'AmUMUirAlAlL THllll'M', .UKLUuK'IJ, hlil-.l.oV MUMU. .U)U..U1U-.W 111. 11): J'.Uii. tiH l'.A L i ! SI 'I 'I i) THE MARKETS I'roduc rOTiANU, ,Oit. Nov, S hnlsalf prices. . XlL'TTER Steady, .Jvor t 1 a n d j Dairy Exchange net wholesale J prices ' (Oubeci:' Kxtras ,-49 So; ' nandards 49c; prime firsts 4Sc; : iiol-s 45 So. Creamery price: I'rinlH, Sc over cube Ftatj Mrdi. r.KCH Steady. Portland Dniry l.xehar.ge (net ban's): Kre,h nan- ' dard extras, 49c: frenh standard ' llrsts 47c; fresh medium extras flfic: fresh medium firsts 3r.e: un- ; U or sif-ed Prices io retailers. 1 ij 3r over ej.eha.ngc prices. j - yiLK Steady, raw milk t4 per; cent), i.S6 cut. Delivered Port- j bind, Ies. I per cent. liuitcrfut. i t m traek. S2c; delivered 1 at Portland 54b",5c. POl'LTRY Ruying priecK ; Alive, heavy hens (over 4 Vs lbs.),' 'f.e: medium hens t3Vs to 4 ! lbs) :0e: light tunder 8 It..). We: - prings and leghorns 24c; ducks, ; 20c; turkeys, alive 25 t Sac, dressed 37c. ONIONS Steady, per pvt., Ore- gon Danvers. 3.75 f 4.25 ; boilers, 2r. 2.25: 'Yakima, $3.7 & 4 POTATOES Steady, per ewt., j Yakima gems, No. 1, 1.40 h 1.50; i combination (75 per cent No. I), i l. 151.20: No. 2, 9Tt f. $1; Ore! gon DoHhute gem No. I, St. 40 ti 1.50. ... j WOOI Steady, eastern Oregon wools tl'.o.b. country points): Choice light shrinking fine. 35 f 4ic lb.:, heavier shrinking fine, 32 :t4v: crossbred wools. Stiff 4c. f 'j Valley: Medium, 43c lb.; coarse. 33 ; 4J 4lle lb. f Nt'TS Steady, walnuts, Oregon 29.Tf 30t-; nimonds muSiie; pca uUts l'J'-c:. pectus 2 4 ft 2" v; , filberts 20n lb. JIAY Steady. buyintt piicos: Kastorn Oregon timothy. S-tt.j" 21: lo valley n?i-.;o: airnirn. .VlSfi 1S.5H; i-lnver. S144il5: oat !:iy I57t 1 3. in; htl'iiw . ."ST.-'Vo tun; f.lllnK prifps, S2 ion more. livfslook. - PORTLAND, Oro , Nov. 19. til') t:atllo anil calves Receipt 1790; active, strong to USe hlKlicr u calves and -holferp, Si.-t'i'M (Udij-ii:io His.) k'i. )IHl'l!.S0; (fl50-ll()(l lbs.) kooiI. 1 l.r.uli li.L'r.. (S0O ami up), nic dliiTa. $lo.rOfJi: li."-,;; common $ii 10.S0: helfi-rn (S50 lh. 'down), uood. il.T5Jl 10.0IJ; common. iff !1. 75; rown uood, S.T'i H 9.00; contmoa to medium. $6.75(iS.75: low cutter. S4.U05f li.75; bulls (yearlinK- excluded) ool beefa. $7.2.:Vq 7.75.; culler to medium. $K.&0li'7.25; calves (you lbs. dowtj mtHlitim to choice, $8.50 lu.r.ii; cull to common, JO-GOGi S.Jiu; veal ers. millt-l'el.. KOod to choice, 512 n 1:1: madlu'jn, l.50'i!l2 dull to common, $7.r.M'fi aji.00. Vut representative of limits of quality within the tirade). IIok Receipts 4util); steady to 1'iC lutv.T. Heavy ' weiifbl, i2r.o ajO llis.T medium to choice. 17.2 3 flB.OO; medium ..weight (20-!5i)4 lbs.) medluln to choice. $8.001 9.'25: llKht .wtslRht (100-201) llm.l medium to choice, $9.259.36; liKht lluhts, (130-100 lbs.) me dium to choice, SX.259.25; pack ing sows, roUKh und smooth. $li.2" W7.25: slauKhter piK (90-13U lls.) medium lo choice, S.0O iff 8.7S; feeder and stocker- pltcs (70-139 lbs.) medium to choice, $7.50tfr S.f.O. , (Hoft or oily hoes and ron.-tlne piss exi:luded in above quotations) Sheep - and Ijamos Itecehitsl 710; steady to strong-, lambs S4 Ibsl down) goud to choice. $ 1 1 f't 12; (92 lb. down) medium- JlOfa 11;; (all weights), cull to com mon. S.50rilo; yearling wethers, U50 lbs. down) medium to choice 8.ftfi 10; ewes (120 lbs. down), medium to choice. $-I.R0i6.5il-(120-150 lbs.) medium to choice, f 3.f0j G.C0; (all weights), cull to common. $2. 00ft 3.50. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 10. (VP) Wheat Miff Uend bluestem, hard white $1.47: soft white Sl.ltf'i; western while Sl.lti; hard winter 1.11; northern spring SI. 11; western red SI. 1 1 OutsNo. 2-HS white $3fi. .Today's car receipts Wheat "ii. ftour 2S, corn 13, o:its 2, hay 15. t'alllomla Fruit Price ;SAN FRA.N'CISCO, Nov. 1!) -P) Ki'deral ltureuu .Markets Service: Apples; Roxes Calif. Pearmalns 3H.-4 tier . $1.15-1.35. Newtown pippins 2 ;- -4 t!- SJ.20-l.4tt; 4 ur ei.iu. ) "I'l" limine din. S4-f.; fancy S3 "V! IMriocrvillo fi grade S3.2S-S.S0: half hoxes SSI. SO. Wash. Jonathans fancy Sl.G5-t.85. ' Rome Reautys fahcy 5-S.S. ' Oreiton Spltzen l.erns xt- SL. 25-2. 50. fancy SI.75-:. choice 51.25-J.50. Delicious, xf $2.15-3, Winesaps xf. 2. 15-2. 25; fancy. M.fiu-2. Winter liananas Asf 2.2."-2.r,0. Pears: Lake fancy Si, 50-2. "5 Nells i3-3.i! pi l county packed, per box. Winter packed box. Ore $3.75-4.0". Per lion HAnJours simmons S0c-$L25 box. Kn Kraiiclvi Ruttcrfat. SAN KRANCISCO, Nov. 1J. (P Ilutterfat, f. -o. h.. Stm Kr:m- risen, 51 Wall Street Report NEW" YORK, Nov. 19. W) After waverinc under BtronK Hell- 'iuii preHsuie ilurlDK most of the day, price trends turned sharply i upward in the lost hour ol trndlni; on the stock market today, under the leadership of radio, which shot tip 30 points to tne record price ot ' Case Threshing.' May Depart ment Stores, Anaconda Copper and Liquid Carbonic were sent up & to 16 points to new jieaks, and lleth lelem Steel Jumped to S3, a new top. ' Notice to Jlonters. Hereafter any hunter trespassing In Itrophy and Company field ad joining Crater lJtkc highway on east between Agate Station and Kagle Point will be prosecuted. This Innd Is now leased by a private gun club. (Slrned 11U0PHV & COMPANY 243 BRINGING UP FATHER i i w,-. 1 1 7 1 , - : XI ,"" I ' 73 a f F MuxiS.6?! - LEFT ALLMV l8DHE T- rr-J jl AUh ffr n INlTOCK- J V. flj 5?5?I " ' Jr MO&iciMEuRoPeJ didn't- Vv,- i J tt . , X flT i - fed Wwm$ mki) -mikMMkMmm !THE NEBBS- What I IILct me 7 I'M STIL.L. STTIM6 Tt-J DOLLARS EACH FOR&EIT IkJ AMBk105E'5 LO AFFAIRS (2ocnwe:V PLIKJT IS STILL OKJ EAfiTU AWO 15 SENJDlKJG, 0'f TO 1 WIS14 1 MI5 OAUfeWTEB WEEK . fcreei?je Hollywood-. By Waile.-Werner. HOI.I.V Vf,fin Cnl ttntc in straddle the talkie fence is the problem occupyiiiB many movie minds just now. Star t)f the si- lent K"reen go on with their silent leeiies, wondering at the' t i m v whether they will I sound all right) -h ii !h.v Ii fi v-i i IlIIVl vi-o-1 Ittoers t h r o w ix it tu real . di- cmrna by the in-i t !. hi-hihicm tin hi unci! try to turn out! enough silent pictures for the si-! It nl houses and enotmh talkies the wired houses. And fre-i sides of I nutiitly they try both the fence in the same picture, . giving their players voices in one. scene and striking them dumb in ihe next. Charlie Chaplin, whose dilemma is just as serious as any other puiuuLcrs. is planning to sidestep embarrnshment by making a iok" of tin; whole, affair. tie plans, to put talking sequences into his new picture, "city L'ghts"; but he, as the hero ofihc. uictuvo. will not talk. Ami Vlrulnlu v'lici rlll. the ChicoKo lilonde hp chose to he his new leadiufc" 'woman, was placed under contract with out even having her voice tested. Talk will he used in the pic. ure, In other words, as a sort of comic relief. ' The "real people" of the picture will scorn dialog, to satisfy his own curiosity .lust how-i on a ever. Chaplin plols to put on a different makeup and sneak over to the talkie side of the fence In at least one scene. IT it is ter rible, no one will know It was i,.,, .,.,,, Another problem keepini; studio I . niiidiTi , nnversniHiii. tempo ar shortage of stage spnee l mm uiihii- pronuction. .viany ste: und concrete sound-slaueH are beinff ruyhea to completfou, but very few of then, really nre ready, (onspimtly several producerN are making , one sound-stage do ' the work of six. with' cameras- an ) j microphones busy 24 hours a day. In- 011 wlurilo.ihe talking picture sets are built on wheels, so that they run be rolled Into the sound Mate on a moment's notice, when- ovpp the recording engineers can Fpurc a hnlf hour. Dork In Dialogue People who like pels will be Kind lo hear, that droit with soon I voices will Ret their chance in1 Ihe talking- films. Mcrvyn I.e. Hoy is Just How In the midst of testlntt doK-appliciinls for n role In 'Rlliy Kosie." (e. rV-ally needs two hounds:, but one of them. which will lwionc to the Hero.i will lwlone to the Mero.i 'must be a quiet, unobtrusive Hog. ' The other win i.,.i..n . ,i, I in, nnd win he talkative endugh for two of them Milk hi the Movie.- If the movies move nSoro smoothly on Ihe ncne n ..this winter grateful fnns -enn thank the row.' fhat verrutRe . animal which in the source of o ninny things lrf P!d-s milk nd butter and cheese. Condensed milk has been found to be nn excellent substi tute for the wax used In polish -inn film ready for shipment to theaters. The film Itt polished, of course, to make It run smoothly j through the projection machine. but there will alwnvs be people ' mean enough' to suggest that !ven (the condensed milk treatment tun A MB a World! " :. . . FROt-1 DAODV A Boot I K.MEVJ VAJME1.KE FUL. AMO UOMT WOIW we WAS SO COULD JL(PlTP- VJlf-1 AmTPLUW&s Cat- r 1 llinnniTD IR.ILK.ITVJ othv. Notice is hereby given that the tfirm of Robinson & Meyer has been dissolved by mutual consent. All j obligations o w i n g to said firm f should be paid to Joe II. Meyer, 'who will continue lo operate the business at 33 S. llartlett St., Med- ord , O regon. a nd w ho will pa y ! and assume ulbindchtedness of said ; I co-purineisiiiP' 'ItOfilXSOX & MF.VKR. I I 3 Notice 3 am the sole owner of the rtutte Creek Ot chard and will not lie re istmrisihle ftr tlebls ugalusl same after this date, unless sinned for by myself. Eva M. Yawter. 242 ... 4 - Alcxnmler Szbo, Mungntinn act- h ! or. has ux taken hts tweiun wne .Haying .that the . the 1 1 wero nice girls and "if at t tie time i tnougni screen voices from .ludKe of Die Slale of rireKOu in . LOST ' TOR Itl-.M' MlM-E.l.lin.M'.lll' I curdling. ibility of all (x-ifnme of them treated me njiuiy l tlb'to'rs to "wire" have forgiven them and have for their theatres for'pottn what It was ail about." Summons for Publication, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreuofor the t ounty or Jackson. , J.. Goodrich, phiinliff. K(mh yu Oondrich. Defendant, To Edith M. Goodrich, the above- named det'i'iidant In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are 'hereby required and 'summoned to appear In the above entitled court and cause, and an- ,, omplaint of the plalntftf i-ein nuainst vou. within i file h four weeks from the date of the I first publication of this summons and you will hereby take notice Mist upon your lainire in so ap pear and answer, piaintlff will ap ply to the court fur the relief against you as prayed for in Ills complaint, a sircclm-t statement of which is as follows: For a decree of this court for ever dissolving the bunds ot mat rimony herelnfoi'e anil now cxlst- Irit I.ClWf.ert olnlnllfl' IHlil ilefiMld- nnt. anil for such other, further i and different relief as to ihe court may seem meet and proper In the premises. This summons is published In the lledfonl Mail Tribune, daily edition, a newspaper published in' FOR UKXT Furnished house-tll4- City of Medford, Oreiton. once i keepliiK rooms with Knraiic. 525 each weel: for a period of four j No. Illversllle. 241 consecutive weeks, and five times, ; - - and you are reoutred to answer. l"'rein ,'t 01"' under and by ,iy np Uon r M Thomas. Circuit rr r-L iconrn r.UrtniMn otc CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Rates per wnd for first tnterhon, 2c; 1 each tuec ceding (nierttort, le; minimum ' 25a. Index your (! with For Stle, For Rent, etc., and count these words, as well ,1 u each Initial, telephone number, etc.r as j a word. - Classified ads cash In advance and not taken over prfona, unless advertiser tuts i monthly account. No attowanM fur phone J errors. . WAXTKb MlSCKMiANFOrS WANTKD Ry experienced worn- an. eneral clcaniuu or hiundry work by day or hour. Call IngS at 1HI South Holly HI. ven- 1 245 j VAXTEI) To borrow SS.OOft from' I In 5 years: . Kill-cdced scour- I Hy: -Will pay gooii rau of An tercsl. Write Uox 47, care Trib une. 243 WIIWW-Wants men's woshtnKK. Xn elm rue for mendlna. I'hoiie 74S-W. 241 74S-W. . " " a.nti-.d j-nmlly washing nnd ironing. Phone 537 -X. 24i WIDOW wants men's wn things. X'eharge for nieiirtlng. 1 ho tie W. 241 WANTKF) Vou to fee the beauti ful Mimmer homesttes Jnt open ed at Trail, near Rogue river; 45 minotcH from town. A .fine place to spend your week endn. Prices reanonabte. For parlb'U InrgM call at Charley's I'lace. Trail. 242 WANTKD--Ijiwn mowers to nharp- en : ttbonoti r.-inhu re tin I red - roll. ber tires put on iriryrlea and baby bugules; general repairing ; nnu locHNiiiuuing. trail ami de liver. , Medford Cycle A Repair Shot f KlieeeHKor to Liberty Re pair Shop. Cbas. Klfber, Pron. I'J X. Fir tit, I'hune xtil. 4iif J?4)i.E . OUT IK1 GOT BAD LUCK ONJ that. TM1S OOS OF OWOATUMre MOST HAVE MOI2.E. 1 SET MOc4eW TO t iwo FLIMT FULLV VOO SOT LEFT.iF cojyiocC AJT1-V THAT Tue-V WAMEO T(-lTOWM Judge of the Slate of f)regon in and I'm- the County of Jackson, Under date of October 2thr IfN The date uf tin first jtttldieation of this sunimons is October 2th JK2S. II. At. IttittKUTS. Attorney for Plaintiff. Address: 2H-a Medfrd National Hank nidfc., .MtMlfor.l. Ore. 11F.LP WAXTFD MAI.K SALKSMKN WANTKD IMg money year around in selling our com plete line of hank supplies, in cluding check coven, paws hooks,' savings pass hooks, cheeks, etc.; Inoit different advertising mtvel--' ties; aHI exclusive calendars, MX- ' elusive contract. Commissions daily. Ulg motley on repeat or ders. Twetiiy-nint h successful year. Sales Mgr.. Hankers Adv. & Snppiv Co., Iowa City. Iowa. 24 1 S A NTK1) Kxperleiic See O. L. Lilidley, S. lug House. primers. S. i'ack 2 1 2 i io it 1 1 l; n t rruxisii eu ItOO.MS KOU UKXT Regular jSR warm room for S3f 4 blocks from .Med ford 1 Intel. 52 1 Pennsylvania . Phone 522-X. 243 FOR UKXT Sleeping room, close in; hot and cold water; conveni ent for waitress or tele phono girl. 121 X. Grape.- 245 KOU UKXT Warm, pleasant fur nished room; hot and cold water. 4 2!t X. Holly. ' v 14 5 FOR REX T K u r n is hed roo m f or gentleman; also garage. 325 So. Riverside Ave. tf Olt HUNT one block from City park, heated sleeping room v. Ith plenty of hoi water ali the time. Hent reasonable, So. I lolly. Foil ItlONT Furnished room for Gentleman. 325 So. Riverside Ave. tf FOR KENT per week. -Rooms, $1.60 and 'i 446 So. Front. Z18tf UR HENT Mensant room with hoard at 710 Ii. Main. :79tf FOU H UNT IIOIISKKKKI'INO KOOitlS ;FOU lih.XT ilottsekecplnff rooms. 3.14 Apple. 242 FOIl ftlCXT A r A U TA I K N TS ------.--------s----- if OR R!NT---i' uniished apartment at 145 N. Ivy ipt. at 323 North Grape. O. V 341L.L Myers. Phone 24H FOR RKNT Clean, comfortable L 2 and 3 -room apartments, suit able fm students; gin and waler paid. 'garage, $12 up. Tel. 44H-R. 35 So. 2nd. Ashland. 24' ' FOR UKXT Sman nmnt. Tel. 34ii-.l duplex flpnrt 23ldf , FOK RKNT DesjrabJo nparfim nf. i Hotel tirand. 242 'OR RK.VT Furn. 2-rm. npts.: private bath, electric ranee, hot and cold water. Phone 12. 2ltf I FOR RKNT Furn. 2 anil 3-rm. npts.; garage. G04 W, Kith. lfiStf FOR RKNT Furnished modern apartment: ndulls. 345 X. llart lett. Phone 75.1-M. 22:.lf FOR RKNT 3 -room furnished apt., ground floor. $25 mo.; lights nnd water furnished. 33.1 W. 2nd. Ask nt 331. 2 1 Rtf FOR RKNT Furtf-died menis. Phone 4r,H. npart 21 ltf I 'OR RKNT Furnished apart ments; 4-room house, close In. 234 liast luh. 241 RKNT Oround ' V. '.'nd St. flno apt, 1-4! FURS FURS TRAPPERS, NOTICE We are in h position to hfindle nil your skins. 8eo us before you sell. Medford Bargain' House 2T N, Orape St, -1 Piioue i0C2 r m.-rrfEok .hit ii it- i ' .i mcr yit- sjrt stdi ni ....... ...rt-, I . UAO WOWM Wtmat o l AMD WE r-lMIOl-t IT- A TMOUSAMD VOU KICK. IM GO DEEP LOST olt Ki'Oi.K.V 4-mos.-otd ; police pup: wolf gniy. C ill 3s I - ; ,i. 4, Hi N. llartlett. itewani. : v A x t i sit l: at to x s WANT ED- -Work by day or hour. t. let. 2 13 - rtt it 127-L. ix !r icaced w a ! I res WANTKD Position as orchard foreman rupaMe of mannnti; . large place. Local references. I .ox Mail Titbunc, 245 Tol'Mi MAN Kxpcrinnced Pur rouuhs boitk keeping, banking, office wirk, desires wflole or pan tutte ..i h. Ketcicnc Ans. Uox W, Tribune. 242 WANTKD Housework, dav or hour. Phone 13 15-X. 244 rou ukxt- Folt UK NT Small parity furnish ed house, $ 1 r.. Tel. HHi-l., 2-1 I KOU RK.VT Furnished or unfur nished four loom bungalow. 72 Parle Ave 240 FOU UKXT 4 - room modern ftnUM; garage, garden; tut pave ment. Call 333 Haven. 2-10 FOR UKXT hous4. with - r-mm modem beater. range and Snxoidioue for 1 5 '.a W. 24 1 Jackson. FOU U i :XT 2-room house, nished; garage. Phone 2i fur- S-V. 24 1 'Olt RK.VT Furnished bancalow. Inquire 5 I I S. Oralre. 2 lo FOR HKXT Furnished house. close In. Tel. 3 I !-.!. 23lilfli Sfor RUNT Homes. Furnished I or unfurnished. Urnwn & While. I t , 47tf : FOIt RK.VT .Modern S-room fur : nished house. I'hona 5SI-I.. 241 FOR RK.VT' Small, neat house. 515. lierryda lo Ave. Phone 452 li, eveniiiKS. 235lf' KOU R KXT 3-roum hmise, fur nished, on pavenn'iit. Tel. 010-R. FOU RI;NT Collages, $5 week; wood, wafer, eleelricity and baths furnished. Rainbow Auto Crimp, 2511 FOR RKNT 4-fom "furnished house wtih yardj adults. 22K So. Holly. 226tf FOR RKNT My homo at 1310 V. Main St., Mcdfoi'V Seven rooms, bath and screen ptrch. New con dition Inside. Wilt bse; no tran sient h. C. O. DeV'ote, Phone 523-.I-2. .f M!sc'i:m.am;oi: DO Vol' XKKI) .YIO.VKY? We make short time loans. Trans actions strictly confidential open 'lllllll K p. m. Itfupm 317 I.lberly Itldl!. 242 K. C. COU.V To buy farm, house, lola, business opporlimities. 208 Kill Sl .MonlKi.inery Ward Hide;. 2ii: FRKK PIANO LKSSOXS 12 free piano lessons given with each pi nun purchased from the Ocln K. While Music Co. during month of 'November. He Joe f your 'own teacher. 114 Muln St:, Medford. 2 1 ' i IIiriHKST CASH PRICKS paid for poultry and rabbits of all kinds, tiet our prices before s !ijg elrtr- where. Kmpqua Poultry Co., M3 Winchester St., RoHchurg, Ore. 240 WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your . SECOND-HAND FURNITURE Scott Woolf vt'o-THI'b (t THE. " FA.U'iT- MO'lC-VaO rou have. eooqwT AU-THT VE HAVE cam W-SrY ro ,.iF I '.TDlK'F (Ut sv- sJWv --i-um-J. EEMITTAMCETD n,i KICK! IKJ AJITi-4 (VOl.lCS, BUT WOT MOW- !-i-f v.oowTt-i-(TMA-r i"Jit. s. rtc-w .-t OeSIDE-S, VOUliE k,, , vk . Tftir WOAJ WiFF-l OFF AUDSO tOU RKNT S. Front. bachelor eabtns. 445 J04tr i;Xt ' HANOI-: For .Wed. or Ash. res. 12 acres. 5-rm. modern, on ; highway, value 4f.n0. owner, j Can assume. Cure X, Tribune. 24 0 1 Ko U KXCi i AN V K A-room mod ern bungalow. Will take smaller J hor.-.e. C. S. Dutterfleld. Uealtor, ! Medlnrrt Naif. Uattk Uldg. 24o ; " Rll iI.F Al TOMOMILRS FOU SAI.K K'U'd c:ir, baby crib, ; bugy. vbibi's bed, t 1st one. etc, Leonard lorthuvs, 1 mile south of Talent. 212 I TO THADK l!i23 Dodge touring ! car in first cl:iss shape, for good J mflfc cons, frsh tu1 coming fresh. .1. H. Williams, at Heegtuiljer . I Williams ruiu-ti, near Aulloch I school, or address Central Point. ' IM. 2. tf .'OR S, I.E Kurd 11 or will exchange for Phmm 523-.N2. ht delivery, light truck. TDK SAM I'tll'liTllY Fill! SAI.K 37 Sliver Hpaniiled Ualuburj; pwllels: flrsl prize Jackson county fnle. I'ricc sue each. Mrs. Slaue.hlor, I'loneer road, 1 is miies west of I'hocnlx, 241 FOH SAI.K Namis-aHwtt turke-s and African neese, also fat aeese fur Tliiinl:st:lvlnK. I i mi. nortli west Central J'omt. I'. 1. l.of hilid. 243 FOR SALK Fat turkeys. 30c lb., delivered any time. Tel. gli'J-M. 241 FOR KAMl-IIOMKS FOR SALK Kit nit y In 5-room house, large loi ; will 1 niile for car. Mrs. tf. If. Rullock, 53.1 Grape, 243 FOR HA LK- l-rooin house on Vitn eouver Ave. A fine buy for 27fdu good terms, owner, J" .Muln. 243 235tfiFOR HALK IRnme, ittrge tut, on North ornnge. Price is rlghl. Seo this properly before you buy. Phone. H.12-W, or Inquire 32 North Orange. J Hitf FOR SAt.B Smalt modern fur nished coitaite: uarae;e: Jot fdiic Ht; li blocks from P. o.; rmirn foe another house; fine lawn, flowers and shade. Price and terms, seo owner, 24Ei .. tlrape. 240 W1I.I, KKi.lv MoiTem 4-room htin unlow, completely furnished: ex eellclit shape, or will lease fur nished. Inquire. 70Ii Park Ave. , 231lf FOU SAT.F-RKAl. I0STATK. FOI! SA!.!-; tAtt, !22S lictlst. '.an Arnold. Phone 4 511-1.. 241 Itltl RAROAI.V -la acres rich soli: bearing apples: 3 acres full miles from Medford: Ho bblgs, Toial soo; 40 cash: tiiilnneo fx 111. .nth. U. I-:. Millard. 4111 B. Main. Phone i22. S-tH FOR SAM; A bargain: 3,1 acres, close in. Inifssira X, It. Andrewsv 81 N. Orape SI., Medford, Ore. saute FOR SALI-; 1 In A.; 7" A. good creek huttum loam; paid up wat er: 70 A. hillside pustule. Wllh spring: some buildings: fenced and cross-fenced. Would make fine Hairy ranch. Fine neigh borhood, good school. On cream route, near small store, it miles from Central I'olnl. Kasy terms.. I Writ., or see owner. 3Ci H. Cen-( tral, Medford. 24J 1 WUKN YOU think of real estate. see lirown White. tf( TO III.' V homes ort very easy terms, ! see I'.iown He Whlto Agency, Inc., : 31 No, Fir, next door to Mnll Tribune, S!3tf i FOR SAM-: 1 acre tracts east of i Medford between city rosorvotr j nnd Spring street. i"'lly water to ) each tract. Price IBOO per acre, I wllh terms. FOR SALK -ncre lols on Knat Main St., Siskiymi Height. I'riee 1400 to Isr.o per Int. WOLD & WOLD, Byarta, Bldg. te By George McManu? WELL- IF "YOU its: - uonj v SB.U-.CT to KMX OME c-ct A lot ry ruKil OAOSHTCR , I'M 50 LOWEST 1 WUOUl-DKl'T liU-AT THE TCLt-MOiMLy" r . . v . t'lL. ' Kttlt HALK Feeder hR. K. P. Hughes, 'i; mile west Minis ';tt-lf-V postid'fii-c. 241 FOIt SALK MISCFLLANI'XH'S KOit SA DO We have a few truck loads of Delicious apples for 5c per box. Also 1 tf buses extra fancy pack Delicious packed, N 1 .2 it per box. ilnweu Packing House nt Uogoe fifver. 243 ! Foil RALK Wicker baby carriage. Phone T42tt. 243 I I'dll SALK Almost new ltruns j wick phonograph. Inebiitlng TO j records, s ii : terms, 1 'I down. per month. tute K, White ! Music Co., 144 Mala St. 2 li FOIt KAI.1-: 2 sets harness, 4 head uood horses, 2 wuuons. 2!'ti Wll ametle. 24 1 FOU SAI.K ll-holc ranee Willi wanallHi cioscl, SIS. Tel. 5'JU-Y. 24! FOR SAI.K Onoil furnlluh) anil rilKS, reasonable. 324 So. Peaeh. 24 I FOR SAI.i: 2.T.1 tiers of dry Irt iu. laurel anil , pine wood on ' Krmmd, cHise to highway, V. i. Vaullollti li, Cold Mill, Ore. 244 PIANO UARC.AIX la Ktoras-e itt .Medford. Flue iiuality. Piano partly paid for; like new. Vuur own terms and sacrifice to save slilppinu expense. Write at once to J. M. Howard, piano adjuster. 2"s Oak St., Portlanil, Ore. 242 Ft HI SAI.K Ope 75-!,,p, Holt cat erpillar In fair cntidilion; a splen did power plant for small saw mill or rock crusher. Hee J. J. Steluer, 122 Oreuon Terrace, city. 241 'OR SAM-i l'sed sewlnit ma chines: ail makes, $5 up; terms - If tfesireff. All makes rented and repaired. AVhlto HcwIuk Machine, Co., 24 No. Bartlett. lite FOU SA1,K For sand ami Kravei, seiliment nnd general teamlnu, Phono 1)1 2-J. Sam'l llnteman. If FOR SAI.K Stock beets, $8 per ton; niso com. ffttff mile west of south end KIiikh hlKliwny. o. IS. Slmtnei-B. 241 FOR SALK Apples. SpltzenhDrus, UeUeloua nnd Newtowns. tlrow ' ei-s Kxchango. Fir and 8th Sts. 220tf FOR SALK Slock carrots, corn and winter hlucgrass seed. Maury & Richardson. Call 355-R-3 evenings. 248 FOR SALK Nnwtowrr apples. Wolverton ranch. Central Point. Urlug huxes Phone 243. 24, FOR HAJ.rc SplUennurg apples. Ala Vl"a Packing House. So. Fir St- 20Stf MOXKY Tf IAAX B MONliY on Improved Medford property. Brown & While Agency Ino. 201 tf. BUSINESS DIRKOTOUV fifiteral ltepalrlng. OPN AKH RKPAltt HKOf 2ii No. Riverside. Phone 425-.I. Oun stocking and all gun work; knives, scissor and clippers sharpeneil; saw filing. 204 John R. Knight Teacher of Violin Phono S:U Jacksonville Fnr ArPlrtmett WANTED We Buy for Cash AH Used Furniture and Stoves , Call 505 W A. KINNEY Furniture House 315 East Main Bv SOL HESS ' - BPSIKKS8 DIBEOTOBT Abiuraotors i MURRAY ABHTRACT CO. Ab- traot of Title, Title Innuranoe Hoom, a and 5, No. 13 Kerik Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON CO. AllbTRACT CO. Abstracu of Title ami TSiie iatiar ui. Tile onl complete Tltta Bxslon Id 4ak eun CouDtf. Attorner j A.. E. REAMES Lawyer. Otfl LiL'Tty BUM- ueurora. ure. Chiropractic PhyslcUna f DR. K. W. HUFFMAN ChtfO- practlc Nerve Bpeclallat. ornoa hours to 12; S to &. S.J0 Liberty Bldg. Office phone Si; Re. phone 790-H. Oontrncton 1 R. I. STUART & SONS Goner Contractors, Including baae ments, ditehe, all kiri-3i at cement and concrete work. R. I Stuart, 217 Apple, whone 641; Oilbert Stuart, 17 Hose Court phone 960-M. Mllea Stuart. 0 S. Newtown, phone tO. expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. B. M Wllnoiv C. IK A, Attention glveo to anything In accounting and Income Tax Requirement... Look into our simplified aeeoyniin method. Liberty Bldg., Medfcrd, Phone 1&7-R. Financial WE LRND MONEY to worthj people to ptiy their honest debU Pacific t'cuttft Credit Asaociatioa 423 Medford bldg., Med ford. Or iV Freight Transportation - PIERCK TRUCKING CO., Med ford to Portland and San Fran cisco. Furniture moving a spec ialty. Phono 437-R-a. LONG DISTANCE HAULING Mcdfoid - Klamath truck Ud Dally service. Bonded carrir Special rates on load Iota. Aut Freight terminal, 3$ S. Fir. Tl CALL Portland-Medford Truck Llna for through or intermedia point service. Stxteen-hour aar vice to and from Portland. Phom 68, Medford. Attto frehyht ter minal at 30 S. Fir, Medford. Insurance SAR& a. TtJMT Alt forma of ! surance. Fire, Auto, Life. Aoct dent. Bonds. Phone 40t. 191 Liberty Bldg. Interfor Rocomtor W. V. ORINSTBD Ejpert Intertoi decorator; antique and Kumwood finishes; panel wall deslgna. tex tured wall, paperhatigiiis as general paint contractor. Phonf 120-R, Lamport's Hardware. Sit Loans on Don LOANS on homes now built 4 under construction. Eight pea cent and no atoek. to carry. RM service. Monthly paymenta. Banister Agency, Inc., 106 VS Main. Tel. . Mouey to Tjoaa MONEY TO LEND To worth), people to pay their basest debt Securities uf all kinds accepted - Jennings Loan Office, 6 8. Frov MONEY TO LEND $50 to SIM to loan on furniture or good ae curtly of most any kind. Con tracts discounted. Thomas Realt) Co,, Room 12, Palm Block, cor Main and Front, upstairs. 6 Commercial IxmK Time . Ileal Estate MortiptKe Loans Phone Finance Gorft Medford, Oregon Mnnumcata TUB OliliOON ORANITE CO. Monuments. 13. A. Hicks, ' Gen eral Manager; P. M. Kershaw, Sale Manager, tax N. ifrant St., Medford Mnato. THORVAL II. FOLKEKBERO Teaoher of violin; orchestra practice for students: also a u partmem for adjusting and r pairing violins. If you desire reliable violin outfit, call at the studio, room 4, College Bldg.. It N. Orape Ht. Phone 25-J. t'n luting and Pnperhangtne H. MARX,. General Painting Gob. tractor, tinting, paperhanglaft carpentering, repairing. Phone m-J. Res. S? Summit Piano lnstrocttoa FRED ALTON HAIOHTTeachM of Piano and Harmony. Hathit Music Studio, 118 Liberty Bids. Phone 73. . . 16tf Printers and Publishers MKDFORD PRINTING CO. Hu the best equipped printing offloe . to Southern Oregon. Bookbind ing, loose leaf ledgers, billing syntems, etc. Portland prices. 17 N Ffr 1ft - Puhlla Accountant FRAH11SR ACCOPNT1NO HERV IC'B operating the most eora plete' nnd modern bookkeeping servleo in 80. Ore. Audits, In staltetfon. tncome tax. W. A, Frailer, Public Accountant. Tel. 605.' Radio Repairing RADIO REPAIRING Th. ttnslt Box, 403 East Main St., Phon, 433, has an expert ' radio-, teck trlclan from the factory. ' Wt make a specialty of expert repel, work and guarantee It. Specie consideration to dealers. - Transfer BADS TRANSFER 8TORAG1 CO. office 111 N. Fir St. Phone 115. Price, right. Ber. vice guaranteed. DA VI8 TRANSFER BTORAOI Service guaranteed, 19 8. Grape St., Phone 4, or residence IN, Window LET OEOROS DO IT Hteae eleanlnp, floor wailag, leanet s.rvlee. O.o. A, geelr. f keaal or till. .. lA.V,. A