: T j 'A PAGE SIX rFDFOT?g yrKTTi TRTRTTNT!, MTCPFOTm, OftEfiOX-. RUKDAY, DECEMBER 2. 1928. if i Ill .TUT" mi Ms 8 1 SHORT MEET OF Fight Forest Fires AS CALM. MAYBE: ,s . f ; j-t x ? zS$& IS SENSITIVE SNOUT lly Wulu r . ln.iiilH'rllii. jr. ( (-.VHHIM-llttOd IM'IMS MtUff U'litT) , WAKHINCTOX W I'nli'MH mi um-jfptMted liroezo whouhl in-inj? up tontiiTHH (tiven ijrumiwe tliin winter uf KallitiK ft iramtnH couihji thruURli the UoIUrums f IpsIkIu- tujo ruutintj. Thi) otitluult itfHcIoHim nothing of , nit t-xcltliiff fir Kturtllntf nature h- j yond tho untilved prublems left from tho last hcbhIoii, but then ill (s dili.vJit to ttdl .iuhi whm Hm i S3 1 mrniborH who make up the Iioiiho and Honato will utir up bo fure the nnTnli'th connromj puHM-! c !nto liiHtdiy at noun .March 4. ! Farm relief, tho uua'l butch of! annual appropriation 1)1 1 1h, the J Ki'Hurk poaco treaty. Itoulder Can yon dam nnd the $J7-I,00(i.00y nav-; al proKiam art anioiiK thu major j t;uKH to bo tackled at the Hhort ncHHion HtartltiK December 3, al- thoiiKh conKrenHlonnl leu tiers aro j undecided whether the farm prob lem should be taken up immedia tely or poHtponcd for a Hpct-lal NCHtdon in the early HprlitK. While tht-Hu cue.-ttl.iaH in the mlndH of many mem born hold foremoHt puHltiuiiH, a hoKt of oth er KUbjectH are rubbing Hhuuldem with one another to obtain pointH of vantage Thin later (fi'oup in cludeH tho KhlpHtead aiUi-tuJunn-tlon proposal, railroad conuolida tlon, eual legislative and a Kioup of Hcnatc inveMtlKating commit tuo icportH. Of tho whole array of tiiH-mioim none Ih a nowcomer to Capitol Hill, nnd the lnuulHiiivu rltlzen can find volumoH of tCHtlmoiiy audi UAHiiiiSt.iox wt-hvc mm- 'lu ;urtli 1'oie at last wees hoiih-i icportH on each of them tn the Hon women, Ihrou&h accretlited hope of alnli) uovei-unjental rec- vnrlouH committee rooniH of tho ; repreKeiilatlveH of ot f-anlzallons 'Knltion for hiniHelf and hut com- I D RecenttOTt f I iimulutlon ut,'uint Bound and un- heard- This In wild tu be the result and but little ash. manufacturer favorable temperatures. of a. warm layer of air, at least ,if an Imputed down-draft rur- I Iy tieattiih' oats with a speeial twenry-rive mib-.s hitih, bendimr'' nace now on the market assert, (kind of eheniieul dust. Dr. Henja- the hound waves buck to earth Tin- draft air current entcrr. at a I mfn 'Koehler. of the University of auain. dumper in the front of the furnace Illinois, has helped curb the spread mid pa.-M-s down thrnimh the coal of the wmut disease uud has in- Milk exposed to j-unlif,'-U ac- ui eased tht? yield matei lully on quii es a limeed-oll ydor and a card O more than 4.i0.00 acres of Ilii- board taste, experiments by inves- Meteors tell which may tho wind nois farm land. . lip. tors in the department of arri- blows fifty or more miles above j rulture havn shown. Kvblently. the i-arth s surface. Dr. Willard J . From the explosion made in fir. the liKht acts as an ak'ent to cause FWher. of the Harvard eolIeK' ob- imr bhr kuiix. sclentirtH have learn- nviriivMtinn f iIi'ihmIk in tin milk xervaiorv. has been deiiuinstratlnt . . -(., tilat tixo utt. warm at a height at a much gieuter rale lhau occuis recently. He does not elaim lo b Kl.TVIM.K U: - ItMINK, (Jcr-!"f twenty-five miles. VhU)k a sen- when the fluid is kept in the dark, the discoverer of the method, but ' inimy iA A discermnn tongue I IHve electrical device devdopfd to .Milk sluivd in a cool, dark place has been making more practical vu-L a seuMitive nose may easily : determine the dfsiance of gtm.s by developed no ufi'cnsivc odor or use of the informal ion. throtigl. bi i Mine a man's fortune in the ' their sound, observers have no'it-cd uste eve nnfter seven to nine days, the p:esH. radin and tlw public, wine grov.ig districts of the! that the explosion l. vof course. , - ( niofjlyiiiw data court rning lite fire- lthineland. (ill en a keen sense ol easily heard close to the gun. fur- l'ractleilly any kind of soft roal, bulls or metc-orx thai appear to la taste and smell, the doffrs are thcr away Ii b. inaudible, but. still ( including slack, can be burned as large as thu brightest Mars.- open to a profitable career 'is : '"""'t "n. it tvin moiv uc wun almost no smoKe. no clinkers ropiiiar .Meciianj- .Mim.inM-. "win- IS CHIEF ASSET OF WINE EXPERTS pro- j II. L Dun In), fire prevention engineer and asfatant fire warden of Loi Angeles countv, Calif., anj the Oldftnobllc he uses to speed from one forest hrc area to .mother in his work of saving the forests uf the west. ;PEARY PARTY TO .E nitlon: Hosh C: .Marvin, ('apt. Hob ert llarthtt. John (loodsell Donald Mac.Mlllan. ( eorge Itorup. private Chief F.ngineer C.eorge AVardwoll keepers to oiomisstonulre, fcsslonal wino ' sampler. Kveiy hotel and reHlfiiirant In : Germany piltles itself on the ituat Ity of Its wines. To replenish their stock from year to-ycur, the 'owners of I bene establishments! -1 mploy the serviecn of a "com ; misslonuire." This wino expert 'is told what kind of wines are' i wanted and what maximum price 1 ! will be paid. For the rest, his tongue nnd nose must be his guide. l'rivale Individuals, with a pen chjint for n select wine cellar, also employ these professional snm- i piers, even though their orders muy be relatively hid till. The ' commlHslunuire then uiaki'H it his business to find enough other Individuals or restaurant nable him lo buy at and .Matthew Henson. "All of these, with the lly Sue .McNaimuiia I'lTTHlirUCH, l'a. OP- (Associated J'ress IViilnre Writer) .amg.-on ofthe l'eary e.iedition to i least a "half piece' of 800 bot- uf fl friVlttl lltl) lf IVlltA 1114 exception mm, j , . f cCn paid! oi vwiruweu, wnose iiuty required ,y ihc proiiuec him to remain aboard the House-! The way tho wine change handj volt, accompanied I'cary. on tlR,from the producer to the con actual dash to the pole, across i sumer Is through so-called wine tne iKtzen sea or jagged, upturn ; auctions. me. prouticers, uiiiuuki ed lee. sleeping without cover or whom the Prussian xtnte vine-; sleeping bags with temperature 0 yard.H are the largest, announce The degrees below' zero." that on such and such a day nj Marvin. Ilorup and AVardwell wine auction will take place, tijc; now are dead. two houses. '. with that many individuals Accorded the New Durant "wine commissionaires" and pros pective customers assembled in the stimple room and are offered, free of charge, specimens of evAy j brand of wine on sale. With : mien no less terious that that u they punlons for their feat. In the Tho Itoulder Canyon dam bill.i ' .nearly 20 years since (he dauh lo proposing government construction l,uu IO,,M' WIM 1"M -'H- senate th(. pul(. tno i ni,.(( slates has of a huge flood conlrolpower-lr- ratification of the Kellogg miiHi- conferred no awards upon 1'eary'H ligation dam on tho Colorado lateral treaty to renounce war. at 'men. liver. Is tho unfinished business ' the Hiort session of congress that! The surgeon, Maj. John Walter In tho senate. The measure, pass- begins December :i. sflimdse!!. a world war veteran and " od by the house late last session! There have been -few public' practicing physician at Handy' ..During Hie first week of their 'after stormy debate, precipitated j Issues which have enlisted the ap-!lake, l'a., has received a promise ni-dilu tion in local motoring clr a filibuster in the senate, and this! parent tremendous wimr mi's su p-1 f ro m Hep, Clyde Kelly of I en nsy l )is, t It e ue w 1 !) - IJ I Jura n t On mod -ftosHrm the two Arizona senator- j port as that accorded the Kelloug v ania that a bill will be presented ds liave been accorded a reception untiountetiiy win make another . (act. While various groups have i in congress for fitting recognition thitt will go down in history as oped sense af smell and taste that determined fight against Us en-!pet measures which they are upon-, of the expedition's service. K'1-- IihyIiik few equals." ftays .Mr. Pabln, they can tell, blindfolded, the uctmcnt. soring, the peace pact is receiving resentallve Kelly Introduced Hueh')lf lhl, (.al ,iiilers. "Demonstra- 1 brand uud even th? year of any On farm relief Henator McNaryithe support of all groups. a bill at a previous session, but Hons establish Un- claim of Durant wine In the district with which or Oregon, who heads the agrlcul- Women from over the cutintfyjit was lablcil. engineers that the speed, power, they are familiar. hji-u uuiiiiiniiiMi, nas aniaiuiiccu nu - nave wriiien to neanquai'iers oi nnsinenag tne roeoguumu ac- pei i onnance and riding qualities a music or an art critic i bend over the half-filled glass ! and first test the "boquet". or moma. Tbert! follows a linger ing sip, during which the wino is Hindi- to remain on the tongue as long as possible. ' Kxperlcneed "wine commission aires' have ftuch a highly devel- w- bs- Mus-y will introduco a new bill minus Uhe various organizations here tha corded the Hcotl Antarctic expe- f the new models far surpass tho controverted equalization fee provisions. Je has expressed be lief that his long-standing prob lem can bo solved without an ex tra session, but no one knows what will be done on this score, ,- Along t with tho farm problem , their has been linked the question of j best tariff revision. President-elect find, peuce pact pilgrims should floel; , Uition Py tne iirliisii government nv orevious moior car produced to Hie senate galleries when the j nnd. similar awards by other gov- ,v tm, jiUranl .Motor company. The latlfi- atlon priqiosal is up, hop-1 ernments to men who have assist- m.w i,nflel:i are said to be the Ing that their silent presence inay!ed In uotnhle nchlevemenlH " Hei- xvnrld's lowest priced fully eqtiip- wleld sumo power. . ! resentatlve Kelly says, "it Is a K., six-cylinder automobiles." The big organizations will have travesty on Justice that after more Scientific Notes Fur centuries, straw has been a principal building material, but Its appointed spokesman, the than !t years, congress has not 'illicitly nttaeiieu to tlm dash or n out I qualities are living realized qualified women they " can ! accorded recognition to I'mf. (ush ! the steering culumn; a moior ther- j more th:tn ever because, of the to urge (heir cause among I .Marvin, who lost his life in tho monieter lor small automolTiles Ih I mollified forms in which it is now members of congress. Among these women M rs. .Maud Wood I'ark. on legislation for the (iiieile and to hi comrades who installed without tapping the mo- , mailable. It is being widely used will be;dared and suffered that Command- lor block ami without the use of in the manufacture of synthetic ounselorier I'cary might plant 'Old (ilory tubing, it is plainly visible night lumber, im wall-bourd and In other j National, at the North 1'ole. or day and is actuated by means ! styles. The material has an abun- omparntlvely early date. The proposal has been Indorsed - by Henator Koran of Idaho, chairman (if tho senate, foroltu relations, fui hygtne. , eommiitee. wnicn group win nave Jurlstllctlon over the treaty. : Whllo u bltl proposing n plan for the voluntary consolidation of rail run iIh was reported- by the houso commerce committee last tension, It Ih problematical If tic measure will negotiate tho entire Jt-KlKlotlve pftthway before March 4. when under cuustltutlonal man date tho seventieth eongresn takes it,M ptaee In history. , As for the appropriation bills the big task for every short ses sion of congress a start already has boon made by the house ap propriations committee, which Is charged with the responsibility of whipping them Into shape. Hln-'o early summer a corps of committee clerks have been lay- hig the ground work so tin to en used In a campaign tn reduce th't maternity nnd infancy death rate and to promote maternal and In- When the Hheppard-Towner ma-' lernlty and Infancy bill was en. acUd Into law It expressed the 1 convh'llon that the federal und ; state governments should t;opper- j nte In a campaign of education to! the end that mot hers and thoir. babies slum Id not die needlessly. ; The Newton bill places rospunsl- j bility upon tho federal govern-j ment lo continue to bear its share t of a nation-wide 'program of inn-1 ternal and Infant welfare. Various groups will also work for other legislation of Interest to; women. Tho National I 'a rent -, Teachers association, which In- ' eludes men its well ns women, U Wj much Interested In the llrookhart bill which provides, safegunrds against unwludesome 'and sensa tional films. It prohibits block Ask for our Booklet, "How Shall I Invest My Money" Jlouver and Vlco-l'resldent-elect Uurtis both have suggested tariff revision ns one means of aiding the agricultural Industry, and Wine members of congress feel Dcauuo of Women Voters, .Mls.il "These officers and conirades of of a .thermostat that Is attached ; dance of air cells, making It light U farm bill should bo enacted Helk Sherwlu, .president of the.lV'try should receive equal reeoir- directly lo the water hone. hi welch and of special vnlu Jirlnr lo to consideration of tarlfr ; league, .Mrs. t'larem o Kraim, leg-1 revision. It Is argued that with Islative ehalrman of the (ieueral' . "a, farm , bill out of tho wny It Federation - of Women's Clubs,! would be easier to determine what . Mrs. John F. Mlppel. president! fitnrf changes might be desired jund .Mrs. s. Al, N. .Maris, president from tho farm view point. of the National parent-Teachers j . :; Pressure for consideration of thejussoclatlon, and Airs. William Til - tiavnl hill, which should provide tn, legislative chairman. for the building of fifteen 10,000 While the women reaU.e therei ton cruisers and ono nlreroft car- are breakers ahead before the' rler, Is expected to be forthcom- ccnturles-loug dream of women 1 lug from administration sources, can acluallv come true, Ihev see: Tho measure, which passed the in the Keilogg treaty a bl-acon , house Inst winter, was presented of hojie and Ihey are united In to onngresN ns having the full sup-I supporl of it. ' port fif the navy department, and Another inue of major leglsla-; I'resident Coolidge In an armistice, tlve Interrst tt women ul the (inn day address advocated building ing hcnrIoii of cungresn deals alsoi Up the navy. , wni, ,. r,,n.snrvatlnn of life. Thlsi Tho Kellogg treaty, whleh,H the Newton hill, creating a child Mould have thu American govern- welfare extension service- In th' inent renounce was as an instru-h s. ehlldrena bureau. This bill1 ment ot national policy, probably authorizes an annual approprla Mill come before tho senate at a tlon of ono million dollars lo h WHY PUT OFF YOUR Home Building Plans? There is no lime like (lie present to stai'l an investment like a lionie for your family and yourself.- Instead of paying-rent, why not nit your moii'jv direetlv in a 'nome. ;- " Our convenient ' ' HOME LOANS nuio tut. memuui t lo t wuy w, m,k. which i.i.mi"lx a ,th.'n- u runiiliiBMnrt. :iPr i,mi,K, ,- iu nrrpiit imwlulc- poino pirnm'H ulnnn wlUi tin IkiuhI, timl lilinvl lmoklnx. which i itcrmitH hotiUliiK filmit witliuu. knowlliK What they uro. I Tim (li'tKM'nl I'l'di'intlun ot ! Wonn'n'H Chilis which ulom lias r niumbcrftlili) uf two million wom Ut'KlnuliiK Monday. O'combpr a..n. will iiibb that ronurrw mr unil rontlnuiiiK tlirouuh tin- woi'k. ' ,.Kllalln iii-rinitt ln an tillcn. Alcxanilcr'n (Iroocry will hnva " l. iiu II - ailmittcil tn the t'nln-d their KWM Mm. l'curl K. lUvon. istnti-H prior to rnacllni'iit of th food export. Sho will domon-.,mi,.n,li(.n law of July. 1924, to Food Demonstration Alexander's Grocery fttrnte und luctiiro on thu famotiH llatilo Crock Hanlliiriuin lii'iillh fuotlH," whli h today havc Kiilncil livinc to thin ctuuiiry wllhotil do day hln wife and titnoai-rioit mlnor hlldron. thuji maldnir uyilde tho men u wido poimlarlty nmoiiK rP.lniiii, f rainlllon now n--people who uro KOfklne foodH that artitcd. I.ulld luullh and keep them fowl- 'rh dull women will iili l- Inn fit. The Haiti Cirerk way of eat IntE ua prnetlecd- nt the llnttlo Ctrcelt unltariuM tondn to cllni Inttto a greuL- portion of thoHo ullmontit. Tho mnln rtMtNonn they hulld health lit bceautto they oyer roiiHtlpHtlon. one of cntmen - for the! Ill port the Hhlpfftriid-Xcwloti hill to net iiHlde lialny like Watershed reKTon of 1 l.iino mitiare mile In .MInneotii Mnd Canada n nn In tornaliotuil park. The Natlotoll Wonuin'n l'lirty will eontlnne lo eoneentrnte lt effort" nt ; the eomfnit Mention ' ol" eoni;reHH on Heenrinit the etiuol come moid common nennn. . ' riiitu ainemlment proviitinu eunnl ' llirlnw cneh rtny of this dm-j opi-limity-in all fleldn lor men onNtrntinn, rtelleloim illHheH will and women. I.e fealmed nnd thn expert will .nu, ,.',, ,,ihor anundmenl. Blvo Information nnd nimwor your; prohibition enforcement nnd unl ciuetlon reRnrdlnir foodK nndif)1.n, ,niai;o and illvorce Inn food vnlue. The miinimement,nrp ..iher piece, of 1rKlhillii In rordlnllj' Invllc. you t mteml Hie ut,ti t, w.unen'ii oi ,;anii.iilon simplify the financial problem for you enabling you to ay in easy, ninthly in stallments. Jf you are not quite ready to build, begin a home savings account to ap ply on the puivba.se when. you start to erect a house. You will be interested in our Preferred and Installment stock investments. 7 and 8 r; WITH SAFETY. Jackson Comity Building &iLoan- Association A Place to Invest Your Savings Over 19 Years in MecUprd NotrOns of Our Stockholders Has Lost a Penny Perfected Product of America's Most Modern Automobile Plant In l.lio Ncw All-American Six. In lliis faster . . . liner . . . Miuirlor -. . . more beautiful ear. Here you'll sen I he perfected product of America's most modern auto mobile, plant. - A lanl where the most drastic, standards arc rigidly enforced. VI here scores of operations nre held within one len-lliotisaiidth of an inch. And the result? A car uilh perfornianee ability far in advance of anything in its iield. " Sterling quality in every deluil . . . (his New All-Aincricun Six. Come in lo see it and drive it . . . a 'ear the likef which you've never seen before. I'rircs fl I .7 to $Vl7i; atjitclnry. Lovvjuy Hydraulic Shuck AUsorlicru and spring t-firrr.i iiwhitlrtl in list. irice.. . Itnmwr. and rear Jrntirr guards extra. (Ihcck Oukland dcl!.yrcd n'ce.s tiev include lotvcst handlinii charprs. General Motors 'Time Payment. Plan available at minimum rate. SANDERSON MOTOR CO. So. Bartlctt and 8th Phono 1385 ROBINSON MOTOR CO., Ashland, Ore. ' . ,'-.-i3;...-7a: for yiar o car Right now this week -we can give it to you Later on, in another week or two, we can't. If you act now you will have two things to be thankful for. You will own a new Super Six, the six that leads all others in popularity, in volu me of sales. And you will have bought it at a real bargain. Leadership in quality has for years Riven Hudson-Essex out standing public favor. And the growing volume lias permitted economies passed on to buyers in price, far below any rival. M re than 1.000,000 ' Hudson Essex cars' in service, and this year the greatest sales in our his tory are simply the results of giving greater value than was ever offered at this price. . - . There can be no proof so con. . vineing as thp praise bestowed by Hudson-Essex owners, and the fact that these cars continue, as for years, the outstanding salei . success of motordom. Merc is a chance to turn in your present car for more than it will everbe-worth again. And more important still to own one of thcirst choice ' 'Sixes, " as prove-" by their sales leadership.. . ., -. MOJEDStDRI ESSEX ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. W S. Rjwnlile Am. .. . Phono W (jumnninrnlinnj ciernly nre InleretteiJ,