Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 28, 1928, Page 9, Image 9

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edford Mail Trbbuni
Second Section
Four Paget
Second Section
Four Page
Dslto Twratr-UUrd Tr
Vhut rtrty-wwith Viu
HAS in ' i o t
RECORD CROWD IN Windows for BaVgains jj, LJ JlL Aj JlJ !S iyindows for Bargains
HOLIDAY PROGRAM Tonight wn stre ' Tonight
. UEKSE CKKKK, Ore., Doc. 28.
CKNTHAI. POINT. Ore. Dee. ;s. I ,Sl'f1"l, Thp Christmas program
(Special.! The High-Alumni bus-1 rd'-red by tin- school children
iketoall game will lake place in the j of lte"''1c Uec'1k " " drew
gymnasium Friday evening. Decern-i rci;oru "" Many raid it was
ucr 2. It Is hoped there will be!!1'0. hefl -'istmas proBram they
' i, i tM HUlUYVh.
"tno uirthday o! Our
a Rood attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Stearns were
dinner (tuohIh on Christmas day at
thn home of their dHUfjhter, Mrs.
Merlfl Kindle In M-Mlford.
t Mr. mid Mrs. Kverott Kaber hud!
as their guests on Christmas Mr.
Kabcr's father and mother. Mr. nnd I
I fill TMMiMWMwwwMWMMMwwWWrBrB IT wnWlJthMWrr ill mm i iUVli ij WliBiflalttraaViy II
.wary tnamo. 1
Welcome-T-lly t,p juniors. I
"Iteck the Hall Willi I-lully" '
Lpner tirades.
.Meaning of Christinas: "Jesus, I
l.iKl s (lift lo the World."
Jolly Old St. Nick" 1'iftli and
L'harlos Cum-
mra. r.. vj. ruuer, unit uaugiucr u v.i. f:,..,..,u
Frances and son Donald. I "Christmas' Eve"
L.. 1.. Damon, who is spending ! ninns
lho winter at ITospect. spent the .., Wjsh le Silr8 Wou)d Speak
week end with his wlfo and family; to Jlc" Auldor Johnson,
of the Damon cafe, returning Mon-1 "(lifts of lho Stars" Upper
day. .Grades.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Itoy Jones of the "Heauliful Star" Primary Folks.
.ToneB grocery and daughters, Viv-I "Christmas Time" Hilda John
lan nnd Geraldlne, were guests on son.
ChrKtma-s at the home of Mrs. .
Jones' aunt nnd uncle. Mr. nnd j
Mrs .Wm. flrlpvi. nl Pi'flHnoet. '
"Christinas Eve Thought" Mary,
"(raiidpa" Max Handler.
, a v ii.ii in iniiniin i nner
K. V. llollifielil has opened a Grades,
men's tailor shop and cleaning cs-j "What the Reindeer Did" Jas.
tablishmcnt. Kngherg.
Guests at the home of Mr. and: "Christmas Coming" Huth Gib-
Mrn. C. O. Duncan on Christmas
were Grandma Scott. Earl Scott
uml Mrs. "Wesley Duncan.
Miss Gladys Poe of Kugene ar
rived Friday of last week lo spend
her. vacation of two weeks with her
s'ster and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph T.oVee.
. Truman Scott, who has been
spending some time visiting his
mother, Mrs. Klizabcth Scott, and
other relatives, left for Corning.
Cal.. to visit his daughter.
Thai uliiitini n.iiiitriii :ilwl ImlKillol
was held Wednesday evening at the J a,,,'!t.
Community club. A bountiful ban
quet was served at 7:30. There
were speeches and election of new
officers as follows: Pro-idcM.
Harry Skyrman: vice-president.
Miss Evelyn Hamilton: secretary
treasurer. Miss Mildred liurger.
After the business meeting card
games and dancing were enjoyed.
There were about 50 present
"The Christ Child" James Wad-1
"Holy Night" Upper tirades. i
Dialogue. "Merry Christmas" ;
Lower tirades. I
1 he Heart ot Christmas 1 heo-
dore Woods. II
"Chrislinas Dells CJnenlin Mat-I
thews. i
"Christmas Night." !
"Upon the Housetop" Upper
I Grades. II
I "I'm Not ticlliu' On" Maurice;!
-The Seventh and '
The lloyal Neighbors held thelrl Upper Grades.
lingle IVlls"
I Eishlh Grades.
"llalher Hard to Wait'-Holier! j
(Breaks. 1
j "The llalie of llclhloheiu" - i
j Frank llreaks. i
"Overheard at Chrisliiias Time" 1
Hill Dinkey.
I "Looking for Santa" Edwin !
"Christmas at Skeeter's Corner" i
regular meeting at the beautiful
home of Mrs. Victor Burseli, De
cember 13lh. The meeting was
very Interesting. Officers elected
for tile ensuing term were as fol
lows: oracle, Etta I-acy; or
acle. Sarah 'Vincent: viecoraele,
Stella It. Fox; chancellor, Jsabclle
Soever: recorder. Zora Dubbs; re
ceiver. Mrs. ltichardson: marshal.
Olive Doan: inner sentinel. Isabelle
llarnard: outer sentinel, Susie
Storms; Faith, May ltichardson;
Courage. Mrs. Athcrton: Modesty.
Opal Haley: Unselfishness, Miss
Dubbs; Knduranee, Alta Kelly;
manager. Mary Mce: physician. Dr.
Hcckman. Dainty refreshments
were served.
Mr. and Mrs. John McJImpsey
spent Christmas in Medford with
their dnughter and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Eldred.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Jcwett and
children ore spending their vaca
tion with Mrs. Jewett's moth"r nnd
Mr. Jcwett's parents, who live in
Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Hamrick and
daughters. Emu nnd l.orna. and
son Philip were guosts on Christ
mas at the Home ot their daughter
and husband. Mr. nnd Mrs. George
Simpson in Medford.
Icster Mann, who Is employed
with tile Copco at Jlamalh Falls,
came homo Monday to spend the
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe t.ewls of Gold
Hill nnd Mr. and Mrs. Sterling
Jt i c h m o n (1 and little daughter
Tijelen spent Christmas with M,
and Mrs. Sam Pogue.
ltcv. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson
entertained with a family dinner on
Christmas. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. it. F. V.llbur and
two children of Medford, Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin Johnson and two chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy 'Williams
nnd four children. Miss Amy John
son, Joe and l'crry Johnson of Cen
tral Point.
Miss Geraldlne Tex Is at Prospect
spending her vacation with her
uncle and aunt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jas.
Master Orth Miller, son of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Frank Miller, has chicken
pox In n. light form.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Throckmor
ton of Eagle Point and Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Scott and family of
Central Point spent Christmas at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Throckmorton at llueh.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Faber en
tertained Miss Alberta Trcderc and
Ttoy Weaver at dinner Wednesday
Thorn will be a special musical
l.roeram held at the Federated
church Sundav evening,
M. O. Brown Is quite. Ill with
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Duncan
were in Medford Monday.
Miss Evadna Musty of Grants
Pjfs Is spending the holidays with
h9r sister, Mrs. Blerllng nichmond.
Miss Mary Mee spent Christmas
in Medford with her sister, Mrs.
J. II. 'Whito and family.
Mrs. Efflo Caster served a won
derful turkey dinner on Christmas
to a number of friends. They were
Mr. and Mrs. Oman Ulihop and
daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Paul
ltishop .of Medford, Mr. and Mra.
Owen and two sons of Eagle Point.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd EtJsall and Mrs.
n. W. Lamport and daughtors, the
) Misses Helen and Irene.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mapla and
iWiaheth Southwell were omon
the shoppers in Medford Saturday.
Little Oliver Grimes, ion of Mr.
Carol" Edison j
-Dorothy Vos- j
Shepherd Hoys
"Bethlehem Star'
"Grandma's Mistake"
"Beautiful Morning Star'
meHH Dennis, ... --.-. -.
"Shy Santa Clans" Keba Shorn.
"Lovely lied" Seven Girls.
"Iluntinn Santa" Junior.
"Merry Christmas Chimes" By
Mildred Sherin.
Pageant, "Birth of Christ."
"Christmas Bells Evelyn Wad
dell. Dialogue, "Christmas Bells" Up
per Grades.
"Visit of St. Nick" Cora Crandali.
Miss Dorothy Christian Is spend
ing the holidays with her parents,
who reside In Grants Pass. ;
Everyone seemed to onjoy Christ-!
mas. including the lovely rain,
which arrived in time to he Inelud-1
cd as a Christmas present that will
probably he of more benefit than !
any temporal gift. i
Mr. Shreevo of the Plaza Gar-
dens is qui'e sick this week. i
Beiilah waddell was not. able to
attend school last week because of .
sickness. i
Mrs. Marshall inter lias been
on the sick list but it able to teach ,
school at this writing.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Hammell arc
expected home soon from St. Louis,
The Sunday school lesson for
next Sunday Is "Paul's I-ast Mes
sage." 2 Tim. 1:1 18. Golden text,
"I have fought a good light. I havo
finished my course, 1 have kept
the faith." 2 Tim. 1:7. Knv. stille
will preach. All ore invited to attend.
and Mrs. L. C. Grimes, is ill.
Mr. and Mrs. John Welch bad
as their guests on Christmas their
son Will Welch of Medford. Mr.
and Mrs. Merlin lietts and daugh
ter Althea and son Billy of Gold
Hill and Miss Bertha Myers and
Fritz Snider.
D. F. Amlek. teacher In the
eighth grade, drove to California
last week with his daughter
sp'-nd the holtdnvs
Mrs. Steele Say of Ly dia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Trait, W. Va. "T was no wphU
md nervous that i was (n led nmut
all the time aud
mu Id ii t ait up
and I hdi4 only
vrars old. I
taw your dvr
tiRtiiir in a man-
azinc'und aftT
had taken three
rioeft of liVdta I'.
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound
T could feel thai
1 wan heller. Af
ter taking two
bottles I bc(rtn dolnjf my work and
I feci like u new woman. I rceora
mnnrl the V ;( tab I L'otnnound to
mv friends and sty it will do all it jl
rl-m to do and more. I will trladiy
answer all letter 1 reel ve." Mis. I
fci. E. KTttiE, ffttt, W. a.
Saturday and Monday-Pre-Inventory Stock Reduction Sale
Our Semi-Annual Inventory finds us with many
odds and ends to close out at ridicu 1 o u s 1 y low
prices and prices are in effect Saturday and
Monday where quantities last.
$1.25 Rayon Underwear $1.00
Desirable garments of every description and in a
good assortment of colors as well as a complete
range of sizes. Panties, regular and out-size
bloomers, Co-Ed Combination Suits for .women
and children, children's Union Suits with
drop seat and bloomer style bottom, vests k 1
both silk and rayon
Fancy ffj
1 Pillows J
Kapok 1
V Filled
42x36 inch fine quality Pillow Cases at
Half-Price Sale on All
Blanket and Corduroy Robes V
For both women and children there are
some exceptionally good values that we
must dispose of before inventory, so we just
cut the price in half for all Corduroy and
Blanket Robes.
. 3for$l
$1.25 Quality
81x90 ra
Bleached 1 j
I Seamless n I
2lA wide, Unbleached Sheeting at .... -3 yds. $1
$1 quality Corduroy Bath Robe Material . 2 yds. $1
To 35c quality fast color Dress Gingham . 6 yds. $1
29c fine Plisse Lingerie Crepe at . . . . . 4 yds. $1
$1.25 Quality
reather kl
Pillows )
no. x quality
To 59c Fast Color Wash Fabrics
3 yards $1.00
Fine Mercerized Borden's fabrics that are absolutely fast
colors. Many different kinds of cloths for both women's
and children's dresses and for the popular printed pajamas
and underwear.
To $1.50 J
Novelty i
I Jewelry ) I
A" I
kinds Jy
I off
Plain Color
Six pretty colors in a box
6 for $1.00
Any Ladie3 Hand Bag in prices
from $3.98 to the best quality in
i Any Silk or Gloria Parasol in stock,
I Oil exceptionally fine selection at $3.98
A W to $8.50.
Any Fancy Silk Pillow in stock
from $3.50 to $6.50. Spend your
$t (C Par J&eB' Oloves from
I Oil our re?u'ar stock. Every pair are
genuine French Kids.
Half Price on Novelties
Two big tables of novelties left over from the
Christmas selling to be sacrificed at just half.
Dresser ornaments, ribbon novelties, bath salts,
sachets, China novelties A big selection at
($2.25 Quality
All Wool rfj
Serge )
48 inches 1
wide J
2 222c Quality Outing Flannels
6 yards $1.00
Now is the time to lay in a 'supply of these fine fancy Outing
Flannels for all kinds of men's, women's or children's night
wear. Both 27- and 36-inch widths in nice color range.
19c Quality
Colored Border
Crash Toweling
Very smooth,, soft quality,
priced at
yards $1.00.
$1.25 Quality
Jttayon j,b
Panel (
silk fringed
$1.25 Value jt
Children's rV
j Holeproof CI
Fancy -fl
Sox Jy
59c and 65c
Bath Towels
2 for $1.00
Several different
kinds, both plain .
1 and faflcy.
Every Coat and Dress left from our fall
stock goes intjp this big clearance sale. Sizes
are very complete and with the many weeks
left to wear garments of this kind the en
tire stock should go quickly.
None Reserved
Everything Goes
No Exchanges No Refunds All Sales
Picot Top, Pointed Heel
Rayon to the Top Hosiery
2 pair $1.00
Eight beautiful colors, the best shades shown in
finest Silk Hosiery. This is a real value, gives
excellent service and for school and office use
it's a great saving on hosiery.
Daisy Outing Flannel
Cream, Pink and Blue .
6 yards $1.00
None better, genuine "Daisy Cloth'' in 27-inch
width. Pretty shades for nightwear and colors
are guaranteed fast. Babies' clothes of "Daisy"
are best, so lay in a supply at this big reduction.
$1.25 Value
Card Table
Made of Dupont's
Fabricoid with fan
cy painted corners.
To $1.49 . jt
I Women's lJ
Wash tg
Dresses "ill
Fast colors -