndox your ads with Fur Sala, F Rent, ate, end count theo words, as well as each Initial, telephone number, eto at ! a word. 1 Classified ads cash In advnnco and not takon over phone, unless advertiser has I monthly account. No allowano (or pbone 1 erroff. V.NTi:i) SITl'ATIOXS WANTKD Secoild, Dress making. 104 K. 2 HO WANTED General repairing, locksmlthlng, phonograph re pairing. Bicycles, tricycles and wugoiis for children sold very reasonable on time. Call and deliver. Aledfurd Cycle & Repair Shop, successor to Llburty Re pair Shop, in N. Fir fit. phone 261. Chas. Fisher, Prop. 243tf WANTED Housework, day or hour. Phono 1345-X'. 2f)7 ii:lp vati;d mam SALESMAN Collection! and cler ical experience. Married. Resi dent. Need work i in mediately. AddresH Box JO, c)ire Tribune. 2SH WANTED Experienced hook keeper and stenographer: must be able to take dictation; per manent position with good fu ture; lnrge local company. Stale experience, education, general information and salary expected. Write Box M4K, .Medford. Ore. 2X!t WAXTKD Mtscrcr.LANisot's WANTED close in. 7nr,-x Boarder and roomer: 22N S. Holly. Phone 2SHtf WANTED J-'at poultry. I'hone 2H4 WANTKD Two fat hitgn. dressed; weight from 13a to 1 r,0 lbs. .1. L. Kershaw, Phono &'J7-J-3. 2KS WANTED Bids on welt digging job. Write Box 73, Mall Trib une for particulars. WANTED A good stock ranch. I'iO acres or more; pood or fair buildings, to exchange for in come property (n San Diego. An ' Hwor Mall Tribune, Box Gii. 2X9 WANTKU Hoarders and roomers. 339 So. Central Ave. Phone 1211. te j WANTKU Wood. Will trade good used car for wood. Armstrong's flnr,ice. Tel. 1H. 253tf WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your SECOND-HAND FURNITURE Scott Woolf i i I ! .1 ' '17 - t J. oUSTTFIUm'. rw?rVT' - IG. WORLD. AtsiQ Or vM?E aop: AT TWCTABLE WAVT1M' FOC; MALS, ruL demption as provided by law, all of the rinlu. title and, intercut thai the said defendant. Wilfred K. Cm- : lean, had on tin ard dfiy of Janu ary, 1 1.2:. r now has in and to the following il escribed property, situated in the County of Jackson, i Stale of Oregon, to-wit: Ah undivided one-half Inlereyt In and lo the following descrihed i real property: South t hlrlv lVel j I of Lot Seven and the north twenty I feet of Lot Kii;ht in Jtloek Twenty-I .six of the Town (now city of .Med- ; ford, according lo the recorded . plat thereof. j Dated this 7th day of .Linunry, . li2Li. ItALl'll fi. JKNMNOS. I Sheriff of JacU.Min Count v, tircp'ii. ; J'.y (H.CA K. A.NDI-'.USON, Deputy.) FOIl JUONT APAltT.M I-1XTS FOR UKNT Nicely furnished apartment, 3 rooms and bath, also Karate, at 23. fill! Liberty St. 2S!i FOU KKXT Duplex- ant., 4 rooms, private bath, KurnKo; a bargain. r.20 S. Fir. Phono 3 320. 2-Stl FOU UKNT apartment, Jieatly St. -room furnished lnrimro -'h.i FOU iiLNT Craud. -Ueslrahle apt. Jlotel 3'J li KOII HK.NT Furni.shei! rooms and apartments, also hachelor room, t'hone 412-1.. -Mi FOU UENT- -Heated apt. 80(1 W. FOU RENT 3-room furnished apartment with garage; fully modern; hot and cold water and light supplied. Sunrise Su pet Service Station, corner 12th and Riverside. 2fi3tf FOR RENT -apartment. Tel. 7f3-M. - Modern furnished 3t,r North Bartleti. 27Stf FOR ItKNT Furn. 2-rm. apts.; private bnth, electric range, hot and cold water. Phono 12. 2 1 tf FOH RENT Furn. 2 and 3-rm. apts.; garago. 604 W. 10th. lC5tf roa iikxt iiocsKS FOR JtENT New r.-room bunga low; fireplace, haul wood floors electric: range. Jmiuiru ft 1 3 W 2nd. 204' FOR ItRNT Completely f iirnislifd f-room house with room to rent out, one block from Junior high. Phono 1444-L. FOU HE NT 0-rm. modern hofise close in. Phone 704-L. 2:tu FOR HE NT 4 -room frtrnUhed hoiihe; electric range, hardwood floor. Call I21H-.L 10111 No. Central. 2SK FOR RENT Furnished luiuhe at 24li Ho. Ivy. house. 2 FOH RENT Cottage, furnished 3 rooms. U2H N. Riverside. House No. I in renr. 2h9 FOit ItlCN'T 5-rm. modern house. I'hone (131-1.. 2'M VOll ItKNT . 4-room rurnlshed house, gar.iKe. . liuue &2:t-J-L'. ne FOH RF.NT A larue residence close In. Inulre 417-J-2. 270te FOR HKNT 7-ro,)ni stucco house, with basement, at 1128 West Main. Inquire 1005 West Main. 2f.llf FOH RENT romei, Furnished or unfurnished. Brown & Whltn. 47tf Clean rags wanted at tho Mall Tribune offlc. if TAKEN IP TAKEN 1'P one 2-yr.-old red heifer, br-mded C. O. n right side, marked with split In left ear. Owner may have same by paying for ad. E. W. Kubll. A noP'tinf e tis FURS FURS :m TRAPPER8 NOTICE Wo are In' s position to handlo all your Bklns. , ace us hofore you sell. Medford Bargain House 27 N. Grape SL I'none 100 C ""(;.. . i.t- i.LL IMF. - Av. t Or l-'WOMriC. "'O ',sj Arun Arr'i i orn KOL.I cu bu- ihi c.imt CiVJ IP" VOO WAMT to ir A auccc';5- LAuuveTi, volj cot- to CA5ES-VOU CAMT WAIT I'OR TMEM TO DE.VLO'J' BV rrte" iy The njl Synih.Miy. tn.- M.nk K'tV. U S "l'."'ofr..f rou itr:T v viw isti i:n 1COOMS KUU ItKNT Furnmnett mom fnr K(-ntleman. J25 Bo. Rivoraido Ave.- if VO'l H 10 NT Nice, warm sleepiilK rooms, private family: meals if desired. i'rlce reasonable. Tel. I II7H-J. L'Sfitf KO It UKNT ;tifjMbl' '- -1 hntsekeepln rooms. FO 1 1 It K X T ! ISCKLL VA H H Ft) 11 I'.FNT S. Front. liachelor cabin. 4 4 5 FOR ItKNT 1 i acres fine K'tr den Moil, 4-rooni lunise with bath, hot and cold water, barn, wood shed, garage ami chicken house: I nlso nuts 11 ml fruits. JJox 1 2. JacltsonviUe. axH FOU, in. 1 1 KNT 1 0 -n ero t oIohw 'Phonis' 4&7-Y. 2!)4 .MISCIILL.AXICOLS ia1..;clAJ 10QU1 1'lTuNT. for lmnl- Inir liveBtoclt. lluwley Transfer, Cl'J N. Hlversltle. J'hono 1IH4-X. ANYWHERE FOR HIRE Ten pass, bus; low rales. Tel. Chas. B. Howard, 1121). 2fl7tf REDUCED winter rates on nil lo cal and long distance hauling. Insured carriers, ilawley Trans fer, K1U No. Hiversido. Phone 1044-X, 299 CASH PAID for furs, hides und pelts. Johnson's Market, 323 N. Grapo St. Phono H7 243tf LOST Wednesday, Indies' figured silk pongee senrf. Ho! urn to Mall Tribune. 2K8 FOCND Two-months-old Idack wooly pup. Phonn Mrs. Eurl Tumy. l lutl-.T. 2H HCSIXEKS OI'rOKTl'NITlFSl FOR SALE Dnnily business; In voice about hoou; good payroll town. Will take house to Selling on account of health, P. ( t.Jtox I '.tf,, JackHonvHIe. 2iia VOU KXCHANUK !( i It KXCHA.NfSK r-ficle chicken rniH-h; modern fi-rootd house, . new chicken houses, stocked with i.r.n Lciihoru hens lo trade for Medford home. Weld fi Wold. .Spuria KIiIk. illi- FOR EXCHANGE General store, service station and hotel on Pa cific highway; excellent location and lining a fine business. This Is the best business properly 1 have ever offered in oxehnng''. Will trade for orchard, farm or town properly. Valuo .'12.00H. See Walter II. Leveretto, Realtor. 2tfO FOIt SALE POULTRY PRIZE-WINNING Bronze turkey cockerels, 2ft-29 b., JGU.fiO- $12; puiletH, 14-1 a lb.. $r,.M-?7. Mrs. Arch Wasson, Harrlsburg, Ore. 29K EOR HALE Baby chlckn from Hollywood si ra I n W bite g horns, 1 re. Lyons electric brool 'r."., hnlf price. WlmniH Poultry Farm, 29fl BOfJKLNO orders now for chicks; Heks, Heds. I'Kborns. Nothing . better. Prices Chen p. Kipiure Deal Hatchery, 1107 East Mum. Phot'" lfl-L. r?K' WANTED : We Buy for Cash : All Used Furniture i and Stoves Call 505 W. A. KINNEY Furniture Ilouse 315 East Main By SOL HESS.wn:, iU A U - tA r i.'OHM 'TAMM COLLEX-jE -SITS. A itiO THAT3 C-,0"-r TO Put PfT-P IM T O MC'"-'Ti-Wn.LE MAr - VOll K ALIO -T.I VI-'NTOCK foi; SAi.i: r. lt-'.i;t, V:vf eiirHnjj te 1'uint. FOU SALi: (iood 'fresh cow. Len N'iinout, across from IMerrhnan Dairy. 2M FOU SALi; Ten head of Jersey and C.uernev heifer siuinueis. W. I-:. Nicholson. Ross Linn-. 2 S S I-'Olt SALI! At'TOIOniLRS FOR SALE OR EXCIIAXOE Bulek Master Six, 7 -passenger Deluxe Sedan, perfect condition. Terms or lake equity in small house, 1'houe 12311. 2KK ARMSTRONO nFEKRS j!t:::i license free We mo making this offer for ten (lo) days only on tho best guar anteed used cars In luwii. Lowest Terms, AUMSTUONq MOTORS, INC. Hudson-Essex and Oldsmnblle Cadillac and LaSallu, Tel. 1H. 2SHf FOR .SALE RF.AL KSTATE FOR SALE I acres In Straw berry Park: new 3-room house, domestic water; soil Is free Beat creek bottom, close in mid un der ditch, . An assured income of SI 200 to JO lmi per year. Wo start you. Small down payment, balance as low as $12 per mouth. Property shown by appointment onlv. I'hone 1392 (evenings 102(1 VI. 2S8tf FOH SALE tl-aero ranch; fi-room bungalow and barn; I aero pears. 14 years old: 1 aero building lot, 4 acres clover and hluegrass; paid up water right. Price ?20U0; terms. Wold & Wold, Sparta Bblu. 291 WHEN YOU think of roal estate, see Brown He White. tf FOR KALE DOGS AND VETS '(R SALE 4-mo.-nld Boston ter rier, female, J20. Phone 22, Gold Mill. 2hh 'OH KALE Registered Boston Bull pups. I I months old. I'hone 1222-R. JMI! FOR KALE MISCKLLAX EOCR FOU KALE Electric ..washing ma chine at a sacrifice-. Call at 702 W. ,4th. 2Mt FOR SALE Wicker baby carriage. hot water heater, electrlo range. 42S N. Holly. 2S8 rOR HALE Bees, $3.00 hive. In uuho I lermanson'H Feed Store, Ccolial I'olnl. 291 FOR HA LE iiinl chairs. Dining ronut I'hone ju:i. If Ml 'Olt SALE Eleelrlc range t real bargain; also other household goods. Pleasant View Farm, Talent. 28K 'OR HA LE -gruln hay. -Choice alfalfa and Phone IW7-R-I. 2S9 FOR HALI-? Western Elee. washer, late model, composition evllnder, good shape, 9.10. Maytag Shop. 28H FOR HALE Second-hand Ford sou; good shape. Neidermoyer Bros., Jacksonville, 291) FOR RALE Vrtett sewlnff ma chines; all mnken, $5 up; terms Jf desired. All makes rented and repaired. White Rowing! Machine Co., 24 No. Bartlett. j 1 ltf FOR RALE For snnd and gravel, sediment and general teaming, Phone 912-J. Ham I Batomnn. tf FOIt BALE Apples. SpltwnberKs, and Newtowns. Growers Kx change. Fir and dth Sis. 220lf IICKIMXS DIUKtrroHY Alislrnctors Ml T It K A Y AIIHTItACT CO. Ab s'.racts of Title, "Title Insurance, hoifms 3 and S, No. 33 North Central Ave., upstairs J.VCKKOV CO. AHSTIIACT CO. Abstract of Title nnd Tit In Insur anco.- Tho - only i in pi n t e Title System In . Jack sou County. v rntractors Fl. I. STUAftT At PONS Onnorul Cunt nu'toiw. Including bac ii. fins, tliti'h09, nil klmlfl of r.'niont nnd cninTiu work. R. I. J Stu.irr, 'J 1 7 Appl, phono C43; (Ulliurt ritunrt. 17 ltoss Court, ! phono !)r.6-M. Mik Stuart, COH ' S. Nwtown. phon KRrt. J-:M'rt Acrountnnt i l JiAXII Jt AO -OUNTINU SKHV H'i; opratin th most corn pltM art't modprn bookkftepin ! y-" t in Ho. rt. Audit m. in- . ' Kiau-r, I'uhiic Accountant. Tel. i .so.v Ai idTiNC o:. K. M. WiImhi. k. I. A. AMeidion Riven lo i, ny thin in aooountiiiK and Income Tax Ueqilretnents. Look into iuir ini)dified nceounttnff lio-lhod. I.ibeitv i(ldK Medford. riKine ir7-i:. . oil IN SCI I KXt'K Accountant and auditor. Systems installed. Iticoine t.ix specialist. 410 Med fot,i i:ullilini.'. Fbone 32ti. financial VK LI INi.i Atu.NKY to worthy people to pay their honest debts. Pacific Const Credit Association, 4211 Medford JildK., Medford. Ore. tfa I'rcllit Transportation riKItCi: TJtrCKJNtJ CO., Mod foid to I'ortland and San Fran cisco. Furniture moving a spec ialty. I'bone i.r. or 4:t7-K-2. LONtl 1ST AN CM HAPLLNCS -.Meilfoi d - Klamath truck Hue. Daily service, llended carrlern. Special rates on loud lots. Auto Freight terminal, 3ti S. Fir. TL iua:t. O A L I, Portlnnd-Medfnrd Truck Line for through or Intormedlato point Herviee.t ilixteen-hour nor viee to and from Portland. Phnnn t.titi, .Medford. Auto freight ter minal at 3C S. Fir, Medford. (;ciicriil Trucking, ( i EN ERA L TRt.'CKLJ-Also wood lor hale. Jess Richardson, Con tral Point. Call Tel. 21M Insuranco EAItL S. THMV All forms of In surance. Fire, Auto, Life, Acci dent, Bonds. Phono 402. 301 Liberty Uldg. Interior Decorator INTERIOR DECORATING, paint ing, paperhangtng nnd floor wax ing. Fred Gardner, Phone 731-W-2. Res, Perrydale, Jackson ville Highway. TiotuiN on Homes LOANS on homos now built1 ot under construction. Right? pel cent und no' stock to carry. Real service. Monthly payments., m Banister Agency ( Inc., 105 .Main. Tel. 1230. ' Money to Loan MONEY TO LEND To WOrthl peoplo to pay their honest debts. Securities of all kinds accepted, Jennings Loan Office,. 6 H. FronJ MONEY TO LEND $fi() to $2t.ft to loan on furniture or good .se curity of most any kind. Corx tracts discounted. Thomas Real ty Co., Room 12, Palm Block, cor. Main -And Front, upstairs.-' 6 Long Time Heal Kstatti Mortgage Loan , Phono 1323 Commercial Finance Corp, Medford, Oregon Do You Need Money? ' ' Wo make short tlmo loans. Transactions strictly confidential 31r l.lherty BldK. Phone 678-B. 11. II. nnnlster, H. C. Chrlstner. MONtlV on lmoroved Modford proiierly. Drown ot White Aiteney J!. mote MoiiiunciilH ' THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Hicka, Gen eral Manager; i M. Ivernhaw, Sales Manager. 302 N, Front St.. .Medford. "... Musics THlHtVAL II. FDbKKNHKHGtr T o a c: li o r of violin; orchestra practice for students: also a de partment for adjusting and re pairing violins. If you desire a reliable violin outfit, call nt tho studio, room 4. College- Itldg., U N. Ornpn Ht. Phono 259-J. Puintliiff nnd raijorlungiuit 11. MARX, General PolntlnB Con tractor, tinting, paperhanglhtr. carpentering, repairing. Phono I7H-J. Res. D7 Hummlt. Piano Jnstructiou FRED ALTON IIAIOHT Teacher of Piano nnd Harmony. Halglit Music Studio, 318 Liberty 'Uliig. Phone 72. ... 153tf Pr In tern nnd Publlshent '-. MEDFORD PRINTING. CO. Has tho best equipped printing offfco In Southern Oregon. Bookbind ing, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, oto, Portland prices. 27. N. Fir St. Radio Repairing HA lIO KKPAIItING The Muslo Hex, 402 Kitst Main KL, I'hone 433, hits tin expert radio tech nician from the . factory. We make a specialty of expert repair work nnd Kunrnntee it. .Rpeclal consideration to dealers. Transfer KADS TKANSFEK & STORAGE CO. Office 111 N. Fib 8t. Phono 315. 1'ricea right.' Ser vice Kuaranteed. DAVIS TRANSFER 8TORAOU Service guaranteed. 30 8.. (Imp Kt.. Phnim l!4. nr residence 1nHn Window Cleaning I,KD OKOllOn rx) IT House clesninR-. floor . waxing,, janitor i service... r.eo. See If. ; Ohon tU2-J or 1171. .. ' , ,