'PAnK'TIIHKM' REBEKAHS Of TODAY'S ASSEMBLY RETURN BOUT FOR SEVEN DAY MAIL' DiSTRiCT -MEETING OFFICIAL WELCOME KRUSE MAY HEAD ! SERVICE STARTS PROF. F.OEIMER FLU SITUATION IN nluy." l-'ml lli':ith. Jr., ulil ll:H uf Hi-itth'ti Ornir Stoic wave com yurnliiK. ' Wo will civ.- ;,ui) ilulls ,,t.u.iy rcluitli and rrrinlslivd. nl- uivay null ilny for the ni-xt fivi- ltillt- K,.,.aily to Ihe uttmitivi-neiM iliiyn. tiffm-dinK all an uppurtu- f ti. ,rK, A Hciiil lot f. nily In panl.QiU- in this nn-ilal wontlur Pioiihita. novel llltl'i iift'-l'." wvutlHT intliuitoi-M. are now on It"r.nl1y (he tlii-i.liiy winilnw lilspt.v In tlu' new wimlinvs. ILi l?nTWI?)rniTrTKMMI'VI!."M I-'IU'Okii. (,)l.t'l-.:i(),, .MO.V.DJiV. DliCK.M m;i ;;, 1irJ8. BEDFORD TODAY FOR FOOTBALLERS MONDAY MAT BILL PAT ROUTE TODAY TELESCOPE SIGHTS DURING VACATION 1. O. (). y, hall, with a li.vnquil for all the Hi'ljckahM sec-lu-duli-d at li::H' thin cVfiiiiiK at the hall. Mrs. WattcnlmiK Heads the ! ration from Klamath Kails, whiili is nrenentlni; work with Its drill team toal ;ht. From Ashland, lira. Ixniise l'erozzi. preslilftit of the' Hifc'h lru lVrn, either hoi-aline' of four Kvery-tlay air 'nail foot- of the Terrible Turk or his reluc-1 the spattle-l.os Ancel. this tnnee to niahe a Ion.; trip from . paelfle Air Tr.inrpoi-i The district convention of the Ktu.Unts of tile Senior Hebekah IuUkos eemeneil today school will hold tile final for its annual tension nt the loeal hall assembly of the -ear afternoon at three ..Ylo.k. when bait Lake lily lo .Meiltont. pro'e they will formally weleomu home alily will not wrestlo Hassan Mu-1 the state ehaniplon team. Mem- nnmmeu in uim i-iiv .milium hers of the faeliltv. students, and " scheduled, aetordllm to Mateh- eitizeu will address the assembly. nlter Jack Wood, who ia a rflllK and letters will be presented to distance toepiione call last nie.hl the following members -of til-' w' mlmmed that t ie .squad: p'" aere. Spi-aliina of show tieople 4tne i f the : tars is so hard boiled that a serviee on ,UIU. uf( M ,y s route of f,. jasuue,. ihr size of a tennis went into ball weighs over seveit tons. This Lake snippier will not Oregon Assembly, Is among those present and from Grants Pass. Jeannie llttrku, past president of the IU'lieHali assembly. Is also ' liernle lluulu's, center MuKhes, Ktiard: John .- uuard: William Morean imt- Willi.,,,, , .....,.,., uu same intie, as ivrotse in im.Muun , , . .. ' '? i,i i , llenjamln llarrell. halfback Snriuue ' Mowover. n is possiuie-uai nun tackle: sil" lmi' 1,0 waU'ltcrt with Hob truse ot I'oruauu in .uenuini on I, for return mutch with the Turk, president of the California juris-no.. .... .i. .... ,.' a.. t'ollovln ibe I'ortland man's de .'diction, and several district dep- ,,,., halfback: Clifford tiarnett, ' MoUloru two weeks up. uty presidents, are anions others ,,uilua,k. A1 M(.lvll mll.,el.bik; tuo Wnor x ,' '"; ih attendance. ' ! slums ilreen. Kuard; lit, A,.pl.-i" L.i"lll'k Ovnnt.s .1 uss wi.l i...,i i..,ifi... ,.V ..... m ii ... i..,if meet Tommy Ryan in tile semi- S. P. RAILWAY WRECK buck- ,M Pntt.-i- fiillliitfk Hubert I " """'if M.iMun, i-vutt-r. Oswuld' Xevvlin.- ciul : .laiuirt .Mele, yuard; AVilliatu Uolibyn, t it c U 1 e, and t'liiu-lt's; Tlumius, cm!. i Ten iiu-nibors uf this y oar's '. sqnail Kratiuntt m-xt June. Tht'.v: , t . -a.ro Mill .Muian, A'l ytnt hr, Uernii-. j MuKhes. M Mel via.' CUtt (iarnett.; An ih'Iiu if the Shaula train l.'t'ii nii lluricll, orbia (.'ookslo.' wreck yi-sterday ufternoun north j Hill Uowernian antt Kred ,MuDonj of KoM'burs affei'U-d tlu Mi'tlford aid. j jiostotficc, as that train rurrk-d, all Th tram, which came out of the southbound mail from the cast I the licnson H'mic with only cas-( to Mcdford and other way pufats. nal hunip.s. tor the first time i" The train which in due here three months, has broken train abuul 7:;iU p. m. daily because ofiin. Several of the .stars weru the wreck, did not roai h here until i rushed" as they suy on th" at about 3:00 o'clock this mur- jcainpus by fraternity members CITY ffect Hulav, A. K. Humphries, ls miall, incoipicm.us iravd-rc-o.hlcnr nnd general mana- v.iimti,ii of the ,..lin--; Mriiih, tli;it swia.- tin- hitter Kri-. annouueeu on authority from llruinill with in.(i ,,u, aitM.UKlll, lion. V. Itvint; Clover, seetmd, Another htm1, in the Orion eon- i tiKsiftaat postina.vter general. The stelbitiua i; plenty hot in fact so coast route has (orated daily,, hot that it actually kIvc.s off 1 I. (tint except Monday since the service ! time.- its much liuht as the sun. was iuaiiiiurated Septemlu'ii 1.). and eis less putdlrity ui it, nc- 1H2U, eordli'-K 1 1) IVufessoi II. Kclmer, 1'acifU- Air Transport o;'.me u' ; who Kavt' an intensely interesting der the control of lloeltiK Al. j tall; bff.tr, the Kiwanis club this (Transport last January I. New, noon. Mis subject wax, "What 1 ; t I'oeintr-buih planes were put ' Waw Thru t)ne of the World's Lar-, 'operation May 24. Traffic . ffl Telescoiics." ' ; increased ctadily, making" nnees-j i roies.-or Helmer's description ' 'sary seven-day service. The -newt of the planets and the stars, was . i ItoeSnj; ' -10-t'' 4 -passenger mall so vital and comprehensive, that ' ! planes were completed by the! the larpe autttence was loathe to ; ISoi'ini; Airplane - eoaipuay of te-j le:iv. tiie .dining room at Hotel attle- on Peeember 1st. to take .Med ford, after he had finished I care of heavy Christmas mall ex-1 speaking. Ipected. The Ww seven-day ser-' l-'ollowiaj; his brief sketch of the; v ce will hWu apply on the-feeder) ilanets themselves, he told of the lin- Seceatly put in operation to new telescope, which Is now being 'San Jose. This route probably I built, and will We located on top of I will be extended to Salinas and : boiue mountain either in California j ''!( t-nlh valley towns la the! or Arizona. ' It will measure L'Ki future, when poundage wnrrantB.- feet in diameter and 17 feet aero.-; i Vnder lioelng management, up the lens, which, instead of being' Ito November I. Pacific Air Trans-1 of glass, will lie of fused MUarU. , i port had flown riT.i.0 1.1 nines, ijni:, win in-ing otiter universes to Although the . Mcncral flu ami bad colds liiuaiioa seems to bi about i he same as last week, with more new etises reported over Sunday, the flu situation In he public schools seems much improved over ;aat of last week lien the schools adjourned Wed nesday for the Thanksgiving vaca tion, which ended this morning. Superintendent of Schools K. H. 1 led rick, who last week had Pre dicted thut sue h would probn bl be the case, nave out the abo e Information this noon, although he said he had not yet received complete reports from the various buildings. Many of the pupils and also some of the tea hers who were absent tnat week from sick ness were back again today. Although a number of the teaeliers were still out of school, several of t hese were absent be cause Df light Injuries and shock suffered ia the Shasta train wreck of Sunday afternoon near Hose burg. HERE FOR 3 BIG DAYS STARTS TODAY When the Greatest of Western Authors and the King of Western Stars, combiin their utmost efforts T&E RESULT IS JACK HOLT WITH BACLANOVA IN arried tt2.I4t pounds of ait celcbra- i "llil- u,ul 1'as.sengeno Air express totaled nnout zvv pounur since May la. wheir u contract wns made with the American ning. and to insure ihe prompt de livery of the mail for Medford that jirr' d on It. an extra crew of postoffice clerks was put lo work M -i.'M) o'clock sort It. ; Tim 'Ashland Hi-Utes itiun, scheduled to begin next Wed ! ne-'day eelnbrutlag 'u rious civic lmiiru'l.nl.Milu i- nt i let eil . there !.inriH,. ih,. vefti-.- will attract I l-ilvay Kxpress company. from the Vniver.sily of Oregon and!.. ,ftrco liumb,.r joc residents i 4 K- c- ho tliut city. Outstanding in the! .uorgan and i.erme 1 1 ugnes are (,Uy llnp,.uVrIIU.nt irt lho ew egarueu as nuiHiamung ai uj . S) -.,,.,. .......... SVMom iinu a now this' morning to 'niaierial. Neither has. made puh-s Only lour out. of the state cars! registered here yesterday with the ! local mate auto traffic bureau. , lie the name : will attend. . of tho college ho 10,000 , street i lighting system, TALL POLE INSTALLED BY COPCQ CREW FOR KIATIDMA r L uUHKUuiW 10 HAVE TURK FEED : liccausc it loosens ihcgcrm . ladcu phlegm, it helps to free the air passages of infectious mucus without the aid ohUpe, PERTUSSIN has -been pre scribed b)' physicians for more than twenty years. Being harmless, this soothing remedy may bo taken as often asis necessary. Itdocsnotupset the stomach. Sold by all drug gists in large and small bottles. ! making AHhliinU; tmv of tin1 licst j illKhU'U nn:ill cltiVs In tlio slato. ', Tlv. new liiihlint! tlvit win In-: istnllinl nlnns ,;n:i; "sti'iH-t IX'lwri'n ! tlio junctiun-or lihst , Main nt tin-j ! tluuli'vard (in Ihi1 soutli nnd llol- ; man .strc.a on the nurlli, ineludcH best equipment pnieuinlili' nnd . UH' nianufnetureil by the Westing- : tue I-Jleclrle ami .l;nuilaeiui-HiK j cumpany. The llKlithiK units are ' I'iuotl with liuht reetillneai- frlubes (.'(impany A will talk turkey at ami reCmelorti. The Hunts bIv ' Ihe annual ThankscivlliK dinner to '. beiKht iHliminaliun ami is euual in' be helil liiniiii rnw niKht at Ihe I streiu.-.h lo ill time:; full muiin- Kll;s temple. aeenrdiiiK tn an an- ; liyhl. neuneemenl niadi by Captain t ! An inlereslinij' previ a III Iuih been V. TeiiKwald. Tuast.s anil talks j prepared fur the celebration, will be made by the various i.l'fi--l whieh will offieially begin at 11 cers and men of the company, and o'clock Wednesday forenoon, and , an inlerestiiiB proBram has been, will include Ihe annual Christmas' ' planned. ,openlnK by the Asniaii'i merennms. m... i . ...in I-..II..... -....-L : 1 lie,il,,.. .lei i-lees will br. held i in .iii.ii iiiii ...v-iiH , , , ... ,,,. I ,,. se ular Tuesday nlKht drill nt Ihe in the arternoon ol ' the cny s new ,, ',, armory, and all the men are ex-i water system. cured for Ihe new pole s most local iiiiuh are iiiiii.ii tiiu nn.tn. the attention of thu' Kreat students of astronomy, as well as furthering' the study of those which have al ready been discovered. Thiit interest la the study of astronomy has become intensified during the past years, on account of . new development la other sciences, which bear upon It. and inn invention of larger ami stron ger telescopes, which have made more detailed sJudy of .the con Hlellatlons possible, was a state ment made by Professor Helmet-. Medford Boy To Be Examined For Naval Academy Lowell Dew, of Medford, will be among the young men tn I'nn Krevsman AV. V. llawley's district who will take the competitive ex amination for entry into the naval academy lit Annapol k as a mid shipman. i Tii- young nam pacing the i hifcho.-tt examination is unpointed S to the position and the two next i highest will be elio.sen tllleniales. who have it chance lo take the I principal's place should he fall ! at. uny time. One of the tallest flagpoleH In j the state was installed recently at the American Legion playground j on Kaft Main street. The pole, . which was donated by the Owen Oregon Lumber company Is 1 1 0 ( feet tall and is set In solid eon-: erete S feet deep. . To erei pole of this sh'.e was r task, but the California PREPARE TURKEYS peeted to turn out. Tfiey will , repair iti u body to the bnndquet j awaiting them at the temple. - ,. Turkey growera of the valley today began dressing their fowls for shipment to Now York for the Christmas and New YearV. trade, sm;,H per tile fii 1 1 of the l.'oultry Kaisers Oregon j association and f-'arm Hureau. It Power compuay stepped to me;'- "".. .-nun nu lumuiiun ui front r.r.d donated the services of turkeys from this .section. The a crew of Copco linemen, who put P-1 p Is yu cents per pound, f.o.b, up la fine 'shape. A flag of i n naiitae:; w lien tbe returiTs are emu ne i e. i ins price IS HI IK Ml 1 lower than that offered for the Thanksgiving birds, but the mar- It at, N I fences If the elastic In children's un der wear is fastened with a hook ahd eye it may be easily removed well built and well kept each time' U Ik' laundered, thus ire "show window" adver-Uenglheniag the service of the clas f progressive farineiv. " 1 the big American Legion ng is entirely too large. Tho new flan pole makes a splendid addi tion to the Legion playground and will fiivorsbb1 liet bus weakened The growers received about li 7 cents per pound for Uielr Thanks giving 7 .shlinuent, . and payment. no doubt attract much (win be made to inu snippers tne atteatioa. i laMt of the week, FREE DOLL OFFER ! AT HErWS STORE J Tomorrow, when l he doors of ' : Heath's Urug Mtore swing open, ; ; Medford ami southcra Oregon 1 ishoppers will take advantage ot jthu second annual frcu doll offer. 1 ; which is being featured by that , i firm. Th's year, us a special in I cenllve for Koguo Klvi-r Valley ; I people to visit Jleath's store and Isee the varh-d holiday gift dis- , ilays, 200 dolls , will ho given jaway. They arc especially well made baby dolls, eight IneheM high i anil one will bo given with a ! purchase of &le. j "We have the finest holiday jgift stock la our history and we are. -using) our. :fr.oi dull .offer, uh ii magnet lo draw people to our 1 store to Kee our 'hr 1st mas din- l xV'i'i Bll!OJ Nature roars its wrath... A whole 18 ' ijji.ip mountain moves.. The swaggering yx'"i;'W Qambler pales. The sneering siren a A' X! ccrcams! The smashing climax is ?li'!jt . . to Zane Gicy's dramatic story. '3 tJlth V l-ove pitted against the -forces of ffl i i fe Nature. .Jack Holt, Baclanova in Siil '''"fffll y ' -"'""fill roles. . . , r ' i Also Rothermels Music, Good Comedy . . .... .-. Admission., . 1 ' Latest News " ' Mats 10 & 23. Eves 10 & 35 i L- zacinta. Well Made, 8-Irich Doll Free With Any 50c Purchase 500 wen For 5 Days, AWay Bam ii Beginn ing Tomorrow Morning ay at 8 o'Clock An Onnorhin.lv del ( hi ishnas Dolls FIE ww rv , w ' , . Last ycitr, in our two stores,' w gave away 2-10U doll's as an ineeiit ive tor holiday shoppers to aw our Mivist mas season slocks. This year 2500 dolls -will be given FHKE in our one store. They will go quickly each day, too, so come early! Don't forget to look at our Christmas stocks! THEY WILL GO FAST EACH DAY-COME EARLY! i K ; mm TEA mi iMi ' m mum iii LARRY FRED TELEPHONE 884 , 3z: 32: 11 :