PAGE TWO MKDFORD MAIL THIRrXK. MEDFORD. ORFJOX. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 10. 1923. ocal and Personal TiMliiyV puMIr murlit-t wan the JicHl uiu- fur Hi x iiKintliH iiaiit, ImUi lit imtnmatu' tintl tuok, acut ilinK l .Mivrki't MuhUt Coi-Hhh. Kvery thliiK KfUBunuhle wiih on mile, in ihwllni' V'L'tahlOH nml frilllM. Ciller. auiiletf, ti ntH. and Hut like, and nUo home-cooked foodn. and fresh and . . i ...!-.!.. .... cured CUICU IlieuiH iiiiu in rwru cnicco. Creamed chicken and noodliN at : the iiupiUst chun h dinner, .Mon- i .i.... v.... i nk i.'irt.. ..,.niL. ..nit- " Fifty cent only. ' ' ' , aonably priced. Handlcrait biio. KlddleM dieuNUK of character; j .'AT hiiappy tyies In wool Jersey and : Tno hltiii. f tju. Koulh Metho wash prlnt8; nlzes 1 to C yearn: rea- f cnun?n .vm Mvrvo a 3.1c dinner Munably priced. Handicraft hhop. ' ' ' -3T ,ui llf H ,1i.lWwf L.uin-M1 ...v ..... i.m . ..v.. ... n. , afternoon, are now on rale ni IU, llotflund 313- iiiMttee of bclnB' closed tomorrow and Mon- March and daughter were j CroW((on.M. A lttW c.lwU iH l!X. ,ht. mip,,.nrt. (.ourt Itant, in day. huuHewives were busy today , annum the Central Point reMldenlh k.(.Um, at ,ht. Arml.stiee day Kume. ! Itosnman r.38, Clriiham 1075 Ha iu buyinu food upplie.s to hint over , u.. ytcrday on bulneM. Heductlon sale now colnB on nt mker, 13iit. lloMmer 423 the double holiday, and the Htore; llemstitchlnc. i.ohc m e n d I n B. thb ,:nnd ,I()X Hlit shopiei 223: Attorney Kcneral. Van Winkle A,.u , biiKinoHs thiH evenint,. UcKUlaV dance, Ootd Hill tonight. 232 Th bi-Ht dinner you can pel in- town for 3;. cent, at the Smith; MethodiMt church. .Monuay, aov. 12, from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. 232 Mr. and Mr. Hcott Woolf have an their kuchIh Mih. Woolfn hIm - ter. Mi h. Kvulyn . Kimball of Winninei;. Can. Kincaid's dance. Cold Hill to- nipht. Coal by the Hack or ton 2321 Tel. 1131. Medford Fuel Co. ti The HflimilH cnili-il Ihclr w.'fk'K n Krldny nfl.Tnoon. Iiolh ll to icmnln i'IohpiI until HCXHlOltM and i' TucHday mornltip, hccaiiHc of Moil day bclnp ArmlHllce day, a national holiday. Dance. Cold HUl tonipht. 232 Kxtra pood linldwln apples, 50c per box. Pinnacle Packlnp -'o. tf The pant week has been unusual ly quiet In police circles, especially the past few dayH. ICven petty thieving has almost stopped, tem porarily, and the only crime of that kind reported this morning was the theft of a tire from In front of the Sehulcr apartment house last night. WondeiH of Wealth." Watch for their appearnnce at 123 W. Slain Ht, 133 ItcHt IMnh lump coal. Tel, 031. Medrord Fuel Co. tf Mr. and Mrs. Amos McKee and Jcs Treshnm were business visitors In Medford yesterday from the Ap plegate district. The best dinner you can get In j town for 35 cents, at the Hntith Methodist church. Monday, Nov. 12, from 11 n. m. to 2 p. in. 232 Hemstitching, hose mending, pleating and button making. Han dicraft Hhop. Phone 702. I!i3tf Fire at the R P. depot of Ash land at noon Friday caused damage estimated at near .00(1. The blaze started on the shingle roof from u Kpaclf frohl the chimney and gained much headway before It was discovered. Creamed chicken and noodles at the I la pt 1st church dinner. Mon day, Nov. 12th. Fifty cents only. . 82 Orange dance, Kagle Point Hat. flight. Kveryhody welcome. 2311 Twelve out of the state cars reg istered here yesterday with the lo cal out of state traffic bureau in the Chamber of Commerce build ing. "Apples," "Golden Cured Ap plcn." (Mother Kve could be ex cused for her lnqulsltlveneHH.) V1h Ible wealth, and untold riches un der their Hklns, ready to be devel oped. Jin one of the clever wonum to help thin development, and win . some of thn gold; enter your reci pes. iX'tojlH over K.MKU. Tune in. U3 The postoftice will be closed all, day Monday, except that the win dows will he open between K and 11 a .m., and there will he only one delivery, und that In the morning. Dance, Oold Hill tonight. 23: ',: Hot. clean coal. Tel. 031. Med ford Fuel Co. tf There's No FoolinV about it. Fluhrer's new Long Loaf is Ink ing on popularity- in true Lindbergh style. Have you tried this new type bread? Call your grocer today. I A ncwH Hem at intet cKt In Jack-1 mi ruunty 3U yuai'M uku was re - puMixhcil in the Ashlaml THInn! yt'slt'i il;iy, us folliuvs: "iilimH li oihfix of tlic KukU I'olnl and ! tVnirul I'olnt mills wwv awarded thf h11vt tiM'dal (in "Hnouy liuitc" j flour at the Portland cxposltton. j , Their prliiic mill i nlucts arc well worth the dlxtlruiiim." t Kxtra Kood Hulizenbvris aiHU-K, I i 50c per hitx at J'tnmu-lu 1'acfclriK I j i I'ocms Met to intiHic. Alastcivraft Hunts I'uM.kI.lth. 8.ultle Newbury left on a bunlnewt Ailn i.C ..-ivni':i! tl:ivu hi Port tit ml l:iHt - i - - nlt. KUldleB' drenneH of character; ' Mn...i., .vt..- .. i-....t i-i-.-v nil.! ' - vvuhIi printM: nizcn 1 to 6 yearn; rea- ( flu ml l,-rr Khc.ii. I w,..,..,... y,iV. i.. fl.nni ii ... m. u, I 'l ii. m. 232 11. m. -J- . t tv, , pH-iiiniK .fiui uu.iun .i. ..- dicrnft Khop. I'liono 702 l'J3tf Het Ctali lump coal. Tel. 631. I Medford Kuel Co, 1. 1-. nunnKme). Hupciimenuem of the .Southern Pacific -MHnr rranMpnri company, wiih a oumm-w f vitdior In Medford yesterday. j ItcKular dance, Cold HIM tonlyht. . 32 u ondcrn or ueaiin. " Ill, n t for their appearance at 12J . I Main Ht. 133 The uregon ueiaii i.rncerH as- soclallon, numbering lion mnn- j j im'ih, win oi'servc oriiuniice uiij ui,,:u of (:i,ril Point, ami Audn climlllK nil ilny on Monday, follow- I lnK Ihu ilu- of Aimlllf ilny. No- j vrnibcr 1 1, wlilrh fnllH on Kuiulny. Wood all klnda oak, laurel. fir and dry slabs. Medford Fuel; Co. Tel. 031. tf Hose mending, runnern removed.- and Hiiogs worked back. Hndl- craii Know. . i u - i Ileeatine of the double holiday! period of Sunday and .Monday. ! fiulle a number of Medford and j other valley sporlKliien left today or will leave tomorrow mornlnB to hunt ceese and ducks In the , Klaniatn eountry. oreKon l' lrc iieiHT Association 01 1 McMlnnvllle, Ore. C. Cloff, Act.. 4 IH Wast Main Kt. Tel. 922. ISstf Klncald's dance. Cold lllll to nlKht. 232 The Southern Oregon Normal si.-hoor Junior class has elected the rollowluK officers: Ulek Joy. Ash land, president: licryle Conklin, (Irants I'ass, vlce-iresldent; Alice Heabruok. ('entral Point, seeretary: Italph Fullerton, t'otlaue drove. treasurer: U'llletta Miller Talent. represemai (. The Poultry Producers Assn, is I shippiug two or three cars of dress ed turkeys next week on a guaran teed pool basis. We pay cash for turkeys when the car Is loaded. M'c have .a good deal for the turkey raiser. Our New "Vork buyer Is j nere nuii win sin) uiiiii loiiti - eu -i' or, lurmer. particulars can 1133 or H2fl. 132 Armistice ball, Jackson Springs olub. Sat. night. 232 Among the Medford col. cue stu-1 dents spending the week end and Armistice day here Is Donald Wil son, who arrived last night to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kd Wil son In the Table Itock district. Hoso mending, runners removed and snags worked back. Handi craft Shop. . IMtUf The ladles of the South Mmhu dlst church will serve a 3fic dinner Monday, Nov. 12, from 11 a. m. to. 2 p. m. 232 Delayed pending the outcome of (he vote on the Dunne bills, work of printing the application blanks for the 1H2W motor vehicle ''license plates will be started at once, it has been announced by Hal l-. Htwt, secretary of state. Had the Dunne bills carried, Hoss points out. U would have been necessary to have figured out a new schedule of fees. The work on handmade gifts for holiday giving must begin In earn est now. Make your selections early from our complete stuck of Htu m p e d novelties. Handicraft Hhop. tf Hot, clean coat. Tel. (131. Med ford Fuel Co. tf I : Mrs. Cuy I lolman and children ; of Ashland were Medford visitors . last Thursday. The work on handmade gifts for holiday giving must begin In earn est now. Make your selections early from our complete stock of stumped novelties. Handicraft Shop. x tf Good Haldwtn apples for mile at : Pinnacle Packing Co. tf A one of the .Medford members of the Southern On-gon Hotel asso ciation, W. M. Cleinenson. man- il... I.. !,.. t. I..f .'7..H. ,.,.1,... f.. Ul';..lh l.-,.ll!"U!,lv 11'-I-' '' lll-.-1-.llfH !uv,. HiH'i'c the ptM'iotllfiil huxIni'MH ruool inir niul haiuiuot,!! fthe iiNHfu'lutlon will ho hold tnnlKht. 'Ih1p'H nf WwiHli." 'ntoh for (hrlf niipoarnnoi. nt ua W I .Mam m. ijj- Vii Huge ounce, r.uK"' i (Mill ran. nbtht. Everybody welcome. 232 Ilhea I.tiper. state engineer. Is holding tin adjudication of Illinois valley water rights. The heurlngs are being held In the Illinois val ley and a lurc number of Urnnl Pnn people, lnterestrt in these right, are attending. ' Coal hy the suck, or ton. Tel. ai Miifnt-i Wuixi rn tf See Chas. II. Howard for 10-nn. nmrer In., lnnrf for the fn.illmlf- I name, The Italic and Medford Ashland Phoixe Summit Hunch, The women of the Haptlst church will Bon-p a .llnnrr on Novrnihor I i.A, ...I i,,.,. i, .v.,o.,...,i . on and nooillo,. iy 50 oonti. Arnilstlop hall, Jiirkon HprliiK club. Sat. nlpllt. , ;ss njiUKhtom of N'otorann nro ankod In moot nt iho City park at I : 4 r. i a. in. to tako mrt In Iho porado on ArmMIrr day, t'nnvoyiini Will, ho iirovlilod. All t'ill War votornn aro ro. tiuoMtod to liiko iarl in'i" day pariulo at 11 a. in.. Xnvomhor 12. Any that ni-(i tinahlo to mari'h nill ho fiit-nlihod traPBpoitalinn. (lood Italdwln niiploii for huIo nt Pinnacle Pnoklnn l"u, f t'hlokon dlnnor and niipper nt Amy'ii IMaoo. JaokNonvlltii, The ' AVuHlilnKtun T.-T. A. will ' dii its iiu"tiiiK l-Yiilay, Xuvtinbcr Iti, at 3 oTlock. The proKfam will lnclulc an eluralluiiul talk. The irttdwit will bIvu her irturt of the mute cuiiventlon which wh j held In Jtusehury Ihhi month. All' iurcntK and puiioiiH of the trhonl ; at e cordially invited to attond. ' ,iH U. wrUe yuUr tire Carl V. TitibivuIU, Jlutvl Jiolland. ; I'honi ft('3. tf Chicken dinner and KUppvr at Amy'H IMacc, Jacksonville. ITSS-- Among uueMn from a dUUinc ri.Kitt.,.,.d Hl Mediord hotuN are j.i n..i.n . ..iiuj,. v.. I lit i I iliiH J. 1 1. iuiiiuri Ji of Mllv.aukee, Win., it. Ii. Ktruth- m ,tf iJ(JMt(,. mUhh.. and A. V. . ' .... ....." , rccnouKn (i v icvcmnu. wmu. We now have nevcral furnUhed : . iiuuHen mr rein, i.iwo in. iuw lent. aco A. l. iievan at iioiei leuiora. -J- TIcketH for the annuul .Medford - Asliiuml rootiaii Kame, to nu play- I ... '.. uuwi.,vl m-u"7" " Kll8t 6lh Hl, 20 extra preen tradintf j stamps during thla Hale. 233 Thp LulK.rnn ,dleM Aid in pre- parlnff a hope cheMt. which fa to be ( KVl,n ILWay Ht om. uf thPir niyMnri , t() ,K, ht.IU tIuHnK thp wlm,ir The j (h(,M cuntnH many alunhte frH, IncludliiK a hIIIi iulll and n numJtr of fancy wurk articles. c-t those fendeiH and auto bodies , I straightened at traluhtcned at Hi III h Hheet Metal Works, opposite Lewis Huper Herv Ice Station. Phone 418. 238 Marriage lieenses were Issued y(,HllM.((iy , Clifford John Collier IjJ(ml Tl.allli 0i t Tmn. mid In ! Ilay jolm.r 2, llf ,OH Mollnon. ' un(1 jiuiy lli-nuinall, 22. of, Vera, Cal. (irange dance, Kagle Point Hat ,vrv,(M1, w,.!,,,.,,, "32 1 M.H M cingcade of Uagle VoUU WilH n and pleasure I Kx(m HU(.eir.l barRtiins, M.fl to , ,,, w,, r n, uwn l ,n M M 20 t.x(1.a ,.,.,, ,, t)1( w(1(lk 33. ; M,.B f) K) . lrt, , ,. I , f ,lvn.ound ,,,. i.on, ! , (.ommn,,. hoB, Wed- . .. N. .....,mi ,01. 7 oiul all kinds oak, laurel, : 1.1 1 .1 l..t... A...trf....l ' I III Illlll niiii.n. iii.viiu u i Co. To!. Ml. . .. , .. and three-fourths An e 1 K h I pound Khl was horn at tin. ''mn-idark nuinlty hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil New bind yesterday. Thomas Itealty Co., rcnl estate, Insurance and small loans on any thing of value. Palm Dlock, corner Main and Front, upstair. tf MIms Frances Ashford will leave tonight for Han Frnnclsco where Hii ,,,, ,,., ....... i. (.,i vuit- ing friends. Wood all kinds oak, laurel fir and dry Hlabs. Medford Fuel Co. Tel. l'.31. tf Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Cram of Ku gene parsed through Medford on Shaslft lril(l nh.n, the Shasta last night en route to i San Francisco Iwhere they wMj uii.tiwl ii fiu' ilni'M on IiomIiicmm find I' ,.,....., . nn Tnnilthfin I,lllli1.. rl0 and 7Tic a box. Woods Lumber Co. 711 E. Main St. . . tf It rained quite hard at times during last night and between midnight and fi o'clock this morn-tj lug 13 hundredths uf an Inch of rain fell, making in all three and fifteen hundredths inches of rain that has fallen In Medford since Sept. 1 Inst. More rain Is in sight before the present moisture spell Is over, as occasional showers are forecast for tonight and Sunday, and also n mttd temperature. Up to this noon there was a dubious outlook for a dry Armistice Day celebra tion on Monday. DOG STAR AIM RIALTO TODAY Twit vlflains contend with Kin Tin-Tin lu "Hand of the Silver Fox," which comes to the Hlalto theatre tomorrow only. Tim story Is a stirring melo drama or the stiver fox trapping trade in the fi'ozn regions about Hudson Hay. llin-Tln-Tin valor- maklhu uf l.otln Hyutnti unci Car vol Nye In iI'.Im mini thrlllhiK of all hlK rllum. ' l.anl nf the Silver Fox" was r.... 11... tii.p I... tt.iwni'rl fimlt n ,.hul.,cit (.mu,n Nuo. An ronductcrt yesterday irftemoon by Dr. 1.. D. Itiskeep. Into the death of Fred Tedrtck. iim, 1 1 m no-1 vi , h n.o oieo ine inm j or tne week, rcvemcu mat iro ricK nan iicu oi a main aunt uon. . .""". " 1 I rimmu in no. noaiii -.ooruy ' T.-dr.ok had pal -, Itakon nf moiiio grniiojulce. , It w;.i fislnlillHhnl thai thi drink hat! nothing tn do with lili. HlnoHS. j , . l.,L.. .... ui...ifr i Innnli.u. fin' unnlv.l. ..I tliM r. . ... - " '"" " I Hod Ultlff It. fl.,,.,1 Cliliwiio ltiihlMrn I'liti'Afin v.... in i.P i-'i.-n youthful rohl.oin om.apod wllhl8""1'1 13.naii today after forclim twenty 1 J,H', of III. I'olunililii Tool Slml onmpany In t'hiertKo HeiRhtii tn Up nn the floor while thoy unatohed Iho money and flod. FINAL TABULATION ELATION RESULT SENT TO SALEM The final tabulation of election remt in Jacknon county won Hunt , . . . ut,r.ri.i ... ,,r i.,t. , . ,, t.l(, .... ,.,,.,' ffl school year, under the HiipervUlon ' 1K . . . 1 . tleik" "r.fkMof Mrs. MeiHlnuer HetntH to be . iou a h luauwv: 1'reniueni. Hoover, H ii A 3. Smith. .MfiS; Thorn- on' . I'UHier. ji; . u,. i In coiiBresi, Haw lev. 72fi(j. .Starkweather, L'plon. -'34. , J j,wr necretary of Hlate, l Iohh. 70s:'. Piper. Itml. DoddH 35!i: ... .. . . ,. ' . mate ireiwurer, ivay. 4ii( Kwet - 6454. Heehler, 3(JU. Li'Venn: 2U'ti: j dairy and food coniniiHHloner. i .Mickle. 715, SanderMon. urns, . Hoderback, ltlti, Slreiff, 177. circuit court of Hie first Judicial j diHtrict. Norton. 5ti5a. Thomas, j 4022. UlHtrlct attorney, Codding. C2S1. .Chancy. 3075. For reprcMentative to the statu legislature. Carkin. C073, HrlgRS, 57X4, Wurlnian, 3159, Williamson, .viPTnrrT 1 iniiTP A I I I lIlM II' W i I ILL I LIUIIIU ARE INSTALLED New overhead street Khs are helliK Installed Ijy a n ew of Ills California Oreuon 1'ower cuinuiinyl for. the clt;on K,im Ninth street. I"1!'!! CottaKn and Portland. I K"u11' Newtown, between the end ..... .. ""u '.'" "lreBl; "" ' "l " 1111 k aim 1 1. :iiio Miiiiiti I'om.i. ntwi l.-ii- The work of InstullliiK beKan 1 V.ti..rinv nml ll,n. n of " bunch of 33 such Uuhts tlmi i w, l0 ,.., ,u vllrlolm noeded i places throunhout the city. some of which are being Installed In accordance with petition re quests by neighborhoods, hut the majority have been ordered in b. the city conmil. The work of placing these lights beg. in Friday and will he com pleted in three or four days. SEAT SALE OPEN "We are still children playing with a great fire," says Taliaferro, the artist. 1n the second act uf "(ex pressing Willie," the comedy of Knchel Crothers. with which the Kirst Circuit Repertory will open Us season her ompauy : on No- vember 13th at Hunt's Craterian. I Taliaferro's remark collie's on thej heels of the thrilling moment when! Minnie, the small town girl, nml-1 denly breaks through the repres slons ttf at) the years of her girl hood and rises to something tike genuls in her music, carrying with her In a rush of excitement all of the week-end guests at Willie's big country home. Delicious comedy and satire on contemporary American life that Is. particularly keen and searching.! abound In "Expressing Willie" and make It a most happy choice of ve hicles for the opening uf the eonir pany's new season. The box office 1h now open' ami tickets are going rapidly. ii .i i. i jn- Daily Meteorological Report Medford and vicinity': Occasional showers tonight and Sunday. Mild ; temperature. i Oregon: Unsettled tonight and nunuay, wun rains wesi. ami incui I showers east portion. Mild tern- pera tun is i a s m - Local DMa. Temperature (degrees.) 2 4K Highest (last 12 hours) 70 ti' Lowest (last 1 Ii hours) lit 48 ttel. humidity (percent) 40 so Precipitation (inches).. ? .18 State of weather Cldy. Cldy.. Total precipitation since Sept. 1, lt-2N. 3.15 Inches. Sunset today, 4:56 p. m. Svftirlso Sunday. (1:57 a. m. Sunset Sunday, 4:6 1 p. m. Ohservuilons taken at 5 t-Mith meridian time. K til.. -3 S CITT i y,,,.,. t-((V 4.1 I'S 50 3S J6 41 4X liuln Clear V loudy I'. fdy. t'loar Clear Cloudy I 'lear Clear Clour Clear IV Cdy. Knln Clear Cloudy Clear Kain Rain Kaln Clar I l!fiiuurik Itolw t'2 60 A I) if S.' 04 mi Ml liS i.! SO m ,...r I)r MolnM. U. - r,m, llolenn l.on An'U)H Mumhrii'hl .. I'hnonlx 4S r.t 4 44 H 44 4 4n 4H 14 rorlland Suit Ijiko tMty. San KrnnotKi'O.. Wm.lir Witltn Wallu Wliinlp.'K K W, DICK, MoteninloiElst. ",JU(-V ' ., ",u,!,t! " 'hunting is mneh improved. Seve- the street lighting committee of,. m(, mm. lnini; on lu IGOLD HILL HIGH ; FINDS INTEREST IN UKELELE CLUB (iOLU HIU-, Ore.. Nv. 10. ' (SpecUil) The Cold Hill hik'h .rllojl "kelele .!. .1 club, which was tuntuning of thin 1 ' J -"3"' n . .!,,. auu ...i 1 muklnt; KOod proKiesw. studentrt have Joined the club ami much interest xtfcms to be taken ; In it by several of the member. ) They have already learned seve ral pointer and will fuon he ablfr to put on some pood Heleetlons. Nothing of t hI.s Mirt h a.s e v e r been tried in the Cold Hill hiKh school before, and It in practi cally new" to the HtudenlK. I,ack of Interest in Homethlnp of this ,01 1 was the prlncitial reason for not uttcniptinp in previous years to form onie orKanization,' such as this. Mrs. MeisfiiKcr takes Kieat Interest in the students and devolen plenty of time to their it.,iin ' i Flic school orchestra is alfo ' being continued this year and much progress is being made by jlhem. With the co-operation of wchooi an.i communltv these or- ,..,.,Iv!.tt..MU .t. Im m.i.l.. t. achievement. j .Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Whlt-js'-tt visited Charles Dungon a? i'folo on Kunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn yuaken- jl-Ufh were visitors In CJranta on Hundav. ass Kite Jlhotcn, a n;hlelU of (-'anos icrt'ek wan a visitor to our i-lty ion t'nu tith. j Tin- rtelM-kall liMlKe h;ld' their li-Ktllar nifPtlliB Wednesday nlwlu. November 7. ul the I. O. O. F liall. A Kimtll nuniher were In i i.,. i. m,. T. :lvis ,hul hel. 0n. Kmorv. wh(, ,, ,,,,. , i10-pit p,,,, fol. umo ,mo , now im. jn ranldly. Unless some- thin unfotseen occurs, he Is ex-1 ,..,.;, ., ,ohi.. ..u f,..,,.,.n ,,t 1 . . . ' .' '.,,- , ,..i,n held 1 "". ? L. ""I . ' . but he is going east some time: l probably this month. j With the weather man deUver-) ;n a d-jwnponr of rain, the duck the river together with several her of local residents have tried their luck at getting one of these birds. One or two persons have tried the hunting In Klamath county, but it was without any success. ,.s noon as n few mor days of rain have passed these birds will probably be more nu merous and then the hunters can stand u chance of killing one. The Heaver Portland Cement company is running Its plant Fteady. In the past 21 hours six cars of cement have been loaded and shipped. If business keeps up. the plant will probably run later into tne w'nler thm year than It usually has in previous years. News has been received here that to M Mr. baby boy has been born and Mrs. I.eroy Dyerly. and Mrs. Dewey Simmons stopped overnight at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Lawience hitsett on Wednesday. November 7. They packed fruit this season at Van Hoovcnberg's orchard and were returning frojn Washington to southern California, where they will pack oranges. Mih. Tom Cook, liernlee and Jake Cook, together with Mrs. Crawford were visitors to Mine Medford the fore part of this week. The ditch company will hold an election at the Foots erc k Mori on Tuesday. November HI. The r u .!,. lu t., nlivt . . ,, ,,, li ytaff of officers for the coming v yea i lmii untie ....... - orohnrd this week. r !, M.v council i I I.. .. . I,.,-,.,r . t.-tr room In 'the city hall. Tho regular session of business was j carried through. aoipv JQ0 LATE TO CLASSIFY HO It llENT 2 and 3-room npart- f meats. 40 Quince. Phone Mi-u. Hm : .. ..' . i? 2 O FOU KENT i.-ioom modern bun ?rl ..i .1. ...... in lux Ijiurxl Kt. KIHUH, - J34 KOI! SA1.K Kat itooso and tur koyj. I'hone lS'.'-l -38 l.OKT lloston terrier, mnlo: name on oollar. llos.s. Phone 4115. 233 WANTKU Will pay eash for KOod umoiI piano from private party. Munt he ehoap. I'hone l:ti. he tweon 5 and 6 p. ni. W YOU SAI.K Turkeys, young; Mam moth ttronxp toms: thrifty birds. Inquire I.. K. Ilelknap. Phone j 401-J-5. 234 1 KOI! KXCHANOK Improved 5-. acres near Normal, for some thing similar In lower end of j valley, or trade 140-AV stock .' ranch near Oold lllll for stock ranch near Ashland. J. R. Hob- ertson. 2S3 POR SAI.K t-room house. 24x3;. 1 I'UNllco'tiftm,- 2 sides, built 3 yrs. j Prices 176.00: 3-room house. Hx 22. rustle HidliiR. built 3 years, i Price JI00.0O. liox shed. 14x22. box shod. 14x16. and other out- : bulldhiKs. Vlll sell separately, nulldinus to bo moved from premises. J. K. Lottie, first place across Pear creek brldue on Piddle road. 234 WAXTKll Gentlemen roomerO, nnd hoarders. 1 00s W. Main. 235 THAU. Kit with hitch for sale or trade for chickens or turkeys. A. II. Clomenlu. Route 1, Central Point. 234 KOI! KA1.K Kurd llisht delivery, canopy top nnd curtains. Rood order. $6..; "K. & H." check pro tector. 2n: fat youtiR hoR. SIS: 3 bonr tllips. Ma; 13 smaller traps. S5. Want to buy or hire cheap. Rrn)lc horse. White house, I, mile .iiuith of north end of BIXBY FAMILY OF BURST OF STEAM-! tf JACKSONVILLE,!. SCALDS IRIiANfcM' aTART ON A TRIP; JACKSONYI I,LK. Ore. ..v. 10. j (Special). Sir. and -Mr. Keuben ,, llixby left Thursday ior a visit at ; 1,1 L os Anpeles. They will visit their: KeveraljKun at portervllle, Cal.- en route . . there. .Mrs. S. K. OkIc returned Tues diiv from it few iIiivh' visit vilh relatives and friends at Klamath pallH Word has been received from MiHH Vivian Miller from where she Is utaylng with friends at Oakland, Cal. Miss Miller Is employed as a stemigrapher in a ladies' clothing Miore Mrs. Arthur Klcinhammc was transacting business here Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheley of Cen tral Point were dinner guests of their daughter. Miss Velma Sheley. at Amy's Place Wednesday even ing. Mrs. John Pernull and Miss Kva Couch of Applegate were visitors of Miss J-ssfe McCully Thursday evening. M. D. Jones is very ill at his home hefe. The Vost house, recently pur chased by Hay Toft, has been re modeled and painted and is being made one of the beautiful homes of Jacksonville. Miss Alice Hanley was In town Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace have as their guests Mr. Wallace's son and wife of Dolse. Ida. A rad I o in r t y was held at t he home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Knox Tuesday night. The following were the guests present: Mr.' and Mrs. Chester Martin of Central Point district, Khler and Mrs. Hrinch and Miss lssle McCully.' Tf llllrl Ml'. Pnin.f. I'hlllii.u uf vv,.,l,, '-"""ni. '1 hey will (to from there Pni'tlllllfl fur ll fi'W il:ivw liernre '.iturnlnf- home, Ksther Cash from Central Point was a visitor of Mrs. Kermlt Combs rim rsday. REESE CREEK SCHOOL PARENT TEACHER MEET KEESE CHEEK. Nov. 10.-Spl.) The Heese Creek" P.-T: A. will meet November 10th at 2 p. m. Miss I :u rr, the rural district sup ervisor, will give a talk on her re cent trip to Europe. It Is hoped thai the parents will turn out on this occasion and show a greater Interest In the school. We have a standard school this year and one that Is classed among the best In the county, of which we should be Justly proud. All who have not become members are urged to join and thus encourage both teachers and children. A fine birthday dinner was serv ed In honor of II. Hall on Novem ber 4th. Several of the neighbors and friends were present and great ly enjoyed the occasion. Miss Dorothy Christian! expects to spend the week and at her home in C rants Pass. Itev. James Johnston, who is the founder of Faith Home near Ceres, (.'al., will preach at House Creek next Sunday, November 1 1th. All are Invited to come and hear this gifted man of Cod. who has a great I aiiii in a grcui ouu. ne (iocs noi i , 1 cctri vi; ti hh on j nor mac up col i . .. ' lections, yet Ood supplies the necd- cd money to care for some 30 or- ,,., .,!,. very for-; Johnston ; . n Uinate in having MV1U1 US nC.V,l with us next Sunday, as he was to !".'" -'l services in the I'uion m-l rhuroh at Eagle Point thi8,Cofaio week, hut not belllir alito to enme an noon uh he expected, will not hoi;in aorvlcoM there until nexl j Tuesday. Novemher 13lh. j The title of the Sunday Kchuul lesson for next Sunday In, "Chris- j tlan Conduct." which is very well ; explained hy the Kolden text, as j follow: "lie not ovureomo of evil, hut ovorcomo ,ovll with .-ihhhI." Dine Tomorrow at ' Hotel Medford Dinner $1.00 "The Food Is Better"" At the Medford MONDAY NIGHT Armistice Turkey Dinner $1.00 These Drug Stores are open nights this week: Jarmin & Woods James McNair Pharmacy West Side Pharmacy MT. PITT LOG CASV1P j -MT. PITT, Ore.. Nov. 1. (Spl.j While endeavoring to open a tixht : nt.-r.r.i .valve on the pmm-r ThiiK- day morning. C. N. Fo-.ehami was . badly Healded about the face and , arms. The valve handle suddenly released, allowing " full force of I the cscapinK steam to strike his i fiU'e- , h(lsl d iirnw- K;,1',h .c,:i' ' rushed Mr. Koreiiand to tno nos- I nital 'Il,'r' i! was K'arnwl his burn j were Ver' w"u "d V l' e,tV rei-overy could be expected. ! Elmer Kennedy resigned his po j I"" nd will spend a few weeks j at his home in Harbor. Homer Scholer has been off a j ft" days, having injured his leg. However, this will not prevent him from rocking his new baby .boy. The school children are making splendid progress with' their har monica band. Miss Niia Nutting b their band master and under her nble Instruction we expect at an early date to have an opening con cert. lilll Stewart of Medrord spent Wednesday night at camp. Dill i seems to be very optomistlc re garding the outlook for the next four years. P.. Ii. Cray of Medford was a visitor at camp this week. Mr. Cray Is well luown here as a man who adheres strictly to his stand; aids. Den. White was in Medford on business Tuesday. He returned minus quite a few smacks, as he was ordering lumber and material for his new shop. .Mrs. Hoy Hilderback made a hurried trip to Medford Saturday, having an Important date with the dentist. Deri Jenkins, who took the stump for Al during the campaign. Is rather quiet the past few days. 4 Obituary HI' I tCII Armetia Zurch, wife of Taylor liurch, passed away at her home in Chilonnin. Ore.. No vember !h Mrs. I lurch was born in California. October 11. I K7ii und made her home there Until l.XIUi. In that year she came to Medford with her parents. In 1 HO:'., she was united in marriage to Taylor Hurch and to this unio'i two children were born. Mrs. Mildred Anderson and Everett I.. Hurch of Medford. Besides her husband and children, she is sur vive.l by her mother. M rs. I.ovina Hun h, two sisters. Effic Hurch and Mrs. I itie Dailey of Med ford, one brother, .1 nines I Hirer of Applegute. Tile I'erl Funeral Home has charge of the service. The time and day "Vf ill be an nounced later. .TOKDAN Funeral service for Francis Jordan, who passed away in Dunsmulr, Calif., yesterday, will be held from the Perl Fu neral home Sunday morning at H o'clock,. Hcv. Eaton officiating. Interment in the Medford ceme tery. Sunday Dinner Rogue Elk Hotel . MENU CliecHU "Straw" OIIvoh Coinliiiiiil Inn Salad Cundictl Swoet rotatue3 Mashed Potntocs Creainod Cuiiliriuwor Cloi- Cranberry .lolly Tender Fried Chicken Mot IliseuilH I'Vult PiiUiliny, Vhliieil C'ruaui, Cliocoloto KntlKu I'n ho Snow luuntnlu CaKo Tea Milk After. Dinner Minis HIS Dinner Armistice Day Phone Reservations Come out and see what the new .cook can do. w. e. Mcdonald NASH Barber Shop Has Been Purchased by CARL BOWMAN and HUGO DAILEY 108 East Main A DANCE Wednesday AND Saturday Nites "WALKER'S MEDFORDS NEWEST . PAVILION Tonight! IT S YOUR LAST CHANCE TO See and Hear "KING OF kings"' THE MASTER OF ALL MOTION PICTURES TOMORROW . FANCHON AND MARCO'S Elaborate Stage Presentation ' "UP IN THE AIR" IDEA WITH WALTER NILSSON , DORIS WHITMORE BROOKS TRIO And Others with 18 STILT GIRLS Feature Picture MARY ASTOR in the Big Comedy Sensation "DRY MARTINI" riendhfiJlwughts By John A.Perl (live tiiunks for eacli day that comes laden with hope, and with work for our hands to do. (Jive thanks for each niKlit that brings the reward of rest. I'pon your instruction we ns . Mime res)ont.ibiliy lor ev ery detail and with experi enced care, faithfully ' nr niiiKe nml conduct Ihe ser vice . with correctness ami ilisnily. , THE PERL FUNERAL HOME 426 SIXTH ST.ATOAKDALE PHONE f 7 msm. San3runctsoo I VoMlatCJamllSt BEST 1 LOCATED ! HOTEL MeC1. I CENTER OF EVERYTHING CIRCULATING I ICE WATER -5 IN EVERY POOH S BEAUTIFUL LOBBY UfiHG fiOOM IH CONNCmit 350 ROOMS 5,75 Detached Bath at l so j 6100 D?tachedBatiiat2'j?i j 75 with Bath at3cii FREE BUS MEETS ALLTRAIWl 9 Tolo overhead crossing. ' 132