Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 25, 1928, Page 16, Image 16

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    pa of. fioitt
rr.DFonn matl TTrnuxE, medford. oreoon. sin-day. ntovemdeh i 1923.
'lis Slippery Season New, No Skidding
rfl- Hi VraTT'
Levin." M be .he! J,', OU 1 t w , ,
Frank' Come dia. ! HiT-ifj (f-vfi f
laci tlmt Mr. Jo.- t-; : -. Minti tofflMKf.X;' V'-f
.y to h.. u.,d a u 1 C 'j. V-r"" t. "0 "I iL "W 5 "r i
1 V
Since the Movies Got Their Voice,
The "Dumb Piano," Eta, Has No Job
match. The Calif urn lan took the
first fall with a reverse body hold ers
In one hour. 93 ml nut?, and iXfrn
the Kccond in "I minutes with a
A muling machine which deliv- : lue Fraser, 10. of lvrue.
I mined cigarette when a.awuBuu, c .-"""r-n
nennr i dropped in the n!ot is the hwuth at me ribK ui nr ... uc!t
invention oi & Brooklyn young the family home was destroyed by
Kolb & Dili's hla kvuccrss.
IIMeh Cost of
iVTint attraction
house, with
Etartine ThankseiviriK
Owlnfc to the
Weher, of Weber
famauft com hi nation
lutrh co media nx.
rifiJitn 10 this pi;
mimical conuiiy
City, the local frudut'tion will he' iT-jSfc.
ine butt i ie prouucea until Air. w.
MAf:on Wfllinicton and Alolp J.
Koch, have been cntt for the Kolb
& Dill roies, mid the entire euxt
will be seen in varioim reiuainlttR
TonfKht will be the final perfor
mance of "Too Many IluNbunilx," a
farce comedy that him drawn big
crowd durinu-itf four dtiya run.
Enjoyed Being
a Chorus Girl
Mac Hunch, who will be wen In
the "11 unhand J (unlerti." showing
at the Htale theatre today, enjoyed
her part of a nophlisticated chirui
Kirl. She sniil It lnok her hack to
the dayn when she find went on
the stage and had to go throiiKh
many tlremune n-heai whIh. but
realized how important ull thta hn.i
been in preparing: homelf for a
screen career.
That worn hrei are reiponsible during the wettish teaton for mora
motor-car tide slips than any othtr auie. it agreed fcy motnr.witn
person. Here a Western Auto Supply Company talesman is show
ing a fair car owner how non-skiddish are the new Weite.n Gian
balloon tires.
Wailing Walls of Jerusalem
By O. P. Soymour.
NEW VOltK The chancca nre Solitmou'.i sphMidld ti'inpli- mid
at least oven that A I Jotttnn will therefore their sacred heritan.
Ie heard no moro upon the mu-jmiyn the National OtoBraphlc co
nical comedy ftae. The black- ciety.
face mammy nlnKer has be.-n j From the Mottlem point nf view
BUCceHKful In sound pictures that! It 1h a r-hiinlnK wall iti)oiiw tlu
he . has no present plans for oe- .garden of the lome of the. Kock.
i:ioiUf or tt-iuule area ftr ut leunt
2.0MU years. Without it tho hiher "'"Pio,
Kiuiind tiehlnd would pour down
in a lund.Hlide, rhuklnK the narrow
alley and burying the grimy
froutu In the .Moslem .Mognreiun
WASIIINUTON ii 1'n.liably
as long an there are faithful Jews
ami M oha mined ttijM the Wat liny
Wall In Jerusalem will be a center
of KtrugglC-
It c fme It 4 ancient stone.i Htand
the Jews nnd waitly they listen uh quarter.
tho . cantor iutino t): "Iteeau.He of : Jerusalem I lebrcws have come
the paliiee that lies desolate." to tile Wall on Friday iiIternuoiiM
And the atiKWerini: Inmrnt and Saturdays for centuries. Wom
conies: "We hit alone and weep." en enfolded In shawls, 'old whls-
But sometimes before the cantor keied pai'tiarchs in skirted robes,
can attain tnko up the refrain and Jewish colonists who have ro
hlack Moghrebs rush Into the nar-, turned to Israel auu'w iti
row alley by the wall and set upon warall congregate In the narrow,
the Jews. Down swoop tho Jeru- sunless passage. They never cease
Wade Werner
(Associated I'ress Feature Writer)
HOLI-VWOOI). Cal. .A) What
to do with voiceless actors is only
one of Hollywood's problems to
day. Another. equally prevslnR to
those who have to worry about it,
is what to do with the horns thai
don't toot, the pianos that have
Ins 1 iheir divides, tho gi anilfuihei
clocks that can't even tick, let
alone boom out the hours, and the
Uonrneiitt, fire bells, school bells
nnd bell buoys that photograph ull
rignt but sound like wood or plus- ;
ter to the microphone.
Studio property departments are
full of buch silent odds and ends,
collected in the days when n good
movie piano merely had to look ,
musical anil the studio woodshop
could turn out In a few hours its
fine a set of cathedral chimes tin
ever rang silently on a screen.
After a few more months of,
talkie production tho property de- :
pailinents will be as well stocked
with things that, sound real as they
now are with things that look real.
.Meanwhile, hou'ever, the rental de
partments of those studios which ,
have begun to insist on photo-
graphing scenes with genuine in
cidental sounds as well as genuine 1
dialogue art having a merry time'
keeping up with the demands of
lCven the simplest sounds have
proved wontlruusly difficult to de
liver. A locomotive bell, for ex- '
was needed In n certain
scene. It was taken for granted .
that any number of bells could be
rented on an hour's notice from i
one of the railroads here. Hut not !
a rail road shop in Los Angeles had 1
one t. spare. Finally a hell that
could get leave of absence from its
regular d title long enough tn ring
for the movies was found In an,
aut-of-town shop.
A similar chase resulted when an .
ordinary street car gong was want-
ed in a hurry. Fvery gong in I.os
Aug les was In actual sei vice oit
home street car, tt seemed, and
could not be spared. Again an out-of-town
source had to be turned to
for the nibMing "sound-prop."
Providing pianos for a talking
singing picture seems simple
enough, but the first hurry call for
these p r o v e dr
U4t VOU f ,
vn( fAir 1 -
t now-a
e m liarr ssing !
too. (i.cttinR
quick delivery
on the set was;
one pro h I e m;
having the in
str u m e n t s In
tune for imme
diate recording
was another.
The pianod in
the studio's si
lent pro p e r t y U
d e p ar t m e nt
would have
photograp h e d
beautifully: but
all were elther
u t t erly sound
less or hope
bssly out of
I e r haps as
wild a chase for
a genuine sound
as any yet pre
cipitated by a director's "go get it"
order resulted from the discovery,
after arrival of a talking picture
troupe on location In l"tah. that
there were no records on harjd tov
playing on an old-stylo cylinder
phonograph, period of 1S!)5, which
was scheduled to be heard among
the incidental sounds In a scene
the next day.
A telegram was sent tn the stu
dio rental man here. He finally
rounded up 30 cylindrical records
f-M-an(eed to squawk perlod-of-1S95
popular music. After that all
that was necessary to get them, on
the set before morning was to hire
an airplane to fly them to lTtah.
: mm j
; ' km
AN OVATION greeted the New 1929 Duraut 60
Nowseven days laterthat ovation has grown
r . . i a i . i
into a veritable landslide ot puimc approval.
The womlercarof Ihcdecadehasscorctl a brilliant triumph!
Cijranticvalups aocomit for the Vibration Danipner, Red Seal
wilXlireeiithiibiii-iii.. lustrous Continental Motor with High
chromium plating; T.anc bcst.-r Compression Head; effortless
steering control; Speedway
Model comfort-grip steering
wheel; Nelson Iiohnalite Invar
Strut Pistons; Bendix Four
Wheel Super-Servo Brakes.
salem policethere nro some se-'
seve Injuries another Wailing
Wall incident.
From the Jewish point of view.
the Wailing Wall Is a buttress of
turning to the footlights, and he
Announced definitely when ho re
turned from a Kuroptnn honey
moon recently with Mrs. Jolson
III 'the tap-dancing Kuby Keeler
that for another 'year, at any
rate, he would do nothing1 but
make movies,
Jotson's voice has shown symp
toms of weakening In recent years
when he has had to use it every
night upon the stage, and his de
sire to preserve It Is one factor
in his decision. No entertainer
of the present slagn generation
has used his voice no steadily and
unsparingly. His work In sound
pictures also Is less arduous than
ironping In other respects, nn)
thus far It has been more profitable.
tho dolorous Incantation for the
recovery of their temple on th
other side of the Wall.
Tradition and history together
tell a story of the temple that ex
plains Hie sorrow. First
Abraham ascended tho itat-topped
hillock to preptue for the cuu-rifice
of Isaac. Next the rock appears in
tradition as the threshing floor of
Ornan the Jebtislte. David pur- !
chused it as on offering to the
holy Mohammedan ,I-.ord and then Solomon erected the
From n non-sectarian point of conce. tiere riiiist as a child run
view the wall is a thne-stalned has- ; Versed with the dot tors anil later,
tion of cut stone rlMiig three ' as a man, drove out the money
stories In height. Its mnsidve cubes changers.
of rock hold back and have held, Finally the temple was utterly
buck the hill of earth In the
A Lucky llmik. i
U took sound pictures nnd nuj
in usual combination of cireum-l
stances to lure Jolson from tho'
stage. He hail tried acting lit
the films, before the days of yn
chronlintlon. and had liked it so
little that he abandoned It with
an abruptness, which got him into
a lawsuit. He had no thought of
K career In the talkies until it
has urged upon hln .
Then Cleorge Jevsel, who had
made himself famous In the tttto
role of "The Jaw Klnger" on the
stajre. went to Jloltywood to mnke
a movie of It nnd discovered that
It was to he screened with sound.
He protested that his contract
culled for him only to uet the
part, and not to speak It, and de
manded -more money. The In
creased wage he asked was more
than the producers were willing
to pay.
Homebody suggested Jolson for
the part. Jolson happened to
be Idle, and took It. The picture
was so successful that he cast his
lot with the film.
Jolson probably will fill brief
stage engagements again, as he
did a season ago when he stepped
Into a, Shubert show In Chicago
for a fortnight at $10,000 a week,
but It seems less and lesa likely
that he ever will have another
6tnbad" or "Big Boy" on the
stage tying him down for a long
run In New York nnd another on
the road. And although Broad
way will" hf nhl to see him in
the movies. It will regret that U
can't call him back to the foot
lights any more, after tho final
curtain, to sing Just one moro
chorus of "Mammy."
BOSTON. The Women's
Christian Temperance I'nlon was
called Upon today by Dr. Valeria
II. Parker to combat divorce and
trial marriage with sex education
dcs(rocd In the first century A. !. i and spiritual encouragement,
by the KoTimu Kmperor Titus, but ; Dr. Parker is the director of the
Kito years later the Mohammedan union's department of social mo
I'mlr, Abd-el-Mutck, used the site raltty. She noku at the Uihan
and remaining foundations for ihejnual convention of the organlzn
preseiit mosque which rises over ; tion.
stPar of Solomon. 1 "New forms of union, more fern-
Smashing -Sale of Fine
By SETTLEMENT; Six-Cylinder Cars
porary in character than the one :
acred to church and legalized by
.ttate, are catching the attention
of young people, - many of whom
are asking for the truth," said Dr. ;
"Shall we not tell them why, and
how. the pros nt form of marriage
meets the spiritual ami biological .
needs of the human family, and of
the dangers of yielding to new ,
philosophies which place self-ex- ;
pl-ession above morals'.'
r "What is needed is sex character :
training begun in childhood." ;
V ' ' '
World's lowest
priced fully
equipped Six
Also . . . Ilia 1929 CreatCSt DL RAN'T FOL'K . . . loiccst prima in the unrld Jot fully-rqilipprd automnhiles
SALT LAKE 1'ITY, l lall, Nov.
Z. (ei Cteortct' Kotsonaros, Los
Anpelt-s heuvywelKht nxesller, and
Ira Oern. t'lah K''apior, wri'stl.-tl
!o a t'iv hi'iv last nlKht, i-nrli
Brapplr saininc ont- fall iti a two
hour. fivt luinuto tiiw. limit
32 North Riverside
Phone 366
CHICAGO, Nov. i.V) Strike
threats of -l.'.omt railroad trainmen
and conductors of western rail
roads had evaporated today as a
new wage scale became effective
on B.'i western railroads.
J. W. Iliggins. chali man of the
eonference committee of nvmagers
of western railroads, said the new
scale, providing til percent in
crease, will add SG.50U.OU0 to the
payrolls. The new agreement is
retroactive to May I last, and runs
until May 1. 1 !C'y.
Althoush the Chicago and Alton
Is the only rond running westward
from here that is not a party to
the agreement. Its employes are
expected to benefit since officials
several months ago agreed to abitle
by the settlement utfectrd yester
day. Acceptance of the federal fact
finding commission's recommenda
tion yesterday culminated months
of controversy ami conferences,
followed by a strike vote of train
men anil conductors of the western
roads. ,
LONDON. Nov. I ay- Hav
ing swept over the British isles,
leaving nine known dead and dis
abled and crippled shipping in It
wake, a southwesterly gale today
was ho'.vMnc' across western Fu-
Stiimlai'tl Sixes ami Victory Sixes every
Dmitri' lii-otliors Pnssi'iier Cur of cither of
llieso types in our stock m.Ust bo sold at otu-e.
.They an all of the latest current models. They
are all roomy, eomfortahle ears, beautiful in
color, rich in upholstery. They carry vi:e name
of heiiiy the finest performers in their respec
tive classes; and they can back it tip on the
At their former prices they were outstnndinir
values; nt their present prices they are bar
pains vxtraonlinary in motor ear history.
Bruit and Dimes.
. The check room at a Times
Square subway entrance specialties
in bass drums. Fifty are piled
most of the time on a partition
above its shelves, and almost any
morning after 3 o'clock drums of
mot of Broadway' famous band
can be found there.
The has drummers In theater
and night club orchestras, in
dance hnllw and at dining rooms
of the vicinity, value their In
struments too highly to leave them
In the orrheetra. pits or on the
daises. 0 They cannot iug them
home eery ntght and buck the
next day, heeause of the difficulty
of get tin them Into subway trains
not t mention wear and tear on
the houldm or wherever base
drums sr carried. t the drums
re cheeked, nnd the checker
counts on them for 5 of his
ditih revenue. i
MANILA, Nov. 34 ) Advlcen
that several thousand persona hud
been made homeless and hundreds
of homes destroyed In the typhoon
which has raged through the south
central part of the Philippine arch
Innetaro for two days were receiv
ed here today. No deaths have
been reported.
UAItKHMKI.D Kale of 1.644
rres of spruce timber land for
0150,000 reported la this section. J
Any Seat 15c Anytime
Children under 12, lOo
Show Changes Dally
"Husband Hunters"
fVnlnrlii lny tluoli . anil
Waller IU-Ii-m. AUo I'utlio
Men ml (ViimM),
New Price
1 DeLuxe Sedan $1020
3 Sedans 975
3 DeLuxe Sedans $1185
These Prices Include
Full Equipment
Medford Delivery
Onvrniriit tonus at tlit'so low prices:
1618 So. Fir Phone 304'
Motor Co.
Let Us Give You a Car!
That Is Just About What It Means. Look at the
Prices Below and You Will Agree with Us that We
are Practically Giving These Cars Away
New Playhouse
3-Act Farce Comedy
"Too Many
' Husbands"
A Laugh Every Minut
' High i JJqst .jjfLovlng''
Medford Lodge B. P. 0. E.
Tuesday Night, Nov. 27
Peppy Music Novel Costumes
Elks Temple
Elks and Their Families Only
1924 Ford Touring, runs good
OK rubber . $ 60.00
1923 Ford Roadster Deliv
ery, good tires, curtains
mechanically all right 80t00
1924 Chev. Touring, a good
buy 75.00
1923 Type Buick Tour., new
Duco, 80 per cent tires;
runs fine -135.00
1925 Chev. Tour., good top,
curtains, tires. Try this
one out anywhere . . . 175.00
1923 Chev. Tour, in good
shape all around .. . . 100.00
1926 Ford Rdstr., everything
good, new paint 235.00
1924 Star Tour, 4 new tires,
new top, overhauled,
original finish . 150.00
1926 Ford Tour., good top &
curtains. Almost new
tires. We have sold sev
eral of these at $300, . . 200.00
1925 Chev. Coach, very good 285.00
Essex Ccach, runs good, new
Duco 125.00
1927 Chev. Coach, almost
perfect 475.00
1927 Chev. Sedan, practical
ly new 550.00
1928 Chev. Sedan at good discount.
This car is a slightly used dem
onstrator. o
8th at Bartlett
Phones 150 and 941