Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 04, 1929, Page 10, Image 10

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    VATm TWO
m. i-:.
-SU- -ial)
t'hiirlfy Austin of .Mcilftn-ti
t ting old ncfU'iini-in''' in
rnt last Kitrtii v nim-nini,-.
i ft 1 1 ol mi . ,i r i r ii Try r a t
iv r-nii' sho.
Mr. ntul .Mrs. Kil Itnrfjr at1
tlu wlpiontH of 11 wmMlorfnl
I'hi-ininmH xlfl w h I c h ftrrivcil
i-ntiy Christ innw tiinrniiiK t the
f Mirut-kfr Maicrnity lnum in M Gil
ford. This gift Wiih n haliy buy.
Ihf first non in llio family, thi
nihT I wo -hflilifn bdnp: kIiIk.
The lit Hp tail ha hvn Kivn tlo
tjiimo of Carl Edward. Jr.
Anynw in Talmit having nnf
ililni; of Inloi-pst whifli fhr-y wou'd
nro to luivo printed in tho Mrl
ford Mall Tribune, it would la
wry much apiu-criatod If it were
Itnndrd in -M i'n, Marion Tryor, t ho
J oral rorrrnpondrnt for the Mod
lord Mnil Tribune.
The Talon t Rrbrkah Hub met
at thr home of Mrs. Glenn Wllh-
i-ow r-Yhlny nffonioon,
Knink MannmR, who haw horn
KpondlnK a month's vacation at
tlin homo of. hi nixim-, Mrn. Ed
l.ramlnf? roLtirncd to his work at
l-'nrt Klamath hint Sunday. Mr.
MfinttoH is a timber cruiser in tho
employ of the government.
Dr. C. W. M.Fadden wan n
IuikIwh visitor in .Med ford Sat
urday. Tho Community club met Wed
nesday afternoon at tho club
room, ft brine Piich a bad day
11 n't many were present.
Tho Talent Hebpkah club held
u.,o inn.ii,
eveninif ami helped to wclconio
in the new year by rlnglm? tho
frc lull.
Lltilo MIkk Clar'ce
rapidly ImprovliiK after
Ilomen iii
a month's
serious Illness.
Mrs. 1 C Ttelmer and daugh
ter. Lillian, left last Monday for
Cntfforn'u. They will vIhH with
fiiendH at vnrioim cltiea nnd penr
Hom.i time nt Ioh AnKelcH before
their return to Talent.
Woman's Homo Missionary so
ciety met nt tho home of Mi-h.
Charley Moldrld'o Thnrsdny after
noon. Tho Rp worth T.eauue nnd the
yonns married people' class, of 1
the Method iyi church, held t
frot'c and wntch-nluht party at
I ho home of Mr. and Mi-m. ft. ( '.
I.ok'an Monday even In jr.
Uev, Dutnai Is holdfnjr
nice tines nt tho Methodist
every even In Jr this week,
dial invitation In extended
Wayne Mnhlrlrtjfc returned to
("orvallls Hatttrday, whero he Is n
senior at tho Oregon Hlate col
lege. Mr. Howe and his son. Kujreue,
left Inst Wednesday for I.onur
vlev. Washintflon by auto. Mr.
Homo Is looking- for a location
Mr. and .Mrs. Hcdne CooU v and
two child i en who hnvc been
spending tho rhrlstmas vacation '
nt Ih.. homo nf Mi- nml l i John '
llenrlim left Sunday for their
homo in Kan Jm.e. Cal.
Mis Huth (lavvin of .Medford
was a irucst Christmas at the
home of her aunt. Mrs. AVIll
Mr." and Mrs. (iuv Hamilton
enterinined the Camp Fire ti lls
and their friends with a dinner
new year's eve, preparatory to
a watch party, which waH held
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
) lurry Lowe, A very enjoyable
evening was spent by all present.
Mrs. John Hearing was the re-1
clpfent of a couide of if tH anionK
her Christ mas presents vh!'li
were ((itlte unhpte. They were an
Kntrlltdi plum pudding from rela
tives In Virginia. Hold pudtlinir
being made in June, tho other u
fruit cake from a rulutive in
( Jenrgla.
Mrs. Cliff Itond, Miss Abblo
U'liming nnd Mls Jean Spiers
were Medford vlidtorH Monday
M kh Heulnli llurnett in n guest
thin week of her cousins, Mr
and Mrs. Milan llurnett nt tho
J,og Cabin on Anderson creek.
Allen Froctor of Ashland was
calling, on old friends In Talent
Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mm. Kverett Hnono
and two daughters wero new year
guests nt tho homo of Mr. and
.Mrs. Charley Long and family.
Art , WHkoii nnd Hon. Iester,
ami daughter, Krmlne, who have
been spending tho Christ man
holidays in Hoisc. Idaho return
ed homo last Friday evening.
1'rofesHor nnd Mr. I F. Mil
ler and two dutigtitcrH, returned
new years evening from Kugeue,
wtun.' tliey hail Hpent thV week.
Mrs Miller was called to tho hed
iido of her father a few days be
fore ChrlstniaH. who was in n
very critical condition, ntul who
later passed nway on Christ mas
cvo. Miss Wiilctta, who Ih In
poor health, was quite, sick when
they returned home Tuesday even
ing. - j
Mr. Minnie Joeckel and twin '
hnyu, who have Bpent the past
two weeks with relative In Ha-!
Instead of abnormal exercise or diet, I
they combat a cause ol excess fat. They i
supply an element Nature emolovs to 1
turn food into fuel and enerov. Thi
method was discovered by rerearch men '
Home Iwo decades ago. It lias for 20 years
been embodied in Marmola prescription
and almost every circle shows the results
J new beauty, new health and vilslity.
The formula comes in every box, also !
have no fear of harm, trolenm now what
Mannola does for excess ful. and why.
Your druggist supplies it at $1 per box.
Taka four tablets daily and wut. li 1
chimin I
tern and Portland, reutrned New
Vear's day. Mbs Ulanohi Slater. !
who was viitii!R relatives at Siithjft
I Mrs. Klyi no m hr ;.r, entertain
led at New Ycar'H diimer Mr. and)
I Airs. .John Kohirton, Mr. and Mrs.
, Will Cbililei-H and two yotiK. Jlu-1
' ford and John and Misses Anna-'
belio and Ab by Learning- '
j I'rof. and Mi's. Ceoio 1Uh-
, of Ashland were new year's hc-sls
at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. V ;
:ley VoK'-li,
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Heeson
r it lei tallied M r. and Mrs. El
Hoblson and Mr. and Mrs.
Ixincuu on in year's eve.
Warren Connor, Orvlllo
nett, James I'urves and
l.ititif went on a tlm-i- tlny.s' riunp
ini; trip to the lliiikpile ramh
in I.iulc A pp legate. They went
by way. of Warner Gap.
We are Klad to iiKiiln see Mr.
Jim I'.rlner In our midst after a
month's illness with flu.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Georne Oalliriilth
entertained a number of friends
wit h a new year's party at their
home on Anderson reek Tu
dav evonltiB.
'I here will ho another "f the j
popular dances fwn by the Com-
in unity club in January 11. Mu-1
sic will bo furnished by the Mel-!
ody Makers. All come and have !
a K(md time. !
Miss Eliza belli IIIKans was a
Klient of Mrs. John ltatfsdalo tit
Eak'le Point over the week-end.
Ouitn a numhi'r of Talent fo'k
attended the boxiiiK matches at
Uhe Armory at Ashland new years'
I Miss Katherino Estes returned
; from Oakland, Cal., new year n
i evening after spending a week
'with relatives In that city.
Messrs Kalph Kuoscm and Will
Eerns left Tuesday for Portland
to attend the annual session of
, NorlhweHl fanners' association.
.Mr. Koowr Is the president of the
Itagloy Canning company In Ash
land, while Mi. Koriw is vice
president and general manager "f
the cooking department.
Anv one having news for this
column, please hand It to Mrs.
TryiT lii'fmo Wiiliii'wlay ovpnini;.
i'. XI. I'MikiT. who owiicmI the
Cantor plaro on tho Him-boii lime, I
mi. Iii ri't'ontly to J. A. Corum or i
T llninook, wlio nmvi'il In Thum-I
ilny. ThlM plnro wiik formerly
known mm thi' John Hccflon ranch. I
Mr. I'lirkcr Ih storiuij IiIm uooOa
In tho Anion hnildlliK. j
Mr. unci Mi-h. I'iiiI Unit lift'
tlu firm of the wi'PR for' I'ort-1
In nil, whi'io Mr. Hart nan oli-
taliu'il oinployinont.
Mrs. Kdytlui Ijtrnon of Xlml
ronl. who will he remoniln'ioil In
Talnnt an M I'M. John N'yHWiirnPr.
and who for n ntimhr-r of yoari
niili'il hero, hn lalcly rplnrnoi
from a vlnlt with hor (am, Jir.
I rank Cann'ron anil wlfo In Port
land anil Hon I'M Cameron of
Illinium, Wnnh. Mm. Ijirson also
ealli'il on Mm. Mary niidptcon,
w,l lH l,l!ni,'"K
I he winter nt
tin; I. (). (). I'
home 111 Portland,
Hlie loiinii .nn. iniiuMiTt'ii ni'i"iih
Iflnn anil Wl well pleaneil to lie
remi'liiln'reil hy tnkeim of love
from ho many or her 'lalont
frlenilH anil tnlii-H IIiIh nieillm to
rvpriHH her tlianku to her many
home frlenilH. Mm. Iliiiliieon wiih
alxo a Kliexl at the Canieron home
fhrlytnuiH ilny.
t'. A. Maharry and K. K
ullers I
Ml' aml 'SUa: K(l
iMlHl WMO catllnj,'
Stiles of Fort- j
on friends In -
'l''n recently. 1 hey were en
visit Mrs. Stiles sister
1" Ashland,
Mr. and Mrs. Far! Jnnos were
VhUIok' relatives and friends In
Ash la ml Sunday.
' I'lUlei-mm in n the
"-''it ""K t,li w"k-
HaptUt Church.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
I'rcaehlnu services nt 11 n. i
and 7::to p. m.
fl, W. Ilurnettc. 1'astor.
Methodist Church.
Sunday sehtiol nt a. ni.
Lester Newhry, suiicrlntendent.
I'reni-h ng Kervlccs at 11 a, .m.
and 7 ;30 p. m.
Kpworth league Sunday even
ing 11.30.
Hcgular prayer meeting Thurs
day evening 7:3U.
ltev. Brown, tastor.
. 4
4. (Special. .Some eultle wei
driven over from the Applegnle
Tui'Mduy. The entile look well this
winter. rFS
Kichard Petri Is over, from j
Kluimith on n visit.
Frank Murqm-Ki wiih up on the -creek
Sunday. Sf
F. M. CenterH IttiK been unite ill jig
nt the homo of Ills daughter. .Mrs.
Jan. Mays.
Jack llultliiiin and family spent '
Xew Year's ut Jus. MueDowell's. W
Hill Shann and wife pent n tew
huura ul 1). C. llale'n Tllt'sduy wen.
V. Zrmke and lnU-r, linrothy
were eallhiK on friends Sniurday
-Mrs. I '.lack was out to tho val-h-v
lilll Htlekler and family spent
ClirlHimas In Oorrls. Oil.
tleorixe Youiik Was out tn Med
fnrd this week.
Ml - ,'', ''e Is eiiltlns wood on
Coleman creek this week.
Itu'slei- enlled. nt ('.
Yoiiiiii'm Tuenday.
",',,' sehoid reopened Wednesday '
nfler the chrlHtmas nnd New Yean $,i
hulidayn. .
A soelnl dance was slven nt the
Jtamuess huine falunlny evenln. ' ?
AII hud n hihmI lime. , - i jV
Mr. Ilnnnnn Is aide to be up!i?j
after a limit sleno of flu j
Mr. I'nrr. the Kume wai'den from! 2?
A.hlnnd. was up on the ereek Sun-j (T i
, iv. . . W
Mi -'
' s up i eu ncsnny
Bi till -
Excavations at Belsan, Palestine, during the ceventh season of the Pennsylvania Museum's
archaeological field expedition showing the latest work at Bibical Beth-Shan this fall. Native work
men ore shown clearing the rooms of a great Canaanito fort tower found In the level dating from
1411 to 1314 B. C. The cylindrical stones are part of debris remaining from a great Hellenistic temple
whose foundations had cut into the earlier level.
CLIMAX. Ore., J.,n. 2,
clal.) Mr. and Miw. C. (liv
-(tf pe
er and
W, Charley motored to I'ort-
land ten daya ao. Mr. Charley 1
returnliiK Dec. I!'ith anil Mr. anil
Mm. Oliver lielnif expected lo re
turn thlM week.
It Ik reported that n wiwmlll of
L'5 M. dally capacity Ih to he erect
ed here Hhorlly hy Mr. Oliver.
Mr. and Mm. Chan. Mnrnh.ill of
Anhland who have heen vIsiiIiik
at the t'omptiin home the pant
week, returned to Ihelr home Jan
uary iHt.
K. '. Murd of Ashland Ih mak
init an extended vImIi at t'llninx
this week.
Tummy ( i.y of Kaitle I'oliit has
been viHltliik- the Charley and
IP ;
t.riHHom tamlliiH.
Mm. I,. II. Wertz find datii
spent .cv Year'a dai- at .Mi-h,
Mrs. A. .1. rirlHHimi and Nellie
have reluinid from a vIhIi lo Hie
Children nt Cllnin.x arc prcpar
Iiik for llie clKhlh kmiiIc exanilnn
IIiiiim which nre held IIiIh minuh.
They are nt soiiii' illiiiHli'iintan,
loo, the exnliiiimUiiii! coaiiiiK Iwo
niontliH after the close of hcIhioI.
1.. II. tVertz wan a IiiihImchk
caller In Med ford Itec. .'list.
A. .1. tiriNsoni took a flock of
Kherp to l.nko Creek lo lie fed for
I he winter.
OFXTIIAL I'OINT. Ore.. Jan. 4.
(Special. j in one of the do scat )
games seen on the local floor In!
years, the hii;h school boys de-
rented the ulumnl In an overtime
game Friday. ;i:t-;ii. Faber of the
alumni was high point man with
-'8 points, while Mornlnustar of the
high school made IS points.
Holds, captain of the hluh school
'team, sprained his ankle and wns
( unable to play the second imlf.
Clyde Young, referee, sent two men
to the showers. Coy ltrown of the
Ulumnl and Clark for the high
j school.
i In the prtdimlnary game
girls lost to the alumni, sa-!
lineups were as follows:
Hlu-h school: Lamport (71
0n Hundred and Twenty-second Half Yearly Report
One of the Oldest Banks in California,
the Assets of which have never been increased
by mergers or consolidations with other Banks
AuetM- DECEMBER 31t, 1928
United States Liberty and Treasury Bonds and Certificates, State, Municipal
and Other Bonds and Securities (total value W8, 186, J9i.86), standinu on
IxK-ika nt 6
Loans on Real Kstute. secured lv first inirtKaKes
I.ouim on HoiiUs and Stocks and other Kiirltl.,a
iisVHulldlnd nnd Lots,
standi) e on hoots :it
,,i;, K-.i.. ...
Other Renl Lstute ivalur over J.tlMJ.OOO.OOl, standing on twits at
Pensn rund (value over $435,000.00',, suudhnt onTxioksat
tjisli on hand and checks on Kcdenil Reserve nnd other Banks.!.!'."'.'.'.'.
Oue Depositors
Capltul Stock actually fwid up
Reserve and Contingent Funds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..!!!!! ! ! ! !.
' ' To,,,, $IM,780,39.0J
GEO. TOURNY. Pmidnt WILLIAM HERRMANN, Yic,.P,sidtM and Cashier.
Ssulwribetl and sworn to More me this ,11st dav of Ileccmlier, 1J28
(Sl-Al.) O. A. EGGERS, Notary Public
A Dividend to Depoaitor of FOUR AND ONE-QUARTER (4V0 per cent per
annum was declared, Intsrest COMPUTED MONTHLY and COMPOUNDED
Deposits made on or before
( .n.,...-.
tward; Jones (2) forward; Wchsier.
center; Casad. side center; ,1. Sea
i hronk, fcunrd; lllchei-, ftuitrd; Lees.
f A lurnni: Richmond (II) Tor- I
i ward; Hamilton (H) forward; Hen-1
jshaw, center; Inmann, side center; j
, I.ove, Kiiard; Brown. Riiard; He
t hrooke and Davis; spare. .
Hoy's Kume Utah .school: Holds1
i f'apt. forward; Clark t7. for-j
ward; Morninjjstar (Ih), center;!
fast.'r (ti), liuard; Stanley, uaid. ,
Alumni: Knber, f o r w a r d; T. I
j Brown, forward; C. Brown, center:
Hover, Kiiard; Benson, Kiiard.
j Spares Hlt;h sehool (:;: John-
on.- 1; Cline
AJunini: Beitrieri
I lit l"tMI II H
minor well for ihe
IiIkIi sehool team for the cnmlm,
I year. It appears that Central I'nlnl
hn.s a team which will iikiiIh he
In the runnlnK for the county
championship of s e e o n il a r y
I schools.
I " itr.i-,t, oi'o., Jan. 4.
; (Spec ial.) Quito a nunihrj of the
) Balco Cl i ck uraw:. i-m, IncltidliiK all .
;f the new oilii-er.i, went to Kai;le
I I'oint TtieHtlay nlj,'ht, whe're the i
re Installed'' hy Mm.
Mr. and Mrs. I.oren I'arlmv
spent Now Year'.- tbiy with Mrs.
Far low's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. St e wait, at Medford.
William. Kvvlyn ami Jewel Ab
bott of Med ford are spending their
vacation wit h their grand pa rents,
.Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Moore. Their
mot tier. M ts.'Cecile Abbot I, en me
out New Yen 's day to spend a few
days. i
Marvin and I'laynmnd liagsdnlc
who were visiting their sister, Mrs,
lijiy Schmidiling during Christina:!
week. returned home Su inlaw
Wallace Hagsdale, who has been
in I'ort land for I he past two
months, accompanied them home.,
Hoy firigsby of Medford was a
pleasant culler al ihe H. (. Tonn
home Sunday. Mrs. firigsby and
Oonald who Christmas)
WCek witb Mix. C.I'IiI.v-h imrmiiu I
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Tonn, accom
panied him home,
Wm. Almy. F. W. peck, 11. L.
Tonn and Harry Tonn were Med
ford shoppers Sal urday.
Mr. ami .Mrs. W. V. Marshall
and grand-daughter Miss ' Mar
guerite Marshall were New Year's
guests of Mr. ami .Mrs. Frank
St rahn.
Mrs. Frank Fallow returned t
Monday from a few days visit with
tier daughter. Mrs. T. F. Xlcho. !
near Kaglc Point. I
Clius Charley Is 111 with flu.
Miss Hetli Fallow and Mr. and
M rs. A. L. Peeh were guests of
main and branch ntfimi iiJii"
January 10th, 129, will ram Interest
.... A, ,.,...,,,
BIV1KBA, Ore., Jan, 4. fSneo- i
Clay Bilcft of Blviera i In'
the Community hospital with '
Idood polHonliiK in h's risht hand. I
Oscar JoelMin and .Allss Bovlc I
Biles spent ?hrf.stm:ts at Bose- j
l-urp with Mr. nnd Mrs. John
Rchool opened at Foots creek MIAM I, Kta Jan 4 (P)
Wednesday morning Some of the j stranded ' for 27 hours in Fowev
children were not nhle. to no, on ! u0, k lighthouse. 14 miles south
account of having tho flu. I1Mt .r h,.,,. fnr m.i .
John Ferry has been v'sit'ne
a few days with his parents. !
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wahll
had as their guests on Christmas I
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wahl of Med-I
ford, Mrs. Maude Champlin and;
Mr. West of Medford, Mr. and j
Mrs. Frank Klliott and son, Don-1
aid of Yreka, Cal., and John P. !
Davis of Seattle. ;
Mrs. Clay iiiles and three chll-i
, dren have heen quite sick for!
the last week w'th flu, hut it re'
i better at this writing..
Mr. and Mrs. Hen Harrison and
ramlly has moved In one of the
cabins at Uiviera park.
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Miller oft
Portland has been visiting at thej
ItoniriMlMer home. i
Mr. and Mrs. Fred "Wahl "f
Medford ."pent Monday night with
Mr nfl .Mrs. Charles Wahl.
Charles and Pauline champlin
of Medford have been visiting
relatives at Hiviora the last week.
Mr. Hoomnlller is quite fie'-:
with flu.
Warren Fvans has been doing
the work for the champlins. as
M r. 1 'ut nam has gone to Cali
fornia to visit his mother who
has been real sick.
Mr. and Mrs. (leo. Hrowu. New
Yenr' d:iy.
The Misers Klsie and Dorothy
Wilhile are spending their vaca
tion with home folks.
Vernon .n-nia war. a guest at
the c. F. Wllhite home Sunday.
Mr. ami Mrs. T. L. Fallow and
KHrI KllI.,ow attended the grange
meeting Tuesday night ut Kagh
John Settles Is visiting at "the
home of L. li. Wyant.
M r. Wyant took a number of
dressed hogs lo Medford Wednes
day for I-:. Tucker.
Marion Furtow has gone to
Medford to live with her mother.
Mrs. J, U. llrowne.
There Is some work being done
on the South Fork road this week.
Fritz Frey is able to bp about
again. He had quite a sick spell.
HKPPNKU Production of seed
crops proving popular and prof
itable in central Oregon.
Vi m m' m7
,.,,., - .v.,,
.... - 1.00
.... w 1.00
... 17,216,199.78
.. $12J,780,J69.02
. $118, 6.10.. W, 9. 03
... 1.000,000.00
... 4,150,000.00
from January 1st. 19M.
UKAtiM-:. Ore., Jan.
;ial.) Utile George Mayfield had
j the infortune of having his face
hadly tunned the first of the wt-ek.
. lfe was standing near n, gasoline
I inm when, the iron caught fire,
the hlaze striking him In the faee.
j There was no Hoy Seout meeting
j last Saturday evening, as there are
la numher of thi wonts whi have
I the meirde nnd the leader, Mr.
i I.ueas, had the flu.
I Mr. KlHs was a business visitor
! In Med ford the last of the week.
The next Alilioeh i-T. A. meet
ing whirh should have heeu held
I January 4th, was postponed until
j January 11, on account of nchool
not renpenlntr until January 7ih.
They expect to put on o.ulte n pro-
pram In connection with Mim
liurr's entertainment, and Alls
j Hussonjx, chairman of the program
: committee. Is pendim? the holi
1 day vacation wiih her parents in
I Medford, so she could not be here
! in tinio to put on the program at
the regular time. Liht refresh
ments will be served by the mem
bers of the P.-T. A. and they ex
tend a cord hit invitation to every
one to camu. There will tu- no ad
mission charged.
Thero are cjuito n number of
cilss of red measles here now. A
few have had them real hard, but
In most cases they have been real
I boys, survivors of a sunken f sh
Iritf hout, wtne safe today, havinjr
heen taken aboard coast Kuard
pat! ol boat 2 AX anil landed a fter
! battling hltth seas. The boat hnd
iramnietl a submerged wreek.
lOverett Noble of LTwrenceville.
. J.. anil five Florid la ns com
! posed the crow.
DUXKMU1H.- Cal.. Ja;,. JP)
Mrs. I'. II. iliLinilton, .'1. commit
ted suicide here last night by
hanging herself in her home.
Police said she had returned homo
from downtown, turned on the
radio, ami then killed herself with
an electric light cord. Tho body
was discovered by her husband, a
'i 'k clerk here. Authorities said
they had been unable to determine
the cause. .
Itury Aitainsou nt Home
XKW YOltK, Jan. I. tA't The
body of William C. Adamson. who
as a congressman from Oeorgia
sponsored the railroad net named
for him. will lie taken to his late
home In Carroll ton, ;a.. tonight
for hurlnl.
Slim silhouette
condemned by physicians
Undereating leads to tuberculosis
and other diseases
girls, and particularly among the young women of today, is the
vicious habits they practice to retain or acquire a slim and
graceful figure."
"We don't seem to be able to save them,1' says . . . "the
problem of nutrition is the one we have to face in our examination
of girls of this age. It is at this age that girls arc most susceptible
to tuberculosis and other diseases."
Parents must put ai end to the dangerous dieting of young
people. Thousands of older women have been seriously and
permanently injured by extreme dieting to reduce weight. It is
even more serious for growing girls to starve themselves.
Teirupt the appetites of your family with dellciously sweetened
cereals and fruits for breakfast, with abundant canned and fresh
yenetables sweetened to taste, and with fresh, dried and canned
fruits for dcjse.ts. The Sugar Institute.
Chiropractic Naturopathy
i Dr. H. P. Coleman
! 8th Successful Year In .Medford
1 Treatments bv Ainiointinent
Medford Center Bldg. Phone 965'
Klectrothernpy Food Science
TREES-Fruit, Shade, Nut-TREES
Exceptionally Pine Stock
Washington Nursery Co.
Toppenish, Wash.
31 Portland Ave., Medford
i V A (IX K R CHEEK. I Ire .. Jan.
4 (Special) Mrs. John Wolna
I mott called on Mrs. H. S. Lynch
)at Wednesday.
There was a I'arent-Tericber as
sociation nie. tinK held last Thurs
dny afternoon. M o n y parents
were present and tnk part in the
school work.
Mr. K. l Iakwood and hoii.
Charles, . were city visitors last
C. A. liriner is iiiio ill at his
home with influenza this wrk.
Airrnni; the business visitors In
Ashland last Wednesday were Mr.
Frank Kerhy, Mr. Jerry Kinsery
and .lr. and Mrs. I.. J. Brine r.
Mrs. H. B. Iurves and family
to(k new year's d nner with Mr.
nnd Mm. Archie Estes nnd family
of Talent last Tuesdav.
C. V. KushlitK of Anacnnda.
Mont., IcTt hint Wednesday after
-pending n two weeks' vacation
with his aunt, Mrs. i). K. Uradley.
Mrs. F.lla Abbott and family
and l.eon and Charles Loci; wood
were callers at tho homo of Mrs.
1. Itradlcv last Tuesday even
ing Anions those in Medford Inst
Wednesilay were W. L- liradley,
M. K. Hradlcy and Glenn Abbott.
F. W. Combs and family were
Ashland visitors last Thursday.
Mrs. Moyd Walsh is recover
:ns from a severe attack "f the
influenza. She is at the home
of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. F.
W. Combs.
A TLA NT A. Oa.. J s: n. 4 . OP)
Kidnapers, death threats, drugs
ind a dirty shack formed the
melodramatic sequence of the
story told today by a pretty high
school girl who was found hound
and gagged after two days ab
sence from home.
Doris Turner, Hoke Smith high
school athlete, collapsed hist night
in a filling station. She hail been
found nearby, bound at'the ankles.
Two hours later the girl said she
had been released unharmed by a
kindly old man with a miip" for
whom police had been searching
tor two days.
Jilindfolds, she asserted, had
kept her from discerning when
she was after being held most of
the two days in a dirty shack.
The authorities started an in
vestigation Wednesday at the re
quest of her parents, who had re
ceiver a special delivery letter
from her to the effect that she
had been abducted by a stooped
old man who cried when ho re
called that she resembled his
daughter, now dead.
The old man wanted to kill her,
she added, another man objected
and persuaded his companion to
return the girl to Atlanta because
"things were getting hot."
A physician said the child had
not been harmed, ami was suffer
ing only from exposure and weak
condition caused by lack of food.
If THE mothers and young girls of this coun
try could have heard the addresses before the
Annual Philadelphia Tuberculosis Conference,
something would be done and done quickly
to stamp out the dangerous under-dieting by
young girls.
The addresses of this meeting were made
public through the Philadelphia Public Led
ger. "The most difficult problem facing us
in comhattnff tuhprrtilneia l,;-v. i
Iwu,, i vomen......$1.95
Praise Lydia E. Pinkham'6
Vegetable CompSund
Wet more, Colo.- 'Wlien I vrz
married 14 years a so I wn in hnl
health for a rou
jileO.f vears ainl
when I tried to
do nnythin I
wotiM (ret tired
and worn-out.
have takn Lydia
K. Pinkha'm's
Vepetahle Com
pound otf and oif
all these year-,
nnd have recom
mended it leMll
drefU of JR,;n.
I liove triven hirtli to six children m,d
have taken the Vegetable Compound
as a tonic before child birth. It Ii:ik
done me world of pood. My mother
had taken it several times and hr
recommeiidcd it to ine." Mbr. John
BBAK8EA. Wetmoro, Colorado.
Tn introduce my new Sprinfs'Uli!.' 1
(rated Catulos of "Bulbs and Seed:,
for Spring Planting" ! am Kivinr
away absolutely free to the fine
llio flower lovers who answer thi:.
advertisement your choico of nnv
1 llireo regular full size 10c pack
aKfiH or my liiKh quality flower
This Bpeclul introductory offer Is
mndo to Introduce my remarkable
collection of i'HIMUUNUS HY-
bulbs, which como from
have been scientifically cnllspd
I with other CUadiolus to prodii
I very superior typo of flower. They
are very easy to grow and as a cut
flower will outlast all other Gladr
olus. The colors cover a wide
range of exquisite pastel shades.
To tho first 100 flower lovers or
dering mv i'RIMULINTS HY11R10
SIX lil'LHS at tho regular price of
25c In coin or stamps, ! will in
clude with their order a copy of my
j new Sprim; Catalog and a free cou
j pon entitling you to your unre
stricted eiioice absolutely FTIEIC of
SKKl.) listed in my Catalog.
You must inciudo this advertise
ment and mention this newspaper
to receive this special introductorv
offer, which expires January 15th.
Warren Bulb Nursery
Licensed iMtrserymen
i:i2r, Third Ave. Seattle. Wash.
Consult Noted
Eastern Psychic
Medium "f
Social a d v isor.
readings on
business, health,
travels and all
personal affairs
short while
only Hours
12 to 8 p. ni.
Xofc onen Sun
day Studio Crows Apartments X.
Pacific highway. 3rd house Xorth
of Owl Filling station.
Fred Gottfried Amos Turnbo
Expert plumbing, heating and
sheet metal repair shop.
We specialize on service at reas
onable prices. No job too small.
?19 N. Graoe St. Phone 574
uiand holly St. Phohb 24
A Complete Gleaning Servicb
Saturday Nites
First Insurance
A. L. HILL, Manager ,4
Phone 1C: 30 N. Csntrii'
Medford, Oregon
" ' looking utter his
wood he hn, cut. eNe,