Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 03, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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ocal and
ltpresentattve Hawlcy has been
nntifkd by tin? bureau 'f naviga
tion of i lif navy th;ii tuie vacancy
iiww t-xiM fin mJde hipmun at the
Hugh It. Uankin. supervisor of
tho Crater niitiunal fm-f.i, tatn.l
lwighf Phlpps, stale flu wanU-ii
for .lueksun county, loft this morn
ing for Halem in attend the con
ference called ly the slate torestr
of the hUpfiriMH uf tli 'rater., and Siskiyou niiiinnul for
ests ami the district fir- warden,
on the matter uf cooperation in
forest fire protection.
concerning your ecs c..nim m. uUltso lo i:ilK,.n(l( lr( resume their
Itoland Humphreys, instructor In! Tho first basketball guine of the
niihfinatl(n ait the hich school, j season in the county will be placed - Qf
(-iiiiui-u tit 11 iuiil KDiii r.uhriiT-, in jii rjiunj i-vi-iiiiiK ui duup riiliB.
after spending the holiday with j between ihu girls' and boys' team'
naval academy at Annapolis, for . hi sister, the Minn1 .lAita. and ! of the lUitte Fa 11k and Central
the fii-ht rongressional district ofjKvelyn. Mr. Humphrey wax a I I'olnt high schools, according to I
Orcein. The civil serviie conunis-j passenger on tho Hhasta at the! Mis Jtuth Colling of the Central
ston will hold open competitive time of the wreck, and escaped 1 1'oJnt high school, who wan in
examination of all qualified young without! njury. Med ford yesterday, Hhe reported
men who apply to Air. Hawley and; Kiuhrer's bread wrapper H. tt n. I the C. P. tea Hut to b built up of'
Who art bo tut fid.'-fcldent of iheRtlimJ exchanges offer has hern ex-! Kd inatrinl and will be as Rood
dMrl-i, on Junua 12, 1 !-!, at : t,.Mftcd to January Iki. Tho sawej" Uint yeur wnn tne bo'' toam ;
varioiiri po.-tof ru-cM in the district. 1Ko0 Uf xchaiiK ntt heretofore ! won tnt Jackson county chnm--
Tn users of H. H. stamps: The will hp maintained. ZiiZ ! Pionship.
final redemption date of Kiuhrer's J KxamlnatJona for state teachers' Wood nil kind oak, laurel,'
bread wrappers for S. K- II. stamps ' t.f.rilfU-alen will be held ut thifr nd dry Blabs. Medford Fuel
has been exwndcd to January Iwt.:(.ount .. courthouse hero beginning , 'o. Tel. 631. tf
-"-f rs
D. A. Chambers, Optometrist. :ll
Medford libltf. l-'or uppoinlni'-nl
Phono 1SH., Clasps filled an J fur-netted.
"W i Wednesday mominiz. Ilecpmbff 1H. Rent recelnts never boucht a
Kailierln.' Kweenry and ivrir ni , o-nd,, Iln, coniinuinif until home. Kouthern Iluildinit & Loan;
Cow iftunie.l yc-Hti-nlay on the ' n,llul.(iay ot 4 m. f the game ! Amoclntlon. 260
week. TearheiH who huve attend-: ilrs, E, K fioro on1 dauchterj
cd normal sc hool but have never r)orothy will leave this evening for '
h (iiuren u fraaiw, win uim me , rvanclKeo to upend a week.,
- HttldifM
of Ore-
all kinds oak, laurel.
surfacing with oil treated crushed
-'iravel or stone. Ii'.ti miles 01
roadway between l-ueemc and
; Clear 1-ake Oaks, Ijike county,
' Minister To Bulgaria
- 51
fir and drv ulalts.
The Marxnall Prliitinit Co.. local cn. Tel 031.
(xamilialioiiK. wliirh thin year will while thero they will uttend the
! easier than In other years, as ; w m,,hony eonceru and will hear
11 . n,k teutu tvlll ht. t?lven on ttui'h teKtM : ... un.i ..i vi r
vnoui -tN - --f. ;as niusf-, drawing, manual train-; hin They will return Decomber lu
nai liai a are amone the latest vie- j reclyti-red nt local hotcln and , doiwullc art. mrchiuilrnl draw. : iiMt i-tH,. iumD coni Tcl C3I
tims of the flu, at Ihelr home. Mr. ! arrived Ounday. are Mr. and Mm. . , Ktl.OK1.,l)hv lind bookkeeplnR. Medford tuel Co ' . tf'
itevan was ..ul.e III ycs.erday and .1 r Klt.patrick of Coquille C..R . , Thomaa ; re
tudav Ileyimrn, . .M. Hilary and t. p . . ' ... . , ...
I et'me write your fire InsurUn,. ! S. hmeer of Hu and the fol- . '"" P"" -' ! and small loan. on ony-
Carf Y Te, swald. Hotel Holland. lowh.R from Portland: Mrs. Pearl ! Chester Hubbard was .nonB the; thing of va ue Pa m .lock, corner
Phono 8. tf K. Itavcn, X. II. .lamlson, Mrs. K. ' f. H. C. sludents who loft yestor- Jn n"f lnt- uPtalr.. tf'
0."orpBo.nndKarlllnl.erthavelM. Hell, Mrs. K S. Hill. Mrs. I.. day for forvallls after spendlnK 1 t burKlarv-for several
received teleui aphlo news of the, II. Murphy, Miss Murphy, . J. ! rnnnKsmvinn nnn trie weeK o in
death of their slcp-father. P. ILlllllI, P. M. Swank, Abbey (ireen, ! Medford. T' "," " "'"w
iVjmenrof rtmix C Ay. low . In thel Fre, Itovvley. W. C. Clark. K. Ken-! The 8. If. stamp exehaBe of. : .he end of North Illvcrside enlor.
. ?!.?..,.... ,. u M,...ul, I fee on l.-luhrer's broad wrannersiA reamer, a valve Krinder and
;.! nl.e circle oV ac'oualniances ' Daily's Taxi.' Phono 15. New I has been extended to January lst.!ylve refneer were reported miss-
Medford as he had vlslu d here !Sl..debakcr sedan. S74'' - ,M. nKI s.x cn.CKens wnicn were
,. number of times l", past years, i Itobert Hammond, Jr., who vis- Clyde Dannals left yesterday for! ""en -i chicken house near
' "All aboard," first trip of "The, lied his .parents here over .he boll- his home In Albany, following a j ""t ,,
tlhost Train." Thursday niubl a. days, returned to Kuitene yesler- j short visit with his brother. James 1 hat Kd coal low-In nsh. Han
,,l..h,, .heaiei- 'lioUlay ' I Han.mlK. who resides at the Hotel sen foal C o. Phone 230. tf
Amorthe ,K,,s fro,,, a dls' The S. A ... exchange of-1 Holland. . double ,to rk our .!-..
tanco roKislereil al Medford holels! fer mi riuhrer's bread wrappers! menu dry lumber at Aleutord ' -..
are J. C. Hart of h'l. I.ouls, .Mo , I has been extended to January 1st. j Lumber Co. 23, tf j
Mrs. Fred locals of Chliauo anil 2(J3 Ml. and Mrs. Wilson v.. ' V'",' " ,"'' ' "'. i scene clliectlnB relief measures fo.
AV'nlter Wilson of Uelroil. ' We started operatinit last Hun-! "en mis toronoon lor Mieir nome ( """ , ' i, C ' .. . ithe survivors of an cartixiuake
-,.,. ....U. T,-n n ,,,, , ,.r, nteiv firter it n i.tjentiaie. .. lonowinir sev-,--e
Playhouse Theat
Miss Margaret
Cnlverslty studcnl, was auest of! turn to the Itobertson Hold mine Let us tell you about our Insured , L.". ..'.. V. I us unofficial sources placed theU.Ike the anointed ones so fair.
honor at n noon luncheon yesler- In the llallce district. Josephine I savings plan. Kouthern BulldlnK '" "" '"-"""'' '" ,'" ' deaths at 230 with more than -tOU I All washed; from Bin mado free.
day Klven by Miss Ituth (Iicku at .county. Mr. Itutler l niovlHK his .v l.oan Association. .no- Injured. I humbly bow my head In prayer,
no tests will be islvcn on such tests: tn 0,Mii virtuoso. Ycbudl Menyou-
- First releasing homing pigeons with messages of aurance to
herhusbanJHcnrj'.MammySperry.well known darkie radio
character, departs by air from San Francisco for Los Angeles.
She carries her trusty, black umbrella which she plans to use
as a parachute, should the going get rough.
I Ye Poet's Corner
.4 Mlt.ilrymr
ftj y
SANTIAGO, Chile, Deo. 3. (Pi
.mi . ami ,iirn. . t. ifityinru u
Tho Ikitutlful Snow. ... .
By .lur' O. Carvy.
I love the unow, the fleecy snow.;
TranKcendent, pure and white; i
Descending from the ethernl blue.
Ah tingel'M wiriKR in flight.
Then all the dark uncanny spotH
Are hid from mortal view,
jUke . holy . saints, all robed in
Or the old earth, born anew.
I hear the merry chime of nellH; !
The joyouii shouts of youth.
H. F. Arthur Schoenfeld of New
York, counselor of the American
embassy in Mexico, Kas been ap
nolnted minister to Bulgaria.
C.fwntlfA nrtvflrtlstnir Ret remlt
These Drug Stores
are open nights this
Jarmin & Woods
James McNair Pharmacy
West Side Pharmacy
whirh devastated u larpe area 150 :I see tho holy ones of God
forth to tell His truth.
nter. 255'hiiw S-lon In (,'old." said K. Dean ' eial days xpent In Medford visit- l'l'y hi'J '"'n' TlinnksBlvlnit with , lnjlr!, to the HOUth ot Slintiu(;0 A . . (.im(!
ret llensley. former I Itutler. who left List nlnht to j 1K friends and relatives. . I . Ilrow n and rami . 0 - casualty list complied from varl-
donl, was auesl ufiturn to the Itol.erlson Kold mine Let us tell you about our Insured , Mr. t.aiord ana son IHiver )us unfn,.i urcol phu-cd thell.lke th
the MeMornm ud Washhurne tea rnmlly to Cants ! and will A number ot Klamath Falls pro-! j " ' ' ''"V'' "'3 "
., ,,. ..,, ,. .... .,.,., ..r iiw.n l. .., , ,h,. ,,,lne it u ihelnle motored to Jtedford over Kun-lonUlnK- ! Ino interior work a spec
-, ' ' " : " " , . . . ..... . nit., i)hi.n 110 ten
Olve Kuller IlruMhew for Christ
.Miirtlitl law was established In ; "Lord, take nil mains from me.'
alumnae of Thela HIkmih I'hi. TIiomo ! protram tu continue oiieratioitH day to ntlend the Kanchon-Marco !
pnesent were MIhh liennley, mvh. through tno winter. Mr. imiier inTiurmun "i nuni u v.muwiiiu
Krlc Allen, Mm. (Jciu'k Turnhull
Mrn. Kenneth WudlelKh. MImk Mh-
rlitn Lovi MIhm W'llma heater.
Airs. JamcH Manning, MIhh Itutl)
Crt'KK- Kunene KewlHter.
proceKs enwrnverH, haw. a larwe vari
ety of beautiful greeting ruidn In
their namplo room. all early and
(weet from their complete line.
MiHM Myrtle Toby, a member of
the hlKh Hchoot faculty, arrived
here Sunday ninht, after vIkHIhk
-her mother at HalHey during Ihe
ThankHKlvIriK vacation.
i'oems wt to mtiflc. MriKt'rcnift
Honjr 1'ubllnher, Heattle, L'lil
llest l-'tiilt lump coal. Tel.
Medford Fuel On. If
In .ludge Taylor'H rnurt this
mornhlK. M. K. Stone had a pre
liminary hearing on the charge of
JsHiUug a check without having
NUfflclent fundH In the bnnk to
recently look over the the prop
erly and Sunday was the first time
that operations were begun under
hln direction. The ore used waa
llmt in the blnn. "And we 'have
some fine tiro ready to take out,"
ho wild. Tho mine Is considered
one of the freak gold mines of the
went because of the fabulous rleh-
nens of tho ore. Orcgoninn
Dressed hens, iifit
If you want n hair-raising, neni
gripping ride, coinn early for "The
OhOHl Traln.M . , '
A. A. dill of ArvnUft Wyo., and
): it. Ihiooer of Xesr t:ltv. Kahh..
were among the motor tourists j pmvul of tho budget.. The session , from
Tuli'fi iin f mlii ur fin 1 rtv nf 11: Ann
J" , population which apparently bore
i the brunt of the quake. Official
MON. TUES. & WED. NIGHTS 8: 15 MATS. TUES. 4 WED., 3 P. M.
presents years to make
from a distance who registered to
day at the local branch of the out
of state auto registration bureau.
Hot, rloaji coal. Tel. 31. Med-
Johnson's ! ford Fuel Co. tf
tf j lid Montgomery, arrested Satur-
meet it, and was bound over to the
grand Jury on f 1 00 ball. The check; be maintained
In question was one of SlH.Gii given Charles (Jllherl, who left last
last September tu tho t.'. K. dates week for I'ortlaud and attended
Auto company In purchasing Votne the Medford hlgh-t:enson game,
auto supplies. It was brought out remained over In the northern city
at lho heart ok that tho dates com- to tnko In the Shnno ceremonial
p.rtny and dUtnlot- Attorney's office to be held there tonight.
liad Hovoral tlmca warned hln, of,' It' tojulng, ,"The Ubost Trdln."
Tho Orange Lantern, a light j day nlfchl for Intoxication, forfeit
I u n c h eslalillshment en Holly i ed n cash ball of I0 when he fall
street, changed bands last week I d to appear In tho city policel
when It was purchased by 1), j court today. j
lleelt of this city from Mrs. AVj See CharleH A. Wins to buy your (
I ar,n it. In. rum.', It f.i' u n m . I ll O 111 C. 2K2.
time." Vho Orangn Lantern is lo- Luclllo Murray, daughter of Mr.) AIl'fi- ltOHO Wolff, employe of the
eated on tin- I', o. super service : and Mrs. C. Murray, waa nmong "' 'h ihmhi..
property. in local residents- who were re-
Kluhrer's bread wrapper S. & 1 T. j turning to Medford on the Shasta
stamp exchange offer has been ox- J when It left the rails above Hone
tended to January 1st. Tho same j burg ycHtcrday. ; '
ratio of exchange as heretofore will ' Mr. Rhnrd has opened the hair
2fia cutting department In tho Kmmn
, , ... , , i"u "iu"i v mi' qu.iHL'. mucin! 1
mas For Immedlalo service. Tel. , nlvlcm from h(r( mM lhM on,y (
, . . . .. ."I. !,en ')cr cent ot tl' houses were j
me nnni nuciRei meetinc or me nni,ltnble. nuildi nils not already
year will lut held al Ihe courthouse ! ,,, hy lho lllwkn wm.Q h
next Friday, Deeember 7. for ap-, mollshed to avert further danKer !
proval of lho budnoi. The session rrom .. ,, .,, I
will ennvenn at m n'cloclc. and nh-j .leniliK at Tnloa were estlmnled at'
Jeellons nnd refjuesls relative lo ios, wltn 3m injured i
the budcet will he heard. Vpon j Jtelief trains ere snee.lln.. i.
tho adoption of the.budKet. it will the stricken area, rem.lar railway ! 'T, "f u'Cn ,n ZVl
be turned over to the assessor's Ulied tiles havlt.K been cancelled so : " "f. 0.rJ."'""m V0,"'6'
"f" "!! 'hP Vri"h - "1" HKh, of way. "Si
SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Dec. 3.
(IP) The Medford, Ore., contraet-
ous levies for the year
Ilaritnins, si;? velour remnants :
for pillows. Fashion Shop, 41M i
.Medford HldR. . 24Ctf i
Clly Sanitary Service. Phono D42.j
waa awarded a S219.8S2 contract to
day by the California slate divis
lon of highways for tnadiiiK and
Vh: &1Hrs. MARTIN"
Reserved Seats All Shows On Sale at Theatre Friday.V
Nights 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, Mats. 50c, 75c, $1.00. No Tax.
Mail Orders Filled Promptly In Order of Receipt
NOTE This is ONLY Engagement in thi
Plays Medford on Way North and East. .
Territory Organization
thin mattor. but that ho Ignored
irtich warnings to make the check
good. Mr. Ktone claimed that a
mistake tn bookkeeping was the
reason there was not sufficient
funds In the hank to meet the
To users ,of H. & II. green trad
liK Htunips: The final redemption
date of Fluhrer's bread wrappers
levhouHU Theater. 2fi5
Building permits were Issued by
tho city to A. N. Wright to build
a small gnrago at 1034 North Cen
tral nvenuo at a cost of 5.10. and
lo W. 11. Loverette to complete
the second story of the Levcreltc
building on South Cent ml avenue
at a cost of snooo.
One month's extension huH been
for R. & 11. green trading stamps . granted on the H. iV I!, trading
nan been extended lo January 1st. stamp exehungo offer for Fluhrer's
"C;il bread wrappers. L'tM
Y Oregon Fire Hullef Association of M. K, Carter was called to I'trt
SlcMlnnvllle, lre. C. L. doff, vVgt.. j land yeyterday for a conference
4l! fcnst Main Ht. Tel. lias. ISfitf with A. W. Vount. who owns u
Mr. nnd Mm, J truce lennts. 11. 1 mine- In northern California.
A. Morrison and X. .1. Knrlght were! Highest grade IMnh coal, any
timnng the Khimnth Kalis residents ! size, anywhere, any amount. Ilan
Kperidlng tiunduy in Medford. j sen Cml Co. I'hutin 2S!t. tf
! Wood all kinds oak, laurel. , The next three months will see
fir and dry Hlnbs. Medford Fuel one of the greatesl Influxes of tour
Co. Tel. 631. tr Ists ever to visit California in the
Cheap hi miter and cedar posts. Mast several years, and Oregon
fined tu her home at the Top Notch
Orchard with the flu this week.
Our shares are good investments
and pay good dividends. Kouthern'
llulldlng & Ixmh Asoclatlon. Ufift
Miss Nellie mono and MIhh, Ada
(Mine Hhop. Kxpert cutting and
French Rhingllng rtono nccurntely.
Artistic, hair bobbing at Kmma
Cllno Shop. Work done, by Mr.
Khard. 2fi7
Jasper neynolds. son of Mr. and
Mrs C. L. Itynolds, left last night
for Kugeno after spending the holi
days In Medford.
Coal by tho wick or ton. Tel.
631. Medford Fuel Co. tf
(iel those endent -and auto
Davis returned today Irnm nor
thern California where they spent
tho Thanksgiving holidays with
relatives. i ,
ll People Are Learning il
Obituary ,
STl.NH Harry Htlne, former
well known local cltiz.en. clerk of
the city (ichool hoard nnd Insuv-
nnee itKent, died Saturday pvonlnK
oooiCK Hiiaicntened nl lirlll a hneet nt ,1H. . hum(, , K Kranclseo,
Metal orlt.s. oppollo i.owIh super. n.ncn, ),,. nn mnin hin liome for
Service Station... phone 4 I S. 2r.5, ! BBVPra, ymrHt nefore lenvlnu this
A civil action for niou-y, aisainn -i... i, i,.ui made hln home In
it. it. imcn ny Ainrim uurKnari
waM on file today at the eou'.Uy
Metlford Lumber fo.
; Followlnn a henvy foK. which the Hprlnc nnd Hummer, nrenrdlnK
came on Ihls mornlnt;, the, mm to ,. ,. tinnandy. iteneral paen
eamc out at noon today. Fair and iter nccnt for Ihe Southern I'uclilc
cold weather In forecnHt for lonlKht eomimny. Tile Houlhern I'aclflo In
and Tuemlay. The temperature nf preparing for Ihe IiomIm of ple.iMiire
ycsierdny were a .11 maximum and neckcm, he nald.
a 81 minimum. It you want a hiilr-raMim! eal-
"All nlioard." first trip nf "The nrlpiliiK ride, come early for "The
Ohom Train." Thnrndny iilKhl ul , ChoHt Train." 2H(
Playhouse theater. 2IUI! Miss Mariorln KelH- left v.. -
elerk'H office, lturkhart t lulmH he
has ST.". due for tho rental tf prop,
erty. ,
l-'or your holiday concert secure
a copy of the Honk "The Way of
Faith," written hy Mr. Mary O.
Carey, al the loenl music slorea.
Own your awn home through Us.
Southern JtulldlnK i Loan Assocl
imi. :co
As Ihe result of faolllties offered
.Medford for Id years and forhiany
years, was. clerk of the school
hoard. Ho was also at one time
principal of the Wnshlnnton school
and leaves several hrothers and
sister lo survive his loss, including
Kate Stlne of this city nnd San
Francisco. He also leaves a wife
and n son. John.
WASHINGTON-. Dec. a. rm I
I Improvement of river and-harbor '
! projects throUKhout the country
lee" tl"lr nainlennnee will re-1
quire $50,781, 880, exclusive nf the!
u.iusissippi river flood control vo:l(
durln.-r the fiscal year endini! June ,
.10. man. .Mn. i;,.ii. EiKar Jardin
siihmittcd estimates of the various
projects to congress t,oday with I
bis annual report. shnwinK thai ;
$17,295,2711 was expended oa the.s
projects in the year which ended .
Juno JO, ISI28, ami that ST.'t.lSl
was available for the work during.
Ihe current year which tends on i
June 30, 132!). !
Pacific coast projects included:
(,'resceni City harbor, 19:10 P.I29
California .. ;!lu.00i) $233,207
Coquille river. Ore. 7.000 1-1,729!
Cooa Hay. Ore 191.400 021.152 :
Coos river. Ore a.OpO -1.S3S
I'mpqua river. Ore. .180,000 319.022
People Are Learning
To expect tho services of a lady assistant
when they call upon a funeral director; they
have found that her seivicos are most valu
able and that no funeral director offers a
complete service unless he has a capable and
experienced lady attendant to assist him.
The services of a licensed lady embalmer,
Mrs. Conger, are offered to all who call upon
this organization.
SWgximum in service.
modestly priced
(Phone an-
3 lti'av, iMssferteJ
it mm . mm -
... CHAPEL j ... i
:. .;. . , - . ) . r
M ! M..A if' ' ! Pi 5. ' h ill mL.
"(fif-. 155
Have your brakes icllned nl the
Urake Shop, with Husco. Itobl
wet or dry. Mack's Oarage, X.
I'lvei-slde. ITiV
day for r.ugene, af'.fr .fpi'ndhm
Thnnksc'viiig nnd the week end
with her parents, Attorney and
Mrs. K. K. Kelhv
l37tf should profit by tho overflow in hy transportation, four rural
yciioois, whiclt msl year were npn
above Ashland, are closed this year
and the students are attending
school In the (Jranllu City. Two
schools, the Hiskiynu and Oreen
sprlng districts, were closed last
year nnd those closed this year Id
dude Soda .Springs. Head Indian,
Pilot Kock and. IMnehurst districts.
While this throws a number of
teachers out of work, more are
found to be needed In other dis
tricts because of Increased lnroll
ments. One new tencher wn add
ed Inst week nt the Aate school,
whore one teacher hnd been teach
ing all eight grades,
OunVnnteed hemstitching, 7c.
Work not drawn. Mro, Oanonse,
Sinelalr'j Dollar Store. 247tf
Huso mending, runners removeil
and snacs worked hnck. Handi
craft Hhop. 216tf
Heputy Sheriff Paul Jennings
returned Saturday from Salem nnd
ortlund, ufter taking two prison
ers. Mortis Jain nnd Frank Mlc
euci tf Ashland, sentenced to one
year each for larceny. lpon the
return trip he took Churlew Koel
lers of Trail in custody, to serve
an uncompleted jail sentence In the
county juil here. Konllers was re-
II. p.
Special. Convocation
Crater Lake Chapter No.
3i, 11. A. XL, Tuesday,
Dec. 4. ":30 p. m. Work
In P. M. .and M.' K. M.
deitrees. Ily order of I
K. B. NICHOLS. Secy.
IK TlilC 1AUTV who took my ooat
hy mistake SuiurdaA- night at
JCttgle Point will eft 11 lr. Krwse's
office any morning I will rulurn
her coat.
VOIX 8ALK Modern home. 20
Quince; shrubbery, roses, her-1
rles; east' front, .irgo lot, assess-1
mentH nald. t)ne-lhlra uown.
good terms on bnlnnce. Inquire
at residence. L'fifl
KHlll HKNT-Upsialrs 3-room fur
nished iipnrtmenl; electric ranKe,,
ItaraKC, ,lu per mo. i-none la,;,.
FOH IlKNT Modern 4-room un
furnished house on pavement.
Phone loTft, ?i5
Poll SALK--Ono of the best hullt
hun;nlows in Medford, on pnv
inir. east front, larue lot. fruit.
etc. Will sell furnished or un- I
unfurnished: fuel for wlnler
Terms. C. H. lllllterfield, ll.allor.
.MAHltlKI) MAN wanls work. Lx- I
perlenced al ranrhlnx and farm-
imt. w. inn. ar.e
leased lust saturdrsy from the slnlci WANTKIV Competent woman or
penitentiary after havlmt servetl itlrl for Rnnornl hnnsework. small
lime there for operallitK a moon-, family. Tel. lOSD-X. 2Mtf"
shine still in UoiiKlas county.
This newest member of Flutter's Line of Bread it
' j. breaking lt tale records. Your grocer hat It. '
Doors .and windows cheap nt
Medford Lumber Co. 237lf
Coal hy tho sack or ton. Tel.
631. Medford Kuel Co. tf
Amonir the Callfontnn reKlsii..'
ed nt Medford hotel nrt Mr. and
Mr. I-:. P. linker of Sacramento,
Paul U. Hmllh of Kureka. II, J.
Ilrown, J. V. Maxwell. It. p. Matim
Ion of Los AnucleH. Murdoch Me
LiMid and Mr. and Mrs. T. A, Hays
of San Francisco.
Safety flrsl: Thla Iluildinit and
i Loan association nperatt under
state supervision. Kouthern ltutlri.
Inn Loan Association. 5H0
HenistltehlnK, hose m e n A I n r,
plentlnK nnd hultnn muklns. Han
dlernft Shop. Phone 70!. ISJlf
The llnosevelt P..T. A. will meet
FVIdav, 1eiMniler "th.
One month's extension has been
sranlert on tho s. 11. trndlna
slnmp cxehanKe offer for Muh-
rcr't bread wrappers, 3j
KOlt ItKNT -Clean licht housr
keeplna rooms, downstnlra. 118 I
Oenesee. '.' " '.no '
WANTED Mid. lie. used woman
wishes lo- do housekeepliiR or
.-ure an- eimnren or convales
cent. Address llox CI.
M-. Mall I
TO TIIADK-Cahle Nelson player
piano and -in rons for pood car. I
sedan or murine, not earlier than
l!2. See Hart, IIS Pine SI.. I
asniano, tire.
FOIt 8AI.K lioy's Saxony wool
jersey milt, 1-yr. slse. very good
lookliiR and reasonable price. 135
8. Tripp. Phone KOx.X. li:A'
WANTF.D--Karm work: Kood milk.
or. orrnaru man, poultry, rnh-
. nns; urive irnctors. 11. r. Dem
on-si, Ddell, Ore. :r.j
KOH SAl.K Kreh row,
:-P-."i. C. W. Winroa.
Foil iiknt 4-nom unfurnlshe(f-t-
nuuhu, rnune ;;t.'-y. so
I W W --mmi - t muginiisi list til hiihiii wi tin i, . .,.
yir nTs Here in SouncTTX 1' !
1 trA Jt9Xr-l ffk- Vienna Waltzes. Jll.l r, Y . I
I I K'Si I I : v 1 1 IIII If II I MLMI 11 I
7 xX- TKlRSfil WW
, ? 7 "nv.L..t.H.t. Y TSBBa ..ATaWt t
a m ".. - r vr .wn'MBsiBBaTriM. 1 1
I X I ft "vmg t-nnce in a warm, 21 A U ' WlK1- )Uy I I
1 I M i I f Hear ".throbbing love The Avi I
i trvj t.Kv i LKiAiN -rnVni cwm yr .m i
I -? fl : 1 II rfSKfll jtfmi : 1
. ... - -WJ 'ji.- x'p-.Ta.j. i.