Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 25, 1928, Page 15, Image 15

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pjae seven
School Notes From tta City and Valley
Jim H'i n t. Jiult Areher, lUule I ill
limi'Min, ni in tiohlc, I ifil l.iUn'H, j ting
Hoy VUIi:t!UK. Htan Kunr.mun nmljt
lilp)i (Juyt'i-.. j hi-r
All UC1
c.teek ship. Tin I'nruiKUQ" . f rii lit with mineral from the LONDON. Nov. 24. Uener
had been ht.lsted over her ami Si'nl-h Vm'lva mines fur Nantep. l Willimu llramwHI llooth, coin-
inrts;msf tta ttced i - innnder of, the Salvation Army,
hiiwfs. Th X irt: v, ''tnwfiiM wvriy W1tn rwoHf p"1 n rather ttaii night.
High School
Junior High
Roosevelt School
Jtaig Ai-klln,
will appear
well known '
X the local
t'nrl IKhIkc,
The harmonica
baud is K"iut
These uils from' the GS elas
school Monday afternoon io uy to interest Central i'oin. i .,,,,, uv-i itr..-,.-..-. n,.u i..,.k,,r
Kline. Itolph Cuyer, Mollie ltrowno
JVyion Xiivcomli, .Marjory itev-
art 1st
at one o'clock. UUplayliii' a num- in Mail inn a band by Koine there
her of oil paintings that he pro- to play a few numbers noon. They
duceo from the orislnahi in an are alo kohir to piny at daddies'
allries and museums in the olUtnJKht.
world. j liaiiklne.
Mr. Aiklin has made a larpe! Junior Hi lmnked 95. 5 per eent.
cael 10 fet hie electrically Ituunix 2, a, 7, s. l and the as
litchiert. from which he diplay scmuly banked 100 per cent,
hit paintings. All of the pictures ThnukslvIK Ascmbl).
are fix let wide, und most ot The TharkssiviiiK program,
them aro tooven feet hih. pouyored by the- student body.
o.M.ic .i uiu miuuuuctiuiM yym be presented Wednesday M
3:15 u. in. I'arent nro eordinllv
iisa, una i w invited to niien.i
Uisi Supper"; Raphael'; "Mu-i4 JIK f0ow.s:
iiouna t tne t nauy and "Hist me j Salute
Madonna"; .Michael Anglo's Adam hodv
'.and Kve"; liuhen "Descent from President's
f the rroiis'; and Turners . I- iKht- lamation
iiik lemernire. Accordion olo Hilly llyan.
chaiKed or all who attend. All Laiuu
numerous although many if our
pupils are leaving too. These are
the now ones: Viola 'ollitfi 1 11,
Viotei rollicr -.', Alice t'urry W
Wayne furry 4 It. NVal I'urry fl
l'hillis 1'uiiy Winifred Hake
2 A. These are the ones that ar
bavinti this week: Marjorie Her
A liirnf uuiubcr of pupils have
n abit'iU (itdinir the ia-ii w''-k.
' Nearly all if tbcm bare ee sick
. u nli the flu. O
art, Wmnlcy Kunznmn, faiherine ,nan jlt 1.inwl. Uoy Drown SD
Dr. Aiiilln will hIiow are:
Vinci's '".lona Lisa," und
Driindt. AIhi Thompson,
llet lstuin
The best posture award in pen
manship was Won by the till class
lat wei4i because in other written
work the posture was good,
The hanking fur the luihliimr
was Nl.l percent, which was nut
so Rood us last week, but we bunc
The program j to improve next week. The high
est percent whs .Mis Aspiuwali's.
Flan Student with an nvcruKe of 111. I percent.
.Mrs. Maxwell's 111-1 A room bad
ThankHgivinc; Troc- 100 percent. Kvery nupll in the tli!
David Iowry, class hum a bank book, ,hut every-
body nanked. We all will have a
Dance y.oe Deli- thrift button to wear when they
Kthel chord. ' arrive from New Vork.
(California ), J:imes Anninc SA
Lincoln t, Delmer AnuirtK -IA
(Lincoln). Uolien Annltig 4A i Lin
coln. Dc(mIs Slope t fll Llnv,ln.
liohy Herman U. Ltmoltt.
The spi-Him; vera pc- for the
buibli'iK wits 4..v7. XV' think tbis
is u v.'ry Kood vera we lut of
course we shall try to improve. The
a A bad the blubCst average f
Pi.L They are very happy ovej
their kimhI fortune.
ltook I'oxtci's
Wh had : omc very good reading
posters for the short time in which
we had tit mako them. There are
eleven of t hem in t lie public It-
There is a campaign ag:iiust ,
1 Lnu'ish going on in the ;
Ituosevelt school in which all (
pupils are urged to partake. If .
any pupil continues jo pom-1
KiiKlifh his grade will be some-
!,ll le .? ed. ;
I'hjMcal Knms j
This miv seboii there
WH great vXriteiiiv lit . Dr. Slet'i".
Dr. Thayer and Dr. Aduir.s were at
our school examining the children.
Xii '" or girl who id nut take it J
or was toit K will harre-if frmu
t' baHcball. track, etc j
Cap tiirtru Co ujriri
..nciiLnulA ln.-,.. , i .u.... . i iu.ii. we me an vei- wen miiif-
"J, J ' ' lnvM:i, oio Mrs. JJoyd Kiiv 1H11 fi. a with the xhrnvins wp mndc
nn , ,U.rrn- ' W0 h!U,n fi,e ""'"' Tu.l;.y. .-u,,h. fi,U,. ,U,h Kra,i,s
o . nil, nu. , i hi.nksKing address lteverend It look us 72 swonils to K, i ut of nimtt- imsit-i-x.
Jin.. J!. C. an Dyke hns been l noes. . th- l,uil,iinK. ll l,.ok us :.r, s...-..,ls ' - VomlKI
i 'iilwiitutine for I.. J. Knox, and; n ihiorostinir nrnim,m holns lomtor ihht limo ihun hi. Dm.. .. . .i
Iwreiu o has bwnipianne,! for Friday. l:o,nbpr Till. i- to. ban- u 1 it,.r ivpord n. si . r.miball i hami.i.nsbl., last Satur-
Vh hi,'h i brislmns play lias been se- time. 1 ,Uy by boalinis tbe Washington
trio nij,n ie,,ed and the charai.lers hnve: lli-nllh 1iiskh-Uoh s.bool. 33 to ... oris Coble was
been asslKned (heir parts. Practice ' The buil.iiim nveiaBe in heallll the outstaiKliiiK iilayer. He ma.lp
..... .n-K.u next week. . inspection was xo.G piivenl. The f.nn- inu..h.iivn f.- " s-h...l.
banner rooms were the 4A and r.H, Koy Williams did some fine play
both lll.l percent. inp 0. Klitht boys of our team
J'niills l.eiivlnu' lillil Coming; made the all-siar team to piny the
The new' pupils are RetUrnr quite '.), u. SJi,i-,.ts .Saturday. They are:
.Mrs. J. F
tnkinK the place of
Jtuiley. teachers in
Jackson School
Xeiv IhHiks hi l.lbraiT.
The followliijf books have been
added to the Junior HI Hbrarv'
Hankini; R7 percent, inn percent ' ril'f""y!
rooms, Mrs. Taylor's. Mrs. Deuel's. ! Asliiiiun, School Keens Today;1
llonlih SO. 4 percent. Hluhest I "t'rnett, Sara Crewe; Camm, JUuI-
rooms. Jonnuo . .MaeNlven's amlil Aeroplanes; .Martin, Abble Ann; i
Miss Allco Hansen's, both (in per ! r!'1"'"' K""iy Ij)U; .N'lcolay. Our
,.,.nt. i Nation in the Jiulldlnt,-; -Xlcolay,
SpelllnK 97.5 porcent. llicbest i "'lok o American Wars; l'erkins.
Kiade 3lt class !(() percent and r. ! fl Twln': Perkins. Pioneer
class 119 percent. . j i Vie- Nacy liutledcet
A large number .-of children are '""' '. School History of the
absent on account of the influenza. Amt'rin eople; Service. P.hymes
Over 250 days absence have been;"1 " 1!d ' ilan; SinKinaster,
incorded ilurinR the last line days.'""'',11 0 ,:nl",1 States; Stein.
Tliero is h ruliiiK that children ; lAl,i'' Sbepherd ot Provence; Tan
out throe days or more must pre- ' """' American Hero Stories; Try
s.'nt a .loetor s certificate to safe- "' & 'JnKly. The American Pen.
.ruard the other children. We j "V", ,aI"' -Nation: Vollentlne. The
.lope that all remember this r America; WIBKln. Moth-
.hal none will bav. in be sent r -a,"y 8 '-I'lckens.
home In the cold. ' ,,. Personals. .
The ohildren of the first A have 1 C Kla'1 to Bll- "llU Alrs-
macuinsier anu .tr. jieiuiersnn
1.IK1IOX. Sov. 24. (Tl
The'k frolKhter Viriiinia. aban
doneii l.y her crew afier a collision
several days ni,-o off the coast of
Portugal, has becu towed Into l.elx- -oes
port, by Pnrumuese trawlers
who are now elaimimr salvayej
ninouniini; to 7',tuin pounds lap-!
pi oxiiiiatcly iS.' I.
No one was more surprised when
the Virginia came Into port than
Captain MlehfJ'nrns, commnnder of
been stuilylng Jiboul the 1'nritans.
I'lyninuili Town Is now represented
on the hitnd table.
Tho Fourth A and It reading
clas-scs have enjoyul using some
are back with im
.wis. Church U?ft for
on Kridi.y to attend )
nfter ,a short
new and unusual material fm- their V""" ' iat?i
Tending lessons. Wis are now nuli
scrllcrM to a weekly newspaper
known as "My Weekly Header.
The schoolmaster's club 'met in
the Junior III school Thursday
They are (,uite like the dailies for ! n,iKhl nm1 Wer, sorvcd a fclouH
Uder folks and the chiblren seem ,n,l;p n' the af'e!S of tho l'arent-,
to enjoy reading of current topics
In material which presents it in an
iiiterrslilig, uuderstnndable man
ner. Our library books arrived. We
are keeping a record of the books
each one reads.
The Fourth A hygiene class is
Teacher association.
Washington School
Three teachers in the depart
i iiieiu were ill last week. They
! were Mrs. Itolton, Ml f'ronihr;
making an health alphabet book land MIsk Harding. The substitutes
of foods. Th'p, are working on who took their plncea- wor Mrs.
tho last three idlers now and we CantraU for Misw . Croniar Mrs. to assemble and bind It to- Mintonffe for M.Ikh Jl larding t and
?X morrow. ' ' j'Mrs. Newbury YoF Xjrs; liolton)
ilfc The fifth and sixth grades have ! Washington schofil got the hfgh
' had it contest to see which class f est liauklug percent last week,
' could complete its book reviews i which was 1 02.1) percent. It was
Tirst, the winners to get a little I especially good this wek and the
time off. Competition has been ; school was very proud of it. It is
keen for weeks in all the classes. : the highest percent any school has
However, the tID's have succeeded 1 reached this year,
in winning the laurels and are New nunils who came to the
tiulte happy over and proud of I Washington school last week were j OUJf O'
their achievement. They deserve Cecil Uodgers. 1A: Mildred Suther-J
much praise as they had the lar- ! land, 2B; tarth linker, 4ii; Ken- j 1 j --
gest class, thus the most reports, neth Uodger..4A. '
to prepare. Three cheers for the t Our spelling average lust week
dlVni "was 94.X percent, with the 3A hav-
The children of the department 1 ing highest percent which was US. 3
are, quite sold on the new system J percent. The 4A Jiad lowest per
writing. There has been quite j rent which was Sit. a percent.
1 Among Other Things It Means:
Co-6ipra ion hotwfpn nioivlinnls and I'nrmors.
A slaiidavdizt'd homo nmrkei lor farmoi'.s.
An increased homo mavkot for standardized farm prodnots.
Co-ojioration hoi ween oonsunior, merchant and farmer.-
An inoroasod consumption of fi-osh fruit, qnay farm products.
Buy at' homo. Keep tho money at home and koop it moving by
passing it around among consumer, men-bant and farmer. It
moans increased prosperity for all fanner, merchant and
The Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange
The Poultry Producers' Co-Operative Ass'n
Every member
of the family
short or tail
enjoys perfecr
driving comfort in Buicks new
adjustable front seat ...
Everyone enjoys complete driving comfort in the new Buiciti
Buick's new adjustable front seat, and the adjustable steering
column, assure a made-to-measure driving position for any
A tremendous advance . , . yet only one of many comfort features
in this newest and finest of liuicks. The new twin-blade electric
windshield wiper . . -. Buick fingertip steering . . . improved .
grouping of instruments and controls . . . and many other refine- j
ments found hexe are combined in uo other car at any price!
These features, in addition to vivid beauty and uarivaled per
formance, have won nationwide acclaim for the new Buick , . .
have made it undisputed lender iu its field ... as well as America'
favorite family car!
Cjfht Silverjlnniversnrtj '
40 North Riverside
Phone 73
Owned and Operated by Tanners
CLAY D.! PARKER, Manager.
mtmm 1 V M MMMB MMr- Mte HM kV .
i r v i -
an improvement over the hint re
port. The 5th prude clans raised
their average from O to It. Marvin
ilurlie, Xovin Cope, Krvu Harper,
itetty I'urdin hi the children who
whow 'the imllviilunl im
provement. They oaeh raised Thomaa of the fiH firuitc
tltelr Krade In the tet 20 point'. i moved to San Kraneiseo.
The lienlth aeraffe for theS
huildiiiK last week was 85.1 per i
cent. We expect to pet a hih
aveniKe next week.
There was ono pupil leaving the
Washington school last week, John
joint committee of the treasury
. ami pohtofficc departmenlK.
Thi eommittee then i?lectH the ;
( site. unlewM, as sometimes happens,
.another invemiKntion is necewsaiT.
i is not unusual for me in hern of
ithe joint ilepartmental committee..
In t uch cases, to make a iiernonal .
iii!-iei uirii uic mivn.
After aeleclhm In made, the pa-
' pcrs are forwarded to the depart- ;
; ment of Justice to i examine the;
tlin find elene it if nfiuuii'i- Tho .
( trlrt does this work and makes his ;
nnoi'l tn Ihn (..! "Clin
itens of n municipality Jearn that , IIfll.lmftnl ,M nn.n N1,hmJ(M ,h(.
meeting every expectation
WASHINGTON (Pi Wlicn. citl-
conwi'.'H has authoriz.Ml tho cqh- j
paptM-N t. th. ffen.'rnl :i(!nuntlnK :
strat tlon ..f a Kovoi nmcnt l.ulWliia : whch (,)l-(.(,k , ,,.
4li tltt'ir city it may lie that they
j for tho i.rnperty. Thu rh.t.k 1h '
pxppct to o the Mtruc-turo ho..t- ( , )l0 ,i,.rny. ,
lnK Hkywnrd In n .lay nr on . h , ., h ,h
Hut tlniMP who un.lpr.t!n(I how ; t(. mnrtl, i
painnnklnK Bovrrnment offlWata j Vmll n,P llUp ,B 0,,,aI1P,i, ,aw.
tut he in . lrctlnK Kito ln(,M fol. ,,. ,,urtnR ,.,
nniulsltion of land In tho . onstrm-i stMr0 ,t )ls BferKmry first lo
t ion of hull.llnB!.. th.- r.-asons for ,cl.,,(1 Kovel.Ilnu.m ,part
tho .Inlay hotn-n-n ll.P atlthnilz;!. , menK to Mnf, M dIU(, ()nla on
lion an.l .slartinit of ponMruntinnth(, ?pni.0 mUi.Bd hy Pni. , ,
aro clear. -have a topoKraphical etlrvcy niatlo
After tho appropriation i made. of ,n(, ,. Ilnrt , makp Hllll ,,,..
th. nvasury ailvortlaex for lld lnRfl lo ,,.tclniillo ihB i,MrlnK r.
hlrh arc opened puhllcly. The pa(.j(y of lnn Krmil1n. i.,...lminary 1
lowest price acked for n piece , BtulUpH deHlKn ore then made.
l( property doc not necessarily ; KMch ,WIVF , m,,,.t ,no nim.OVI1, ' to ho selected. The of ,h(, hoai,B r ,)lc v,.,nUll u,.
Mils aro turned oven to a treasury ,,rtmontR that nro to oco.tpy space
department sito nffelit and n pout-; in tnn hulldlnK.
office department . Inspector f or j From ,, polnt lhc rrPpnrn. .
joint Inspection of tho various ( nn f ,VO.k)nB dritwlngs and spo- !
sles offered. I clflcatlons Is carried on in the
1- rom tnroo days to a ween nrei manner as hy iit ivntc ar.-hi-
In point or .si jle,' the jdentily of tlie new
De Solo Six as a product of Chrysler is
apparent at first glance. Moreover, all
the. elements of greater value which
such lineage assures are evident in the
maintenance of those high standards
that have won universal admiration and
The new De Soto Six could not he less
than it is in beauty, performance, com
fort and safely, because it bears the re
sponsibility of maintaining and carrying
forward the high repute of Chrysler
engineering and manufacturing genius.
t t
Mnltiim prm prw
I'aelon, $845; Hood'
iter Espanol, 8i5;
Sedan Coche, $845;
C.upe Busine,.$8tSi
Sedan, $885; f.upe de
Lujo, $885; Sedan de
f.ujo, $955. All price
at factory.
The Great Independent
now holds every official record for fully
equipped stock cars, including the greatest
feat of endurance in history The President
Eight's world record ol
30,000 miles in 26,326 minutest
iw--! I I V ' -1
retpMired for this inspection. The
tectH. Itid are th0 obtained on '
neon ts are exptrris ana mey 8iunyia competitive hasln and a contract
the Kites, analyze tfie bid, Kve mnd- with th succesnfii! hidrter, ;
consideration to location from infM -which the construcff.n work '
huslners nnd transportation Mnnd- ! ,M cnrrt,., on under the close ncru
pnlnts, study topoKraphicn! and ; tln, of n fi(.1( enifner wnn H
noil conditions, nnd de tcrmine oontinuously on the ground until
whether the 5ite nro Inrge enoush thc hmi.unff completed.
to accommodate the hulldlnK and 4 , .,- , ,
approaches. ! KIT.KXK, Ore., Nov. 24. (P) '
Their report are forwarded to Hohln Heed, of amateur ynd Olym- 1
the treasury department. Here : pic fame, made a successful
they are studied first lo architects : "comehack" In professional wrest-'
to determine whether .a suitable ; ling hero last niht hy wlnnlnR
hulldlnK ean le designed for any from (Veil Itnrrirk of t'nlifornla.
one of tho preferred sites; econd i Heed took the last fall In '
hy Qdlmator who ileclde whether ', minutes with a toe-hold, and the
tV: appropriation- I sufficient to j second full In cipht minutes with'
TOfehnse the slle and oncstruct ' a reverse headlork. Harrlck was
the hulldinff; thinl. to the law divl- j unconscious for nevnrol minuies
nlon which examines all data and j after the last fall. They aro mid
ubmllf recommendntionff to the j dlewolshU.
123 South Riverside Quality Cars Phone 254
See these four great lines of Studebaker champion cart!
The Dictator
The. President Eight
within six mnntiis nfter its introduction,
It outsold all wtlirr8-eylin.lcr
rant! 5 world records set bv $" iZ Of?
3Mt00nilliti2.,32ftmlnuUsl lUOJ
The Commander
Only Hi Stiiilcl.aker Prcsl.lrnt cvct np
proarlml The Coiilmniiilir's nliiriui speed
And tt(Jurcnc r.-cnnl !'
25.0(H) miles iu 22,!K8 mln- 'JJQ1
No sick car )llng under U00 erer
p()nclicd the Oietator's
record nf 50(10 mile in 4731 9i OC
minutes! j , A.dVftJ
. The Erskine Six
Proved Itself fincsl, fastest ear under $1000
hy racing J1M0 MtUes 1 tU
... I n u lea under olliiiol super- fQQC
vlsinnl OttJ
' AH prievttf. a. 6. factory .
132 Soi Riversido . , Phone 464
. - .-.-C--f t-