Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 15, 1928, Page 1, Image 1

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ail Tribune
The Weather
ForooaM Fair tonight and Friday.
Maximum yesterday 49
Minimum yotenay a - 39
lwipiuttion 0.....Y.. .01
Medford M
Weather Year Ago
Minimum , ft 5
.Minimum 4.1
By Arthur Brisbane HI" 1 TOT H I 0
Pioneers in Old Age.
What Is a Bigot?
)ne Baby Octopus..
More Brokers, Tickers.
(Copyright, 1928, by Star Co.)
Anions: those wrwkw on the ;
,. .. . ., ., ,
1M1I I t'.tll 1.IO HUH.-, J......
shore were Mr. and Mrs. I.onis j
Lciihauser, both past middle '
acre, traveling third class, tills- j
int; every dollar they had to j
begin life again, in the Arffen-1
V. i
4-4 . j
This is the courage that has
built up our western country, .
particularly' tlu; Pacific const.;
Old people go there with their
money,' and descriptions they 1
send back bring out the young
iople. ' .i
Professor linwman, of the
department of economics in
( olurnhin I nivcrsilv, says illislthe coast Kiinnl riesirnver Tucker,
country "boasts of its religious ; f""1;, '' ;"" '"""yer Acushnei. in
j by the ustroyr Siiaxv, onp hy the
i'roodom' ami is cursed with Hcriin.
bigotry. H is, and will be for
some time.
There are Protestant' biiibts,
Catholie bigots, Jewish bigots,
each kind despisini; the other
reli(i(iiis mid sometimes mak
infr il clear.
Knr rmd measure there arei1
Christian' Scientists that t li ink
... . .
flJI the three religions need im- ,
A inn n is a
eves of nlher
bijiot" in the
clioions. when
he lakes his . own religion too
r.bVCn i.- I ncUv.haiihi.flOcsn
vi'nlize how 'hip a COlintrV he
. . .' .
owns, or wliat Its prospPllIN 1-.
destined to be.
. .'A few years ,.n(to there was
much excitement because ''the
Octopus SlandardOil" had run
up in value to a thousand mil
millions. Koincthini! had to be
:lone and WAS done.
The octopus was cut into
little pieces. One piece lives
in New York, one in New Jer
sey, one in Indiana, one in Cal
ifornia. And lots of other
pieces without the name Stand
ard Oil bclmiff to the S. O. Oc
topus family.
' Now mi item of financial
news tells you that one of the
baby octopuses, Mr. ' Tcaglc's
Standard Oil of New Jersey,
tinuiiurii vii in m. -i
imefl beUveen 00.n00.000 and
11)0,000,000 profit last year
The country that was afraid
of a billion dollar octopus now
lias a baby octopus earning fl
or 1 per cent of a billion, all
1... Itself niwl lliinlts liotllinc of 1
" ,,!" ' " l
' - Bip; General Motor runs lo
many billions. A billion, no
longer a seareerow, is merely a
unit of value.
.Again "wild tradinjr rush re
sumed in 'Wall Street." .
Hrokera can scarcely handle
Ihe business, tickers eannot han
dle it.
Why not add (100 seats to the
4 exchange? Thai- would only
"make 1200 active members. Five
hundred of the existing 1 100
simply own their seats and d-
not trade on the exehanpe.
Call v...,, nl fnr .",0ft Oftfl ncll
lis the dnund arises for them at irrcw- wnom lhp MTlm rescued j by "the wholesale sti-allng of poul
that price. Divide the money, as (comprised dx staff officers three 'try nnd other farm products.'"
In only jHst. pro rala nmoni? pres
ent ownerH of tho Boats.
Then divide stocks Into various
classes, fast and slow, and run
them on two tickers.
Each office would have two tick
nra nnrl enell Utile snerlltator
could watch his own tape. Thero
rniiltl be an active ticker and a
dull ticker. And when an active
Mock turned dull It could be
switched to the other ticker and
tho public notified. '
yTlie saddest sight reported In re
Ions devastated br the lava flood
tfora Mt. Ktna is a father nnd ino -
,lher carrving ineir neaa onny xo nisiuu was oie-n six incites wneni"' " ..m.-r iuiuiihu..o.
Blrauge cemeloiy. Their plot Inlthe Vestrls sailed from tloboken,
(Continued on Tago Four.)
ur.ico mo
nicictor Uintlme Cain 1
A hU.h. TAni. MnlnoMffi
Ashore Today Makeslritt,
Outfits Clothe Passengers'
Bodies Returned to;
Grieving Relatives Many
Vital Statistics
( IJy the AsMOi'iatf'd Prosa.) '
A hou rd wovo 3 S persons, 1 29 ;
pnsNfnKors, 100 crow. - j
ItPKOiiPd (JO prisspners unit J 04 :
crew. . Total 214. ' I
Prpsumaldy dtad CO pa.s.sonst-rs,
45 ew. 114. !
Iiodips. rerovpfpd
four by
Ml.isini.' 02.
Amonft the dead an. I missing are
27 women, lJ children. '
n-ved hy rescue ships:
American shipper 41 passen
gers, S4 crew. Total' ll'fr.
l!V'lin & passengers, IS crew.
Total 23.
TomV'r'-"-8 '"xcnxm- 40 C1'0W-jvent
"'Vln-6 passengers. 3 crew.
q....... (( .
aii .x.i..
Inimnrd the Wyoming who are he-
I,,,, (!, , v- r..l. . ....
- ' , ' ' '. : ' 1
"l " i iv.. nir i,uiiii-
were al sent to New York.
NIJYV VOl-.K. Nov, 15. (JPi
Ail of the. known survivors of the
,Vou - lx were mfdy in New Vorlt
lon.u, me , ucing nroiiBntor vain attempts to mukc n turirr ;
Inshore In." itrooklyn early this ! law that will overcome the dteud- j
iii'iniioi; irom uie v renrll tanKer
..l-j'Wyi, .,. .inc others were res-j
cued by the battleship Wyoming, j
hound for Norfolk. Vu. ,
Tho1 tnnkar came onlv to tho,'
harbor mouth, auchorlnL: in fcrave-llinn,
end bay
where Koverunient tu(;'
went aloiiKHlilu and broii(flit;,.,,tlie
yestris' pnsscnuein.-. ashore. Kile
was bound for Thanrcsliuven, IOdk
lnntl, from New Orleans nnd did
not wish .to delay, her, passage,-. .
. Ot the r7 survivors, only eltrht
were nnsst nuers. tho others beinir
ni. lnbers ot Ihe crew.
! .Most of the passeiiKcrs w.ere si-!
ueni oneernliii.- t'npiam Carey's
del.iy of nn N O S messnse, but
niriiiiiejs oi, uie i rew were
..i .
r .un.-i. ill ..n-ii l l ll -U ill ill ll I ell
'kipper. The S.O s should have
been sent .-nit boiiru l.or.fA II- f!. !
nally transmitted, they asrecd.
Alrs. ; t'line slaiiebli.i.. ihe onlvl
woman passenger on the .M.Vrlam,
defended l lie capta'n's action, "lle'vania (.iranite said thnt tho election (completely demolished, and about ' ""inin, nifl w. Harris, Inns- tment throuKliont the hoiiiIi on he
did hiii duly uud did his best." i of Herbert Hoover placed approval ! a score others dnnnmed. much , hl" o. Texas; Harry V. ( biulilin, 2(1, ImJi ()r Iho Ihllllis for which the
she mid. she donled the truth1 on. tho Biansc policy favorlnit the livestock was killed uud trees uud 'Callander, Vn.: Ueaner T. MeClus- Kopubllcun puny has stood In this
of stories told by other passengers ( Volstead Act and tho Kldhteent telephone, poles were laid flat. , 1 I'l.tcld, Texas and Ijvln eampulBn." lie lidded that it was
that niembeis of the cj'ew rushed
; .Most of the passengers wore
Ulad in clothing and wrapped in
inn imem lurnisiieo py me otiicers .
".!"' .crew. "f tno ,!!"ker- JIr -
tain's trousers. j problem.'. '."''
'Tlioliias li. Edwards, a bedroom j' Unless the . present - meet 1 n k
steward rescued by the llyriam !. i,uid rhodlfy Ihe grunge ntlllude,
from a life boat, said that ;ust ! Ved Ilrvuchman, lis Irglslutive
before the Vestrls sank he sawUgc.t. said the organlxalion would
Cnptaln Curry and another man j continue lo Oppose the Curlis-Keed
on the bridge their hands clasped. ,m t ,.siablish a federal depart-
together, ho said, they walked
to the rail. Then the second man i
plunged Into the sen. A big wnve .n,,, proposed VI O.UOO.OOD iipproprl
hld the VestKs from the lifeboat mbm for tlie reclunatlon of south
for a .njjfmcnt. When It subsided ,,.,. wllIp ,i cut-ovif lands,
the ship was sinking. Captain, "Knrni relief, the disposition of
Carry hod disappeared. . j. Muscle Shoals, determination of
toul shift. ' fi-deral Irrigation and reclamation
Kilwnrds was lirmly convinced II(ueeM, further regulation of oleo
that shifting ot the coal ut least . irga, nl. wiir-H. establishment of
inlens.tled the disastrous Ustinit ; ui-u nttmal attaches In foreign
of the Vestrls, If It did not cause ooumri,, unt, increused npproprl-
lt ,ntlnn. fni I Inim I n.-n 1 1. in .. III
W. Fields, of New York City, I
siiiii ue nun no uiiiicuiiy in gei-1 llctvies contemplated for the
ting on n Hfehonl. and that the.KrunKli ,iUrliig the coming year,"
boat picked up what swimmers Hrinckninn Kild. i
It could. ' . ' '
.Members of the crew, dirty, he-1 WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 5.--(T,i
whiskered, in clothing stiffened' Prohibition on the movement of
with salt water, were taken ln(fivrm products between sunset nnd
busses to the seamen's institute ; sunrise its u meuns of halting
in .Manbnttan. thievery was recommended today
to a IirooUlyn hntt'l nnd tho line-1
tumftei H HcnttiTod to VHrlouK hotels
In Brooklyn and New York.
Tho 4'J nitrmhe of tho VCHtris
IHtewnrd s force and 52 firemen. !
.NK lllllk, NOV. H. iH-h
,e.nns numpaen. a negro llremnn
in uie wiees Vestrls. landed by
r Jiyrtam today, voiced.
the tanker
ion nennir or tne firemen ot
' l"!" ". '''' h" nn H O fl
should hnve been brondenst by thojprlmo IteMtiarini, 21, Miintaru
Vi tris at n'eloek Sunday night, j rancher, burned lo deyih, last night
when he sn il the ship was listing when fl six .gallon still exploded
nt IB degrees nnd wnter in thO'Hnd set fire to his lonely ranch
fire room was hip deep. j home,
The disaster. Hampden believed. ! .
was due almost entirely to a coal Mngnaie lluy Vaclils
hole on the port side, four inches I' N KW VUIIK, NuV.
nlKive the waiter line, which he(Three iiiugnates of (ieneial Muim-s
(Continued on Page Six.)
; Smoking Wife
Shot in Jaw
By Angry Mate
1.03 AXOKI.ES, Nov. 15.
' (-P) Knragod at the skht of
' his wife brooking a cigarette
as she tat in her parents'
home, lloberi Johnson tfrew a
j levolver and I killed himself
after wounding his wife and
i another man who attempted
, to pacify him. The wife, -M:s.
j ivy Johnson, was rushed to
1 a hospital, whero an cxnmi-
nation disclosed a wound in
nep Jaw iieniartl Slay, 4i. a
hoarder at the home, was shot i
,,, th0 clieKl. ,;oth w, .
c"ver' ' !
, iL , . i'
Day of Self - Contained farm
Past Overproduction in j
Dairy Products Feared
Grange Policy On Liquor
Declared Upheld.
WASHINflTON, Nov. K,. iPi
National ClnuiKO maslefH In oon-
Ion here today listened to a
'm,m,,cr ."f , roi'orln from local
uroups wltich viewed the trieul-
juiis uiiii s"'"'-
al outlook in a possimlstic liitht.
James T. rhllllps, masies' of the
.lliH-U'llll UliMIK--, .
Missouri Craime, said "Hie de
pressed condition of our fanners i
, .' , . . .. .
tlieir economic cueumstnnces" illul
slows up Kiange oi Kanizauon
"There Is no virtue in perinittlnff
j ourselves to be deceived or kept in
,contlnuP(1 ,.0,fusi i,y imcei iain
vanrace ot oavnm our . iniirueis
controlled by a piiwerful.ifruup of
speculators," ho said.
'"The day of the self-conlalned
farm, cxIstlnK on lis own proiluo--
is definitely ,p:ist
(moot ,
Hon and speculation ill the use nnd
ownership of land have raided the l
price lieyond the ability to make It
I pay. and the farmer havliiu his
!iiv.,i ..i..,,.,. ci,.. i, r, i i,,i..,,..i
rents and taxes based upon the
hlKbest speculative price;' Is con-!
stuiitlv loslnu In the itnmo of 1 le." 1
The fesr that dalryimii mlirht be
overproduclni; was expressed by A.
( . Knsor. and W. W. Uinl. Kianue
masters In Maryland nnd Orenon.
out-ij.;nsor said it is nooui time inai
. ... , ,., . .
I II rill CI S SIllllllll lie llllllKIIIIj I l.t L
iwlll hiit.nen 11 this hianeli of farm-;
In.. .,,, irr.ti. unrnluu ivltli
no nlacc lo market it."
. I..liev 1'i.lielil
. 1C. rj. lairsett of the reuusl.
j Amendment. ' '
u declared for "tar ff for nil or
tariff for none
and asked for the
farmer "the.
same eiiimlilerntloii
no ikin i. ,.r mniee.
end Hie same measure oJ protec
tlon that is given the mauufactur-
n,int of education, the Columbia
rte er liH..ln li'.-lvfil Inn oi-oleel nn.l
omc of the tiritieinal legislative
Ki'inge niunlor, in a report to the
' National (irunyo' convt-ntiofi hcr.
I llnrrlhon paid thnt California
fniincrH hud Kiifrorod heavy -xt-H
from the county sheriffs lie made
i requisite to move farm products
. ,lo,-lne Ihe nlirhl. Iin.l Ihnt
.... ,,,.- ,1,1,.,.. i. in
ti.,.7 ot ,h,.r purchasers.
. -
i .tiisuisiiinrr iiurneil (
SAN MATIIO, Cal., Nov. IB. (JPi
f Alfred P.; Sfoan. Fred J. Fisher ami
anuinrr unoiscioseu execunve nave
ordered Identical f 1,000,000 yachts.
uilii uuiuuun
W : jf nt' DfiD I AT tlM llM
Remarkable action photo
vlvor of the S. S. Vestrit. Note
, I :
OmaUOeS till I nTcc LUUdll-
ties Chester,' Iowa, Is,
Again Razed--- Woman'
Killed When Barn Crushed
Much Livestock Lost, j
VINTON'. la., Nov. I,".. At Tor-
i j. m j fvr inn -oA,a r i ir 1 1 1 u i 1 1 nu iiiu
-ri i nrvrr-rr umiT nil nnn iniirii unniirn wirun i
ii li hi iii i ii ii i i iif i ii nil ii i ii ii i ii ii i i ii hii am i
I : ! !
i . . i
miilees droppeil out of black skive
! In three separate localities of!
' northeaslern Iowa late yesterday,
causInK af least one death, Injuries
to MX.-anil nrooertv uaniltue una
will run into many thousands or
dollars. I . . - ,
j Two twu.ters struck, one sweep-
! ins about five niiles south of in-
i ton. In lientnn county, cutting a
i paih 40 rods w ide for 11 miles,
then boundlnK, to drop on the
farmiiiB community fallen
Creek, 2(1 miles northeast. . The
other tornado, at about the smile
nour. shuck in i iirsu r, vu nuns
! nnrlhwesi of Silver ','reeli
ii'.n inn him. ii..-i on,
i r.., ,.i on i, 1
t ,i c i.t ..... v .......... .v ........ ..
the death of .Mrs. Alpha llankln-
inn.. :ltl. wllen It crushed tile barn
! in which she was mllkini;. That
w'ns tlio onlv. casually reiiorted
there, but two farmsteads wen -
Uuuiiige In -tlua vicinity was esll-
mated at X7ii.nilll or more.
I t'n its earlier Jou ney, the twis
ter hud cau,ed injuries to at leusl
I four persons nnd had u-reekrd ten
farmsteads, In addition to damn-,-
liie inniiv others. Near Ihe slinl'
of its course south of here. It
l-.u-ned tnwaril the Wllliiim Her
man, causing severe cuts to
.Mrs. Herninn and her Iwo children.
Tiny hud taken refuge lu iho eel -
inr, but when tire broke out they
were driven ' from ' HieiC haven.
Worklng in a nearby field
Herman escaped injury.
Next the tornado destroyed the
house nnd barns on Ihe John l-'ry
farm, where one uupi was injured.
From that point nn to the end
of the eleven, mile ' stretch, eight i
more farm layouts were reported
levelled, and many more damaged, !
Willi much loss of Uv-esLocit. Diim- I
age In this ravuged slrlp may ex- !
ceed tIGO,000.., , j
Chester, In.. Just below the Mlll-
, nesola olli' uud 4(1 niiles from
Auxtin. .Minn., which wiih vixltcd i
hy n donih dcullim twinU'r Aiwuvt
in, wiiH tho only tuwn rpor!od hit I
Tho n't-nnrl funm l-K'Joud paid lt !
visit in until rnmtoiinit v ..r T'...
res h.,;.,s , lor; - . "
age,, .lt. M;,bodi,t parsonage.
creamery building and tt residence,
i... .,.. . . '
T , I'l-.-lKKIII l'SirS f
The Mall Tilliune: will from ils office on !prt began opeiullons two Venni
North Kir slreet, by loud g. i. srhidulu. was dully ex
i epeaker. the report of The pi Monday, due to the belief
Dalbs-.M.d'ford game ut The
Dalles. The (tumrt; Is ei
1 !" "tart nt !!: o'clock In Ihe
The ,Jin k-on CoBntv bunk
I will broudeust the report of
Ihe game over stutlnn K.MKI).
The' Western t'ninn .-(ii 4.
furnish n report of the game
from the field of play, send-
ing Its football telegrnphr'to
the contest, to give special the secretary of suite that he spent
service. 'U(U In the recent campaign In
' iopposlllon to Ihe suite Income , tax
4' iiml tho measure limiting the pow-
1 .. ier of the Pglsliilure over laws np-
Vote Confidence proved bv die uemile
PAfllS, France. Nov. is.-.fP:' ' ' '
The chamber of deputies lale lo -
J day rnVB ihe newly formed I'oln-
care government a vote of copfi-
I dence, 335 lo 147.'
lU'K's A V. NOYKM Hl-Mi
- A ,"
howlng officers of the liner Berlin tnrowmn li.o prco;rvero to a sur.
wo matr swinitm.uj towrj mo preservers, v& frsos Teie-.
i T 1 m M..l-
HmiV 1 1 dllSIJUl I riaite nulls
" Occupants to Death From
4000 Feet-- Breakup
Cause Unknown Two
! . Escape Uninjured.
! . ' i . ;
S-VY ..N'TONIO. Tex.; Nov
i. Tex' Ny,lr..-
UP) Tr.lppeil 111 HI
"irniy IniiV-'port
broU'e nit .iuiii f.
Irlvitte.-i of the army air sell' imu n. ie. weie niiiuu to
sestei-ouy u- u:.- :-nip
crioneo inn., a cotton paten, i u
1 "llles li oin llu fit Id.
Two oeciip.ints of the stric ken
plane, which lost a wins and mil
' piece, were thrown cleur and used
"leir paracnuies to Mcseeiirt M.lely.
; J oe t minis, now e ei , l.-M lino ine
''" "'ai d part, of the cockpit as .the
...... u....... ...... ...n-
; unable to eruwl bnelc In a small '
- - - - - - , -
in h: hi have (uniotil In snfniv wlib
, -
""' Pano nines all v.or
The di lld lire
Arthur W.-Hiirdesly, 24. Lelcm-
Junction,. Ky.; . Nlceforo Vi:-
! I -! 1 2ii. I'uiiri'.n Coob.-i'ialiiba,
Self, 23, Victor. Texas...
l.t. Harvey T. Dy r, pilot, and
Staff Sergeant J.'nink J. S!eli.:nu1ler
survived tile lu eldenl. Dyer w.i I
unhurt, w hile slebenlei' sustained
i " iriiciurcu no. ...
Cause of the plane's. breakup re-
I nuilnoil "undetermined today us an
army , invi'stlgailon board, supi-
nioned yesterday by Sliijnr K, w.
: I'Ugorald, llronks' field conimiin-
! diint, continued ks Imiulr. Tlie
: norsi air nun my
! lu several years at the ti (lining
1 i rhool,
, ..... ... .. .. . .,
''-.""Bl',:',T ." "".''""Ile-ded Klndlsy 8. Hongles of New
j .'g nng" rece lie 'i goven .
merit omrlals ,m,,m,n,,'i ."-;
Thl route has been opernl-
.Jug on a dally except .Monday
si heciuie. ,
i . i!,-,,r nrr. . i... i., iro. ii,- r,.,.
jtlmt Sunday mail would not w
nint Monday flying . 1 lowovr, j
llu volume of nmll- on Tm-fdavJ
h (-"i illiiK to lnOfil airport' attar iu ti, !
wnn ry hivy And It Im .
;Melleved thnt Jlonitay flvlng wi
j encourage Sunday mailing.
(Is NH'llt KlOi
. SAM'I.M, Ore.. Nov. 1S.-
-(Pi Os-
I wald West, ex-governor reports to
! New s.-ulei- Invesi.d . approxl-!
i iimlely 2'j,7(i(i in Oregon iluiing
'' according to Oregon 8!ate
Chamber of Commcrco.
K. I'.VJS.
n n iJ n
rieUIUlS nUljr.S&.UIlU riOS -
,,.;( fn ,.,u 'i- Qnnth
Pei lty TOr WnOle SOUtll
.. , . . . ,, , ,
Vote Accepted Not As
Personal Tribute Sec-
tlOnai i-aimCSS leCigeU.
, 1IAI.T1MOUK. M.I.. Nov.
he cnikpli of nn ; '"""""""'i IZ , , . ',., l tone ol. tho major speeches of hi
.i i i, i number of voles cast Mr him In t on of products. - ,. , U,,, delivered at linston ex-
; the soulh a victory for party "Whel. we l,rlnR nmv soUlers o prosed tho hope that inch in"
it in the ., I. six ,,,,1,,.,. ,ha personal tribute. OreKon." said lde, "we are only V . ., ' " "
l iny air school at ,. , ,, ,i i,m,,i ,ii. laklnir llieni mil of iiriiiliu-tioo . .!. ni Iso OKnln.
Wiillim to I!. II. Kdninnils, rill
to. of IUii Alanul'ncliiriM'H llccord,
.Mr. Hoover wild that Willi one
third of the uallou'n laiul urea,
with alioiil llirce-lirihs of lis sea
Irnnlune, with vast resources ill
soil, - climate .and . minerals, "no
limit (un bo .sei upon llm cnntln.
,, ,,,..,.., UUA lucMtlKlu'S Pros
,.:, ,. ,u, ,vl,oe . noiltll." Ills
,,(.,. wh In rciiiititiMu jo a n!(ueill
r,. ,., vu.Vl, , Fueuon.
I'he presidenl elect declared thsl
no wiis pioioiiu.ii.i iiiiiuri-iiiin-o in
i i
luu r.. , l iTlll'-i J ii .. , niu . ......
; th'oi -.jhou,- the soulh" for himself
. ','-1 ', , . " . '
llll'l II C I I OS l.lO.ll"!. II . I (.llllin.
ucrcpt lliis- vole," ho said,
; -not us a personal tribute, but nil
(.xprcssiou of a dcvcloplni; sen
I his firm belief that llm Umo hud
'come when volcis llirouKlioiit tho
' country should rust their hilllols
ou their coliviti Ions' r.i
lo conui'
tlii;ic and not iniiki'1 '"ihlngs of
'former .'.('nerutlon inc nusis op
!thi'lr vote. :'
tiivliix ussuninci! Hint Ills oil-
ministration would "know .no illf-
reronr.c belweon north and soulh,
enst uiid west," lull "seek to deal
: with absolute fairness In every sec-
tion oi our common eo .y, mi .
, i loover pledged Ills co operation In
, projects, un n.trcoustal cunul sy.
jliMn Hiut hynrool-Mtrlc powur. The
rii;i i nyn tun, in; nmu. ' i
l(!!id oventually frnm
("llm end of Tcxn.
NKW YOltK, Nov. 15. (fl') The
nnmlnutliv; coinuiltteD of Ihe l ull
ed. Slates Clolf nssoclntloii has se-
I !" '""" YT. l"'
"'J, J "K" ."-'lift u ill I
.,, ',, ,.',, ,,, . i,.e
i Murnson it. uininiyi ..lounsion.
well known St.. Paul golfer, will
becomi) a member of tho executive
commit Ice.
SAVANNAH, flu.. Nov
. .. .
-i.overnor Aiin-d smiin n'il"i'r'"""i ,.i..i... ...nn.i, ...
i his party stopped off here loiinv
for n round of golf before pro- j Kind. A. I. .McArinur or l """'""'
'ceding m lilloxl.. Miss., for a vn-, M. 1 homas of lvlnmath Knlls
cnt on. jnnd It, W, Sawyer of llend.
The governor wns greeted nt the. Chleksn Pl Addict
railroad siutlon by several hmi. p.,.... N. .. . .fl,J.
dred persons nnd was taken hV;, , ,, ' ,: " , ,'
cm ;. his sevanniih host. , Harry Al. Hollson. an cdl or claims
the Havanr.ali golf leuh. Tho diiy'si',0 n"vo "ntiea more ciueKcn pie
i procinni Included Ion. Iie.ui nt thol","J,'r" ,lm" ny "elBhbor of his
Kspy borne and an Informal rn -
eeptlon there tonlsht.
Peanut Roller
Falls Short
Election h tger'
llAI!I.InK, 'IVxus, Nv.
j I ;!. )'i--Sovon pen nuts untt
Ihroo jiairs of ootton kIvon
fIl l.y the wayside a Bill
j Willinms. elroiion brt loser,
J rolled the ponnutM one :ind
ono-sevf nth ml 1pm with His
J noso.
Willtanis had uiulortiikon to
roll ii peanut from Klo Hondo
to HiuHiir.-'ri n milps hi II
i 4 d,iH. Ho wore rotton plown
unit heavy Unoo puds.
Jde Declares Overproduction; nivniion in addresses 'which
; he will deliver in eai h of the lie-
I Not Necessary, W ithi;;',1 ,.,omwl" tWl " hl
Proper Methods Am-
. . ithe first of which may he inado
spiger Recommends Lawiat conmo, McaraKua. now tema-
I lively fixed as tho first port ot
Changes. i1'"" 'r"'r ,,ln halUcslilp Mnryianil
(leaves San 1'edro next .Monday. Ho
i would be welcomed to 1,'orinto by
o i t.. - ,,. (President Olaz.
SAI.I,M.. Ore.l Nov. l.,.--)-, a speech in this Central Anierl
OreKons tannine population could ran republic would afford an op
be hIx or seven times us great uslportunliy for the president-elect
It is now without over production, I "f 1,10 United Htates to Indlcato
If furmluK were on tho proper ha-' 1,0 """'7 hl," lnilnlstmiloii would
, IllW'sue in dealliiK with situations
sis H. lde, manager ol Ita ,ul,h nH u,.Hm! , xu-arasua and
state chumber of commerce, ttdd
' "ickiiii lecinmui
the Oresou leclamuliou empress
today, loo a assertion was directly
. today, luo's assertion was directly
"111"'5' ,,.,at uf s1e,"ll0,r ;"
.l rown of Muriuu county, who told
r, , " " bT ;"""-" tile ITnited states and in Latin
",a,' '-j oui-foiiy to hnnK morfl Xtwrl, ,..rfm0Bl nmonK lhc
Into thy stme until there crmcs , ,, eount
" scut rZcLl R " "' liS,nnlor ,,mn"' ot J,"lho'
luescut pioductlon. . ..iman of the senate foreign rela-
,id0 ,,ketl. "when every year wo without-montlonlnp; nny .pecifl .
Ira mP"lB more farm p,.oduc3 eaM.H ot Ul0 nl.mod t
thun wa are , ;,. , nr-t(Vftn , n
VMo. is '1 JM"-'-lle' llupver, In
tn k 111 K them out of production
iiomonhere else and plucliiK them
into OiBKun production, .'i'hiit does
not cause over production."
Ah proof of this he utild that frou
3iVIU lamliles that have boen
hrnuKht to the slato hy tho state
cliiimDcr of commerce lie lias to
celvod 14UU letleiH uskli!.;; tliut Ore
Boh llterutnre be sent to 'their
i. lends.
llula.U.n In I I I .,Un .
tlou projects, Mr. Ida said that Ilia
i iimiriin-m, l, '.., , ,
Purl limn i,, i,i,.. i.nne. ."onni oimcauon
' cuileU hinds has not accomplished
.. u..
: I " r i.. ViV:.
n.. .v n.ivui,. ... . uno.i , i.ui
It v,aa not sufe to plsce them on)
I Irrhtutod hinds bocause of tne lin-j
... l.,l .,,...,11(1,... I.l 1.U l..l.1u,,IU
Unaucial reorKiiiilr.ation oi 'tho
.i. i ,.i.i "i....
cause tho bondholders have' been
told that the state Is under some
obligation lor the bonds, uud It Is
hiiru lo ..let that out of their - heads,"
' ... . il.-.un 1 iimlllc.
Through tin. orgiiniued' soltle
iDint effurt he said that about
, JfSOO families' have been brouKhVh0 ,,,, , th BOOlI.W rail.
nun uie sun.:, intesiiir-ri .o,vv, -
000, and about 7D per cent of them
jon new hinds, lntbo lust year
be. Hiild that 400 'fiihilltes, who
. hnvo. Invested 2,000,oo0, have
been brought to tlie stato, not-
, i,(niiilinw iho mule chamber's
".".V,V B....... . ' ,?...f."i
- ,.,.,, ". .
" 1
Tlio ponKr''H waH weloomod to
Halem by Mayor ' T. A. I.lvesley,
UVho Mtld that every year II is he-
j coming more apparent thut lrrlgn -
l.L.n l nnaH..., I .. tl,n IV'llln. unite
, ,.v. .n ... t ,. ... ...
"I hnvo gone In for It myself,
ho said, "and It Is bringing won-, clerks nnd Interpreters.
derftil resulls." I with tho hope of clearing -up
tllln Arnsplger, Medford, presi-lth surprisingly large volume of;
dent of the congress. In his un-ntail that bus been pouring Into:
mini address, mentioned several his home here since election tiny, :
changes Hint are needed .In the' Mr. Hoover has trebled the work ',
Irrigation lnws. He said there ing foreo In his dfflce, nnd ho:
should bo a clarification of llu , exports to have answers to all let-!
laws relative to voting (Uiallflca- trrs in the malt before he leaves;
Hons of project settlers, and urged pain Alto next Sunday night for';
payment lo tho districts of pen- j Hun Pedro. lio will board the '
ally and Interest on dellimuent as-1 Mnrylnnd Immediately after his,
sensments on foreclosed lands held arrival, there at 0:30 a. in., Mon-'
by the districts. . day. ' i
Arnsplger said Hint tho state
engineer Is not clothed with
enough power to protect the r.tnte
I In the grunting of water power
i permits, nnd believed the taw
! could he changed to uive him tUMi
power without curtulllng power
. development. 1
Another luw ndvocuted hy him
would authorise districts to pny
. Die expenses of deieKiiteM to thd
'stale congress.
As memhers of the resolutions
i rnmmlltee, President Arnsplger
IhI..I t...i..k .: Ill Ma.l.
" . .,. .1 .
1"" .,." :;
tended 21 coltiiecutlT onus.
Xo, 2:17,
Tunmco Tfi
Good Will Tour Affords Op
portunity to Outline Pol
portunity to Outline Policy
Toward South America
First Stop at Corinto
Ecuador, Bolivia Invite. '
Ily JnfiiCH Ii. Wt-st.
Associated l'r-ss stuff Writer
Nov. 15. a') llnlnK to I.utll.
America as a plenipotentiary of
pence and aood will, Herbert Hoo
ver will Interpret the character of
I The president-elect already is
lUitllnltiK some of these speeches.
lr.w,il,..l In ll,D,.. .......I......
, 0c0 , mnMtVi
i,n rtf (h M,n,.i.,u , ,...
vise the election In Nicanojua has
PV0lu-d much criticism, both In
I nless Ihero can bo constantly
evinced ainoiiKst all, nations proof
that the lives nnd property of ail
.Mtlzcns abroad shall be. protected,"
ho said, "the foreign trude nnd
the economic,' life of the world
will dexeuernte Instead of thrive.
This does not Imply thnt our elil-
j" "" ,BO ,.B ""rou noc su
' 0 eoulltrT
'subject to such lnws,- unless tl-so
laws are n violation of Interna-
"Thls Implies
no .'mprrlnllsm. It Is tho simple
-eo'iitlon of tho principle ot
i , . . ,.,,, .n,.nu
all nations. Confidence In this
! principle Is n nteesslty to the ud-
vnnce,.,e.,t of civilization Itself."
I t'orinto First.
f Coi-lo as. the first pore
on tho tentative Kchedulc lor tho
west coast voyage, the others are
Hnlhnn, Cnlluo, Peru, and Val
paraiso, 'Chile. Others may bo
udded. however, as Colombia, llo
llviu nnd Kcuitdnr are urging upon
. With tllC nO lllo exceill On . ot
HantlnKO, Ohtl!. .Mr. Hnovor plan:
tn .HptMid only 24- hout'H In ench
of tlu cnpltnlH, where he wil! cull.
The echeiluU'M ppolmbly will ho tut
urrunnpd thnt he will nrrlve In
each parly In tho tiny nnd lcavo .
Tho preMidont-olert i to ho nc-
comimnled on thl.f tour hy
Iloovor nnd thdr Hon. Allan. - Th
iiliu-iri In tho official imrty wilt
l0 Henry .Fletcher . ambnHsndor
to Home, representing tho stnto
. department; Cloorge Akerson, see-
.... ... . . - .. ,-. . n, .
, rruiry lu .sr. iinovei ; L.eorge I.;
Benin. Kiiid, V. S, naval aid to the
.president elect, and a force of foue1
j ; The Influx of friends to Palo,
Alto to say goodbye to the presi
dent-elect nlrendy has . started.'
Among his callers bite yesterdnvji
were Governor C C. Young nnd :
Senator Samuel M. , Shortrldge.-,
who lives in Menlo Pnrk. only)
n short distnnco from the Hoover1
RYF., Kn.. Nov; IB. (At The
entire er of seventeen of n Bye'
llfehout wns thrown Into the rhun-
nel today when Ihelr rrutl wus
overturned b' heavy seas. It was
fonrerf all were drowned. Kleven
bodies wero washed ashore. ' i