Ml'bl-'IM I 1 ' MAIL" TUI HUS't!," MlDVOHD, oltKoox, .MONDAY. X0VK.MKhK la.-ilftfrT fAtTETTWCT if? k Si :::! 51 H I t'1 r l;!'i 'i II v.i.1 Local and Personal l Jurkrtnn county Kchool Miudt-ntn, i who plan on Utkin part in ihe j nMny rontetrt cponwrH by! W. O. Durtnt on hnw 111 lihl amenrtrnent van bent he enforced, j nre reu,ucted to have hucIi cnay In the hand of th muniy whool , superintendent at the courthnune before November 28, In order Unit (hey mfiy he mulled to the eastern ewiay headquarter of Mr, Uumnt. who 1h uIkg KpoiiHorlnK a I2-V0M issny contest for hlKb wrhool tu deiitit and fill other. UoiicerninK your eyen conmilt Dr. I). A. Chamber. OpuimmriKt, 317 Medford Hldjr. For appointment 1'hone JKk, Cla'n fiit-d and fur nished. . . After having enjoyed a vacation of two week. Air, fiitiee Vohb re ruined dutleM today at the I'hani Ixt of Commerce riM nMflntatil Kccrc. U.ry. UurlnK her absence, the poiii- j tion wns temporarily filled by Ml Mnr.irct Henley, former member of the Hull Tribune report orl:i I staff. ArtlKan liard-timo dance nt the ( W. O. W. hull, Nov. 20th. Jivery body welcome, flood mUFic. ; ., llr. and Mrs. T. V. MIIon re turned Httntlay from Portland. . AietnooiHl uiuio mi win poucllef, wntcn ure Hioren impoi-j a. rummaKe nnle Xovemher 23 and ' y In the main office, a reminder i it. lit 25 V. Main. J ;'".of the election. The canvaiwliili I J. t). IJIetrien mi- moveu ,,oni : (ne rami, ..ou ...... ... - ; U...,r). I'nnlrnl l l llletrleh linil Smith Central., ill-. Uletrlch flnil family, came hero recently from j f Htin ,u Knlcm over a week iiko. .Jacrainento, Col. , j J. w. Hnlder of the Hulder Hairy Ullte jlonuty T'arlor and Art i (.nmpuny left this mornlni.' for tuk Shop. lilnpham A Ondilurd, 223 W. j hind, fill., to attend the Ice cream (ith lit. Marcels "Tic: special on j manufacturers' convention held in haircuts 4(ie, for ono woelt bciiln- ,ml ,.lv this week. iilnK Monday. Silk dremei spec-1 Doors and windows cheap nt tally priced. Sewlnu. fancy work, ; Medfonl Lumber I'o. 2:i7tf hand-ialntea china ami rrater Lake uicturos. Kni;raved ChrlKl nias cards. Phono 823. 242 Cold Hill loilun I. O. O. V. Is preparitiK a fllje reception for the Southern Oreuon Odd l'Vllows as sociation, which l to meet In that town tomorrow evenlnir. Amont; other t'Kitures will bo a sumptu ous dinner, one of those affairs for which Gold Hill Is noted. All Odd ifllowrf ore 1lKiHI- t attend lhBO wuhIohh nnd di'lcatlonM nro i-xpcciPd from all 1ocIk'k in Jiifk son and Jooihlno rountfcH. Mod ford frxjiTtK to be well ropicsinitf-d. M K.iihrrK l.rpnd wrniipci-M miiHt ho ridemd fop K & II. urcon trudinn ntnmpH brforn Dft't'inbor 1st. No xrhatwo will bo nuulo nftor Dorombor Jt until notlro to lhf contrnry bt publlwhod. 2i"t4 Dnoks nro rpportoi) to bo mnro plentiful ntnnn tho Hhkih rlvir nnd Kood bajfM wiM'o ropui'ii'd lnt. woidt by A mimlr of local huntoin, ono brwloin UII(m1 11 duckH In ono rlvnr KlonKH. hp vera I huntci-M Mnrchod tho doert nMir A quit for blrdK, but wore UMHUcroKKful. fHio huntor yoHtordny wnn Hoon ftmdiiK ono lotu dock, taking a shot at tfin bird whenavor It landed, and oQeh tlmo ho mlHwd. The blrdH aro al6,rifportod morn plonllful In tho KlutiiiUh lak Hootlon, wlihh Ih tho li-stitifiUo'ii of dntoutlonti of M(d 'f o jfd htintnm cvory wook ond. ,lroNHod bona, 2se. JohnHonV jSIarket. If ' 'Jack Itradley forfoitoiT a vnn) bat! of $20 whon ho failed to ap pfdr In city police court today on u chai'Ko of Intoxication upon which hovH arrofltcd by tho pullcn lust Siiturday.' JtoMt Utah lump coat. Tol. C :i 1 . Wdford Fuel Co. tf . FIhIiImr wan tho pooroHt ycHtor Vay of tho HouHon, accordliiK to u cat flHhormen who trhMl tholr hick In. the Itouo Hvor. They com plainod of tho cold wcathur. mak Ihk flfhlnu uncnmfortabln and alo mnktti); the flnh reluctant to bite. Only a Khort tlmo remains before lhj. flnhlnK weapon will cIono, ay iifler Jceembnr i, only fish over 15 ipcUCH III tenjitli can bo caught, and the Heawm will bo cloKed until next HprliiK. Duo to that fact, next Hunday will probably find many n t h o r nt e n ntiempUnK to catch Ihelr Inst flub of tho ncaHOii. ; N'otlco to nil S. & H, itrnon trad Iny Htamp navTn: All Khihrer'rt bread wrnpporH niviHt be rodncmod by December lt. Offer explroM on that dnto. 254 In crapklnir hln Travelnlr air plane yoKtorduy at tho local nlr- port, Harold Sander of the Sunder schuol sustnlneil a bruised leu and arm when the plane Hiexen. 1 nntiitn no wns in nanuei . of serious Injuries, he escaped with , only the bruises. I iiemstitcninit, nose m e n n 1 n k, , plentlnu nnd button making. Han illcrafl Shoo. Phone "02, 1 !i H I f Health, able bodied youngsters need plenty of energy-bearing food. Fluhrer's Milk Bread admirably fills tba bill. Aire. Kdith Deuel, who but been ' confined to the Community how plttll for wveral Any, utt reported tuiLty to be ItnprnvtiiK. S. f I. green trading stamp of -fr on Kluhrer'it bread wmpprj h cxplren lift-ember 1st. iluke your j redemption nt the M. M. iJepari- ' men i tdore before that date, 2Zi Kidney .Miller of Murphy wuh fined si'.-; in the city police court thU forenoon on a t haiue of reek- I iha driving filed again! him by t'ity Truffle Officer :. J. I'lvscntl. f.illfiM ini' hii imin Kmuh VfiHiitrilfiv aflprnm(, whcn M,(.r t.ruhhr.(I inl tt car driven by Cilenn Jlolht of i Hums Valley, caunln dumnut of : $100 to the Ham Valley machine. Miller also agreed to pay for the dumage. Mot, clean coat. Tel. C3I. Med ford Kuel Co. If The fii-Kt shipment of baby chit ktt from Ahhland thin seanon wan made today when Mt recently hatched ehlckH were shipped to out of mate purchaMcrw. The poultry farm from which they came, to In crease Kh output, it now ItiKtallinK u f.2,00(J-eL'i' incubator, with in- HtItMatlon exnectcd to he completed Koon. All Fluhrcr'H lrc:nl rai)ir milKt bo rrdfeincd for H. & H. j-rppn inullnf; kIihiii4 lifforo 0 cimlicr Itoilciniitlon iffi-r -x- nflir thnt dale. 254 Wllh the pk'ctlfin over two wi'i kH iibo, thi! county iloik'H offUo Iiiih jiractlcnlly returned to normalcy, with only the hnllot Iioxcm itnd 1)onrd hn- completed its lai.oiH ami complete ouiciai n-.uriii. . In Ihn u.wrof fl I'V ..ounty were sent to the Hccretary (luests from a dislance reulsler- ed at .Medford hotels Include Dr. A. I'.. liaucr of Omaha, Neb., II. -N. i Itauilolph of Clneiiinall, Ohio. F. j C. Tat(.-e of Chicalin, T. 1.. Alhrueht of Indianapolis, lad., and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Klllall uf Vic- loria, H. C. ' I Sec the Kuller lirush man fori real cnnsiinns uiiiH. mono "venlnK. 21. ' The rains have caused a sliuht in- t crease In the filini! of inlnlni; claims at the county recorder's of fice, where durlnir Ihe past week tiuart, and placer claims wero filed by M. A. Watklns of Copper, II. C. Whitney of Copper and K. M. Lowe of ItoKtio ltlver. Iteeordlniin of Work ilone on i-lalms are also more numerous, with rccordltms listed from all parts of the county. The work on handmade uirts for holiday clvlnc must beKln in earn est now. Make your selections early from our complete stock of j stamped novelties. Handicraft .'mnclsco where they will visit fur j In nd, who spent the past few days Shop. ' 'I the next two weeks wllh relatives, ' In Medford conferrltiK with local Tho officers of the Klamath j includlnK Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ' v. orkers. Vctunied north today, lodk-e of Klks will confer tho Inllla- , ickeitaff for a few days. They! ''oal by tho sack or ton. Tel. tory work on n class of candidates I wm KO VH joso nn other C31., Medford Kuel Co. . tf for the Ashland lodite of Mlks to- southern points before their re- Alcohol for your raduiator. Pen nlttht, nnd will he ncenmpunled to , ,,,,. ; nltitrton's P.attery Service and Ca- Ashlalid by iiuito u number of Ihelr oreKOti Klre Itellcf Association of : rntte, 121 No. Ilarllctt. . 24S own members. 1 Mc.Mlnnvllle, tire. c. 1;. fluff. Axt.. I T1! Crater Lake C.uild of the Cheap dry lumber at Medford Lumber Co. ' ' Mrs.' Homer Jackson nnd her small son Frederick, who have been vlsltint! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Parks hen- for the past month, returned to their home In Mldvnle, lila., today. IllKliest Krade Ctnh coal, any size, anywhero. any umount. Han sen t:oal Co. Phone 23!i. tf "Women's day" was observed at the Salem chamber of commerce Monday when the presidents of six women's clubs ttavo five. minute addresses at the forum luncheon. Wood all kinds oak laurel, fir and dry slabs. Medford Fuel Co. Tel. 031. tf A bounty wurrunl was Issued at the county clerk's office today to Leo Fields of Jacksonville for (he klllliiK of ono wildcat. Have you trlco lno TJest Kver pear butler at tho following nron crHt Marsh's, Hnfewny, Plttely WlK Kly, Economy Orocoterln. S41 Amona tho t'.'allftunln residents reulstered at Medford hotels are Mr. and Mrs. tion. A. Arnold of Santa llosa, fl. . rlneh of hae- rantento and II. J. Dean of Oak-lflm hind. That Rood coal low in ami. linn- 1 sen Coal Co. Phono 2S0. tf while no official information has i ,,e,,n r,,fVO,, t i, expecfed that u( Ilriv Cliuniy health physlelan. whn wtl lnM t,n ,,ce left vacant ' Iv , teerni ri,slunatlon of nr.t mkeep In order in etmai;e In , private iiiaellce. will nrrlve In Med-j flir(1 before the first of Hie year. ; j l neoni irmeil reporis uioicaie uini 1 the next county physician w 111 nr i rive here from Idaho, where he has been holdlnn a similar posi tion. The work on handmade gifts for holiday itlvliiK must bcKln in earn est now. Make your seletilons early from our complete slock of Hltim'pod novelties. Handicraft Slum. tr The ennimiinliy eiiesi etinipniKn ,ho official foreease. Siinday's Wood all kinds oak, laurel. In Astoria wns formally opened lhls minimtnu was iTi and niaxlinuni .IS. fir and dry slabs. Medford Fuel mornlni:, and workers sol forth Ini ot Piean coal. Tel. 1131. Mcd-Cn. Tel. Ml. tf secure In cash and plcduoH a mini fn ,-lh, ,.0i tf t. C. Vint.' Inndscnpe onKlnoer of S20.V iri.HI. j tiood lialdwln apples for sale atjof the nationtil parks system, nitd We spccinlUo In lalinderlnR wool-j pinnacle Pncklnu Co. tf! Harry J. I.lek. who Is the newly en blankets. Medford Domestic j,,., phllltps arrived on the appointed superintendent of Mount Ijiundry. Phone I Oil. :13! Shasta today to Join Mr. Iteck. rep. 1 M. Kill Icy national pink in Alaska. A bulldlim permit was Issued I'V . resentatlve of the California Fire ' arrived hero this afternoon from the city this forenoon to Herman i,,,,,..,,,,.,. company. They will I San Francisco to visit Superlntend Mcnder to build n temporary shed 1 drive on to their home In Portland ent C. C. Thomson of Crnler nnl nt r.'K North Central nvemie. late today. I tonal nark. Mr. Uek. who was poems set to music. Maslercrnri iSoim Pulillsliers, Seattle. j the Missionary society of the , Presiiyterian rnurrn w:::.iuuu us reaular November nieetliu: ut the hutch paVlors tomorrow afternoon ut 2:3H. with Mrs. A. .1. lliinliy I revlewlnu the seeond and tlllnl chapters of "The .New Afilen." a j mlsslonaiy lexlhonk. A larur ai-1 li'tiiluner Im iO-lreil. J f In It o rhea t er dtwrou n t t Icket ulven with ouch tmndlo of launtlry nt thn Medford IVmicittU' Laundry. 24 a Mr. tnjl Mih. A. K. Itenmeri vo t ii i nod from Pirtland today after a few dayH Hpriit In that clly on hutuenH nnd pleasure. t Thoman ltealiy Co., rial Ortale. InMirnnce and Miirtll tnun on any fhlUR of value. Palm lllock, corner Main nml Front, tiutntra, tf Slender Waistline Blamed for Plight of Potato Farmers j: fifjtrvmj I - " ' t,Mif r ! r m lit ,--r a 1 The M-iilnsiilar miitli- of Vlrtflnia. kiioxn a.- the nation .., ., tiiKi,IM, an- Mlfi rini: miien in uini'ii iiiey iiiiniio on inu inic Miiit'liy fooilK. Above Ih one tie. iit of pi'iiiiiii'llon, mill (liiM-t) neter ulll reach a illmici Inhle. Joseph ISower and Jesse .Mack ,",w,:.,:'nr7' ; In Ashland last nlKht by City Traf Tie, Officer Sam l'rescott ami l-'ed-eral Officer Terry Talent for the theft of a Pontine sedan in Se attle, Itolh men are youtiK and probably wlil be turned over to lite federal ntilhoriticB to face ilyer act cliai'ircs. me wrile your fire Insurance. Carl V. TeliKWald. Hotel Holland. I'hone If i! i. i or. . na it. i,,.K.n. electro . chlroiractlc with itiisslau massaue. Over Woolwiirlll Store. 114 7 Mrs. Clurke lejt this morn IllK for Iterkeley, Ca. Please Phono rjGK for nil kinds of sin lis. Will call without obli gation. 343 Urlm; your tipple recipes to the eU'n of Ihe "(ioldcn Coreil Apples,'1 at IL'3 W. -Main St. Visible wealth to be Klven to Hie successful ones. Also see the Gil-lb. home-made fruit cake. !43 Mr. and Mrs. Itavmond Miksche ,,ft n,,, UMt of the week for San 4 m .;lu,t Main St. Tel. fiL'2. ISSir Itemoval sale of Mrs. 1' red cuni nilntts' Iris.'' Htronif named vari eties at IOe.11 root or 1 a dozen. M. X. Anderson, public market. 2tl The liuildlni: aciiulred by the Snider Hairy and Produce company . uiion ivhcih subject .Mary Unhurt at M and Sixth streets, to be used . will read a paper, for a creamery, was sold by S. M.I Cheap lumber and cedar posts. Leonard and ltoliert Trimble, who Medford Lumber Co. 237tt owned It In partnership. It Is tin-1 Are you dolni; any embroidery derslood that Mr. Trimble will en- ! work' If so, you can buy the I Itntto In the blacksmith business -M. C. 2 hkelns for 5c at Shields' hern at a new location. tlranls Closlnn Out Sale. 217 Pass Courier. . Coal by the'fiack or ton. Tel. Hose mendlni;. runners removed. ' 681. Medford "fuel Co. ' If and sunn worked back. Hand!-! Children's "Jane Handy" blue ernft Shop. Sllilf I dentin coverall.' ltemilai- S1.-3C Corn-fed fryers at public market . value for liOc. at' Shields' HIk t ins every .Tiles.. Thills, and Sal. 24" 1 Inir Out Sale. . . 247 Dlmitrl leanlli-h Ilohovilinoff of I Claire Lincoln, formerly a rep this city, who made application for ! resenlntlve of the Marontato and his first naturallzaiinn papers In i Jones company of Seattle, and well HcckhtK cltly.cnshlp In the l'nlted Stales, today at the county clerk's office was urantcd his frsl papers, lie will have seven years in which to tnke out his second papers, after whleh he will la- accorded complete , eltlaenshlp. llohnvltlnoff was born u, Manchuria of Hussian parents ! lnH rt.sdcd here for sometime past. 1 wood nil kinds oak, laurel, f,. ,lm) dry slabs. Medford Fuel r , t..i 11:11 ti oniirnnteed liemstllchlnK and ,,irtnK Sinclair Hollar Store, jjn Mr- na Ml.,, A- stonchouse nf , w,,n. ,,. ,he people I ,,., ndjccnt Callfornlii points! wh() lont nnd,iy in this ciiy. ! Wo double fork our coal dust. Hansen Coal Co. Phone 230. , ' ' tf ' llluhwny Dutch Oven. !i0"i South lllverslile, under new inanauement. Home-made pies. Mexican chile, families, steaks and chops. Open from " n. 111. to 10 p. m. 247 Fair weather for tonight nnd un- settled wenlher for Tuesday, nnd ' not innch I'lmiiL'i) in tonmeraiuro ' iiemHtiiehinir. hose 111 c 11 d I n n pleatlmt and button mnklnK. Han- dicrnft Shop. Phone 702. l!i:ltf lteaulifut embroidered models j onslstinu of sofa ph!ows. lunch-, eon vets, ntllou' eases, towels, laun- l(.v 1UI. ole., nil at half prlee. At shields' lllil Closlni! Out Sale. 247 An orttntiieo has heen liHro.lue- c . tn(, (,,,,, ,.ly eounJll rennlr- Inir that it tHno teller and phre- j nnloKlM who operate In that ell In the future must pay a license of MOO dully. See t'har. P. Howard for 10-pn-MeNgcr hu Toad for the font hull uamc, Tho I lle nnd Modem d. I'hone Summit Itnneh, Ashland. 2tMf rolumlda Scotch and Kilkywn-d j mlxture yarn. It nl;ii c IwiU, now JISc at ShleldV Hl t ioli (tut Pale. J 17 U . f: - iff 'TZurjei WW nit y."rr- the errects at it sIiiitgNIi market . . . . . ' American uoman s liitliil of avoid, nr t lio biff flelils Hint failcil to pay a liamlliil or elioice tuhei-s that Included amoiiL' the OreKonians r"!"'1 Medfom ho.en, -,.. ,....,..,.,..,,. i inn.! However, It Is safe to venture . M. Hilary. Abo 1-. iiennett, c. Ihllt Hecorder Alford's expenses for II. I ickett of I-.uaene, T. fliibert ,,, riic(.ckhI til reelnctinn cnmptilt!n of Salem, Charles (!aKer of St. w,.,.0 ,)ie llrHt rUe(li althouidt h Helens, and the following from ,.,, out the Informnlion llinl Fnrl Portland: W. M. Wnllls. M. II. Nichols, fleo. lirldwcll, II. II. Meyer, 1.. H. .Milrphy, It. .M. Diller. Mr. and Mrs. K. IV. Ze.tKler, Mr. and Mrs. A. I.. Carson, Mr. and Mis. Paul C. Murphy. M. T". Vneck. r fcs. . ii (iimnn rhrimni side. Mrs. W. It. Simon, Thomas J : Harper, Kdward Itarrett. Jack M'il I son, M. W. Ktnrbuek, Kdmurtd Way. ' t:lara Wenke, Herbert Clark, li. i Itosi nfeld, c. ft. Martin nnd J. ' Itradley. Mlsses' black sateen pleated kym t tinn church Sunday and hlKhiy en bloomers: reuular Sl.5 value for . joyt.(1 tlu muHlCi 8ermons and the at Shields' l:i; ClosinK Out Sale. 24 7 Hose mendiiur, runners removed ami snug worked buck. Handi craft shop. metr Clara K. Wenke. ropresentliiK Ihe I". S. vetoraus' bureau of Port Presbyterian church will meet With Miss Klly-nboth Hurt tonlitht; a thi nome 01 ner sister, .Mi's. 11. w . Luke, on Orchard Homo drive. They will continue the study of the Christian influence upon art. known amon local tnulu, throuah her frotiuent 3 visits here, arrived in the city yesterday with her "new" husband, t). 11. 1-Mdittuton. n'lircsentative of the P. & N. cor- set line. Tho couple were Riven an enthusiastic reception nmonK tin- ployers and employes of the local departmeut Mores. Host I'tnh lump coal, Tel. 031. Medford Fuel Co. tf flood Jtnldwln apples for sale at (Mnnncle Packing t'o. tf Mrs. tyrant Nelson and son Hich ard returned to their home In Med ford Sunday nfter spending n week nt the home of Mrs. Nelson's sister, Mrs. T. 8. Abbott. In Klamath Falls, All laces, ribbons and dress trlm- minks uo at half price at Shields' 1!Ib Closlni- Out Sali . 247 lal Wilkinson lett the Inst nf last week to spend the winter In San Franetsco and Los Aniteles. The main entrance dotir of the federal building was closed to the public today because 01' belnit freshly painted, and only the side entrance doors were open. They were closed Saturday because of helm? freshly painted. promoted to be the head of the Alaska nnttdnnl park from the ptv sltlon of ehfef ranker of Yellow stone park, will continue on to- morrow for Seattle from where he sails for Alf ka. .Mr. Vlut will re main liei for heycral days con ferrlnR about rrnter natlonnl park mutter. ' . Ten nut of th utate earn reKln- tered hero lnit Saturday with the local state nuto traffic huronu, and four such cars were registered to day hy noontime, J. U tnmphell of the Campbell Sheet Metal works left Saturday evenlnir for Seattle to attend n meetlnn'of oil burner denlem, ond rxpected to return here thin week. Pmn hit return bo expect to nn- nounce ft new dopnrture In oil imnier ytcm and I tald to he altogether tt nw iOea, CANDIDATES MUST RECOVERY ASSURED FILE REPORT OF ELECTION EXPENSE ' ' ' ' (then killed himself, was i-Orly, a'sured today, according to re-, lieeaiine a Btato law requires it,! pons from the Community hos t'JI tho candiduteH who ran for pltal. where the woumled woman icily office fit the recent election! has shown crartual iinprovement are required to tile with the city since her arrival there. The body recorder not later than nest Wed-; of her husband, who died from !nestlay a list of their itemized cam- a bullet wound, self-inflicted thru ; Iiaiffn excuses. -the mouth nnd head, was ship- When last Saturday forenoon ! ped last nliiht to Turner. Ore., only two of the candidate!! had and was ne-comiw.nie'.! by the dead filed such iists, Karl it. Kuhl, de-: man's father, f. K. Van XuyB. teated candidate for mayor, and in a natemcnt to Chief of To il. Wilson, successful candidate ; n,.a iCVedie Friday afternoon, , for city councilman, City lOcordnr Mrs. Van N'uys claimed there had! ' fl. A. Alford not busy on the tele-1 been a uuarrel and that her hus , iihone and tried to reach us many i band had become ancered be of the candidates us possible, who: muse of her physical inability to : had not reported, ami warn them to work a the result of sickness, do so In time, as Ihe law provides ! However, Saturday afternoon, she a penalty of 25 a day for eac'tJsald that her husband was In day such fllinit is delayed beyond j toxicatcd nt the time of the shoot the legally fixed time. ,lne untl ,. KhP did not know i Ly this noon only four out of the i wny ne phot. She dencid ther-i . candldateu who run for office nt waa n quarrel and said that dur ,the city election had filed. I'nless inB tne Mvcn yeari, he had beep tne otliets do so. by Wediiesday ! married to him that she had afternoon at 4:40 o'clock, when the I n,,Ver lived with him for more: city recorder's office closes for the : ,han three months at a time. day, they will be subject to the . 23 a day violation penalty. )!(.rt tireer of Avhland is a A reporter, who Is unusually i BU0Mt of Mr!i. 4l,lJt oeUauor. bright .Mondays, sometimes, think-' Iuk he had lrncle Alose coi-nered, I Mrs. O. C. Killnn of Seattle is .suddenly asked Recorder Alford I among the AVahinKton state guests ' this noon whether he himself had j registered at local hotels. "yet filed his cumpaiKn expenses. 4- ! "What's the difference?" the vet- j Mall Tribune ads are. read b erati clly recorder dryly replied. : n nnn P'onl" every day. tf "If when the tlmo for iiliu-r passes by 1 discover that my ciimnuiitn cxiienses have not been filed, I can ;nuiBtly Hlln them ln lno ,.,,.. l'-ehl wns tlic HrBt to file such n list. Meetings Close T.-1-J AI'Ln UVSUUy iflgmipiSTtttmTFnAirir.HIDti (By Church Reporter) I.nrge audiences at tended the I evuuKellHtlc meetings at the ChrlH- warm welcome. There will be excellent music. an inspirit!'; ttermon and baptising 1 ut toniKlit's service, heKinnliiK ut 7:30 o'clock. The special net-vices will close I with the Tuesday evenlnK nicetiiiK i land it Is desired that all members j who can, as well as all others, at- ; tend the services' toniKht and Tiles-: day ovonir.-?. Sluttish lUle Special Meeting RiuLM. you Lodte of Perfection, I November 19, 7:30 p. m. 1 Work ninth dcKi-ee. Uo- ! freshnients. lty order of the Vim Master. fl.. WILLIAMS, Secy. 241 UoKular convocation of Crulpr I-iike chnpu-r No. 3'.!, It. A. M.. TueHday, Nov. l!Uth, 7:30 p. in. T. K. NICIIOI-S. 2-iL' KMy. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY j KOIt HALK !$3fi concert ratlio honv rt'iiHoiinbli', W. II. Jftrmln. Kl4v Khrrmnn. L'43 KOIt I Hulrlc 6 touriiiK; mod condition. Hot Halpli Pt'niM), (Jiitt'K Auto Co. L' -4 ;t POll UKNT--4-room furnishei! apt. W. .lackson. 443 ViMl HALK Choice corner lot on Quuen Anno Ave. All tt hh6kk mt'iits paid. I'rlco' $ 1 CJ uo. Phoim 24J VOU SAl-i: 5 furnished cottars In Newport, Ore. firranKt-ri In form of court; also threo apart nu'iitn. Mm. K. K. HoblnHon. liox 40f, Newport. Ore. 1144 TVKKKYH Order your Thanks KivinK and ChrlKtmas turkey di rect from the farm. Healthy corn fattened turkeys, one or 100 de livered any time, UOe a pound, live weight, or 3(J: a pound dreH ed. Plume Sfiy-M. 24!t VOH HA LIC Itody fir nnd oak. well seuMoned; priced reusonuhle. Phone Mifi-J. 244 VOli KV.ST 5-room house, vacant Dec. m. 2,'t Kenwood. 247 KOIt hai.i: Wrted. .unit pianu. 5 Ken-i 243 WANTKI.) Turkey plekluit; expert wnik. dill Wm. 'I'hurmnn. sss- M. L'4 LOST Nutunlay. new lllverniile eoril lire nnil rim. between Metl- fnl ami flipper pnfltn" lee ; e leunH. Phone Jacksonville 1S2. ;42 I'Olt HA1.H Old Wlnesap apples nt ,1. M. Tllnrnley Son paeklllK nnime, l.iui anil ,s. Kiont, 1 5e n'i IllK. Nut ohIIh. HS KOIt UK.NT 4-room fumlsheil hue, nernM street from Unrnln sehiinl, til 7 N. Ilnrtlelt. 242 KOIl WALK OH I.KASlv-Summlt rnneh. Oreen SprhiK Ml. Ilest sln tlifn on Ahlnnil-Klainaili lilith wuy. See riiax. I". Howard nt ranch, 241tf ANYWIIMUn VOH HIUi: 10. pas- I senner ("ad. Iius: lew rates. Tel.1 Thus. It. Howard, Summit Kaneh. ! A"hlnnrt. 24 1 . t : DRY WOOD UNDER COVER Dry Fir Planking $2.50! per tier 5,00 per load. , Dry Fir M.00 per tier.' Hard Wood $4.00 per tier. Longwill Wood Co. 441 N. Fir St. Phone 1141-J FOR MRS. VAN NUYS Itccovcry of Mrs. Willis C. Van, Xu.vs, .who suffered three scalp bullet wounds Friday mornlnK when shot by her husband, "'ho ILK UTTER ICE CREAM - JHA. ' ' t 4 PRODUCED . PACKED THE SANITARY WAV These Drug Stores are open nights this week: Jarmin & Woods James McNair Pharmacy West Side Pharmacy STARTS TODAY Phone MILES AHEAD OF ANYTHING THE TALKING SCREEN HAS EVER SHOWN You'll SEE and HEAR EVERYTHING from ttlS-f J f tho start to the finish lMl Slit!VV'. ,. of this great comedy-' Vj1 Svj fl THE CHARACTERS - I ' i SPEAKING ALL OF .jM!" s''.X V? THEIR LINES ALL OF x7 1 9 A. Tl 1 . THE TIME. . . . There f Iff' f V is not one single print- f XM0 .a. f xTW l ed title on the screen The nlflht crowds ' I A f A N B'tOfA J If will be terrific. We IM I IQC CrVw , I uige-you to attend I tCGiS I the matinees if pos- I , sible. No seats re- Also f ""-e I "rved The j (D - Four Bio OeLuxe Hear il s f Shows Oaiiy at The Floren- f MM I 1:30. 3:30, 7 and 9 tine Choir I TsT i k. I aT I : C2. TrVlsKlNO 5 j ' ! j 1 ! COLDS MAY DEVELOP INTO PNEUMONIA Coughs from colds may leid to la tum troaolc. ou can step tltera now iili Crcomulsion, an rmuhilieu creosote tlul i plra'sirt to tok'?. Creomultion is a medical dicory ilh two-fuh! action; it soothes :.lid heals ihe inluimrd mcmursues snd in hibits S'tra s'o'h. Of all krnmn drujs rrrflMte is rec ognized hy hi?h inedictl a-jihoritic asone of the create"! Iic.dinp aaencies for couplis from co!d end brnnrhial iiritalio'ns. CtconiuUion contains, in audition to crciwle, other healing FOR THE COUGH FROM i Mothers! YOUR LAST CHANCE TUESDAY Morning, from 10 to 12 noon, movies will be taken of all children under 5 years. Bring Your Kiddies to Large life-size doll will be presented to the winning baby in the BABY MOVIE CONTEST 4' Pictures Will tilcmenti which saotlie and hej. tli ii.lQiueii membranes and stop the ir. ritaiion. iiile the crroiote fx' ou to the ttumiich, is nhsorheil into the Mood. aitackJ the scat of the troul.le oih cheiks the groxlll of the (K tnu. trcomulsion is guaranteed salisljc liiry in lis) treatment ol coughs iruru roiils. bronchitis and minor formn of lironrhi:il irritations, and is -crllet for building up the syslem after cuids or Ilu. Money refunded if not re lieved uftir uking according to direc tions. Ak your dnifsist. (jdv.) COLDS THAT HANG Off Start Friday FOR 6 BIG DAYS i i, 1'