Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 16, 1928, Page 11, Image 11

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TABLE ItOCK. Ore., Nov. 16
(Special.) Vetiona aro being
8f fined in till section asking fur
the construction of some two miles
of new road west of the Lewi
slaughter house which, it is said,
would shorten ine nearest route to
Medford by about a mile, cut out
six curves and cut tho running
time of a loaded truck between
here nnd Medford to less than 20
As an argument in fuvor of thin
shorter route it is pointed out that
about 6.000 tons of produce would
nans over tli la road during the
' year from this section nlone. This
estlmato Is not counting several
liKK.SU t'UKEK, Ore., Nov. 16. (
(Special.) The Kagle Point Irrl-1
g:tlon district election held on :
Tuesday, November 13th. one week'
from the national election, found
the people still in a voting mood 1
and was intended by one of the i
largest turnouts in the history of
the district, there being 73 votes j
cast. Krank Brown, who Is the
present incumbent, ran against
Fred I'ettigrew for trustee. The !
final count stood: Jirown. 4It, and
Pettigrew, 24. H U understood ;
there are some 90 qualified voters i
owning land in the district.
I Cnrn n nrf I'l.i rn trn nilall visited i
milk and cream routes .oil nnd theip Gnindma ciarno in (.'.rants
logging trucks nnd the natural year
to year Increase In orchard and
farm tonnage.
Figured on a basis of ton miles,
the saving would be immense, to
say nothing of the time saved.
Mrs. Van Fleet, who has spent
several months visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Schafer and family, left
for her home In Portland Tuesday.
Mel Atkins made a business trip
to Red Muff, Cal , this week.
At the last meeting of the 1-a
Pass over the week end.
Kvelyn Waddell accompanied
Miss Christina to C! rants Puss Fri
day, the nth.
C. AV. Waddell has been plow-'
ing for his new neighbor, Mr, Jack
son. They have been exchanging
work, an old-fashioned sign of good
neighbors. -
Mike Hackenburger, a very in
dustrous farmer of the Ileese creek
district, was called to act as judge
at the recent Kagle Point Irriga
tes' Sewing club Mis. Florence J tion dUtrict Section,
York Con kit was present nnd gave
a very Interesting talk on home-1
made Christmas presents. J
Tho J. L. Nealon family pur
chased a new piano this week.
Those from here who attended
the program nnd box social given
nesday night report It to be one
of the most enjoyable affairs of
the season.
New playground equipment Is be
ing Installed at our school grounds,
which, it Is believed, will be per
manent as the fixtures are being
mode of steel and concrete.
The Nealon ranch loaded u car
of hay for northern points last
The meeting for the final pas
page on the school budgot was held
Tuesday night, November 6. This
was one of tho shortest meetings
on record in the district, requir
ing l-ss than ten minutes to go
through the usual routine and np
prov tho budget, the principal
cause of so much speed being the
hat election returns were
rcturi.. r In over the radio nnd board
the yr rs were keenly interested in
Mr. .ults.
daught Id Wilson left Monday
on Moil . for Kugene, where he is
Medfor ng tho Fniverslty of Ore
Mr. !ter spending the week end
Ashlar mlstlre day with home folks
to he , ?nds here.
. '.vs.- Kva Nealon, who Is on the
1 l-JUI UJI Jill HUH I Ul UIIU HI llll' iMt'Ll-
ford riTilirs.-finent'HuhrlHj' Were"
Mlth ftlends nnd relatives.
Lorn Gregory reports that he is
getting along fine with his farm
work this fall, being about three
fourths through with his fall seed-
Willard liall has heen on the
sick list the last fev days with a
severe cold. ;
The annual school budget for
the Reese creek district is to be
voted upon again November 1 !)th.
with the transportation clause
stricken out, the Laurel Mill dis
trict having been permitted to
The Sunday school lesson for
next Sunday, the 1 Sth, Is on the
experiences of St. Paul in Jeru
salem. Golden text,1 file strong in
the Lord, and in the power of His
might," Kph. f: 10.
Rev. John Stille preached a very !
helpful sermon last Sunday, taken i
from Matt. 6:2 r. Ho dwelt upon t
the importance of Christians plac- j
ing their trust in God nnd nut
worrying-, about the future. He
mentioned how Jesus had called
our attention to the fowls of the
air, saying they sow tint, neither
do they reap, nor gather into
barns, yet your Heavenly Father
feedeth them. Are ye not much
better than they?
KntHams Downs Muost.
' SALT 1.AKK CITY, Nov .1(1. OPT
George Kotsonaros. l!i?-pound
wrestler of Log Angelos, toolr two
falls out of three in his match here
last night ith Mooso Norbeek.
215, of Portland. The Californtan
won the first and third falls with
Sly ing3 ' hendlocktf. while Norbeek
took the' second fall with a half
forearm scissors and toelnclt.'
1;1:aGLR. Ore.. Nov. 16. (Spl. j
The Ant loch Sunday school will ,
be held at 2 o'clock Sunday after-
noon. November IS. instead of at
the ii-gular time, and we will h:ie
with us n gospel team from M u
ford. K very one Is cordially In
vited to attend both Sunday school
!.nd services.
L. F. Swanson had the misfor
tune of breaking on axle on his
car ns ho was Ving home from
Sunday school last Sunday.
"Luke Jennings and family have
moved from the Jones ranch to
the Homer ranch, where- they will
spend tho winter.
Joe Mayfield has rented the Mon
roe Gorden ranch for tho coming
year and expects to farm the same.
Mr. Wheeler and two 'daughters,
Marie and Almary. left the first
of the week for Ftna. Cal., where
they expect to visit relatives and
friends for about a month. They
then plan to return to the Rogue
River valley.
Mcdford visitors from Reagle the
last of tho week were Mr. and
Mrs. Chns. Muthollen, Mr. Wheeler
and daughters Marie and Almary,
Roy Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Miss Oeorgiana Hussong resum
ed her duties in tho school Tues
day morning after spending the
week end nt the home of her par
ents In Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reek and
children from inear Hildehrnnd.
Ore., were callfrfg on friends here
one day last week. They were on
their way to 'Portland to attend
the- stock show. The Kecks lived
at Reagte for several years.
Elmer Hull and Louie Sager of
Modoc Orchard were business vis
itors at Beagle the first of the
M r. G ra y . w ho h a s re n t ed t h e
Luke Ryan ranch, moved his fam
ily out from Mcdford the first of
the week.
School Notes.
Miss Klizabeth liurr, county
school supervisor, was a visitor at
our school the Inst of the week.
We have two new pupils, Doris
and lieauford Gray, who are In
the first and second grades.
No school was held on Mon
day because of Armistice day.
Miithcwwiu'H Mentor eacl.
Horace S. Fogel, former baseball
executive who helped develop
(. hi'iaty,.Mathevson, died pf npop
iexy yesterday.. He was 66 years
old and had been ill several years.
ing. ISesides ii is own place, he Is
farming the Wykoff place and Is
doing h is w or k this fall w i t h :
horses. . 1
' i Next!
"HOLLYWOOD. Cal., Nov. 16.
(I3) Reginald Denny, motion pic
ture) actor, ,on being granted a do
oreo of divorce from Irene Heis
mann Denny, immediately an
nounccd the date of his next wed
din. It will be to his leading lady,
lietty Lee, formerly known ns
"Hubbies" Seifl'cl. on November 2-1.
children ,
Leading dietitians agree that
bacon is highly nutritious
children like it because , when
properly prepared it is highly
delicious and it . can be given
to even the youngest children
because it is highly digestible.
And you can always be sure of
the great Frye plant is right
here in your own Northwest.
Ifryes Ik"
i;i:i.l.VIi:W. Ore.. Nov. 16. j
Spectul. About 6l delegates of
the P. T. A. organisations from
Jackson county assembled nt the .
lielKiew school house on Saturday. '
Nov. loth, for an ait day session.'
M rs. Carter, county supeilnten- j
dent was present and spoke of the j
splendid results which ha 4 been
gained in schools, under her super
vision due to the cooperation of
parents and teachers and the closer
understanding developed through
the P. T. A. work. Mrs. N. C Cha
ncy of Medford. countv president,
presided over the sessions.
Reports from 1 4 associations
were heard during the morning
session, this represented a mem
bership of approximately 10U0
members from every section of the
county. All made splendid reports
of work done In their individual
At noon a delicious chicken din
ner was served to tho ladles in the
Community club house, which is a
splendid place for such events.
Miss Marie Moon and Floy
Young, pianist and violinist, enter
tained during the morning session
with several selections.
During the dinner hour Madge
and Marie Mitchell played a group
of piano selections, while Dr. Mat
tie Shaw gave several of her splen
did readings.
Mrs. Carter delivered the princi
pal address of the afternoon ses
sion. A group of the children from
the Hell view school entertained
with group singing and readings.
The delegates In attendance gave
the BcUview P. T. A. a rising vote
'of thanks for their hospitality.
Mis. R. A. McAllister and
daughter Dora May who have been
visiting for some time with her
mother and other relatives in Al
bany is expected home some time
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Meservy were
visitors at the home of Mr. and
MVs. Walter Ualley of Medford on
The Upper Valley Community
club held their meeting In the club
rooms on Wednesday afternoon.
M itch business was discussed and
plans were made for a food sale
the 1st of December, the proceeds
to be used for buying silver for the
club. A clean-up day was dis
cussed and a committee appointed
to act on same.
After business was completed,
Mrs. Florence Konkle had charge
of the meeting. She explained the
use of the color charts which were
made at the last meeting. She also
brought a number of articles for
Christ nuts suggestions that could
be -made in the home.
.At .the olose;;otf a very delightful
afternoon delicious refreshments
consisting of salad, sandwiches,
cakes and coffee were served to
over twenty ladies.
T. A. Merryman was fn Medford
Tuesday on business.
Word was received a few days
ago from Mrs. Rose Push saying
she had reached her sister's home
in Missouri where she expects to
make her home Indefinitely.
Mr. and Mrs. lid Barron had a
fine new radio set Installed in their '
home south of Ashland.
A number of people from this
community attended tho Farmer
Businessmen's luncheon at the
Llthia Hotel Friday given by the
Klwanis club. Those who attended
from Jiellview were: Mrs.' Mary
Tucker. Butler Walker. 8. K.
Barnes, R. Newbry. Jesso Neil.
John Hesseman, Homer Monroe
and . L. Moore. They all report
having had a splendid time. These
meetings help to make the busi
ness men and farmers understund
the problems that they both have
to combat.
Sumner Purkes of this commu
nity played n splendid violin solo
over the radio on Monday evening
1 1 om me broadcasting station
KMISD at Mcdford.
Mr. Kllnger rccnlved
IjIuo riljbi.iiH for his flue rviclHterril
noRH-at tno llvcHtock show held in
Portland last week,
ftoliert Cordon ha n
Inn Khulloll bulbs BettinK them
rrauy lor l he market. j
Kiehurd Kheldi-lter-wllo was ol-
eralrd on hy Dr. Woods the flint I
or Hie week In Improving rapldlv.
l.lmer lirjan who has heon Buf
fering with a severe nttack of an.
Iemllcltl Ih Homewhat Improved.
. . uryan, n brother, him been
confined to his home for tho past
several days v.llh aii atlaek of the
W. W. niaekivell of Missouri Is
visltiDB m the homo of his ulster.
.Mrs. w. J. Crosslin of Nell ereek.
Mo expeets to spend most of the
winter in this vicinity.
J. V. Williams of (he P..-llvi..,.
district has some of his fine yams
on display at tho chamber of
commerce office. These yams are
ui. a lars-e slue and fine, l.xtuic and
.Mr. Williams Is quite proud of his
success ns many truck farmers In 1
mis vicinity had decided that the
soli was not adapted to their
Joseph Philip True, member of a
pioneer family and lifelong . resi
dent of Ilcllvlew district, passed
away at the limber Convalescent
home. November 12, 1928, after a
llns-erlnR illness of several months.
He was horn November loth l nun
und hart reached tho line of r,H
years and one day at the time of
his passing.
lie is survived by one tlsler. Mrs.
.lulls True Drown of l.vnnoil
' nr.. nnd two brothers. Jack and
.nark true, both of Ilcllvlew.
Funeral services were held Tues
day afternoon at I o'clock from
I ho Htock funeral parlors with
Ilev. Hammond of the Kplscopal
church In choree. Ilurlal was made
in the Mountain View cemetery.
Mrs. 8. K. Ilarnes and daughter
Krances attended the I. A. II.
meeting -ed in (Irani. P.... ..n
Haturday. when they held an all
day convention In that city.
You can't know
the West without c
knowing its matchless
coffee ...
fc Only the West has the Yellow
stone. Only II ills Bros. C offee
has the flavor created by Con
trolled Roasting.
Words can never completely describe the superb flavor of Hills
Bros. Coffee. You must taste it for yourself. But you can know the
reason why it is so superior in aroma and flavor.
Hill Bros. Coffee is roasted by a patented continuous process,
'few pounds at a time. Every c6ffce;berry is roasted evenly, develop
ing the utmost in flavor and strength. ! And all this goodness comes
to you intact because Hills Bros: pack! their coffee iii!:yacum. Ask
for Hills Bros. Coffee by namj and look for the Arab on the can.
Fresh from the original
vacuum pack. Easily
opened with the key.
nix v. a. r.1. oir.
urday evening with a mask party. family attemled the Armistice pro
About thirty of her young friends gram in Medford oirMohday.
from Ilcllvlew and AHhlund wero W. L. Ahiore was In Talcnl Tues-
lier gueslH for the evening.
Tho evening wan spent with
games ami munic. Corn was popped
over tho coals in the fireplace.
At the close of the most delightful
evening delicious cake and cider
were herved. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Fd Vale of Hilt,
were visitors at tho Meservy home
one day last week. '
Mr. und Mrs. Karl llrown n(
Klamath Fnlls spent the week-end
with Karl's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Hrown.
day on business.
PHOKNIX, Ariz- Nov. Hi. (I)
Old miin dope, who has receivna
m ore br u isen than a h ea vy, duty
.limpid off thy field lit, the end oC-j
the first quarter, whmi thp 'Bhort
ios" of Phoenix Indian ' nchool
wore held to a 0-6 tie by the "Hod
j Uevlls" of (lila college at tlu
state fall hero yesterday. .
I Four years undefeated, 1800
points to a puny J2 for all oppo
nents during throe ictorloui sea
'nons and sundry similar records
were claimed by tho "HhortleB"
. u nil i iju utci mm iou i ma oui'kh ;
fallvd tn kick u goal is nil that!
saved the Phoenix boys nnd kept
Mr. Oopo out of the hospltut.
Mr. and Mrs, Fdwin Dunn und .guard during- the 1'lliK
Tliomnu Kernluko, awed 9G,
ITIfcultno, Kij.? was married
caMon.;MrB, June1 Thoinpfion, nnod 01
1 "I remember her
when she was beautiful"
It wacmt
A 1
WASNT so long ago
either. Her complexion was
the envy of every girl and
woman. Her radiant manner
was felt the instant she en
tered the room. . . . But now
you'd hardly know she was
the same person. Her anima
tion is gone her clear skin
is sallow. She's always tired
often irritable. . . ."
Here's what has been said
about countless women all
over the country. Yet, all
this could have been pre
vented. The cause, often
' constipation, is so easily removed by K
logg's ALL-BRAN. Happily, thousands of .
women have made this discovery. By regular-
eating of ALL-BRAN they have regained
ell that they ftst in beauty and health.
But iiou need ALL-BRAN not
It is the "bulk" in bran that relieves consti
pation. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN has a large
amount of bull;. This bulk absorbs moisture
and carries it. throughout the digestive sys
tem. In a part-bran product there is seldom
enough bulk to do this work. That is why
doctors recommend ALL URAN. Because it
is 1 00 bran and brings
100 results.
Horn different from
dangerous pills
How much better than habit
forming drugs and laxatives!
Which become useless unless
the dose is constantly in
creasedand sometimes in
jure the system. How much
pleasanter than sickening
medicines! Kellogg's ALL
BRAN is d delicious cereal.
Serve it with milk or cream
and add fruits or honey if
desired. Use it in cooking too. Mix it with
other cereals for health! Just eat two table
spoonfuls in some form daily in chronic
cases, with every meal. a
Keep ALL-BRAN always on hand a pack
age of health. But be sure it is genuine
Kellogg's the original ALL-BRAN. Don't
risk part-bran substitutes. At best, they can
be but partially effective. ALL-BRAN is sold
by all grocers. Served at all hotels and res
taurants. On dining-cars. Made by Kellogg
in Battle Creek.
"' i ' Ststt HUNT'S
52!Sa? Craterian
L 1
mm m to ii ! 1
Guarantied t
it itld with thi$ rftrf
nit ffuronti Emt it
according to dirttfon.
It it Hoa vtmt rmliwv
tmnttlpmtion fftyt
will rttund thmpmthat
m and holly Sts. Phons 244
A Complete Clean imc and
Dyeing servicb
A selected hotel for thoie
ho spprecists the best
without extsvagsnc
540 rooms with bath
Sins!, from $4
' Double, from $6
.wiss Anns Kiel entertalnrit at
the Community club house on Hat-