PAGE EIGHT SENT TO CALLiSON! Fl DOTBALLERS : CAPITA FOR ROADS;DtAK UnANlit A teloitram of good cheer nnd',.n,lo g., , ,,ulidlnB th0 encouraffiiient, ulirned by over .10 j local roldenta i sent early thin ; aftornoon to Prlneo CalllHon audi the .Medford football team at The Dalli-s, where they played this afternoon. The wire, based on the wordinii to Mncoln'B Gettysburg speech, was written by Don Col lier, manager of the local "Western Union office It wan a followa: "November 19, 1928. 8lx yearn and seven days bko our school fathera brouKht fi.rih to thla try a new coach conceived in vie- tory and dedicated to the propOHl-j proram,., haa done moro tlon that all ooachea aro not cre-i thnn anythinB elaa to brinn na med equal In ability. Now we are I tlHnnl ,,roapcrUy. encased In a ureal Mate champion- I "Tiiia menna that dince the pro. ahlp nr, tentlllK whether our team I B,.Bm wftH marled In 1918." the o fthla year or any other year enn j A, A, A, mutcment polnta out, endure tho rnzzlntt of hoaille root-..,no government haa aided hlch era. We are met upon tho final ,vay building with an amount lean batllefleld of the 1928 war. You iUu the car own ra upend for have cone to Tho Dalle to dedl- lM(,H Or.o year." Car owncn cnto a foolliall field upon which Hpent $92G 000.000 In 1927 for your opponent haa beaten all other j uri.i nnd replaccnientH. tenma thlay ear ami laat yetir; beat There have been n total of you on the aporllnu; paaca of Ihe 73,119 mllea of federal-aid roads OrcKonian. Your admlrera will note completed, aa of Heptembor no and always remember what they mas and 10,015 mllea aro under HuavkeU about latH year and can construction, with 2.139 mllea ap never foixlvn them. 11 la for you proved for cjonatil 11 tlon. The and your team to finish In a phyH- coat of tlto mlleatte under con ical way what the Jawbone artlata atructlon la estimated at $274, of the Konue Itlver valley have 4H.r.G8.r. of which the federal cnv. been doing Hineo tlila Dallea aame ernment will pay l08,7K4,74ti. nan alKiied up. and we therefore! The national nintnrliiK body ynyn hffihly rexolvo that our learn under the federal-a d policy la now flrm CalllMOn lut 11 have another victory ly entrenched In the (,'overnnient'a and that a football tea mof .lack- proKiam, with membcra of C'oliK nn county, by Jacltaon county and reaa ritiick to Ixnore any nttneka for Jnckaon county, nliall forever on thla beneficial Ionization, destroy the windy thoiiKiita and "However," aaya the atalement. theoriea of Murray, Klrkland and "with nearly 2f,ono.OOfl motor ve the uportltiK editor of Tho Uallea blcles rci;latered In Hie l.'nlted paper who Rave you, throiiKh the Htatea and automotive production courteay of inat yenr'a Oregnnlnn, at Ita hiKheat peak, road htllldlni; the only beatliiK you ever took." i not keplna; pace with the .11- The alKiiera of the telegram were crease In reKlalratlon." as followa: American l.oitlnit,! The atatement contlnueH: Mack Wood. Kincst Hostel, A. 11. "Hineo HUH. motorist np a (Collier, A. llaKen, Herb Ciray. II. '''"" " I"1'1 '""ernl kov- V. DeU.sH, 1', J. l'atton, l'hll ernment In the form of excise tax Lounsborry, dim Mun'av, Ken Mnr-,'" "" automobiles and parts lie ray; H- W., M. Kln, J. It. Wnltlier, Jack ThompHon, Karmers and; Kru I throwers' bank, Jfansen Coal company, ISadn Transfer and Htorage, V. JI, Vawter, Ted linker. Duko Wellington. C, N. Culy, W1I ' Ham Uolger, Halpli Hlowurt, Elmer , ICnlps, Jarmln , tit Woods Drug store, Jarmln & WoodH fountain, ltoy Klllott, Heath's Drug toner nnd lirophy's. HAGEN, FMELL DEFEAT WILLING 1'OKTr.AND, Ore., Nov. lit. (P) Walter Hauon, Ilrlllsh open cham pion, and Johnny Kartell, United Htates ope ncliamplon, defenled Dr. O. 1V WUIIiik and Frank Dolp In an exhibition Rnmo yesterday at Alderwood Country club, llatten and Karrell scored 70, Dolp and WlllinK 72. llnKcn and Pnrrell left for Ku Kene where they are to ' play an exhibition game nkalnst Don Moo and Vlneont Dolp. In winning tho Orcuon op ;n championship Saturday with a acoro of BUfi. DC. Wllllnir anneziM a tltlo nnd a cup. Johnny Kurrell, professional, who finished one stroke behind Dr. WUIni,', received n cash prize of flton, Tho rest of tho prln money waa divided: Johnny flolden, $400.00: Tommy Armour, $4il,HA: Hilly liurkn. 46fl.0; Walter HllKon, J75.00; Murtle Dutra, 81,r.3.SJ; Hot-ton Smith, 8 1 r.S.a.l ; John Juno r, . 1 GS.S3; Kd Dudley, IS7.00; Phil Taylor, Mn Hmlth, 52.'., 00; Al Ksplnosn, TO " OIIICAOO, Nov. 10. (fl) Monl. Romery Ward and company stock lioldera today voted to incronao tho hares of common stock from l.SltO.oon to tl, 000,000 aharea nt no par value. The board of directors. In special session, followed the action of the stockholders by nuthurlzlnir tho of fering of two new shares of the common slock nt 3I In the ratio of two new shares for each one share owned by stnckholdera of record November SO. Mi:iiv)iti i,i:.m,h nil-: n.i.i,i:s (Continued from Paso Ouo) ford's 2S yard line. Melvln re luming to its own 36 yard line. Medford's hall, 1st down there. Cooksey lost 8 yards on an at tempted loft end run. Melvln went thru right tackle for t yards. Hiirrell Rot thru center for first down on Mudford 41 yard line on a reverse spinner. Melvln lost I I yards on an attempted left end run. llairi-ll made It all up by a roverso spinner for 80 yards. Cooksey hit center for first down on The Dnllea St yard line but Medford was offside and penalised B yards. Hull now on The Dalles 4S Jud Hue. Tima out for Med ford. .Melvln nut. ( ooltaey on a crisscross made H 1st down on The Dalles 7 yard line. Melvln catapulted thru left tackle for first down on Tho Dalles ten yard line hut the ball una re called and Medford penalized. No ANDDOLPSUNDAYiWlATERNITY BONUS HALF DOLLAR PER WASHINGTON. I). C. Nov. 19. fc, highway Btim haa ,Ccn approximately fifty cents per year for every man, woman and ", , ,0ml i.aai,uarter of the Amerl- ean Automobile Axsociatfon batted on the fiovernrnent'H expenditure of $013 S93.9;7 for completed hlKhwaya tinco the nrOBram atarr- ed In 1918 and a populailon of 120,000,000 Tho national motorint! body naya that tbia forma one of tho moat coiin-L.onvln(.n), ,irBUnicnt yet udvun rt for eontlnuatlon of thla uni total or approximately i, 100.000,000. "This means lhat the envcrn ment haa spent Just a little more than fifty per cent of tho. amount of motor vehicle revenue paid by tho motorists as a class to the treasury department, At thla rale tho Kovernniont still 'owes' mo motorists approximately 1500, 000,000. "In addition to the r;reat need for rnntlmilnu federal-aid on an 1in'"',"lhe-' acalo there Is also a pressing demand for federal as ..iiho n hulldlnn roads thru tlto public land states of the West, In order to protect national re source and at tho same time con nect up Important trnnai-ontlnen-tttl routes." URGED BY NOTED BRITISH LEADER WASHINGTON (A1) If mntornl ly Ik tho all Important thhm In n woman'M llfo, iih many men con tend, Mm. llt'lvn Archdalu of Great Uritaln wanta to know why, they aren't wIIHiik to pay for It. Mirf, Arehdale, In WanhlnKton on a world lour In tho InleruHtN of feminism, hellevcH In dlvori;inn: Keutlmcntullty from Hex. She wantM equality for nun and women In everything. "Women hhould bo compensated for beurlnK children, If U'h HUt;h an Important thing hi tho world'H af fairs," who nayn. "A mother who has to earn her MvlhK Hhould be paid by tho alato for tho time who haH to remaUi away from her work or tho firm for whlehnho works Hhould bo compelled by law to eompentmle her for tho enforced vacation." Ah to equriHty in sharlnK the burdeiiH of war, nho 1h equally firm. "Certainly women Hhould nhoul der arniH iiIoiik with men," Hho iih HcrtH. "Why Hhould men be Heleet ed for cannon fodder any more than women?" Mih. Archdale came to WanhlnK ton iih a kuchI of the National Women'H Tarty. Hho attended tho Republican convention at KunnaH City and her comment waa: "Moat amavlnR?" "I could not tell who were Ho. publican and who. wero Demo cratM. who wero Important and who wero not," vhe recalln. "They were nil mixed together In a mot ronfusinK jumble, I could make nothing of It, no 1 did not (to on to UoiiHtou." Mrn. Archdalo Ih International Hoeretary of tho Six Point Kroup of Great Itrttiiln. Tho VlKCoiintCHH Jthondda 1h chairman of tho execu tive committee. Tho object of tho oiKanUuilloii 1m to work for re fonnti to Klvo men and women equal opportunttien politically, oco nomicnlly and Hoclully. penalty as both sides were offside. Melvln hit center for K yards. Cooksey K yards thru center. Cooksey mado It 1st down on The Dallea ten yard line through center as the pistol ended tho 1st nuarter. Score: Medford 1!; Tho Dalles 0. Kwmid Pcrbxl Hnl! on The Dalles ten yard line. 1st down. Cooksey hit right tackle for 2 yards. Anderson Hd off 'St tackle for a scant yard, liar roll wont thru right tackle ror one .. .... iu ovai goal line was rumbled by llowerman ho slip ped on tho wet turf. The Dallea bull on their own 30 yard line. FOR VICTORY AT BERKELEY; i t Big Game Seen As Major Factor in Sharing Confer-j ence Honors Oregon; Touted to Down Montana, Saturday. Ily ItimM'll J. Xcwlaml, (Aanoelutert PreHH HportB Writer.) 8AX FIIANCIHCO, Nov. 1 H.fPi The 11k Bume, that renewal uf an cient football hoHtllJUcs between CalJforndi nnd Stunford which forum an oxl-uhq tor 80,000 fren 2k' (I fnnH to Kroup toothtr this Ht'UHon, hax takt-n on the adiled Im portance of tU'tttrminliiK whether California 1h to b nt leawt a to- Hharer of tho 1028 coant confer enoe champlonnhlp. In a tlo with Bouthorn Callfor nla'H Trojano, a team they hold on wen termtf 1 1vo WfekH a'o, the liearn faee their Htanfonl rival next .Saturday at lierkiiU'y with the bent chancetj of ncoririK a victory Hineo 1!23. A California eleven vanquished Stanford, 9-0, flvo yearH ago. . i Jn tie 19 24 tho teama played to and California has been on tho Ioh- iB ena mnce, xniH year, tno tienm have not had a touchdown scored iiKaliiHt them by a coIIcko eleven. J and only one field soul, where aw j ruuuiorn una oeen ocuien ry woutn- ern t'alfforntn. The Trojan victory over Stan ford, however, In no way means, that California' will have a gallop next week end. Potentially, Stan ford has ono of the strongest teams in the country and loose handling of tho ball, necessarily throwing Us Intricate "Li" formation out of gear, has caused the bltf red squad to look bad. While the Hears are struggling with their old-time enemy, South ern California will be winding up Its conferesce program In a game with Idaho. With only nn ordinary season behind litem, tho Vandals' chances of defeating Southern Cali fornia are so slight that the possi bility has not even been considered All four of tho above mentioned toams won their contests last Sat urday. Southern California push ed .Washington State out of tho running by a 27-13 score; Stanford downed Washington. 12-0, and Ida ho sent Montana down the line, 21 (I. California won its non-eonfer-enee affair with Nevada. 60-0. Oro gon downed Oregon State, 12-0, last week end, and next Saturday takes on Montana In what should be a wnlk-'wuy. ns the firjzzlles have lost four and won nono this year. Conference Stamllug, T.I. Pet. 1.00(1 1.(111(1 .II0 .(in; .Will .Mill .lull .200 .000 ' .000 California Sou. California Stanford Washington State Idaho Oregon Oregon State Washington V . C. 1. . A Montana 1 C'OHVAM.IH, Ore., Nov. 10 W) With Its conference season completed ahead of all other mem bers of tho circuit, Oregon Sla'.e grid squad began today a final four-dav preparation for a trlu to the east coast,-where the Ilea- vers meet the powerful New Yoru I I'nlvet-slly In a Thanksgiving day I battle. I Coach Kch'sslor let tho regulars I rest today, hut put all reserves through n scrimmage session. Twitcholl, halfback, Injured In tho Oregon gamo Saturday, had a bad knee thrown out ngaln and will bo unable to make the trip I east, aa planned. Tito only other Ington state, keeps pace with I'nl injutics wero chnrlio horses forlvcrslty of California, each having Metlen nnd Maple nnd arc not i three victories iu conference race. expected to handicap them for' the coming lntersectlonnl game. Maple, flashy cuarter, left to day for Peot-la. 111., ahead of his team mates, to attend the funeral of his father who was killed in an accident a few days prior lo the Oregon gntne. i Scoring Stars of the Gridiron (Hy the Associated Press) Kon Strong.i Now York univer sity halfback, apparently has clinched national football scoring honors for this season. Strong tallied III points against Missouri last Saturday and now hns a grand total of ID, thirty five moro thnn his closest rival, Churck Carroll, of tho University of Washington., The individual loader In each of the seven major groups or confer ences follows: Player. O. Td. Vat. Kg. Tot'l l.ast Strong, New York I) 8 19 85 0 13s Pacific Car- roll, Wash. ...10 17 S 0 104 South Hauli er. Tulane.... 8 10 10 0 100 Southwestern--Hume, South Methodist 7 IS 0 84 Itocky Mounln' Clark, Col orado Col 8 8 111 62 lllg Ten Hoc do. Minn t 9 0 0 (4 Dig Six How ell, Nebr'nka T t 0 0 64 Hassan Demonstrates Wrestling Hold I '.- ILasnaii Muliammed, tJie Terrible. ' Turk, who Is shown above demon-' stratum a face lock and an urm ! in. win fi..,i i.ic !,....,.. f..n i ' ' """"" '"- : nhlay nlnht nt the armory when 1 he inneta ilob KniHo, 10-pound j rorimnu trappier, wuo wroHtlod , StanlHlatis Zyblako, former world's i heavyweight champion, a short ; lime atfo and made a good allowing. ! vinmi m ii-uitic-o mh iiuiour lor a worms cnampionsnip match with , be held down by Kruse, who plans 10d (HtrnnKler) Lewis, tlio present ; to keep the Turk bo busy that lie world's champion, and in tho in- ; will have not time to lose his tern Htructor at the Multnomah Athletic per. Football Races At a Glance By the Associated Press Kant -hrmKtliif! - C'anu-Kle, unbeaten and : fUteeeMHivc victories over : PittHhurKh, Georgetown and Notre Damn, tops list. Itoslon college only other team neither beaten not tied. I'linneton's victory over Vale keep the Titfcr slate clean of overythttiK except ties New York', university, Pennsylvania and Army j among other leaders, each suffer- lag only one defeat so far. i Western Conference (Dig Ten)-! Wisconsin, undefeated but tied by j Purdue, holds undisputed lead as rcstiltof previously unbeaten Iowa team. Illinois. Ohio State and Iowa, each with ono defeat, next In line. Missouri Valley (P.Ig Six) Nc- hrnska, tied by Pittsburgh after helm- nievii.iiMiv mieiiei-ki-,1 re mains at top In conference with ! four victories. Iowa State and Oklahoma improved standings with victories In latest conference games. Southern Conferenee--KIvo teams remain undefeated, but tleot-gla Tech, Klnrlda and Tennessee, each with five straight victories In con ference play, have most Impressive claims to leadership. ' Louisiana State and Virginia Poly also un beaten in conference competition. Southwestern Conference 1'nl versity of Texas, by victory over Texas Christian, has assumed tho lead with four victories und one de feat, followed by Arkansas and Southern Methodtsl, which wAs toppled from tho lead by ltaylor. Itocky Mountain Conference L'nlvet-slly of Ctah retains lead, w-lth three victories and no de- feats, despite scoreless, tie with Krtgham YonVg In conference up set. Colorado university In-runner-up position through victory over Colorado college. Pacific Coast Conference Sottth- ern California, by trimming Wash- no defeats and one He. the result ofthclr own scoreless deadlock. Stanford added Washington to vic tims and Oregon conquered Oregon Stale. DE8 MOINES, Iowa. Nov. IS. ; (!') H. I). Wlllnril, whom bonds-j men and police tmld Is a brother of Jess Wlllard, former world'ti haVwe''TM chaiP'don boxer, was free on $100 bond' today, charged, with Ilk tnl possession of liquor: nnd keeping a disorderly house. Ilo wns arraigned Sunday, fol- j towing ma arrest at n local notel. nnd pleaded not guilty. Wlllard gavo hia age aa 61 nnd saltt lie was a real estate opcrnlor. STATE THEATRE Any Seat 15c Anytime Children undar 12, 10c Show Changei Dally TODAY "The Devil's Twin" , Featuring Leo Maloney Alto Comedy and Scenic- 3 r)in:iON. Momv, N'ovkmber is. lasa. t club in Portland. Krusc appeared iu Grants Pass two years hko uiul il"trefied spectators with his stylo i mm uticiihin. mncu men no nas shown wonderful improvement and ' has added considerable weight,! making him one of tho toimhoat men on the coast in his weight, Muhammod's prowess in the rint; ia well known to Medford Tans und especially for Lis fits of temper wiiicn, however, ure exiiected to BEND IS CHALLENGER Bedford's prospecta of n Thanks Ivlng Ramo aro as far oft as ever and nothing today could ho learned (,f a possible opponent for tho local football eleven which plnved Thd ,, ., . ,,' n,: r , Dal"!8 m """noon. The r.end team lias Bned n challenge to Medford If The Dalles is beaten tday. However, due to tho fact that The Dalles Is scheduled to liy Hend the latter part of this week, littlo. action will bo taken on the present challenge, ' If Medford Is victorious today, according ti) 1). 11. Conkle. high sehoool principal, and Bend defeats Tho Dalles, a game here '1 Hanks-; game. giving with Hend will be consid-j However, the junior high school cod. The whole matter Is unset-' and tho grade schools continued tied and will bo until the scores their usual dally routine, although are made lit The Dallea games. jat the Junior high several bulle Due to the fact that California j tins of the progress of the game teams expect a large guarantee, I were announced to the pupils. The much larger than Medford can fur-: same course was probably purs- nlsh, a gamo with nn eleven from i that state is impractical, and notn- j mas, although tho school offlc ing more has been heard from tlto ; lals thought that tho grade pu Evorctt, Wash., team. plls might not be sufficiently in- SNOW ADDS TO SITFEUING (Continued Krom Page One) stopped Friday night, has been re- J stored. ; I Tho floods followed 30 hours of nearly continuous rainfall which j ranged in places up to 10 Incites, j Tho Texas Panhandle has felt the I climatic disturbance with (i Inches j of snow having fallen there since j Friday. It's your own fault if you don't get the finest aromatic pepper. You can have it - - if you ask for the right one ! Which one ? Your grocer returns your money any tine you don't like Schilling's best ! a ASHLAND CITIZENS E DIstinHuisheii citizens of Ash land, including Irving Vln:ns, J.", ujHapi.eai - Joy, were In .... . . . .. ' . - .ticaioru toaay Doostins interesi In Ashland's blK football mime in Ashland Saturday when the .Normal team tangles with Mon- mouth for the state Normal title. Xormal team tnnirleu with Mon-'POtl, InteroHted m this game, for Full- back Ki-nn. star of laKt yearVhitfh Interested in this came, for Full- Hchool team, U playlnn with mouth, while Niihf, Moore and Roberts also local football stars of 1927, are the mainstays of the'Ashland eleven. The game will be called at 2:30 nnd quite a delegation of Medford fans are expected to attend. The Ashland Normal has a good team this year, defeated Humboldt, Cab, 31 to 12, and is being pointed now to take Monmouth's measure. In addition to tho sporting fea ture, the people of southern Ore gon are ured to see this game, for a largo attendance will give the Ashland Normal assistance in its effort to take a permanent place In the scholastic athletic standing of the state. . GRID GAME TODAY The pupils of tile public schools were today 'ail agog with sup pressed excitement, as well as the general run of the public, over the state championship game at The Dallea -tills afternoon, and quietly speculating as to tho out come, nnd while the pupils os tensibly studied or took part in classes, their keen Interest, per- i haps, more so than the older j folks. In spite of their efforts to-conceal it, waa with the Med j ford high team up north, tind in jquletly rooting for its success. However, In the senior high school, Principal Conkle, recog nizing It as almost futile to hold to tho regular dally study and classes schedule, shortened tho class periods this forenoon, so that tho student body could give up this afternoon to receiving tho returns by radio in the high school auditorium. Hence it was that ' nn lnforml1' assembly was held "'is afternoon from the time of Iho u.KlnnlnK l( tl)0 K.ime lmtl, : its finish, while the eager students , listened to reports from the game i broadcast by KM ED, the .Mall ! Tribune-Virgin statfun, from a ra dio set kindly furnished the high school by the People's Electric store. The students could enter and leave the informal - assembly In tho high' school auditorium Just as they pleased during the sued In several of the grade build- ; tetested in tho game for any j special arrangements to bo made as to informing them of its pro gress.. Dl'Y AT 1IOMK CAMPAIGN" (Continued from Page One.) l.nn?, wood cuts Men's and Women's Clothes (Jus tho Tailor. V. .1. Hither. K. ;i. Klein. Unkln Powder Tm OONV ICTED BROKER SENTENCED IUDAY'son ofIsPeds ;SEVEN-YEAR TERM POr.TLND. Or Nov. 19.-1..1 I.pxnON. Nov. 19 (VP) An -Junei 1'. Cooke, president of K.Hl.ano tcleBrnph dispatch from Overbeck & Cookr, stock broker- Herlln ,uotea the newspaper Dl Me hotiae which failed laat Janu- welt Am Mon,K. aa aayins that ary. waa sentenced today to aeven !n wealthy American widow named 2 i ,,H,,n following his con- .chw. Im married l'rince vlction last week or larceny by j embezzlement. He was convicted In connection with diBappearauce of rjiula ue I riven iroai u.o "'""' , ..Bt..n,a A ntinrv trrand illrv in- ,"Z Vnmiwln uicteu louae, .m. To vice-president, and Howard S. I hi 1- aoodwin Pleaded ecretar P"1. Beui-lU1-' . U.y and w by n ."-U l anf of. "' l,iB c""' ' n. "7'V... Mnn-iOhnrgeH tnnt eiiMomrM I Constipated for Years Thought Bowels to Blame was terrihly constipated for , a.c ..P-- -0? years," writes Mrs. Anna taubian . "i m0K( c()nBtpatlon, for Intes of Orcuon. "I tried all kinds of ; timl indiKCstion and putrefaction, medicines but nomine did me any: all of which means f;n"'"lnK Kood until I tried Dioxol. 1 was biliousness, headaches , I r d 1 completely relieved, und 'have told . 1K, lack of appetite, blotched skin' two of my neighbors who have anil coated tongue, eotten the samo wonderful results." i Ktimulate the liver natutallj. n- I It was no cnthortlc or laxative that relieved .Mrs. Pntlblan of her . atantly solve mosi cases oi j nsu-lonK-standlnn case of constipation. ! patlon, back pains and headaches. So many sufferers of constipation i This you can prove by taKlni! ui attribtile tho trouble to tho howula : oxul for a day or two. Dioxol sup ami ko on doctorlnK the bowels plies the liver with the natural olo when the real cause lies in the nients from which It makes bile, liver. The function of the liver : itesturlnK the bile flow to normal . Is to secrete bile which is u natural purifies the Intestinal canal and 1 put-Kntive for the bowels. The bile 1 pruoiotes regular bowel actions also acts us a dliiestant of fats and : Physicians reKtilarly prescribe Dl oils and as an atuisepilc In the in- : oxol as the solution to much of our testlnal canal to combat tho Kct-ms ; III health. Let a test in your own which lend to breed there. The caso show its results, lour lruK llver should secrete a full quart of gist supplies Dioxol. Special agent, bile a dav, hut the liver of the aver- ' Jarmln ti Woods Drug Store. EXTRAORDINARY SALE. Our entire stock of new current Dodge Brothers Standard and Victory Six Passenger Cars will be sold at once to make room for forthcoming changes in models early next year. All of these cars are the very latest types big, roomy cars, with beautiful colors and lich upholstery. Each the most as tonishing performing car it 'its class. Outstanding values at their former prices and now at these new- prices the most extraordinary bargains in history. STANDARD SIX New Price Saving DeLuxe Sedan '. $795 ' $175 Sedan 765 165 Coupe 725 150 VICTORY SIX New Price Saving Four-Passenger Coupe $ 945 $225 Sport Sedan 1045 250 . DeLuxe Sedan 945 225 Sedan 895 200 Coupe 845 200 All prices f. o. b. Detroit Convenient terms even at these low prices! OPEN EVENINGS , Eakm Motor Co. 16-18 South Fir Phone 304 Jim Beautiful NOW OPEN tpcated in ttmtudstMi omrRANCISCQ 4 M$ I c few 'ffi Igpife HUCHUU NTVCOMI HUTU. UtuuftHC imil mif tared IuBses aggregating $1,600,000. ft Cooke's attorneys filed a motion ' for a new trial after liU sentence was pronounced touay. MM U.S. WIDOW Priedricli. second son oi me tor- nu'i' kaiser. a month ouo there were !mor, lhat Jlra. slelcken-Schwarz 1 , Vpw York was to marry of .New Prince FItel Prledrich nnd alio ! i n denial aaylnB: ,ft mn ; ? -You may deny ail oi .npmpnt marriaKO, or i my Elte, Mall Tribune ads are read by . . . . ; crease the bile supply ana you in- HEW HOTEL Ci Dining 7oortu Lojjee Shop BEAUTY AND SERVICE UNMATCHID t t HjfHL, Tariff 127 Roofflf . , , , Jj.50 lit Rooms , . . 4.00 1)6 Koomt . . . , 4.30 107 Rooms .... 3.00 W Roomi .... 5.0 41 Roomi .... 6.oo Twin Bedrooms for two, from .00 3.)0 6.00 7.00 ' 7.50 00 6.00 Rooms tn tut w living room, bedroom, private Vuh, from 10,00 t t II lAtCf MMPlt ROOMS . IVIHY OOX AN OLTilDI ROOM 'IP mm, wtiV AT VtVK Sn fNcaco