Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 02, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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i -j i -
Daily. Sunday, Waakla
Publiabed M tha
MinroRD FaUUTIgQ 00.
BOBF.RT W. Blini., EdltaT
Ad Iwfc'Mal"!' Nawapapat '
Bntarad u aaeond cUm matter at Mad
lord, Oregon uiilet Ad ol March . !'
M.ll In Adaaiical
HallT, with Bundar, 7 !"
Dally, wllh tiundar, month,, ... . .7
Bill, without KuikIij, rjjr JO
Daily, without 6fldar. ntootl. ... .66
Wtaalr Mll Tritium, ona fair. ... J 0
Sunday, a raar . .. ."
Br Carrier, ID AdTinoa In Madford. Ath
Uiid, Jacksonville, Canlial rolnt, Phoaull,
laleiit, Uold Uill and on Ulgtiwajai
Bally, with Hutiday, mouth I .7
Dally, without Sunday, montl -no
Dally, without Sunday, ona yaar... 7.00
Daily, with Sunday, ona fair 1.00
All terma, oaab ui advanca.
Receiving Pull Uaard Wlra Serrica
Only paper In cKj or oounty receiving
newa by tt-Inrrnph.
Tlie Aeaoclaled Praaa la rmluilaaly en
titled to tba uaa for publication ol alJ
nawa dtepatcnea credited to It or otbarwtaa
credited In tbla paper, and a la to tha local
nawa publlalted beialn. ....
All righU tor republication of epecdal au
patchee Weln ara alao reearvad.
Official paper ol tba City ol Bedford.
Official paper of Jeckaoil County.
Sworn dally average circulation for all
ootba anoint April 1. 1W, aoel.
AdTertlatnir Itepreanotatlrea
Ofllcea In Mew York, Chicago, Detroit,
an francleco, Loa Aiigtleo, Beatt Port-
Smudge Smoke
The aliniuil re-fureslatlon of
the .Main Stem Is under way.
,11m (irlevi's und lured man of
J'rnspret have relumed from a
visit to the metropolis. The hired
man bet tho cow hadn't been
C. Hates has a bad cold. Ills
brother, Jim, tried to tnlk him
out of the notion, (o no uvail.
Mimic of the beautiful fell Fri
day morn, but did not lust uny
lonitei' I luui the proverbial snow
ball In the nether reKions.
Fotitlmll pictures uf thu team
were kIiowu at one of tho (J.
Hunt uitiKic hinteru shows Sat.
Tho ehrlstimts spirit In solid
form will soon be manifested.
11 li.-iH been many moons slnee
the biz section has been mulcted
by a hum eherk artist.
Jai-k (Native) Ileuth of CI. Pass
mcrt'd with old friends thu mid
dle of tbo week.
The Herb Alford boy showed
eonslilerable spunk Tuesday ovo. at
Fltiyd Cook Is homo und wear
liiK self trousers.
Colds conllnuo to be the order
uf the' day. Oiirt of the haeklnif
variety is hacking away at the
Jlni Keene. n farmer, pro tem.
of lite C. Point tllslrlet, was - In
town Hat. He uphnlds Jtepubll
rau pi'OKpcrlty with one hand, and
tin povrrty uf the agriculturists
with tho other.
', Athletes are Ri'ttlug ready ' to
rilrlve to throw n round thlnp; In
to a flsii net, draped over nn
Iron hoop.
II. Flewhor has roeovcrod from
tile hollers. " '
The - winter social whirl has
stinted to whirl, lloth the Dock
Kmmons kids are edging up to tho!
The Rarl of Dav'a offielatod at
. thu mlehael Hat. pm for tho nerial:
presenlatlon of the UHC.-Nolro
)nme game. 'I'he Karl ojaculatod
Dame like an Kngllshmtui cusses'
and when ho cuuld think of no
other -word said: Visualise, Tho
friends of ladlolanil did not think
mut'h of the reforeen whistle.
Press Comment
nn-. iw.Mocii.vric ivuiy
William Allfsti '.Vhlte, ctliKu of
llt'i nnipml". Kana, (,
wlinio fatlirr whh tin. backbone
fi ltd flnnnclril HiippMit of ilio Dttuiu
rrut lo iurly, Hint wun liupolcHMly
In n mlnoi'lty iti L'.t l)ir:nlti, ItutliT
u tit y, Kn ii bum, Iihh t Ji Ih to Hay
hi it iponiit tHMtio of tho OuiU::
"Kur nltili onto 40 yniti'M na boy
n ml iiutu In tho tmuNpHpcr hUMiien.s
We huvo hrtMi romlhiK qimdreniilul
obituuiit'i nf thn democratic puny,
A K.'iH!i'i.lloii iij;u Ihcy unt'd lo
clivor us up. Now wo Hlfh nt the
opllinlMii ut yuutlt utul turn to the
Np'irt piiRi'.
"Knr dourly lirlovud - rwid thin
pruphoMy und lunvuro; Tho licmo
ei'tilU: pnrty tn hero to Htuy, H fills
ft lonir foil wutit.
,lTlio coitHlructlvc forooH of uy
olootouUe tt-nil to rryMtullir.o.liiio u
KH't'dy p I u t o c riM-y. ln.stl(utlonH
formed to rhm-lfdi llbi'tly. tond to
wtniiitfl" liberty u they liurtlcn Into
Uhv. Uut In thlH country tlmnk
Jlt'uveu wo Ihivo our protoNtlntr
milllonH orpiiiil.od Into 11 fit it It fill
Utile bum! of put riots whono holy
mi km ion It Ih to diIho hot, otornnl
ami uiittliMilnr hell with tho hIhIuh
quo. Tliitt ploiiM bund nHHfinblf
under tho proud banner of the
tmnMU'rnlle pnrty. l-'rom time lo
tlmo It (;oen to that iKtmnilnoiiti but
glorloiiM clufeut which Ih a "til
umphV evldeiu'o" of real acrvlco lo
tho country.
"l'ltrllp.1 and plutorractoH, prluet
pulKtcH and powe.rH ennio ittid ro.
lint by llcuvt'n'ri Kracc In th heart
of num. (he Democratic party per
BlstH laiKely upon tho evidence uf
thlngM not mocii, tho HUMtenunco of
thltiKM hoped for.
"When tho Democratic party
pnwe.i, the foundation. of tho He
public will need iimlerptnnlui?."
HWAXNANOA Cl-CIt, near Way
iieboro, Virginia. DocomlKr 1.
(VP) f Thut southern hoHpltallty
which ulmont everyone has heard
itbout, In betnjf enjoyed by 1'ronl
dent and Aim. Coolldto nt their
country rexldenco hero in tho Bluo
ItldKO tnuHjutuliiR.
tho clamor of demand for
fitrni njltcf IfKiHlulion, Hecrotary
tardlno In hi annual report to
J'l-OHldcnt Coo I Id ho declare that
"II Ih boyond quoitlon that 1828
will go down In American agricul
tural hitftory an a your of achievement."
Comfm-tiriii lliouplit : Thi-rc's only one place iu ihu hope
after where traffic requires the iiSsihtuneu of cops.
An Oriental nty: "Peuue
through .vour rilm; an American
your good will for grunted.
Ktiiiny world! The law punishes one who uses a Ij'ouih to
cause .suffering, and tlocs nothing to the one who deposits wads
of gum' underfoot. .
.Speaking of peace udvocates, you can advocate i-oad courtesy
more effectively if you'tlrivc a five-ton truck.
lt isn't difficult to prevent
the tootV from the jawbone und
The South is split, hut it remains to he seen whether it will
use the word "Yankee" without the prefix.
It isn't faith in the country that upholds a bull market, hut
faith that some other sucker will puy more tomorrow.
' Penitentiaries aren't perfect, even yet. The poor prisoners
must at times use crude and primitive weapons to kill their
guards. .
The pessimist reflects hiiterly that its an incentive to scratch
ing winter woolens arc ahoul. its effective as summer mostpiitos.
1'eople had sex appeal in I he old days, tuo, hut the neighbors
said they were just full of the devil.
Jf you can tpiote him to support your argument, and he has
no title to indicate that his opinion is authoritative, he is u savant.
There's always a bright side, and the prevalence of divorce
proves that boarding-house life isn't what it used to be.
Note to Mussolini: The volcano shows you what happens
when a little'crust. at the top tries to hold things down.
Correct this senlence: "Use it in your home for a week,"
said the agent, "and if you don't like il, 1 won't think you un
der the, slightest obligation. "
Old Job never tried to feed
than the door.
"1'ropni'Htton for ChrlatmuH mall
liitf nhop now and mall early fur
early delivery," Hays a pout office
department circular of ChiiHiniaM
mailing liiMtructlunH i nulled to tho
poKtn.ustoi'H for distribution, which
aro bolntf placed In varloun Htoves
and public placcH of Medford by
I'OHttuaHter Win. J. Warner.
"PoatofflcOH will muko every off
fort to handle tho ChrirttmiiH mails
without oongeMtlou, but owintf to
tho enormous volume, tihla can
only bo dune with tho cooperation
of thu public,"' hu.vh the Inst ruc
tions. ".Mall for early delivery be
fore ChrlHtmaH day, on which there
will bo no mail delivery.
"Compltunoe wllh the following
MJKKOHtlona will greatly aid the
potdofflco and Immro tho prompt
handling of your malt."
Wrapping and l'ai-llnff
All parcel n.UMt bo aecurely
wrapped or packed. Uho Htrung
paper and heavy lvlm
Special racking
Umbrullaa, canett, golf ntleks,
Hhould he reinforced their lull
longth by atrong tdripH of wood
tightly wrapped and Ited or other
vino Hufflelently wrapped to with
stand Irunuporlatlon.
Hals: pack In strong oorrugalcd
or fiber boxes. Ordinary paste
board boxes must bo crated Ladles'
halt any; stiff hats easily damaged
should bo marked "Kranlle."
Hhoes: Puck In strong boxes,
preferably corruKuled cardboard.
Wrap with Mrong paper secure!'
tied with heavy twine.
Cut flowers: Place In strong
aliltable boxes of wood, tin, or
heavy corrugated cardboard. Wrap
wllh tlbsuu paper lo retain mois
ture. Candler: Inclose In strong out
side boxes or containers.
Jirawlng. paintings, unmounted
maps, etc.: Pack or wrap in strong
malerlal to avoid damage. When
not flal, roll around a wooden core
and then wrap and lie carcrully or
place in strong pasteboard tube.
tfharp-polnlod or sharp, edged
liifdruments or tools must have
points und edges fully guarded to
prevent Injury lo clerks In hand
ling or damage lo other mall.
Crate suitably or Ihoroly wrap to
that they can not cut through the
1'nigllc Object
Articles eatdly broken or crushed
must be crated or securely wrap
ped. Uso liberal quantities of ex
uelslor, or like material, in. around
Hnd between the unifies and out
side container.
Ulaxnwurc. fragile toys, crockery
must be packed to as to prevent
Iho CHcupe- of particle or pieces
If broken In transit.
Cigars: Ordinary boxes of cigars
wrapped In paper only will not be
accepted, pack in a manner to
prevent damage by shock or Jar.
Wrap In corrugated, pasteboard or
similar material.
All article easily broken or
damaged must bo plainly mrked
PcrUhnbUi .Matter
Articles likely to (.poll within the
time rettsotittbly required for trans
portation and delivery will not bo
accepted tor mailing. Wigp or
with you," mid Mirks it knife
siiyn: "Hey, tliere," iinil take
tooth decay. You just rcuiovu
it will lust for centuries.
a furnace wilh a shovel wider
puck carefully, according to con
tents, and plainly murk all such
parcels "perishable." Use special-
delivery stamps to expedite dellv- I
cry. I
Addresses should be complete,
with house number und name of
street, post-office box or rural
route number, ami typed or plainly
written In Ink. A return card
should be plHccd In the upper left
corner of every pleco of niafl. If a
tag Is used, the uddrcs and return
card should also be written ou the
wrapper for ue If tag is lout, and
it copy of Die address should bo In
closed Inside the parcel.
Postage must bo fully prepaid
on alt mull. Affix the required
amount of postage in tho upper
right corner, Full Information
concerning postage rates can be
obtained at the parcel -punt or
stamp window.
Limit of Weight ami Sl.c
No parcel may bo Wiore than 81
Inches In length and girth com
bined. For delivery locally and In
the first, second, und third zones,
70 pounds Is the maximum weight;
In nil other zones, 50 pounds.
HPFlt, Tex.. Dec. 1. ffl Klve
men wrre burned to death six
miles north of here late today
when tho trl-motored airplane In
which they were flying en roule
from Han Antonio to Denver
crashed and burnt into flumes.
Homer !. Mallard of liejiver, own
er of tho ship, ami millionaire
president of the Sunbeam Air
TrniiNport company, Denver, was
one of the victims. The plane
was piloted by Matthew Wuton.
San Aulotilo, commercial pilot.
The other victims;
Willis Washburh, employe
uf a Hun Antonio garaKe,
A Filipino cook, employed by
Italtard, by Ihe name of tjuinten.
.lames O'l.nnloti. Mallard's chauf
feur. Denver,
Aviators familiar with Mallard's
net lv' ties iinderHtood he was on
his way to Denver with the plane
to put In passenger 'service.
The millionaire nlr enthusiast
(had properties In thirteen statei
and in two Canadian provinces.
Mallard bought tho first liyan
monoplane manufactured by Ma
honey Aircraft corporation of San
Diego and Ht. I.ouls which wmm
turned out after Colonel Churles
A. lndbornh's "Hphit of St.
Itiils.' lilndberKh's uuh No.
Mallard's Xo. 77,
HI'UlXtfKlKU), III., Deo. t.
Avi Henry Klmoro told tho police
yenlorday that he "expected troub
le.' I,at night tt came: tt bul
let that killed him liuttantly dur
ing a brawl at the aoft drink
place which he operated, HI
wlayer tapm-Hped.
(Continued From Taffa Olio)
.Baldwin hays that'K$hat Amer
; lea Kuould ku' to any Kurujieau
country trying to borrow monoy (or
j war iurKiritH. Thu trouble in that
our financlcrH are not no particular
if the rukuoff Ih big enough.
"Leurnetl and ilnvout itcliolardji of
! (ley Church of EiiKlantl in a cum
I liicniary n the iloly Scilijture
i cIhhh, Jonuh und the whale, Noah's
Ark, rolHlmzznr'd feast antl the
Tower of Habel, nn "myth without
hlotorlcal foundation and Imposalblu
i to believe.
Keferom prevents uttuclts on
New Testament mlrai'lcH, the do
mons eiilorliiK the swine, raising
the dead, etc.. but If to u nitnek on,'
Real Christmas Qifts
OF, all the gifts you 'might give, a pho
tograph of yourself will bo cherished
most. Phone for appointments now.
331 East
Olive Forever
Pure and Delicious
Iu Holiday Packages .
J -'ii-
New Invoices of America's Most Popular Can
dies on Display Als6 Candied Fruits and Oth
er Christmas Specials. Prices Will Please.
(Special Windows Monday Night)
"Any Old Thing
Any Old Time'
Tenor Banjo
and Uke
KUMCK limbic lessons by an arcred
itcd inxtriK'Uu' starting at once.
(We Supply Instrunu'ul.s)
Qcla White Music Co.
In Weeks and Orr Store
flRKGONT, ftUXDAr. DKOEMBr.K 2. 1928.
: mirarle' what remains of a book
i "divinely written';"
In battleship buiOui; ompetf-
1 ( ion. first they made a Wu that
would penetrate any armor, then
! armor that no gun could penetrate,
i and so It went.
Now France Is amazed to hear
that Ucrmany has a machine of
which the waves cau stop the mo
tors of an airplane. The next in
' vention will be an airplane that
can stop the waves of that urn
chine, and so on. The best plan
- for us Is to have airplanes 0d see
what Happens.
ft (ieimany really had such a
machine and could keep It secret,
she could dictate her will to the
; world. Oiurmaus would be able to
destroy other cities, antl no air
' plane could hurt their cities.
Hut things do not happen in that
sudden way. ...
R Trube Davison, assistant see.
Main Street
- v- j;P
retary of war for aeronautics,
wisely urKes enactment of the Fur
low bill to hasten the promotiou
of fliers.
I It Is hard enough to keep good
i men In the flying service, because
of slow promotion, and competition
I of private flying concerns. s
; I'romotlfln for army and navy
fliers should be hastened and lay
l increased.
; IIo i-bolera destroying from
First Insurance
A. L. HILL, Manager
Phone 105 30 N. Central
Medford, Oregon .
A Dress Event
. .
that Proves Again Our Fashion
and Value Supremacy
December 3rd
The Tappan is- '
Beautifully Enameled
, Easily Cleaned
A Life-Time Appliance
During this sale we will give free, genuine llawkeye remind
er clock with each Tapi'au range. This clock may he set from
one minute to 100 minutes.- It rings at the required time.
Sale Price $79.00
Convenient Terms
Southern Oregon Gas Corporation
Medford, Oregon o ' Phone 526
ll'O.UOO.WM) to 5O,0iM).00fl worth at
swim annually, is on the iucrease.
Vaccinal Ion checks It, but doesn't
w ipe It out, as dose smallpox vacci
nation among bumun beings.
I ' - , ;
Patent hosr feeds. nppeMin.T nut
Beginning Tomorrow ...
New Afternoon Frocks
for Women and Misses
Dressps of velvet, transparent and
otherwise, dresses of lustrous
satin . . . dresses that will add .
ehcer to the Christmasdinner and
smartness to the bridge game.
They have that becoming line
at the neck . . . that lr.oulded
hiplinc, that clever uncvenness
at the hem that Paris has in
spired. We suggest early shopping f or
t leisurely selection.
$49.50, Now...........: $24.75"
$39.50, Now. 19.75
' $29.50, Now '14.25 ,
Adrienne Steward
Medford National Bank Bldg.
. . .
Gas Range
. Sale
contalning caustics that irritate tbo
dlgestlvo tract, are blamed.
That la hard on the poor hogs,
but at least they don't drink boot
leg cocktails, much harder ou the
digestive traet.
to 8th