Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 07, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Weather
Weather if'ear Ago
Highest year ago Unlay 48
lamest year ugo today 35
I'onxusl Ckitxlr and foexr Iff
nUtlit and Tuesday; uouiiuucd
lijclei ywierduy 32
ljuwwt today Si 7
Dll. Twentj-thlM Tt
fAiy yihj-MwiUi tin
No. ''H7.
Mail Trie
By Arthur Brisbane
The Automobile of 1929.
Cows and Men. Cows Win
Marie As Fairy Queen.
Treasury Tax Refunds.
(Copyright. by Btar Co.)
America produced 4.630,000.
jars ill 1A2S, including 1)86,000
trucks. That happened with
24.000,000 automobiles in use,
when bottan.
The imaginary "siitnnition
point" Hcems to recede.
New York started the annual
automobile show scries with the
new ears', better in quality, low
er in priees.
Henry Ford, who has his
Aow, all by himself, announces
that hiring 1)0,000 more men,
raising his force to 150,000,
means raising production of his
new car to tSOOO a day.
Oneral Motors, including
ilicvrulct, broke records in ev
v. cry department. The manufac
turers' problem is this. They
wake their lower priced ears
look so much "like a million
dollars'' that designers of the
highest priced cars find, it hard
to keep up.
Moose - .law, Saskatchewan,
gave a dinner to lien H. Thom
son, in honor of his ITolstcin
I'Vieslanil cow Canary t'ordyke.
The Saskatchewan government
bought the cow for $10,000.
Cimarv is world's champion i
ljuttP)'fat Mid gives enough milk
in a dav lo last the average j
family a month. In HOu days,
In., nnu- nrnihirtorl 1.-
1 , .
0SU poumls of lmttcr, find 120.
JJ95 pounds of mill
Too bad ,.,orc yZZuZ .he ,aue.
improving monk brains, as wejthii lift mitnr went "dead" ami
proro coves' udders.. Only lime ';-,,,-' X!"
I'BIl do tllllt-, Ullll tilllO is slow, after 11 was but minutes before her
rh average, intelligence in the , vo-vl,c came to an. end.
i. II - r I ,n...i..,t.L- f,i WKTHfil'iil I'l'iv A I l; I'MlrT
iniln,. ,.L..y i
lliiy, according , to Ia'CKV, IS '
lower tllllll the average of all
. "
tlie free men in Athens, JWl)
vearsago. Science goes ahead,
mail Stays about Where lie was,
1.1.. l l,..,!,.) a lit fin ,,,:,,i .,,,. i
Queen Marie, or Kouiuania,
isi expected to play, iu Holly
wood, the lcadiug role in a fairy
tale written by herself, with
genuiuc erown and all. Many
movie ladies have, played the
queen. A queen playing movie
lady would be a fair turn about.
There is, however, no great
demand for moving fairy sto
ries, fairies having so little
"'sex appeal."
fionic congressman is agitat
ed because the treasury refunds
income tux funds illegally col
lected. .
What would the congressman
suggest? Should the govern
ment on keeping money collect
ed illegally? Is there any rea
son why an income taxpayer
shoidd be deprived of his "day
in court!'' Should government
lake money illegally, even from
the.'big" steel company?
Some Americans, anonymous,
sent 100,000 to the Prince of
Wales' fundi for poor British
f oal miners. A gencrous'act.
and, let us hope, free from
toadyism. a
tr the same gtnAetneii can spare
$1000.000 more, they might find i
portiiDlttcs to use the money In
American coal reslons, where work
In lacking, tho weather la cold, and
families are as big as In England.
For us to build swift cruisers.
Senator Halo tells the Senate. Is
"not In conflict with the Kellc"K
troaly." If there were any conflict
tho wise thing would be to let the
Kellogg treaty go.
We could struggle olong without
a treaty. Itut cruisers mean some
think. Ask the British what they
think about that.
Lewis Darkness, whose father
(Continued on Page Four).
2:07 TODAY
Trouble in Left Motorj
Forces Descent of Ques-i
tion Mark After Nearly j
151 -Hour Flight Gas
Load Dumped to Lighten I
Plane, Perfect Landing I
Mirntoroi.iTAN a i h pout, ,
I.OS AXUHI.ICH. Jan. 7. Wl II. J. '
Adam")!!, special representative of
the war department, officially an- ;
nounced the landing ef the Ques
tion Mark here at 2:07:01 o'clock 1
this afternoon.
LOS AXOKI.KS. Jan. 7. (fl') The !
I army's endurance flight ptane. Hie
J tjuertiun Mnrk, was foiceil down
on I lie nh-port field ht-re at 1- niin- '
I ute.s afri-r L' o'clork this aftt-rtioon.
Tin; plane had been in the air
00 hours ami fU niinut-s.
The plane eireled tlie field and;
i glided to a perfect landing about
j 300 yards away from the main
iiiiiifciii.t. j iiuhu ui uiiuj unit:-
"s h "mi,,u !' K'eat
hhiek-budit'd ship uh she ta.led to
a standstill ami waited for her
' v to pile from the cabin
where they have lived for sven
u ttllH oilroxlmately an hour
after the left motor, of tho plane
developed trouble that the Ques
tion Mark sailed onto the field
where seven duys uo lu took off
LOK AXCMI.KS Jan. 7 A'i Man
,"n(J machine "will ' were nltt -d
im-alnxt time and gravity as the
arme mononl ine Question Mark
t.1)t..'re1 ,1SJ soventh" day of fliBht
here this mornlnB. There were no
nim.e r,.OPlIs ,,f, u, ,n..,( ,t 't
. . . . . ' '
i,,.i.,.ii.. 1,1 ,.,.r,,.r ,,iiii..M
tho ..inn.. ..n.l.., 1 i,u ti iih ii. .,f
fn.-i.t ..1 --. .. ..." 1 11... ...... I
ported that it had eoiiMino'd a
mini, nun, i,f friiioU,,.. .liti-lntr tlio
ii.! i,..n 1 i,i i..,.
u., ......f..,.,,,!,,,, ,., ,i,in 'ri.iu
was said to menu that the time
when the np elianleal bird iveH
way nmler the Htrain is "remote."
IteportK on the condition of the
five men that they wen; as fit as
the plane. They previously had
deeland that the longer they re
mained up tho better they liked 1.
All memories of the trying week
end, during which thy hud to con
tend against mi-islnc npark plup.
cold, difficult refuellnK situations
and lack of sleep, seemed to have
Hopes for final action on the
Kellogg anti-war treaty by tomor
row were expressed today after
a series of ' senate conferences,
among t h ose see k i n g a to m p ro -mlse
on the demand for an Inter
pretative siatemcnt of America's
position tinder the pact.
Senator Moses. Itepublican of ,
New Hampshire, author of the
resolution d c c 1 a r 1 ng America's
rights under the treaty. Jeclared
In the senate after the confer-,
encca that negotiations were- un
der way which forecast ffblutlptit
of the treaty row by tomorrow.
Secretary "Wilbur announced to -
day that orders have ho-in Issued
for tho removal of ato nu 1300
bluejackets 8 Mil mar in from
Nicaragua as soon ns transporta-
rnnllltln. nn U. A
Bbby Trout. 19. Los Anneles aviatnx, handr. over tho baronrcpn
of her 12 hour 11 minute flight to Jorepn Nlkrent, N. A. a. o:neisi
observer. The young flier established a world's mark for her sex.
Mrs. Lola D. Trout, her mother, is in the foreground.
Excise and Income Tax Bills :
to Be Explained By Com-
mission Members Car-1
kin Asks- Corporation
Heads Be Present.
J'OItThAND, Die., Jun.
-The entire utute or Oregon won
Iuvited to attend the Imbllc hear-
'" "C!tt Thursday and Friday
en tho excise tax and Income
1,1X 1,l""" 10 '"' reeoinmended to
thu legislature l.y the inopcrty
" relief commission.
These hearlnKS will be held In
room 20:l Imperial Hotel begin-
nlng at :30 a. m. .Members of;
;thc ronimlss on will be present to
explain each feature, and the
wordings of the proposed mcas-
lire will lnj derided.
The I'st-ifo Mil will be dine.ustieri
It Ik the California
measure arranged to suit Oregon
Chairman John H.
1 arKM1 " 'l1'1"
I"" cw
tlves of all eorporationrt, largo and
small. In Hlato be m'OHcnt.
All folk-s who will have lo pay
ineomo tax tiro rei(ucted to at-
tend tho Friday Hctwion. Wai;c
earnera. labor organlzationH n;p -
reHenla lives, whop ownei'M, coupon
(dippers, everyone who will come
under the, provtulonH of tho pro
posed law are asked to bo pres
ent when the final wording of the
measure in decided upon.
The proponed tax provides for
a 73 per cent properly tux offset.
j Exemptions were fixed at 1500
for single and $2f0U for married
j persons, with deductions of $100
I each for each- dependent under
j 18 years of ukrc. Tax will be col
lected under a graduated rate.
Public hearings on various
other bills to be advocated by the
'commission are bein- held 4 In
tho committee's headquarters at
the Inmerin. C. C. Chapman, of
Portland, u member of the com
mission, belnp In charge.
I Vi Jnmcs M. iynch, local hotel
I man und friend of Jack Dempsey.
J who arrived today from Miami with
the Kickard funeral train, raU that
! leminey told him he will not enter
(the rin imain hut will "pick up
where Kickard brt of I tind devote
hts time entirely to proifiotlon."
"Hcmpsey told mn that If Tex
Itlckard hnd lived ho would lia(e
fought the winner of the Slrlbllng
Sharkey bout," sild I.ynrb, "but
added that now ulnco Hickard 1n
'gone he will pick np whore Klckaicl
( loft off.
1 "It con be Mid offlcfully that
1 Dempsey will never fight aa1n. He
told me no yesterday while we
-alln.l in tlnH if.k
. i
Cold Wave Affects Large j
Portion of Country
Southwest in Snow Drifts
Gales " Damage " Ship
ping 3 Below Chicago:
(.0ld wnvo affected a laiKC portion!
of thu country today.
While the southwest whh dlKKlnB
out of snoiv drifts and the lake
reslun wns cxperleneltii,- sub-zero
temperatures, gules along Iho At -
lantic seaboard cost at least three
lives, sank small craft and drove
a steamer and 11 barge shore.
Three members of the crew of.
ihe fishing boat Henrietta were
lost when their craft sank off 1J ng
).teaeh, Long Island, while n fourth
caved himself by KwlmmlriK In thej'iiore temperate climate. pnen-
cy waters four lioura before he'"inlst developed from what whh
reached land.
Off Newport. It. t., tho atenmer
Jierman Kranclt wbh driven ashore
a Htnun noai was ouhk una 11 oarg
driven aground.
uirrcn aKrounu
The blizzard In the.
j t.ost Jl livew, delayed trnina, in-1
terrupted communication and made'
highways ImpahHabh; In Kansas j
, Und MiHHOiirl. j
In Nebraska nnd ttm Dakotas i
the temperature dropped to 10 be-j
low zero, while, Chicago and the
adjacent region felt a drop of 18 '
degrees in seven hours which
brought the mercury close to the!
zero mark.
CHICAGO, Jan. 7. iP) The
coldest day of the winter was re-1
corded here when the mercury
stood ut 3 below zero at 7 o'clock
today. The previous low murk was'
'2 above. !
!A HIS, Jan. 7. UVi Inten-vct
cold that gripped France for five
days lifted today under tho influ-
once of a southerly wind that i
brought temperatures nbovo freez-i
lng throughout the southern and
central part.s of the country." j
a... t,4 t, - i
- S'TAU 1,A'VAIl
,.-(! .-Hearch for James 1 .oung.
parachute jumper who fell In the
m ean near Carplnteria yesterday,
was re,umed toduv. Tlec air-
pianet. r,vpi uu-i v,Him- .
' . . .1 Ihe grand duke cseuped nu-
,loli"f Jumped from a piano ! , mdo ,
nbovo the OirponttrK. oliport. an.l.,, Hoon nfu.r Mh ,,
1." J . 0 . . '
m uV-n.n ...,. u...,. .... ....
houvy arn.cnt. ho aa Ihousht
iu 1111 k iiuti iiw liiuiiwi! fj
Government Figure -
WAHiiiN:G'm Jun 1 (VPV-
Th government of tho 4S sUten!"'" w" l- "fxl
oollocted $l,7e8..'(81.000 In mi andi"ar n txumlwr of bumbH were
spent $1,76JS,010. Ifound in the vicinity of hlH piiluce.
. iln tho same year, neven terror-
Vesuvius 8ptak lists were hanged for nn attempt
NAPLES. Italy, Jan. 7. (7Fr
j H now-capped Vesuvius tl emitting
I uknAH iu. . 1 .
True Bills Returned Against;
Pow-Wow Doctors i
Plead Not Guilty Crime
Committed Jor .Lock of
Man's Hair.
. YoliK.l'n., Jan. 7. (7T) Three
hills ugnltiKl all three of the piin. I
clpuls In York county's witchcraft
case were relumed by the grand j
Jury today.
The Jury heard only two wit-'
nose. Coroner 1.. I". Zeeh and Dr. j
H.: 1.. Kills, coroner's pliysielan. I
Two counts were Included 111 each '
Imlicemcnt. murder and man- )
slaKhter. j
All three defendauls. John M.
niymeyor, Wilhert (i
IImnn and 1
John 1'urry were arralKnetl to hear!
the l.lllu Th.. hills 1, 1 !
them with kllllai; Nelson I). I'.eh-I
meyer. tia.yi-ar-old reclune farnior. .
with "ma Ike aforethought
Btymyer then ph.nded not KUllty.
The other two defendants en
tered the same plea.
They are charged with killing
llelinieyer on .ovetnl.ur -7. They
'"went tu Kehmeyer's hum', in a
Sparsely .settled section of the coun
try, with the ostensible purpose of
I obtaining a lock of his hair tu
break n "spell" ho was believed
to have east over the lles.s family,
j They choked him to death, It is
' churned, when he resisted their
; efforts lo uet the hair.
; ANTIIIIJH. "ruitye, .Ian. T. W)
I rirand JJuke Nicholas, who
commanded the liussian armies
the WorhrWar and was a clalm-
nnt ito the Itussian throne. Is
j dead ut the n;;e of 72. His last
words were In n speech lo Ills
servants exhorting them to re-
main faithful to their true ltUH-
lain. Ho died Sunday morning.
! The grand duke came here from
1 1'arls last NovemtM'
to seek a
iHppirnntl.t n trivial cold.
Thr Krand diichPMH, who wan
, PrinceKH AnatttaHla of Montenegro.
Wl niir-nui, i i m- j
,7T - V. 7 '
i ui itu3ia hiiii ins in;.
'and the Duke of Ieuchtenbcrg
Mvcre present when the end came.
! Af,,!r ' ise of the ttolxht-
j hQ pn(.tnd
M)(!coHMOp (hc th q th(,
I(ito NlLnot . the "supremo
C0UnitJ of Ulll(S,un monarehiHt8.
,.Vf.ri.l ml111..n IIiih-
isluns living In exile.
rommanl-r of tl.o Imp.rrlul
,(.,.,, ,, . nlUp ,
;)oot hu) lur)nB n ni1Mliry r.
At another tlne, a bomb
waa found on a railroad truck,
ovcr wlt-' "' "n was to pass.
,n lftu- trun In which he
on his life. Two years later.
revolutionary plot against his lifo
shr blop
Law Moves in On Chicago
Heights 25 Arrested !
Liquor Seized Slot Ma
chines Smashed fede
ral Operatives Take Pos
session City Hall.
CHICAGO. Jan. 7. (!) The law,
has hcKUIl to blot the Mood and '
beer from a crime-chased Chicago'
The stormy HUhurb, where
lyl'iK have taken place in the
'"'ce year.-, waa oei.ieuu
by teteral. mute and ChlcaKu o-1
ee officers Just before ilanu es-
lt-' U,,J
TWenty-fivo men were arrestetl: I
linuor was seized: slot machines i
smanhed by the hundreds, and even
the municipal government itself'
wus superseded as the Kovurumeut
men, aided by I'htcagu detectives, I
took possession of the city hull ami
police, .station. !
Records uf liquor and slot ma
ehlnt' profltH were taken, shuwltiK
what iiolh e called a Klant rliiK Hint j actliitlea of the Oretron state sov
made hundreds of thousands of i eminent will need, during the
dollars. Three uffleials were re-1 ,H-imluni of I'JL'U and 11)30, a total
vealed as linked with the under-: r Jj3.1a1.03;, ueeordliiK to the
.......I.I la. il... I I 1
i Sawed-orr HhulKunn.' revolvers I hml "H o.nnicnded
I and other weapons were found. luitnu U'Kislature by Governor lat-
I a K'trat;o the offlci-rs discovered
, what they believed lo be the head-
quarters fin the alcohol ring,
j The arrests yesterday are Halt!
to mean virtual solution of three
of the most recent UUllntCHrin the
siiburbtin arm. ''
.'. None of thf! prisoners, how
ever did much talking. .
"Their silence smacks of lho
.Mann, shki Alexander u. .nimie,
head uf the special prohibition unit,
"('orespondeuce found in some of
Hie homes raided Indicates that
Chicago Heights may have been
the mst of a blaekliaud ring op
erating In Chicago, New York, SI.
I.ouls and Cincinnati."
niVKHHIM';. Cal.. Jan. 7. !'
The Northcott "murder I farm"
case, described by poMen an "the
weirdest mystery" In California :
criminal history, today hud taken
auot tier strange turn, with the
declaration of Gordon Htewnrt
Northcott on trial for the murder
uf three missing boys, that his
accuser and nephew, I fi-year old
Ha u ford Clark, wus nut his nep
hew, but his brother.
At the county hospital detention
ward where young Clark and
(.yruH northcott am held oh ma- Adult llllml iu Portland $11,
terlal witnesses, both laughed n L ft X . 1 1 .
Northcott'8 HHsertlon. Mrs. Harah I 4
Ijuulsa Northcott, now nerving a I
lire sentence at Kan Quonlin for
the murder of little Walter Collin'
ton the sinister chicken ranch, re-j
jcently sluted thnl "an KngMsh I
J lord" und not Cyrus Northcott was
the fsther of Gonhm. j
j Northcott today had made an- 1
I other bitter denunciation of al- I
1 b-ged "third degree" niehods used '
lugalns him. "They used the same,
I methods on my brother. Ha n ford ;
Clurk when they got him to accuse ,
j me of murder." Northcott said.
("and the same methodH thai:
' euiised mv mother to nmltn n inn .
fesslon and take a life sentence.,
Khe Ihought I wus guilty when so! I'urtlund today was the center of
much pressure uim put on her." iH concerted effort on the part of
Northcott' statement was de
clared by officers to ' be a last
minute attempt to repudiate pre
vious confessions with an "insan
ity background."
Ah tho- trful rcaumud today
Deputy District Attorney Hedwine
had announced -thu t evidence
ugalnst thu uccused VI year old
n ,.n of
the three murders
would bo presented In chronologi
cal order.
C'OtllerilOOM. HIVKIt HI l K,
C'ul., Jim. l.l') Nnrlinrt Hnvny.
I'limiMfl fun fiortlon Nti-wnrt Nurth
rutt, loilny fliullonffod a venlor r
thirty, IncluilInK ton women, culloil
for Jury duly In Northcoti'a tlial
for murder of throo lioya.
Huvuy clnlmod as haxl Ant lil
rhiillnnBo I.Iuh on tho purt of
deputy Khcrlff iS. IS. Worcester,
' wlm Nil I n In lift 111 tlio Vanlrn
New Sheriff Names
M other -In-Law As
His Deputy Officer
TAMI'A. Kin.. Jin. T. (A) 1
i Sherlff-t.t I,. M. Mutton.
1 Jr., uf Tit m pa Is quite wi'll '
!) plntst-il with himself, th;ink l
you. (
Ho is pruml biMUUi1 he j
bus iippuintrtl his mother- j
( In-law. Mrs. Kleiinor It. Rob-
inson. us a ib-puty sheriff. :
! So far as Mr. Mutton knows. 1
1 4 ulw will io tin first lintthtT- 4
in-iaw to act n. that capacity.
ReCOITimenClatlOn neaOV TOr
' j
Legislature Several In- i
stitutions to Turn Back
Unexpended Balances
Total $168,455.66.
K.M.D.M. Ore.. Jan. 7. ol'l All
terson. A decrease is shown as
pompiMVd with the two previous
blennluins. For und 1928
the total was ?"-7,:u;0.tri7 and for
U) 2 r Hnd lllU $a4,4fiB,84. , The
above totals etnbraco direct letclH
intlvo, bontluulng and upuclnl 'mil
liLgn tax approprlatiotiH. i j
Of tho entire total the legisla
ture will he concerned only with
! $0,K54,tlfo coming within the (1 per
I cent tax lltultat ion. Tho remain-
der of the total Is taken care of by
which the legislature has no con
trol. These are: mtllage levies J
outside thu G per cent limitation, j
, 1 1 0 , 2 7 3 ; aid from llcenso and'
other fens, $7,4:14,144; nilllage tax
levies within tho 0 per cent limita
tion, $1,9,H56; continuing appro
priations, fjO.lbo. An additional
$17.1,1)62 Is recommended to cover
interest on Irrigation district Inter
est bonds. , I
IMrrc'tfir'M First Budget. !
Tho budget is the first one pre
pared under the direction of the
nlHtn budget director, an office
created by an uct of the 1927 leg
islature. The state hoard of control re
ports that $)6K4r5.66 will ' be
turned back to thu gen cm I fund
of the state by several Hlato insti
tutions on account of unexpended
balances from approprlat 1 o u 8
mado by the legislature two years
ago. These amounts will ho as
lyitows: State Training HeJioul for
hoys, 1 7. K 19.74: Kastern Oregon
HoKpital for the Insane at Pendle
ton, $47,071.77: Htute Insane Hos
pital at Halem, 914,743.0(1; state
prison, $:o;ty,K7; Institution for
Keeble., Minded, $28,241.10: Tuber
culosis hospital, $5190. SI; Kchool
for Ullnd, $117(1.31; ,s;,iicul for
Heaf, VtUK.KOl: Kchool . for Girls,
jjh 59,29 ; Employment Hehool for
, , , . I
l'GltTLAND, Ore., Jun. 7. (A) !
kIx western HtuloB to force a na
tional Investigation of the Pacific
Telephone tit Telegraph company
and HUhitdtury vroup. ItepreHen
lallvi'H from VuMhlngton.Oillfor
nla, Iduhu, I'tali, Xcvudu and Ore
gon Blithered ut the city council
H Ih ptttnned to draft a plea to
he pent to congroxs, uxkiiig 11
nalliin-H lile InveMtlgatlon hy
wpeelal probe coiMinlttu. luickeil
by the piiMer of the Intol'Htlllo
cotnmcreo eninmlr.lmi. i
The I'firtland meeting waa ur
rangril lifter other eltlex lieenme
InterchtiTd In tho eownell'M reftiKal
to grant a new fnuielil tu the
telephone company. The com
puny Ih ut nrcHonl oneriitlng wlth-
oi9 a frunehlMo, having rejected
ono approved by tho votora of i
Portland at tho November oloc
tlon. '
Operation Fails to Save Life
of Tex Rickard Suffered
for Years From Appendi
citisMost Daring Pro
moter in Sport History
Made Boxing Popular.
J AfKSO.NVlI.l.i:. Kin., Jan. T.
! I)') llearlnt; back to Now York
Uhe body of Gcorso I.. (Te.x) lllek-
ai-d. boxing jtroinoter, who illeil
I at .Miami Heaeh yesterday, the
Havana Kiieeial of the Atlantiu
uo"sl ",,c niuveu
tills city at 9 o''
northward from
1 1 nis city at v o ciock mis moru-
"";;. ,,.
kard. who had kept a.
faithful viKll beside her stricken
husband; Jack Dempsey, who
lovd the promoter us his ''best
pal"; n nil Steve llanitcfaiu. rep
rcHentlnj; the city of Miami Jteaeh
accompanied tho body.
NlfiW YOIIK, Jan. 7. V) IC
Tex Klekard had not feared a
Hiii'Kcon'H knife more tlmn he did
appendicitis, he miKht bo alive,
Ho had suffered attacks of ap
pendicitis from time to time for
the lust 1 2 yearn, dreading an
nperattun. He uvoided It by rc-
peated applications of ice parks
during eoel attack. KlnnMy sur
gery wus necessary.
Just beforo the DempwyOir
pentlcr fight at Jersey Clly in
IU2I tho promoter was stricken
with a partcularly violent utluck.
Physleiuns eased the pain with
ice pucks, but ud vised hlin to
undergo an operation. He, .re
"They'll never get me-wlth
their Howies," ho used to . say.
'"I'hPV mm iitiinl mo hnt nrtl PUT
By A In 11 J. Gould.
Associated Press Hporls Writer
MOW YOHIC. Jun. 7. (P) A
dreamer whoHo dreams came true,
yet' a man of action with the
born spirit of u gambler, pushes
(Continued on Page, Four). '
Will Rogers Says:
NICW YOKK. ,)ttu, 7.
The, world is full of men
who do bin
thine;, but
w h e n you
moot -Vm
tht-y aro not
ities. Pretty
wnr everybody
is iilmost
Tex liickiird wus one of
tho very few outstanding
'iei'soiiiilitit!M of our time.
It'tt a loss Unit we didn't
have his autobiography writ
ten hy himself. 1 wouldn't
a missed knowing hint for
anytliint;. Yours,
mm a !
ill 1 'I1
Tex lc'iclea rvl