Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 03, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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    i- The Weather
Forecast Fair and cold tonight
and Tuewtay.
MnTluiuiu yesterday 3ft
Minimum yesterday 31
Medeord I
Weather Year Ago
Maiiiuum 4i
.Milt Imu iu au
Daily Twent). third Vmt
Wwklj Ki(ty-vfiith War
MEDF0KD, OM-X'iOX. MONDAY. DKt'K.M VA'M :!. itvjs.
No. L.)4.
Today IAIS
By Arthur Brisbane - , H T H A I I T R
A Flying Hotel.
If T. F. Ryan Remembers,
Mr. Gigli Reduces.
e U. S. A. and Florida
(Copyright. 1928, by Star Co.)
The Junkers Onwin .firm;
o hnMriiii"- ii "flvinir hotel" I
..... MU.MItH .. ........
to carry fifty passengers across
the ocean. T h c iassengers'
quarters will be iu the wings, j
.eight feet in thickness. Those j
ftiat dismissed ns silly the idea
of flying thirty years ago, did j
not think they would live to i
see n hotel for human beings
in the winds ot n living ma
Thomas V. Hynn,
from, three to five
WIIO ll'lt I
ttn.wli.n.l lv
lllllKli Ulij,
millions, disinherited his oldest
son, to whom he pave only I! ;
"et of white pearl shirt studs. t
Rather a cold legsfvy. '
. . I
1 lie r rencii law wisely lor-
liids sucji diseriniiiiation, hold-
iiiK that a child is as its father: ltosKiifitc. ore, u."c. a. (P
i i r ,t. - :. .... A loose drive-wheel tire on the
made it and the father is re- j ,ot,onU)livu ycMU.r(l.iy llfu.rno..n
SpnilKllilo. Perhaps K. HyUll, jcaiiHtd derailment of the Simth-
p i ' . . im I'aiif.c train Shasta Limited,
if he now remembers tln-.!r(wllllmK ,n inJury lo neiU.y a
earth, regrets the disinherit- jsrnre of passengers, none of whom
ance, seeing more clearly that
! i
the son was really disinherited
...ii V .1 l
fnr liastv hot iierteellv natural
1 . I ' many motorists on ine i-ucuej; XKW VOIti". Hec 3 (Pi
impulsive criticism of his fatll- HUthway, which, parallels the ti-:it-u i j-,,.,,,,. i-unn linker, lu-year-l
er when the latter remarried '"-!'" ,1'". -..,. nmll car'"1'1 "'''' cbic.iKo. arrived,
,. , . .1 , .1 r . . emlcn- mn" ca'.in New York last week w.tll a
immediately upon the death Otland four passenger cars plunKed (.k(,t fu of mi,nuy and a head:
c:.... ...:r.. ...rtil rtp -ti..-,
me nisi nuc, in.Miic. ... i'.lhu riKhtrot-wny fence and Into
actly what Thomas V. Hyiin
himself WOlllll have tloilC at the
Same a-.-
MtllU. Il-C.
11 ' t
fiijrli has a beautiful voice
, , .. . , , , t c , .
Jiil thinks he has too fat a
OOtlv. He WeiullS loi) pounds I
i - , i" tni ,.;,1,( t
Ulltl IS Ullll IMC jcci, rinm
inches tall. He says "I must
make love in opera and to mak
love you must he slender."
That isn't so as Henry the
Eighth proved. Gigli chops
WOOa I or Hie poor, buu.wh
to pet thin. It is also n pood!
wnv to avoid cancer. Dr. Dud-
' i i
ley .lackson, learned surgeon
nf Snn An Inn in. Texiis. snvs'
- ' - ' i
those too fat are in danger of!
A suggestion for .congress
w i t h Republicans n o w iu
charge that Florida has gone
Republican' and becomes de
batable territorv. AVhv not do I
something for Florida!
First repeal a law diserim
. inating against Florida in the
way of taxation practically
Florida s right to enact its own
niTHlUl, III HIC lliui"iii I-," I
crnnient regulate flood eondi-!
.: :.. l !. -il.l,,,Ln Th.. i
nuns ... ....c v,, .
overflow of that lake caused
greatest damage in the recent
lhnt was due tO ;
Ihe fart that tlie federal an -
' 1 "
thoritie.S eompelled Florida t
i. 4t,rt l l. ,.l(llu
1 I 1 . I
taill heiplltll for navigation
"With or without the nation's
help, nothing will check the
growth of Florida, or perman
ently injure its prosperity.
If the people of Florida
knew as well as outsiders do
what their prosperity and vnl
ties must inevitably
1)C, they
wouldn't sell anything.
"One nf the shrewdest Wall I
Street operators," which nvenns
probably a good guesser, says "One
and one make two, and I know
we are tolng through a period of
Inflation, Hiut I nm wondering
whether there Is anything In the
siiuntlon that has been'
Yes, Ihe shrewd operator over
looked the fact that nn Increase
In wages, creanng a surplus oi
twenty billion dollars every year
over, and above our extravagant
nio-de of living, makes buying
si ks easy
And he especially overlooked the
(Continued oo Pact four.)
six Medford People Injured;
. !
When Coaches Plunge:
Over Embankment No;
Fatalities Loose Drive- j
Wheel Tire Cause Track j
Clear Today. j
Alwtford Injured.
I ' Alice Hanson, sprained an-
i-aura Lyncn, sprainen nacK v
nrt ,.,.,. a.
Hnrry .Matthews, lacerations
"Vllara'Kuson. .hlnor bruises. V
John r.rihbie, siisht inju-
''' Vorna Johnsnni snoul. J
der bruises. !
wiin seriously nun. l lie ut'ciueiiL
occurred about seven miles north i
lof lu re on a straiKhtaway section
'of the track, and was witnessed
i.. . . .
" t hi
'". ,, t,0ll. sides The ioi"mn- j
: live remained on the track, trav" j
j ellnK .00 yards after lircaklnK
ihik. renin t lie MM n liefore it was
; brought lo a stop, the ri'nr trucks
reBtinn- ii the tics. v
i. .Tuitn officials uuickly had- the
Llu,.lUon Wi.n hl ,,, ,, ided
by volunteers, rescued the injured
from the wreckage ami avc
laid treatment. Dr. -Malcolm l.
MncKachern of the College ol'j
Kurfceons at Chicago, a passenger (
on the Ira n took charge of the
more seriously' injured, until am-1
bulances arrived from lloseburg. j
The Injured were: i
Mrs. S. M. lUce. Sprint? Coulee,
nm, ouui..
and bruised '
lon ,mrk( Khoulllors and lens.
William Howi'll,
i.rtinnil lirolf-'
' I
ii.. . i
111 iium. imu i" ''
I I Jr. .1 It. C.uv. Sand t'olnt. Ida..-
, , 7 7, . .
injure, - rnlll
urc, nenip wiMinua.
ai liohbins, ioriand,
( wounos.
Cbarles Willie. Portland, scalp 1
Ms M-irv Crouch Portland
eh lw lortland.,
. , , ... tii..
. IS. ,i. jucsson, na.m .......
Idaho, broken collar bone """ -
scan, .njuom
.nuny oii.eis iviTnni iiuuui
bruises and cuts, and were given
first aid treatment.
Mrs. Jackson was tho only one
.njured sufficiently to cause de
tention at the hospital. , . .h.
Eugene and Ashland, and the,
truck w-as expected- to be cleared
early today.
All but four of the Injured pas
sengers had been discharged from
ihe hospital today. None of those
hi 111 under treatment was seriously
burl, said a report from the bos-
pital today.
Most of the Ml.(lf,.(I pe,)pU. ,vh ,
I , usiulned minor injuries in I the de- I
! nnn-ent of the Shasta 1-in.lted
incur HoKOburtr Sunday were re-
turning from ThanksKlyin
l110" - " ,M ... !
! AmonR these were Miss Alice j
j Hhuhcii. a teacher in the JackHon '
chool, wHo spent the holiday with 1
her parents at Seattle, Wash.;
r,;lUnt Lynch, a teacher in the
VnhliiKtyi school, and Mik. Opal
Clark, teacher of hlMtory In the
Junior high school. A telephone
mewynge from the hospital at Hose,
burg tbtri morning said that MIhs
Hanen had recovered and would
return to thiH cily late today.
John II. Orlbble, of the local
forest tiervle;'.
HUHtained slight in-
A message to Mr. and Mrs. Thas.
uson yesterday said that thell-
laughter, Clara Mary would .lisnilsslng the entire pi o.
I able to return home today.
According to o.tvices ny me inciii ouni .n. w mis.-o n.-.-u..- 3a to a cents per pound, tiees'i
Southern Pacific offices none uncharges on Ihe apple shipments tOre nlfered at 17 to IS cents to
the .Medford residents' upon ihe : the two California cities by j day. Quality of turkey offerings
train sustained serious injuries. amounts ranging up to ti n per I it-mains high. Ten thousand tur-
A. S. Hnsenl.aum, general pas-I cent and In defense of Ihe action, j keys nre to be shipped east this
senger agent of the Southern Pa-I the carriers contended that Ihelr I week from I molllla county,
rifle left yesterday afternoon for ' present rale schedules had been
the scene of Ihe wreck. reduced by I'aciric const water
The track was cle:. d late Hun- competlUon to linrcmun e r a t 1 v e
day night, and the derailed Shasl-i points.
Limited wen through this city! In connection with Ihe order,
shortly afler three o'clock this ' 'he commission also dismissed a
morning. O omplalnt by San Diego. Oil., prn-
A.fl.lent In-scrllHsl Idlicc dealers which asked Hint that
Jllss Lucille .Murray, high school
r ...
U'. .Murray here, was returning
Ifnim a vacation In Portland yen.
terday on Ihe Sh.l-.ln. when it left
I the'trscks. A passing motorist
(Continued oo page eight)
Lir-r'.r":-; ..OIL .ISU A
View of Lima, the capital
President Augusto B. Leguia of
Enjoys $234 Taxi Jaunt On
DiKornH iiac.Qw n.irroi
riiierea ivioney uuarrei,
With 'Boy Friend' Leads
to New York Cell.
: full of Ideas,
., t.
She had had a quarrel with her
'i,J,"'n ,,raenB
olover Mrs Nellie
. .
shelf where'
by her em-(
l.auer, ana
lino of the Ideas she had was
to visit Niagara Falls, which she
knew w-as sumewhere around, so
afler regislerlng at the Waldorl-
Astor.'a hotel she blithely stoipei;
Into 11 tnxlcab and told the driver, j
"Niagara Falls." .
' Wliere " he ntdiod.
"Ijuiy, I don't know any hotel
hy that nnme,"
"I mean the water , falls,' said
llo took the younK lady around
lo h o his liosN and after $100
d ( deposited, they Klarted
" .
Inn tlirt ill'iV'fl' iM'l'lVfil nt me
ifnllu Tim f..lU wniil.l h:ivo limited'
. . , ' .....
-nieo on a nonymoon, sne hum
'.oo. hut they weren't so much.
liefore nho lift the city sue
scall)'h"d wri u'n h"r ""' fr,,onlls..;atlsfactlon on his visit lo C.uayu
i in i nicago. wnose nioiio-r nor..
" " '
iwas nnving. ietceiiNes were
lnK lor "or WIR" ",0 1
w)(w mHir , t34 return. ;
ed her lo me notei. i
wasn., wa, nly
.,,. .,00o " she told them, but
"of COlllHC I didn't COUIlt!
She had 2iO left.
Clad in a 9.!i5 red dress, one
of her purchases, she told her
story to n New York magistrate.
He held her III $-'000 bond for
Chicago authorities.
InrreaneH in
rates on apple from
Oregon, Washington
und Idaho
prmluolng points to San Krnnolsen '
und Los Angeles, which railroads '
proposed lo make effective last t
Kel.rutu y wore declared unreason- l
able by the Interstale commerce j
commission today, and the existing '
rule schedules were ordered main- j
tallied. i
When the railroad Increases!
were proposed, Ibe commission I
suspended their application to In-1
vestigaie me situation, imu ier -
I 'a
lined Hie suspension bv today's
jceedlng. The railroads' proposal.
city be given Ibe same rates on
. , , .
! from Oregon and Washington ns
jure made from, those cei.lers In
1". Angeles. The San Diego move.
menl ibe romtnlssb.n held
1 continue In bear rales In exc.-ss of
those applying to Los Angeles.
of Peru, where President elect Hoover
Convoyed By Peruvian Flag-
snip u. a. a. maryiaiiu
to Reach Port Wednesday
Ecuador Visit Source
of Satisfaction.
f. S. S. MAlfi LAND, 1'nrouli
to Callao, I'eru. Dec. 1V) Con
voyed by the flagship of the I'eru
vlnn nnvv. the 'Almil'ante (inill
,-,,11, tv warship sped south-
w;u,,i today through smooth seas !
,-,. falliio, where President-elect
Hoover will make the second call
of hLs Smn American
L-,,,i-wiii 1
. om. on Wednesday. '
l:un an val at , 11 a.' in., II r,.i
nv,,r wm i,e greeted on the
.M.iryund ,y t,o i'crtivlfin foreign
Mllll.sU.,., personally representing
i.,.,.si,lcnt Leguia. He will he wel
comed on landing by the mayor of
Callao, who will extend to .him the :
froetlom of the eity. After this
ceremony, the president-eleet anil
1 members of his parly will motoV
ten miles to Lima, the Peruvian
capital, anil ro directly to the
I American embassy where ((reelings
i tviM ln ex-!1!!:! tii i 'i I wit li mi' ni hers
oi me aiiu'rieitn roiciny. - resi
.. .t-
win i uiervem. ni-iore me
. ... . ....r,.i ...
Koes 10 in in e.nivnuai faiat-v u.
i-r.idcnt I t-iuiu
Hoover looked
: back today w ith pleasure and
ntift I"!fii!i ilfit. ulini'ii ho v:tt linn-
oi eil ny rn-siilont Ayor.i and oilier
officials of the republic, who are
reg.nded as extremely
V1U. , ,.,,,. Klal
friendly i
Colli the national and city gov
ernments showered .Mr. and .Mrs.
. Hoover with gifts, tho president-
... ror4ivinir limnnir i.iIht I h in cm
. ... .
a complete nnrary on l-.ouiKior.
rnrcivcll KinhllK-e
l I lie in. iiiinisier oi j.cuauor,
IIontiTit Yilerl jLafronte was esne
! cially thrilled with the cnaracier !
j of the Hoover visit. He gavt; his
impr.sriiuiiH while Mr. Hoover and I
President Ayora were exchanging I
farewells by embracing each other j
In I-Jttin stylo.
"After thi astounding and thril- ;
ling occasion. " said H-nor Lafronte I
1 "when republics of tho western '
; woi id unite In bondn of fii-mUhlp, '
i 1 am convinced that .Mr. Hoover )
i lias dune something that Ik historic j
i and miiy be transcendental In '
world affiltrs. t j
"Popular moral pressure will
force a solution of the differences;
by peaceful methods, rather than 1
; by brute strength. ' i
I think too that Mr. Ilonver Is 1
; Pstab!ishli:g n new situation thru!
jln friendly solidarity of all repub-
. iirM 0f the western world."
. '
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 3. l'i
Indications nre that the Christina i
: tmk0y market will ho llghtw tlia
I (,t fr Tliankivtlvlng. Dressed
i lurKI!,. 0 gnft i,,,, dronned
,r,.H l() preBentlllotntlnii nf
The Noted Dead,
LONDON, Dec. J. (Pi Arthur
Wenlworlh Oore. former lawn
tennis champion, died today at the
age of (II. lie bad been ill since
cany mis year.
Core was the last Kugllshmnn to
win Ihe single. clianipl..n-.hlp nl
i Wluvldednn. This was In 1 009. and
Ihe next year he lost
,. y.
will be officially rcccivsd by
Witch Doctor and Youths to; The bearded miiut, uccordhiK to
,ivpmtH this nricmoon, is mnktmi
Have Hearing On Murder
I flflk nf Hairi"1" c''aniber promptly at eight
I.UOK. UI nail . o-i-liwk- to greet every youngster
Sought to Break Spell.
YOUK, Pa., bee. 3 (Ti JkIih
illymer. professed witch ,ii;ctor. ; "irK" uirollg 01 youiigstei-K on
and two youths. Wllliori llcss, is Christmas oielilii.! njuhl.
and John Curry. 11. will be ar-' ''"'. "econd and third prizes
rulgmd Wednesday, charged with;"'11 aried to Ilia best doc
the murder of Nelson I), lieltmey-, ",'"lel1 windows l,y Judges, whose
county authorities announced
loday. !
Hebiueyor, a recluse farmer, wns
killed hist Tuesday niuht. accord-!
I Ine lo siaiemeais made bv ihe lie-1
. feudists, .during , n
U'lUiulfi. when
attemiucd to cut a luck of
hair from his head. The hair was
be buried uovp Ui Ihe
ns a eharm to vu eiik a spell or j
"hex," aliened to havo been east '
over the Hess home.
While the aged farmer was I
Imr hurled veslerdav lllvmer said
IMino Z irnp
tn.iL i.enmc-Mi hints, ir was a pm,
wow pract oner and a firm be -
.. . .. .. . .. , ,.
never in me pnwuce o. wiicucruii.
h-,lryha','l" not be'.' --.'''oMnlned kh"f
ban had not 1 m n oi.mim d n
cause Itebmeyer s hair was bloody
pariy'and he -was afraid to take n lock.
as Ii might do more evil than good.
Police also quoted him as saying
thai tho - motive for ihe slaying
had bi-en partly to obtain a hand-
book on witchcraft which the re -
rinse was supposed lo possess.
uunty petectlve llalph . .
' Keech Intimated that hundredH of
; resfdeniH of thin nectbm, purlieu- l
i larly fartiKi'. bad been "fleeced"
: by vouilun doctor and poW-WoW
j praetitlonerH. Many nf (hose who
.....'!. .V. .. .."11 V. . ... "
-,, m (iioncer oajs um in- ,o,--
,,,m., ,u. iai(, , ,,.(,. ,,...
: tl. es and experiences In wllch-
Police tod;iy declared they had
no evldenco linking i;lymer with
the slaylitK several years ago of
lfi-year-ohl flertrude lludy. She
was believed by some to have been
n victim ' of witchcraft practices,
but the motive for her death has
never be n learned.
ATLANTA, tla., Dec. X.-W) -Oilell
Woods, police chief of llape
vllle, an Atlanta siihinb, was dead
i loday following a plslol duel with
: Knhert C. Meadows night police-
innii, lalc last nl(;ht, which re-
suited from tin argument over cus -
tody of a prisoner.
Meadows uixl Woods had iuu r-
rpiextintl of trans
to a nearby
barge, of ihefi
of nn aiiloniohlle. Woods suffered
a fnlnl wound of the, left oroasi,
PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 3. (l'i ''be circle Caparcnii, whero Han
Followcd from a street car from los-Dumont was to bo received,
which shn alighted by a man snld that Iho plane wo .
had ridden on the car, Mrs. Maxlne ! "''.nil .mo feet up mid was bunk
Tripp was seized bv the man whnlng Into ihn wind when It went
tried lo (Iran her Inln a gulch. Hhe(lnto n 'all spin and plunged Into
managed lo break from his grin ibe water.
and run lo her home, 1HS Knst Kif-! Ih-cnuse of the accident, tho
ly-Kccnnd slrnnt, north. Tho nl-' welcoming ceremonies for the r
lark occurred late Inst nlghl. mid . turning avlnior were curiiilled.
,hl, onr police fores wns engaged
lodny in a search for Ihe man
Orrgnn Weallier.
, Oregon:
Fair and cold tonight
and TiicMlay. l-'iesh custeily winds,
on tho coast.
Store Windows Decorated
i for Annual Opening
Lights to Flash Elks"
Band Will Play
niA..A j- n i rM-.r
oiaus IU riL-bUlll 3UUU.
rji i
; C.iviiiK Medford mid souihe;-:i
OreRou Chrlsimas shoppeiH u bcl.
' ler opiKutunily of beiitK In the
eity ui the mivellhm or .Mediord s
store windows IouIkIU, in the
iOjeniliB of the annual Curb-Unas
; season. Hie uuveillnK will take
place at 7:M promptly, Instead of
, 7 o'clock, as was previously an
inounred. At 7::i. the litlits will
I ho darkened lor ti few moments,
j alter which they will Illuminate
the best decorated ami greatest
.number of show windows, filled
jwlth Christmas cnods, ever seen
, iu .Medford.
I Many of the window dlstibivs
have been planned tor weeks anil I
liepresent many hours of toll In!
btliiKltiK uhont their successful ur
laimemenl. They will be the fea
'Hire of the bin openiiiK, which will
.also be marked by the Klks band
'and the nrs,,iwn ir m,i,,ti n,....
lit the Chamber of Commerce.
" pm-ress on his ionK journey!
ito this dty and will aiineur m 1
will 111 Mica r at
"Z "!Vi rtSn""
1 him n supply uf over GOOD toys, '
'which Is expected to hn nn ample
nimiher to provldo lor Ihe usual'
"" mn "ecu uiscioseu
.mm piuoaoiy wnicn win not be ;
announced until tomorrow. How-1
,! V . ' ' nl,r"'i " nave
1 '""K l"'r"ro lh0"i I" llik -
i. .j. .
w-.nn.-rs, as rivalry In the
."' . """" "'""" x
j 1 ' "
- " - in '.' i,iio.,i.iK uan
;nlrea(iy begun, on n small scale, It
Is expected to begin with u rush
tomorrow and continue mill) Ihe
I season Is over. In uiillciiallon of
f, f.inli ll.nn fit-,,,,,.,,, l,ul.,Uu
1 ur" P. m, lie wns one. or tno rour
iT1:11''''1'' ''1?' lll,l',"lr;i'l'.v-.lelnns who signed last mid-
lf hl slocks of pracllcn girls night's bulletin
!.. .,.... ,,i,,, ,- n, ,. n., ' ,. , ,
'"I ovm niember ol the laiully. The Duke nmt iiuiw,uu nt v.-it
,VM ,,. v,,., ,.
' '''"'i ""i0. '""li0 ".' ,'hrl?lna K"'
,p,aciical is one of Ihe aims of lh
, i, )f ,,, ... n,
,., and It Is n( Ihelr Invlliillnn.
1 nun every Christmas shopper In
southern Oregon Ih Invited to visit
1 1 licir establishments ns enrly m
possible lo delernilno what glfls
i will be best suited for practical
, uses, If so desired.
Huge Hydro-Airplane Drops
in Rio de Janeiro Harbor
. , ..
uarnea neception uom-j
mittee for Noted Aviator,
Santos-Dumont. j
nio Di-: .iankiiio.
Dec. 3.--
-Twelve lives wen
lost when.
ih,. hydro airplane sanlos-Diuifont
plunged Into thu harbor of Hlo
do Janeiro this morning'. The
,) machine was carrying a reception
committee made up ot six llrnr.ll-
Inns distinguished in social and
polllbal life, who were to give
first greetings to the home-com
ing of tho noted Mra.lllau rtvl
lll(Pi Aldelmrto Hunlos-Dumont.
iu.,i,rH tho recepllon cummlt-
ilee, the plans carried two pilots,
two mechanics and nn official of
'.he Wonder syndicate, owners of
the machine, and Ihe bitter's wife.
All were carried below the sur
face In the crash except one me
chanic. Il wns picked up by
a launch. I,ut died shortly i.ftnr-
tvards In a hospital.
Tho machine was en route to
Progress In Wild Wc.1.
DI'.MI.MI, .V. M. I Pi Avllillon
Is shoving ihe "wild woM" Inio
the background. Demlng will enn
v-rt ihe liy rodeo grounds Into
un airport.
w m a m mm am m m mr- m m
m mm m. mmf m
Missouri own
Placed t Sale j
Timbe. ls Gone
Deo. 3. A) West Eminence i
is l'or Nule.
At one lime it was a thrlv- j
J ing Umber town with a ponu- '
lutlon of 2UUO. Now it Is !
J til most deserted. Vacant win-
fr (lows star from empty and !
i run-down nouses, dumber h
4 mills, which oiu'o wave live- .
.V ..r ,.. li.l,.l.l. A
l;':"M."';" """ .,h,e ma-t'
"l ril.een thousand aires of fr I
j,,,,,, snill logging railrouii
""d hiiililliiuH are included in .
tin- sale
offer. The owners
ask $ir..O(0 for the town unit
"urroundlng luml.
Several towns have been v
obliterated hy the collapse o?
the limlier industry in the r
4 Oark UHHllilaius. Midco, u 4.
town of loan a decade ao,
Is now deserted. '
4. 4., 4tJ,4,;
iToniaht'S Bulletin TellS
Slight Improvement-
Temperature Near
H n U
; Mill iu V LI! ILH I
rml Qnn- Cnorlinn tn 1 A" "1B "omheriihlp of the two
llldl aons apeuing 10 , houses Kutliorud In what will bo
n , . . j the last session for nmny of them.
UeClSlue. ' the lloulder Canyon bill held right
. ot way In the senate. In the house
' nine appropriation bills carrying
LONDON, Deo. 3 (fl'j The king's xevernl billion dollurs wore In
Physicians ,,gh, Issued the fol- '"k'eMj.iwworth called the
lowing bulletin on King (leorge's hoHB1) , nl.uC1. whllo vice Presi
condition. ' dent Dawes rapped the senate Into
A slight improvement In bis
majesty's condition noted this
morning has been maintained. Ills
I temperature Is near normal but It
1 Is necessary lo emphasize that the
; anxiety conecrnlllK .Iho heart still
i nn- k. ! ariiiihar Iluzzard, con-
suiting nniU'OliiKlxt to the hospital
for diseases of the throat and nhv-
Ulclan extraordinary to Iho king,
I lolned the other ,i,.etn,- in ihir
consultation at the palace at 1:15
, - -' "
parted at about the time of Xv.
. DukziiiiI h arrival
LONDON, Dec. 8. (fl'l Two s.ins
of King Cleorgo who had been on
ja hunting tour lu Afrlcn. were
j speeding homeward today, to the
bedside of their father over whose
; life there Is grave anxiety.
The prince of Wales sailed from
j Dnr-lCs-Hnlnam on the cruiser 1 sides In the national campaign had
J I'lnterpi'lse. Ho Is expected to ar- I been brought together. Old friends
prlve in London about the 12th or ! among the Democrats and Kepub
. 13th of December. Throughout the Means shook hands as they entered
.trip he will he In constant touch' Ihe chambers,
with Queen Mary and tho royal ! Vice-President Dawes rapped for
i family by radio. The Duke of i order ut l'i o'clock sharp and the
jc.loucester, who was hunting near i Kov. T. 11. Phillips, senate chap
libo border of northern Rhodesia, ! lain, ascended the rostrum to pray
was making a dash for tho coast
In n special conch today. Hn
renched Ilroken 1 1 1 1 1 this morning
and will continue to Capo Town
where It Is understood Hint he will
take a mall steamer for Kngland.
The Prince of Wnles will be
taken by tho cruiser to Sue, where
ho will take u train to Alexandria.
At that Lgypllnn port he will em
bark on another Iirltlsh warship
i"!rt nTyoteiectc'd!'1'
l-'uropea n
The congressional commission of
engineers and geologists appointed
to Invnstlgale tho feasibility of tho
Colorado river project has recom
mended that the dam be built at
illack Canyon and estimates the
cost at I 6, iion. otio.
In Its report, submitted to con
Kress today by Secretary West, the
commission declared to bo "basic"
the c.itrlnnfHnir rnKllillt.v nf Ih.
dam across the main stream of the
Colorado river nt Illack canyon or
Moulder canyon.
If no other site were i.vnilahlo,
the commission reported," the
"lloulder. canyon site could safely
be used so far as geological condi
tions are concerned." "In com
parison Willi the Illack catjyon slto
however," It snld. "Ihe latter has
certain advantages."
. . . . ' 'or,,"ml- Inornh. anient campaigner for Her
POI.TLAM). Ore.. Dec. 3. Wi , uprt Hoover. They spoke. A yoor
lnriiiensa rnused four deaths out 0KO Senator llorsh was pushing
of 34 rases lii Portland In tho pnst Nurrla as his presidential cholco,
week, Dr. John Abele. elly health! .
officer, reported today. I (Continued on pi lht) ,
, -LL
Short Session Promises In-
tense Activity Special
Call if Farm Relief Fails
Boulder Dam Given
Right of Way in Senate
New Members Seated.
(Hy James I.. Wlllinms, Assncinteil
Press Staff Writer)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. (jpl
Currying burdens shouldered upon
It during the campaign, the sev
entieth congress met nt noon to
day facing three months that pro-
. mlse u period of intense activity.
und perhaps a special session uftdr
I .Vitrei! 4.
The present confess automat
ically goes out nf office lit Hie end
I nf the torm, but President-elect
j Hoover has promised a special ses
I sion if It should becomo necessary
to emict Hum rellet leglslnllou. An
effort will bo mado to pass a farm
bill before President Coolidg"
goes out of office but even If such
a bill were enacted, the Republi
can leaders have determined that
there shall be tariff legislation as
well, and the only division of opin
ion Is 011 when these two major
Nor-:''!"!' ,or eB''on """ be nt
i Bilence. There were nrnyors in
I both houses anil congress was
ready to embark upon a task call-
lug for nil Immense nmount of
work to UHHiiro success.
It.ut filtmil lliu Mm. Ihn uinntn.
convened, Secretary--WeBf of the
interior department submitted the
report ot me experts wno invest
Iguted the feasibility of a flam on
Ihe Colorado rlvor. It recommend
ed Illnck canyon as the site and
estimated tho cost at $tGB,000,i)0O.
tiullciies of both house and sen
ate were filled as the Ravels fell.
On the senate floor was Secretnry
Kellogg whose recently negotiated
I ,,. !... (..,.. u,lll h. ... nt ihn
I major pieces of work to come up.
i The secretary Is 0 formor senator
, . , ,,
shakina hands with tho meinhers
from both sides.
Opponents Meet .
It was the first time since the
! campaign many of the senators
land members of the house who
I took leading parts oil opposing
for divine guidance, for tho law-
! makers. Tho Kev. James Shera
Montgomery delivered the pruyer
in tho house after the call for
order Horn the speaker's Bland.
As the house proceeded with Its
ponderous roll call, the senate
finished tlint formality quickly,
getting ready for an Immediate ad
journment out of respect to the
memory of tho late Senator Good-
Hi). ol loano. ine neain was an-
nouncetl by .Senator l.orali.
Credentials of senators elected .
to fill unexpired terms were prc
I seated. Tliore was none of tho
drama which attended the efforts .
, during the past session to seat
j Frank L. Smith, of Illinois, and
William S, Vare, ot Pennsylvania,
who were challenged at the sen
ate's portals.
New Members
The new senate mombers In
cluded John Thomas, Republican,
who succeeded Mr. flooding.
Arthur VanilobillK of Mlchlgnn,
presented credentials to seat him
self and Otis P.-Glenn presented
pnpors entitling him to Smith's
place, 0. 10. Ln.inzolo, Republican
ot Now Mexico who wns elected
to finish the term ot the Into Sen
ator Jones of New Mexico, wns not
present, Heprcsentallvo Iturton,
Republican, of Ohio, who will tsko
the place of Iho late Senator Willis
must hold his seat In tho house
until December 15. Senator Sim
mons, the other veteran from
North Carolina, who also fought
Governor Smith, wont genially
about the Democratic side and if
there were any hard foellngs
nguinst him by colleagues they
were not shown. Nearby the mas
sive Heflln of Alabama soemed to
be In a Jolly mood. Simmons stop
ped to say a few words to Sen
ator Robinson ot Arkansas, the
running male of Al Smith. Rob
inson elapsed his hand heartily.
Over on the Republican aide.
Senator Xorrls who bolted his
; party to support Smith found him- .ItHn.-r nwoln lia.ldA Monnlnr