Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 25, 1928, Page 11, Image 11

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Helen Norris, KGO Playwright
'reflects one philosophy- Another
M't'Jis to embrace as much of tho
tragic reality of lift as ioss-ibir-.
maintaining that the joys and
The liroadcast Weekly," of The rniversity or Urccon rxtvn- utNfuetion wimhe wme through
,.Q , . ,.,,... . t-iiiinu the had evidem e with
tme article (fiiis week the t'j
Status Of Reallocation
Awaits Listener Verdict
tho Koud ura deeM?r and more
tm- nrllcl.- week the t- amI lu.r t.OIUlu., tl. nul, win, ersi,
hJ"'"," v ..I',"?'! "t!! the university instruct,, fruved I "Jus, Planni,,," IteM .
We reel like akli; Wl to eMM-rienee "They v (hlll11l. , llt,w ycor in
draw ynur chair to the fire, me, ,ys Helen Inspiration . -,,, Jt been n.u.luee.l
turn tin, llKht out and settle eouruuemeM and best of nil faith iv . (1 aI)ll ,,nvel. lllolls.
f.,,fo.tMl,le In your chui. Bui in myself " : , , . fowt.d ,,
never in.nd ..Lout tuning In KGO. the tl,mKs lu loves we , h mjo Ifl luls.
'I hi time, you ure RoinB to meet will iiKaln let her Knenk for her- ,,,,.. w.litin tul. mill0 Menn
the mother of the pluya yoti have self: "j have loved book,, sis far , VMi, ;k.n a ,.onvll,t,sl,iK (,.,
so often heard from the Oakland us. the days of my faw.-ln-, m.r ,.,., 1)erntt(iw nnd tile
Ijen. ral Kleetru.- station. . allnn thumb-worn. Jelly stulned . ..ia,.,.;,!,. Im,uved in
Kirst let us dash the "nioim- volume of Mother Coose with tin- ,u..lUh ,u.r thou'sands of radio
lain kI.T myth down into the tale or J-oor whirl, never Jfrt.nds m.v h , wita !u,r
Yillloy with this very sentence by failed to lii-ins tears. My first
IfoliilliiK out timt Helen Norris "(,'rown up" book was larrio'.;
was born in Portland, Maine, onj'A Window in Thrums," a read-i fanfit' Fslond Life
Juno 1.1, 1SI01. She was a sen- inn whieh led to several others
Brightened By
WLW Programs
Life at the I-cper colony at Ma-
sitive. . appre iatlve little girl. Her before I could put it Istek on tliej
life was fully of joy and won- j shelf. I have never recovered j
tier with only the normal trau-jfrom my early infatuation fot-j
edies of the child world. She j Harris's adorable humor. Head-!
loved the cold winters with the ' iug is one of my greatest joy.
snow niul ire and the happv , principally fiction ami biography.
ClirfNliiim hnll)i-w tint down in'l love mil.sir- lh)t iM hit nm Ito'ilil-'
tlm- niltltllc of them. She still irul; littl boys from two to Kix:140'1"' ' ' "
remember gmherliiK violets und'ea food; dnu-s; mountains unlcm,,i ,,v reception of dance mu.c
daisies in the summer; the m il- t tree. I abominate wwlng. I'd ! fl om rim nal. Home miles
linntly colored maple leaves in j rather use a safety pin any day uw'. lu-t-mMiiiB to letter re
the fall; and Dcering Oaks, where Jthnn sew on a button, a shame-; eel veil at station IAS' here.
LoiiKfelluw played as a hov.jlo admission, hut true. Ho many! T- -Mleff. medieal superm-
There were visit to Urnndmoth- j dear old ladies have said eom-j tenden;. wrote that the program f
er a New KnKhmd farm In Ver- firtini:ly, 'of course you haw September l fl "uriw heard strnmrly
mont on u Ijthe Champialn ls-!:.'ur fancy work.' Kaney wrk!i 1U(I speaker from 4:3M to
lnnd. Tho i-el:ttiimK with Um lU-iWhen I'd rather write anvthiii-; : P- . l'iji time
in- country cousins were nt;un"' i iwiia
the more interesting and dra-' novels.
t r.v IV K. lUtttei field. AssoeUUed ,
Vvvs Klltr.
Ni-;V YOKK il- I.Utenin: ru
Uitdtiju has had a tate of tit
waveh nt,'th reailoc:itlons. AVhetln r
it was bitter sweet may re
iinire weeks and even months t
Those, fans whose s!e delisht
Is dtM;:nM' liuittiiif; and the others
who depend largely uimii leal re
ception i;raluully are bidldin,'
their station loss aam and he
Kinnniur to anaiyze the situation.
H'ine have found It much to then
li);inif, particularly in where
both disutiH-e nl leal reception
has iniproverd. t)thcr disco veved
-flaws that only the practical ap
plication of a plan ojt paper could
br o
i Olio- development to bo expect
ed was the absence of hetero
dynes or wiueals U the !aek-
. tiroiuui of stations assigned to
clear channels- The heterodynes
' a re due u o Verla ppint; wave -
i h imths.
In the east, a slrnmr w.histle
- often was nutbeaMe heretofore
I buck .of WOII even to New Tori;
I listeners. I'nder the reallocation
this was e-one. as was the ens
with tistf hj;lH tlsle lehutd
WKAK and WJ36 and other
e i f ul st a t i o ns t hr on shout t he
e.Minti v thai now occupy free
wavv i-paees. '
In la yiiii: out the new assign
ments tin cii:tnelse, the radi
eeniiul..sion t k'ared 40 Mf them,
on "s of thee were put ilaibns
'f Uizh poHfi- with u elear iJ:iiJ
of Way, On the other t weie
plac'd i' ( stations retjuired l
dntde tune In most vases im
other sialioiiK oecupy tlie?c channel-,
although oasknully an
other transiiiitter was cvniUed
limned time r a daylight assign
ment thereon.
The remaining rtatiwns were put
on wi;ionl or vhannvls. d
pendim; upttn their puwei-. J,ocaI
stations, piven sis ehunnels and 2:
or more oH'pyin? vuvh one, do
lift have more than 1 watts.
The regional tuitions have greater
power and from five to I of
them are on each of 44 chan
nels. Where the stations; are In
. the same locality they are re
quired to divide them.
The regional classifications are
at both the top and bottom of
the -eah with tmat ytatlwnx only
in the shorte? walengths. The
clear chHnm-ls estmid from 46S.&
mi ters to 1' tum&rs Imausive, .
with an occasiinal regional than-,
m I in betweriL. n tho . clear
seetion ate mix cluiuel juxhiunl
vxcttisively to Canada. Canada
ut-u yhares six rsiojial and two
local channels.
It was in Jim regional and
local channels with their great
atherim of st alums that most
i.f the infcerferenw centered. The
tjuiet of the clear cnannein o
anpeareil Una a urowl of hetr
odvms once the livelier pwi usy
from them. WliHUva ewuld ie
heard behitul Mlwrt every P'
gioiial and lueal saaAion. no mati r
Its t thf rvm-iver. 'In
the reKiunal xU n Iho hi:h
waves recrthif was smwettbrt
Itctter Elmo the low wavw
Some difrcuity was enoHintcml
in compilimr now lous bcejiuse of
the tnfreinm-y t swinunee
ment it cult letUrs hy ime sta
tions. This was iwutieulwly Us
eoncerllnK in connection with dis
tance. An early survey of the new
waves showed that the situation
had been hettered by ho clear
channel, making th in;lnK of
more distance m?mmi- in tne
other leeetiiiiisi llw iM;'oveienr
not s apparnt,
An 4.'Ulhu4nMU ii.9n-H'ide re-4-pttou
has i niwr4e4i( the new
Oakland AH-Amerta six since its
I iiriMluctiun n weeh or two aso,
at eiudtng to W tt, Tracy, viee-
p-esident In v'aarsfl f f hv
tklklnfid lt r tniiHiiy,
"Although mMnmmin and drtve
uai an mitm i'oiiiiae.
! M It'll,, with tlh Rreat-st possible
Jiaste U keep ilvulvt' Mvilwrlvs up
to tichetluls, th uprevelentd
1 number if purchasers won to the
. new line will un(ahtediy keep
i production facilities of the com
pany huhmiiiiic nt iirak volume
i well into Iti'J'j.
"In Hum fonnaUw days of the
imluMvy, a common belief was that
' the aulMkmohtte hullder gave the
, puldic either style r iierformance.
He eoitidn't ti (well. If lit con
eeiitrjid on f feature he had
, for tlMi niikt &l to skimp
on tUe ttiher Tmhuy precision
innmil'nvtm'Um and aiass produc
licti iiiak iosihl n rmbnaibn
of style and performance uu
d reamed of In the eld days.
"In the new Oakland strove
to create body lines and jjencrul
outward uppearanre of iltotinctive
' beauty nud HiiturtnesH. But wo
also endeavored to n U u w the lint
i with outsiunding perfornmnee. Tho
t degree ef w e attained is
shown hy ttViM etmvmvnts on
the sinurinmm mnii dtothitthm of
the ears nadi.- ta demlwr shm rooms
ihixiUiumi iiwv&umity u tul by tit'
enthusiasm revealed hy thise thou
uds at MolmhUH who aljeady
have taken the, wheel trf the latest
. All-Americaii,
"Sevntl yram were retulriel t
develop some of III mechauh'al
features incMrpwrtl in the. car.
I The exvcriiuental department of
. our org&nteatkm tan b e e n at work
: over n hTsg iiertsd tetins, unit
prtiviriR every part of the chassi.
Hetter than a nulltaa mites were
run up ih& Cieuerai 3Cytoii
j proving Kruu nd hy Uahland test
i.'i-H in etU'vt th& finished prv-
j George Crtep 14-yearld boy or
I Kvnnston. 111., swam out atin res
: cued his mother from drowning in
l-afce MMilffan.
, .
Triplets wcrn horn to Mrsi. Ada
i KarirelJ, aged of X-oJJdou, hftl
flrwf children.
unwanted ;
"I'he ymopateI music most
niiitie because she was a "city
Kill." fity children seem ta need
the country to brim? out their
cutjer joy and their faith In the
miiKic of life.. There were chick
ens, pins, horses, huy-rides, ndor
Idk unclcH and aunts and rides
in the family carriage.. How In
tensely she must have felt in those
days. t$ho still remembers how
(certainly was a bright spt In an
dull day' Dr. Alleff
She savs that she always wants f otherw ise
to live in the West and In the ! continued.
country. Her mother's oi ido in I Ke.eeptlon of the AVIAV pn
3. A. U, ancestry is shocked
when she maintains that , shci
would rather be descended from
mi Oregon pioneer than n Itev
olittionniy officer. Bhe does not
know what "lonesome' is, al
though she goes days without see
the fancy fringe around the ear-j in trionds. Crowds she likes.
riant top rippled as the horses
trotted along.
During the summers spent at
Sehaso, thirty miles from
1'onlaml. she not .only learned to
swim hut at th ago of seven
had earned the admiration of her
but solitude hotter
Tho many letters Helen receives
from her fans make her very
proud and happy Besiden a gen
uine love and appreciation of her
plays there are two other de
nied tendencies in these letters
in the Fiji Islands was from the
t'roslcy short wave of fri-Mlt meters.
Dr. Alleff has been asked to listen
for Wl.W's 50.000 watt Ions wave
set. reix-ptfon of whieh has been
reported by tevtrar hundred lis
teners in the Hawaiian JsiamLs
where it is heard more plainly
than the local station KfiIT.
brothers by accomplishing every-! Some writers are moved to tell
thinj: in the water they were able! of their own troubles and many
to do. On land, however .she j want to feel "Sorry for her. The
lost her hiKh rutins. .It was the latter tendency Helen has no time
lowly worm that proved her down- i tor
fall. All of the respect she
had pained by 4er fancy diving
disappeared when she manifest
ed the usual feminine attitude to
wards worms. She just "couldn't"
learn to bait u hook and the
Sob stuff." as she calls
it, is not to her liking. A sym
pathetic understanding of her dif
ficulties, yes, hut no reeonmiend
ation of self pliy. fcshe has never
pitied herself She wants to com
pete in tlie world upon the merits
brothers, clontim? over her silly! of her ereative work alone. K
.venthvicntalism. provided her with! we should remove from otir boolc- ;
her first taste of ignominy. shelves the volumes: written by
At the nue of ciht, on the; men and women who suffered
eve of' Hallowe'en. IMO'J, while ' distressing illnesses during their
expectantly watching an older ! Ufetlmo it would lcavc astonish
bfotl'r prepare her pumpkin, the iny; paps. '
sinister hnnd of fate suddenly I Helen says that it is great fun
i-eacin d in with pain to trade j to listen to her playj over tlie
for the joy in her life. A famous jair although sometimes she does,
doctor pronounced it Infantile .' not feel as comfortable about,
paralysis. .Months of hideous j them ns she might.. .Thhs , Is n
, treatment olluwcd. ..Her parents j splendid Bign.-.; -I'-.explalns - why
wuuju not accept the doctors' her plays have improved steadily,
ttlii'i that she would never walk ) Helen loves people.. She' nee..
;ipain. During the following three . them principally in their rela
years months were spent in Uos-jllon to herselfiv reiaiitmshu. ;
Ion taklny, treatmcnis, She re-j which is influenced much by her (
inemhers with plensun somv own personality. The enforced
briKht spots during that Irylm? .confinement with her dreams for
period. The affection she had! so many years has sheltered her
lor. it kindly traffic policeman, from competitiveness and much
racued.' smiling friendly little jf the harsher aspect of exist-J
newsboy and her friendship withcnce and developed her very at-'
..u Y . d waitress not lonu fectlonate nature in one direc
tvom Stockholm who was kind.iion. Her viewpoint magnifies
lu-lptul, generous and confiding. ; one side of human nature, the:
When Helen was twelve the tender, trusting. hopeful., timid
Norris family was drawn to, side. As a result her plays are
Southern Oregon by the magnet f predominately sentimental rath r
of fruit lands, too optimistically, i than realistic. When she uses
r.he says. So you sec ks in a; the old trick of creating suspense ;
farm house hidden among fruit i by causing the audience to sym
trees she writes her, plays, nuti pnthrce . with a person who is,
In il mountain cabin. School wasKvanted by the authorities it-turns
Attended until the lunior highfotit in the end that he isn't guilty!
ImoI vear when her illness j after all. This Is a way for pro- j
forced her to remain at horn-, i yldlng an escape from life. It
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