o MEDFOKn MATT; TTiTBTNE, P0TID, OT?TOO. SUNDAY. DFCTMr.Ktt Irt. 1f23. FXGE THREB I Yosemite in Autumn d n cf)P fan nf rDill in &f HE softly falling snow held for Marlon Alusworth no beauty as she waited shiver ing with the cold for a bus which would undoubtedly be lute. She sighed at thought of the ten utile ride before her. Clnlsinms was very near, but there bus no ClM'isliiiu9 spirit In Marion's liearu With no member of her family neuter than au aunt, her futher's sistor-in-luw whom she bud not herd of for over live years, the coming holidays held little prospect of joy for her. The i present days were busy ones with the usual mid-year work of teach ing school, with examinations und Christinas eatertulnnients. Never did she long for a real home and loved ones us u' this season of the yenr. Remembrances of Christmas came to her und at the thought that tlds year would probably be spent alone In hr cooin, her eyes lilted with tears. So engrossed wits she with these thoughts she fulled to notice a small dog, fravel stained, foot sore and weary looking beseechingly at her. At first sight of hint with an ex clamation of pity she stooped and tenderly petted hlut. At this kind ness the dog crept close to her and remained so r til the bus came. As Marion stepped onto the bus the dOs followed, so she hastily gathered bin up In her arms. As sured that everything was all right, be settled down In her lap for a nap. This gave Marlon a chance to study him. She decided he was a fox terrier, although It was dial cult to tell In his present unkempt condition. As be wore a collar and license tag it was evident he was a pet, espee! "y as the name "Horatlus" was on the collar. Such nn imposing name for such n small dog brought a smile to Marlon's Secretly Hoping It Was No One to Claim the Dog. lips. Around his njck was a bit of frayed rope, so he probably hud been stolen. So Interested was she planning how she would cure for litm and what steps to take to restore blm to his owners, that she had reached borne before she realized it. The affectionate little fellow soon won u place of welcome,' both in Marlon's and Mrs. Lane's (her landlady) hearts, and soon proved in watchful care and faithfulness Mint he bad well earned the name bo bore. Christmas eve Marlon's heart was lighter than for years, as she thought with gratitude of the joy the little dog, now freshly bathed and with a new bow on bis collar, lying asleep at ber feet, hud brought her. During the evening a caller was announced, and Marion went down the stairs, secretly hoping It was no one to cluitn the dog. As she went forward to greet the caller, the lady came toward her with a smile and outstretched tbnnd, and then stopped short. "Mnrlon 1" she exclaimed.. "Aunt F.thel!" exclaimed Marlon. Then followed the exchange of happenings of the Inst Ave years, in which Marlon had lost her moth er, and how the Information had not reached her nunt until her re turn from a long journey, niuny months after. She had searched iinuvuflingly for her niece, and Marlon then explained that she had sought new scenes and faces hoping In that way to ease the loneliness. Then followed the ac count of the lluding of the dog. and her aunt's account of the loss I of her pet, which had been stolen I from her home In a dlslnnct city. ! She had heard some one at that address had found a dog and hoped It might be hers, and so it proved to be. As both were alone In the world, Marlon's aunt persuaded her lo hinke her home with her as a daughter; and urged her to resign from her position as soon ns pos sible. A few days Inter ns Marlon sal In her new home, so comfortnbly and beautifully cared for, she held the little dog close to her. "You blessed giver of good things." she whispered. "How anything so wfe ctyld bring so much happiness?" And back came the Inaudible Oies snge. "As ye have done to the least of these." (& 19S9. Western NWfpapr Union.) Christmas Joy Compete No Christmas Joy Is complete un less It Is enriched by a glow of sym pathy with the "Joy to the world" promised In Jesus' birth. As a substitute for the canvas bat?s usually employed In (Tellver ioir coal, a ChlcaKo company In nVng boxes of a composition ma terial. They make less dust, pack hetter In the truck than bogs and are easily handled. JJach contain er has a lid to keepie dust from spreading. I it Miss Viola McEwen, with her Silver Anniversary Buick coupe, pauses at yosemite Falls to enjoy the varied coloring effects that are so prevalent in the California park this time of the year. LOS AXflKLKS, lhc Hi With upproxlnintPly onc-thinl of tlie 30 projected Neon beacion towers of the Mexieo-to-('anntlu "V h f t e Way" til ready finished or in course of construction, work of complet ing; the lift? ten-million-dollar pro ject is to he rushed all tlio hfn t'ons will he finished within oteht months. Thin news was disclosed hy llcrt A. Heinly, president of Highway Communities, Inc.. the organiza tion iissotiated with the Richfield Oil company and the Klectrical Products. J nc, in what is declared the most elaborate and ambitious "beacon chain" ever conceived. Al r.. Heinly nnnounced at the same time that George S. .Miller, representative of tho United Stales department of commerce in con trol of aviation is now on the road with William C'olrell of the Richfield company enKK'd in selecting further sites for the beacons. Here, briefly, Is the status of the project to date: Six big beacons, each 1 25 foot high, Ni'on illuminated with a Richfield sign from tip to base and with a Klowiim aviators' guide atop the shaft, have been finished and are ready for light ins. J ilea I Richfield service stations, designed in Spanish architecture, have been completed in three- cities Capis trano, l'alm und Beaumont. , Towers are now in courso of construction at Paso Hohles ami Chular near (lonzaloz, Calif.); in three cities each of the towers will form the nucleus for an ideal vil lage consisting of Richfield service station, roadside hotel, etc. The villages each located outside the incorporated cities or towns will be located about 50 miles apart and on all the main highways in terlying Mexico and Canada. Thus it is explained, aviators will be constantly in sight of the beacons at night, while motorists will have handy stopping places available at frequent intervals along every major highway. Poultry manure is more vnluablc ! as a fertilizer than "that of any i other common farm animal. Hy i careless handling ns much as half j of it is often lost, says the experi ment station. Da Harold L.Cook M"- l!EKS settled back com tl foriublv .In the new easy chair which his duuahter-in-law had given him for Christinas. His feet were resting on a little footstool from his pruuihhiuKhier; in bis mouih was a briar pipe from 1,1., ...... ,..i.-., ..,,.1 Ma !.,, n flru m.T """ MIM I'M tit" tt'l' ...Hit t tr..... w. f...,nt liiit I son. 11-e was chid lu u velvet louiiKiiiK robe from one of his dauuliterK, and under hU white beard could be seen a new Christ mas tie and the edges of a new silk shirt. Comforiuhle looklug slippers adorned his feet, and u new reading glass was In his hand. A box of lliivnim cigars, a dozen books, ties, socks, and a fountuiu pen were on a table at his side- AI r. ltces was smoking and gaz ing into the tire. The strains of a .New York orchestra playing "Holy Night" came to his ears from the mahogany radio in the corner. The seventy-live electric bulbs on a beautifully ornamented Christmas tree furnished the only light ill the room except that from the fire. The music of laughter came from uu adjoining room. Hut Mr. liecs was not conscious of his surroundings. As he was gazing Into the lire his thoughts were traveling through tiie mys terious 11 a me into a distant past, lie was living over again the first, and perhaps the happiest Christ inas day that lie could remember, a Christ mas day some seventy-live years before. In a tiny house In what was then called Canada West, now . known as Ontnrlo, a poor family was struggling against the elements for its very existence on the frontier of civilization. Mr. Bees must have been four or live years old at the time, liis mother nnd father were in their, early twenties. The one-room bouse was practically Oh, Marvel cf Marvels a Big Red Apple! fir Here's a 1929 electric radio more power, greater range and lower price! - - M lleadqijartera- - M ORG than a quarter million homes arc already L enjoying the performance of Atwuter Kent electric sets. The dependability of Atwater Kent Radio (Lattery ets included) is satisfying more than 1,650,000 families. Power? Range? Tone? Snap the switch and let the house current course through the tubes. Touch the Fui.l-vision Dial. How the stations come rolling in each one natural and separate. Performance? Yes! Dependable performance. The kind of performance that's assured hy 222 rigid tests or inspec tions of each et before it leaves the factory. The kind of dependability that makes five-year-old Alwatcr Kent si work perfectly today. Dependability tliutyoit can count on! It took yirs of research to develop a radio like this Model 40 and it takes modern precision methods to make as fine a set as this for only $81. We're sure it will satisfy yo-ii. So sure that a phone call to your nearest dealer today will bring a free demonftra tion in your own home. Mjtl 40 A. C Ml 0llawrd !. T lle-IM nlO Se-40 cyrja tltnrotinir cwrat. BaqviMa ate toW. m4 a rMilf uk ll (witboM i.b). W AUo Model 4t A. C Mt with Mnilic Km Tli(. r.T. Ulor. 190, gad M odd M, Ml CTU..pumiM HnMb A. C. M. 1110. Btu7 KU, ISS A 171 OffM tMbo, nmd UllcriM). -fUdlo'c traM Tal.- AlMrr Krmt R.dlo SpMltmt VWa E. E.J, Mai ulii;, llnxla MM, Mb (22. PEOPLES ELECTRIC STORE 212-214 W. Main Phone 12 burled in a drift of mow that ChriKuiHS eve. ( .Mr. Ilces, then only Ted, was ! busy udmiring the pictures painted by Jack Frost on the one window of the little home. Such hour frost 1 Was there ever the like of It be fore or since! It was a veritable forest tif ferns and trees and bushes, snowy white, more beauti ful eveu tliiiu the green ones that grew so thickly In summer along the little stream In buck of the I bouse und more impenetrable.! Murs und planets and comets were! in tills frosty forest, too, und her; and there the outline of a palace, I ut least for the imagination of lit-j He Ted. It was the most beautiful I thing that he hud ever seen, or probably ever would see, in this world t least. He could see It now, In memory, as plukily as he saw it then. His mother was at the stove pre paring supper. Soon she called him from his reverie, and he sat down by the soap box with ber and with bis lather. A pun of warm milk ras on the tiox and In the milk were bunks of bread a fount for a king. F.uch of the little family look a spoon and nte from tin1 brimming pan. How good it lasted! Would lie could tusle it now. While tils mother swept up the crumbs Ted hung his stocking near the stove. Then his mother pulled out the trundle bed, anil lu two minutes Ted was in the land of dreams. How cold the house was that Christmas morniug when at live o'clock be Jumped from his trundle bed and run to the stove to get his stinking! lie took it quickly back to bed, and dug bis band way down inio the toe to see what Santa had left for him. Oh, nuirvel of mar vels, n big red apple! And four little animal cookies I- I'v.: l-'V best" of nil" n stick of"peppcimint candy striped with red. What more could any child desire? "Your lifter-dinner coffee, sir," snld a while he-cupped uiiiid ut bis elbow. As be drunk the coffee. aJd looked into the tire, and listened lo the muic, Mr. Bees beard only the pun of milk simmering on the stove, saw only the boar frost for est, and Listed only the stick of pepiKTinlnt candy, his happiest memories in life, perhaps. (Si IS!I. Wtrn Xcwvapr UDlon I Four Out of Five Families Own One or More Cars 1 each, whilo In eiifht percent of the 'cases there are approximately 'three automobiles to the family. I The annual average runnintOnd maintenance cost of a car Is placed i at about $2:!5, of which about one . fifth is tire expense. According to siiitistics compiled ! Fish, valueless us food, may be by a wi ll-known lire manufacturer used for motor fiud. engineers re- four out of five families ' in the ; t'nited Slates own automobiles, (if i Hits number, it is estimated that , search in ibis direction - nearly IS per eenl pit-Mem Iwn ears ; ettnt Iniiett. port. Ity u spcciiiT process, a sub stitute for gasoline bus been ex tracted from waste fish and re- Is being The Best Painless Dentistry Out of Tune To the person out of tune wlfti life, Christina may menu, a weari some duty, a bestowing of gltis on Indifferent people, receiving in re turn things of Incredible unsult ability for which he must write notes of ltnitiillon thanks. Automobiles are damaged Ity sunburn unit to prevent this, a layer of colored lacquer, not more than olic-thotisamllh of all Inch thick, is spread over the bodies lo keep the rays of the son from diuimgitiK the coatings below. The ultraviolet rays work chief havoc with the finish, but the thin film of color effectively stops them. Days of tho "niukel theater" are recalled by a cojn-ln-the-slol cab inet for the showing of talkini; mil lion pictures and colored views In llireo dimensions. For five cents, the patron will see a flve-llilnute show featuring the latest news ami sport events. Should the film be too long lor a run of only five min utes, the next part will bo shown In another cabinet on the deposit of nn nittlltional coin. The next best thintf to nntiinil teeth is a (rood set of artificial ones. Teeth we make nre Rtinr uiitecd to fit and please you. Protect Your Tooth Health Dr. I. H. Gove THE-BEST-DENTISTRY-DONE -PAINLESSLY 235 E. MAIN ST. orrice phone 572-j MCDFOflO, ORC Buy Christmas Health Seal HUSBANDS let this list solve your CHRISTMAS SHOPPING BUY GIFTS AT YOUK ELEC TRIC DEALERS AT APPROXIMATE PRICES SHOWN HERE ELECTRIC RANGES $70 UP ELECTRIC REFRIGER- ATORS $200 UP TABLE AN D FLOOR LAMPS $3 UP PERCOLATORS AND URN SETS $7.95 UP WAFFLE IRONS $10 UP TOASTERS $3.75 UP ELECTRIC GRILLS $8.00 UP ELECTRIC IRONS $3.95 UP TABLE STOVES $8 UP PORTABLE HEATERS $4.95UP ELECTRIC IRONERS $119 UP ELECTRIC WASHERS $89.50 UP ELECTRIC CLEANERS $39.50 .UP 0 ELECTRIC COOKERS $10. A MAN can take real pride In giving these modern ' IjL electrical servants because he understands ,J them he knows their practical, every day ' value and knows that women take great pride and . pleasure in their ownership. Choose a really great gift for your wife this latest Electrio Range or fine electric Rcfrigeraftir. Lamps, waffle irons or per colator make ideal selections for others on your list. T II E CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY v