Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 19, 1928, Page 4, Image 4

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    1 -
St,- i
Mir. SuMar, WaaUf
PuUubl tar Uu :
HKDfOHU muhtdiu 00.
ii imi a. ru m. n "
g. bt UrTEU SMITH, liuufM
. A ... Ha.
lord. Otnon, luKkr ol Min . 1 j
8t Mill In AJH"1
D.lly, with ButKi.jr. 7f . . ';
Dallr, with bundiy. month
llnly, without Hulidir, Fra ..... .
IHiljr, without Sitndoy, ruouU ... .
W.kl MU Trlouu, gu fur.... t.OJ
Biuidir, one Jrtr ." ,V "J .V
br C.rriM. in AJft. lo Mliord, Ai-
Und. JckonvlU, Cnlrl I'olot, rbooDll.
l.ltnt. Cold Uill slid oo Illhyil
Pally, widi tiutidiy, mouth V
Ltlly, wlUiout Huudy, mouth .
lMilt, without SuixUr. ono jeu... J J
U.lly, with Sundiy, om rl
AU urroi, ch tn tdvonco.
Hewlvlnj Full Ud Win Rerrlcf
Only ptm In dtj or ocuiity ncolrUif
Mu-r. by teUffropb.
The Aocltd PrM U Melolltn? n
titled to tl um tor publication ol ill
nrwo diipitha crrdltod to It or othtrwlo
eredited In UiH piper. ud 1U0 to Un loool
otwo publlibd beioln.
All rlihU lor republication ol apodal d
Offlclil piper ol tho City ol MedlorA
orncuu puper Ol IKMUII ww..
Bwora dolly imuji drculitlon lor 111
onthl oudlul April I. 12. 46t.
Advtrtiilnr nprofnTitlTft
OMIcm In New York. Chlojo. IH troll,
Ron rrucUoo, Lot AnftlM, Seottlo, Fort-
Ye Smudge Pot
Bjr Arthur Perrf
Art I'orry. HmuilKO Tot cilltor,
liim burnt Into print. A liical re
porter of llio "III Times," and a
Kill, at that, managed to aexinn
I'vcryliody else, on a dencrlnllon
of tliu nllcBed chiimplon woman
liatcr of Moilford. TnltlnK ttdvan-
, tmvo of Art'H abnenue tho new"
Bluff unnnlmouHly dnelded to nllp
. this rlrvnr Utile Hlory, wrlttun for
tltn Hl-TlmeB, tho Medford lilKh
Hihool inihllratlon. a follows by
Lucille Murray, In tho Smudge "I
Art Perry nut ut hla dexk In thn
n'Wfi deptrlmi'iil of the Mall Tri
bune, bla itrey ft bat pulled down
over his eyes to Hbade Ihom from
tin' t rou ni of HunllBlit which
puttretl In Ihrouitli tho open win
dow. H1m fliiKera slowly poked the
key" of tho typewriter before, lilm.
"Why don't you pull down tho
rduxle, Art. If the light bollicl'H
your ttyeH?" aalted Hoineono from
ludiliul another deNk In the room.
"l.lku BunHhtne," Ki'uuled the
well known Hmudue Pot editor,
frlvlnu; hla hat another tuu; over hlH
eyes, and Buddenly the keys of hlH
machine picked up a HWlft nnd
tipontaneooUH rhylhm" whleh de
noted that ho had JtlBt received an
. InHplratlon.
Art Perry, who' has been.nBMocl
otd Willi the Mall Trllninu for the
pHHt 15 yeai'B. havluu; been for
merly with the HpokuBinan-Itevlew
iioi'Mite. ti'tiBli., Im a pU!ti:le to
thoBe atiout him.
' Mill or Hllent mooilM that endure
only ho Ioiir. and nro dlBtdpatod In
a Hiulileii oulburHt, either humor
mum !or olherwiBe, lie 1h nt-N-er
II In urrurr exterior Iuih often
frightened awuy publlelty Buekui-B,
but Mrauicely euoiiah It ineltK uwny
In the preHenee of mlBfortune or
ol'l llixe. , .
i nil a unlive Keniil oi iiiiiiior,
the I'oluuiiilHt dorivoN IiIb hiHplra
tloiiB from the moid tinexpeotcd
"HeaillliH'H in neWBpn pefB, poll
tlt'H. and IteniK In ihe dally nowH
columnti furninh n eertaiu nniounl
of It," Bald one of ti im uolloafrue.i
who Iuim wulehed him at cIoho
run He.
"HometlmeB we think nothing
BirlkdM him funny and asaln we're
urc that cverylhliiR doim. A well
drcHued soololy mutron, rldliiR
nliinw In her llniouitlue, ' nilcht
aroutie envy on tliu part of moid of
ub. Hut ho In JtlBt iih opt to
Kvrlke a nerve nlonir Art's funny
Done that will xend him hack to
the. offlee ehuekllnK. nnd wo can't
flKtiro out what U'h all about until
wo road It In tho Simulao Pot that
afternoon. "
WASUINUTON. Nov, ll).-(I') -Cnliforiila'n
ultompt k pievunt
coporntlonH composed of Jiipanos'j
tram lenlii.'; laud In Hint intu
tailed In supremo cort today when
tho court ruled that tho Japanese
treaty Kranted that rluht.
HulltiK III a cuku from I.ob Art
Holes aKitliist li. Tashlro and other
.Iniinnoac iihysiclans who wanted
In open a Japanoso hoxplml tliurn,
the court duclnrotl the treaty au
tl'.nilr.lni; Jnpancuo corporations to
It'Urto land for commercial purposes
porniltlpd lens In.; for hospital pur
pimoa but uut for agricultural pur
poses. The C'nllfornla atnte courts lind
l'!il I hut tho corporations which
the Japanese physicians had form
ed was entitled under the treaty
with Japan to Incorporation for the
puriiann of leasliiK laud (or the hos
pital, hut the alnto was unwilllnK
to nrcopt that view. Insisting that
In linn with alien land and other
laws is hail tho right to prohibit
JsipuncKO from leasing land (or
commercial purposes.
Sailors Drown
A.MHTIIItlJA.M, ltpllonad, Nov,
1 p. -(P) Three members of the
crow of H carried by the SwedlBh
verinel Malmoe were drowned to
Uny, when the ship went aground
near Ameland Island,
' Ships Founder
KTOl'KllOl.M, Hweden, Nov, III.
411 Many ships fuundured off the
coast In Uo violent storm that
rugid over Hwodcn during tho
wrok-tnd. No loss of life was ro.
piirtnd. - '. ' .
otlior things lie saEJ if you
unyoiif else, the orlJ Vf onM wear p path to yonir door.
Wliieh wits ouJy aiiotu-r wuy of suyiiij; that, no matter how
insignificant your exiiilribution, if it stankls out its the best of
its kind, you are eertaiu of fame, and may even nltaiu a for
tune. ' 'V'; "'y
On 'WeiJ'sday of this week Medford will be given a prae
tieul demonstration of the troth of thhi saying.
AValter llaK''" ' unci Jolinn;,' Karrell are eomin litre to piny
an exhibition golf matoU at the local golf elub. Tliey are the
two foremost golfers in! the world. They have developed the
ability to get a golf baI3 from a thing ealled ft "tec" into an
other thing ealled a "eiip'.' with more skill nd fewer strokes
than any other two on this terrestrial spliei.t-.
As a result wherever and whenever they play, what is from
tho standpoint of uumlielrs purtieiittting, our great national
game, the world wears at path to tbeir door. "Wherever they
go in this country or abroad, they are famous men crowds not
only flock to see them play, but pay' for the privilege, for they
arc the heroes of the eaddiits and tint! fans, and Ifagen at least
has not only attained that " fortune" uhovc mentioned, but
numbers among his cronies .viulti-milliouaires of America and
the crowned heads of Europe,
Securing these two men to play in Medford is, therefore, n
genuine achievement and reflect great credit upon the enter
prise and progressivencss of tho local golf club. It is not a
money-making venture. It involves financial sacrifice. It is
entirely a public-spirited effort to booA the ga,nic and stimu
late popular interest iu the sport in this section of the state.
Needless to say, the people of Medford and Southern Ore.
gon should give their enthusiastic support to this epoch-making
event in the history of the Rogue Valley Golf Club. The
success of this elub is more th.tu the anero success of a sport.
It means a great deal to the growth and prosperity of the entire
community. . . . ,
For it is an actual fact that more and more Americans con
fine their selections for a vacation spot to those places which
have golf clubs. And the bettor and more famous tho clubs,
the greater the attraction.
So prepare now to take in this exhibition Wednesday after
noon, at one o'clock, and show these two world champions that
Medford is entitled to u place on the honor will of this coun
try's golf stations.
Vou will not only sec golf as it should ho played; you will
me strengthening a genuine community asset, and you will be
helping along a 'worthy cause.
Sl'EAJCINO of Emerson, the fiitgc of Concord also remarked
many years ago upon the fact there is much more kindness
In the world than is ever expressed, so intiiiy mure hearts are
saddened und broken by thoughtlessness t,ha,n by iutent.
Another great truth. . And this might bo taken as a text, if
One wished to deliver a sermon regarding Home Products week,
which opens in Medford today. ' '
. lint .with The Dulles gam about to begin .we don't feel in a
sermonizing mood, However, we tire going do'suy this:
Thoughtlessness is the greatest I'oe of that time-honored slo
gan, "With Medford trade is Medford made." ' ,
And the greatest single thing that ooidd bo ..'accomplished
this week would be to eliminate thoughtlessness, to so enipliu
I'sizo the fact that wo hav'o home products, and that it is not
only good policy, but good business, to purchase them in prcf
ereneo to products made elsewhere, that no one would have an
excuse to say in the future ; ;
"Why didn't 1 buy that ? Why do you know I really never
thought about it."
That's tho great trouble. AVc don't, at leat so many of
us dou't think about it.' IVaetieally all people arc agreed as
to tho desirability oT patronizing homo industries. Such a prac
tice is conceded to bo merely enlighteued self interest. Yet
habit is so strong, and indifference so pervasive, that thousands
of dollars arc Bent away every year which ooukl jiut us well
aud of course much belter ho kept at home, aud distributed
among the members of our own civic family.
The value of Home I'roduets woek lies largely iu its pub
licity i iu bringing to the attcntiou'of the people the fuel that
tbiugs arc made here, aud sold here, and that, except iu rare
or exceptional iustuueos, there is neither excuse uor necessity
for trading elsewhere. .
This refers not only to products of the retail store or mill,
but to products of tho land. ' : , '
. A vast majority of the people will do this, if they will only
get in the habit of thinking about it, The main purpose of this
week's campaign' is to:
MUTT AND JEFF How Time Does Fly
morning as we've BeeM
TtfiNk this fvyove; oM oufc
I -Ik.
ff ifSfl iff n
was a very wise man. Anions
iiimiJc a hotter mc'trap than
up A
TOpAt. JG.Fr.
3 fc Ss:- t- ijL!iJ&
1 iJT Tj--, 1 3 BE . - "-f -!.,- H.-. ll f I &n -..r-M T..4. U, l U f,, l'?22--
Personal Health Service
otfuod letter peninhif to oononol hoolth ond byfltno. not to dluuo dlifnoolo
ineotnwul, will be onoworod by Or. Brady 11 mnptd, telf-addreoaod onHlopo to oncloood
Lotura obould bo brio! and written In Ink. Owiug tn tho Urga numbor of letura ro
eolrod, only a fw oaa be anawered hero. Na reply can ba nude to querlea not ooiiiora
tng to InatructJooa. Addroaa Dr. Wullan Brady, In care of thla oewapaper.
In giving us her method of mak
ing coffeo an experienced house
keeper divulged what sho call
ed a cook's
cret and warned
against any men-
tton ot It in po-
llto society o I j
Just published it
here. It was the
une of a little
chicory with tho
coffee. T'he lady
advised t o u r
rounded t a b 1 e -
one level table -
..i ti i
njiuuiiiiii wi biouuu ,-uiitru uuu uii I , , , 7,
leaspoonful of real chicory, (or i luetlou 'f ecli Individual to an-1
flvo cups of coflee. ",wurJ,r hlmelf-
The chicory question Is n nlcu'v;? QWquet Teat for Tuberculosis :
point ot culinary health science as! ,her0 l".t0 be a cllnic here anl I
well as a secret of culinary art, ! chll1,'e" whos0 Paicnt K'vo wrlt-j
and 011 this --round I deem It my ; enst,m r to bo given the j
duty to discuss it here. Von I'lrquot test and have a chest j
Chicory is a wild plant, some- exnm n.n,l'on aI"l X-ray i( necessa-,
times cultivated for snlad. The!ry- Nv 111 you P1""8" oxplain the!
cultivated clilcorv has a root like!Von r'rli"et- tet? I wish to do!
carrot or parsnip and the root i "B'u " my. c""u on Dut WBnt 10
when roasted is used in cof(cc, I know wnHt 1 am dolne- Your fo1"
or even as a substitute- for coffee. mer Instructions on inrant feeding
If chicory was used as an adul-1 Proved splendid and I thank you.
terant ot coffee in .the past, the ! l' . " H- ' ,,
only slit about that was that the I Answer. The Von Piquet test Is
vendor did not tell the purchaser'8 harmleK sH'n scratch test, and
how much chicory he had put In!" ,nere follw hlvellke reaction
the coffee. Today probably no : " l""'es that the individual has
coffee on the market is bo adul- i somewhere In tho body a focus of
teratd. In any case. It one buys ! tuberculosis, though in most cases
coffee In tho bean he may be cer-tne tuberculosis Is "latent" does
tain that It contalna no chicory. "ot affect health. In young chll
Stlll, I doubt whether any brand dren ,n,s lPBl "hows tho doctor at
of coffee now marketed is bo adul- leaat whothor tuberculosis may be
teiated. . suspected as the cause of any Im-
An iiio lmiv who u ,i,. puirment of health, undernutrition
method said, the addltlon-of the'01" anv faulty Physical growth and
chicory Improves the flavor of the
coffeo. She Is probably right about
that. From the health viewpoint
the use of any proportion of chic
ory with the coffee is quite com
mendable. It Is a question for
every coolt to decide for himself
or for his patrons or victims to
Mrs. H. W-. R.'s method of mak
ing coffee- Is not precisely Identi
cal with my own, but it sounds
Impeccable and I even suspect it
may be a better way than mine.
At any rate, I shall try it on the
dog and we shall see.
There Is no obvious association
of coffee and hair tonic, and yet
what tills correspondent says about
chicory does remind me of the hair
tonic situation, or more specifically
the hair dye situation.
Chicory in coffee has a bad repu
tation because In the past perhapti
somobody did market coffeo adul
terated with chicory. No Bin about
that, as 1 said, only the vendor
made the mistake of concealing
Ihe fact that he put thochicory in
the coffeo, and the public, after
all, resents deception, even though
it involves no risk of life or henlth.
The hair tonic business has
achieved a bad reputation in much
tho samo way. ScoreH of theso
cosmetic nostrums have been
launched nnd marketed with tho
false assurance that they are not,
dyes, notwithstanding tho fact
Hint they are dyes and many or
them very satisfactory dyes, or at
least as satisfactory as such an
arllflcn mil he. It In hard to nil-
dersland why tho vendors ot hairf
restorers nnd the liko deliberately
attempt to misrepresent tho char
acter of their goods in this fashion
or why thuy assume that tho aver
age customer is Blmple minded
enough to imagine anything can or
will bring back or -reHloro tho orig
inal natural color of his hair,
I have often snld that boiled cof
fee is an abomination nnd prob
ably drives many an otherwise
good man to drluk.
Real Medical Petitioners
1 am always happy to Klvo nny
information or help I can to any
physician who asks tor It, not that
I mean to sot up as a mentor ot
the profession, but Just that 1 hap
pon to havo odds aud ends a real
practitioner may want. All 1 ask different parts of tho earth, impar
ls that the hrothrou mako known 0,iy nm, nHttona mlKhl be con.
to mo when they write that they I tont wltll tll0 W1. that N(ltllre
are real mcdlcul practltionorj. Thai I forccB ,lpon thcm Ilot n8iB,,g
Is easy tho dogree ot M. U. will uptm fighting and killing each
do. oil see. I do not caro to ox-1 Othor.
teno sncn services to taito neaiers,
and thcro aro scads o( them theso I
days, who :ot by because they i
pull Ihnmnlvoii "flrtnlnr' Tlmon I
humbugs do not veuturo to use
tho dc-sroo M. I). One such rake;
Is Just now enjoying conspicuous
success Iu tho newspaper health
column field ho is alwnys "Dr. So
and So," nover So and So, M. D.
and tho publishers who exploit
him are well aware of the little
Irlek tho taker Is playing ou tho
onc, tar
r 1 v
.r-J 1: ea L. IS; tSV - EJ j eT! J
Queer How Folks Misunderstand
If 1 recall correctly 1- saw a state
ment somewhere that you are op
posed to the toothbrush. I do not
"nlel"8"1nd this. Will you kindly
exnlan whether you nro lor or
nniuni i.ia piaMirn ui urusuiUB '
tho teeth? (ft. J. P.)
1 Answer. t nave never believed
or 'auKht ",nt tooth brushing does
' any Berious harm. 1 am neither j
' for nor aln " h nothing ,
to lio wlln "le conservation of the
teetn or WKn the' preservation of
' l001 health, iu my judgment.!
1 W hether or not one should brush
his teeth ii merelv an pathutip
development. If the child reacts
to the Von Plrquet test then a care
ful chest examination and perhaps
an X-ray picture Is advisable. Only
In this way can a definite diagnosis
ho made in the Incipient or begin
ning stage of lung tuberculosis.
This stage is most commonly found
in children from 10 to 16 years of
age and hy the same token early
tuberculosis Ib most commonly
overlooked in theso young , per
sons. (Copyright, John V. Dllle Co.)
I'd like t' be a Washln'ton po
litical writer an' be able t tell
which way a state is goin' t1
swing by lookin' out of a car win
clow. I wonder what th' Lord
does about th' cheerful giver who
charges his donation t' overhead
an passes it along. .
(Continued From 1'nRO One)
Tho tornado In Europe leavlum
a train of losa nnd death, will notlv
.axun fnnlUI, n,ul, l.., a.,..l.- nlUUUJ "miuiuj, iwun,
outsiaora have displayed alter a
wind storm in Florida. .
Florida's high winds come only
rarely, and never In winter, when
tho harvest season of tourist3 is
And Florida, In one Important
respect, has an advanta-tc over
other states, In her financial con
dition and freedom from debt.
J 1
lly Walt Masou.
"Beyond the hills, across the
seas, the prospects are more
fair, so I'll forsake drab Bcenes
liko ttres'e, and seek my fortune
there." So speaks the discon
tented men who has the wander
lust and joins the restless cara
van, and helps kick up the dust.
He'B tired of Punktown's quiet
ways, remote from stress and
atrife, he's tired of all the
dreamy days that make up
Punktown life. Beyond the hills.
In lands sublime, life has a
richer tang; he's tired of meet
ir.3 all the time the same old
Punktown gang. And so he goes,
nnd aK he leaves substantial
burghers sigh, "WTe'll stay be
hind and gather in our sheaves,
and -p-ow richer by and by. We
know that Punktown is as good
as any town alive, so we re
main and saw our wood and cut
our grass and thrivo. Beyond
the hills there are no towns
where shiftless men find ease,
Where rubles, kopeks, groats
and crowns are growing' ou the
trees. The man who cannot
prosper here can't prosper any
where; the roamer will return,
we fear, some day, In black de
spair." The burghera' vision
isn't wide, they know naught of
romance, they stick to their own
countryside and home at every
chance. And when they find
they're growing old. they cosily
retire; they've salted down a
crock of gold to keep alive the
fire. Then to their door the
roamer' comes from some dis
tant heath, and asks them for a
can of plums, so lie won't starve
to death. They hand him then
a brace of pies, a place to sleep
at night; and if the burghers
moralize, they surely have the
Florida, as a state, owes nobody
a dollar. The state is absolutely
free from bonded indebtedness, its
laws forbidding the stnte to borrow
for any purpose, except for sup
pressing insurrection within the
stutui or repelling armed Invasion.
No state Is In a bettor condition,
financially, than Florida, destined
to be one of the greatest states in
the Union, in population and In
And now, after the boom, while
the foolish nurse their wounds, is
a good tlmo to buy In Florida, If
you bijy wisely.
Wall Street, having broken all
its sellit j records, by one million
shares, on Friday, sold Saturday
3,200,000 shares in two hours, and
went home to enjoy the Sabbath.
Some tlmo ago, when stock ex
change seats had reached almost
1300,000 this column, basing the
prediction on certainty of a con
tinuing bull market, predicted that
seats would sell for f 500,000 anil
more. '
A man bid SMO.000 for a seat
Saturday and did ,not get It.
Tho exchange, to speed lip busi
ness, should sell tjOtrnew seals, for
$500,000 each, dividlr.-j proceeds
amongs present seat owners, and
mako an honest little profit of
How old Travels, H. L. llorton.
and others of olden times', would
stnre at such prices. Yet they will
seem small), .some day. '
The tlritish predict that we must
have a smash In prices soon, but
they underestimate this country's
values and resources. . And espe
cially they fail to realize the fact,
set forth by Mr. Eckcr of tho Met
ropolitan Life Insurance Companv,
That's twice what we lent to Eu
rope, six times what It cost to build
the Panama Canal.
Think over these figures, before
dociding to sell short.
A Mormon has lived four days
on ten pounds of chocolate, a won
derfully flourishing nnd sustaining
food rich in 8u-5ar, necessary to
l-Anl.l. n.l .,.... I. .1 ,1n
i" .!, ' i" ' ,;.,".'
- j.. i,.IUi i'.i
Tho pity Is that abominable imi
tations of chocolate, or wretchedly
poor chocolate, should be sold to
children, and to their homes. They
ahe deceived with synthetic fla
vors, and In some cases, a kind of
jelny, found In Turkey, and flavored
with chocolate, is sold to children,
it Is, apparently, no one's business,
! to cheek thnt. I
60N. AND 70U
I Twelve million unhappy Chinese
are ia danger o( starvation. 3..OO0,
000 of them in Honan province,
where Mohammedans roso In a
murderous frenty of religious hate
and killed hundreds of thousands
of the hair starved. Not a pretty
thing, religious hatred.
Other cuuses of trouble are war,
which has devastated China, and In
sects. -
' In July now paper money will be
reduced In sine, new bills about
two-thirds tho slzo of today's paper
money. That will he more conven
ient and savo millions In cost.
' Some of tho primitive sort will
feel that they are not so rich, whe
thev get a small $5 bill.
When the pope corrected the
calendar, it was necessary to push
the date forward, apparent' elimi
nating' a period time.
This caused protests and rioting,
many were convinced that their
lives had been made Bhoiter by a
certain number of days.
Quill Points
: No wonder a nhoe Is ho Hilly.
It's Lound In limp leather.
Why not falKu tectb for In
jfanU. too Nature removes teeth
.so tho ugd wltl gum soft ration,
'asy to diyst.
' The continued exlHtence of hell
;irove Amerleuns don't o there.
They would have chipped It away
for miuvenlra long since.
Fundamentalizm, In the hinter
land, IncludeH the ancient custom
of concluding argument with
If Uu'U' nine hi no plays
idloiic loctmls until midnight,
they have been married less
llian n yeiir or they hnvo a
daughter old enough to be
courted. .
It's a good thing the whale swal
lowed Jonah , long ago. in these
times he would havo been filled!
with siovayay.s. J
Ti would be Interesting to hear
Anairas tell what results he ob
tained from his new-type furnace.
Kxample of American culture:
An evening spent in- debate to
determine whether the famous
author is a man or a woman.
Americanism; Keeping tho front
tepth a-glisten In perfection; let
ting the back ones decay becaus-1
they don't show.
They say Ignorance is tho cause
of cr me, doubtless meaning an
educated crook can steal without
i breaking the law.
"Ilecome a beauty In 30 days.'"
Ah, well, one silly enough to be
lieve the ad might actually see
the result promised.
Perwonnlhy Is the vague
something that enables you
to ' carry kovcii ni rkage for
'.he vvife. wtllionl iiiiiuhIjuc
wonionody. '
i If the prospective bride invcutl
iitteH the prospective gronm, - that
is common sensotf if he Invcstl
Kutes her, that's insulting.
The world grows better. In the
old days, nobody but the villain
cuuld tell n smuoth and convlnc.
intf lie.
Any other business would need
rel ef, as farming duos, If it could
not havo been a successful year
without another mortgage. Imag
ine Increased production ruining
Correct this sentence: "People!
tell her she hay U lovely profile,"
nid the gossip, "but sho always
faces those she wishes to im
press.' A Kansas City telegraph clerk
automatically proceeded to count
the words of a message presented
by a stranger- There was no sig
nature, so the clerk read the mes
sage, which said: "I am holding
this plaeo up." Confirmation was
evidenced by the muzzle of n re
volver, which also Indicated that
the message was "collect." The
customer collected ? 12.35, all the
money 4n the till.
Olsnslfled advxrtlidnc et results I
Two California aingei-y, Mlsa Dovo
Irene Kilgoie. Oakland ho piano
and Donald Novla, tenor of Kawi
uena, will represent the nine far
western atateH December 16 at
New York In the finals of the Na
tional Radio Audition conteHt.
The two were the emphatic
choice of the radio audience of the
western states as well us that of
the judges. Thfe " listeners' vote
counted sixty per cent and the vote
of the board of judges, composed
of two persons from each of the
states, counted forty per cent; Miss
Kilgorc, who was unnouncod as
number 49 in the San Francisco
eonte-t, sang the "Caro Nome"
aria from Kignletto. She is a stu
dent at the University oT Califor
nia. Novis. a student at Whlttier
college who was announced ' as
number 18, sang in French an
aria from "Manon J-epcaut."
Second place winners also named
alternates were Miss Helen Cope
land, Arizona soprano who sang
"To n Hill Top," as number 43
and Gordon Edwards Cross, Wash
ington tenor who sang "Watchman
Will the Night Soon Pass."
Tho two winners go to New
York for the finals at the expense
of the Atwater Kent Foundation,
sponsor of the national contest.
They compete with winners from
the other four districts of the
country. First place winnei'H in
the final will receive $0000 cash
and a two year music scholarship.
The second place award iH J2000
and one year scholarship while the
third place winner gets J1000 and
a year's scholarship. Prizes of $500
and $250 are provided for fourth
and fifth places.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. iP)
Corporations operating chain drug
stores were declared bv tn p.
premc court to be entitled to li
censes notwithstanding state lawa
prodding, that the owners of such
stores must he registered pharma
cists. The court declared a Penn
sylvania law of that nature invalid
and unconstitutional.
Premier Tdnaku III
KYOTO, Japan. Nov. (fl1)
Premier Karon Tavinka today was
suffering from angina pectoris. It
wih Htated that the attack was
uses a cup of
in boiling ham
A famous cook gives his
A MAN, famous among his friends
for his line cooking, was asked the
secret of his delicious boiled ham.
lie gave this simple recipe: Put a
cupful of sugar in the water that
boils an average size ham. Also
one-half cup of vinegar. Tr,v this
and sec how much it improves the
taste and flavor of the ham.
Every good cook knows that
there is no substitute for sugar
in improving the enjoyment of
other foods. Whether in prepar
ing fresh vegetables, fruits or
meats, sugar is the secret of suc
ccssl'lri cookcrv,
Sweetness is nature's perfect
flavor. It is also the cheapest mi-
Irimcnt that you can buy.
Health comes from eating good
foods, flavored to please the taste.
Beware of e jreme reducing diets.
They arc dangerous. Eminent
medical authorities warn us that
permanent injury often results 1
from starvation diets.
Be sure that you and your chil
dren arc properly nourished. Eat
enough of varied foods, sweet
ened for cujoymcnl. TM Sugar