Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 31, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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The Weather
Forecast Kaiu, possibly mixed
with now; rain Tuesday.
Hbfhext yesterday - 47
Ixmesc thb. inoniinir 33
Precipitin Inn .01
Weather Year Ago
..... 40
11 a it TT vYTTmnt I
IV JL A1U J- M1l U 11 JQi 1
Daily Twnty-third Yesr
i Weekly fifty-Krenth Yew
. By Arthur Brisbane ACT D(W
One Really Good War.
Public Works That Pay.
Blessed Word' Relativity.
New Blood, New' Soldiers.
(Copyright. J38, by Star Co.)
Tidewater nnd Standard Oil
have beRim what the late Jos
eph Pulizter called "the only
ii ,1
sensible war, a war in uuvcr
tisinsr. Tidewater sells ft Rood
gasoline, colored green. Stand
ard Oil has a pink brand that
doesn't knock, kick, carbonize
or pet tired. The advertising
is well prepared on both sides
and newspaper publishers ap
prove the war.
NEW YOKKaiul New Jer
sey built a tunnel under the
. Hudson, after much talk about
expense. New York's share of
the profits will amount to $24,
nno,nOO in the time that it will
take to build a new tunnel. So
another tunnel is to be built
nnd four more after the first
two all out of net profits.
flood roads, bridges, canals,
tunnels, power and irrigation
plants that would pay for
themselves, are needed all over
the country iind should be. built
by privnte.iniliiitive, if govern
ment lacks intelligence to do
the work. Hut government
should do the work, and will,
if intelligently and honestly
Scientists, discovering that a
small spiral nebula is flying
. jl'f into space at 2500 miles per
, 'jeeond feel lilte' "lie" farmer
'. who cried on first seeing a gi
raffe, "There is no such itui-
' mill " At en. minora inv 'Tllero
' is no such speed."
And they decide that "the
apparent speed is due to a
crumpling of space, a relativ
ity effect."
When puzzled, mention rela
tivity, which means nothing.
Science admits a cosmic speed
of about 1250 miles per second.
Why balk at 2500 miles?
Light and electricity travel
,186,000 miles a second. What's
to prevent an infinitely tenons
nebula from speeding along at
1'500 miles!
Jf a man started traveling at
' the speed of light, through
'space, say the scientists, he
would ultimately come back t.
the point whence he started.
"This is a closed universe," say
the wise ones, and space is not
It is not a (dosed universe,
but great scientists have finite
minds, unable to grasp the in
finite. And their "closed uni
verse" discussion is worthy of
hoptoads beside the track spec
ulating on the limitations of a
passing express train. "Sir,"
, said .-Samuel donnson, to a
group discussing free will and
predestination, "we know the
will is free and there's an end
You feel inclined to say to
the "closed universe" hoptoad
scientists, "Sirs, we know the
universe is infinite, because it
could not possibly be anything
else, and there's an end of
Very late, perhaps altogether too
late, trttlHh doctors are talking of
blood transfusion for the king. The
simple oieratlon, resorted to at
once, might have Havcd the kind's
Ilia doctors say "It la not ao much
that the king la III. as that he in
not getting well." KTesh new blood
would make him well. Tired blood
' cella that have been fighting sep
tlcoemla for mont'jf ennnot-do It.
Hlood transfusltS!, until Wcently
.sorted In only as a last desperate
rJaort, la now a regular part of In
telligent medical practice In Amer
ica. It doea for the Individual human
fc Continued on Fae Four).
Mrs. Northcott Pleads Guilty j
to Slaying Walter Collins
and Given Life Sentence
Puts Blame On Hus
band and Son's Accuser
Callous Story of Killing;
I KIVKIISIDK, fill., Dec. 31. (P) j
j Mrs. Sarah Ix) Northcott plead-;
j ed Ruilly to the murder of Walter j
Collin in superior court here litis;
morning and was sentenced to life
imprisnnmcnl. ;
j The ivuinati. who was accused j
, Willi hr sou, t.ordou Stewart
j Xorlhcott, Wlneville chk-Uen ranch j
j opeialor. of the death of the Collins
j buy, accepted full responsibility for ;
j the muni-!- of the lad. !
I Tile unexpected court appearance
'of the wmnaii, who with her son
j led southern California officers on
i an international manhunt previous
! to their. capture in Canada and re
liant here, followed a secret confos
jsion given Saturday night to Chief
I Deputy District Attorney Kurle
Kedwino and Hlieritf Clein Sweet.
eis. Yesterday she dismissed Nor
l bert Savay, her attorney, and
asked that shy he lake.i'ore
' the court this morning. ;
! She .was taken lictoro Superior
(Judge O. K. .Morton and entered '
liter plea shortly alter N o'cloeli this : . !
- Ill tile cinfesslon Mrs. Northcntt !
was said ly Hedwino t:i liavo as
jsumod rcspousitiility for the inur-,
(dor of Lewie uu.l Nelson Winslow;
and the unideutiiied Mexican youth
ias well, liowevcr, she blamed he:'
ihtinhand, Cyrus Northcott. anil San. ;
ford Clark, her grandson and llor-1
don Stewart Northrott's chief nc-1
c.nser, witli complicity. ;
-Mrs. Nortlicott told the court to-j
day that she did not know who tlte
hoy wtiii she killed, hut said that
she did not believe him to be Will-!
ter Collins. !
, "The child wandered into the
ranch one night, tired, hungry and
in ragged clothing. I felt sorry tor
him and fed him. and gave him a
bed in the chicken house, lie
stayed at the ranch the next day,
and that night when 1 went to
the brooder housu to see how he
wus geltln-3 along, he was appar -
eutly dead," the old woman ex -
pluined. "His skull was battered,
ibllt lie was still moving. I seized
an axe w men sioou uearoy 111m
struck him dead.'
UIVKUSIDi:. Oil., Di-c. 31. (yP)
Sheriff Clem HweetiT.s, who with
hlH v.'lfj- mid Chief Deputy District
Attorney Earl a Kedwlne of Htvei
side county, listened to the confes
sion of -Mrs. Sarah Louisa North
cott Saturday night, tuld the Assn
cinted 1'ras.s today that the woman
had eonfcs8d that fiordon Stewart
whh lhe son of an Knuhsh lord
whoso identity he wlthlteld.
"When I was 15 years old," Mr. told Sheriff Sweeters he
mi td, "I irtft a ynuiiR Eiitilihmnn
about to eome into a lordship, at
S:iskatoin, Cun.'ii'.a, toy home.
"We fcJJ in love with eaeh other
and were married, hut I peru:iod
him to return lo England without
nio, as lhe sit orifice of the mar-
riutfe woulil he great to him
Is the only man 1 ever loved.
(Continued on I'age Six)
Walter to the Altar
iiiiiiiwiiwi),wijiiij ijipiiwfiiJTr).viPwgff.wWB;"
f; ( Sf i
t-C.ernor Pierce
SALKM. Ore., Dec.
Cornelia Marvin, slate librarian,
and ex-tiovernor Waller M. Pleree
will lie married tonight at 6 o'clock
at Mt.vs Marvin's home at Sola,
near here. Rev. Normnn K. Tully.
pastor of the First Presbyterian
church of Salem, will perform the,
ceremony. Miss Man in s resigna
tion as Mate librarian Is effective
January 1.
" '" nnderstood they .will lire
at LaGraode. I
i. . TV tVr " -
um, T'4tW C?-;r
f Outstanding fiflurea of the football year, in tho lineups of tlis Ca.Ve Tornado and Coldsn Cjara,
mine gridiron aupremacy between '.he two seaboards. Left, Mine I, Toch halrbecl:; lar0 heed, Pidllipc,
Lom. California half; lower, Pund, Tech center; upper right, Watkim, Tech tackle; Iswcr riglit. Cc'ir.iidt.
iDioWPnr ADLivimnprr iiPnwPDiTn'M diiipd ivmpuimp rcc
'Question Mark' Goes Aloft, Negro Clubs in Harlem Pre- Anxiety of Subjects Not Re
at Daylight Tomorrow pare for Goldert Harvest; lieved After Seven Weeks
Will Be Gassed On Wing
Missouri Rival Plans to
Start at, Midnight... . . .,
LOS ANGi:i.i;S. Dec. SI. (I')
J The big urmy . Fokker. monoplane
Question Mark , was housed ut
the metropolitan ulrport here to
day awaiting daylight tomorrow.
I when It will go aloft, take
j fuel from another plane in the
air at intervals, and remain up
l until Its engines unit,
1 Hurnlng 30 gallons of gas every
hour, tho nlane will roouiro re-
Iriioilinn three times ,a day in mld-
air. as the "Uuestion Murk
nmL.v .KHwr--i, u .
han uiego a sinmier piuni; wni
fly above it when refueling
necessary- The refueling plane
will conn; as close to tho ques
tion mark uh possible and wll!
lower a hose wntch win be con -
neeted with
the his
fuel tanks.
Twice a day the Question Murk
will take on 300 gallona of gaso
line the third refuelling will In
volve only 150 gallons a minute.
Oil and other supplies will be
transferred from the small to the
large plane in a similar manner.
The five, men aboard have plan
ned a routine, .whieh culls for
bi-e.-ikfast at ti n. m.. lunch about
HI :30 p. m.t and dinner at fi :30.
There will be an opportunity for
eaeh man to take oxoivino and a
sponge bath dally.
The plane Is ho designed that
anyone of its three motors will
,keep Itln the ;,ir. Hence It Is ex-
' peeled to keep going alter two
of. the engines are worn out.
The longest known enduranee
fight where refiifline was used
was made uy a Jicigian nnn
lasted i0 hours.
MAftSliALL, Mo.. Dec. St. M'l
' ltoshlng iireparalions to beat
the army's Question Mark" Into
'the nir nnd be first to set a new
Irefucliiiv endurance- flight record,
1 It. AI. Tuxhorii was planning to
day lo take off with the start of
the New Year at midnight tonight
or shortly afterward.
A pkdne mad' by a Ni-w York
millionaire to aid seienee in fight
ing pneumonia aft-r his wife'
daih frmn lb disease four yfiir
ago hns resulted in the develop
ment of a serum that Is expected
to cut sharply Into the death toll
from the niHlyv.
( Id. C.eorge" V. McCoy of the
U'liiii-d Slut' s public beatth 0 Aire
j w ho allied in the d-viopmeiit of
j the porum. .ilil that J,. X.'auer.
millionaire glov
f iloverHvllle, N. V.. resolv
all he could to help conipter pneu
monia nftor hih wifes deatJi and
that funds he romrihuted aided
mater iajty In the development of
the serum.
The new serum in bised nn a
serum formerly In us hut Is said
to be much more potent
It hss ,
had th aoprovnl of a number of t
medical physician! and physicians'
oigunlxaliona. I
MF.DFOliD, ORKCOX, MONDAY, i.XT..!l!i:U 111,
Tonight Chicago En
forcers to Watch Gay
Cafes Instead of Guests.
NEW VtlltlC, D"c. 3). wi ;
Mine bo-it, whether In a 1 lai lem
night club or a mi.irt mid-town
hole., was making elaborate prep-
urations todav for the entertain -
nitiiL of Father Knickerbocker
and his guests New Year's eve.
cover cnarges In hotels, night:
clubs, restaurants
, ,
and cabarets
were hik'll.
Tile Increase 111 tho fee
for a Beat, a nolsenuiker and a'
I . , . .
: mg of Lonfeltl, was sreuteat in
t the Har?em clubs,
It is the fad
Is , 7 aw.n.D j-........
, .u.n bw ---iMii.!n. Clim!tnn through a round about wav to tho ! eonuiy aim would Do paid out for
Popular Harlem clubs were net- u WJ)fl flUtholilal,V(.Iy Htftlcn nt. rounty jail In Cleveland." Mhrn'Rcnernl KxpenseH.
ting charges as high as t-. Mm kiiigham ualacu at three Keeler said. "Wo traveled fast In1 1 lle money today waB authorized
Too celebration nt the Waldorf- oV,1(,.t , , afternoon that hiniBpite of the bad Voads, but Just l','i n tho bond fund to
i . . . ...u(i,n. .u,
- :
1 v""'"-1-'
something In the nature of a fure-
, ,u .(ml having made stifflclent pro-
will Kee the hote r.i.ed. Krp(,M t( rH,(1V). U)fl (mxi(,ty of hiH
CH K AC.O, ee. 3 1 . i(fl) The 1 U bjeels.
Chlcaifoan-M hi., oockut tonieht is, Although the public has been
re-,som.hlr .! from eovernment
reasonably safe from government
investigation, but hotel and res-1
tatirant proprielors will he held
- inw.i.ii nw.nt u,iinvi.1' nn ..Imhii?i for any infraction of.l ' ' ' nt """" ."" .' ''"" !
the dry laws that New ear ' ' K'oriini in ins con
i-ve celebrants may commit, while
tlieir guests. -
IC. ('. Yellowiey, federal prohi
bition administrator for this ter-
rllf.rv wi.l.l Ihi. .!vf rnmetit ncents
ivonlil' mil en ..rounil K, a I clllnc
"VVn vei In cnni'rlil nil n onlhaVO UlC pllldcn
the imtilotlnns hotels, cafes and!"""b"d at the I'Kc.ldllly roal
ci.haret ralllirr itban jlhcii I c '' "' 5 0''k'
Bitcsts." Vcllowl.y said. were Inter-
j WA SHI N'f 1T .V. liee. 3 1 , W) ;
ilnflmiiza repuHs to the public'
'health service, today, showed 1 0,-1
10 new tn-m In Mlehlrtiii. nml
max In Mficvlnnd for .he week i
ended December 2H. Indicating.
officials said, thut there are at
least f,K.6tio.
? H1 MLlt UrlOLOi
They Interpreted tho report" niali of the treasury Hint no
on Maryland, and atOstimuto of ' deaths due to poisoned alcohol;
to, nun taws In Virginia for the have been reported to him dur-l
previous week ns showing thejlng the Christmas holidays. j
spread of influenza on le At-; Humming up the year-end sltua- j
liiiitie coast. tlon. Mr. ifornn said a great ad-!
The medical officer In charge I vance had been made over pre
of the United Slates marine hos- i vlotis years In re lation to fatalities! C'MXTHAI.IA. Wash.. iJee. 31.
l.ltal at Memt.hls today reported I cu used by wot.d nlcohol or IbiuorjW. Margaret Ireenu'ood. ztQ of
n-.u .... i.. .nv the contalnimr other l.oisotls., lie i 'entraila. was kllletl nnd three
msnufi.0irer, i j,Mt ga.0 w-e.ks. II" "hiirmlsesiaddctl, however, that a few deaths
resolved to dotn(lt jH nirr,.y 0 beginning 1 from acute alcoholism had been
of the epidemic In Memphis." One j
lint'titr itntx ntil-au uml frill r other
hospital employes, he added, hud
be-n attacked, and there are 18
Influenza patients In the hospital.
ELLIOTT. Iowa. bV Q")yslers
have attained sudden popularity
here be nuse Mrs. J. H, Meeks
found a pearl in a iunrt of orate
ho bought at meat muikcl.
Illness Heart Stimula
tion Planned Royal
Family Takes-Holiday. ..
LONDON, Dee. .11. 11')
' xhausted condition in which king
: ,:''Ke ' prolonged serious III-
. r,'"",'! "', TZT.?.,!'!""01? f"'e" '"!"
: . ""'""" '"'",
j which they frankly acknowledge j
In this n.iii iiliiK's official bulletin. I
I.',, .. nf 11, ., ..I....I I
.,,.,., , ,., ,,,
i"n in,.o ...en 1110
majenty signed this mornlng'H re-;
port, which was more detailed peal by telephono from Cleveland,
limn i-..,..... tltr .....I ,.ltl.-.tll. Ii v..;MIhm.. ihlti iirifrni-iikn thut ,t mnh
., ... ......... .. 1
: mi mil II i id It I- U mill I ui'll umiiL, i
H IM,nonn.P(i H1)nH) improvement!
in the Iving's appetite and that
h(, H luildlng his own an lo ffene-j
i majent- wa having a restful day.
Kintr' (Jeniire lodnv nnierei bn
seventh Week of his illness with-iwere
repeatedly Warned by the king's
, ' ..roirresa must
PHleliins that his pi ogress must
ne very hiow incrn is general is-
Tin. ihiee elder sons the TM'ince 'hurley Khepherd. negro '
of Wales the Diik" o'f r.rk ..nd'"''"'"''' nil .,h,,.or, who was
the D.iko'ot Oloucester, each spent i reporle.l en rout., to Jackson
part of Christmas week In the.
I hooting field,
nb'o ventured to !
tjueen Mary
preien us signs i oai ion i)dt
lamiiy was comment in.-ia .a n..Ji )uvn ,, ,.n,,ioyn ,lf the
i itiiinciliate danger to bo. feared.
Prohibition Commissioner
took 11 look tit the Immediate past
'nnd future of enforcement today
and found encouragement In Ins ;
rcmrt to Assistant Hecretary I.w-l
The comtnlssloner attributed the
'k or death reports this year
to i no ettucaiion or ine puoiic
and to the new formula used by
the prohibition bureau to r'ndur
alcohol unfit for beverage pur
pose. Tho old formula, which
InclijiUtt) -the use of pyridine, was
discarded about n year ago and
aldchol was ubntUuUd.
ctafhing .-: P.-.j-dan.-i to d!a'
C.ili.'jr..n cnd7 upper ccatwr
C;,l for ila fullh.-el:. '
Mob Seizes Negro Slayer
and Abductor, Who Sur
Tnrlcw fiirl!.
CaDtor Rennrts Inabilitv
to Elude Pursuers.
- MHKIjII Y, AUhh.. I)rs 31. (1V
rvt'ial hands of mm Hlupplnt; ut
J a druK Htnr In Hholhy lutu HiIh
afttM-noon said trharlcy Hhophnrd,
negro murdcror-alidurtor, had been
hanged to 11 tree near Drew, 11 ml
"u'bH" i.poneu
M fi.MI'l IIS,
Dfc. 31. (I') MiBH
)lUr. who cantiiri-.d
Laiit.'L Mnr. k'ellcr whn
i'h,i.. ui,.,.,i,.,.-,i .,.,.,, ,,,.......1
- .- . .
er-iibductor, tola the Evening An-1
1 i.i... I
.utt n-t.i it mud mtn uiui inn. I
"We met part of a mob before !
.we got
I'ni t tttniin t nrnnd .
around nnd .tried to beat them,,uvu " me general fund of tho
outsiih; of Cleveland a mob of
about 100 DCOD a caiurht UH. ThOV 1
me to me, all r.tfht, but Uo-
termlncd to get tho negro.'
M KM PI I IK, Tenn., Dec. .11. (')'
A staff correspondent of tho
r' " "IM'CIll ieic,ooe.l wus
fl"nl Ltmibardy, Miss.,
i-nrchnmn il.i ,.il.
, .
"",,'y men in uui oniominn
bad passed then, at n high speed. ;
.,.,..,,, h( . wtre Bw.knK lhn i
... I
Khepherd had not renched tho
Pr'1"l f'" m ut I'archnian two
Q.I...I..V Mhfttooors liner ne en j'ertnsli re,
on .SUIllla. MHO
nnies insulin. i
I'llltTIISIIIIti;. Miss.. Dec. .11
(A I'tiarlcy shepherd, negro con -
harited with tho murder of i
state prison farm at i'archma'n, j The filTII.OOO doubtlessly would
and the kidnaping of his 18-yonr-i have been pluced in a special cwirt
old daugliler, Kit' li, surrendered ' house bulldliiK fund had It not
today. I been for 11 stale law which pro-
Kbepherd's brother, who. works vides that such moneys cannot be
on the plantation of Miss I jiural placed In a special fund without
Mae Heeler, received word thla'two months' notlco before the end
morning that the escaped convict of lhe year. With tho decision fa
wns In a vacant house on tholvorlnt Marlon county coming on
plantation and "needed help and 1 November r, It impossible for
needed It right away." ) "i" county court to create audi a
The messiiKe was delivered hy fund.
a negro named 1)111, who
worked on the plantation.
!The brother informed Miss Koe
er. who got In communication
with a guard at Parch man and
Loran'thu brother was. nent to see Hhep-
Afler a time .Miss Keeler
went to the house and Hhepherd
siirrcnileil to her.
Death Toll of
the Automobile
other persons were Injured lust
nihl. none seriously, when cars
...riven y ,-v v. . i.oo.n.s oi . nenn
Ms. Alvln Movvin of Seattle and W
E. Thompson of tlrand Mound col
lided on the Paeffic hfhway norlh
of Central!.
-The police 'court' docket today
carried the names of lxo auto
mobile drivers nrrestod over tho
week-end for trafflo law viola-
j Prison Doors Ppen
j Fof Actress; Yawn
! For Mother of 10
: : o
I SAN (.UK NT IN, lal.. lie.
Sl.-i.-l,- 'rii,. stale t.ourd of
I prisun directors set Hip term f
of Iloroihy Miickaye, uelress
i iminisoiieii fur o n cciiIIiik
i facts ahum tile il.'Hili of her
husband after a fist flKhI. at
I one year. With two months
j off for iinod Iteluivior, tile f
senlcnce at inldniKln,
! De, ilier :i. leuvitlu loT free
fur New Vent's. She Was M-ll-
j tenced in l.ns Ani;e)es.
, .
: I.ANSINli. Midi.. Dec. III.
i l (fl'l Mrs. i:u Mae Miller
was found Kullly by a Jury m
j circuit cuun lieii. il, is afler-
i noun on four convictions of
liliuor felonies. The jury WHS
i Oil! til llllllllles. .111. Ice I 'lull les
i H. CoUliiKwiinil loiuieiilali'ly
I sentenced her to life Impels-
..inn. Tit in Uk lletioit hiiuse
i of correction. 4.
I 4
; .
1 Will Be Used in Payment of
Highway Interest Ac
tion . of County Court
Leaves Way : to Build
Courthouse Without Di
rect Taxation. v!
V'"'1"""1"" w"a "t'lchilly inadu
1 lima? uy 1 no county
court nt lltn
I SV7I1 O011 ..r .1... .
In n Uiitihn..i...
i!jins iio ouu-tmo or the c
..1 uiu hihio 01 urt'Kon vimhus Mil-
vion coimly to culiwx a Dortlon. ubmt -l,lt,'l'uul ,"l'-ovemontK awd
of tho o. and C. moiioys T. . to dvolop nuturL roaourcuB.
onao whh (Uu-iilrd Novoniher 5 In 'ThmiiKhoiit South America mom
favor of Marlon rounty whic h (loci hvIB f,f lhe niiHH,0 woro somewhat
hJoii favored nil w ,m,niiAa ... HnrpriHtid at the extent of Amert-
eoivfiiK o. and C fund from tho
Kovurnmcni. i hu county court,
along with tho county clerk's,
treamiror'H and iiKunauni-'o t.rrin..u
also comploted tho county bud.xet
Tho mnn r rn n,.n .....
. ,"iwivu l lltll nun
"eoit in the HUHpeiino fund for Homo
t'me lias been u problem for the
COUIltv COIirf 111 I'ifiiii'il I.-, Itu rt..l
(MminiilHt.ii i i.
nuiu nnn nut
placed in aotno other doalgnuted
I Utld, It WOtlld llV law illltomnttfttillv
" '"r I'aymoni ui principal
,U,UI"B"- euumy roatl UOUUB
"l 4" " " jmh iiosbb us may
he legally "authorized bv existing
laws or future legislation.
It has heon lhe Intention of tho
county court to net asido money
m osirucuoil 01 a new conn
house nnd If the a7(l,000 had re-
verted lo the uonernl food m,.lr
- .
v it-i Lt-iii imiiiuuuD law, 11
would hovo inquired a special elco,
tlon each year for severul yours to
authorize tho court to increiisc lux
levies to raise sufficient funds lor
hlirel'iTn " ,. n f,,
, ,.,, ,,. . ' ' ,
ln nond fund, In addition lo
amounts to no received Irom lhe
" .m...iR .nn hcm ,wu
Ihre..,l In tu
......... ...
amount In the sinking fund, will
furnish sufficient funds to pay nil
bonds nnd probably leuve a hnl-
mice sufficient lo build a new court
house wllhout liny direct tax levy.
lffNf.ri.r. I'c. 31. (A) A
I la Orated tirrk. due to an niilomo
hiO accident hist night, will not
keep Captain George llurnell of the
I'nlverslty of Oregon football team
out of tho llnrup against tho Uni
versity of Hawaii tomorrow, unless
coaehes and the police Interfere.
Iturnull, asserting his Injury wan
slight, nnnouneed he had come
thousands of miles to lead his team
to victory, and that he expected to
do It. ,
In accordance with long 4
etnlilhed custom, there will
" '" " he Mall Til-
buns tomorrow, New Year'a
Calmed Politics of Central
America and Economic
Conditions in South
America Better Rela
tions Established By
Frank Conferences.
IIAMI'TON ROADS, Dec. ill, A')
iieioert tioovei H goodwill trip
had two distinct Htages in tlie view
of his associates on the mission:
Tlrst, in Central Ainoricu, turning
unexpectedly into what might lie
termed political cliunuels. while
the second in South America found
economic conditions ut its base,
with tniestlons of better relations
with the I nlted States overlving
Din-Inn; the very first call ut Ifon
dtlrus contending political factions
were brought together at a recep
tion with what was expected to be
beneficial results, both sides prom
ising that they would have more
amicable relations. The same was
true In Nicaragua, where political
lendors met in 11 friendly manner,
with Diaz and Moucado both going
publicly on record us favoring the
retention of American marines, at
least until the local constabulary
could be orgunlzed and recruited
to full strength. Ju Costa Kirn
members of tne party were given
to tindoi'Htnnd that an appeal by
that government to the League of
Nations for nil Interpretation of
I lie .Monroe doctrine In no way wus
intended us a slap at tho' I'nltcil
Also In Costa Mica, as well as In
other Central American republics.
hu'iiicliim Salvadur. Mr. Hoover wii
ftt!;prl8rot! 0fMVJe nfed "( ;hre ro;,n;
vestments in tho repubUcB.
They woro Informed that American
capital waH welcomed nnd that ap
parently South America watt look-
i,,K t0 ,ho LniteU Stutes for fundi
j to UHsfnt In tho vnst dovolopment
which 1h poHHible for ovoryone In
tlioHO countries.
In Kcuadur, Proatdent Ayorix
frankly discUHHed tho problems of
nis country wiiu Mr. iioovor, em
phuHlzing the need for outside fin
ancial assistance.
Peru, ono of the largest of South
American republics, and regarded
as unusually rich In natural re
sources, appeared especially eauer
to welcome American capital.
Presldeut Leijuia in his couversa
Hons with the president-elect
stressed the need of better steam
ship connections, atr lines and
Holivlans, who boarded the Mary
land at Antoragusta, discussed tin
road program, but they also went
into the question of the outlet to
the sea, explaining the difficulty of
bringing 'in supplies for the coun
try. Mr. Hoover listened but mado
no comment when political iues-
(Continued on Pago Six)
Will Rogers Says:
Bel'tiro our tiKiittl list of mil
linnaircs issue, their ycnrly
npliniiHtic New Ycut'h hIiiIo-
mi'iit, iilciiso
piililish the
Kt n to
ut cuts by
men who are
n o t connect
ed yith Wall
Street i '
, IVrciviil Strotiil, itn nctor:
"It's absolutely the worst
acasnn our irofcK.sinn has
ever witncssetl, and I sec no
rltniiep for the better."
; James Swattp, secontlhanil
car (lealiT! "You can't tell
n second hand car unless you
take in a third handed one.
It's a tontfh year."
. Jim Goodview , suburban
real estate: ''They are build
iiitr the houses up, instead
of out, so who wants 'any
more Ki'Oimdf"
Sam 'Wildoats, farmer:
"IDL'O just brings on 36a
more days to pay interest to
the people who are prosper
ous." Yours,