Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 01, 1928, Page 5, Image 5

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    medford matTj tribune, medford, QRKfioy. sATrnn.w, dkckmher 1. 102s.
Suzanne Lenglen Lands In-
cognito Mother Says
Not Here Young Man
Companion Says 'No;
Speak English.'
NEW YOHK, Die. 1. (A1) An ;
Unheralded visit to the United
Siiitos by Suzunne LviiKlin, tennis '
murvel uf France, provided muter- 1
ial for u mystery today.
With her mother unci a youtm '
American in n lilue heret. she la mi-
eit incognito lust nifilit from a
trans-At Ian tie liner but why she ,
come or whence she went euulil !
not he learned. Jn faet her moth- I
er insibted Suzunne wasn't even j
here. - - ;
"She is in France," said Lenglen
mere, in French as who sat atop L'l
pieces of luggage waiting for the '
customs inspection, "she did not
come on the steamer.'" !
"So speak Kngllsh." suhl the j
young man In the beret In the best
California accent.
Those who know a temperamen
tal French tennis star When they
see one, however Insist that Mile
J-englen was aboard the Conte
Hiancamanu when the liner docked
and that she left immediately for
parts unknown.
Thc young mnn. It was discov
ered, was Thnddcus Winters of
Pasadena, Oil., and there are re
ports Hint the home of Mr. T. A.
AVIntea in Pasadena is Suzanne's
ultimate, destination.
PA8ADKXA. fill.. UfC. 1. ?'! If
Suwtnnp l.cnKl-'" if cumins hers i
to visit Mrs. T. A. Wlntor lu-r pru8- '
nectivc lioMtoas rloca not Itnuw it.
jkte Maid Inst night. .Mrs. Wlntnr.
rrrvntly divorced from Tllmlilcus
Winter, added however, that Miss,
Lenglen lius n stundlnt; invitation 1
to visit nt licr lioiuc. j
Tho prospective visit uf the ;
French tennis ntnr recalled rumors i
that Suzanne was engaged to !
Baldwin italdnln. Lust night his j
mother, Jirs. Anita Haldwln. de
nied the rcpurted engaKcment.
1 .1 ii
I Bp jE ?!
1 .- - i dleton high school and citizen"
.,. .. iv. PnvlwlH eontrihilli! to Jhe welcome. A
UETI CJIT. lee ,.(.lu,k., tuveir will he given
filler hlonde haired 23-y. ar-o d Illcn,,.r f the team.
fJiK-auo youth, today Is hiel.B ( ( ,,. !u.ei.1)ts
poison for Sammy Mandell, world nvi,lltun. he will formally
lighlweiglit champion. wel.on.e the team nt Pendleton
Miller, heretofore regarded us I Portland. .
un lif and outer In the boxing,"
business, hecanic the fqremostj poKTI.A.NIJ. Ore.. Die
contender foi Mandell's title. as (;,)V. I. L. Patterson said here
a result of his smashing victory i to((;ly timt le euuld not tlecide
uver .llmmy .Mcljirnln. the tinl.-! ,ltlt Monday whether he would
faced puncher from Angeief. , p nll(, Bu to iPndleton next
In their battle In the Olympla , u(nfrjv t pnrtl liato In thu
arena Inst night. .Miller, n a "
J shot In the liettlnir. scored a
surprising triumph when he stup
ped McLarnin. acknowledged king
of llghtw'Kht sluggers. In the
seventh round of their scheduled
lu-round battle.
.McLirnln. bleeding from an
ugly gash under hl right eye. his
face a smear of blood, sat in his
corner hopelessly beaten and un
able, to repond to the bell for
the start of th eighth round. Hi
handlers, realizing iinother punch
mitht find him stretched tlncon
s'fllw on the floor if the ring.
hnmanelv tossed n towel within
the roues, indicating detent
was the first knockout ever regis
tered against McLarnin.
. Captain Mortimer E. Sprague of xnc Army a 1928 football Uam
has been an important cog in the powerful Army ; for the last
three years. He is a grsduaU of the University of Trias.
- !
lAfnokinrif An AcoAAiolirin Dn
fusqs Post Season Permit
Medford School to
Make No Application for
Game Disband Monday,
KVKKKTT. Wash.. Dec. 1. (A
I'ennlt for the Kverett high school
foulball team to piny any post-sen-son
game wjlm recently refused by
the Wulu High School Athletic h
sochition. This Is considered n bur
to a proposed game between Med
ford high schoul and Kycrctl at
In view of the above dls'p:t'ieh,l
I the MedTord athletic heads will
make no application to th;"tato(
High Kchuul Athletic association toj
plav a post-season ganio with .,
: hiveretl. Wash. The same rule is!
; in force in this state, and it is not!
'thought probable It would he re-j
scinded, nj stated in yesterday's j
Mail Tribune.
I The Medford team was willing 1
to play the game. If arranged, but
now will formally disband Mop-
day. when the suits and football j
equipment will be turned In and ;
put uway for another
Paskelball practice will he start
ed Monday. December 1 0," and 1
interclass games played. No games
will be played until after the holl-j
days. All the members of last '
year's tettm, runers-np In the state I
tourney, are in school, with the j
exception of Phipps, center. the '
others are McDonald. Garnet!. .
Morgan, Mehin and Thomas, with .
the second squad and several new
players. I
I-IC.VLM.KTON, Ore.. Dec. 1
-Plans for a rousing welcome to
tile Oregon S ate college fuothall
'team on Its arrival in its hum-J
; state next Wednesday, are lielng
niade here. ' 13. II. Aldrlch. editor
!uf the East Oregonlan. u ineinbei
iof the hoard of regents uf Oregon
State CollcfC and Hcndleton nluin
'ni plan a demonstration in honor
'of the returning gridlren war
jriors. who vaniinlshed New York
I'nlverslty Thankfglvliig day at
Xew York. '
The train will he held, lung
j enough for the team to he taken
on a parade through the city. The
I American lx'glon land. the I'en-
Icome to the Oregon state foot-
Hull team. "1 cannot tell until 1 ;
get back to Salem Monday. 1 ;
promised Mr. KJ f Alcliieh I hut'
I would wire h'm on .Montlay.''
said the governor. !
TO HK Tllll--.ll AT I.OS AXfiF.I.KS
(Continued from Page. One.)
bones, which police said were hu
were (lug uu on the ranch.
The charges against Northcoll
were first made by his If. year old
nephew Ssnfnrd flark. Nnithcott
was located in fanada afu-r a
it nation-wide
search .a'.id brought
hack rrir trial an
dltlon. '
fighting extra-
NKW YOHK. Dec'1. A Out
of a Iht of 278 selected players
from every part of the country the
New York Sun today named Its
All-Ainertean eleven, an eleven of
alternates and a list of 7fi players
for honurabtu mention. j
As is tho newspaper's custom, j
: watcheN are awarded to members i
of the first team, sliver medals to
tho alternates and this year the
honornble. -mention . men receive
bronze medals.
The liig Ten gets two places on
the first, team, tho Pacific coast
, three, the south and Texas one
i each, and four go to the cast,
i The first and alternate selections
1'lrst Team
I Haycraft, Minnesota UK.
Pommercnlng, Michigan ItY
Sanders, So, Methodist LCI,
Pund, tleorgia Teeh. O:
Post, Stanford lti:
Higgs, So.Oilifornia UT.
Doncheis, Pittsburg. HK.
tlarpster, Carnegie Tech. QM.
Strong, -Vow- York U. I-IIII.
Cagle,, Army ItlllJ.
Carroll, Washington KB.
Second Ten 111
Phillips. California Al.
Dressel. Washington Slate I,T.
McMuilen. Nebraska J(i.
Howe. Princeton C.
AVeslra. Iowa UJ.
Miller, Notre Diime I IT,
llarna, Hobart UK.
Mupb-, Oregon State QJI.
Weston, Uoston College LHl.!.
Mlzell, fieorgla Tech. HUD.
Scull, Pennsylvania KH.
XKW YOHK, Dec. 1..
j James .). Draddock. , of Jersey j
ri.lty, x. .1., languisning in ou-
scuiily for some month's, has
! jumped Into prominence as a re-
tili of a surprising two-rounu i
knockout. of Tuffy Orlffiths. Sioux I
i t'ily, Ia0 light heavyweight sensa- !
'tlun. at .Madison Square (larden j
i last night.
Nineteen thousand fans camel
to see Tuffy dispose of his eastern ;
foe In short order. They re- i
maintd to cheer while the home-!
bred. boxing cleverly and punch-;
. t tng naru. KnocKcu liriiiuns oown
r Uotir times in the second round. !
before Itefereo Mci'artland halted i
hostilities and carried the lowan. !
unconscious, to his corner.
Radio Program
Mali Trlbuno-VJrjlo Station
!4. -li
! H3U KC 211.1 Motors :
I Sunday December 1 '
A. M. j
11 lo 12 Morning ncrvlces !
from Baptist church through
courtesy of Mutual Mill
Seed Co. i
I'. M.
8 to Valley ltadlo Cburi-h.
IS. G. Kay. pastor.
, Monday, December 2
A. M.-
10 -to 10:30 American Lnun-
10:30 to 11 1'antorlnm Dye
: Works.
U to 11:30 Medford Welding
it Kender Works.
11:30 to 12 Tho Dootery.
P. M. s
I 12 lo 12:30 Adrlenne Stew.
i12:3u to 1:30 1-ewls Super-
; Service Slatlon.
16:15 lo 6:30 Mail Tribune
Mil ana .-nameis. -r
8 to 8:30 Southern Oregon
Can Corporation.
8:30 lo 9Kad Transfer &
otorage i-o. r
Played More Title Con
tenders Than Medford, Is
' Asserted Play Only
'Naturals' and Ready to
Take On Any Team.
The Dailes has recovered suf-
fieicmly from the beautiful past-
, I
ins handed its football asoirutions j
1 to resume literary hostilities, as
attested by thi fallowing excerpts
from nn article in the "Chron-
j icle."
! The first bleat (s as follows:
It I
The iirirand letter Tex
aco Gasoline form a dry
gay (i is 1 true high test
premium gasoline with
marked anti-knock utiaU
itiii -and no extra price.
Uniform in every ttate.
W A Ti o.-n
' ' """" 1 J everywhere
j - J on the coast''
j llfllllik . ' .g0M!M
wyiumrM mmmmmmmmmmimism
win tilt' MiltC
11 ilayiMl more title i-oiiu-utl-ors
than ilul AUilfuiil, Thu
DalK-H in: f I YiutlfUni anil
Hend, eastern and eiitra! oil'-
K011 elmmpiulis respect ivelj ,
and roinmeree, which dfCeai
t'U the present I'uillaiid city
I'liampiMtl, liy a lai'lTe soniv.
The Dalles uUo Mtlempted to
Keheiiule Raines with Astoria
and Salem, lead in t; teams in
western Oregon ami the Wil
lamette valley respect tve4y.
It is not known loeally whether
The Dalles cancelled the Ha lent
gam selieiluled or not. ut it Is
known loyally that The l.ialles
enthusiasts nearly had a fit when
the Salem I'npilal-.liUiinal pie
dieted that The Idles-.iedfii d
pame "would he a workout for the
Medtmd team.'' which it turned
(Hit to lie. Salem had a name
scheduled with The DaJles.
Another paraKt'aph r(ads:
llowevi-r, hiuli school offic
ials are frank to say that The
Dalles will continue in the fut
ttire, as they have in the past,
to play "natural" football
players only, to cive Dalles
fans the best possible football
schedule, win or lose, to make
no alibis over defeats, ami do
no crowing over victories,
Thi ls ln keepii.K with previous
Inferences, from various sources,
(mt Uw M,,(lf((nl (,am hlJt USt.,,
"riiiKers." If the Medford team
used "rinKers," any one of alo.en
rivals would find it out before The
Dalles sharps. The record
Medford player is gone ov
fine-totith eotnb. liny'
ultliuuh Ttu- D.ili.-
The nationally famous new and better Texaco Gasoline and
Texaco Golden Motor Oil are now wailabe to every motor
ist m
New distributing centers have been established throughout, the State. New
Texaco Stations have been opened. The spectacular sweep of' Texaco over
the coast has been one of the outstanding events of the year. Introduced
into this territory on a broad scale only a few months ago, Texaco has been
received by motorists and dealers alike, with the warmest enthusiasm.
The Texaco Red Star with the Green T is' now a familiar sight on every
highway. It is the sign of a new and better gasoline and a sturdier heat-resisting
motor oil. , Try Texaco toda.
of the Medford team have worked;
at hard manual labor, iuMcad of i
layitiK around town, and this Is re
garded as awful.
Another paragraph hou Is, to
wit: That is one Mynifiiunt fea
ture about The Dalle football
team. I hey play anybody in the
stale, at any time, provided the
opponent is willing. There are
no hand - picked schedules.
side-steppiuK of strong oppon
ents in weak years and then
c hatleiiKtiiK same in stt unj;
years, cancelliliK of the Kame
to play that team, etc. The
Indians each year play a rep
resentative schedule, always
auainM some of the state's
strongest teams as many as
can be arranged.
This is a sly reference to the
annual two Karnes
in linv yVilv Tutit tin
with Ashland,
last one. Ash
land teams could have, taken the
one star and ten assistants of The
Dalles team, and administered a
decisive defeat.
The Dalles has a Kood team this
year about the a vera ye strong
hluh school team. Victories over.
Albany, (ioldendale, lVndlfWm and
tend does not make them even
championship contenders, except :
In the illumination of excited fans.
(Continued from I'uko One.)
Kretitrup, who made ;i
fair catch
on Army's 4-l-yard line.
Hoffman plimt;ed seven
through the Army's taekl
and l
guard on the right side. Hoffman
on a short end run. ran to Army's
Pioneer Editor Dead
7 r-
Calvin Cobb, editor and publisher
of the Idaho 3A.'ly Statesman,
Boise, for nearly forty years, died
after an illness of a year. He en
tered the Northwest In 1389 as a
cattle dealer. .
jo yard line, eluding half a dozen
(acklers. Sims slipped outside his
left tackle and ran to. AAriny's
four yard line. went in for perry at
r J. , M
tackle for Army. Lew in plunged
iwii yards ut center. Hoffman
ptuiiKcd over for the touchdown.
Huffman added the extra point
with a ifoal from placement, and
1 be score was. Slumlord IS; Army
0. 0
liTfifiunu kicked off to fugle
who took the b;tl I on Army's IS
anl line and ran to the 4 yard
line. Ottile started around the
Stanford ripht end, then ran back,
the other way, then st:Qt;ht back
and threw a forward pass to 1'lpcr
on Stanford's 4- yard line.
Hutchinson charged into the Una
but fumbled and Stanford recov
ered. Hoffman plunged through
. for two yards at center to Army'H
7 yard line. Hoffman Rot two more
ai center, Sims slipped outsldo
his left tackle and went over for
the touchdown.
Hoffman's kirk hit the Koal post
and the score was Stanford l! ;
Army look time out. Frentrup
after a bad pass from center Jur
Kled the ball, recovered it and rail
for a touchdown. We had to Jump
for the ball and was almost sur
rounded by Army players. Ho run
t! I yards and finished with no
Army man near him.
Huffman added the extra point
with a placement kick and the
hcore was Stanford 26; Amy 0.
KxM.ftctl Trouble
I SIMtlXOKIKl.D, 111.. Dec. 1.
(A'i Henry Klmoro told the police
yesterday that he "exported trolib-
ie' Dast night it came; a bul-
let that killed him instantly uur-
Ing a brawl at in sou unnK
plhee which ho operated. HU
slayer escaped.
Clenn, Clear Texaco
Golden Motor Oil hu
the full heatind-prei-eure-resiscing
body to
withstand hour-after-hour
high speed driving
the perfect motor oil
for modem engines.