o o O fEDFOlin MATL TRTT5TTXE, MEDTORP. ORKitQN'. SUNDAY. DKCEMHKK lli. HVK. O PAGE FIVlL f OQCW Irene DeLosh, 325 South Holly St. Phone 3U0-L or 7t 7m& 1. -L w fy i WEEKLY CALENDAR Monday ' ' Kasl Side Circle, Methodist church. -1 o'clock instead of Tuesday. p., Olive Rehekah lodge. Home coming dinner 6 o'clock. Oregon Stute college Oll'lst- mas party and regular meet-'"" ins. Home of Mrs. Howard Blai" was """- heiiinu Hill at 1003 West Main st. 1 ""' ''ul'ti'ln- Jean Kal. rick was an 4. Tuesday , t nouncer, and Alberta Knips t(dd a Royal Neighbors meet with I verv lnterestlnB hedtlme story. M- Ashland lodt:e. ' ,ow Mne 'ilson san and whistled. Women's Mlaaionnry Sod- i ety, Presbyteritin church. Home ol AUH. K. I'. Lawrence, r (-513 South Newton at 2-'Z. ; WHncHau A ! A r.hrvuiitlimuAi M.iii a have special meeting I. O. O. 1 F. Hall ut. 7:30 p. m. ! 4 Wednesday Study club at the library at :Jt). - ! Thursday j ! Young People's M V. socl- j 4 ety of Jacksonville will give ; n Christinas program in tho j lr. S. Hall in Jacksonville at i 7:4a. Delphian chapter meeting ! Y. W. f. A. house. i Pythian Sister card party. 4 i l H. C. s will meet at the 1 Armory at 2 o'clock. Friday Eve Benson Dancing Acad- emy dancing party at the studio in -Medfoid bltililing. A r A r. r- . . . wi.u": , . ntertn.C- A- R'8 ' With Christmas Party 1 he Crater Lake Chapler, Ihiusli-1 ters of the American Revolution. entertained liio Children of the I ivevuiuuou wi;n a. cnristmas party at the homo o! Mrs. J. A. Perry, (14 West Main street, Snltirduy. De cember the loth. After a short business ineetin.-; the following program was given i , ii) mo caiiMieii. I Hark! The Herald Sings." song. C. A. It. "Everywhere Christmas," ing. Carol Dodge. "Christmas Customs in lands," Lucille Murray. Angel read-1 other France Hetty Vllm. (lermany Joan De l.osh. Denmark Uortliea Husk ins. Spain and Portugal Patricia Thompson. Piano solo. Batty Vllm. 1 Norway and Sweden Barbara ! Holt. Holland and BolKiiim Ruth i D'Albini. I Snr.T. Fred Childers. England -Jiucllle I.owry. Italy and liucsla Mnrv Jarnis'olh Temple at 40 North Orani-.o Thompson. , IMano solo. Margaret Childni. ; j Jlrus. Xordwick Hostess ! Just Folks ciivle. , Tho Just Folks Clrdo ot thoi First M. home of K. church, met at the Mrs. Harry F. Nordwick. dy avenue, Thursday af-j HI!) Red Ipi'nnnn Tine Illlii u-llh Tr !. O. Humphrey, assistant hostess. Prospect Younn. Folks There were la members and four!Eniy Skiing Party guests present number of the local Mrs. Wm. ' F. Hallowav. in l,00"lp l,,lv0 ,,!,cn HilPHtUr charge of devotionals oncned the nf ,,,filr "I""'" "" ",!lm cnai-ge oi devotional opened the, - , - , "r, ' meeting by ,, uniting slngingf l I?'",, T'' "Jov to the World" followeii i.v! 111 thp Prospect vicinity on lusl reaolng theaj pter' ' Luk Bund.y are: Denton Clark. Donald mi. . ,...u j .,1 ....... i Brown. Newman Billings. Koal in "v:i!.,i vi.i..'"' , ... .. .." ." "'T ." "ur r" (-. onucimiiu in vHtjnufii an nii.fi- cstlng contest. ,,.KinR turkey Illlii' r lu nf...- ...I.l.... HO. ...I..' nnoeai ert ., ,t..H .,'ne with u umn if. r.., .. r..i Jl ' Dainty refreshnienls ae'rv- ' c,l from small tables; each dec- dialed with a small Christmas tree. ivoy kiious ami twin sons eleven ,RH , n10 Ore.;nn State College years old ami mother. Mrs. Mln-',., M()n,iav evening at her nie p. Knotts, arrived .Saturday ,mni0 ln03 Vv8t Mutn Hln,Rt , from Kan Diego, calif., nnd wllljs o'clock. make Medford their home. Mr. Aftpr Ki,01.t business meeting ..i.o.is ..... aeco.e a posiuou .,eioa ,;1,ristmas tree will be the teat- of ,,. H,.aith work. Three moth and later inay purchase a c;garlllrP ot , evening followed bv volunteered to give Wedncs nud confectloiiery-buslness. . ,,rid.e. Kach member Is asked -,- morning to this work. : 10 brillK " Klft fo.r "1B treu' I The Thrift Service shop of Port- ...... . . .K-l .1 llirlstinas Vaiiy. Mrs. (?. M. Hon, prcfidrnt of the Alpha Delta class of iho First chrlMllim eh. ..-..I. i,..u.u. r a delightful Christmas party : plv - en for the members of the class, at her homo on the corner of Cra- tor Luke and Jackson. Thuriday afternoon, riecember II. A short business meeting was held, nfter which an enjoyable social hour followed. After re - fronhnieiiln were .v..,l i.lfl. from .1 . . . . . 1 the Christmas tree were given out.! including various nrtleles There mciuaini. various nitidis Tier. wero a large number of the miniuers pi esenu r . D , e", ,f, y- , cnjoyaDie event 0 A vrv R.ii-eoKvfi.l ..yiil .111 . i -.- was given ..Monday afternoon by ; the Creator Medford club al the' attractive home of Mrs. H. O. Craw ford of Siskiyou Heights. ' Thero wero fifteen tables ol' Hridge. Mrs. F. A. Cnrley and Mrs. Koland Taylor received the hnaj-rs. Refreshments were served Mllljpr. sandwiches, cuke and c-of-by"he eomraltteo In charge. j(,c w.Pre served. All the members of the tireaterj Medford club are striving hard to informal Party ward the one aim. the pew club house. Qieveral ladles promised to be members In the club durlrt the afternoon. Thcjr plan to have one J8t Saturday evening. The eve nt the bigsest and best clubs Id nne wax snent In dancing, after Southern Oregon. wrieh refreshmenta were served. 1 Those present were the Misses j The ladles or St. Mark a uuna "id a most ilicctiwflil gift and store on Friday, . with Mrs. iTinay. uerfmurr m. i. Charle Cby nnd Mr. In charge. Stennott , (ilrlv la-uguc I'nrty Kveut nf the Wtfk , ti,. I!iri,. i, , ,,, . school hel.l 11 " ..,,,, . i ..,",:,,',., , , i 7. ''.' ", " s 'J'"; 1M" nlh so uiot gMnnusium I-rlilny evening at 8 .,"' k' Miinsiiimwa.eiv.'nllut l , v""v ,nu' h ",j,'v'' d lv all lues- ' , A initio receiving set was on , '"m vrr K"l" "'"-, 1 "kulmp iu:vu-i sunt! iumirulv x,,.s w u wverui numbers. norm ; - " f-mpnnci on me piuno. j Helen Kdmiston uuvo a very mtU'oiis leutlinir. "Dirtv Pnep.' An, (lunrte! Miinu- nimih.tr iif Christmas carols. Camly and pop corn halls were sold, and a booth of faneyw-ork was also conducted by the clrls. A number of the pirls' mothers were present to en- joy the evenitiK. Music for the dancim was furnished by the I'ke- lele club, with Miss Maudo Har- riKar at the piano. .. Yoniii- l'copl' Society Ill,v MoelhiK. The Voung Peoples' Missionary : society of ;ne First Christian chur.h held their r(igular monthly; ,.,...i.. ... .i. ..i i. T..a.. evening to discuss the subject of j A Christmas program will be j Christmas readings by tho Mes llighland, Negro. and Italian 'Riven 1" 'he Jacksonville young, dames Cole. I.lttrell. Young. Mul- schools In America. Miss Frye people's M. V. society at the . I.......... .nn.i... .iirrlt:. M Hull In .Ineksonvi lie De-i ent schools wor given by Walter I Sm th. Arnold Hohnert. Mrs. I.ce i i.t. j, ....... i- . onion, and -M ss oiuuys r i e. jv Uocial hour followed that was en-; , H . .n,. .,. .,.hl.. ,,,,i, ,' ,.,,. Ddnhlau Chapter Will .Meet Tills Work. The Delphian chapter will meet ! at the Y. W. C. A. club rooms Tlmrsday morning .December 20.1 This will be the Inst meeting of: and the president. Mrs. Hltril i.ti.l u...w..viu.ii- MrU C..lH..ut j,. linxlus i have' every nieui-Jstnr t bcr nresent n I Tbe ii. vt inentl.ie nr hi Ma rk's 1 tdiilld w ll be January 4 ami this ' 1 1 i. .i, ........ i c. i. ...i, ; I'eon at r':ao In St. Mark's parish i hnoso. 1 opeciHi nieeung ol ( iirysanuie- ilium (..iK ie io. 'i i. oi . in 1. O. O. F. hull on Wednesday Dec. mth at 7::i0 p. m. ' -!' ' Ptyhian club Entertained Home of Mrs. Tcmplo : Pythian club mot on Thursday j evening al Iho home of Mrs. KHz- "- short business incetinc was 'ol- lowed by a Christmas tree which was enjoyed by hII prosenl. Five Humlred was played during ti e ovnning. The next meeting will he held t the homo of Maud Montgomery. on South Poach street Tiim'sdny. December 27. ,mici, Somc.l iC.recne, Lloyd Prock. Bornnrd Mershon. Albert Melvln. .lack M'ur-i rnv. .lack Hhmros. Hernle Hughes. '- - ' i..'iii .iuKii II1 Steele. Alvin Potter, Franklin ! '00l Re, Hill Lvruill Bilna Mae ' Wells, Vivian Coss, Ellow Mac Knlpa. U.il.v Ranney, WJItna Kan - e-v- "ml MrgmhiPreslon. , n... .,,, r.nii.n. r.loh Will Have Christmas Party Mrs. Howard Hill will be lios - I f i ; Out-of-town Guests Spend HolfdavH More.. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smede, onH ,1. i li I ,. ii X'nrn.iin dr.. and:'" "' K,l" ' -""" . Harvey of Walla Walla. Wash., and I .lame s Johnson wiic is attending Northwestern School of Dentislrv , in Portland, will arrive the last j of this week to spend the hull - days with (heir parents. Mr. a,,tl Mrs. It. K. Johnson. . 1 .--:. . ' ' sonesoay owoy vy.uu W i 1 1 Meet at Library ' , , ' , , , i C.....I.. ..i..i. ...in: 1 " rilncsiuij oiun) miii iii; o . .... n u , ,. . . , Hhrarv at 2:110 on served. A small charge made tolliiv.. .Mectliu; . "dl,V. This will be one of! defray expenses. A. this meeting j The W. H. M. S. of tho First 'special interest and all members I the roll cnll of members will Hike ,Yi. .;. church held their monthly i are urged -to he present. place nnd letters read from absent ' meeting Tuesday afternoon In the linei.il.ers. church parlors. Lj(Jy Elk Enjoy This Is Hie tenth year the Home , President Mrs. W. Walker, prc- I - . . . . .1 .' ... A social alternoon was ent"eu on Wednesday hy the Lady hiks at the Klks triple. Hostesses In cluded Mrs. Henry Hates and Mrs. Frank Bellinger. Il'-'.h score In Bridge was held bv Mrs. P. (). Wag goner Hiia in H)oi oy Mrs. i.en ; Event of the Week hostess i Miss Lucille Murray was nt an Informal partv at her home !.J n j. ll. Molva norn.hr S -ad "'' ''""' ; " ,a Parrelt. Margaret O Nell and el lie Murray .nessrs. owunn imn. .. .. ... . , ,e Mnnoy, tiaroin Arcner. ' miton. and Orva! I luMoni Slur Member '" Pinker i;uU'ruiliis day afternoon. One of the lii-' ln'n Clirlslnuis IU. Thimble Club. - ten-stlng features was a Christ- I'ummlt of Kaslern Slur , most dclighttttl time was hud i,1!ls curd shower for shut-In member are preparing a Christ- ,v t. members of tho thimhlo members, "ias W-x t" ho sent to tho dm- ,., uf chrysanthemum Circle. 1 Program opened with sing- (h.( n (ho Malj,)Im. ,,01110 ul Ni KJ N-,.i(.,,,ols f woodcraft.'"" "llll'al ' Tl"." Mrs. ,. ls, , !roV(., 0l .. runed fruits, .,. lh,.y Im,t with Neighbor Iv'scott reading the Scripture c(Jillra ,.,,. m I wit,Kiin iuikiT m liw homt i.n Smith 1,s"" Mrs. Chiuln.-y offer-, m UrinK ,,,, ,,U(!,i ,-.f ,. .,,,.,., last Wednesday even- ln l"yer. After the l.usiness ,U11111 n lh(, ,,,,, f(),ks December I' session llev. .las. Kramer, cvnli- Mrs. Kdna Isaacs Is general chairman, being llhl.v assisted by the worthy matron. Mis. Helen Minkler. Those to m-rve In this; wnib or.. :im folle.VH' Shtllll HIT caminitlop, M r. Mol.owan. -virs. . M,ni(i. Holmrt. HnUcltint; cointnItte. MemlnniOH hu-fflolon Minkler. (Jeoixia C'uly, l)e- u..i,..cr.,i !... !'....,'.. ' iu lmi.! t..r,... Adi'io Wilson, lilen wooilcocK, Florence Huller and Mary K. Sweeney. Musnuernde Party l'.vciit of this Week Tho ICvt Petison Dam-illR aead cniv will have a masouerad dancinir party at the studio in the Medfoi d Center building on Mrs. H. c. Mulhollnnd entertain- present enjoyed a treat or nome-ine uuesuon. uesoieu. inai ine . cHiiKn, with approprlalo ce.n Fridny evening of this week, led tho V. u. C's at her hunie, 20 ! "la.lo candy. The I'nloii will stale of Oregon should rm-iilKti muiiIH. owllclioil mi tilt? IlKlltH or Prizes will be given for eostuniosj North orange street In honor ot meet again Januury 1(1 to plan j free text books to the school dill- 1 1 li First National Christmas tree. and dances. f l.llsl Hl.'is I'roelillll Will 1U- (iiven ; comber 20 at 7:4.1 1 lie program will consist of various . .....ul.'iil u..lnntl.inu l-onilitieU 11 . " series of interesting stercoptl-' can piclurcs and a short play, i This program will also bo given at the Hoguo River Academy on Saturday evening. December Hi and ut Central Point i uesiluy evening. December IS at Cowley's Hall. :I0 In Mvs. Boyle I'.lectcd -"""" At tllC IlieOtlllg of 111!' I'.USleril on Wednesday evening Mrs. Itobert Hoylo was elected worthy matron. A large attendance was .,.-...eo i ..i n.io ...oeilni- wb'leb was1 one of the most Interesting ones1"'! 'h" gni'mcnts he returned so .i. llos for snndlne a Christmas I.n In II... Mi.uoiil,. linoin ni l. be- Ing formulated by the lodge. Mrs. Pl.Hk ,mla(.B M eha'rman of the committee - now working on this,!'"' 1,1 Christinas boxes. Tho project. HlP Other officers elected . for ensuing year lire: C. N. Culy Put ron: Mrs. Delia Scheffel. assistant! I matron- Mrs. Owen Woodcock. ! conductress- Mrs Cordelli Knrmfc of phoenix' assistant conductress- Mrs. Untile Al'den. secretary; and Mrs. "lor.Miro Mutler, treuMi rrr. Ixing Itcadi Pciiple Visiting .Mctll'oril Hi'lalivi-s. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tucker of,' I Long lleach, Calif., am here to L.,oml the h'olldavs' with Mr nnd I ' ( . WM,X vn,-os j tj.J.' d-iughter ' Tl... i'iii.lii..-(i Imvn viuilml bei-el for several weeks in the summer I appreciation by helping the boys soil also i.l Christmas lime for.1'1 1V''' wy Possible, therefore I two or Ibroe years and are In love with l1"' country. Mr. L.,., .i,.,.. ...,n,. .i... ........ii. mwl I Z , ,,,m 11, m of M dfor general Ininroiemeiil of Medroiu j and the valley every time they l turn. Tho Tuckers are old-time friends of (.leorge English and (leorge Tre'.cl.ler of this city. i aa ! I Incoln Ihir-hcm '-'?' I - A large number of parents were 1 ly meeting of tho P.-T A Tho Second It's guve a i lever panto lllline of the Kalllng of I hp Leaves. It was decided to sponsor a , r ; I j-l Scout Troop. Several ninth ,,n, .-enerouslv offered to help with the work. It was aln voted to nave tnoin- ers assist tlie teachers in weigh ing I lie children once In sik weeks as this Is one of the requirements i. . 1,1.. . .,ll..lnu in linn. .no iiimniK i.. .. r. ... sell I their shop, to further tho t"r " "'"- " , " . collect lh''c articles. Ifefreshmelils were served by ; ""- , A s " -"--' ' ' .'"- "' - . 1 0v(, 1l.N.klh B,. ' lln1ln Coming- ' i., . ' r,i.. f! L.T'. """ ,' a" ...?,? "...m! ........ ..v. - Mimday, Dec. lith. . , .1 . .1 . .i- ii........ ...in l... ,h llll,nl.ni nk frwar. each year to this meeting. A shortia Joint iiKetlng of both mission-!''"" 'i"iu. ""onmi program will be given followed by , ury societies In Jntiury. The.''"1. , .laming. Visitors are welcome . program was In charge of Mrs. IWiys Allilellin and urged to "tend this meeting, j K. C. Koppen. the predoinliintlng! The Junior III Midgets aro prac- Ithoughl of the sillily being Christ- thing ut the armory In Iho eve- Medford r;ardci. rluli .inas cheer shown and felt In nlng from tl : 1 .1 to 7 : 1 G The regu- I l"lil Npii'tnl Mcetllut. juor Immlgrallon stations, both lar team practices fiin;:l& to Wednesday evening the mem- on the Attiinlic and pacific coasts. ; y:00. bers of the Harden club were The several purls wero tiikenj The last year letter men wore given a special treat by Prof. H'-t-1 by Mrs. . Dew. Mrs. Vsn Dyke, , defeated by a Freshman team of Itendorf of Portland, who spokciMrs. Lyman and Miss Van Ness, Here al ine lioiei eoioi(i unni-i the auspi.-es of Better Flowers magazine. ttlldos were shown to Illustrate the lcctiiro. The delphinium pic - !'"- specially pleasing. W. C. T. i ,.rof. e,.endorf Is a hull, .pee.Clirlstnw.. gracloii, In I The V. , ,.... hrluhl wllh Chrl.lmu. dee nn.wrr lis nnrsiions. ' ..1 . .1 1 1 nf oriiint Ion to n n vnno it f nt rt n it h In lnformtion to nnnn ii. Pirmr ni jncip. . ' - Til,.n fwod a fhrlslmas trees"'"1 "f " "'"Ptist church, gave wllh ..1,1 Moot., hi oerson and" mm), merriment. ! TMe members were then Invited ... .1... .!..!... ..-1..... .Inlle. i.nT - ner can make, were so served.' lKhlMir Herlhu pnwell asistcl , Kllll Vaikt-r a hostcyH. ' Thf ni,vt .neoiinir of the th!m-1 . . ...... . . ., . ' ... ... hme of j,ls Mai iMatt, Jackson. SIS Kast Mrs. .1. H. Owen returned Kri-! day after spending two weeks In Purl land !'tv. .Miilbo'lanil llie-los lloimrliie House tiucst her mother, Mrs. Cole, who isiincir anniversary ineeiing lor , I .. ... ' I 1 .! I jSpclKllng the winter Here. A snort i i . ....ii ,i... i, m,. l,,ll,,.ll,,,,d hollnml and Cornwall. Nettle .!..,.. l ..u '..lil,t. nn.l liu t-lt 1.......1I u..t.ee.l il..lltoiiu ....frnMh- ments. AA ... ... . , Miss Margaret Htch and Mna' lllakely, who arc al tending NurHes Training school at San Francisco. are here (o spend the holidays with ! relatives. j T" m I Americiiii Legion Auxiliary Hold Social .Mooting. 1 1 1,... ..v lw.ml.nr Id. about ar. auxiliary menihors met w.th the president. Mrs.! I.... .v.. ...lunij .. ..' club rooms for the last social meeting of this year. i Thc child welfare clialrmnn, ' Mrs. ttolaud Smith, asked that ithat thev could be used for Chiist- mas cheer. Tile returns woro very I'll llsl actoi y. During the meeting, tho lllclil- bers made (lolls and toys to bo completed toys were un.iiue and ' showed much clcN-erness and ubllv Ity. , J"o noi win.... ,.o..n, , .., . llU! icoursnip of Caplaln Tung- ' MIU" ,,llvu completed new cuio I'ooms just off tho dining room " Ar,""r-V "lul fo1' ""' tho thai are very practical and add In Die eomfortablo feeling of the boyj' iiuarters. 1 .National ouunl boys hail generously given up ineir lornier ''nnmH '" lnu '1,m'1'1 A"K-I!'y and other i j giiulzatlons. nmei-ican i.egiou women's or- These ladles should show their I""' """'I -lu,ly picsenieii inn "t this meet tig tr; !"'"'" ''I"' w"' " ,u,oh , , , At thiK nieetiuK try eloths and eumpieieii 101 and her coni- . J. . ' . l""",u " ' I " n" " ' r"' .'aeons pres.oeu w.,,.;,,,., s6 . .,)nt, , v., Her weu Known rnarin ami clousness. gra- Mr. and Mra. vietnr Sether of San Francisco arrived Saturday to spend the holidays with Mrs. Seni or's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Pelt of West Nnlnth street. They will also visit iclutlvcs In (.Hon dalu. Washington Parent -Teacliers j Postpone Itegiilnr .Mcollnir. aa,,, Wnshliurtoii 1 -T A will: not hold a meeting this month as the schools are planning a' program to be held at that time ' Social Events of Church Societies The Kast. Hiile Cieeln of tllo'r. Iln.nu Klmt M. cliurch. will meet! In the church parlors .Monday uiinrnoon insienu ot i uesuay, us:KriM n,i two al-M wm fing Previously arranged. Membership j "ii,.n,.,iu.lu" f,.l)m t,u st. Ce-i plcaso note this change. I eella Mass, bv (loiinod, at thoj Ml"' K"a ,,,'t''1'" and Mrs. c. ,.h., (m BH,.nl,,.. u will be ''' ,!, own wl" h,lV0 cl"'rB0 uf!sung lu Latin. The members of. ,llle onicrill llllneni ' w ii t u tf'i.. j slon. It was decided to havu .Al ine conclusion OI .110 (nil- gram hostesses Mrs. Hedges, Mrs. I palen and Mrs. Hess served tea and cake, ! T. I . l-.njoy I'nrty W. C. A. Club room -. , -r. - 1 orations and mlntletoe for th i gathorlnK Thum loiceim aim suning mi Pm SpiM.klnt; of t)i inriii- ;j of the AnuTU-aii lionui hr 1 U r ij ml thm tti in viimiir iv)i)li )if imiKht in luiilKot their money. t'nie and pleasure. Little iiivic-nen .Me.Mllsier tveiiy re- ; Hied "The Horrowed I-tahy," re-, 4l,"''K ll tMieore. The pi k- tdelil remirted the receipt of lii.44. helnir the offeriim for i at the11''','' oeiiig me oiieriog j '"""ens rami loooe. .a sen jut the I'nloii Thanksgiving serv- . ice. Mis. McDonald read the: beautiful service by which ui.y , Maxlne Hlass was dedicated to, ine sii-Mce ot i no . c. i. r ..; being decorated witli the w'hltc 1 'moon. At the close of the mooting ullwlth interest to the 8A debate on .""." "' I'lnley lloslejei I Ladles' .Auxiliary negative speakers were Anna Mae The Ijidles' vVuxlllary of the'FiiMon. Wayne I.owry. Florence Loiptist church met at tho home of Mr. and Mrs.. C. S. linley i.ne ruesday. Decem ber 11. The meeting was open ed by singing. "Joy to tho World" followed by prayer by Dr. Kuton. Scripture was read by Mrs. M. I,. Dally. Our evangelist. Dr. Kramer, tuen gave a peppy. heart to heart talk on personal work. I Mrs. A. J. Anderson gine a , most interesting review on homo u.. o ,1 I Ill, ...iu...,, ..h. i:f,. ,i education for life among the Africans. i M-iiiiMiir. iiii..-.i .-..-..ii. ........ .mi coffee were served by Mrs. t Robt. Ilagen. Mrs. C. M. l'ar- er and the hostess. Mrs. C. S. Flnley. Twenty-eight adults and four children were present. , Mlssloiiary Soclcly I Will M.i't Tiii-Mlay. ' The Woman's Missionary society of the Presbyterian church will hold its regular December meeting at the home, of Mrs. 10. 1'. Law reiieo r.i:i s'outh Newtown i'uos- (iay alternoon al 2::io. ,i iss wicn- ., .,, "V chapters of the new Africa. All women imeresieu in mis very in lerestlng study aro Invited to at . News of Medford Schools .It MOIl IIKill (Hy Hilly Ciimnilngs) Smiling The perccntago of tho Junior .ho(), Mi..llng class, s were jim fnllmi-M- I." wltil 10H nol' cunt ,,, ;.Ul mAn ,.rnt, Uio . 2 w,,h a - ih with !!. per cent, Iho 1:2 wllh;M.ertiiry. Htalen that to dale paid 1 7 ..i.l ..i.nt Ih.. I .1 will. 1 I.l..... I -i.l..- i. .i..i tun- .11..1.1...1 I'er cent, the 1-2 with H9 per cent, tho Il-s wllh HH.7 per cent, tho with lis. 5 per with nil.! ;er cent, the IV-'J with !l(l per cent, tho IV-J with H-t.U per cent and thu 11-2 with SH U per cent. IhuikliiK Junior III kept up the fine record of 100 per cent for two weeks. That means we can keep It there. The Medford schools lank mth among the citlas of tho Cnlted States. Jiot's keep the record of unior 111 100 per cent, to hctti put Mcdford'H record ut Mho top. The total number of times tho rooms of Junior Hi havj' banlted ! 100 per rent are mm folhtwn: Air. Keesee, room 10, l.'l times; Mrs. Clark, room 2, Dl lli.ics; Mrs. Church and Mr. Hitch, assembly halt, 12 times; Miss Whiscnnnt, room 7. 12 times: Miss Ford, room 3. 7 times; Miss Wise, loom ,. I 5 times; and Miss Slllema, room 5, 1 Mn-le .,.,, H,.xtf-tlit consisting ot four this sextette aro as follows: Nello f.reen, Sybil Jean Young, Ullby Stone, Ma 1-bars Wall: the two boys aro Tiiiglcy C'haiupiu and Mux Hue. .Also two Christinas carols will be sung hy the ipiurtcttc of girls. The Junior III harmonica band will play "Coiiiln Tliilnigh tho ltye", and "Itolilii. Ilobln," at the i Senior III. last Monday by a slight .oihihui in h vi-iy iiihk s'.iiiw. A pruetlec Rnm whh played r rrently belwern the lat yar lj -t'T men and tho boyn who ween mllod out for the Junior III tuam. The Junior Ml wan defeated. Awcitihly Tuesday, Dee. 11th the pupils nf junllor'HI wer entnrtnlnrrt by a very Interesting IO-mlnuto lllus trated picture by lr. Griffith I'm Hand. Tin- pictures wore mi forestry anil forest-fire provotil- Inn. Tho pictures wore colored slides, showing tho different noes an, I tliolr chnraotorlsllcs. anil also showing how to identify them. Til.- lecture was followed by a very amusing comedy, it was one f the ist Instructive aa.l the) most enjoyable of the year's as-. iseinblies. Parent'Teachers' AuRfirintinrt ; - ; . -n - . - Junior II Ik li I'. T. A. .luntor IIIkIi School I'arent- Teacher n.s.suclation met Kritlny . .... ...o. ......... ..... l lei noon at 3: in at tno scliool ,nlll(1,. i : nunioe, on in, gram was a group oi nuiniers n ' u i ..o ........ directed by Miss Williams. ...... .., ,.,.., .- oren oi me siaie. i no auirmaiive , ..'tin ..l.lv II. .It. .1.1 l.v Vli-..f.tl. Illlii. lava. Adra Palwards. Dolores Ho brook and (loldle llludon: the Woodhouset and tleorge Iteer. Tbe Judges were Itev. Hayinond lii'es, Mrs. (leorge Nellson and Del.oss Chureblll. The decision was 2 to I in favor of the negative. Mrs. Fllegel. for the lllii Scouts, and Mr. Ilrlcker. for tile Boy Scouts appealed for help In their organizations. Itev. Raymond liee.i gave a very ".T""'',"-' i!:"kr ".I""!,,1 '('I,V,M,""":, rc""- Tlllr yi'ul' lh"r,"cholr platform and tho high school (live My son for christnias'.'" Ill;ill ho many more homos send- ,.urt,'t (n thu Kallory for anJ conclusion was Ida! Iho greatest lag out their message of "Merry!.. , . ,,, ...r. .1 ...... ...... ...... ..... m ...v h'H of iindcrsiandlng. ltel'rcshnienis were served by ..us. i. im.. i in i j nun n.-r i-oiuoiii- TuuMday, OF RED X. 1807 Itid t'ross worltei'H and eontrllui-Iih-h throughout 'he eounly. will be rIih! to tiow ihal In Die 1 - Hi an mini roll rail Tor loembei-Khlps i-eeenlly eompleted, .laekrion eoun ly n xii in Iuik won n- plaee on the honor roll, having HiiereHHfiilly i'(athed the quola nf 1 JUKI mem Iwmm allotted In ihlK dlHtrlet. MIm i.ini.... ui tw i i.i iv.,- i Us follows Medrord Ashland Central Point Phoenix Jacksonville, . (togiie ltlver . Talent Table Hoi k ... Sams Valley . Applcgllte Kllttn Fulls .1 110' .. ar.il .. III! .. 113 .. -Hi .. II .. :i:i .. 211 .. 12 .. id ii MIkk Knhei'tM mIho hIjiIph that the hiidfad or f fiMHI )uih about heon covered, there helnu ?:iiill.H on hand and in outriiumlliiK pleilKim. ThlH wllh tbe unntiut al Iowa lore from city and (-utility and refund from inemherHblpH yet duo will jftvo the amount eHtiiualed as necessary for the year's work This report Is very gratifying Insomuch as outsldo activities, sickness, olc., greatly interfered ; wlth Pulling over the drive In the buslncs dlsliiclii. Special mention must be made of tho work of Iho women who so successfully canvased I I.n residen tial sections, procuring a total of Mill memberships which Is double the number em-olled last year 111 the same territory. LEGION TO GIVE L One of Iho loading dances of Iho holidays will he I bo American Le gion annual Christmas hull which Is to lake place on Tuesday night. December ifi. T his Is one of Hie biggest Legion affairs of tho on llro year and many people all over the valley are already planning to attend. Tho purty will bn held In the beautiful ball room of the uripnini iiiriiniK nnn niriiuni , mush! has been secured for the occasion. Holiday favora and spe cial effects are being arranged l'or the affair by tho commltlee In charge. Proceeds of the dance will to to Iho Legion drum corps fund. i.'tiwwinff num. pontage ntnmpi. and matflirn they all sell, for a lng health and happInoM, aro pei - lny Investments psying iiiko uivi- ofmcnas. Births Horn -To Mr. and Mrs. C. W. ' December II, DISK, a baby girl. , nnmiTW nnrnnnrnn ! FISH BUDGET! YdLE DECORATION PRESBYTERIANS TO OUTDOORS TO GET PRESENT PROGRAM SPECIAL PRIZES Die Christnias HxhtillK content which opens here on December --..participate In a larKn way in the is a part of a national prc:ram : Christmas activities this year. On of outdoor Christmas lighting which ; Friday afternoon, December 21. I originated in Washington, 1), ('., 1 several years ago. , , yi,ur ,t.aut iful , evergreen tree, cut ill llle woods juf f Vermont, was sent to Washing- Ja Ion and set up In Sherman smuire.iio iThls .,, Wlls n gilt from Middle- ,,.,. t:1)t,,. to tht, president of I Mlu i ,., states. This splendl. I Iri'e was decornted and wired with iii-nureus or l ny e cc r c c its. ialU .. Christmas cvo Prusiileiit The follnwiii.-; year a heaulit'ul 11... ... ... living nee was piaaiiMi in nnor- man Plaza behind the White House aiid a permanent underground elec tric service installed bo that ouch year tile same living tree can bn decorated and Illuminated, a per fect symbol of national good will. The national example was quick ly followed by many states and ommnuuHle.s. For some years now a number of cltiens have heon decorating Ihoir homos on I lie outside, and these homes have boon gay and iin.'UHM iiiNiT rumin in tmrr imi i lie , I ... .', . ill isioian oy llieiliiH in si i lugs oi colored lights festooned uhuul Ihclr i lawns and houses. And a new joy in i in- uiiimay season win icsuii from Ihrmo Vtilelide iliHplay. To add zcHt tho Modfnrd riuuii hor of Coinnitfrcu Ih arrannin to cntuhict a cnntcsl Ikm'o with Hnlen- did nrl.cH lor tho winnera. Thin ' conteHl Ih open to every rn8l,ont ; of Med lord nol connect imI with the hx'al electric storoH or iho power company. M h Hinted to open on Decern hor 2'J,, and chmn .lunnary 2. vh Ich aKHiireH plenl y ol- t line Mil iiliisini; it ii u iiiKii iih-uum i imi. all loenl lu-nnlo 1111,1 visllirts lo Iho elty will have an opportunity to Iho ,.t i.M. lliu,1...U ' 1.1,1." 1 , ,. ', ,,,i ! ' i in. lllfe Win IJII U'lllMIUMI "II MH- ""''o of Konoral urtlwLh; anpearanco ol' house or Rrouiuls; reHidenfs, true and nhi'uha may be lllumlnaled In 11.1. eoiiiosl l'rl.o am most al - .1. -.i ...111 i i.. ii... r..i llll.'Ulvil (lllll ..III ill. i.n. .1 mi. in.- lowing: First pi'lzu, electric, porcolu tor set. Second piizu. Sin waffle Iron. Third piizo, Jill aiitoniatlc toast er. Kourth prize, $1) automatic elec tric iron. Considerable Inlerust lias already been shown In this local Christ mas contest and It Is anllcliated Unit a largo number or entries will compete for Iho above prizes. En ' " " " ". . . V"' tries must bo miido with thu cnam i)(.pmhor 22. Thono who deniro December 'ii. Thono who desire assistance In planning tliolr dis plays can securo suggeBtlonu and helpful udvlco from any of tho local elocttic. deulurs or the advertising commltlee of tin) Chuinbor of Commerce. 1 ELKS WILL HOLD Now that their Christmas tree i doings to provide substantial cheer for tho poor and needy of tho city and vicinity at Christmas lime lire ' over, tho members of the Klks t lodge feel thai themselves and ' families nnd friends aro entitled to enjoy a llttlo Yuletldo fun of their very own. and hence Iho lodgo will hold n big dunco ut tho Klks tem ple on New Year's eve. The affair will bo entirely In formal, with a number of oxtra NEW YEAR PARTYjsATURDAY CASH fun stunts, nnd various kinds of j ono of the. chulh ot Btoros hero noise making devices urn being nr- tonight, police woro Informed. Of ranged for, to bii manipulated hy I fk-lals said the loot probably iho dancers In welcoming Iho now ; amounted to several thousand dol- year in that night. Tho lodgo rommlttoo In charM of the dance Is us follows: C. C. Lcmmnu, chairman; Louis Ulrlc.h. 'I en Midler. Jerry Jerome, Vernon Vawtor. Lurry Schade, Joseph Flle gel and T. K. Daniels. YULE PARTY OF The a ll mini Chrlslmns party of Ilio Copco employes club will luko Place at Hilarity Hall next Satur r.npnn duy. December ii. 1 he afternoon , A mimbor of shoppers in tho pronram will ho devoted to stunts ! ore wer8 not awar8 of tbo hold anil sklls of special Inlorost to thOUp untu oftr (he men haj fled, many kiddles who will altend. Tho j thB work wa8 aoll0 30 qckly and annum v.nrisimas tree win no un" veiled by 8ania i imself who will distribute gifts to nil the children. 1 Health is more Important than readlti'. rltln' and rlthmetlc. Is your child studying It? It l ,n. the Oregon course of study. AT CHRISTMASTIDE The Presbyterian church will 'at t::to p. m., the children of the j Jth, r.tb and titli grades of tho loca 1 schools under tho leadersnip Miss Ksther Church will (five free concert of Christmas curols .vlili-b uarents and friends arc invited. (in Sunday morning. December ! ;:, I lie double mixed uuartet con- jHsllnB of Mrs. It. K. McKlhoso ,..i c rmi Parker, sopranos; Mrs. Kdna Isaacs and Mrs. It. C .Mulhollnnd, contraltos: a. J. Mac Douough and Dr. Wm. P. Hult. tenors and Dr. W. W. Howard and Dr. K. W. Hhockley, bassos, assisted by soloists and Carleton Janes, violinist, will present their Christmas concert, which is always one ot the outstanding musical events of tho year and draws n. large attendance. In tho evening of December 23 the young people of tho church will present beautiful tableaux of the exiles, prophets, Mary and the Angel, tho Shepherds and Wlso Men while Chiistmas carols laud choice Christmas numbers aru m,,,1K unB ,)V two uunrtcta, the -,,.,!,. ,,im. . inl,i..iM nn tilt I"1"""1 Sliigllig. imviu JjUivijr no. .. . . .... i.(,,f Scrlllturn nuflsilires. i 'n, di-mine and ovnrsiuht of tho L,', 1 ,,, T,l , nr. field, .lunot Clement and Itev. iu. l Liiwrence. On Monday niRht, Dec. 24 at 7 p. in., tho children of tho primary and Junior department of tho ,, . i,,,,.,-' m un thi. unt((rtIlinmont of HonK8, and reol- latloim and tableaux undor the !onunltteu consiHtinur of Mrs. C1U- nioi-e. .Marjorlo Uiulley and Mm. Howard Oynan. Tho heylnnerH will have their . , , , ,., ...o.ii.oh v i riiirtt 11 1 lnuufiTi tui 1 1 1 ' Tho niumberH of the entire 'hool aro awked to briny Homo I , 1,1 f , .,,, l,.,llfrt U (. (hi. church Saturday, the 22nd, , or i"'"'5' , , 1 distribution among tho needy fiun- illles. ADVENT'S PASTOR Tlio Seventh Day Adventlat church Just closed tholr annual week of prayon In which all tho churches in the valley participated. .Morn than 11,600 waa given for mission work. ftov. T. L. Ttaeum ler was nominated pastor of tho Medford church. Tho prospects ior the academy are very bright for the coming year. Many now lamlllus aro expected to sottlo hero during the coming yoar. J. 11. Meehan was chosen btial unsn niana-ier of the academy. Tho enrollment ut present Is a hundred forty-two. OF PIGGLY WIG. STORES IS LOOT SPOKANB, Dec. 5. () To day's receipt of eloven Plggly Wlggly stores In Spokane wore snatched In a daring hold-un of lara. although no check had been made. Thu robbers escaped. According to tho story told pol Ico by K. D. liufnoy, collector, hp waa confronted in tho sloro at Fourth nnd Cedar streets by a I man carrying a market basket, j who nourished a pistol and order jctl him to "turn over that money:" Meanwhile, CJafney said, two ! ciifederates "covered" tho com pany watchman seated In an auto mobile outsldo, unit took his sawed off shotgun. When the first man obtained Iho collector's satchel con Inlnlug tho money, Iho trio ran j around a corner nnd disappeared, (lufnoy said. Ho was not able to plve a clear description of any of .i, men. The man who confront. j el( ), woro handkorchlof ovor - hB (ace. he asserted, anlAtly Officials or tno company saia that the amount or money stolen will not be known until a check can be completed Monday, but tho average receipts for Saturday gen erally amounted to "soraral thon sand dollars." . i