'A ( ,. I ! I " i ; j l -. . PAflE RTX MTDFOTCT) MAfL TRfRTTNT!. MfiTVFfVRT). OftfiC.ON. FftTDAY." VOVEMIYET? 2 1023. e How Weak Nervous Women Grow Stronger Feel Better, Look Younger and Have Steadier Nerves L STAGE PEP RALLY If you only knew you rundown, anemic women who are tlragtinn yourself around on your "nerve what a wonderful increase in fiirength and health Tanlac will give you, you wouldn't hes&xtc a moment about going to your druggist and petting a bjg bottle of this splendid medicine. Mrs. Minnie Hubcr, of j5 E, 36th Si., Portland, Ore, says: "Lver since I was a girl I su tiered from sick he.id s lies and vomiting sm.-I1h. 1 weakened bo 1 had no strength for anything. After taking Tanlac, my headaches and kick bik'Us disappeared altogether." Tanlac is as frue from harmful drugs ns the water you drink only Nature b own medicinal tonic herbs. Druggists know this and for the past lo yearn have recommended it to men and women who need a quir k "pick up" that will put them on their feet and give them a new interest in life. So confident are the makers of Tan l.tc that if you are not helped by it, you get your money back on request. L. 52 MILLION BOTILESIUSED Medford Population . 25,000? You can help put it there by having your clothes Made in Medford liintl U employed on a project of coal production. i SI inn hrhnnMlr, science tcurht-r ( ill the Axil lit ml hinh tH-huul, wilt h'Hiv uli'i;l;iy cveninu for Kiii'tie to t-njoy tin lionifcoiuinK fi'Hliv itles at the I'nlverHity of OrcKun. l-l. .1. Karlovi', Kouiliorn Orison uioniMT, fur mnny yearn a reniilont of Axhlnml. Ih M-riounly 1)1 nt tiln j home mi Morton reef. .Mr. Fal ¬ low hiiK iK'cn in mm usual health until ThuiHilav. when suffered u I Htroku of npoptcxy at 3 o'clock in I ' the nftPinoon. ASHLAND. Ore.. Nov. 23. (JP) .Mr. nud Uh. H. W. PiIco of j (Speeiul.) A noicy pep rnlly was i I'orHuiul unci JuHk ami .Mm. (,'. ; iM-ut.ut tin. MouthM-n oi-okoii State : ' nn'inim or .vii-dfiufi were Ann- ; wno Animnl Kr-liool on Wndne.'-dfiy inor- , "1 viKiiun on Thurnduy n rut ilm nitiB to Mir ui etithusi;isni for the J11'1 fc'Utvtft ttt the home of .Mr. and (,'anu which will he played on Sat- ! Mm. LouIm UodKe on the Uuuk L 1 1 iU. HIS RELATIVES I Children d( the school 0111 en ;Joy a holiday next week uecatise dI Thanksgiving. ' u mouse nest was found. made of 1230 blllo ' nil ni nnmr nnrri l'rw Hiji'Ufl, I.ISIIOX, I'urtUKtil, Nov. 23. (Pi The crew of the (ireek steamer ; Virginia, .which cnt out un SOS call veKterduv. has been rem-tici landed at Leixue. I'urtUKal today. I wentern game ' Xeutral Fun. f t'lUCAOO, Nov. 23. P) Found: A neutral foothill fun. He Ik Judge Chauneey C. Col tun of Duluth, Minn., who is here attend the Dartmouth-North- tomorrow. Jtulge In a niibiirhnn hank in f'hieaeu i hence th" noutniMtv. hoth teams 1 1929 Budget Estimates, Jackson County uitlay between the .Monmouth Nor tual team and the southern normal team. Dick Joy, Din yell leader, led the rally which wan followed hy Komo lively HlnKhiK. Professor A. StraiiKe tntrodtieed John II. Fuller, .Mayor, J. I-Msv. Thornton, V. I). .Miller, '. O. X. Smith, K. V. Carter. A. C. Joy and W. 1'. Walter who wave enthUHinNtlc talks aKHur Uff the team of tho valley ieoile. The leader of thi kWW n-p chorus presented tit school with a dona tion of $25 from the Klks' club to he added to the athletic fund. A pep rally will he held In the city streets Kilday nluht In the Interest of the Ashland-.Monmouth name Saturday. The parade will ho led hy Hon. K. V. Carter who is an enthusiastic supporter of the normal school. ' Honored dinner KUest of alumni of the l.'nlverslly of OrcKnn and "Oregon Dads." Hurt Ilrown liar ker. vice president of the institu tion spoke at n dinner nt the Lithla -SprinRs hotel at 7 o'clock on Wed nesday cvenhlK. About thirty (fath ered about tho table and enjoyed tho fine meal and lliiKcrcd to bear the talk, by the executive. Mr. Marker emphasized the fact that the University of OieKon has al- vard Koss Kramer, -son of .Mr. and Mrs. (.YnrKc Kramer, a student at the University of Oregon, is con fined at the campus infirmary suf fering with a severe attack of flu. Miss Klhcrt Oreer, of Hollywood, Calif., daUKhter of Mrs. William tlreer of this city, b seriously ill, due lo injuries received in an auto mobile accident. JIls. J. M. MiiKbes left early In the week for 1'ortland to visit with relatives. She will also visit In i-.UKcne. SAltll.M'J I'ltiiliK, Nov. (Special.) .Mrs. Alio-" McMerrick I'nwuanl to the provisions of Chapter 11. (loperal Iaws of Ore who has been spending- the pa-t notice Is hereby cl'ven that the County four) of Jackson vear with rel'itivcs hi I ,,u n,.,.i.. w, ineei iu uiu iouri j louso, mi .nnnoru, uresun, on ji.ir nun n i.iiim s in l.os Ani; les , ,....1,1.... h 7,1. ,1.,,. ,,f ,.,,, ,,. .....w , , . , in.,.i.i, , ,., and Fan Kraticisco, arrived here . ta day and at the said time and place opportunity will bo Riren for Saturday eveninn to visit wltlK. her j a full and complete discussion of the estimates of the Amount of money son. Chas. Mc.Merrick und family.! propowd to be raised by taxation for the ensuing- Vear as published Mih. Husnn -Htarns .Miller and 1 herewith, by any taxpayer subject Ut such tax levy when made,- in fa baby, ftohcrta Jean, of Ariztma i v"r ,,f "r Kitlnst any fif the proposed -tax lvlea herein aa the County have been visiting relatives here I c"un m"' deem for the best interests of Jackson County, and with her narents Mi- and mis Tn ,l-"unt' Bmlitel Conmilltee for Jackson County. Oret;on. hns 1 r. 111 l,a,"'lH- ')' ""d 'IH-1 prepared and submits the following An estimate of the amount rc j. 11. wains, in i. rams lass foi ,j,-eil for each department iC County Clnvernment, County Offiqo or the past few weeks. They left on I County Officer, each County Improvement, the maintenance of each Friday on their return trip tu All- County building, structure or Institution, the salary of each County of zona. fleer or employee, including those, whose salaries are fixed by statute, Mrs. Helle Schlndler of Itoseburt; ,,,r lht' Improvement and malntnlnnnce of public hlKhyaya. roads, spent the week end vbltlnir wiih ' '" ''dnea, the construction, operation and maintenance, of each public ... ,, .,,. . I utility and redemption of outstanding warrants; and estlmhto of the air. and .mis. m. , Dusenbeio lmUlic l01.0tH of lho county from sources other than direct taxation leaving Monday for Klamath Falls. 1 upon real and personal- nroi.citv In th.. Coiintv durlnn thn .,erl,l t.,r goes to join her daugh-1 which such tax Is to be levied und an estimate of the probable un- j apportioned and unexpended balances In the funds of the County on I the last day 6f the Current year. ' ' '' ' ''' 35.O0u.uu Tax refunds, double assessments, erroi-s. etc - - , . SCIKHII; KXI'KNSI-: . County school 110.00 per capita on HOI'S pupils ?;i0,l'.10.an Kchnt.l' IJOrwrv. 1A cnts mr cuoita on KO-3 pupils 1IU'J.3U High school tto be levied on school districts not 'maintaining nign scnooisj m Total school levy 1 County Library (to be levied on proper!) outside the city of Awhland) - - 1 General Honda (to be levied on proty outside " tho city (IT Ashland) $123. 4u4. Oil Less receipts from motor vehicle license fees 5U.H0U.00 Total Keneral road levy - County Kair fund operation expense V.UOO.OO 16.132. 30 0,077.03 73.4r.4.o 3,3G0.l'i where she -Mrs. J. 11. Turner has received I "lu""1' " "'"Ployed there word of the death of her brother- 1,1 ,ho "den Utile store. In-law. Thomas James, who died! nnd Mnurlco Itorg and recently at I.os Angeles. Mr. daugliter June and Mthel Smith James and his wife, who was for- "l"'"t Armistice day vacation merly Miss Kmma Howard, resided vlaltlng their father, J. U. Smith formerlv In Ashlnml. Mrs ti. ...... "nil family, returning to their home passed nway several years ago. ! fn Springfield Monday, where Miss I tine son, Howard James, a young I attorney of Los Angeles, survives the father. Tentative Budget, Jackson County, 1929 Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Goodwin of Portland have arrived in Ashland to visit with relatives. .Mr. Good win Is a nephew of .Mrs. Ida Neil and Miss Anna Hargrove. Mrs. Ileth Johnson Kinneran, of Oakland. Calif.,- who has been In Ashland on a visit to her parents, mined an enviable position among t A,r- ,,m' J,I'M- . H- Johnson; has institutions of higher lent ning and , 1'eturned to her home. She was that various schools on tho cam- ! accompanied by her parents, who Suits and O'Coats you'll be prcud of, tailored to your measure. Prices very reason able. From $35 to $55 Your inspection invited. pus, namely, the school of business administration, the school of Jour nalism, and architecture have at tained outstanding prominence. Mr. ltarker also voiced some of tho very great needs of the uni versity und urged a coiiKtructlvc will make an indefinite stay. Arthur S. Taylor, former In structor of Southern Oregon Nor mal school, who is now at tho University of Texas, writes to friends that bo and bis family are wen and nappy m ibelr new home program of education on the needs ' ul"1 ,,1H' 110 liken bis work ther UPSTAIRS II INSURANCE First Insurance Agency A. L. HILL, Manager Phone 105 30 N, Central Medford, Oregon 1 ONYX 1 POINTEX M HOSIERY H For womcn......$1.05 of the school. Mr. Marker was also speaker at the Itotnrian club Thursday noon, when he gave a condensed version of the Wednesday night speech. The r'arent-Teacller association met on Thursday afternoon at four o'clock In (lie assembly ball of the high school. Mrs. Judith l'ayne, who is on the program committee, presided at the mealing. Delight ful musical contributions were made by the dirts' glee club of lho high school, under the direction of Miss .Margaret Arnold, super visor of musle in the schools. Tho chairman then Introduced Hurl Marker, vice' pro-blent of the Uni versity or Oregon, who gave bin oleiervatlon.'i and philosophy of life with special reference and appli cation to the lives of young people. Mr. ltarker declares himself de lighted with lids section of the .stale, and speaks the highest ap preciation for tho natural beauty and scenic wonder of this locality. He poke in highest pralso of the energy and foresight I hat led to the securing and development or l.itlila park. A big celebration will be put on In Ashland on Wednesday, Dec. r.lli. fn recognition of tho complc : Hon of the Iteeder Gulch dam, and reservoir, the new street llght ; Ing system and the new Lithla drinking fountain. Those who wish ! to visit the dam will be given the opportunity and those who do not .care to mako the trip may view a i replica of Ibe dam In Asblund joreek In Lithla park. In the even I ing a lantern parade will precede t the turning on of tho fine new lights. The parade will feature conditions of thirty and forty years ago. - Merchants have planned won derful window di: plays of pier chandlse. Miss l-Illzabetb Wilson, teacher In Hie third grade or Lincoln school, was called to her homo at lloscburg on Wednesday In answer to a message of her mother's dealh. Leverett Davis. Sr., is here from "asbtngton to mako a brief visit to his family on I'alrview street. Mr. Iiavls is n mining emrlneer. .miss Hazel Mruuer, teacher at Washington school, who has been III with a case of flu, was able to return to her clashes on Thursday. Mr. and .Mrs. A. SI. Denver and .Mrs. Stella Leavett have gone to Oakland, Cahf., tvhero they will spend a rew days. . , Mr. and Mrs. William Itlncliarl have gone to southern California, :to visit with relatives and friends. j -Miss Margaret Churchman, (laughter of .Mrs. Klsle Churchman on Morton street, has gone to Los Angeles to study dentistry. Miss Churchman will make her home with her brother, John Church- man. '0mm pta ELECTS OFFICERS FOR COMING YEAR! the I'niveii-Uv of Oi-etrnn in Ku. f g(;no. Mi-h. Ida Whiirton nnd children and KvuKeno Starn of. Gold mil and Mih. J. D. .StuiW of Grants Ih.h were visitor lu.st week ul the Walt home. ' S. A. tHirionhi'rry spanl aovprnl thyn thin wcL'k on a buslno.su trip to- Klamath county. ' J. jj. Smith, who has hecn laid up with a wevcre attack of .rheu matism lho past month. Is Moine what improved, although he Ih mUI! con fined to tho house. Mr. nnd Mis, Yern Duscn berry of Stevent-on, Wash., nurprlrU'd frlendH and rolativoH hero by un expectedly nn-lvltii; Kumlay morn ins tor ju Hhurt visit, leaving Tues day for Klamath Kalis to visit his father, Fain Dusenborry and broth er Iturnis. Although Vein spent a ';rMit deal of hi boyhood here, this Ih his firm visit hero for M-jht or nine years, during which time lie han roamed around a great di-al. Cecil Smith has ,bfi'ii rumilnt: his tractor, plowing 'Cor I'M Klene, and nino for Ills uncle. .1. I. Smith. T who have sowed several acres of winter wheal. , Mr. and .Mr.'. Kred (.'aibis of Medford were Vedmpday vbdtni'ri at lho home of their won, Donald Keames and wife. ' Mrs. lEnlph bnyenberyy of Klam ath l';il)s motored over .Mondny to spend the week viKitinu' friemjand relatives hero nnd in lluue Viiver. GOSPEL TEAM ViSITS L ,Y l!t:oVNKI!(:. (. xv. .,, (Sliecial)Un .November !i a meet. Ing was held nt lho seboolhous for the iuiiose of organiKlnr: a I'arent-Teacher association. .Mrs. t'har.cy was present and gave an Interesting talk on the work of the organization. There was a good attendance ami the following offlc-Jt's were elected: President, (leorge o. Henry; vlre-iiesldent. .Mrs. 1.. J. Ilohrer: secretary- treasurer. .Mrs. 1-bl Tucker. .l the conclusion of the meeting .Miss llllzahcth II u r r, libowed . a number of nictures.; some of the slides being places of Interest which she visited tlur- Ing Iter recent trip through Ku-j rope. '' ' ' Lawrence Collins, a member of I the t'eittrsl l'olnt gosptd team, I was u visitor last Sunday anil lilOAOI.I? ciall 1. ic held Rorvices at the llotlso last Sunday Ore., Xov. 2,1. (Spe- .vieiiiortl gospel leant ;ntloeb school tlternoon. A largo crowd attenileil nnd the serv ices wero enjoyed by all, Tho gos pel team will hold seivices at (lie Mcailnwa school house, next Sun day, November 25, tit a o'clock in tho al'tcrnoon and everyono la cor dially Invltctl lo coino , 'MLs Thclnia Sanderson has ro- buslness tl,n 'l liomu fnim a month's visit won relatives at Trmildale, Ore. Mrs. Joe .MJijflcld has been en joying a visit by her mother, Mrs., liussull. anil brother, Kihviud Itus Hi'll, mid ruiitily of Klamath Kails. They returned home Weiliicstluy, leaving Mis. Kchvurtl ltussell and chlblicti hero for a few weeks. Sunday school I '""-') plenum nils ueen inc ut Ibe cluse ofi'""" ' "i"" 11,11 mo t.eagie tur- the Sunday school, held a short k,,Jr r"lsers the last few ditxs ami CAN WALK FIVE ES A DAY UANOHOUVSTt. PHONB 844 A Complete Cleaning and Dyeing service Chiropractic, Naturopath; Dr. H. P. Coleman 8th Streful Tear lu Mod ford Trcatinonti br Appolntmont Medford Center Blda. Phone 06S KlRCtrnmnninT FVnd Hrlnnrn j Isas- After Taking Lydia E. Pink ham' Vegetable Compound Vrovitlonee. K. I, ' It J two vrr.ra tifo since I lir&t look Lvuia K. Pink- nuin'n 'i:ettilt!o C'otnpoutid for my nerve nnd other bml ferlincB nnJ it 1ms ljeon liehu in? lae nit tlilii tiino pi) that 1 un ulilo to do ttll lay v.'orlc now nnd voiik nbutt fivo milcn iv dny l'hlo. I m F'i!l tiikinir your in f il i e i ii e titid (I like n voutir woiimii nltlioush t nm iiUnit A't ve:irfi old now. I (' Hell mid lin tnd If iiuvono wlhe Itotteit llerkey of wAiltii, nuer pieiitiiiiK KUMiy lo ttieniinf? mu 10 me n'M.ui your Piedu-uien u cur, An ficod l)ocaufo ho lmd 1 i 11 Ih pliul to uusvvor," Mum, ,!, a porroot Hunday nniT for Id yonr. wiiool oilt'inl-n'AnT lAviri. It IVijuot iStrool, TREES-Fruit, Shade, Nut-TREES Exceptionally Fine Stock ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS Washington Nursery Co. Toppenlih, Wh. ': '' CHAS. W. AUSTIN, Agont 33 Portland Ave., Medford servicu taKlli his text from the sl.th chapter of Komans, 23rd ver.te. "V'or the wanes of sin 1" death, but lho ulft of tied s eter nal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord." AlthouKh the uttendan'co was small, the meetlnit was enjoyetl by those present. Mr. Collins expects to bo with us again next Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lyons of Horn brook, t'allf.. are quests at the home of tho Ualph Tucker family. Movlntr waa quite 111 evidence the past week. Mr. nnd Mrs. tleorae Henry and family are Ket-i II.,.. u..ttl...l I., lltnli. ....... I........ nl s.i.u.v Nt.M.o mi. it ii.i Mrs n,.i,! Siitiirday. KIliKery liavo moved In to the teacheniKo und Mr. and Mrs. Cecil j t'ulbertson, who have been UvIiik; at IjiUe Creek, have moved onto i the ranch vacated by tho Kln erys. . ' -, The farmers In this vicinity have been very busy dressing and packing tbolr turkeys for ship ment. Lester Itradshaw returned lust week front yacrainento where he went with i-hlpim-m of cattle. Mr. and- Mrs. Klmer Williams and son, I'.lllle. of Oakland. Calif., arrived last Friday for a few- days' visit with Mr. Williams' sister. Mrs. W. M. Hansen and family. They returned to Horn brook Monday. quite a number of first class birds were put on tho market.' Mrs. E. II. Lucas and her little tlatiKliler, Inn I'cnrl. were Med ford visitors lho first of tho week. Sir. Wheeler and datiKhter, Al inary. started to California last week but returned on account of the storms 111 the Siskiyou liunin tniiis. Several of tho tielnlilior boya spent Thursday evening with Loo Martin, enjoying a good vadlti pro Brum and helping Leo celebrate lils birthday. A.'r. nnd .Mi's. It. Copley and son. Harvey, were Medford visitors last Miss Loin lilarliford of C'ent-al l'olnt nnd her cousin. Miss Black ford, of Colorado were Sunday Boosts at tho home of Mr. nnd .Mrs. E. II. Lucas. Mr. anil Mrs. I'.ray wero .Med ford visitors Saltinlny. School Note Ti n nchool Is working hard on the TlintikssivlnR program that Is In he Kivon Wednesday afternoon, lite 2Mh. , The third month of school ends Friday. wiella report card day. WALES KILLS LION iHino.MA, TtmKnytkf Torrltory j Africrt, Nov. 23. iAi Tho Prince ', of AVnlos nhnt n linn intUHinliiK i ' ciKht fot olHht InvhoH, tti north-j i vvn TuiiKanyikrtk, Wrdncwday. i The rhlof Koorotiiry of the torrt-' turlul Bovornmont Malod tody nt ! iM-r-KH'S-itnam (hut there hud hern! no ord of nny rhanpen In Ihr; I r!iie' proirrnm becnu or tho iiW trip, MfeQnfflte I fi ..... -ft r. tleneral County Fund Caretaker faliKiounds Sl.L'lid; assistant caretaker 4 months S-H-'O: auto camp Inspection SfiOO; free employment bu reau Si all; premium on bnn.ls, estimate fH.omi; herd inspection Sl.iiso; slaUBhtered cultle Indemnity $500; einei-Keney C.00o f CI HHKXT KXI'KXBK .1 C'Uvuit Court '': Circuit Court, general expenses Including bailiffs'. . jurors, reporters, witnesses, fees, mileage I. cor.vrv ctn'itx axi co.m.misioxkus County Jud?es salary, S2(ll0; travellnf; expense $200.00; fees and travelliiK expi'iiscs (Commissioners) M, 700. 00; telephone and leleHiaph sioo.00; stenoitiapher t,0S'i; jui-ol-s and w itness fees. frclKht and express fa'nd mis- cclUincous expense $1-0.00 ...!.L: JI VKX1I.K OOVHH ' i - . .- Jurors, witnesses, mleaKe, ete tSS-SO. On: widow's, pensions $5. GOO. no: other expenses foe. compliments, probations, etc. S400.00: Boys' and Clrls' Aid' Society allowance, stoo.oo: delinquent and noRlectcd children, blind, donf mutes, feeble-minded and Insane, S2f.ll. 00 .' .II'STICH COI'ItT l-'ees of justices, constables, jurors and witnesses; etc COI'XTV ADVKItTIIXti AdvortlsliiB County resourses and State Fair Kxhibit as tho ! County Court may hereinafter deem advisable For bids of all kinds, pi-lming of notices and delinquent, tax list, sales of properly.' county court proceedings fAltH OF THE l'OOIl Salary for superintendent for poor farm SI. 500. 00; mainten ance of poor farm, Sl.r.00.00; tubercular poor, $150.00; indigents not nt poor farm. '$1 "i.ooil.oo BOl'XTIliS OX WILD AIM.I,S Payment of .Mill K.vi'FXSK "" " .lailor $13110.00; extra help $500.00; matron $500.00; laundry $200.00; board for prisoners $4500. no; supplies and nils- C.--IIUIICUUS expense Jiljeii.ini: lelepnone S f U0.U0--; i . KIIMUIFF'S OFFICII' Kberirfs salary $2500.110; irnvellnir' expense.' rlmlhal and'-" civil cases $31100.00; telephone and telegraph $(ioo.00; premium on bonds $2:t(l.(i0; TAX llKI'AKTM KNT; 1st deputy (1518.00; 2nd deputy $1200.00; one slenoKinph- er Si 200.00; extra help including deputy collector In i Ashland nnd help wrllinK' nnd cheeking tax receipts 1 $12110.00: LKC.AI. PrJI'AKTMI-JNT: 1st deputy $1500.00; 2nd deputy SI5oo.HO; 3rd deputy $1500.00: extra help Including eollcctlon delinquent personal -taxes &200. 00: stamps and stamped envelopes $ 135.00: Misc. forms and of rice supplies Including 35.000 tax receipts, binders, ; numbering machine, lux ltn-n-oer ledger, 500 turn-iiver-sheets, stationery, photo supplies, ' service machines, etc. $1500.00 . , . COI'ItT IIOFSE " 'r ' Salary for Jnnltor. S1500.O0: other expenses. Including lights', water, fuel, furniture, fire Insurance, etc. ... ASSKSSOIl'S OFFICK Asses-sor'a salary $2000.00: assessor's traveling expense S3OO.O0: 1st deputy $1300.00: 2nd deputy $1320.00; 3rd deputy $10X11.00: field dputies and traveling expenso $51100; writing tax rolls and tax extensions $000.00; . printing office stationery $100.00; field sheets $120.00: summary sheets $50.00: tax rolls $500:0(1;- - Post and Tongwald binders $75.00: map paper $30.00;' lot book binders and sheets $200.00: personal tax stutenionta $50.00; index binder and sheets Slio.00: Index cards $.15.00; bond premium $15.00: final entry report $15.00; stamps S50.00; maps $i0.0O; turn-over register $100.00; office supplies, pens, pencils, etc. $00.00; telephone and telegrams $Mi.oo: office furniture and filing eabl- ues, c.iicuiniiiig mnenine anil typewriter $10.00: repair ing calculating machine $20.00 .... CI.KItK'S OFFICK Clerk's salary $2000.00; 1st deputy $1500.00; stenograph ers salary Si;i20.00; 2nd deputy $IOKO.00; bookkeeper $1320. 00; IJHCOKDINO DKFAUT.M KNT: 1st deputy $1200.00; typist $(1(10.00; typist $9110.00; tvplst $000.00; extra help $420.00: telephone ond telegraph $12.50: freight and express $25.00; printing nnd record books $200(1.00: postage and stationery $500.00: miscellane ous expenses, viz: machine expense, file cases, etc., $420; two typewriters $1X0. do .... COItO.XF.H'S OFFICK '," I-cos of coroner and physicians. Jurors, witnesses and other expenses - ; i-'iti iT isiiricTuit Salaries and expenses of Inspectors . . ... PATHOLOGIST Salaries: three agents $3100.00: clerical assistant $1200.00: Kxpenses: stationery ond small printing $2Ti0.0ftnpostiil IYI. Tel Co. $2-50; travel $11)00.00: office rcnt.-rurni-ttlre. fixtures, etc. Si70.00 .. ,' j . . V. ni'liutll, M PFItlXTI-lXDFXT'S OFFK I-: AS it 111." I.-IH f' lTlnv Co. Supts salary $2000.00; salary rural supervisor H40.0: clerical help Sloo.00: office assistant $I200.00;- office l-.xpensc: supplies $250.0o; priming $170.00: telephone ""d 'eb'glaph $75.00: postage, stationery, 'express $-.5.00; supervisor's office costs S30.00: Travel: Coun ty supt. $;ioo.oo; rural school supervisor $500.00: Kxam--Inailons: l-llgbth grade $125.00: teacchcrs $10.00: school oiilcers convention $ioa.oo: County Institute $300.00; l mint y 1-..I. board $50.00: Hoys' and ftlrls' Club work $100 (10; .lackson County School day $50.00: Co. Field v und Track meet $100.00: attendanic officer $50 00 , SKALi:it OF WKUJHTS AX1) MFASl itllS " .Salary and traveling expense .. , , STOCK IXSlM-:CTioX Salary and expense and tuberuiihir cattle ..... . , , WATliU MASTKK M-tter masters salary $2loo.oo: mileage and expenses $540; st.enogi-aphcrs salary $420.00; office expense $22.0O lydrograp ber's salary, Including snow survey Klsoo.00; ,!l'"?""'h''''' '""eagc $420.00; office assistant s MlniT SinO.oo; office assistant's mileage $175.00;- "Little l.utte iiHsistani'H salary $t5C.no: mileage $144.60; Administration Mala Canal" assistant's siilarv $502. on '"e"ge S?.m: "ltear creek" a.uitant' sia,r $ -1.10: - m Icaee ;H4S.0t: "Applogate" assistant s salarv $300.00: mljeage sSKti.eO: -Kvans Creek" assistant's salarv $.iL,oii: mileage $170.o0: observer rejiding gang'o . V! "V,.r,'"m'llnK P"iR. FA-ans Creek. 6 nionth.'$30.0ll; .. I-. Itiu i'.utte. t months Situ an- i.otin ti.tti..- a .nn.uu ;,o" : ,...:.:$ to.4o8:Co j.vo.1 vuiuiaei. pa-nietua 19.410.00 10,980.00 6,200.00 0.500.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 1.500.00 Total required for county expenses $409,269.v Probable receipts of Jackson county. Oregon, other tlu:n by - direct taxation upon the real and personal pi opei ty.dur Ing 1029; (except as deducted from road fund hereinbe fore) . ' . Two per cent dally balance ., - 3 u.. 500. on Fees countv clerk's office J5.HU0.HU Feen sheriff's office 1.200.00 Salo of land, sheriff s office (i.ooo.OK JL Rent of forest 20,0"O.OH 1 Five per cent stile of timber ,- 50.0(1 Fines collected 1.000.00 renalttes and Interest oh delinquent tnxes 10,000. 00 Uelinquent taxes collected I 25,00(1.00 Total probable receipts Less estimate of tax delinquency, for 1929.. ..$ $1,760.00 .. 45,000.00 30,750.09 ." Total receipts to be deducted Amount to be raised by taxation for county purposes for the year 1929 within limitation imposed by Section .11. Article XL Constitution of Oregon ....$372. 51 9.S0 Kstlmnte.l state tax 215.nofl.mj Kstlmatcd .Market P.ond Tax to meet state's apportionment.. 51.000.00 County Fair ltullding fund (authorized by vote of the people. 1 mill) : 33.500.00 Total amount to be raised by taxation in .lackson county for the year 1929 .' $672, 019. SO Estimated receipts from O. & C. Hefund 3 70,000.00 Credit to Crater Lake highway bond interest..? (I.000.0O Credit to Pacific highway bond interest O.OOO.OO v-ivoo iu vntiei- uiKe iiignway ui.im demption ......I.... .- -. 1.150.00 1,800.00 8.500.00. . 55.000.00 , S 70.0)0,00 Ultimate of tho probable unapportloned and unexpeVded balances In the funds of the county on the last day ' ..- of the current year: Dog License fund i , '. .'. .......$ lteei fund , . , i. County Fair fund '. , l.lridge fund ...v, .' .T.., .S.' Set aside from O. - C. .receipts of 1928 as per . r -of county court dated March 10, 1927,-re-. " . corded in vol. 20, page 291, Commissioners'- -: . 7 Journal :t-$250,flo4,00 Set flshlo from O. H C. receipts of 1927 as per . order dated Dec. 21, 1927, recorded in vol. - SO, page 4 15, Commissioners' Journal 20.000.00 0,000.00 1.957. So 50 201 '.330.05 O. & C. Suspense fund 270,000.00 l - County Indebtedness October I, 107 Outstanding bonds (advertised for) S4H9.000.00 Outstanding warrnnts (called) 1.535.97 SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX LF.VIFS FlLIOl) IX OFFICK OK THE COIXTY C'LFItli, OCT. 31. 11128 1-1 15 IS 20 23 33 3S 3!) 11 4 1 43 X0. I on $ 2.101.31 1.440. 00 1. 235.32 3.431.00 (1S2.91 5.931.43 17.03G.3S 3:3117.15 1.143.05 27H.70 C.071.01 - 154.53 03. 00 1.53I.7H 707.1"! 4 13.33 li;.-19!t.2S 35(1.0!) "' 700.77 2011.00 -127.00 n.si: 205.00 1.; School District No. School District -No. School District ,o. School District o. Scbool District No. School District Xo. School District No. School District No. ' School District N'ti. school District No School i)lstl'ict No. 'y School lilstrb.-l No. , School District No. - School District No. . School District. No. .. .-Sellool .District No. .v He.liool l.llslrict No. ti School District No. '-"School I)b-lrll-I No. - School District Nit .-School .District "No. tit:Schunlui.lsUjb-l,Vi. : School Di.-uicl .Nu. 18.683.00 School District No. M .1 I I". Ol" Olil'.li(.. 1 Ill.M I (II- JAl'KSll.N. ss. ' We. the' undersigned. I'ounlv I'.udget roinmlttee 9.000.00 1 County, Oregon, do hereby certllv that tin above Is complete estimate i.r toe pri.linl.le i-XM.nses of said, county for tin ensuing year and probable receipts from sources other than direct taxa tion upon real and personal properly In Its jurisdiction during th ensuing year, and an estimate nf tlie probable uiiapin-opriiit.-il or un expended balance In the various funds as of llic'llist day oT the eurrcnl year. ' , : - . We further certify that the (-stlmnle of expenses of the various institutions of the county, of Ibe amount required forpi!hlh: enterprises, roads, bridges, etc., and all other expenses of the county as therein set out. is just and is based upon a careful study of the expenses of tho county during tile past three yours, and a thorough examination of its I probable needs during the year for which such estimate is made. That each and every Item therein is believed to be necessary for the proper transaction of the business of the county, the protection of its property I and 'interests and lo be for the public welfare. That every expenso 13,490.00 estimated Is in accordance with law, and is a legitimate charge asalnst the county. Dnted at Medford-. Oregon.' this 13th dav of November, 192S. JAM MS OWKNS. Chairman. RALPH HILLINGS, Sccretarv. ALKX SPARROW, County Judge. VICTOR HFRSl-lLL. County Commissioner. Ol:o. ALFORD. County Commissioner. It. K. XK.-M.ox. Committeeman. fori Jackson true, fair and 500.00 3,000.00 7.570.00 DUPAHTMEXT 7,195.00 500.00 Effective November 18 Chang : 3.900.60 7,600.00 , , , Si nVF.VOH'S OFFICK ' . Stenographer salary $420. do; field notes (survivor gefTurntl -MMi.ao: mileage $lan.00: ph..m. $30.00: phone tolls" $l,..0O; re-established corners $300,011: supplies $100.00: computing and ehccktnu plats $100.00: survevs field and office $250.00: n-slstiint s (chain and axe) '$.(). 00; pints and plat books $1 25 nn:'snrvev supplies $30.00 tiifasfufu s 611K 1: - Treasurer's salary, tmon.oo; traveling ., expense $70.00: deputy's, salary $15(10.0(1; 'premium treasurer's bond $..i0.00: premium, deputy's bond $25. no; general orflce expense: office supplies $130.00: printing $250.00: post age $2.. i.OO: telephone and telegraph $100.00; record books $00.o0: r.-pairs and maintenance contract $90.00; rental safe deposit boxes $-.'it 00 COI NTV IIKAt.TH VxiT I-list nurse's salary $900.00: first nurse's travel exncno $720.00: medical director, travel and salary $2S20.00: office assistant salary $90.no: second nurse's salary $9on.oo; second nur-es travel $7:o.l; contingent funil $600.00 tU.NTKHT ATTOIl X KV's' OFFICK ' Chief stenographer $ir.iio.oii; stenographer, assistant $150.00: deputy district attorney $2100.00: traveling expense $330.00: telephone und telegraph $300.00; : pruning supreme court briefs $150.00; office ...1.,.. oun-e supplle. and expenses $250.00 uons 5:j.i.iiii; (Hunt twj $50.00; 1.11 M'l 01 I'-.iililunv en .MISCFI.I.AXFOI'S CI HHKXT F.XPKXsK lied Cross Fir warden, one-third expense !.....7..i!""!!.7."""!!l!!! Flections nnd registrations I'vo.-ni- of evMU'lviM'Mi .f 1 ,ii.l 'ic.'-Voint" nt investlgn- liKhilnij $50.00: trim-.. 500.00 4.(30.00 :.620.00 073.00 1, S00.no 450.00 1.000.00 "Mi en cs in : Train Service lA through stage to San Francisco Southern Pacific offers transportation to fit your plans. Train and motor-coach combine to give the Utmost in travel convenience. . Ar. Portland 10:0 p.m. 7: 30 a.m. 8:3? p.m, ... To Portland , -. Leaves 'Shasta" . ,..... ... . 11:45a.m.- "Oregonian"-..... 6:23 p.m. "Silvet-Grav" Stage . . . 8:00 a.m. v i 1 - To San Francisco ... Leaves Ar. Sin Francisco ' . Sham' ... . . . 7:10 pan. 10:30 a.m. 'Otegonian" . . , -. . lo:4u.m. 7:30a.m. 'Silver Gray" Stage . . . 9:40 p.m. 2:20 p.m. . To Coos Bay Points The "Shasta" ftom here connects with motor-coach leaving Roseburg 4:40 p.m. to Mirshficld. To Klamath Falls Eureka LT.Medtord ,. . 7:00a.m. 11:25a.m. 4:30p.m. Ar. Klamath Falls 10: 15 a.m. 2:40 p.m. 7:45 pjn. Motor-coach leaves Grants Pass for Eureka 9:40 a.m. AiHnrkaf"SihtrGrjt" These fine motor-coaches cover western Oregon. In addition to Pacific Highway travel branches radiate out - ' from such centers as Salem and Albany to Monmouth, ' '. f Independence, Newport, Lebanon, Dallas, Falls City, A j . Silvcrton. SouitBuern PacnCnc Motor-coaches leave and arrive ae Southern Pacific Passenger Station J. C Carle. Aftnl Phone 34