Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 02, 1928, Page 11, Image 11

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rumnumU-aUons and to prevent
Ini'rrTt'nt-i l'npt. S. C. lloupir. ;
ilhoi tor of nnvul communications. ;
1ok ri'i uiiiiiUMiiled that all navy
radio (stations nii'asuri-'tlu' fr'- 1
fiurm-y of their transmitters at
Ii-ant unre every four hours.
The Navy should set the stand -itrds
for eoniuierclal Interests hi
ttecuray of frequency adjustments.'
t'upt- Hooper says. The need of (
correct transniiKsion, vH become
InereatiiiiKly Important, he asserts, j
us more, commercial stations are,
put in operation. j
' ,"At present the Navy In gener-;
a I Ik not mnintulnln freiiueuyy
adjustments a accurately .as is
eoiisldered praetlrahle, judging
liom the ineasurements taken and j
from reports of interferenee,' he ;
said. "Practically all radio meiij'
at any. station should he aide to i
take measirehients and know
how to tnukc the necOKsav-y ad-.
Justnients." ',
Radio to Carry
Malska's Voice
For First Time
NUW TOIili ) Chimin 'Wnl
ska. operatic singer. is to make
her first radio appearance on
Thanksgiving afternoon.
With Miss Hollo linker, sinking
j J0ie '
. s
From tlio powerful S-tuht- Showbox to tin- coiniuict 3 tulie l!;uidliox, -Jr., you are sure to find the model
which will suit your requirements exai-tly. Four sjilciulul Crosley roi-eivers products of radio genius
set new standards for ratlio performance ami radio values which exceed anything known previously in ra
dio. The marvelous AJrisicone and the new Dyiincoiio ;il't'ei' new 'pleasures new enjoyment to their listeners.
There arc two Crosley receivers for AC Electric operation each a complete, sell-contained unit each
adaptable to any style of console cabinet. The improved I'andbox provides still more striking performance
with wet A battery operation. Improvements in the l?andbox, Jr.. make it the-world's leading value ope
rated completely from dry batteries. K'end the brief description of each Crosley receiver and speaker on
this page. -Select the model which meets your requirements s to price and method of operation. Then
try it free for two days in your owii home. Then you will know for yourself that Crosley Undid is even
better than we say it iii' '''
The Showbox
comedienne, site will sinj; from
WEAK and station. Knelt will
give four numbers. One Mine
Walska's program will be Eliza
beth's entrance ariu from "Tann
lmuser," ' ' "
Radio Business
Reaches High Mark
WA8HINC.TOX (A'l Kndlo ap
paratus and lubes valued at $111.
IMS were manufactured in the
United States In l!i7. the biennial
cen.sus of 1W28 taken by the Oe
lartincnt of Commerce shows.
This is an increase of 8.4 per ccn
lis eonninred with $ 1 7 :.!'! I, 3 3 I for
!25, the last preceding census
year. '
The production of tube-type re
ceivers In 19S7 was 1.938.1U2. val
ued at ?94.0."i0.0yi. a decreasp of
Jil.l ier cent In number, but an
inercuse of seven-tenths of one
per cent in value as compared with
:.3! sets, valued at $!i:i.:iriC,
016, In l!l-'D. The production of
socket power devices In 192 7 ajr
Kicfc'ated 1.4a5.19l. with n value "f
23.357.S,14. or 13.4 per cent of
the total value of radio apparatus
manufactured during the year.
The production of socket power
devices was very small In 192"..
and the value was not reported
separately, but was included In
the value (if ' miscellaneous radio
parts. . ,.' ', , -
This new member of the Crosley family
Is desllncd t make a national reputation
for itself in a few months. A new. com
pletely shielded. Kane condenser simpli
fies tuning. It lias'X tubes. incluiliiiK the rectifier. This powerful
Neutrodvno is completely shielded. The Showbox is also muclo in a
Direct Current model for use with 1 10-voli direct current.. The, tun
Inn circuit is the sunie as for the A C Showbox. You must bear it
to really appreciate it. CQ C Aft
(Tubes Extra)
1) (' Model Showbox, CQfl OH
A C Model Showbox
tisliiR S tubes..
The Bandbox
This wonderful receiver stands alono ill
the field of radio operation with sloraco
batteries or external power supply units. Kor those to whom A C
power is not available, the Handbox Is virtually without competition.
Completely shielded, with acuininators for sharp tunliiK. Illuminated
dial, (i tubes, and many other features, the Ilamlhox is makiivs more,
thousands of new friends every day. The, Bandbox with the famous
Crosley Musieone will brine, you new pl'jasuro SlQ 00
' (Tubes Kxllul
and satisfaction .
The Bandbox, Jr.
On Programs of
National Broadcast
".' ; During Week
Sunday December 2
1IIO In 4:30 l. m. Sunday after
noon concert. Kilt), KO.MO, KOW, ;
..l-ll, KKI. Kllti. . , !
4:30 to 6:110 p. m. Biblical I
dramas. KIIQ. KO.MO. KOW. KI'O.
ii'iiii in 10-00 ii. m. Atwater
Kent piosiam. KH, KO.MO, KtiV
.Monday Dccenilwr !
C:30 lo 7:30 p. m. Oenci-al Mo
tors Kamlly Curly. KHCJ. KOMI),
W'ctliioxlnv lioi-inbi r 5
10:30 to 11:30 a. m. "Woman's,
MiiKazlne of the-lr." KHCJ. KOMO
9:300 to 9:30 P. in. "Uouds to
Itoniane." by Associated f.'il Co..;
KKI. ' :,
The "Roads to Romance" travels
of "Jack nnd lltbyl. the Associated
.Motormales." whose motor trips
nre hringiiiB them to every Inter- i
estlliB locality In the "Wonderland
of the West." come - before the
microphone tonight to tell of their i
latest pleasure Jaunts somewhere '
In WijghinKton. Oregon or Califor
nia. Thursday IHiviiiImt 0
tl:3 to 12:00 ii. m. Standard
rchool bronilcast. Klly. KO.MO.
:3 to 9:30 p. m. M'.C System
Memory Ijtue. KOMO, KOW, KiO
Krliliiy IHifiulKT 7
(i-OO to :00 P- m. RCA hour.
A smnnlnr Kcccinhcr
;00 to H.OO p. in -f.ucky Strike
hour. tv Ainerlcmi robin-en ,'11
Medford li the county eat n0
metrnpolls of the Tlncne River
yiiMey ntul catewny lo Crnter like.
This (Crosley recoivcr was designed lo fill a
long-fell need for a set of. moderate cost,
operaletl entirely from dry bulterios: To the features 'which have,
already made this set famous amonK dry battery receivers has boon
added un uxtra lube, bringing in distant Millions with more volume
iiutl making the set. easier to lime. The llnmlhox Jr. Is noted for Its
economical current coneuniplioti which is surprisingly l"M7 AA
when you consider its marvelous volume mid tone Owl iUU
(Tubes lixtra)
Rules for Distance Competition
.Any person rcsitlinjr in tlic slate of OKKl.iOX iintl Hit!
counlics of I'LAliK. SKAMANIA und KMl'lvITAT in tbc
statf (if Wnsliinjrtun, except tlifise foimcctcd with un iinllroi'.
i.utl Crosley or Aiiinitl deuler or who is not, it member oi
relative of n mi'iuber of our orpiiiiziitioii. .
Anyone not fliminntcd by the above condition wbo re.
ccivos (on any make of set) TKX (111) .stations wliuso air
line distance from station KF.IIi, t'ortland, Oregon, added
to-ji'tlior makes the (.'t-catest total will be declared tbe win
ner, tbc second s-'featest total, the second prize, and so on.
Station JOAK, .Inpan miles
.WIjW, Ciiieinnali miles
W0V, Sebeii(?elinly miles
WBB.M, C'bieao miles'
KKI, Ijok Angeles miles
Kd'U, .Oakland .- miles
KI'O, San Francisco miles
KOA, Deliver miles
KSrj, Salt Lake miles
IvFRC, San Kraneiseo miles
Total . miles
Reception from eaeb of tbe ten stations must baV!
been made bi:tW(eii October lltltb, and .laniiary 20tb,
l!)2!l, and must be verified by an iicknowlednmoiit card or
letter from tbe station bearing date witbin (bat period.
(NOTK: All stalions will acknowledge willi u card or letter
verifying reception upon nipict.) , '
1st. 'Ijbnl eaeb of the ten stations must be received
between October lilltb, 1!)H and .lannary li tli , V.)2'. and be
verified by a proof of reception card from eaeb station
listed. .......
'-'lid. That, all listings must be submitted on a standard
form that will -lie supplied on request by any Crosley or
Amriid dealer or vijl be nvtib'il I'l'oill our place of business
if a return addressed and stamped envelope is furnished by
applicant. ' ' "
,'iril. Tluit tbe contestant submit a figiied form from
any Crosley or Ainnul (lealer stating tbat lie bus been
shown ' 'a 1!IH-'J'J: model Crosley and Amrad receiving set.
4th; That nil mileage claims Niibmilted on the proper
form, togcthc'Svith proof of reception cards or letters and
dealers- report that coiitctdant has seen the new Crosley
Aiurad lilies mnxt be in tbe hands of tbe Northwest Anto
Kipiipinent Co., 45 North Ninth St., rorlland, Oregon, not
later than 1- o'clock noon, lannary 21st, 1!I2II.
First I'ri.e ijiKHMMI .Merchandise Certificate
Second Prize 7."i.()t) Merchandise Certificate
Third l'rize .')0.()( Merchandise ('erlifieale
Fourth I'rize 4U.(M) Merchandise (,'ertifieate
Firth j'rize ' II.VIKI Jlerebandise Ccrtifiea)(! .
The I'rize. Winners will be uniionnced over station
KFJIl at 11:00 p. m. .Wednesday, .Iiimuiry 'J:lrd, V.)2), and
will be determined by three disinterested parties.
The Gembox
Tills Is the first completely selt'conialned
A C set In fact, the first A C receiver
of any type to ho offered at such an ns
tonlshlnK price. Six tubes. Inludlni: the
rectifier, with the famous 171 power tube, utlllr.liiK the genuine Nen
trodynn circuit In combination with the noii-radlnttiK. roKeneralvu de
tector tube which, In itself. Is equivalent to one additional slti-jis Of
ratio amplification. The (lembnx Is hlRhly sensitive because of th
Tact. Distant illations can be built up to tremendous volumo. l.lko
the Jewelbox and thn Showbox, the flembnx oporatcs from 100 to' 125
Volts A O Hue current, nnil Is built for both 00 cycles and 2A and 10
cycles. Think of it! CCQ
A li-tube A C sot for only ; oOy.Ulf
'. " .,-..'. ,.' (Tubes Kxlrn)
2 Days Free Demonstration
in Your Own Home .
Wo want you lo try u (.'rosley receiver and a Crosley speaker In your
own homo. W'v usk Iho opportunity to' let tho Crosley provo thai It
will do all and inoru than wo say It w ill do. Wo want you to enjoy
thn life like Icnc the undlstorted volume that Crosley brln-:cn to you.
Then, you will want to compare this amazing performance with Cros
ley low prices, and you will midorsland the wonderful values you ro
reive In ('rosley radio. Simply solocl the model you wish to try.
Telephone us for on appointment and wo will arrange, to Bend you the
receiver ami speaker for a full 2 daya' I'reo demonstration in your
own home, without obligation oil your part. ,
The World's Greatest Radio Value
This amazing value Inlutulns tho '
Crosley AC (lombox wllh Uynaconu
dynamic speaker installed In a
beautiful Hhowcrj Ilros. walnut ve
neer console of surpassing grace,
and beauty,. P.S inches high. Nolo
the beautifully turned legs and
graceful proportion and tho irtlstl
colly designed bottom stretcher
which not. only addn a greater
niuasiiro of beauty hut an unusual
NlurdincsH of . coiiHtnu-tluu: Tho
inont lioaiUltul grnlned veuoera
have boon Holnctcd to fornt pxqul
slto matched patterns, and gcnulue
Vood carvings ndd a .decorative
note of reul distinction. All , tho
beauts' of fine Hhowers Ilros, 'cubi
not work plus tho wonderful Cros
ley Oumbox and tho Amazing l)yu-
l'or only $124.00
. (Tubo Kxtra)
(Other Crosley receiving sets In
Showers llros. consoles all un--
usual vuluos).
I , , , ., , I usual valued).
rVWOrl i xjl " I inter inan i- o ciock noon, lannary ist, . i i v . l .'
JL' Jtta iutmamu; SKCAKbr.) First I'rize ijillHMHI Merchandise Certificate .' .'..,.,'..... ' f- ' 3
NKl . Second Prize 7.'i.()U Merchandise Certificate Th M ' " (..''.. ; ijKv IJCVJ
Lff jf1 Tho notable features of the new Crosley Uytiacone ara Third I'rize .10.00 Merchandise Certificate . I tie MUStCOne ' rU0
3SS b,,r,one n,,!!,rre,ldr Fourth Crizc- 40.00 Merchandise Certificate ' , , f , . , . ,
C$SJ mendU ' ' Fifth I'rize- ' :M.OO Mcebandise Cer.ifiea)e ", TonlXXVX. 'im,
fWH, Jelous ne rm-m ' ANNOUNCEMENT OF PRIZE DINNERS . Muslcone. Lrllllanco antl perfection of tone arc two , ' : i
JrilSil . Z measured bits ow price S27.00 Th.. I'rie Winners will lie nnnonnced over st ititm 'e"ules wl lch Instantly attract attention. Tho Muslcone can bo utll- t
rlllS be measured by Its low price - I lie I I ize. i mnei s will be uniionnutl ott sl.llioii lzcd.wlth any Crmll.y S(,t, ai,, )s rocomntended particularly for the ,' Jru Kl
f'lll'N - -i KFJIl at 1 1 :00 p. m. .Wednesdav, .luminrv "J:lrd, V.)2), and Handbox nnd Dnndbox Jr. In fact, the Muslcone can be CI ft Of) fl,
lll . ' 'i will be determined by three disinterested parties. . used with any radio sot on tho market 1UVV h
' - t ' ' .